>Teammate mistakes you for a girl
>Don't correct them
Online games are fun.
>Teammate mistakes you for a girl
>Don't correct them
Online games are fun.
Other urls found in this thread:
>trick people into thinking you're a girl
>do something retarded
>someone rightfully calls you out on it
>get them kicked for being toxic
Well that's their problem for ASSuming. It takes like 0 effort to be mistaken for a girl.
this is what OP looks like
>be mtf trans
>join 64 player CSS zombie escape server
>all talk is on
>talk on mic
>half the server is fawning on me sending me friend requests
>the other half is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEING at a female being in their midst
>shitshow ensues as both sides argue
>admin joins
>explain what's going on
>you're been banned. reason: sorry, it's easier to get rid of you than half the server
Fucking asshole
It's not hard at all though, which makes you so much fun.
Whoa..rude! Can't believe I read this post.
Is that bed rash or are they fucking rotting?
pretty impressed desu. Usually the admin tries to orbit or white knight you. Shows he's a total push over for his spaz army though.
Never happened.
>be mtf trans
>talk on mic
Ah, it's time for the latest of episode of "Thing That Never Happened" already?
just cultivating his own food to make it more practical
I had vocal chord surgery. Get fucked
What he did was wrong. If a guy's house is constantly broken into, the cops don't arrest the homeowner telling him it's easier to jail him than investigate every break-in and go after each suspect
>be mtf trans
>join 64 player CSS zombie escape server
>all talk is on
>talk on mic
>"why are you trying to sound like a girl? you know you don't pass right?"
>throw a bitch fit and start screaming
>admin joins
>explain what's going on
>you're been banned. reason: jesus christ calm down you abomination
You'd be surprised how easy it is to talk like a girl. Easier than hiding broad shoulders, manly hands, and adams apple anyway.
kek. get fucked, retard.
user you're really angry today, I hope your parents didn't lay it down too thick. We should play your favourite online game, I'll give you some pocket healing~
I like the forced crossdress scenes in Miss Caretaker anime
Yeah but it wasn't a break and enter, it was a CS server. he was right.
I played WoW for a year as a female character and never corrected or encouraged anyone to think I was a girl. I constantly got gold and ingredients in the mail for doing literally nothing. Good times.
trannies should all hang
You know everyone's seen this copypasta before, right?
post a vocaroo or dilate
Whoa, slow down. Do you have any idea how BASED you were going back there?
based sammy
I wish I could be blissfully unaware of my problems like this freak.
don't bother correcting them, you'll get free items and nice treatment
Attack on Titan?
this isnt mental illness
god what a freak, just look at those hands
isn't that armin? I only watched season 1
also yes.
>finds out it's a he
>gets even harder
Left out the best part
I was mad about this part.
>Armin turns into a trap
I don't know whether to be aroused or enraged,
tell me more anons
Whoa Eren is looking a bit hoarse there
when I was a 12 people often mistook me for a woman on the phone
Imagine having sex with Armin, you hurt him and then he transform
Is she pregnant with erens kid or is it just a meme to trigger Zekefags?
It's either, Eren or a farmer, no one knows yet
>Break Annie's hymen
Post that webm of armin getting groped. You know it.
Where are they right now in the anime? Have they found the basement yet?
In the anime they found the basement 3 episodes ago, in the manga we're nearly at the end
Do you think Eren is truly dead?
don't worry m9 it will neck itself soon enough
>giving the main character a big anti-climatic death
>getting killed by a 13 yo girl of all things
Fuck no. And if he does, fuck this "subverted expectations" bullshit so many writers are doing these days.
Daily reminder that Armin is fit as fuck and not gay. Now dilate your way back to retardera trannies.
Expectations subverted
eh too thin
el abominatio...
You make the same kind of thread everyday and then feed off of the attention people give you in order to justify your mental illness.
Jesus christ help you sinner!
It's just a flesh wound.
Reiner survived losing a head
Reiner didn't lose a head though, he had his spine severed but his head stayed intact. But yeah, I can't wait for the next ass pull.
>Reiner didn't lose a head though
>he had his spine severed
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it.
just have sex
Yeah I just remembered that he actually lost his head with the thunder spear. I was only remembering the first time when levi cut his spine. This series is so full of bullshit moments like those it's very easy to forget some of them.
you are doing this on porpuse aren't you?
you've seen this board's recent buzzword
you know what you want
get out
fuck off
you are literally killing any sort of dicussion there could be had here
Literally me when I read that part
>mistake yourself for a girl
Bed sores/pressure sores
Stop spending so much time on the internet, virgin
Just see an escort, it's not difficult.
Twinkmaxxed desu
>tfw mtf but have no intention of getting rid of my penis
You have no power here.
Historia is pure and would never touch a cock
For me its the opposite.
Fastest way to know who the females are is say 'hey boys lets do this'
>umm im a girl
Every time
Are you sure about that?