Giv... RDR2... PC.... please

giv... RDR2... PC.... please....

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You don’t want it, it sucks. Trust me


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it's coming. but a better question,


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I trust that you have shit taste

It’s boring mate. I gave it to one of my mates for free I don’t even want it back.

I completed the game and while it’s beautiful and has its moments it can be incredibly tedious. I don’t regret buying it but I’ll probably never replay it.

>urrrrrrrrrrrrrr movie games
>please gib
pc users are embarassing, all you do is beg for ports and then act like consoles suck

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What's even the point anymore? The game has been out for months, everybody who was excited for it has played it and moved on with their lives, all the hype and interest has died out, it's not fucking fair, just because I don't have a console I feel like I'm being punished!

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What is that

There was a 400 thread reply about this yesterday. DX12 confirmed.

I thought the complains about it being slow or having bad controls were overstated. Holy shit was I wrong, it really is that bad

press button
>long ass animation with 200ms input lag
press aim
>aimbot.exe activated
decide to take a left turn during a mission
>mission failed

you are really REALLY not missing out on anything.

no one with taste is waiting for this on PC

>buying games purely on hype and current popularity
you're a fucking child

At least on PC you won’t have to tap to use the horse and will just be able to hold

It's a terrible game. I'd rather have something good come to PC, not rockstar trash.

That's half the fun you introverted weirdo, to experience a new game with other people, all my friends have played the game and moved on, I'll be fucking playing alone now, thanks rockstar!

First game was a lot better, still waiting on a PC release for that one

if it comes, itll be through emulators, but the game is apparently so jank it may never happen

zoom zoom

If I never played it on console first, I'd feel the same way. But now I couldn't care less about a pc port.

Xenia is coming along really well.

dumb old boomer, sad that all your friends are old, bald and married huh

I've played it on Xbone and kind of regret it. The game is so slow and drawn out that I'll probably only even think about re-playing it in like 5 years(or more) when I forget most of the shit from it.
Playing on controller is so fucking lame, 30fps, stuttering etc. Fuck R* with their double/tripple dipping tactics. We'll get RDR2 on PC year AFTER it comes out on next gen


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>only have fun if my friends validate what im doing and its socially acceptable
tits or gtfo

Basically it's to get a next gen experience. If it looked that good on PS4 imagine how good it could be on a high end PC. Not to mention mods. I have a feeling they'll release some kind of bonus content as well

I still don't underdtand the context, was it really a cumshot?

I got your red dead right here buddy...
*unzips dick*

> I have a feeling they'll release some kind of bonus content as well
LMFAO the delusion!

I've barricaded myself from internet while playing it to not catch a spoiler.
You should have watched in on twitch with hype chat and spammed pepega like other zoomers if that is your thing

Maybe don't be poor lmao
When it comes out on pc I will buy it there as well.

It doesnt have Gold Bars for you to spend your real money on, why bother.

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>Inb4 RDR2 pc port but no ports for the others

Imagine being this much of a corporate cuck

Well in the case of GTA V it was a complete remaster basically

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How am I being a cuck? I get to play on my high end pc and experience the beauty of rdr2 all over again. I am paying for that.


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just go buy a used xbone/ps4 and RDR2 if that's all you want to play. End the suffering user

seething over a slow, boring, input lag filled disappointment? when halo is already on it's beta tests and is coming so soon to PC? sad, sad

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