What is the Sam Hyde of vidya?

What is the Sam Hyde of vidya?

Attached: Sam-hyde.jpg (233x267, 15K)

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Postal 2

hypnospace outlaw


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Any harmless game that got cancelled because of woke trannies going after the developer


Literally who?

Bethesda, because they keep getting away with it

>failed, dishonest performance artist pedophile

definitely this fpbp

also gamefreak

more importantly, what is the nick of vidya

I miss the old MDE, bros.

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2019... I am forgotten

Edgy to the point of tastelessness.


Some furry porn game with terrible development full of ego and autism.

n-no, MDE NEVER DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sadly no more vids on YT

I miss any MDE desu

So glad Tim got this edgelord blacklisted

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wasn't even Tim who blacklisted him you retard

Cabela's Big Game Hunter, obviously.

I hope Charls comes back.

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You're right it was Sam.

Tim didn't do anything. It was that buzzfeed faggot, something Bernstein. Good thing Sam had the last laugh though, that whole phone talk was kino.

no it was an Adult Swim executive who also works for VICE. I forgot his name but he called MDE a "nazi show" But I get you're shitpost for (you)'s.