Game's announced

>game's announced
>pay no attention because it's probably another a shitty cashgrab
>watch footage of gameplay today
>new engine
>soulful titanfall 2 tier view model animations
>even took out fucking health regen
Is CoD back lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It has officially begun

>giving shit about cod instead of 26 years of doom wads

>Is CoD back lads?
Call of Duty was never good and if you say otherwise you're an insufferable newfaggot that news to go back.

>even took out fucking health regen

wait what?

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>niggers bust their load after only 12 years and have to soft reboot the franchise
Even less than God of Snoy

man that video is some epic cringe

If any modern COD will be good it's this one

Their hail mary

that looks like the map I practice awping on in csgo

>weapon mounting
>good cover lean
>different sprint speeds
>slower movement, less jumpy jump
>no auto heal and fixed spawns in first gameplay mode we see
>zoomers in livestream chat crying about how the game is too slow

Yes it's back, holy shit

Lmao what the fuck are you talking about it’s so slow and fucking boring
Many people forget what made call of duty great was the 2009 multiplayer community not the actual shitty gameplay
This one may be the one that kills the fucking franchise for good

I know. I really wish they had some more serious players than xbot dudebros screaming about noscopes and throwing knives. It would be so fucking good to see someone who seriously plays shooters play this.

holy shit console shooters fucking suck

can you imagine using a fucking stick for this shit lmao


this IS the zoomer series

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>even took out fucking health regen
You do know that Black Ops 4 doesn't have health regen either and that it's fucking garbage anyway, right?
And this piece of crap looks like an attempt at copying Rainbow Six after trying to copy Overwatch for 3 years.

It will be stuck on fucking battle net. Might pirate the campaign if it's good

>spend time making a new mode
>instead of just BR

Fuck imagine being dev for that game and having to invite all those EPIC youtubers to promote/shill your game. And having them scream and shout like that.

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Is this the time of the year where the yearly COD's shilling campaign begins until the came comes out and turns out to be complete garbage and suddenly all threads vanish?

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>tiny ass map
>boring guns with no attachments
how does this footage even look good?

That video is fucking abysmal.

>Start holding your gun with 1 hand while running
Why? That shit looks so retarded

It's exclusive to the 2v2 mode they were playing.

>new engine

>soulful titanfall 2 tier view model animations

>even took out fucking health regen


blops 4 had ability shit tho

This game's gimmick is
>this is totally a serious FPS guise

It's pathetic how soulless and identity-less COD is nowadays.
Every COD game just tries ripping off other games.

They're trying to get back the zoomers who all love RB6S retard

>first gameplay reveal after months of hype
>first time people will be seeing the new engine in 10 years
>they pick 4 e-monkeys and make them fight 2v2 live on 3 shitty training grounds maps which are smaller than mw2 rust
>all they do is spam rpgs at each other and try to exploit shitty mechanics like pronespamming from previous games while ungaing and gesturing at each other
What is going on, are Activision out of their minds? This is the pinnacle of their marketing strategy?
Well, if they wanted to distract me from the fact that the game is looking bland and outdated as fuck already - they totally succeeded.
This series is going down in flames for good, they have no fucking idea why people liked previous CoDs and how to bring this feel back.

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They could make MW2 again, but it still wouldn’t be as good as it was. It was just something about the time, I was in high school, all of my friends played online, now most of them don’t anymore, it was the perfect time

>CoD is now trying to be Rainbow Six Siege
Holy fuck this is gonna be a shitshow

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What's hilarious is that this is after Black Ops 4 went through development hell so much that it had to scrap the campaign, just because they tried to turn the multiplayer into literally Overwatch.

They couldn't make a more terrible gameplay reveal if they tried. Jesus christ that is shit.

>anything but the peak zoomer franchise

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Oh boy I love boring three lane maps

More excited for mobile honestly. I just hope the next battlefield is just 4 rebranded


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This looks so fucking dreadful holy shit.
Activision taking the MUH STREAMERS ad campaign from ApexLegends to the next level; combine that with the streaming service gimmick everyone will push, we're so fucking FUCKED the coming years.

Are they finally done with quake 3 engine?

5s gameplay changes are really good. I know it's not popular to talk about but just know the guns and tanks are way better than 4 and no 3D spotting is great. Hopefully the next one doesn't blunder itself in marketing

This looks like a game release in 2013 lmao

Yes, now they have a new engine that looks pretty much the same as the previous one.
But hey, at least it has le ebin raytracing.

BO3 had the same specialists bullshit but that was just a meter to build up a selectable special ability, 4 made that shit so much worse
And hell, BO4 had to desperately slap together a fucking BR mode that is now dying

This looks pretty holy shit.

Back in 2013 they still had budget and put effort into some cinematics, trailers and shit.
Now it's just "lets put 4 degenerates in the room and roll the cameras".

No amount of shilling will save this trash.

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I found it playable, though that was just the beta. Skipped it overall because it just didn't have good maps or atmosphere
A modern focused game ala 4 (with some nostalgic 3 and 4 maps) would be perfect, especially if they give it time for polish and next gen focus

they implemented blizzard game design years ago by copying whats popular. advanced warfare for example put stupid jetbacks just because titanfall had them

>it's literally Siege with jumping
I don't know what expected, after all, these are the same people who made Ghosts and Infinite Warfare.
Then again, you could already see their desperation in the whole
desperate nostalgia pandering.

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>soulful titanfall 2 tier view model animations
Well, the guy who worked on animations in TF2 is now working in Infinity Ward.

Can’t wait to pick this game up in the bargain bin in 6 months lmao

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You can't have prone and no 3D spotting at the same time. You Σοyfield trannies will eventually have to chose if you ever plan to keep your cancerous franchise alive.
It was never "muh CoD kiddies!" that ruined your game; it was your abject elitism that blinded you from the cancer infesting both your favorite series and those who make it. And now you're all a laughing stock.

Yeah beta maps weren't great. I like the others more and now Dice La is making more including Pacific. If it's cheap id say pick it up or wait.

>there is unironic COD vs Battlefield shitposting in 2019
Both franchises are complete cancer that have lost all what made them appealing.

Yeah you can. Project reality has no spotting and prone. It enables stealth. Faggot
I like both. Only that other user is shitposting

The difference being the only retards who I still see here unironically defending their franchise are the Σοyfield trannies. It's unreal.

Nice silky smooth 30 fps


I wish they would not talk

No, in all these marketeer threads you shills force your Battlefield vs COD fights even though Yea Forums hasn't given a single fuck about either franchise for years.

Probably a product of out of touch 40 year old pajeets being hired by companies to shill their games.
After all, there's plenty of proof that Activision and EA shill their shooters shamelessly in here.

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>campaign has you helping white helmets terrorists for the benefit of nato warmongers

Your cognitive dissonance is palpable. It seems I was actually right in calling you a tranny with that level of delusion after all.

>You can't have prone and no 3D spotting at the same time
Yes you can, 3D spotting is a wallhack that only bain damaged people rely on.

You being a fucking dumbass doesn't make me a shill.

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I wonder if we'll have a COD where you just play as a mercenary during the Cold War.
Helping the CIA, the Soviets, the Mujahideen...
Could be interesting.

Can you stop spouting buzzwords and tell me how prone and 3d spotting can't possibly coexist? I just find it an odd view when spotting like that isn't in a lot of games and they have prone

>no zombies
Yawn I'll wait for Black Ops 5

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R6Siege has trannies and censorship. Does it surprise you a R6Siege clone has stronk wamyn and terrorist propaganda?

Even more rushed and butchered than BO4? Is that even possible? This franchise will live forever with fans like you, who will gladly consume any kind of shit.

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>spotting is a wallhack for retards
What does that make sniper-scope glare then, I truly do wonder. Come on, justify it.

>liking treyarch zombies after black ops 2
Fucking why

Something to give a slight advantage over people who have much longer range weapons.
Otherwise everyone would be sniping.

>Can you stop spouting buzzwords
Only when you stop using reddit lingo ;)

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You faggot say this every year


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I was honestly kind of hyped for this Cod, hadnt bought one in a long time. But holy shit this 2vs2 arena shit actually killed some enthusiasm I was having. Also fuck showcasing games with zoomer twitch retards

Oh so a sniper scope shining like a fucking air-raid searchlight is perfectly reasonable, logical and immersive. But a flying dorito over your head is where you draw the line. I can't even make fun of you you're so depressing.

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>I hate options there should only be one game mode!

It's not about immersion, it's about gameplay.
Immersion is a meaningless buzzword.

I don't know about the mercenary part, but there is a mission in BO2 where you play as a CIA SAD (now SOG) agent in Afghanistan.

I just mean I dont give a shit about that mode at all and they were trying to make it seem cool and I dont believe it was cool at all

>showing off your twitch shooter with killstreaks in a 2v2 one life mode with no killstreaks
Wow bravo

No thanks

>people shilling both division 2 and R6S in the comments

looks and sounds like ass you fucking shill

At least we have that in common

>it's about gameplay
>a fucking air-raid searchlight is perfectly reasonable
>a flying dorito over your head is where you draw the line

Brain cancer, isn't it. Kill yourself before you start losing complete control over all your motor functions. You're already an emotional burden to your peers, it'd be a shame if you became a physical one as well

Still seething BF bitches?

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wtf why the map is awp_india?

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No, it's just a hint that there's someone with a long range weapon.

>a flying dorito over your head is where you draw the line
Yes because it's a wallhack.

>the 2009 multiplayer community

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He specifically says that the specific game mode has no regen health, not that there isn't any in the game.

Was almost interested, too.

>>pay no attention because it's probably another a shitty cashgrab
Shoulda just stopped there, user. How fucking stupid can you be?

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>this looks like Siege
Yeah, what a marketeer.

The amount of fanservice in Incredibles 2 was insane.

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I wonder how much of these changes are in response to the success of slower and more methodical shooters like R6Siege?

xbot dudebros screaming about noscopes and throwing knives is the main audience of cod

>not zoomer
I was born in 1999 and MW2 was my first FPS faggot
Titanfall is better btw, I'm glad old IW moved on instead of being forced to rehash the same shit for a decade

So has siege become any less cancerous in the past year ? watching this video just made me want to play that

yeah this shit reeks of advertising, saged

Every single one of them.
Just like every change made to Black Ops 3, Black Ops 4 and Infinite Warfare was a response to Overwatch.
Hell, Black Ops 4 had a fucking battle royale mode.

COD and Battlefield nowadays are fucking pathetic, they have no identity or ideas of their own, they just shamelessly ripoff whatever's popular at the moment.

If you're gonna be this blatant with your shilling just stick to the "this is the first CoD I've been excited for since CoD 4!" script.
You guys do this literally every year and literally every year the threads immediately die after the game releases and is shit, it's so fucking transparent.

>zoomers comparing it to seige

Holy fuck, you have to go back

No, you got it wrong, it's "this is the first COD i'm excited for since MW2".

People mean visually you retard

Why do all these companies use console gameplay to show off? It looks so much worse.

Dyslexic idiot

COD trying to take itself seriously is the worst thing it could possibly do.
Nobody has ever asked for realism in COD in any way.
Hell, Modern Warfare, the name they are trying to pander nostalgia with, is a trilogy of increasingly stupid Hollywood set pieces.
And now they come with this white helmet SJW bullshit and the Siege multiplayer.

Activision needs to disband Infinity Ward, Treyarch and Sledgehammer and bring in fresh people with ideas that won't turn this franchise into a completely different one.

it looks nothing like siege

it looks like insurgency you fucking idiots

>pay no attention because it's probably another a shitty cashgrab
And it is.

This the old guard at all those developers are fucking cancerous and pompus assholes who think they know what we want

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That streamer was so fucking annoying

In an interview they said gameplay mechanics would be the same across ALL modes, from singleplayer to any kind of multiplayer to spec ops.

>click on video
>literal retards just screaming while quickscoping

Yeah... no. Fuck off Adam.

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a little too late to start shilling eh OP?

>soulful titanfall 2 tier view model animations
Don't you dare compare Titanfall 2 with this coowadooty shit

>>even took out fucking health regen

>Is CoD back
Is was never there to begin with, you zoomer fuck.

That’s in the 2v2

Your yearly viral marketing is back? Fuck off already.

Yes yes, first COD you are excited for since MW2, you are going to preorder, COD saved FPS, etc etc.
We know your schtick.

>Boom Booms on life support pretending CoD isn't peak kino
OMEGALUL I can't wait for your family to get tired of keeping your vegetable asses alive so they unplug your oxygen machines.

im so angry at dice desu lads. bf5 could have been great
this cod looks better than what theyve been pushing out lately but honestly it's nothing special. i like the movement animation pretty stylish at some points but the ragdoll physics when you kill/die look shit. and would it kill them to implement isolated damage? i want to shoot peoples arms off is that too much to ask? a very underwhelming gameplay reveal to say the least
we really should be getting much better quality games in at the tail end of this current gen

COD was always fun to fuck around with friends in. Never played anything past MW3, but I still boot up my 360 to play 4 player splitscreen in black ops with my buddies.

Multiplayer is pure cancer and is filled with tryhard zoomers who don't want to have fun.

You cucks said the same thing about black ops 4 and ww2. Fuck off it's so obvious.

>i want to shoot peoples arms off is that too much to ask
Black ops 3 had that

I'll pick up a copy because my dad loved modern warfare 1 and 2 and give it to him.

>took out health regen
the fuck, why would they do this, do they just want to make another Black ops 4 tier shit game that just copies what is popular? Next they'll talk about how multiplayer is hero based.

Do they not use real gun names anymore?

Too cheap to pay the royalties

nice shill thread


My dad always loved the campaigns in these games before all the sci-fi shit, I'll be sure to grab him this one, might even try it out for myself a bit.

The movement looks really weird but cant really tell since not playing it still looks shit this is the easiest game for them for make as theyve ready made this game five times

Old cods are filled with mod lobbies

The BR mode was decent though, probably the only saving grace of BO4. And the studio that made it, Raven software, just got yanked off the 2021 game in favor of Treyarch.

It has BR too according to leaks.

Yup. I was naively hoping the actishill division would be downsized.

Jesus fuck that doesn't even look like call of duty it's literally just siege

It does, activision wants to steal siege audience pretty much.
Same with EA and battlefield V

how is this even different from any previous cod just shoot run shoot killstreak die

shut the fuck up retard

lick my cum zoomer

The presentations is fucking perfect. The weightier animations, the realistic looking guns, the sound. I'm looking forward to more of that.

Time to rev up those yearly call of duty shills already? Since you guys are getting paid to post, can you tell me if the game has a similar coop made like modern warfare 2 and 3?

Mode, not made. Sorry.

Why would they reveal it with the dullest gametype imaginable? Shit launches in a few months, gotta be more than that ready.

WOW. It looks like another COD. Activistion did it again.

I don't care honestly

they always find a way to lower the skill gap with each title

>nerfed killstreaks
>small maps with dozens of bullshit angles and corridors for kids to run into you from 8 different angles

the name of the game is for them to give shitty players free kills to keep playing, thats why they tried to force the skill based matchmaking shit down your throat in a few games. They want kids to keep playing and spending money.

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>no autoheal

fucking why thats like the whole point of call of duty fast paced action, are they that desperate to be like other games?

I'm sure the lack of health regen is exclusive to this 2v2 mode.

Legit looks like Battlefield but restricted to close combat.

Post video without commentary

There were former competitive pro players there and that guy himself was CoD caster. What you're seeing is the result of catering to casuals and probably dev requests to do fun games as well.

>being a filthy consolefag that never played 64player servers or the wacky CoD2 custom maps

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Who is this fucking screaming meathead Jesus Christ my ears

Looks like hot shit.
also friendly reminder that white helmets are bad guys irl

>MFW the last cawaduty I bought and will ever buy was WAW

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>playing any cod after United offensive
Casual retards lmao

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Why cant they just make it like the original mw series. Its all that everyone truely wants. Good Map design and high speed gameplay where camping is punished.
It may be that way still but who knows, this was the shittiest way to reveal it though. I don't need some sperging twitch streamer literal who yelling LETS GOOOO every time he gets a hitmarker.

They play it like black ops 4 that's the problem.
I can tell you already it's gonna be a very campy game, with people sitting in the corners.
Simply because of the ttk and recoil.

single player was all i needed. now just hoping they keep br out of it and i'll definitely buy it.

This actually looked solid. Might get back into CoD. Haven't played since BO.

You fags will be contrarian all you want, but I unironically enjoyed Modern Warfare, i'm interested in what they'll do with this