But I thought no one was interested in the Switch LIte, I mean that's what Yea Forums told me.
Nintendo shares hit 9-month high after Switch Lite reveal
>investors are always right
follow the money
most people play switch handheld, of course people would be interested in a "fully" handheld one that is cheaper
Yea Forums is retarded of course, most people here live in a bubble of their own and know nothing of the world
9 month high what?
Investors know this will sell like fucking hotcakes on Black Friday, along with Pokemon. Its at that golden $199 pricepoint.
Announcements of new stuff normally comes with stock increases, yes.
I'll gonna buy two. Probably give one to some user on here.
>cheaper option for parents and poorfags
I still don't understand why is this a weird thing, since Nintendo already did 2DS.
this is the price the first switch should have been and you nintendies are gobbling it up like its the last cock youll ever see
>that's what Yea Forums told me.
You actually pay attention to the clueless, uneducated, mindless brats on this board? I just come here to point and laugh at them.
lmao seething loser.
Stocks literally mean nothing though.
I think Nintendo is doing well but stocks have no influence on nor are they any objective indicator of performance
I fire more important people than you while I take fat shits. you're nothing
Couldn't agree more.
Cope harder pathetic Nincels
>this is the price the first switch should have been
Sure, if Nintendo wanted to lose $100 on every unit sold.
>Doesn't take the store's cut into account, or the cost of packaging, shipping and actually bringing the product to market
You morons NEVER have any idea how much this shit actually costs to make, nor do you make any effort to find out, you just spout off some retarded price point that would cause the device to sell at a massive loss. The Switch itself basically had no profit margin at launch.
a lot of people here were excited for a Switch Pro, not a worse console with the "switch" part taken out. I guess that's it. Yea Forums wasn't exactly hyped for the 2DS either.
Thats good to know. I actually own my own business and work from home. Sucks being you.
Kek the seethe is real. Forever triggered by Nintendo. Wow.
Imagine actually defending the nintendo jews, how much onions do you have in your system you doormat?
They haven’t announced or released anything of note in at least 9 months
Mario Maker 2?
Zero seethe , nintentards need to be shitted on.
>mfw tried to buy stock when the shares went down because animal crossing delay but couldn't because had no money at the time
>see these news
i want to end my life so fucking badly
Didn't you waste three years of your life trying to convince us all that the Switch would flop?
What happened? LMAO
>according to a japanese firm
yea no you're a _______ if you think it costs them that much to build one
get your things together and go
If Yea Forums thinks the Switch Pro will be a substantial upgrade from the regular Switch then they’re setting themselves up for disappointment.
My bags are finally green again. Thank you Nintendo.
Switch pro will be as powerful as xbox one x
I never listen to these guys, they're always full of shit.
At the cost of $600 and a battery life of 10 minutes.
>reveal hardware
>get 9 month high
is it really news worthy? it's kind of obvious that would happen and9 month isn't that much.
Investors are not buyers. They predict it'll do well based on the sales of the OG switch. That doesn't mean it will. 2DS was pretty meh. And people are disappointed as they expected a pro switch since that's what it should've on launch.
>a lot of people here were excited for a Switch Pro
Sure. There are plenty of people who would want a "Pro" (whatever the fuck they think that means), but Nintendo probably did actual research and found that the vast majority of people just wanted it to be their next Gameboy/DS replacement.
I never said it wouldn't sell, I said you would have to be a retard to buy one
I never trust company funded research as it's almost always a self fulfilling prophecy.
This. There's a lot of parents who would baulk at the idea of giving a child a $300 handheld.
But a $199 version? Fuck yeah that will sell like hot cakes. Especially with Pokemon on the way. Retailers will be firing Switches out of T-Shirt cannons this Christmas.
More importantly a SwitchPro wouldn't really get more people into the Switch ecosystem. It would mainly be people owning a Switch already getting a new one instead. While the Switch Lite with its $199 pricepoint will manage to convert potential buyers and that's what Nintendo needs the most in order to make money from Software and other services.
>they expected a pro switch since that's what it should've on launch.
And what is a Switch Pro exactly?
>There's a lot of parents who would baulk at the idea of giving a child a $300 handheld.
I wonder how many of those parents are the same types who don’t realize they’ve probably already spent up to ten times that much on V-bucks for their kids’ shitty Fortnite addictions. Anyone who thinks $300 is too much but will gladly drop $20 fifteen or more times is a fucking idiot, especially when the former is the cost of a tangible piece of hardware with resale value.
Absolutely not
it still has to use Tegra ARM architecture chips.
it will be 1 full TFLOP undocked AT MOST
which would still be a 3X performance jump from the base switch
tendy magazine
>everyone says that releasing a switch with non detachable joycons and no dock is an obvious no-brainer since the switch doesnt reach the cheap handheld market
>wall street jorunal reports that a switch mini is coming since MARCH
Complete idiots were expecting a "pro switch" maybe, everyone else knew this was obviously the next step.
>how many of those parents are the same types who don’t realize they’ve probably already spent up to ten times that much on V-bucks for their kids’ shitty Fortnite addictions
Not many.
>a lot of people here were excited for a Switch Pro
A lot of people are fucking stupid because there is zero indication that they're making one or have any interest in making one.
Splitting the customer base, adding extra time and cost to development, all for a model that comparatively few people will buy.
>a lot of people here were excited for a Switch Pro
Cool. This is not a Switch pro.
>not a worse console with the "switch" part taken out
That's why this is cheaper. Of course. I don't want it either, so I will not buy it. And if it flops, we will laugh to Nintendo.
>I guess that's it. Yea Forums wasn't exactly hyped for the 2DS either
They sure weren't this mad, either.
I'm all about it, man.
They removed every useless feature, it has longer battery life, it's smaller and it's sturdier due to no joycons anymore.
Two years of people crying
>REEEEEEE the Switch is over-priced!
>REEEEEEE just release a smaller non-gimmick version with better battery life!
Nintendo do exactly this.
>REEEEEEEEEEE thats not what I wanted!
Never change kiddies, you're fucking hilarious with the non-stop seethe.
They clearly want to replace the 3D, even if they say it isn’t going to.
They're mad this time because, unlike the 2DS, they know Switch Lite is going to sell like its the cure or AIDS.
The investors are morons.
>removed every useless feature
really good bait nestled in an otherwise eminently reasonable post
He bought?
Not him and I dont perosnally agree, but I can't fault someone for thinking motion controls or hd rumble is useless to them.
lol okay, I'm sure this $199 Switch will flop in November, right after Pokemon launches. Yup, no one wants this, despite the fact that the $299 Switch flew off shelves the last two holiday seasons while it was competing with $199 PS4s bundled with games.
Wanted more than expected it seems. Just like with the 2DS "We made a cheaper console model for children" isn't exactly going to tickle the manchildren here.
Gyro controls are fucking great, you're retarded, and playing on a TV isn't a useless feature.
And it'll have gyro controls anyway, what makes you think it won't? If you want to play it on your TV, then get the existing Switch. What's the fucking problem here?
It-it'll flop in 2020 for sure! Nintendo will be 3rd party before the year is out!
Why? Because they think Nintendo catering to
pokemon crowd rather than Yea Forums is a good idea?
Switch Lite isn't directly aimed at kids though, its just for anyone who wants a handheld and doesn't care about playing on a TV. It gives customers more choices, they can save some money if they don't care about some of the features on the $300 Switch and primarily want it for stuff like Pokemon or AC.
mods, do your thing
It even still has motion controls. I just got rubbed the wrong way by him writing off "TV connectivity" as a useless feature, which may not have even been his intent, but I'm feeling surly lately
Just how I like you.
This thing is gonna make a killing this Christmas, hoo boy.
TV connectivity is for the most part useless. The switch already has an HD screen, you know.
It's about as useful as you all thought 3D was. Actually less useful.
>The 2DS isn't directly aimed at kids though, its just for anyone who wants a handheld and doesn't care about 3D. It gives customers more choices, they can save some money if they don't care about some of the features on the 3DS or XL and primarily want it for stuff like Pokemon or AC.
Yeah, checks out.
No, Yea Forums didn't tell you that NO ONE is interested in it, Yea Forums told you that parents looking to buy their brats a cheap console to play the new shit tier pokemon game on this holiday season will be enormously interested and that core gamers think it's a piece of trash hardware and they are right in that assessment
If the Switch Pro had 4K capability, yes that would be a great upgrade and something I would be willing to shell out $500-$600 for
>Basically a gameboy
Yeah, I can see why people would buy this.
Yea Forums also told me the Switch would flop.
What happened there?
this guy gets it.
maybe some people did but you should never bet against Nintendo consoles no matter how gimmicky and underpowered they are, they know their casual market and they are great at marketing to them
OP here, planning to get a Switch Lite and Xbox Scarlett next year for Metroid 5, Halo 5, and Halo Infinite.
I don't agree with the sentiment (I literately use both modes about equally. It's my favorite aspect of the system) but some people just don't have use for both modes, whether its their preference or their situation. If you're able to save them 100 bucks by giving it up why not? It's not like this is replacing the original model. I'm willing to bet we'll get a TV-only version as well sooner or later.
>TV connectivity is for the most part useless
Are you fucking retarded? It is literally just additional functionality.
I play mine on my TV more than I do in handheld mode just because when I'm out I'm typically not in situations in which I can play it. So while I have no interest in this Lite model but there are millions of people who feel differently.
I'm gonna buy 5 just to upset /pol/
Most people wouldn't though, look at how the XboneX sold, and it sold at a loss to boot.
And now developers have to either shaft you and everyone else who bought the better model and just develop for the base Switch or spend more time and money developing multiple builds of the game for what constitutes a small fraction of the total install base.
You do you.
>that core gamers think it's a piece of trash hardware and they are right in that assessment
Core gamers want this, you're talking about Switch faggots that stupidly fell for another gay ass gimmick at launch. Core gamers just want a console, a game, and a regular controller without any dumbass gimmicks, retards with autism want another Wii.
>they know their casual market
Actually Nintendo systems tend to be embraced by video game enthusiasts - educated people who recognise that Nintendo make the best games in the world.
Casuals tend to buy FIFA and CoD machines. Don't you think?
Why /pol/?
Yeah but that generation of XBox sold poorly in general, the PS4 Pro sold well
is it a touch screen?
I'm not here to rip on Nintendo and their overall fanbase. They are a storied gaming company that deserves respect HOWEVER, their target audience is younger
I don't think they make the best games in the world, I think they put out an exceptional Zelda game every couple of years and that's about it
>Casuals tend to buy FIFA and CoD machines.
That's the hardcore market. People that without hesitation spend $500 on a dedicated home console and play CoD for 13 hours a day, buy a every new hyped up game with the season pass and upgrade their Gold Membership to Platinum when you offer them.
Casual market is you buying your girlfriend a Switch Lite and Animal Crossing as a nice gift. Or a parent buying their kid a Switch Lite and Pokeyman for Christmas.
>4 hour battery life
So 2.5 actual game hours
source on that anime
If they release F-ZERO i am sold if not then no buy.
>HOWEVER, their target audience is younger
>Ads all feature 20-something adults
>Any/all measurements of userbase/purchasers says its mainly adults
>Meanwhile 12-16 year-olds play nothing but CoD and GTA
Christ you're actually right, I hadn't thought of that before. Thank fuck I have a life. And a girlfriend. She likes Nintendo too.
That's not "hardcore" that's "spends a lot of money" and I don't think most people who play CoD sit there for 13 hours a day doing it, because they have jobs, a family etc.
The PS4 has an attach rate similar to that of the Wii, by the way, and the attach rate for games that aren't huge AAA blockbusters aimed at the lowest common denominator generally have awful attach rates.
>Yea Forums is so stuck on the "he actually plays Switch outside his house" they never realize the scenario is enormously common among owners of the console
>BTFO threads galore when the most obvious news since growing grass follows soon after Lite's reveal
Why would you put a bunch of girls and kids in your commercials, that's not "cool"
If they see a bunch of skateboarding teenagers and adults at a party all bringing their switches over to have group mario kart races that is a lot more exciting than a 12 year old playing Animal Crossing alone in his room
If they'e not advertising to kids how can you say kids are their primary, target audience? The Wii and Wii U ads had kids front and center.
>play CoD for 13 hours a day, buy a every new hyped up game with the season pass and upgrade their Gold Membership to Platinum when you offer them.
Do you really think the majority of people who buy CoD do this?
It's not like kids aren't featured in their commercials, go watch one
Just because there aren't kids in the ad doesn't mean therye not advertising to kids.
This, kids want what is cool, and whatever teenagers are seen enjoying is the tippity top of cool
Most retailers buy stock directly, (walmart and best buy does this) and pay slightly cheaper from buying a shitload of products.
Shipping is payed by retailers most of the time. I know a bit about retail.and most companies buy copies then sell them for what they want.
Retail puts the switch at 300 since that is what nintendo directly sell it online.
I wonder how little kids will feel after their Switch Lite's sticks start to drift and their parents have to shit out another $200 to fix an obvious design flaw. Maybe Nintendo will get their shit together with this one or not hahahaha
You're right. Nerf and Barbie commercials all center around 20 something hipsters.
Variable Geo
Nerf and Barbie aren't trying to create the illusion that 20 somethings are playing Nerf and Barbie with their friends though, it isn't a valid comparison
Kids know adults play video games, and Nintendo is trying to tell them that they are doing this with Switches at skateparks and dinner parties
>That's not "hardcore"
That's exactly what it is.
No I was describing what a typical hardcore gamer is today. It's not "Billy collected all the Pokemon good job Billy!" it's "Billy buys a lot of Shark Cash Cards and has played GTA Online for 2133 hours and renewed his PS+ subscription". That's what they want and that's what's considered "hardcore" these days.
Yea Forums doesn't seem to understand that. It's like when those news articles popped up recently about how "the PS5 is a niche product that's going to target hardcore gamers", those are the people they're talking about.
>buy on rumor, sell on confirmation
Why arent they doing this?
Kids aren't the focus though, they're not marketing it PRIMARILY to kids, they're marketing it to fucking anyone who plays video games.
>That's exactly what it is.
No, its not. Playing CoD or FIFA for an hour or two after work isn't "hardcore"
This is definitely for kids. They didn't already announce a Pokemon edition for no reason.
Isn't the point of stocks to exploit that stupidity? Why are you complaining?
nintendo is a cult like apple, their fanbase will eat up anything they shit out
No, its for fucking anyone who plays games.
>HOWEVER, their target audience is younger
Kids are not their target audience, how many times do I need to repeat this? They're not marketing it primarily to kids, kids are not their primary focus. Kids will buy and play it, and they'll certainly make sure it looks appealing to them in most pieces of advertising, but its not a fucking NERF gun ad on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network, they're advertising it to EVERYONE.
>$300 one time payment
>$300 over a much longer time period
These aren't the same thing.
is it just smaller?
Cope about what? Success you little queer bait faggot.
A little. They took out more than they added. No joy cons, can't play on TV, no dock, no rumble...
This isn't the switch equivalent of the 2DS.
That 199$ Switch will fly off the shelves
it's actually a perfect equivalent
Market hardware on (Switching, 3D) capability
Release cheaper version without said capability
>Implying you have a job you worthless NEET
i'm not interested in it but it'd be foolish to say this wouldn't sell like crazy
What we're saying is the CoD audience as a whole is as casual as casual can be. Yes there are whales in that audience that get exploited for all they are worth, but if you consider that hardcore then I guess FTP mobile games are the most hardcore shit of all time.
>Firing Switches our of a T shirt
Fucking awesome mental image guy
Il get one if its as cheap in the UK as US
cant imagine a switch pro would be all that great. I dont think any market research would find people who havent bought one yet would budge for a more powerful version, or that current owners complaints had anything to do with graphics. Look back at every console generation and realize that its exceptionally rare for the most powerful console to win in terms of sales. Its a huge meme, noone cares about power except console shitposters and the only time it comes up is when people who are already owned by brands need to hold something over another. They probably realized the biggest complaint anyone had with the switch was portability and battery life. This address both. Thats another thing too, imagine how shitty the battery life would be on a "switch pro."
Well duh
The 3DS is dead
If they really want to pull the rug out from everyone announce the Switch Lite is backwards compatible with the 3DS-DS and GBA games
Literally every retro fag and his mother will be in line
You would not believe how many Pokémon fags are like 33
Why make it backward compatible when they can make more money selling the older games digitally?
>b-b-b-but n-nobody cares about portability!
ah Yea Forums is wrong again
how boring
I say at least
“Yo transfer your digital 3DS games to switch via this app”
*Sorry no physical games unfortunately
Will piss a lot of people off but 3DS Digital fags will be patting themselves on the back.
>a lot of people here
do you realize what that even means
"""a lot of people""" on Yea Forums doesn't even breach 1000 people
When were they ever right?
>believing anything Yea Forums says ever
Was I talking about the people that play CoD or FIFA for an hour or two after work, you mango?
>whales in that audience that get exploited for all they are worth
You don't understand. You think that people that buy Deluxe Editions of games and season passes and pay for online and microtransactions and play for hours and hours and hours with their friends are "whales" and not the target demographic. Those are the kinds of gamers they want.
Same reason you're seeing so many Games As A Service types pop up today, because it's working.
The 2DS sold really well though. It was the goto choice for both children and people on a tight budget.
not for nintendo
Still suprised at the disgusting colors they used for the Switch lite models, especially that pokemon special edition one that looks even more disgusting.
>Spend less money on a thing
>Get less of that thing
is it safe to buy a regular switch now without the worry of a more powerful version being released within a year?
they're so rich they can be high for 9 months
>spend 1 dollar less than the cost of a new lambo
>get a used corolla
>"iTs VaLuE cUz ItS cHeApEr"
Everything Yea Forums has ever gotten right was by complete accident and they hang those few wins over everyone's head as proof that all the times they were wrong didn't count.
The switch pro will be released next year
I didn't know i had to buy a share in order to purchase a console.
I love my Switch but unironically pic related.
>are "whales" and not the target demographic
They're both, whales are the target demographic now. Publishers like EA and Acti/Blizzard make as much or more with microtransactions than they do actual game sales now. They're designing games primarily to push those because that's what makes the most money.
There's a FCC filing floating around for the regular switch saying they're changing the SoC, and nand.
If you can I'd wait until the Lite comes out and there's teardowns to see if it got a die shrink since it's very likely they're using the updated chip for both. It might just be a little bit better battery life, but it might also have some higher performance on top of that as well.
I think a Pro model is still rumored on top of that too so you might want to wait this out.
You’re an idiot.
>just over two years into console's lifespan
>people want another iteration of the console
Yea Forums is well and truly cucked. buy the regular one or get the cheaper Lite if you are happy with handheld only and enjoy the next six months of nintendomination like the rest of us instead of begging Nintendo to charge early and new adopters alike $350-400 for a marginally faster console that will complicate development for the system forever
Before all the people screaming LOL TORTANIC for every fucking game so they feel like they fit in.
CNET posted a first look with a guy who got to play a few games on it for 20 minutes and he confirmed that performance was slightly worse than current Switch
I unironically would rather have the Corolla, though obviously for an appropriate amount of money.
Unless you're an enthusiast or just have an endless supply of disposable income those expensive luxury/sports cars are a money sink and huge pain in the ass, you don't even want to drive them half the time due to the costs and maintenance involved so they're nothing but fancy luxury items that don't really serve their intended purpose effectively unless you want to flush $500k down the shitter.
>But I thought no one was interested in the Switch LIte, I mean that's what Yea Forums told me.
>Listening to Yea Forums ever
Yea Forums wants everything to fail and is never right. I couldn't give two shits about portability or the Switch but I can't deny there has been a lot of demand for a cheaper fully portable Switch since many people use their Switch handheld 99% of the time.
That’s wholesome desu
and i'd buy a switch lite for $200, not $300. why is THAT unreasonable to you? obviously the lite is cheaper and has less but it has way less than a console thats already 2+ years old. absurd.
Can you post it please? I read their article but nowhere did he mention that.
>and i'd buy a switch lite for $200, not $300
good thing that's what they cost, then
>Nintendo shares
This means nothing. Most investors know dick-all about gaming and are just going off what they think will sell.
>most people play switch handheld,
is it just mostly kids and stuff, i thought it was closer to 50-50 with home having the advantage
>a lot of people
a lot of people are fucking retards if they expected a Switch Pro this soon, if at all.
maple dollars.
>mainline console rife with hardware issues
yeah why would anyone want an improved model, totally senseless.
they have to know something if they're making distinctions about what will sell and what won't
And in this case they're probably right, a $200 Switch will fly off shelves black friday, and Pokemon launches two weeks prior. The original Switch matched PS4's sale numbers over the last two holiday seasons at $300 with no game while PS4 was $200 and bundled with a game.
>rife with hardware issues
What do you think dumbass? Video games are destroying your already pint sized brain
And this is Nintendo's fault, why?
What's stopping you from just importing from the US for less? Our dollar is shit.
there WAS a nintendo poll of some kind where they broke it down and it's something like 60/40 in favor of primarily using it handheld
missing the point
Yeah, it should cost 600 dollars like the ps3 did!
google search joycon drift asshole
Show of hands;
who here actually buys and cares about stock and stock prices?
All I care about are the thing's Urkelnomics.
nice larp faggot. If you were actually successful, you wouldn’t feel any desire to tell off some random fucker on Yea Forums.
Works on my machine you retarded ape-handed nigger. And do explain how making a Switch Pro would fix what is a JOYCON issue?
Pro-tip, you don't make a revised console and not have previous version controllers work with it. Even the new Lite supports standard Joycons.
>it was closer to 50-50 with home having the advantage
I think -- not entirely sure though -- that an index fund I've got stock in includes Sony.
>599 with inflation would be close to $800 in today's currency
holy fuck
>nintendiedrones telling people they live in a bubble
the irony is too much
So a 1% failure rate (and its not even a failure, its just dust getting into the mechanism) on joycons means the whole console is "rife with hardware issues?"
PS3 and 360 were "rife with hardware issues", PS3 had a ~10% failure rate and 360 was anywhere from 25-45%.
>no u
Your chances at proving him wrong died the moment you typed that.
nintendo is unstoppable
Gotta defend this faceless corporation right dronies? There is a reason you faggots are universally despised.
Calm down snoy, just having fun
>he doubles down from the smallest scent of disagreement
It's time to put down the script and close the copypasta tab.
to be fair the switch was already a clear replacement, it's just a bit sad that the DS line has to die for what is essentially a larger gameboy with dual sticks
I own a 3ds and play on PC nigger.
nice projecting drone, isn't it time you go ask Mommy what's for dinner?
>nice projecting drone, isn't it time you go ask Mommy what's for dinner?
This is a lot of effort just to respond to me not agreeing with you.
>handheld mode
yes handheld mode outputs a 720p signal
>b-but that gaem runs at lower res
yes and? I said video output, not rendering, have sex
Is that what you call shitposting nowadays?
I think you're just mad I called you out. The next thing you're going to say is I'm projecting.
I'm interested in the idea of a smaller, stirctly portable switch (and was actually waiting for one), but they really botched the execution on it and killed my interest. The biggest problem is that it's not even that much smaller. You still can't put this thing in your fucking pocket. The 3DSXL was really, really stretching it size wise, that's the absolute maximum a portable should be IMO and the lite is a lot bigger than that. Not to even mention all the cut features. Also why the heck did they decrease the screen size if they were still going to keep the fuck huge bezels?
So essentially they took a "portable console" that was already a bit poor of a portable experience, then made a strictly portable version that cuts features in order to be...a still pretty poor portable experience
I already did that you blind bugger.
saying people play a portable console portably isnt defending a company user
I know, but people like you enjoy to repeat yourselves. It'll come eventually.
Now watch him take the bait and assume superiority because I pretended to fuck up the end of my first sentence.
The fuck kind of speak is this? Get the fuck off my website, euroshit
this is hot
That's actually not true
I'm pretty confident it has gyro and thus gyro aiming should still be in. What it doesn't have is the motion control with joy cons because it doesn't have joy cons.
It's just the early adopters which is most of Yea Forums.
The original switch is too big to fit in pockets. This fixed that. It's not a true portable that you can take anywhere and that's what the majority of people wanted.
Praising some company for making millions and excusing every mistake they make is. What is this your first day on this hellhole?
>Praising some company for making millions and excusing every mistake they mak
Not him but I've NEVER seen this. What I have seen is blind hatred of every single thing Nintendo does and when anyone says anything other than "based", they get dogpiled.
>shitposting with stocks
Stock prices going up just means that "analysts" think it's going to do well, determined almost entirely on their own metrics and made-up data and framing biases for what constitutes as well. Their word is about as good as any rando you can find, possibly worse. Reminder that a large amount of these retards thought netflix wouldn't do well because there was allegedly no demand for streaming movies or tv.
That being said, I personally think it's a good choice for nintendo to do so they have something for the holiday season with pokemon that's a bit easier to sell than a 300 dollar system.
If its like usual trends, stock will go high until like a day before its release. Then everyone tends to sell, so even if its bad or good they make a profit.
user there is literally no point of switch Lite it has only trade offs you can't play every game, it runs games worse and what you gain for it +30minutes or 1 hour at the best. Oh and it's 100 dollar cheaper thats it. If you buy the original switch you can still use it as a handheld and as a console it's like the Lite was made to make the switch look better.
>investors knows what will people buy
Lmao at your life choices user, don't forget to buy diablo immortal
>You might be a nintendiedrone if...
>*switch lite announced*
>>"what do you mean?"
god I love Yea Forums
It doesn't have the IR motion camera, it has gyro, which is what most games actually use
Or get shut down and dismissed, completely missing the entire point of the discussion started by the opposing party.
>lacks basic feature switch was named after for no reason at all
>drones like you defend Nintendo blatantly fucking you over
nah you're a drone cunt
Does it bother you that nobody has to listen to your opinion?
No, not really. I'm just pointing it out.
>nintendo is a cult like apple, their fanbase will eat up anything they shit out
I keep seeing shit like this then I think doesn't this apply to every company and their fanbase
>w-why is it still named switch!
That is your complaint?
It does in fact apply to every company and fanbase, but you're supposed to pretend this isn't the case for your favorite. The narrative doesn't work without it.
Didn't they literally say that they wouldn't be doing that any time soon. Why would you idiots be excited for that?
This is for people who don't care about docking and don't already own a switch. You babbys are mad over nothing.
It'll be as powerful as an overclocked gamecube you dense fuck.
Nintendo is the most anti consumer game company by a fucking long shot and you're delusional for supporting them.
The Wii turned them into a cesspool of investors who don't give a single fuck about anything but profit.
Look at what happened with the WiiU.
They are a soulless conglomerate holding all your favorite IP's hostage and raping their corpses.
We need another collapse. Stop buying videogames and let the market recover with people who actually want to give you fun games.
ok I see.thanks user
Mad. As. Fuck.
>snoyggers keep thinking switch lite is nothing
>while it actually curb any hope for new snoy handheld
>entire handheld market for a single company
You faggots are retarded. Switch lite looks goddamn overpriced because it is. Nintendo ca shut down any competition on handheld space by lowering it $50 or throwing a game bundle.
Now if any company want to enter handheld space, they need to deliver better spacced hardware, while having more games than switch library, but need to cost less than $200.
No that it literally costs nothing for the mini to have tv out. If you would get nintendo's dick out your mouth to a second maybe you could see that. ;)
Yeah I'm mad you people are stupid enough to throw money at these cunts after the WiiU
>It'll be as powerful as an overclocked gamecube you dense fuck.
Yea Forums really is showing how tech illiterate it is.
Always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says
Way ahead of you. A lot of my faves are games Yea Forums says is either shit or forgotten.
As a sonyfag this is pretty nice. I'm willing to pay $200 dollary doos for a decent handheld cuz $300 is a bit much for a fucking handheld with a shit dock. Sony sure as fuck isnt giving me a new vita so why shouldnt I been excited?
Why would you waste your money on a console that only has two games? Why would you buy a Nintendo console if you already have a Sony console? [insert third equally retarded console war question here]
Guess I like fun games. Also I'm not poor
So you are mad about the price? Or is this a goalpost move?
Pretty much every dev that worked on Vita ports has jumped ship to Switch alongside their PS4 version now too.
as someone who loves using the regular Switch as a portable, there are some games that are really really difficult to see shit in on the portable screen. i'm sure they didn't wanna make the Lite be too restrictive to playing some of the hits of the system.
What are you even talking about? I wanted to get the switch mini but the no tv out sucks and there's no reason for it to be locked out. Now we're gonna have to wait until some modder figures out how to fix nintendo's Jew move before it'd be worth buying.
Just squish your switch smaller are you retarded?
nintentards are going to count lite sales with regular switch to pretend switch is popular. they are basically 2 different devices
>I wanted to get the switch mini but the no tv out sucks and there's no reason for it to be locked out
So you didn't want to get the Switch "mini" then
there are cheapo parents that look a $300 vidya console and think "Too damn much". $100 cheaper mario and pokemon machine will sell just fine in Christmas time.
casuals are the money audience and Nintendo hasn't given a shit about beefy specs since the gamecube
>not making a green and red Switch Lite
Missed opportunity.
>already running damage control
How am I supposed to play Smash with my friends if the Switch doesn't, you know, Switch. There's no reason whatsoever to not include video out.
On your switch, obviously
why shouldnt i? nintendo handhelds sell very well and they cant get away with the false sales numbers they are about to get
buy high
sell low