He's in

He's in.

Attached: MH4-Render_Brachydios.png (904x711, 593K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Epic Store Exclusive Sells 500k Copies Without Steam/filename/factorio

Okay? Fag.

Getting neutered, that is

List of problems with MHW:

>Inb4 b-but nintendo...

>Healing while running; dodging while drinking, sharpening, eating; moving while shooting
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Mounting can activate after only 1 hit, guarantees a mount or two every hunt
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, damage, etc., almost never benefiting the monster
>You have access to your full box even during hunts
>The temporal mantle automatically dodges any attacks that would launch you the same way adept did but without player input
>Other mantles can give things like a full health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, like Diablos with a 40 MV in its horns for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head
>THE CHANGES ABOVE AREN'T INHERENTLY NEGATIVE AND WOULD BE FINE WERE THE GAME DESIGNED IN A DIFFERENT WAY, however, the monsters themselves are slower and less aggressive when compared to old gens, they rarely string moves together and have slow and predictable attacks in general, Pink Rathian is a good example
>To add challenge added tempered monsters, who are just like regular monsters (slow as ever) with inflated damage, that's it, it's difficult to even notice the difference for most monsters
>And then there's Arch Tempered monsters, which have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal), raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin) give it one badly designed move (Nerg) and/or make them spam AoE attacks (Xeno). These are badly designed monsters made just for challenge’s sake, not a proper way to address the difficulty complaint

>Everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental weakspots
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth using, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>It can't be overstated how awful Zorah is, it might surprise you that it was the monster the team worked the hardest on, requiring a separate division just for it
>Lavasioth was changed from a fun fight to a half assed attempt at giving it the Agnaktor gimmick but without anything that make both it or Lavasioth great
>And Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace and a representation of everything wrong with World. AoE spam, annoying gimmicks, inflated damage, tremors, awful design, you name it. It's attempts to imitate the gameplay styles of MMOs failed completely simply because Monster Hunter wasn't designed to be an MMO
>Extreme Behemoth is everything just mentioned above except 2x worse, much like the ATs, it’s challenge for challenge's sake without the thought needed to make it fun to being with
>Leshen is the exact same as Behemoth except somehow worse, this time it doesn't even attempt to be like a MH monster
>And Kulve is a massive waste of potential. What could’ve been a fun and challenging fight against a huge monster similar to Ukanlos ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U, but they also happen to be the best weapons in the game
>it's a timed event monster as well

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Why are you assuming that iron/bone models are the final upgrades? Instead of getting outraged maybe we should all wait for the release before judging it, how about that bing-kun?

>Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss
>Their attempt to fix it with the AT resulted in a damage sponge that spams so much AoE that it looks like it would fit right in a frontier game
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, it’s not a matter of just going into the loading zone, now you need to follow it through the entire map as it makes its way unnaturally to another zone, you can throw pods into the monster to stop it, but this results in you fighting it in basically a corridor
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, turf wars take you away from hunts, basically a cutscene that triggers in the middle of the hunt, and are always very unnatural and robotic, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you, forcing you to waste your time throwing dung pods and waiting, it gets old very fast
>Most of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it, only a few of them become original models later
>New skill system removes negative skills and makes so you can both fit in a ton of skills, contributing to the power creep and that using full sets almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. Alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic because both usually have the same skills on them and look almost the same
>They went for a generic orchestral soundtrack that fails to match the quality of the older tracks, this includes the music for past monsters, which was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>Event related emotes and stickers cost money as well
>Event quests only available only during a certain timeframe. This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame, like the gamma armor from ATs
>Guild and village quests were merged, worsening multiplayer and lowering the amount of quests

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>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the game can see for themselves
>Playing the story missions with other people requires you to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal and only then having people join
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting with people you know nothing about who will leave as soon as the monster is dead
>SoS system doesn’t work though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation needlessly complicated. The system is broken, and it still hasn't been fixed
>They killed all sense of comradery the older games had thanks to the many changes to the way multiplayer works, people don't talk, don't interact and aren't even visible to your outside of the quests most of the time
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Armor fusion removed, new system limits the player on what sets they can wear based on event quests that may go away at any time
>Only 1 palico, no different classes
>Seasonal events are a joke, their armors are not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the event quests are mostly worthless
>Item sets are hidden behind a number of menus, radial menu is tied to the item set loadouts, can’t see what monster parts you have from the box itself

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Fuck off.

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>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the awful layered system still hasn't been replaced by a proper armor fusion, and the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance

Feel free to add to the list

Enjoy the shit thread, fags

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Reminder to report and filter list-kun because he is a confirmed multi-thread shitposter


Stop replying to the obvious bait pasta.

I still like it. but im currently playing GU until ice bourne comes out because AT's are pretty shit and the balance in base world sucks.

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I hope he gets in...

Post mons you want in Iceborne

I'll be the nigger and say Khezu

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Fucking this.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Epic Store Exclusive Sells 500k Copies Without Steam/filename/factorio

Ignore all gay posts above this one, treat this like a new OP.
What was your highlight of the new trailer? What monsters do you still want back, or what kind of new ones would you like?

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Dunno whether I should play MH4U or MHGU while waiting for Iceborne

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The best flying wyvern of course!

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I gotta admit, it was pretty clever of Worldtards to try to frame the list posting as the work of a chronic Yea Forums shitposter, much more clever than just crying about nintendo like they do all the time. However, just like every other attempt at discretiting the list, this won't work, and it will keep getting posted, to the dismay of Worldfags.

Brachy and Ebony Odoggo
>Which monsters i want back
Gore, Steve and Electric dog.

Attached: 1464184872040.jpg (1140x969, 133K)

>not the jet fighter

>Enjoy the shit thread, fags
Oh boi, user, you truly showed us!

The new hub looks cool and, most importantly, can actually be used online.
I was expecting an enraged odo, which was nice.
Never cared too much about Glavenus, much more excited about Brachy
The Anja sub is a stupid idea with a dumbass design, but for some very weird reason it works
Now I want Chameleos, Zinogre and... well, just those two, bring me more new monsters like Bazel and Odo

Play MHGU.

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>Before the release of World, the same thing happened, with shills saying it would change later in the tree since we already saw a few unique models
>Ended up not being true
>Now we have the exact same situation
>And shills are still trying to pretend it will be different, despite all evidence
Bing, am i right?

it can come too.

Quick filter list for Yea Forums x users, just paste it in general.

/console war/i
/have sex/i
/bing bing wahoo/i
/>Inb4 b-but nintendo.../i
/List of problems with MHW:/i
/>Everything has an element it is weak to,/i
/Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss/i
/>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the/i
/>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set/i
/Enjoy the shit thread,/i
/Feel free to add to the list/i

tell me why i shouldn't.

Attached: mhw.jpg (406x181, 16K)

Thanks, I'll change a few of the words around next time

tell me why we should care

Attached: i am but a peaceful monster!.png (600x450, 33K)

I know for a fact you said the exact same thing before World came out
shut up nigger-chan

thanks for posting that since evading spam filters is a bannable offense

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Thanks for the filter list man

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I wish I could but the retarded administrators of this site blocked my ip range from reporting but not posting.

Begone and never fucking return you loser

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then just send the info to the mods on IRC. You can request a rangeban that way when provided evidence. It's how XV-kun got nuked from posting his copypasta

Official spam filters, that is. 4chanx doesn't count.

>Filter these
>90% of every thread vanishes

I really want chameleos to come back. His theme was fucking hype.


alright i deleted it, game sucked major ass

Ok cool. See you never

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>ALL of them are gonna be in

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I admire the dedication, but no one cares. Mostly because the majority of your points are bullshit and we already know you are an autistic Nintendo fanboy.

Japan hates him for some reason and prefers kutku.

I legitimately want Khezu in just for the sake of the salt mine it would produce. Lunastra is proof of this

Honestly I'm happy to have finished world before all that new content came out. I can have the top off World content on top of the expansion. I'm excited to remake a hunter from scratch and fight tail boy.

World is by far my favorite MH.

How could you not like Chad-ku

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Poorly coded Nintendo 64 emulator

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>no proofs
Just a little bitch seeking attention, huh?

based honestly.

Play an actual MH game.

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Isn't this considered spam and instigating flame wars? I guess I should report it. This offers nothing to the discussion.

Oh good... All of the cancerous monsters get in.
First Glavenus and now this cancer? Well I guess it does make sense. World always did cozy up to Frontier-tier shit with retarded AOE.

Gen X is garbage, much like the Shitch.

Feel free to improve it if you can.

it is, but people to this day don't bother reporting and just straight up bites them

The report system works you faggots. 5 seconds it relays to the mods, and takes effect after 5 times. The more you know

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>Gen X is garbage, much like the Shitch.

Attached: worldsperm2.png (588x820, 66K)

Says the user breaking Global Rule 7.

No, MH4U is clearly better. Quantity is hardly different and most of the bolstered numbers come from the shitty Deviant grind that's way worse and not worth it compared to Guild Quests.

I've been playing the series since Freedom Unite. Gen X is fucking garbage.

Holy shit just shut the fuck up already

You must be truly sad to invest so much time writing or even reposting all this shit. Ofc MHW isn't perfect but iceborne will be fun until the content is over, just as mhw was. Get over it.

Who cares, I just want a Godzilla crossover event of some kind.

Attached: King Ghidorah.jpg (825x464, 38K)

I never said I am reporting, I said I should.

>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

Oops I dropped this.

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Seregios please come to World!

MH4U. Guild Quests are much better, and now it runs almost perfect on Citra emulator. You get much better story without bloated, pointless quests of GU. And the unlocks are better and weapons are more rewarding to get as they weren't nerfed to support shitty anime mechanics. MH4U is the true successor to MHFU.

if it worked, the bingposters would be gone as well

is that what your mother said?

I really hate this color scheme, it looks like a really bad recolor mod
A tad bit saturated

We had a good MH thread yesterday when this happened and the dude got deleted. It shows that only one person in these threads try to derail them

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Remember people: No. Merit. In. Uniqueness.

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>implying that the listfaggot isn't the one making these threads just so he can shitpost

did they keep the weapons in their original state or do they have that awful crazy glue design like the base game?

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this is probably true considering he's completely ignored in /mhg/

Gee user it's almost like monsters have used the same skeletons since forever. Also Narg is more like Gore than anything.

Well world does do it's monsters better than mhgu. Don't get me wrong. Nothing has yet to beat the two champion games, MHFU and MH4U. But World does make a concerted effort not to have silly illogical shit like what MHGU did. I'm just happy that the main team saw MHGU for what it really was, pointless filler shit while other games were made.

Gee user it's almost like this guy's trying to bait replies

>But World does make a concerted effort not to have silly illogical shit like what MHGU did
Are you retarded?

Probably more crazy glue shit. The demo had some weapons from new monsters and they were still crazy glued garbage.

Can we have ONE fucking MH thread without console warring faggots and falseflaggers, just oncee for the love of all that is holy.

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Based and classicmhpilled

I don't know what to feel desu after seeing Tiggy lose the turf war against Ice Anjanath

>LS, Bow and SnS confirmed to be in

Learn to filter and report you dumbasses. It's one fucking guy

I don't see reatrded anime shit or goofy deviants with frontier level nonsense in World. Maybe they added it in a dlc. But base game was pretty solid... Weapons were lazy though.

Astalos is such an underrated monster. Excellent fight.

Attached: s-l600.jpg (1150x1200, 403K)

>But World does make a concerted effort not to have silly illogical shit like what MHGU did
They went too far in the opposite direction, though. World has some of the most painfully boring monsters introduced in years.

I’m glad Glav and now Brach are here to destroy the realism meme for good.

Do it, it's not like people can do a quick change on the filters and never tell you, leaving you into a paranoia state where you have to change the pasta every post.

when i played gen on 3ds, it feels like he gets tripped over easier than most

it's fun with friends. i don't hate the game, but i also got bored with it solo because there wasn't much to do after the embryo dragon thing.


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there's the classic narga katana, tigrex head HBG and metal rath's iconic DB in the latest trailer

This. There's a reason why World OCs are called Jurassic Park monsters around this site.

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Rathian switchaxe is also unique

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Why havent these monster designers return yet? People would care more about new monsters if these guys were in charge

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Which weapon is that? Just got to g rank on GU.

Rathalos/ian's DB is literally FU's Punishment Blades in HD
metal raths confirmed

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But will it become Azure/Pink like it did before? Azure Rosebloom was my shit in both 3U, 4, and 4U.

is freedom unite still worth playing?

Alright faggot, nothing will change anything with these turbosperg posts you're making in every single thread.

Mizutsune CB.

Anything goes i guess, here's SA ian (?) or GS uniqure model
There's still the free update possibility for further roster

Why not? It's abit barebones if you compare to XX/ MHW qol wise but it's still the OG MH experience

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If you start with World you are the problem. MH was dying until it was release on the 3ds, daily thread and comfy hunting. World came alone and just shit everything up. People shit on Gen for being to anime but they forgot how anime World was. Remember when Worldlets shit on Anus being too anime, now that it got into World they gonna stop hated it. Same thing will happen when Jetto dragon get into world. If you start with World you are the problem for all the consoles war shits. Fuck you and fuck Worldlets.

The list poster really likes the shitty 3DS games.

Doesn't matter. I am a walking thread derailer and mods can't even do anything about it despite your bitching. Stay seething, Worldfag

Yeah I picked it up in 2018 and it's still a good game with a lot of soul.

Imagine using your free time to try and stop people from talking about video games

He's probably the only good one of the four main monsters of Gen and Gen U, imo.

Will Glavenus have a GS? He seems like he's have a cool GS.

>they forgot how anime World was.
Wrong. World is a flashy hollywood action movie which is even worse. SnS is literally Captain America in optimal gameplay.

Attached: Monster Hunter World 2018.09.06 - (960x540, 2.91M)

Imagine liking World

He's in

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>we already know you are an autistic Nintendo fanboy.
He's not you know, he's just here to stir the shit regardless.
It was yesterday we found that out if I remember right.


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Not me, by the way

Don't pretend to be me Worldfag.

>people having fun in a series that i like is bad, i should convince them to not have fun

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>tfw no weapon is safe from the bone/iron + glued on monster part combo
Who tf thought this was good design?

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Don't reply to listfag.

if this is true, then why do you guys still reply?

>That Tigrex LBG
There it is, everyone. Tank is officially confirmed to be gone

Imagine giving enough of a fuck about what other people do to spend hours trying to stop them from talking about it

You should stay away from church, people like you is how the Spanish Inquisition happened

i fucking wish

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Absolutely based. Worldsperm can't face the truth.

>muh bing
I started on PSP days, worldies.

>It was yesterday we found that out if I remember right.
Are people really only just figuring this shit out now? Same with the "I don't think about you at all" poster, they're clearly not Monster Hunter fans if they're so intent on derailing threads about it.

Not even surprised that it was deemed too goofy. Head HBG is still there, so yay?

They're in hopefully

Attached: tigrex x.jpg (679x670, 397K)

Oh well. That aside, new trailer got me hyped
>pokke-tier comfy between guild and standard hub
>hub theme
>you can literally enter the hotsprings together
>can invite people to your home and flex those big crown phantom birbs
>those not-halfassed subspecies (could easily be recolors but lots of moves added are worthy of deviant-tier)
I don't care what Yea Forums says, i can already tell i'm going to enjoy IB

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i dont like that shield slam move. prefer just constantly cutting monsters knees

>"Some of our weapons look too goofy for world, should we re-design them from scratch?"
>"lmao nah, just slap on some monster parts on a stock weapon and call it a day"




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>implying I reply to him
In any case it's due to the animosity a certain group has with everyone else. They're very easy to manipulate so when you earn a reputation as their enemy they'll kill threads without the spark the original shitposter provided if anyone says anything even remotely similar.

A Lightning Bazelgeuse subspecies that has less scales but the scales act like Tesla Coils and zap everyone nearby

Mods don't care, have you seen the state of this board?

I want to hug you (no homo)

I can already tell what they're going for desu
>Master Rank IB is set as a base
>get HR faithful from older games
>b-but what about the cooler Xes that was the G from previous games
>but free update and more to come
Thus longer content drip

Hope the old designs come back in HD, some are already in so it could be the very end of the tree?
>rathian/rathalos DB
>rathian SA
>tigrex HBG
>tigrex DB
>narga LS
>new legiana SnS
I just don't get why they didn't open their trailers with those always on, why wait until this one

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A Bagel covered in shit that is immune to dung pods

>Are people really only just figuring this shit out now
Not exactly. We've had people saying it got ages but we only recently had legitimate proof.

You really think people don't report him? And you're calling us braindead.
The guy hides behind a proxy so even if they do ban him he'll be back anyway

>dabs on world's weapons

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Of course he is a generic brute wyvern

don't expect any interesting skeletons in MHW or anything new or even Rajang or Zinogre or Mizu or spiders or insects etc though

Probablyn ot even Gore

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No one knows if the last tier will always be an unique model, but there is a sliver of hope.

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What the fuck do you think I've been doing? I've never replied to that shit. I report it whenever I see it, and I watched that fucker get banned before my very eyes a few days ago because everybody else did too, yet here he is again.

Wait, the top one is Velkhana designs? Rad

How can one redditor artist BTFO Crapcom?

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I'm starting to think the MHW autist didn't even play any MH game and he's just farming (You)s.

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This post is so true it hurts
so much potential squandered

In the old MH games, I felt that I was actually in danger. I was going into their territory into their lairs and they could fuck me right up with combos, environmental kills and aggressive attacks

in MHW, going on a hunt is like going to get groceries.

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World is perfect, delete these posts, bing

>irrelevant (Dodogama)

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>these are bad things...


This hits me hard

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Keep crying nintentard.

Yes, but it doesn't really surprise me that a flagship gets unique models. They gave Nerg the same treatment.

Looks like the discord found the thread

>What monsters do you still want back?
You just posted it as your pic. I need my edgy boi back

>what kind of new ones would you like?
I'd like other Seige-type Monster cause it's weird to just have Kulve Taroth. Perhaps a small new species of Mohran could be neat.

Where's the glaive?

>Implying I don't want both

If that annyversary wallpaper turns out to actually be the Icebourne roster we are seeing an absolute 10/10 across the board.

Lmao you can't be serious.
>healing while running
>full inventory on a hunt
Seriously what the fuck? This cant be true.

He's absolutely farming (You)s. 3/4 of that list applies to previous games as well.

Attached: SH8hKxr.jpg (3840x2160, 240K)

Glavenus music doesn't sound that neutered imo
>monsters you want back
flagships, Zamtrios, Rajang, the rest of the fated four, Chameleos, Nakarkos anything that isn't a flying or brute Wyvern
>new ones
water element monsters
even import the frontier mons while youre at it

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>hates him
Do they? Like he has plushes, an amiibo, is a major monster in the anime apparently, the messenger cats have peco hats and the alchemy sonic bomb is a cute peco you shoot out of a barrel. Like why would he show up this much if he wasn’t liked?


>metal raths are back
Why can’t they just fuck off?

I want Valstrax in MHW ;_;

Perhaps they like him so much that they don't want to beat him up

Completely understandable


The bing bing wahoo guy and the guy with the pasta are the same person.

why does Yea Forums defend arch tempered monsters?

Just paint your ps4 silver and play doom.

Pick a weapon design to sacrifice to World's design philosophy, so the rest of the unique designs can survive.

Attached: brachydios weapons.jpg (1640x2180, 1.97M)

New Odo. He is my favorite World monster.
I want Kecha Wacha back but that probably isn’t happening.
We need a new insect monster of some kind.

Nah the list guy is autistic but he genuinely hates World. Honestly I agree with some of his points but he doesn't realize he turns more people against his arguments by sperging out.

But they're all staying tho

>Endgame monster
>Godlike entity in the legends
>Has an entire zone literally made of it
>And some others shaped by it
>Second only to the OG dragon
>One half of the scrub filter to G rank in 4U
And I still want more

Attached: 11850170_866177896763484_1277146623_n.jpg (480x480, 36K)

All ranged weapons


based but unironically

>open mh thread
>half the thread is hidden


Any of the ranged weapons. All of the ranged weapons.
For once, they'd be good for something other than embarrassing yourself.

You forgot

>Second only to jhen and ceadus in how tedious it is to fight

>Nah the list guy is autistic but he genuinely hates World
He's just shitposting for the sake of shitposting dude, he probably hasn't even played any previous MH games let wlone World which is why the list is a compilation of both legitimate complaints and pre release expectations but that's besides the point, even if you don't think they're the same person you shouldn't reply to either.


EXTREMELY fucking based. Worldbabs literally seething. Nobody considers your shitty ARPG a true Monster Hunter but you.

JPM岩 is a faggot

Nobody who searches for mh threads daily, stalks the /vg/ thread, and even pops up into unrelated threads is doing it "just for the sake of shitposting."
He's been going at it for a year. Clearly this game upsets him very much.


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>Nobody who searches for mh threads daily, stalks the /vg/ thread, and even pops up into unrelated threads is doing it "just for the sake of shitposting."
You are severely underestimating how autistic people on this site can be.

Come on Jhen isn't so bad Unlike the 40 minutes borefest that is the nail clipping and beard trimming from Lao and Ceadeus0And Dalamadur

I hope World 2 fixes the fucking weapon models


Blast subspecies Paolumu WHEN

There's nearly 200 posts but only 76 unique posters. they're definitely shitposting.

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Jhen is a fun fight. There just needs to be more tools on the boat and a few more interactions like the dragon spear, and it would genuinely be great


Is my boy gonna make explosive weapons great again?

>He's been going at it for a year
user, Breath of the Wild threads only exist now because of a lone shitposter and he's been at it since launch.
That's not even one of the longer ones, ACfag has been hounding Metroid threads for years.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, boat shiz is at least fun in how different it is. Lao and ceadeus are basically punching bags

>Get shit on constantly for wanting my boy Barioth in the game
>he gets in
I wonder if this is how Smashfags feel.

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Miss me yet? My weapons are here to save the meta.

Attached: Hellblade Powder.png (50x50, 509)

This isn't autism this is crazy mental illness obsession.

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>health boost 3

Don't do this to yourself.

to understand how smashfags feel you need to flood the catalog with threads about it and not get banned

Welcome to Yea Forums circa 2013.

That's not a Smash fag thing

Everytime I try to use sword and shield and do actual combos they never work lol

Dios Bell, I'll pull my hair out if Horn gets another meta weapon that is a fucking bell. They are on the same level as monster heads on sticks. Brachydios deserved a brass instrument

>on the same level as monster heads on sticks
But smashing monsters with their own heads on sticks is like half the fun of monhun.

My hope is for Seregios. My dream is for Gigginox.
My hail mary is for no more first generation monsters ever again in any MH game ever made in the future. Gravios is ass cancer and you can suck my dick or cock if you disagree.

Narga SnS, Bow, LS, and DB had the original designs in the trailer. There were a few completed Tigrex weapons shown as well

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Jho and khezu horns are great though

its 2019

i learned not to play inferior version

this entire fucking thread holy shit
people still deny basedtendyketoddlers arent ruining this fucking board

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If you cared about quality you wouldn't be spamming wojaks

You're trying too hard listfag.

I'm gonna try playing P3rd on keyboard, am I retarded or is this doable?


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It's doable but a retarded idea especially since you can emulate 3U too.

Don't bother with the bing poster, he does this in every monHun thread he comes across.

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>We'll never have a proper Monster Hunter game again due to the success of World

Casuals ruin everything

Who let the autist out

>Go to any MH / Soulsborne / Sekiro / Elden Ring / DMC5 thread
>Thread gets shitposted and derailed by Nintentards within minutes
When will we get a quarantine board for toddlertards? Seriously, not only do they flood this board with Smashit and Mario Maker 2 threads, they also shitpost on any thread for multiplat that is not available on Switch. This is getting cancerous.

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Lol nobody plays your jank ass Atari shit anymore loser. Lmao.

Brachy buildup was best, everything else was either pretty cool but not as cool as Brachy or shit we've been expecting for a long time.

No one's denying that. Smash fans alone shit across the entire board, often with impunity. They're indisputably the worst console sect.

Attached: Most Embarassing moment in v history.jpg (600x309, 69K)


Don't you have smash threads to spam?

>back in the day "tfw no MH4U on vita" and "REMOVE GRAVIOS" were the obligatory MH thread posts
>now it's this fucking novel
Take me back.

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We already weren't getting proper MH titles since past 3U.



Already confirmed to use the older G-Rank Tigrex model

We haven't got 'real' MH titles in ages. Do you need to read the same sentence several times?

How do you define a proper, real MH title from an improper, fake MH title?

You do realise that we have had proper games after 3u, right?

upvoated for unoriginal comment exe dee

Is that the last rank of the weapon, though?

It's dead Jim, this is the same guy who was spamming smash threads and going to /qa/ to begging for /nin/ to be made.

He'll never stop.

I miss the >tfw no MH on vita poster. He was a true inspiration to us all.
Why did MH threads have to be cursed with nu-Yea Forums faggotry, where did all the good memes go?

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Generation starts with a console release
No deviation from the typical gameplay (arts/styles), gimmicks that sometimes get in the way(uneven terrain, underwater) not welcomed but happen.
Monster designs on par with former games, a few silly or crazy monsters welcome when they're not the norm (no Frontier or Gen/GU).

I still don't know how the fuck the lobby system works in world. Whose idea was it to let people be in a lobby but not the actual lobby area?

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Like World, I'm guessing.

All those FOOTBALL rooms
Like tears in the rain


>Generation starts with a console release
Already you've deemed 2 and beyond a fake game.

Are you honestly brain-damaged or just pretending?
Actually don't bother replying if you won't do basic research.

Yep, hopefully going doward your kind will cease to exist.

>That one luck black hole user with the peco flints
>MH3U Roulette
>Even honts and lore autism are missing
End of an era

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Fucking BR

Yo this thread fuckin sucks. Talk about monsters you want.

I am desperate for World versions of Bugs and Crabs.

I blame jews

Baruragaru would literally be perfect inthe Rotten Vale. Think about it. The Coral Highlands is filled with flying monsters. The Rotten Vale is filled with land monsters. Pretty much every sortof land-based body type is represented down there. Big and bulky (Radobaan), Wiry and fast (Odogaron), flies sometimes (Vaal Hazak), except amphibious creatures which baruragaru would represent perfectly

And there you have it. Lashing out once you get BTFO'd.

>lore autism
Good fucking riddance. The bait OPs too. Fucking reddit tier forced memes.

I'm at 150hours on 4u and no regrets

>where did all the good memes go?
They died.

You literally cannot be this retared.
4 Ultimate? Generations Ultimate? Even Frontier is better than this garbage.

Tribabs are still the worst minority of the fanbase, even after almost a decade later.

Doing a new run to prep for Iceborne with a grizzled man hunter. Which weapon should I use that I havent before?

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>new run of world
Have fun with those cutscenes.

MH4U on the Vita would have been fucking perfect and would have worked incredibly well. Vita needed a fucking monster hunter so bad

>now acfag is here

Look at this retard, look at him and laugh.

What's the deal with ACfag being named after a game that he doesn't even know? The fag complains about Metroid, not Armored Core, he doesn't even praise AC.
So stop with the association.

Also to answer your question, go SA, HH or GS.

Eh, the position of the analogs on the vita was kind of annoying for a game like MH.

Wake me when Magala gets in

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>he doesn't even praise AC.
It was said that many years ago he would use Armored Core as an example of a good game in the same way he does with Terraria. Of course, those days have been lost to time.

Still, would have been miles better than the 3DS, I can't believe I fucking stomached that now that I've played World.
At least I got Armored Core on by Vita

1, 1G, Dos, Freedom 1, Freedom 2, Freedom Unite, Tri, Portable 3rd, 3 Ultimate, 4, 4 Ultimate, Generations, Generations Ultimate.

You have no argument in your reply, by the way. And your logic makes it so none of those games besides 3 Ultimate exist.
And fuck you. I have 3000+ hours in the entire series, started from PS2 and I haven't ever played World. When even a fan with 3000+ hours doesn't want World, you know it's shit.

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As opposed to the fantastic 3DS controls.

Why the fuck didn't the WiiU get 4U? A massive turd everyone hated like GU got localized for the shitch ages later.

Play DB or Bow to learn stamina management. Use SA or HH when Iceborne comes out.

He's called ACfag because he would compare Metroid to Armored Core and say that Samus would've been better if she was a robot

I didn't know that picture was in relation to anyone, I just find the picture funny

>A massive turd everyone hated like GU got localized for the shitch
The fuck is wrong with you, grow up

(I agree with you, picture's sweet.)
He's actually that fucking sinful? Jesus christ. What a shit.

Sure thing, "true fan". Your senseless post just confirms that you're either retarded and can't read or are mixing posts or that you're just admitting to be a shitposter.
Anyways 4th gen was quite bad but despite the massive mistake of not having a console port it's still MH. Cross are spin-off titles and you praising them over World instead of at the very least shitting on both is lunacy with how awful they were in every way.

>/vg/ is the only place to discuss mh
>get spammed with BING BING and bibiwa 100 times a day

>As opposed to the fantastic 3DS controls
Not him but the fact that it had a large concave analog made it leagues better than the vita.

What's wrong with YOU?

I liked gu

>A massive turd everyone hated like GU got localized for the shitch
How's third grade treating you?

>Cross are spin-off titles
Let me guess, you also think the Resi remakes a spin offs too.

What the fuck am I even reading at this point?
How the fuck is Cross spin-off?
What the fuck are you actually smoking? Cement?
I'm genuinely worried. I think you have brain damage, because apparently both Classic MH and World suck, how do you even enjoy yourself?
Cross was actually fucking good, and Hunter Arts were never a necessity. World is just a boring slog were you can usually mash, heal, mash, and win. What?

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Stop samefagging.
Why would they be? You should bring up something like Revelations.

>Why the fuck didn't the WiiU get 4U?
Probably because the Wii U was bombing and Portable 3rd sold gangbusters on handheld.

Is there a mod to skip the painful story missions like finding pink Rathian scales?

>Why would they be?
Because Capcom considers everything that isn't the original release or the first game in a gen a spin off and the only people who call XX a spin off are people who looked at their stupid report.

Anyone who says X/XX are spin-offs is an idiot who take Capcom's internal definition as gospel. This is the same internal definition that classifies all of the G games as spin-offs as well.

I'm really wondering if you're not the listfag, it feels like you never played the games. Cross is as much as a departure from MH as it can be, it was a massive disappointment.
At the same time you hate World, which is understandable for it's smaller changes, but you also bring up the worst MH titles that came just before it as an example of a great MH title. What's the logic in that?
But then you're the fake fan here just baiting anyway.

And yet a GU, a game that sold below expectations, got ported and localized to the Switch, the WiiU2. There's no logic.

>nintendies actually spent so much time making that image
>ignored in merely sec
these kids are fucking retarded..did they actually think people would spend time actually reading that wall of text?

It's a spin-off because it plays differently. Is that so hard to get through your thick skull? If Gen or GU was somehow your first game then I understand, you don't have a good point of reference.

Ah listkun, good to see you've been eating your tendies and will soon reach peak autism. What will you do then, I wonder?

also Capcom already shifted their interest away from Nintenkiddo thanks to sales number
sorry kids~

Attached: nintenfag sees the sales.png (720x720, 349K)

>It's a spin-off because it plays differently
Let me guess, you're going to say that arts and styles change the core gameplay?

I wonder how much the recent Steam sale increased that number

>It's a spin-off because it plays differently
It plays exactly the same as previous games. In fact I don't even think any weapons got any new combos between it and 4U.

World is the most unproper one to come from ever. And I know its hard for world babies to cope to hear it but the way the story works, as well as how the online works are the most un-monster hunter shit ever.

>because it plays differently
You've never played an MH game have you listfag.

Why do bingposters keep lumping in the PSP/PS2/Frontier players with Nintendo?

Is wanting traditional Monster Hunter that much of a problem now?

You know, most copypasta's have the good graces to be one fucking post instead of five you asshole.

Shitposters don’t actually care about the series. They’ll bingpost a unite image and then samefag calling themselves retarded.

What? I literally said I have 3000+ hours spread across the entire series. I know you're the nologicfag.
Cross was still fucking great, and so were the G-rank games. You're good in my eyes.
Corporate cocksucker.
World plays differently, but you call that an MH game. MHm.
He hasn't. There's no reason for this retardation.
Shitposters. Look at the posts and then Unique Posters. It's just shitposters. You actually have to camouflage the MH threads. Post a Zinogre, Gore Magala, Great Maccao, post anything. But don't say

"He's in."
"MH Thread"
This will lure shitposters and it will ruin our day. I used to play with xLink Kai in these threads man. I remember.

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*hhnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG Buh-buh-buh-BIIIIINGGG* *narga knockdown*

*sheaths GS* now that's soul, old guard represent

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>Why do bingposters keep lumping in the PSP/PS2/Frontier players with Nintendo?
Well for one they're the same group of players anyway who just hopped from one system to the next when a new game came out like vidya gypsies.
Two they've never heard of MH outside of the Nintendo titles and World so they have a bit of Persona syndrome with the series.

>even Frontier is better
What's wrong with Frontier? It's great.
It's reaching the end of its cycle but you can't have an online game forever, sadly.

>Corporate cocksucker
Were you dropped on the head as a baby or something? I'm saying the way Capcom categorises their games is fucking retarded, that's the exact opposite you shit eating nigger.

Attached: zenith gs chain counter.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>cancer match making
>a gameplay loop where you progress to slightly harder and harder tiers replaced with "lol high rank just unlocks everything, go find some tracks and make whatever the fuck you want"

Fuck. Part of the fun of MH was going back to fight the shitty dog shit tier monsters back in the lowest levels of high rank and remaking new armor and weapons so that you'd be able to take on the real monsters, but world just did away with that completely. Made the end game really underwhelming and small monsters were just completely ignored outside of crown farming. I don't even know what jagras/kut-lu/even fucking barroth armor do for HR because as soon as it was unlocked I just got a nerg/vaal hazak/teostra/kushala set and then used that to get the same behemoth end game set as everyone else.

Listposter is really going nuts with these last posts isn't he

You kinda missed it. I wasn't saying Frontier is crap. I was saying it was better than World.
Oh sorry, I'm really sorry. I just read your post. Turns out my anger for one faggot ended up having me shoot you aswell. Forgive me.

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Hot damn he is. I'm even trying to make sense of his logic, but it's like a robot that got a bolt loosened. CBT this motherfucker, I'm sure it'll work.

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They're both good.
Honestly I was very pleasantly surprised with world. Plenty of issues but what can you expect from a low rank title that's the second big shake-up of the series after Tri?
I'd honestly trade all the returning monsters for a quarter of the number in new monsters again

What did you expect, he was outed and lost his only foothold now that no one thinks he's a Nintendofag.
All he has left is aggressive shitposting on a tier similar to Eric assuming it isn't Eric himself.

>It's reaching the end of its cycle but you can't have an online game forever, sadly.
You can thank World for killing it off unfairly, along with MHO. God, World is outright malevolent.

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>what can you expect from a low rank title that's the second big shake-up of the series after Tri?
At least one Leviathan or a new large Neopteron?

The only people who defend MHO didn't actually play it. You cannot honestly tell me that MHO looks better than World

Well that explains why we don't have as many smash threads despite being on the cusp of a new character launch.

Don't reply to me ever again, listfag.
Honestly World got much more effort and content than Tri did, which was a massive surprise with how small Tri ended up being.
Unfortunately I'm not a fan of fighting Teostra/jho/narg/tigrx for the 500th time but in HD, but most fans are. Tri was far from my first game but it really was the most 'fresh' a sequel ever felt to me.

Hopefully his reign of terror will soon be over and we'll be able to finally talk about MH and comfily play. XX Yea Forums room when?
I'm the fag with 3000+ hours. I played Frontier, but never got farther than HR10 because I didn't have the money for a pass. It was about the only thing I was ever able to play before I got a new PC like 2-3 years ago.
MHO was just an MMO that looks like Monster Hunter. It wasn't MH and it was just chinkshit made to appeal to chinks who like internet cafés.

Attached: 1562287724441.jpg (371x321, 23K)

Given the amount of samefaggotry in this thread, this is 100% believable.
>somebody tries to spark consolewarring shitflinging replying to the post at the start of the thread
>ip count doesn't increase
>this happens to almost every one posted

Attached: 1517646028812.png (256x256, 130K)

join me in dabbing on listfag

>Dat lightning Anjanath
>Lagiacrus, Arzuros, Malfestio, Duramboros
>A big badger to go with those little badger minions

*carlton dance*

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>Honestly World got much more effort and content than Tri did
Eh, that's debatable unless you're just looking at monster designs.

I'd be down for a hunt if I didn't have to be somewhere in the morning

Tri didn't even launch with all weapons, come the fuck on.

Agnaktor and it's subspecies Glacial along with Volvidon

I just want to be assaulted by Goku, B-52 and The Pickle all at the same time in Iceborne. And when the fuck are they going to add in Magnet Spike and Tondas already? Frontier can go die in a ditch for all I care, Capcom can make even more money with these weapons.

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Well shit, is there even a Discord or do we really have to use EclipseKnight's shitty servers? Because trying to make a hosting thread on Yea Forums will have it die from shitposting despite RoR doing great. Man, I just want to play with randoms again, xLink Kai was the fucking SHIT.
Take me back man. Take me back.

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Absolutely not up for debate. Tri basically trimmed hitboxes, added needed new weapon moves, brought direly-needed new and better monster animations and some minor mechanics changes. All while cutting half of the weapon types and only recycling one old monster (blos as raths were completely remade).
World did all that and didn't cut any weapons. You could argue that weapon changes aren't as needed or seem to have a purpose but they've been floundering on those since 4th gen.

user, they rehauled the entire game.

>MHO was just an MMO that looks like Monster Hunter. It wasn't MH
Funny how when Gen brought chink tier monster designs and HAs just like MHO's super moves people started accepting it.

so did world?

The monsters were fairly annoying but atleast they looked pretty nice and played nice. The HAs were really fucking OP, but it's not like they're needed. It's still ClassicMH, and that's the only thing that mattered.

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Not him but have you seen the monster animations in World? They're absolutely abysmal and stiff not to mention the areas themselves lack any kind of cohesion hence the large amount of unnatural hallways.

why did they have to make Ancient Forest so fucking awful?

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Not really.
They threw gimmicks and bigger areas on top but it didn't change much. Also you have to remember that monster variety went way down, they cut armor designs in half and weapons, for the most part, use the same base.
Monsters also clip into walls more than they did in previous games, I doubt you'll believe me but I managed to go out of bounds during a mount when Ian's head went all the way through the wall.

Probably one of those cases where they wanted to show off as much of the new shit as possible and just shoved it all into one map haphazardly.


>They threw gimmicks and bigger areas on top but it didn't change much
I'd say the problem is that they changed too much but didn't think about how that would affect the game. That's why a lot of things just feel pointless or tacked on.

I mean, I don't think I've ever used the grapple for anything other than a single botched mount.

I still don't fully understand how to navigate the middle bit of it.

Oh great, now we're going to get everyone saying listfag instead of Nintendofag.
This shit never ends with you fuckwits.

i'm worried about Zinogre

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if you see the new trailer the Rathalos gear is 3rd gen but the earlier stuff we saw had 2nd gen Rath.

I'm guessing two sets per monster for MR.

This. I know my way around it kind of but if you pointed a gun at me and told me to go to a specific spot I'd be hopeless without my scout flies. I sometimes get lost even following them if I have to climb high up and the dude I'm hunting with doesn't have camp 17 unlocked.

It's awful

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Fuck off listfag.

Just spout retardation like him, simple

everyone is hopefully here!

Attached: mainart.jpg (1920x1080, 3.46M)

>listfag calling other people listfag

We'll be getting him as a teaser for the final trailer next month, I'm sure of it. The elder dragons are too big to show up like that And steve is at most post-game DLC

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>it's still Classic MH
Ah yes, just like Frontier.

I agree.

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Frontier being meh doesn't mean it isn't a classic title.

How did World of all games manage to create a monster as Chad as Nergigante?

Anja armor on the right is different from the one we got in the beta and looks pretty much like the HR version, but with longer cape, so we really might get multiple MR sets.

Attached: Monster-Hunter-World-Iceborne_2019_07-11-19_007.jpg (1920x1080, 1.75M)

>Gore making it in
god i hope

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I wasn't being facetious.
It's good


Is the bow any fun? How do I craft arrows? I am at the Zorah Maggie quest and I've been having a blast with the hammer, but I would like to try something that is a bit different.

I'm enjoying World but it just makes me want to go back and play 4U again.

I REALLY hate the detailed, open environments. It means you're constantly fighting enemies in shitty places, like hallways or places COVERED in greenery so you can't see shit. The map's harder to use, too. I was laughing at the scoutbug thing before I bought the game but jesus christ without it the maps would be impossible to navigate. I also REALLY hate that every fucking hunt has three monsters in it, it honestly is insanely distracting. Remember when ?DANGER? quests used to actually be hype? Now that's just every fucking quest.

The game's fine but it's just not as good as the old entries. I seriously hope they'll put out a decent handheld game for the Switch, and not just ignore it now that World was super successful.

Yeah I can't imagine why people are retaliating to shitposting so much
Getting spammed in every single thread surely isn't causing any issues

>implying he isn't right

>Man, I'm tired of all the shitposting. What can I do to stop it?
>I know! I'll shitpost!

Attached: 13293753.png (1200x1042, 247K)

Fuck off faggot, people are allowed to discuss the game's positive and negative aspects without being sony or nintendo

>Implying anyone here cares
No matter how right you are, if this is how you get your point across no one is going to care about anything you have to say

look i know you're just trying to be funny but you're still a jackass, and you're annoying the people around you.

trust me i struggled with this irl for a few years before a friend finally pulled me aside and pointed out that maybe making dumb meme jokes at every opportunity wasn't the same as socializing. people really just do want you to talk to them normally.

i'm just trying to help

Today I've learned that every MH game is a "classic style MH" title and that spin-offs don't exist.

World is badly optimized due to a combination of overdesigned open maps, too many monsters in those maps and most of all, endemic life.

Which monsters would you fuck/get fucked by?

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Nice, maybe at least one of them would look cool AND be useful at the same time.


MH Stories is a spin off

the only classic MH games are from 1st gen to 2nd gen

everything else has changed something drastically

Dalamadur/Shah Dalamadur

Who's longsword is that M-rank Odo armor using?
looks sexy

You also learned that capcom are retarded

game runs fine
even my 5 year old PC (980 ti and i5 4670k) can run it at constant 60
just stop using a potato PC or get off console


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Anyone want to do a 4 man 4U gunlance only run right now? I feel like making a new character and I want to use GL.

that's Odo's IG

I'd rather stay on Classic MH

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How can they be retarded if they only make good games?

So just play World dude.

>he likes wide open arenas and hallways

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Nah can't be, Vice looks more like a trident unless it got a new design

it was at 8mil before pc

I swear that I saw a 5mil somewhere but I don't know how big it was in China.
It got an unique, Steamless release there, didn't it?

The Hoarfrost Reach is disappointingly small, like the Snowy "three areas only" Mountains.

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Water combat was fine. People saying it was shit were just weapon mainers who had a bad underwater weapon and refused to try anything else. Lance/GL were my go to for underwater despite never using them before.

Just a weird angle.

Attached: Monster-Hunter-World-Iceborne_2019_07-11-19_005.jpg (1920x1080, 1.71M)

you see those tiny x's
those lead to the underground caverns and also to the mountain top areas

>imagine being so incel that you have several paragraphs ready to copy paste to shitpost on a korean basket weaving forum to feel better about your micro penis

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Complaining about underwater is the single biggest indicator of someone being a massive shitter and not a real MH player.
Unlike complaining about uneven terrain, FUCK 4th gen for ruining MH forever

Ah i see
also where are you getting these images from?


Good job conveniently cutting off the 3 floors. Caverns and large arenas exist underground...

Just bought this on the pisspoor pro 4 and fought the first big creature, why were people bitching about the framerate?

I want the bun. Gimme the bun.

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>ruining a shitposter's cherrypicking
bruh, I worked hard on my ignorant comment.

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most of it was from PC which they fixed now

They would need to bring Arzuros and Volvidon too if Tigrex skeleton is anything to go by.

>I seriously hope they'll put out a decent handheld game for the Switch
A new Switch MH would only be acceptable if they import GU's roster on it.

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They're probably going to recycle that Witcher skeleton at some point.

>world adds old elder dragons
>they forget about chameleos

C'mon crapcom hes the best one. Also fuck you guys for replacing poisons usefulness with elder seal. Poisoning kushala was the shit and made the fight bareable.

>Fucking LUNASTRA got in before Chameleos
Fuck you Capcom

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It still works doesn't it?

That was lagi they've never said anything about chameleos which kinda watch considering it'd be perfect for the accent forest

Is it just me or Thundajanath should have been the original species instead of the generic firebreathing T-Rex we got in the base game?

Man, poor volvidon. Both of his cousins get deviants while he's has the same singular armor design over every single appearance. He doesn't even get a full page in the artbook, he has to share space with fucking herbivores. No one's asking for him to be in World, or even spared a thought towards him in years.

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bring back the -ggis

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I feel like Thundjanoth would be a bit much for people getting into the game.

I unironically do.

I really do not like the new story, and they've been doing this shit since Tri. I liked being just a Hunter, not the savior of a village/savior of the new frontier/whatever. I liked when the story was told through the little bits of quest text, and through the artbooks. The new gameplay is great for a relaxed casual fun time, but I'm not finding myself as immersed. Anyone else know this feel?

>the tail actually blends with the body now
>the shoulder spikes finally aren't clipping with the thigh spikes
man they did such a good job touching up the Glavenus model

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I want Fatalis

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Holy shit based


subspecies are in the game bb

>the tail actually blends with the body now
Umm, you know that tail is rusted right? This is how it looks like with its normal tail.

Attached: MHWI-Glavenus_Render_001.png (905x665, 732K)

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so far with theme remixes
Narga (it honestly sounds better than the original) >Lunastra/Teo mount theme> AT Kulve phase 4 > Glavenus (so far, but we only hear the build-up, not the main melody) youtu.be/1LSXapZCmoY?t=1060 > AT Nerg > Lunastra > Jho > Kushala > Teostra

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you forgot tigrex

but I mostly agree

Post your Weaponfus.

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>He rates luna/teo mount theme
based, that track is extremely under utilized

I like Dalamadur.
It's possibly the only Elder Dragon set-piece battle that feels like you're actually fighting WITH the Gigantic monster, instead of plinking away at it from a distance. I think Jhen Moron is somehow still better overall, but Dala is definitely second.

Well yeah that's the point of the handheld games, they can cut out a lot of work by reusing the assets they used for the 3DS games, maybe touching them up a bit.

my bad, I had it there but deleted it since I remembered that Teo and Luna change themes when mounted. It is under AT Nerg's

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Seregios hunting horn is my jam. So fucking good in 4u.

Is it true that the Charge Blade is just
>buff axe/shield
>buff sword
>use super elemental discharge

Haven't played World in like a year now, what was the most efficient way to farm Decos and Augmentation stones?

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wait for a festival and do Greatest Jagras. The quest gives 2/3~full boxes on high tier decorations

>Wait for a festival
god dammit, fuck time gated content

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I really hope Bazel gets a subspecies, he feels like one of the only standout monsters form World and shouldn't be left in the dust for Iceborne

>lore autism
You mean people posting the frankenstein dragon weapon art over and over, pretending like it was the deepest mindblow shit ever?

In MHGU, Impact CB is buffing the axe/shield then spamming morph attacks, maybe sneaking in a discharge attack when the opening allows it.

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>gets a variant
>Head and neck bounce purple sharpness unless if tripped
watch this happen

It does suck but they are running through each festival a week starting July 26. That quest is 100% the best way to farm

He’s been set up as Deviljho’s rival, so he’ll likely get a variant in the same vein as Savage Deviljho where his enraged state is now his normal state and he gets a unique rage state above that one as his enraged state.

Fuck you nigger, I want the equal dragon weapon in the next game. The old lore was better than that fat Handler bitch.


>Bazel gets a variant
>It's a B-2 stealth bomber or a XB-70 supersonic bomber.

>immune to dung pods

holy shit this is cool

Ho fuck, that would be solid
I was gonna say a water Bazelguese that has to reload at bodies of water

Najarala, I want my aztec snek
As for completely new monsters, I'd love a beetle or spider big bug.
I'd also be down for something that's more of a horror monsters, like some eldritch flesh being

Attached: najarala.jpg (512x374, 29K)

fuck off isildur
just throw the fucking ring in the lava

I'm a lance lad now, bros

>bazel flies up
>his danmaku fires up

Dauntless has a monster like this and it's beyond fucking annoying. I would say it's in part due to other problems in that game, but still semi-permanent AOE in hunting games is fairly frustrating.

its unironically the best map with lots of secret areas and little nooks and crannies to explore
>that are entirely fucking useless

I want Snake Wyverns besides Najarala. They flat-out said Nintendo consoles held back Najarala's movements hard. Now they have the technology to make a good Snake

Jade barroth desu

Well it wouldn't be a semi-permanent AoE as much as the water would apply a slipping effect ala mizutsune that makes it easy for the water bagel to swoop in.
The idea is instead of being a damage bomb, it'd be a CC bomb

They are building the base roster for the next game by bringing monsters that can share skeletons with other monsters, next game will probably will have even more monsters sharing skeletons + 2 or 3 new skeleton monsters

What element?


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Absolutely based.

Hey guys

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I like his design but the game does nothing to remind you that he exists

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call me an edgelord but it reminds me of soul edge and I love it

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>head piece has horn maestro
That's the only reason I remembered him until I got the decoration for it.

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Legitimately, memes and jokes aside
What were they thinking with this monster?
Its just a girros with stronger para and it can do a flip, why did they make it so weak?

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>new to game? triple threat throwdown
>been playing a while? tempered investigations like nergigante, legiana, radobaan + odogaron
>done all of that shit? greatest jagras seasonal quest
>got all the trash decos and need the good shit? the names lavasioth is better at generating warped feystones, which are where all the r8 decos are hiding, also seasonal locked
you're fucked for iceborne unless you make good of the summer event at the end of this month

>dung bazel
>drops exploding dung pods that inflict soiled like congalala, is immune to being dung podded, and chases you while repelling whatever monster you were fighting

a monster that bullies the shit out of Odie just like Tzi-Tzi does to Legiana

Astalos would be cool. Awesome fight overall.

Fanged Wyverns live to suffer in general. Prime bullying material.

yea you forgot the most important one

>is actually divulges from the 20 year old formula and is fun


Tzi Tzi is pretty much just an overgrown Shock Toad. I've never seen Girros last a second near Odagaron without getting it's face torn off.

Well goddammit, will have to wait for Iceborne i guess

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>it runs almost perfect on Citra emulator
Am I doing something wrong here? 3600x/Vega 56 and I can't get get 4U to run better than, like, 70% on the latest nightly build.

this is the best/worst idea

no better feeling than watching your teammates get flung halfway across the map while you cook some delicious steaks behind your shield

they made it black, one of its materials is literally called a hood, it walks around in packs, it swaggers and makes itself look bigger than it really is, and the minute it gets into trouble it cries (racism) for help
japs really hate blacks
no but seriously its the bottom of the foodchain monster, the problem is each biome has like 3 monsters because world sucks so its more prominent than it should be - where it should be ignored, it takes up 33% of the biomes roster not counting hazak
rotten vale sucks

It feels like it’s meant to be like the second or third monster you fight in the game, but at some point in development they pushed back the Rotten Vale to the end of Low Rank.

>subspecies created due to high volume of dung pod attacks infecting its bombs (which are secretions from pores the dung blocked)
>you took your worse nightmare
>and you made it worse
>the future you chose

They're over-designed to fuck though. Hope the models scale back the detailing a bit

yeah I have been getting issues to run it perfectly as well

Fuck a cute monstie?

Attached: monstie.png (280x325, 183K)

>that design
>that song list
>those stats
>flexible sets cause no need for Handicraft
>sharpness recovering means you fucking NEVER need to sheathe it
4U Steve horn is a contender for my favorite weapon in the entire series.

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I also use some MD5 hashes.


If my brain is the size of a pea, would you recommend me the Dual Blades, Charge Blade, or Longsword?

>They're over-designed to fuck though.
Welcome to Monster Hunter.

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The new hub gives me hope that Iceborne will be more fun than World was.
I want all the flagships of course.
Agnaktor, Daimyo Hermitaur, Shogun Ceanataur, Zamtrios, Najarala, Rajang... I think I want everyone.
New monsters are cool too, but especially ones with a new skeleton. I want them as fresh as possible.

DB is the smallest brain weapon in the game.

For me, Longsword

Longsword. Every weapon I’d say is easy to grasp the basics but they all have good amounts of depth.

I picked it up after playing several MH games before MHW came out. It's definitely worth it but will likely be as far as back as some players would be willing to go.


>defending fun
>on Yea Forums

Not quite the same thing, I mean the ungodly amounts of embroidery. They look straight out of a kingdom hearts splash art screen.


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>the ungodly amounts of embroidery.
I rather have that than another iron weapon with ice on it.

Anyone who says anything but Dual Blades is a butthurt DB main.

Counters are too hard for me desu

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>Mboi Tu'i
Najarala is south american inspired, even its original name is Garara ajara.
It's funny that the old MH world has south america with the primal forest but it seems that the new world has pieces of north america with the hoarfrost reach.

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Foresight Slash is forgiving as hell dude.

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>List gets deleted
>Bingposting stays

If they’ve done North and South America then the next game should be in the MH version of Australia. They find fossil evidence of Fanged Beasts and Wyverns there but in the present day they’ve all gone extinct and the continent is ruled by Temnocerans and Neopterons.