How good is WAR in Shad?
not great
So the current meta is:
It’s fine honestly. It’s more of the same as it was in SB except you have a bew move to use for ApE that generates meter.
>caring about meta unless you’re doing TA
Now Lyse is stuck in Ala Mhigo away from us. Ilberd did literally nothing wrong.
I don't care too much but I think theorycrafting is fun.
I'd never kick anyone out of a party over their job though.
Did someone say time and dimensional travel?
Hopes and dreams for Dying Gasp EX?
If there are no branching timelines in xiv and future exarch is still around does that really mean we are in danger of dying? Who can actually even kill us? Elidibus?
MCH is way too strong. Completely invalidates BRD as a ranged slot.
>massive particle effects in an MMO
>slow and braindead hotkeys
>bland classes
Just started the Praetorium, plenty of time to have some comfy shitposting
It doesn't have the abysmal final phase Shinryu-Ex did
Zenos and his magitekhax
Any of the other shards have at least one big bad and their warriors of light/darkness
>Who can actually even kill us?
There's but one man still capable of such a feat
MNK is just straight up better than SAM right now and even MNK is hardly safe for progression or farm. We'll probably see RDM in every world first despite its damage anyways.
Not actually sure if SCH is out-performing AST despite how shitty AST plays. Only DRG and WHM seem absolutely safe, the way content tends to go.
hades cock vore
please for the love of god queue for innocence, I cant continue the story until this stupid fucking trial pops
>using the "How I oust myself as not playing past level 30 shitpost manual"
>Who can actually even kill us?
How did the mystery niggas fuck up the 13th that bad?
is this bait
>MNK is a better SAM
no (You)s for (You)
they didn't watch the mrhappy guide on rejoinings
The actual state of MNK fags, how's it feel needing ACT triggers to even do your autistic anatman opener?
Every man, woman and child on the 13th was an experienced katana user
I just finished 4.0. Why do people hate it and Lyse? The story wasnt as good as HW and some parts are obviously rushed, but it's still far better than ARR. Lyse is still far better than Minfillia and has 80iq unlike Yda(Lyse)'s 22iq.
Too much darkness destroyed the 13th's lifestream.
"sleeping" potion
Igeyorhm is a cute retard like Lyse
Pretty solid honestly.
The changes made it so you're constantly trying to burn beast gauge instead of saving it up since by the time Inner Release comes off cooldown, you'll have your two Infuriates off cooldown and can pop them to get full beast gauge to combine with nascent flash for max self-heal.
It's much more about maintaining self-heal/damage velocity than bursting for protecc like PLD or rotation options for max damage like GNB
I sitll havent played DRK so I dont know how they compare
>literally who when FF series has their own time and space god
>MNK is better than SAM
this is what MNKfags actually believe
Time to kill all androids
better than drk
they trained with the hardest niggas
>tfw NIN main this xpac
>Drg main since ARR
it was their 1st attempt, so they didn't quite have everything perfected. Besides, they managed to save a few WoLs from there anyways
As it should be.
>has a broken opener that can get you banned for using
>doesn't even do more damage then SAM still
Lmao change jobs already you cuck
I hope you guys paid attention
What's this from? It doesn't match up to any of the trials.
>A few
Only one WoL exists on each shard at a given time, so they only managed to save Unukalhai, everyone else got turned into Voidsent
>We're now in danger of getting a possible Ascian Ultimate featuring Nabriales, Emet-Selch and Ascian Prime
Except Unukalhai himself said there was meant to be a party of them, except they went and died
Why are monk outfits so shit? They're all literally hobo tier. Where the wise monk robes and big monk balls at? It's so bad even SAM suffers from it since they share gear.
>weather: termination
They didn’t have enough darkness in the source so the aether didn’t start flowing from 13-S and all the extra darkness overtook the lifestream
when was this taken? right now I'm seeing BLM>SAM>MNK>MCH>DRG
Oh god no fuck that. Fuck chrysalis.
When do we get to romance this dumb giraffe?
I want this armor, where do I get it from?
WoL refers to those who share the player character's soul.
I'm a gay retard
Is this game for me?
It's unattainable right now
Aggregate DPS for Titania and Innocence together.
WoFF is good, but no one played it.
I'd give anything if I can queue for MSQ roulette bonus everyday. It's the least amount of effort for the most XP.
Never ever, WoL isn't into midgets
Elemental armor, annoying as fuck to get
Eureka. Good luck.
Only if you play on Crystal
Let's see.
It was the first shard that ascians attacked so hydaelyn wasn't prepared.
Being the furthest shard from the source the 13th was the one with the strongest darkness and weakest light.
Ascians didn't know how to show self control in their first experience.
The shard was told to not even have a warrior of light but some people theorize that unukalhai is one of the shards of the WoL soul.
WoFF is amazing, too bad we got the shitty lord of verminion instead of a WoFF crossover with pokeminions instead.
Give her a year or two.
I sure rise up when khloe tells me how much she loves me
You'll fit in just nicely.
If I recall correctly, in WoFF there were many gods, outside the universe, Alexander was just one of them
You're on 75th percentile, not maximum damage.
Alisaie is basically moments from demanding the WoL fuck her infront of everyone, especially Alphinaud.
based and linepilled
I wasn't talking of alexander, I'm talking of enna kros. She's pretty much the god of gods when it comes to FFs.
Can vieras wear glasses? I'm wondering if they can before I use my Fantasia.
I started FFXIV recently and went Marauder, is it ok for clearing content ?
just saw a retard hoping DNC gets nerfs because he thinks its the best DPS in the game
WoL only craves for Garlean magitek steel, if you know what I mean
>Meta being relevant
Just pick what you like
>Gets teleported to the crystal exarch before trying to ride your dick again
>She just shrugs it off, waits for the crystal exarch to teleport you there as well and fucks you in front of him to establish dominance
yeah, as long as it's not a helmet there's a good chance they can wear it, but even then they can wear meme helmets like the dwarf or frog gear
all jobs are viable
literally any job in the game clears content
but yes warrior is good
Enna Kros is Alexandrer
>Exarch saw Alisaie naked before you did
Every job is fine, difference between the best and worst comp is like ~15% at most
So that's what he meant.
If you did either of those things you were trash or your healers all died
>first went to Ala Mhigo to help the rebellion
>then got shoved to Doma and its fantasy nips after getting our shit slapped by Zenos
>now in Fantasy Mongolia with a bunch of lizard people after getting beaten up by Zenos again
I swear if he kicks our ass and tosses us to another place one more time
Anyway, they're really loving their setting changes in this expansion, I like it well enough so far, but I want to go back and free Ala Mhigo already
if you do all the role quests you find out she's from the 13 shard and a friend of Unukalhai. She's also the "shadowkeeper" people talked about. She manipulated Ardbert and co so they could get crystals of light and eventually cause a flood of light
WoL wants Emet-Selch to breed her. Ascians gotta repopulate somehow.
this expansion made me yearn for alisaie smut
Knew the knife ears couldn't be trusted.
Just do it with your free company.
Don't worry he's a Tia.
Didn't knew that, I still need to play the new version so might be missing a lot of info.
>Brown character is evil again
that’s not really fair. It didn’t tell you anything about crystal when you first start the game. thats how I got stuck on mateus because it just said it was preferred and there was xp bonuses. now they’re going to force me to pay 18$ to change
its for the greater good
It's okay she felt really bad for what she did and hired a bunch of people to do put down the sin eater using her friend's bodies.
How do I find a free company that doesn't kick people saying "bad words"?
>Ilberd is brown
>also evil
It checks out
Stop playing with 10 year olds
Reminder that the only available waifus/husbandos are:
>G'raha Tia
If you waifu anyone else you're a cuck
join a Yea Forums FC :^)
Feels like most of the playerbase desu
i don't think it invalidates it because brd doesn't do a critical amount less but also has more group buffs. i'm sure when it comes down to midcore an alright brd would be of more value than an alright mch. it won't mean jack shit soon because SE will buff dnc since the meme is that their dps is far too low.
>MNK is just straight up better than SAM right now and even MNK is hardly safe for progression or farm.
MNK main here, this is bullshit. Mnk is literal trash right now and get's completely destroyed by DRG to the point where there is literally no reason to ever bring one. Speaking of DRG, it's broken to the point where it is the only melee worth playing.
That's because everything bad about Crystal is caused by the players that flock there being shitters, there's no official designation of it as an RP containment DC or whatever
>who is khloe
>who is ryne
>who is kebbe
>who is krile
Reminder that the only available waifus/husbandos are:
Why can't i waidu Yugiri?
Yugiri's a ninja, doing "favours" for intelligence is par for the course
She probably wants your dick but it's still a bad idea
Fuck off epperson
They didn't exactly know what they were doing at first, according to Emet. They hatched a plan to destroy that world's light warriors and it worked perfectly, the trouble is it didn't actually destroy said world so much as render it useless.
The little we've gleaned is that they entrusted the various light warriors with auracite to allow them to take on the forms of great monsters and demi-gods, which allowed not only the light warriors but warriors in general to prevail against major threats. These auracites had goals of their own though similar to primals, so over time they corrupted the minds of their users and caused them to eventually develop an insatiable lust for aether, sucking it out of the environment and other living beings. These would go on to become the first voidsent as we know them, which function very similar to the sin eaters we see on the First.
The trouble was this tide of darkness proved unstoppable and the Ascians either didn't know the source also needed a use for that aether (In the form of a calamity) or weren't able to produce one on our home world in time, which eventually lead to the 13th being enveloped in darkness and the lifestream being sucked clean of aether. This gave rise to the Void, a world filled with only voidsent who prey upon aether and each other and soak up every last vestige of the stuff to themselves to gain strength and sustain themselves. Such a world is absolutely useless to everyone but the voidsent themselves because it the aether there can't be reduced to a form to allow Zodiark to absorb it like the rejoinings do, at least not without killing and draining every voidsent in the place.
In short, it was pretty much a mistake by the Ascians who failed to actually rejoin that planet's aether with the source's and not their intention. It seems ancient beings that live for millennia are still capable of making mistakes or not knowing everything.
where can I find this playerbase, especially if there's girls
Ilberd "The True Warrior of Light" Ilberdsson is the greatest hero this star has ever known you heathen.
Thancred would castrate us if we laid a finger on Ryne.
You can only reply to this post if you cried during the MSq.
Garo Collab 2.0 when.
what's the canonical list of who (You) have fucked since 2.0
for males at least Lyse, Alisaie, and Feo Ul are shoe-ins desu
Thancred is raising ryne for the wol cock though
What armor is this? I want to look like a kamenrider villian
I think it's implied the exarch doesn't actually know how it works, so there are indeed branching timelines. He only assumed that he would disappear
Got misty-eyed a few times, cried during the ending. Reporting in.
still keeping this meme going?
It's over...sorry...bros....
I like the Femelezen from the DRG questline
I didn't finish the alex storyline yet because I'm retarded but people are saying it confirmed no multiple timelines
garo armor with one of the WAR AF helmets
>not zhloe
>Say his name...
>Let expanse contract! Eon become instant! Champions from beyond the rift heed my call!
>It's good to see you awake
Alexander does confirm there are no branching timelines. Changing the past simply makes it appear that things have always been as they are.
I'm sorry, I abandoned you for the first time since ARR because you're just so boring compared to other tanks. I play GNB now.
Should I bother doing the moogle questline? The Ixali quests, while mildly entertaining, were seriously not worth the time investment.
Might as well ask here, I know you get an imperial helm and tunic as part of the MSQ but can you get the rest of the ensemble/imperial weapons?
Why is she so perfect?
okay now what
Oh no, bro! There's gotta be something we can do!
even the garlean officer armor is still off limits
zhloe is too old and she's busy running my onahole ranch
There are quite a few waifus in side stories and it'd take a while to remember all of them
>purposely adjust 5.0 combat system to discourage party comp autism
>It still continues
Still going. We have the worst Invuln now and it only lasts for 6 seconds, but I'm still here.
>be the only prominent female Ascian
>get your own shot at a Rejoining
>proceed to have no idea what you're doing and fuck it up so bad that your own team can't save it
Igeyorhm was a diversity hire, wasn't she.
Only got close when the Ardbert saw his party waiting for him on the Mean. That's fucking incredible too because I hated his entire 2.0 story arc.
ShB was great, but I didn't really shed any tears, just kept a raging boner throughout parts. I still tear up during Yotsuyu's fight when Gotetsu comes out and she wasn't expecting it. Seeing a twinge of regret or remorse shine through her subconsciousness at probably the one person in her life who didn't hate her and threw himself into harms way of his own accord to keep her safe still gets me to this day.
Why are her horn-tips pink? is she a mutt or something?
completely forgot about this bitch
>Permanently fucked any chances of the world being 100% complete
>Had a blue Lightning haircut
Indeed she is.
>purposely adjust 5.0 combat system to discourage party comp autism
Removing damage type debuffs was a decent first step for sure. But TA remains unchanged, and so everything is still centered around it.
>For the next expac we'll travel to Garlemald to help Gaius and Estinien
>Fight in a new war of succession
>It'll be the Gunbreaker Expac and we'll finally get to wear Garlean armour
Do you think it could top even Shadowbringers?
WoL definitely gave Minfilia the pillar right after this scene
I dont know why they chose the 13th for that particular lore and not the 3rd for references sake
there's always altima, unless she's dead
I'd say she was probably eager to impress, since her's was the first attempted rejoining. She really did have a good plan, it's just no one among them knew it would end in failure. After all, she did fuck the world up beyond use, though not just for Hydaelyn.
Technically, if we just killed off the other worlds in the same way, the Ascians would be dead in the water and unable to sacrifice enough Aether to complete the rejoining.
>the very existence of Proto-Ultima in Dun Scaith gives me a DX11 kernel error
It's fine before he appears and after he's gone.
Because 13 is a spooky number
Please don't give that fucking clown Zenos another expansion
they probably wanted to make her unique. even mide had unique horn tip coloring
Because the 3rd is closer to Hydaelyn, while the 13th is closer to Zodiark.
>still can't get Nael's Bradamante for DRG
I want it
What? Aw, that's super lame. I guess lore wise it makes sense, but it sucks.
It's cool user, it'll be a three-way between Gaius's faction, Zenos's faction, and the true villain of the expac who is backed by Elidibus.
The lore's changed hands a few times, I've heard that it was originally speculated that the shards were numbered 1-13 to correspond with the other final fantasies, with the 13th being actually destroyed rather than becoming the void because that fits the end of Lightning Returns.
Never forget
NINbros.....I don't feel so good.................
You do of course have the Haurchefant emote, right Anons?
>zenos and elidibus
I can feel my IQ dropping
no way fag
He was alright
>I've heard that it was originally speculated that the shards were numbered 1-13 to correspond with the other final fantasies
That was never anything but a fan theory. The only time the lore changed hands was from 1.0 to ARR with Banri Oda taking over as the lore lead, but most of the team is still the same.
G'raha tearing up at the end got me a little, but that's it.
In order from most to least DPS should be:
Really stupid how DRG does way more DPS than all the other jobs while having all that raid DPS utility.
They have to be involved somehow user, they just need to be minor villains instead of the main villain.
My friend literally had that painting
On his living room
is gaius dead?
keep playing
Yeah the Lore is pretty convoluted to be a kids FF version, it's also extremely open.
What about female WoL’s
drg does less than blm and Sam and mnk and mch bro
Do you really want to bury bard like that?
Most of their utility is gone now.
>NIN above anyone other than DNC
Not while TA exists.
Ok now that you control the strongest Empire in the world and Im an immortal demigod we should have this in the ba-
So are the other 'stars' referenced in Omega shards of the source or just whole different worlds/realities altogether?
>all that utility
>2 abilities
>only one can be group wide
You jealous fags need to calm down.
Where can I buy lv.60 armor and weapons with poetics?
I'd be surprised if she didn't show up during the Yorha raid. I fully expect her to be the quest giver even.
Eat your Meol bro.
What do you guys think of this AoE homogenization
Give it a couple patches, Eureka will get nerfed and anyone will be able to get it for glamour easily.
>drg does less than blm and Sam and mnk and mch bro
As it should but it's still doing more than MCH
DRG is getting nerfed lmao
I imagine I unlock that after Heavensward?
>SMN 6th place
What does summoner even bring to the table
>Everyone already forgot about him
the writers most of all
Now I don't have to kick monks from parties like I did back on ARR for brayflox HM speedruns.
brotherhood is literally better than battle lit this early
it's nice to have aoe at early levels without worrying about tp on tanks. As far as casters go, it's nice for all of them to have aoe options of some kind. It gives options for speedrun fags I guess.
Overall it's so-so outside of tanks for me personally. I fucking miss bane on SCH, though and I'm already sick of spamming art of war (it visually makes no sense for SCH).
Which jobs involve the most decision making?
>Proceeds to lose aggro
>Language: F
I`m close to intermittent explosive disorder i swear to god, nuke that shithole country
Do you think the Domans will mind that their future ruler will be half lizard?
Is DRK fun? I like the idea behind TBN.
>Gabranth uses Tartarus to fuck with the planets core
>Ends up pissing off the fucker who caused the Ascians calamity
Ruh roh!
I bet that's what they said about the crystal tower, too
>started with 100 allowances
>end with 25 and all crafters at max
Triple leves are fucking BROKEN this time around.
it's aight
>Both Heavensward and Shadowbringers are the parts where Garleans have not been a focus
>Best parts of the game
What did Yoshi mean by this
Even a slight nerf to MCH will destroy it as long as it's designed to be a "selfish" DPS. It's the same issue as BLM and SAM.
>Ilberd apologizing for his actions and sacrifices himself to save the WoL
couldn't handle that part
i started playing 5 days ago, is bard good? ive gotten him to lvl 52
He's the villain of XII during a massive nostalgiawave. If anything he'll end up the villain of the next expansion.
he'll be back in 6.0, but it won't actually be him but his twin brother
>Please, just this once, WORK
I find it to be the funnest of all tanks
No job is bad
What, when did this happen
I ended with 55, leveled alch just purely from collectables, made a lot of yellow scrips from that.
How big is the shield granted by brutal shell? Can it save a party member when using heart of stone?
G'raha's confession to Urianger and his reaction to being called by name at the end almost got me.
Fortunately I'm a hardass motherfucker who hasn't shed a single tear in more than a decade, so I managed to hold it in.
>MNK mains unrionically believe this
Everyone wants battle litany bud no other jobs gives a shit about brotherhood
He wasn't sincere in the slightest, Ilberd was right and did nothing wrong.
>decision making
Only one decision to make bro.
tiny, the 15% mitigation is the better part of HoS
It's a pathetically small shield that's usually dropped by a mob autoattack.
The Ivalice shit is obnoxious, narrative-disjointing garbage
Lmao, no, its like 2500
Uhh Firebird heals ppl
Equal to the amount that it healed you for, iirc?
That was the hardest part. I genuinely thought that was going to be his moment but no. Shit was fucked
>mfw call him out by his name
This game is boring as fuck with the most ridgid combat of any MMO even the shitty GW2 is better than this trash! Fuck you, Yea Forums for lying!
He knew that bro, but he still felt bad for the misunderstanding.
Did you save Papalymo?
I can't say without playing them all but from the caster side I think SMN has to do the most split second decisions, even more than BLM now, and I say this as a BLM main. The jobs revolves around charging stacks of ruin IV which you can spend to move around and weave stuff while simultaneusly taking care of your demi-summons rotations. You also have around 30 seconds of leeway to decide if you have to postpone summoning bahamut or not to get the most out of his wyrmwaves.
I think all the busier jobs are heavy on decision making in general. Machinist, summoner and ninja I would say
>6.x-6.5 will be the Liberation of Dalmasca starring Gabranth
>7.0 will be the Imperial Uprising
Mark my words.
>don't forget us
What did I mean by this?
Not when the combined damage of ninja and TA is lower than a real DPS. Ninja is now mostly used to pad stats for 95% logs and higher, same with dancer.
dude battle lit is real fuckin shit now
t. drg main
I only cried at Seto's speech to Ardbert, am I a sperg who can only empathize with animals?
Funny I didn't get that.
Must only be the ending if you're a pedophile also playing as one.
Why is it that it feels like the people of the First and Ishgard genuinely admire and love the WoL while the rest Eorzea doesn't seem to care much despite saving them more times then the former 2?
I don't want to go back to that shithole Eorzea, I want to stay in the First and help them rebuilding their World.
Why ? Isn't it fun to do twice the finger breaking for half the damage ? At least we have trick attack...
>All by myself?
You can not stop autists from minmaxing, even if the difference between an "optimal" comp and random shit is only 1%
lmao war is the canon cuck job you give up your woman to curious gorge lmao fucking war cuckolds
>t. MNK main false flagging
Accept your shitty brotherhood
You can't stop it as long as any kind of offensive party buff exists.
Can I get the sauce?
Is she ok ?
A bunch of times. Idk how this scene sounded in JP but everytime I rewatch this scene it makes me tear up.
>His name was... Ardbert. And he was my friend.
She has a fever, look at how red her face is.
>Easymode ranged DPS before melees
Honestly the level 80 MSQ dungeon made me a bit emotional (between the just general awe at the whole thing.)
I'm unironically having more fun playing as a LV65 GNB than my main LV80 WAR
You don't play DRG or you're a shit DRG then 10% crit rate is still stupid especially during TA or if your stack with Chained
>your woman
WoL isn't interested in tranny lizards, didn't you pay attention for the 60-70 questline?
Why are there no spooky jobs in XIV yet?
actually triggered because dancer af hides the bellybutton
>yfw the next time we see Elidibus and he brings up Emet one of the dialogue choices is "Who?"
Because only the first and Ishgard care about the WoL and the other 3 city states didn't even have your back during the sultana BS.
Light is Umbral, aka passivity. Darkness is Astral, aka activity.
Eorzea was saved by the Warrior of Light, Norvrandt was saved by the Warrior of Darkness.
you can't even fucking choose to be you're forced to be a cuck to curious gorge if you play war lmao
even better
>higher than MCH despite similar mobility and Devotion
Fuck off, SMN has no business being anywhere near the top.
Emet Selch is a fucking faggot and I'm glad he's dead.
If anything I only teared up because that place is blinding as fuck man.
Are the triple turn in leves all you did to get to 80 on each of those?
Also, is specializing any different now?
how can I find myself in a situation in which I can bully a young girl by calling her my daughter
>weather: Termination
melees are bigger niggers than blm players
>3 min cd for 5% damage increase for 15 seconds
its fucking nothing
Wait what
SAM is useless though since MNK and BLM are strictly better
All the jobs are good, don't worry about it. The balancing in XIV's PvE is very good for the most part, and there's currently no job that would get barred from endgame raiding by anyone reasonable.
i waifu my darkside
You know who you are and you're pretending to be clueless.
>mobility at the cost of twice the mp usage, less potency per GCD if you are not in trance or have ruin 4s saved
yeah kys greylet
>has a broken opener that can get you banned for using
what have i missed
I thought it was neat from a gameplay perspective because without him Zenos would make it to her and fill her gauge before we could stop him.
Which would wipe the party.
So Gosetsu's mercy in the story directly translates to game mechanics and enables us to win the trial.
fuck off back to the moon elidibus
I prefer the female DRK idle
but yes.
>melees are bigger niggers than blm players
Could you elaborate?
Not all, but mostly. For some classes I went for massive collectible turn ins. That being said the triple one is legit broken. I fully expect them to get nerfed in the foreseeable future.
SAM is only about 100 DPS ahead of MNK in spite of lacking brotherhood. I hope you're actually sorting by 99th percentile DPS and not by meme 75th percentile defaults
>MP problems
>as a SMN
You're the greylet here.
God I hope the Akademia Anyder theme gets some arrangements in the future.
you'll never be able to stop autists no matter what. you can literally make the most balanced and uniform game ever, autists will still try to min max it.
Nah. Everything with Ardbert was saddening as fuck up until the final moments. Now they need to add something to Amaurot. That place has to nice of music to just be so empty. Make it another Idyllshire.
To use the anatman opener perfectly you need to use an an ACT trigger which is a big no-no to Yoshi P
Teared up several times. I will not deny it.
looks more like Kino Jews
More than anything MCH has.
>inb4 dude 10% damage reduction which is slightly better than the worthless phoenix regen
It's already an arrangement of Without Shadow.
reading comprehension tranny, nowhere did i say that i have mp problems on smn. fuck off with your easy ass job
The HW BSM quest giraffe was superior in every single way
>get my login out of the way so I can start playing immediately after getting food ready or showering
>come back, opening cinematic is playing
>always watch it from beginning to end
Fuck it's so good, by far the best yet.
>Lahabrea was a fucking genius academic
He really didn't seem like it to be honest.
get mad niggers the devs listen to jp forums mostly and they are bitching about smn being weak. nothing you mch niggers can do about it so get fucked
Also lacking Mantra, while not being a game changer its better than what Sam has... Nothing.
>tanking in dungeons is usually simple enough
>try a raid
>every fuckign thing is exploding and I barely have any idea of what to do with all the mobs or what the fuck is going on
>fuck up and leave out of embarrassment
help pls
Then why did you bring up MP you dipshit? If it's not a fucking issue then it's not a fucking issue worth bringing up
buy a fucking rope you retarded SMNigger and invite all the people that play your braindead job
I thought I would be annoyed by the login screen chorus, but it's actually quite pleasing to see.
it seriously is fucking amazing, I couldn't stand the dumb lyse punch out
I'm just going to pretend that him being a corny villain was just an act he put on because he's a socially awkward nerd.
True, but right now all the melee that aren't DRG or NIN are basically shit. There's no reason not to just go NIN/DRG/MCH/BLM now. SAM and MNK are a joke and trick attack is still better than anything any other job has.
I just finally finished the MSQ. Holy shit that final area, that final dungeon, that final trial, that epilogue. I don't think I've ever had that many chills run down my spine in such a short period of time. That really was as kino as everyone hyped it up to me.
Hasn't MCH a vuln up?
you're really fucking retarded aren't you? mch has all the mobility but with no potency loss for that gcd used to move nor any resources to spend. this must be your fucking brain on hrt
Wasn't Elidibus using katanas when he was puppeting the body?
He was just some fucking nerd who read books. FUCKING NERD
>anons will still claim the questline was all about parental love and not romantic love
Constant body-swapping made him retarded.
Never forget
just do tank shit idiot it's not hard
grab the boss, turn it around, grab adds if they spawn, pop a cooldown when the boss starts casting assfuckaja
Just started out last week and I'm currently lvl 38 Ninja but today I've tried a few different classes. Do you guys bother making new characters or just multi-class?
>while the rest Eorzea doesn't seem to care much despite saving them more times then the former 2?
They're frequently acknowledged to be a group of worthless shitheads who can't wait to go back to backstabbing each other despite whatever their leaders may attempt. The threat of the empire is the only thing that keeps the three city states in check.
Turn off party effects, it helps a lot.
Why is it that disaster runs are so much funner than regular ones?
Just had to carry a bunch of idiots through Shiva while also taking over raise duty since the tanks kept cleaving everyone, while healers didn't seem to know swiftcast existed
The Garlean Empire is the least interesting part of the game, despite individual Garleans being some of the best characters
Hopefully Zenos will have his story wrapped up in the Shadowbringers patches.
He was an autistic sperg, It's not that surprising that he had an outlet for his autism before the rejoining
The scene where Ardbert tried to save the soldiers from the Sin Eater almost got me.
I kept thinking "This is where they show that with enough conviction he can come back" and then...nothing. He failed. Again. And the soldiers die. And he just gets more broken as they get mauled behind him.
Such a KINO scene.
>just got told "know your role" for pulling for the tank
>who was wearing ilvl 400 gear in Castrum Meridanum
They lost all kind of damage increase in ShB. Hypercharge is completely different it just overheats your weapon. The entire job is different, it may as well be the 3rd new expansion job.
He was the one who was doing the most work and weakened himself greatly because he had no thought for himself. He was literally the Ascian's MVP but you and Hydaelyn fuck him up, then when he gets better he gets betrayed by the doritos pope.
If you didn't pick the first line, you should just neck yourself right now
you actually couldn't pay me to do the MSQ from scratch all over again
Yes, Trick Attack is better but NIN has shit Tier DPS while being exhausting to play on a decent level. I'd rather take a Monk with a Dragoon.
Hypercharge got replaced with a better rapid fire.
How could anyone?
Why would you ever create a new character when you can just change jobs easily?
There's no difference between making a new character and getting to level 80 warrior and getting level 80 warrior on a character that already has level 80 paladin, other than having to re-grind
There's no reason to have alts.
Is BLM actually fun bros? Mine is 65 after not touching him since HW and I gotta say having to maintain enochian or pulling off a big ass cast on a mob that dies before you finish feel like things I can't get past.
What's the point of finding all aether currents when you only find the last one at the end when you don't need to go to the map anymore?
NIN is a joke unless you live to pad parses.
Then you want to replace MCH with DNC or BRD while you're at it.
They didn't pull any punches throughout the entire thing, it was pure suffering from beginning to end and it was great.
Yes but when talking about meta it's going to be NIN/DRG again like always. Midcore groups might take a monk or even a SAM but it's unlikely, especially since SAM is basically the worst DPS right now. Even RDM, SMN, and DNC at least offer utility or higher rDPS
To level other jobs easier.
>There are people who dont have this drawing in idylshire
Actual subhumans
Haurchefant was a faggot, Ar(d)bert was actually kinda interesting so I picked his line instead
Are you actually retarded???
>when you don't need to go to the map anymore?
If only that was true.
BRD has literally nothing over MCH besides battle voice, MCH has way higher DPS to compensate. DNC is a literal joke, it does tank DPS and doesn't buff raid DPS nearly as much as NIN or even remotely enough to justify taking it over literally any other job besides maybe SAM (and even then only because BLM is just a strictly better SAM)
Primary reason to have multiple characters is to circumvent weekly lockouts when you are raiding.
If you don't plan on going at it that hard and just play/ raid relatively casually there is no reason for it.
There's also some uber autists having many, many, characters for crafting and gathering, but that's as far outside of the norm as you can get and something you'd know yourself if you ever wanted it.
This, NIN, DNC and AST are used to pad stats for fflogs or in groups who don't care about setups.
You'll be revisiting those areas often if you deal with any of the game's side activities.
More than BRD lmfao
Where can I get fantasia for cheap. I think I'm done with being a lalafell. Though it was nice inserting myself in female characters dresses, though. It's not creepy if you're a lala.
Tanks who don't speedrun Castrum are the worst, though those who interrupt the mob train by stopping and killing some of them rather than to keep on running suck too
Several fucking times.
>want to get through the MSQ
>keep getting sidetracked by how comfy gathering and crafting is
It's a mixed feel
Isn't Monk+Dragoon higher Raid DPS compared to Ninja+X due to Ninja abysmal Damage ?
No, the voice actor really sold it, shame it was such a small role (though he's also Bismarck).
It's the most creepy if you're a potato.
Any tips on MCH?
I want to bang bang
>want to get through the MSQ
>can't because I keep switching classes without picking a single one to level
first reply decides what color I make my Chocobo
So I've just resubbed. I beat ARR as a Paladin but I feel like building up a new job for post-main game content. Whats the most fun class? Don't care about which slot it fills.
Cant be a cuck if my waifu is dead
Step one: do a ping test.
If your ping is above 80, pick another job.
Step two: roll your face on your keyboard.
when wol get his fucking dick wet ffs
yellow it is
Thats the second scion i want to fuck now
>implying you aren't going to lose the Aymericbowl to Lucia
What do you find fun? Frantic button pressing? Silky smooth rotations? Big numbers? High complexity? Flashy animations?
paladin got a serious overhaul so i'd give that a go first
There are literally double the amount of DNC parses than most classes have. How the fuck am I supposed to find a raid group while playing one of these?
haha, imagine if that was Alphinaud wearing that outfit, wouldn't that be funny? haha....
How do you even check your ping in this game?
>wanting Estinian's sloppy seconds.
you just KNOW they fucked when Alphinaud and WoL were asleep.
>implying you aren't going to fuck them both
How is gnb at 80? I heard it's the squishiest of the tanks
cucked post-post mortem by dragon
>memory cucked by a Dragon
By sucking dick better than those other sluts
You don't you pick another job
Monk, punching stuff is always great
Find the IP address for the datacenter you play on and do a ping test to it. Arrstatus should have the IPs.
>I want to stay in the First and help them rebuilding their World
Holy shit, this. The First people and all they've been through is much more engaging than anything related to the Source.
Crystal Tower housing when?
since when was wol not a fucking cuck ffs
She's riding nidhogg meat in hell.
>His name was Ardbert. And he was my friend.
My next closest to 80 is DRG so it's not like that's much better.
After Ishgard housing
>choose the bandwagon trannyparser job
>be surprised that the bandwagon is full of trannyparsers
Yeah, you seem like a DNC main alright.
My ping goes over 80 and I play MCH just fine.
>Then proceed to faceroll over gauss round and ricochet
Depends on what you find fun
If you like fast combos and movement, MNK
If you like fat fucking numbers, BLM
If you like shielding your party and seeing a big boss hit land 0 fucking damage on them, SCH
It's the most fun and the highest damage
Arrstatus is dead
Hits the hardest out of the tanks and is tanky enough to have no issues main tanking anything.
>people are posting my shitty parses on FFlog
Who cares about Ishgardian housing? I want Crystarium housing.
Luckily I'm into that shit
Sure looks dead to me, yep.
east coast nin bros...
DNC is fun as fuck it's really disappointing that it will be impossible to find a static group with it
When tanks had the vit change in Midas, autist were trying to get them to Fanta to roes for two extra vit
Literally everyone will want you to pad their shitty parses
Just started out, what do you guys enjoy playing the most?
>tfw the only Titania parse on my logs is the one I did with literal bare minimum gear
>now people will think I'm a greylet
>Call him by his name
>Remember that we lived
Guess it wasn't supposed to be.
Am I alone in thinking DNC isn't that fun? It's just 1->2 over and over then you blow all your shit during devilment I really don't get the appeal.
DRK hits harder than GNB
>they all figure out it was you and come stand at your side before you go to the tempest
the people treating me like their hero filled my heart with that good feeling, I felt proud to have been their hero, even. Couldn't have been a better folk
>Viera with moveable/emotive ears
What a scam.
We are going into Eden with 2 ranged, 1 caster and 1 melee, but without DNC.
nope but you're free to source your claim
>What does summoner even bring to the table
An easy way for surplus Scholar healers to swap to a damage role without replacing all their gear.
Why the fuck you cry this expansion it was fucking shit WoL jobbed to a fucking pajeet that Thancred beat
>mention I'm on the last trial in fc chat
>friends scramble to join my party
>seeing my buddies warp in during the last trial
The appeal is that it's the slut job and the amount of sluts playing this game is unfathomable
>It's just 1->2 over and over
Use your Flourish procs you retard, also Flourish itself.
Well, according to FFLogs, DRK is actually the lowest DPS tank
t. slutty DNC main
>having to double weave with Bushin active
is on this game anything resembling like faction rep farm bros ?
>the writers forgot about him
>the reason amurot even imploded was because one of the mystery niggas heard a sound comming from the center of the earth and got spooked and created a monster
>Gabranth wants to start fucking drilling into the earth with some Ivalician shit
>tfw just buying everything I need for the leves for CUL on the way to 70
I feel that this kinda ruins the point of the story questlines but I'd rather save time
I forgot this meme. Is there a derplander/anyone variant?
This. Seto is the goodest boy.
as opposed to every other class 1->2->3?
also use your procs and Steps
I've done it bros, I now have 10 King Totems. As someone who had no EX clears 12 hours ago I'm pretty content. Is endgame stuff always this fun?
1>2 with a chance of pressing two more buttons. Then I save the feathers for devilment what a hoot.
Yes and no. It exists but it's nowhere as time consuming as the ones in WoW.
not really no. GC grinding is kind of useless now and you can grind rep for beast tribes but its not that useful (unless you are serious about crafting)
>the amount of sluts playing this game is unfathomable
And every single one of them is a man
>Geezer was doing his nut! Shouting and screaming like someone had nicked his pie!
I cried of laughter, what is this mongrel speech
I'm open to anything. Being an ungodly high damage asshole sounds fun, but I'm worried it might get boring with FF14's fairly simplistic combat.
you'll absolutely have to revisit them in future patches to advance the MSQ
I loved that fucking line
>fucking retard devs wasted time on eternal bond trannies not npc with wol
Roulette EXP should be per class per day not just once per day
highest Damage is Black Mage.
If you want something a little more active then Monk, I guess.
Anything that doesn't need to turret long. The later dungeons get retarded with hazards.
Why? So you can cry about having nothing to do even sooner?
The entire thread was shitting on MNK though...
>pick his line
>Ryne completely fucks up the scene by going "what?... uh, ok, sure..."
Pa'jeet was fucking retarded WoL losing to that fucking piece of shit didn't make any fucking sense when Thancred can solo him it's fucking shit this fucking expansion's writing is fucking trash
>Holding feathers for a 2min cd
>only using the 1-2 combo and its procs
I bet you don't use the Flourishing aoes with Flourish either and probably hold off Saber Dance for Devilment as well. Just play RDM.
jap or english voice acting?
Should be per role though (whether the 3 DPS roles are considered the same or not I don't care), not per job
Y'shtola lusts for barbed Hrothgar cock
because its shit right now
it does deal some good damage though, it just became a bit less fun to play because they removed a bunch of skills with this expansion It deals some nice damage and is a bit more active than most classes, since you have to position yourself for bonus damage.
For the most disappointing result possible.
No they're just friends!
stop larping as the pajeetnigger, he had a redemption arc
Whichever one sounds nicer to you
>My strenght is yours
>Let's give it our all
>Our fates are not yet sealed
>Victory will be ours
>Here we go
What's Thancred's problem?
>Letting the arm chair raid experts of Yea Forums influence your decisions
What were they thinking with AST? I already saw someone locking out it in pf because they didn't want to heal with AST.
Is MNK fun?
I want to be a special snowflake and they seem like the way to go for that.
she's goods that are well past expiry date. i have eyes only for alisae
I do both of those actually but you are unironically supposed to stock 3-4 feathers for devilment, at least learn your job before you post about it retard. You're just another tranny bandwaggoning onto the job without understanding it.
i played ARR until level 35 and ENG just sounded kinda bad. I saw a couple scenes on yt of comparisons of low level cutscenes and japanese sounded way better, but people say in future expacs english is superior and characters get accents and shit to help with characterization so im not sure
its fun yes, but not that good considering you dont use half the new skills
Never said I was that pajeet poster pajeet still fucking shit it's fucking trash story WoL shouldn't fucking job to some pajeet bitch WoL should be stronger than fucking Thancred
Some of this shit broke my heart and I love the game for it.
Was it autism?
He's kinda right tho
Paj'eet kinda sucked as a character and would have been much better as solely Thancred's opponent, and his main strength could have been his tactics and strategy since he's a general after all.
whats the best way to grind crafts 60-70? 70-80 sounds like it'll be easy.
>implying anyone here knows what they are talking about
We had people defending ast changes for a long time.
I would forgive this game's pandering to consoles with shit graphics and unnecessary loading screens if they made a version for the Switch.
People are always going to be retarded in PF. I've seen PF's lock out dancer because they keep getting shitter dancers in their groups.
The only typing like they don't understand the job was you, try harder next time.
For everything else: JP or EN, they're both decent with some flaws here and there, it's a matter of opinion which you'll prefer
What even is a yalm
Thancred is fucking trash fucking piece of shit bitch Ishikawa a stupid whore writer cunt she wet for Thancred make him do every thing make him stronger than WoL we didn't do shit this expansion stupid cunt made WoL look like a fucking bitch
And we had people parroting that one discord retard that said MCH was going to be shit
DRK is only good for TBN
it's not fun to play now that they turned it into edgy WAR and the damage isn't good either
Is Alphy a boi-slut?
Friendly reminder that Pajeet poster is a Sineater so anyone trying to reason with him gets turned into another Pajeet poster.
I want to have the edgiest sexual tension with that man.
They fucking made use look weaker than fucking Thancred that's fucking shit we're the WoL
Only for (You), for everyone else he's a Chad
I love the Nu Mou and Wolekdorf Amaro so much
For Estinien yes
Is there a specific order for leveling up the crafters?
Card changes are better though, the issue is that they gutted the rest of the job.
Anyone that says they liked fishing for aoe dmg boost cards is bullshitting you.
Do you have qualms about yalms?
Just turn him into meol
No more (You)s for you, shitskin
yalm = yard, ilm = inch, fulm = foot, malm = mile
AST changes are ok though, it just lacks potency
>Stock up to 3-4 feathers for devilment
>Only blow one when you get a flourish proc because you might overload
If you don't know this you really shouldn't be playing DNC you fucking greylet stop bandwaggoning jobs without learning them first you fag.
a yard
the writers like inventing new words or sayings for mundane things