Which vidya class is the best?

Which vidya class is the best?

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What the fuck does that chart even mean?

You have to pair it with another chart to make sense of it.

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>page of blood

>he doesn't know

You're telling me there's a difference between a Rogue and a Thief?

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of course. one is active and one is passive obviously

What does breath even do on classes like seer and mage?

Vriska femdom waifu

They're completely different games bro

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Yeah, one is Active and based

The other one is a mary sue robin hood and passive

All rogues are trannies

I only care about shooting wankers at range with physical objects, and there is no option for that. But you can be a maid wtf

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>Page of Blood
What's wrong with Karkat's role, user?

It's some faggot homestuck deviant art shit

Karkat is a knight.

That being said blood and heart are worthless

Karkucks role is being Vriska's bottom b8tch

Sorry user you seem to be in the wrong thread


I mean the whole story wouldn't have happened without heart tomfoolery


BASED caliborn

popular music is degenerate


Yep, no

Cleric, easily.

He regressed into a Page and became Dave's bitch

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Karkat turned gay after a bad sexual experience with Vriska(he got raped)

I'm a rogue; can confirm.

what the fuck is a page

a page was an attendant to a nobleman, a knight, a Governor or a Castellan.

Cuck weenie

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A fucking weenie who gets good at super late game.

Enjoy carrying that autistic fucker throughout the game.

>implying a page of blood could literally do anything

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Attached: how to treat pages.png (500x550, 149K)

Fuck off retarded classpect autists, you've been the laughing stock of the readership for a decade now.

>tfw heir of blood

Power of friendship i guess?

Nah, you are just worthless.

Imagine being such a friendless faggot that you actually think this.

>not under Mind

You're the guy who's friends with everybody, but nobody considers their best friend.

Prince obviously youtube.com/watch?v=hkNl3pq1twE

>Page of Space
tfw 2smart for early game

a Rogue is dashing and only steals hearts
a Thief is dirty and steals all the shit that's not bolted down

You don't need to be a special class to have relationships with people. Being a good person doesn't give you magic wind or time bullshit though. Nothing blood and heart do can't be done by a normal person, unlike the real aspects.


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>Bard of Heart
>Passive destruction [] impulse and emotion
now the question is what's in the brackets. if it's "of" then that sucks, if it's "with" or "while using", then it's awesome. i don't do homostuck can someone explain it to me in layman's terms?

You are a fucking robot and you want to turn everyone into calculating robots like yourself.

>be thief of time
>have shit squadmates
>ascend to godtier
>infinity timeslow
>do all the work myself
>fuck up a bunch of useless timelines to keep shit in check and steal alternate timelines 'time'
>carry a bunch of useless mages, pages and heirs through frog breeding and everything else
>space player so autistic I have to manage 17 fucking alternate timelines trying to find the correct one where he DOESNT fuck up the goddamn fucking frog
>finally get it right
>mage of heart gets into soul shenanigans and starts monologing straight out of fucking Shakespeare
>kill the ringfags abusing alt-timelines and slowtime jewery
>spacefag finally ascends and becomes useful
>brings us and the others to the end of the game
>page of rage no where to be found
>realize I havent seen him in awhile
I called him a faggot earlier and I havent seen him in awhile, should we just finish the game and leave him behind, Im scared he'll find the door and rape us all if we dont go get him now