Black Flag was my last Ass Creed game.
What should be the next?
Black Flag was my last Ass Creed game.
What should be the next?
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Unity is a great experience now, after millions of patches.
It was a very ambitious game at the time. It's a shame that ubisoft is a shit company.
Rogue is unironically really fucking good
A lot of fans consider it the best in the franchise
The only bad thing about it is that you can actually finish the game in one day
Black Flag is still best but you should try Origins.
between origins and odyssey, which do you guys recommend the most? why?
origins is a little unique. it has alligators and a pretty good setting.
Odyssey is more generic than the hype and has no hidden blades.
as a black flag guy i say origins
this guy gets it
Origins by far. Odyssey is a downgrade in many aspects and is a chore to play
>The only bad thing about it is that you can actually finish the game in one day
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Origins. It has the best map to explore and the best main character.
Odyssey is 90% similar to it, but the map is simply larger without much more substance leading to lots of copy/paste feeling areas. I was also not a fan of the main character or the MASSIVELY increased focus on Fantasy elements such as Magic abilities, monsters, made-up locations and structures, etc.
Did they seriously turn Egyptians black????
>did they really make africans black????????
North Africa
Yeah we all know the ancient Egyptians had blonde hair and blue eyes right?
>Black Flag was my last Ass Creed game.
Keep it that way.
>brown people look brown
>Yea Forums: wtf these are niggers i hate niggers
>nessa is black
>Yea Forums: wtf why is she a nigger reeeee she is not really black though right look at those facial features definitely not black
No it's not. Climbing is still wonky.
I personally liked Origins on par with BF. So I'll recommend it. Odyssey and Unity are soulless. Especially Unity. Don't bother with it. Syndycate was better.
Based. Also, dlcs for Origins were awesome. Especially Pharaohs Curse was gorgeous.
none of them
Damn. Now I want to play it again.
Origins and Odyssey are very different than Black Flag and all of the AC games preceding it.
Personally I prefer the pre-RPG games, and Unity was my favorite. Syndicate also had its moments.
Assassin's Creed Unity is one of the only games in the franchise worth playing and revisiting. It's the last good game in the series as well. There's much more emphasis placed on stealth gameplay. Assassin's Creed Unity is more of an evolution of the original Assassin's Creed. Chain killing has been removed, though you can still parry and stagger enemies in open combat. Unity has plenty of weapon variety and customization options for the character. Pole weapons, axes, one handed swords, maces, cleavers, much more. Though you have to enter numerous sub menus just to change your gear. The game needed some sort of radial menu to swap out weapons.
The story isn't too bad either. As a character, Arno doesn't amount to much more than a retread of Ezio in Assassin's Creed II. I liked the situations that Arno was placed in, however. Unity was pretty interesting if you find the time period of the French Revolution interesting. For a good chunk of the game, you're on the side of the French Royalists who defend the monarchy. Some missions have you doing activities such as destroying letters of correspondence between King Louis XVI and the Parisian leader of the Assassins, there's another mission where you put a stop to an assassination attempt on King Louis XVI, and you bring an end to the Reign of Terror when you capture a stereotypical demonized Robespierre. In Assassin's Creed Unity, the Reign of Terror is portrayed as though it were some sort of Templar conspiracy to gain control of the middle class through paranoia. When Unity first released around the end of 2014, there were a few leftist French critics who condemned the game for fueling counter-revolutionary narratives, but Arno speaks in favor of the French Revolution when he talks back to his assassin mentors from time to time, so the game isn't wholly counter-revolutionary.
It's a natural course of action for conspiracy theory cliches (Unity's depiction of the Reign of Terror) to come about through a counter-revolutionary narrative, and conspiracy theories are part of what made the original Assassin's Creed compelling. If anyone claims that Assassin's Creed Unity is purely counter-revolutionary it just exposes that person as short-sighted.
If there is anything weak about Unity's story, then it all comes down to Arno and his Romeo/Juliet romance with Élise . Arno is born to an Assassin father, then later on Arno is orphaned and the Parisian Templar leader adopts him. Arno's adopted father has a daughter (Élise) and she eventually joins the Templar cause while Arno follows in his biological father's footsteps. Even though Arno and Élise are of two different factions they love each other. As the French Revolution comes to a head, the Parisian Assassin leader and the Parisian Templar leader wish to secure their power structures so they sort of come to a temporary truce. And with Arno as protagonist, we see the story through his eyes and he longs for the days of security from his childhood. That's also why Unity gives the impression that the populist revolutionary movements are wrong, though some of the antagonists in the game have compelling viewpoints. There was plenty of nuance in the story. Arno was just too weak of a protagonist. Ezio playboy 2.0 doesn't fit this type of story that well. A more ideologically driven protagonist could navigate the mess of the French Revolution and find a better alternative. Unity raised a lot of questions regarding stagnation, extremism, corruption etc but everything gets swept under the rug in favor of Arno's romance with Élise.
Rogue or Unity.
I found it rather bland. They didn't utilize the French revolution setting to it's potential, especially in terms of main story. Actually the main story in general was way too short, I feel like 50%~ of the content was left for Multiplayer missions or side content.
I hope u baitin with that tier list
Yeah we've all seen this routine before. White boys trying to claim other people's civilization as their own. Sorry guys your viking ancestors were primitives.
Something about this image is not quite right
Thank you guys, I went for Origins thanks to your recommendations. Downloading now!
Nice. You might be a little confused at the very start because the time of scenes jumps back and forth, but don't worry it becomes clearer what happened later on.
Origins is defenetly 10/10 (in regards to ass creed series)
I'm playing through odyssey right now it and only picks up after athens.
For the first 10 hours the story is somewhat boring.
Unity. Great story and most stealth oriented game in the series. Absolutely beautiful too. Origins and Odyssey suck, they squander great settings by having terrible gameplay that isn't AC at all.
Skip straight or Origins and then Odyssey if you liked Origins. Its more of the same.
Everything between Black Flag and Origins is hot garbage.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks mate!
Literally the only thing right on this tier list is Black Flag. I guess if you have to only get one right it should be the best one, but its still a shit tier list.
Also i forgot to mention that origins is great because it's incredibly diverse.
I mean if you like the time period you'll like it for sure.
Odyssey is a beet boring because it's just greeks.
I never liked AC's gameplay to begin with I just liked exploring the maps
Let's be honest the counter/disarm/mash attack gameplay was never great, and neither was unity's Dodge roll / smoke bomb to win combat
Diverse as in WE WAZ or diverse as in environment?
Both actually, i don't want to spoil everything but there are other nations in the game besides egyptians with their own different cities and zones.
Rogue is surprisingly good, shame the story isn't any longer but it makes a genuine effort to give us, essentially, a reskinned, restoried version of Black Flag. The setting was great.
Unity remains a really messy topic, For me, It had the best, most fleshed out story and setting of any AC game to date, It looked really good even though it was really early on this gen's consoles. Gameplay was a mess at time, but if you liked Dark Souls or Bloodborne it felt a lot like that.
Origins was really, really fucking good. Bayek was really engaging and surprising as a character even till the end of the main story, Aya is sucky. Ancient Egypt makes a really unrelenting setting that fits very good with the soundtrack, gameplay was fantastically streamlined, Unless you're playing on a 4K 60fps console it looks a bit janky sometimes. But it's still really good.
Odyssey was prettier, but essentially a fucky version of Origins with a jaggy, unfeeling, and quite frankly anarchistic story. Very Anachronistic to real life history and felt like it was leaning towards more to Fantasy than historical fiction.
Is the one in Rome any good?
not havin ass 1 has top or god
>protip it started this franchise
unity since the others are about as grindy as warframe
mfw egypt was well developed and the rest of the world
yfw and no other part of africa to this day
mfw you think egypt makes black history rich
yfw every other continent has a rich history not a rich country
i know its b8 and i know the slave think is not 100% known
but ironic that Egypt is supposedly built on slavery
You mean brotherhood from 2010? It's okay but it's in Renaissance Rome, not Roman empire Rome
Odyssey low tier and we have a deal
I liked Syndicate I don't give a fuck.
Eh, Africa did have many empires with a lot of wealth and power but they were mostly self-contained to that lower part of Africa, it simply wasn't easy for them to expand or have trade routes north with the rest of the ancient world
And Egypt certainly had the Grandest architecture and most trade on the continent. It's located in the perfect place.
o i agree
but the richest man who ever lived comes from africa and they didnt have a single megalith monalith or mega structure if you dont count egypt
i dont think they had and grand architecture at all
im not hateing they may have had atlantis but if your african and your calming slave empire egypt proves you have a rich history its crazy you have a rich tribal history true
>origins is better than odysee, even though they are literally almost the same games, just with a different setting
Yea Forums in a nutshell
the setting is what these games are all about though.
That's the reason why people buy them and play them.
Different protagonists. Different maps. Different gameplay mechanics. Different stories.
Odyssey has a bigger focus on Fantasy elements like mythological creatures and magic powers, as well as RPG-lite branching storylines. Origins is a more standard and focused hack&slash focused on combos & blocks, with a linear storyline.
if anything something is very wrong with the history of that continent it really does not add up
im not sure how it matches aborigine and native american practices but it makes no sense even native americans built the nazca lines it like all of African achievement has vanished from history
I don'y like as creed but love ancient egypt. Should I get Origins?
friendly reminder Ancient Egypt had healthcare, dental care and several other stuff for slaves
hell, apparently you could be a voluntary slave for X number of years to pay debts and other stuff
this makes the egyptian slave system the most progressive that ever existed, and ironically it's the 1st recorded slave system in history
I think most of it simply stems from a lot of the continent being rather inhospitable for anything other than small communities, and of course the large cities and empires that did exist were geographically isolated relative to the rest of the ancient world.
At some point we do know Africans managed to ride boats across ocean currents to reach the Americas, but it's debatable whether or not they participated in any of the empires there or just had tribes on islands in the tropics.
Origins Does not actually take place in Ancient Egypt, it's set in 48BC. However that's a unique period unto itself and of course looks very different from modern Egypt so it's still quite cool.
>big empy space with sand and niggers good
>colorful, beautiful, historically accurate and diverse ancient greek map bad
If you're looking for an entirely black ancient empire then there you go
But i think yeah, because most other empires were concentrated around mediterranean/middle-east the rest of the african small kingdoms or tribes probably had problems with growing.
Though there was a medieval one
i think it's because they made contact with arabs and thus had someone to trade with.
there are greeks and romans in origins alright?
I don't like origins map and odyssey has Kassandra. The choice was obvious.
Also stop hyping up Black Flag. It's good, but no where near the best thing since sliced bread
>historically accurate
Asscreed Odyssey is not Historically Accurate. Of course, no Asscreed game is, but this one moreso than usual. Beyond things such as making up gigantic 100ft tall statues everywhere, it's just not an accurate representation of Greek culture. It's like the "Politically correct" theme park version of ancient greece.
As for "diverse" map, Origins was more diverse because each Nome had a unique biome. Odyssey recycles the same Summer, Spring, Fall, Paradise, and Volcanic themes across humongous swathes of the map.
Kassandra was boring as hell. Don't be such a waifu fag. 99% of her dialogue consists of
>Hello I am a misthios
>What do you need me to do?
>Ok I will do it
I know they had empires but they did nothing with them even at media had mega structures
I wish they’d just officially drop the AC name for their historical RPGs. They’d be much better without being tied down by the awful present day shit. I hope that cute Greek game from them is BotW with Mythology.
Fucking waifu fags playing right into Ubisofts identity politics.
I mean, architecture is cool and all because it's the most lasting thing about any civilisation from the past. Or at least the few sites that don't get deconstructed, totally ruined, etc. But first and foremost I would argue the purpose of an empire is to make it's lands and citizens prosperous & protected.
If that's the argument i don't Like it and that means Africa as a continent has no history and every African empire that ever existed failed even egypt
Egypt was extremely prosperous and usually very good at fending off Invaders and attackers
As someone who was turned off by how blatantly "video-gamey" Origins was, it shocks me that it's even physically possible to be less realistic.
They just shifted it a few notches more towards the fantasy side... A couple hundred notches. There's giant 100+ foot tall statues and monuments all over the place. You can teleport, turn invisible, shoot arrows through walls, create explosions, etc. There's minotaurs, cyclopses, Medusa, and a Sphinx. The dlc is set in the afterlife of Elysium, Hades, and the city of Atlantis.
Yeah shit jumped the shark. Asscreed was always "pop-history" but never full retard like this.
The next game is being made by the team who made Black Flag and Origins. So hopefully it'll be better.
odyssey was made the same studio that made the AC3 dlc's with the spirit powers and alternate timeling and AC Syndicate where you could become so good at stealth you could turn invisible by standing still
they're idiots
But it's a bell hole today
Also let me expose n what I mean
Nowhere in the world has ever had such a long inauguration within minimal innovation and such a lack of ancient architecture and mega or monoliths Egypt is amazing i get that but what I said stands it's like it's history was erased
Inhabitation n
Again I don't really quantify architecture alone as the "success" or failure of a civilisation. It's really fucking cool, but clearly there were societies who had no need for it, or weren't located somewhere that allowed them to be so extravagant.
Most of Scandinavia and Germania and all the northern European countries had a similar situation. Their environment and lifestyle meant they didn't have the opportunity or need for grand impressive structures. It wasn't part of their culture, it wasn't needed for their religion, it wasn't needed to impress or intimidate other kingdoms.
Ironically the next assasins creed game is viking themed. I guess we'll be climbing fjord cliffs and mountains instead of grand architecture or massive cities.
Agreed. Unity was the peak of perfection for Assassin's Creed. It went all downhill with Syndicate and onwards.
The setting didn't appeal to me to begin with, but Actually I don't think they made a lot of use of it either. The whole revolution was treated as more of a backdrop and the focus was on the stupid Romeo&juliet adventures of Arno & Elise even though she's on screen for less than an hour. The game was way too short.
(I would have liked medieval Paris better)
Might reinstall and finish it. I think I got to just before the end where you explore north above Siwa
i guess you dont know about henges and viking architecture there stone carvings and wooden buildings were are truely a sight to behold
what i am trying to say is no civilisation needs to make or do theese things but they all do it uniformly across the globe to show prowess or leave a mark on history
why didnt africa
its well and good saying its not in there culture but then they dont have a culture they just survived how can it be the one place on earth that didnt do this makes no sense
Unity has the best climbing out of any ac game original and odyssey took steps back and made it more “rpg”. Unity is the last game you actually are an assassin not some fighter
Black Flag should be your final AC game
Ignore all these niggers telling you to do origins.
The kino next game to play is rogue because it's basically a black flag sequel and then oddsey becasue oddsey has some dank ass greek naval combat just like black flag.
This is correct. When you freeran upwards in Unity or Syndicate you were practically locked into moving upwards (right trigger and A on the Xbox gamepad), whereas in Origins and Odyssey freerunning up and leaping off buildings are just tied to A button on the Xbox gamepad. So when I played Origins and Odyssey when I tried to climb upwards I had a tendency to hold A and leap in a wrong direction or jump to a different building or even move downwards.
im not trying to shit on africans just sayiong something is very off with the history of that continent modern ancient and everything it between
You are objectively wrong. Sailing was best in Assassin's Creed III and only became worse with each entry. Odyssey has the weakest and most barebones sailing of any Assassin's Creed.
Post best shanty
I had so much hope for Unity
Play Rogue, it's Black Flag 2 but with a Templar.
Then just continue play them in order if they still entertain you.
Order goes Black Flag>Rogue>Unity>Syndicate(>side scroller games AC Chronicle games) >Origins>Odyssey.
Also AC Liberation is around the same time as AC3 if you're interested in playing them all.
Origins and Odyssey are the least AC games in the franchise and the parkour is downgraded hard, but the combat has been greatly improved from all games before Origins. Social Stealth is nowhere to be found in Origins and Odyssey either.
Never felt appropriate to me to use anything but the regular swords. Sticks out waaaayy too much in a French revolution setting where everyone else has guns and bayonets and rapiers
there's a difference between north african basketball american black and Egyptian brown.
Anons how bad are the microtransactions in Origins and Odyssey? I was thinking about getting Origins first but there was something about treasure maps you can only get by paying real money or some shit like that, can anyone corroborate this for me?
Origins solely because the protagonist is galaxies ahead of Alexios/kassandra and better than most of the other AC protagonists.
Also depends what you like most, Egypt or Greece. Origins was released first.
odyssey has a barebones dialog choice mechanic that doesn't add much to the game, but it does have naval combat, just not as good as Black Flag or Rogue, or as intense.
And those wooden buildings eventually rotted, burned, or otherwise were lost to time. Just like any structures the Africans empires would have had. I'm not 100% on this, but I don't think most of them had any access to large amounts of wood for buildings, at least I never heard of African lumber being a commodity. I think their structures were mostly earth-based. Bricks, clay, wattle, etc.
None at all in Origins as long as you do side quests. And they are fun and content so why wouldn't you
Odyssey sailing sucked, and Greek naval warefare never consisted of archers standing on the deck of a ship. That is ridiculous and would have had them capsize
What a gorgeous game. Still the best looking in the franchise, too. Even after five years...
In origins it's just costumes or wacky horses and stuff like that. Odyssey too, but Odyssey is grindier to begin with and they sometimes advertise EXP boosts when you open your map screen.
i hope thats the case and we find evidence of it i truly do hope they had great architecture and astrology and even some megaliths and i hope we find them
>otherwise ima think it got nuked by alies or some other brainlet tier answer because as somebody who likes history and loves Egyptian history i cant make sense of African history
It looks amazing, the stealth is good, I like the focus on assassinations, but something about it just felt so half-baked to me. I didn't touch the Multiplayer, maybe I was supposed to, but the main story was just so rushed. It felt like half a game.
Well they also didn't have written language for a very long time similar to the Native tribes in North America, so much of their history was just turned into myths and culture over time.
When you think about written history as a concept anyway, it really exists for only the past 3000~ years. Which is just a fraction of what humans have been around for. Everyone has missing history.
Is it worth playing the Unity?
I got a prompt telling me that there's a store that sells mtx like an hour into the game and never saw it again afterwards, other than that it didn't effect my game at all.
Though there are daily throw away missions from an npc kid that you can do and I think rewards you with a lootbox or in game money to buy these loot boxes, and in those they have a chance to drop shit from the mtx store, but the odds are really low to get you to buy their shit, so don't bother. It's a shame those cool outfits are locked behind a wall but it's not that big of a deal and you can get plenty of cool outfits in game and in uplay, got my boy Aguilar's outfit, super underrated outfit, imo
see THESE post and come to your own conclusions
Do you like the original Assassin's Creed? How about Assassin's Creed II? Well they don't hold up. But Assassin's Creed Unity is how you remember them.
Yes! Even if you dont like the story, it's a beautiful world to explore, it's a gorgeous idealized time capsule of France's past, like Victorian London in Syndicate. I also recommend Syndicate purely for the setting, story is meh.
>historically accurate
to be fair money in origins has no use beyond getting full ammo and repairing shit so in the end you end up buying shitloads of them to get the broken shit from it
The thing I like the most about Unity is that it always has that next generation 'smell' to it, it always looks, plays and feels like a game that was released at the early life of this gen, and I mean that in a good way, yeah, yeah, the awful launch was a thing but putting that aside, it's a great game after they fixed most of its problems and it still looks amazing.
Odyssey is the least "historically accurate" of the current gen AC game.
Well to be fair it's set like 10,00 years ago or something in the medeival age so we don't really know what happened back then
dangerously redpilled posts
good shit
>99% of Greeks are caramel or chocolate in Odyssey
>few painted statues in the game are white people
>cultists tab in the pause menu has a picture for all the baddies
>most of them look white, sometimes even blonde, but when you select them their in game character model is caramel or chocolate skin
>lighting in game doesn't have this race changing effect ever.
Make some wonder if they changed it at last minute.
Syndicate's story is fucking god awful, meh doesn't even begin to describe it.
Origins did a good job at idealizing the past in a believable way, Odyssey was just Greek fantasy land in and out.
Not him but like he said, Victorian London is a neat setting.
its not asscreed anymore
now its just a mediocre witcher clone
same and i loved odyssey. odyssey gets rid of a lot of the bloat from ac games like all the templar and assassin shit, your targets don't die to a feather in a shitty cutscene, you have loot and weapon options. plus the greek world in the game is fucking gorgeous and huge. would recommend.
well that's not entirely true, Crete has it's own biome for example
Unity only has platforming going for it. But that is it.
Origins is so fucking boring and shitty but if you're an Egypt fag like me it's still worth even if you're going nuts from boredom the whole game
>remotely good
the multiplayer fills in a lot of the game, especially parts of the French Revolution that don't connect to the main story.
>play Unity last week
>decide to get the first AC game since it was on sale
Sweet Christ I went from the most nimble assassin to the most stiff. Altiar is damn slow but he feels like a real person when he climbs who is just trying not to fall off a building.
I know a lot of people hate the puppeteer system but I miss it.
After playing Unity or AC1, play Origins and Odyssey, it will make you feel like your character is slippi- walking on ice and he weighs like 20 pounds.
i don't get how people might be interested in this.
the time period and location are so boring i could not finish it.
Black fag on the other hand is really good.
>odyssey gets rid of a lot of the bloat from ac games like all the templar and assassin shit
Bullshit. It's exactly the same. You're still a stealthy freedom fighter taking down an evil cult who wants to control society with ancient relics.
I feel like I'm in the minority, but do most people on Yea Forums just hate AC games? I love all of them for the most part. Syndicate was great, Origins was great, Odyssey was great. I especially enjoyed Origins and Odyssey. Exploring Egypt and Greece was fun, plus the world map is huge.
Unitys parkour was in depth for sure and I miss climbing puzzles but Origins has the smoothest system by far, I never jump or fall incorrectly because they finally nailed the controls (running is done with the analog stick, no extra input like RT needed, climbing is done with A for up and B for down)
That's a shame. I've always loved the French Revolution period of history and wish it had been covered by AC sooner. Interesting to see that there was a counter revolutionary bent out of Arno's need for comfort, and in all honesty turmoil isn't for everyone even if they do want change.
They do get a bit samey and feel like a waste of life, don't get me wrong games can be seen that way anyway, but there's something to be said for how unengaging the gameplay can be.