Game tries to be funny

>Game tries to be funny
>It isn't

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Other urls found in this thread:

>OP tries be straight
>he critically fails

>OP tries not to be a massive fag

>Game tries to be funny
>It is

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This show looks nice but the jokes didn't land for me at all.

I think this show is pretty good

I find these idiots shenanigans endearing, the art and the animation is top notch and theres some really good music in it.
Not once has it made me laugh though, these "jokes" are probably something only japanese old people understand.

>It's not funny because you're not japanese!
Why did it flop in japan too then? People only care about the show because it has cute characters. That's it.

literally this.
a game or anime can be horrendous but still be popular and beloved just because it has cute little girls all the while people delude themselves into thinking its actually good.


>Why did it flop in japan too then?
Probably because of the massive tsunami

>>Nichijou came out 8 years ago

Yuuko was the only highlight for me
The Professor and Nano parts were borderline unwatchable, then when then two stories merge it just weakened the entire series for me
The whole show should've just been about Yuuko

I’d put it on the list as one of the funniest animes I’ve seen, its wholesome comedy like a Japanese looney toons

Who are you quoting on the fuck part, newfag?

The dub came out 8 days ago

he was quoting (You).

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Nichijou is literally the only comedy anime I’ve ever seen that was even remotely funny.

This. Yuuko and her friends were kino.

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A lot of them were misses, but there were a few that got me. Definitely some cultural disconnect.

It 'flopped' because the blu-rays were more expensive than average while cutting content in half. The manga did well and the anime was well like by fans.

>game tries to be funny
>it is

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Honestly, anything away from the school or scenes without Yuuko, Mio, and Mai is borderline boring, annoying, or a total snoozefest.
Like fucking watch the funniest scenes instead of sitting through 75% of the unfunny and try-hard shit the show tries to be funny with.
Also, the Professor cunny and that tsundere girl are the worst characters in the show.

>principal wrestles a deer
>lel so quirky and random

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Fuck off, Nichijou was the only good time to be on Yea Forums.

>That part where the principal wrestles the deer
I was crying

Probably because it didn't rely on shitty puns and wordplay all the time.

how the fuck can you even dub nichijou? aren't half the jokes japanese puns?

so true

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Fucking brainlet.
Im sure you need background-laughts.

>game tries to be cute and funny
>it is

>not like EEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH and gundere

nichijou is not for sexualizing

Best girl and va.

Fuck you

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not an argument. you know im right.

You know I give /g/ a lot of shit but if that image is accurate they have pretty good taste

Kill yourself fucking faggot.

>Why did it flop in japan too then
Because the blu rays were expensive and there was a massive tsunami. It's still played on Japanese TV to this day

>noT a ArGOoMInT

Looney TUNES is not wholesome you dumb zoomer.

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why can't anime fans accept that other people don't like shows they do?


why there's suddenly so much FUD on Yea Forums against Nichijou in particular? it's not knee slapping comedy but it's still a fun watch

>trying this hard

I want to go back

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>year of the Tsunami, so people didnt wanted comedy
>bluerays expensive af, like wtf are you doing
I think this anime get dub this year, hope he success.

>implying nichijou isnt funny

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This can be applied to every show or game.

>you're not allowed to like both
I'm gonna do it anyways and you can't stop me.

Could some photoshop wizard edit that to spell "COCK"?

they somehow did it it and it's telling why it flopped in japan now that you can hear it in english

Fuck off back to watch rick and morty you tasteless reddit faggot.

>game is supposed to have bullying
>there isn't enough bullying
was fairly underwhelmed with almost everything after the 1st episode

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>Game doesn't trie to be funny
>It's legendarily

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sounds like you're mad

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Why yes I am quite mad, thanks for noticing kind sir, have a good day.

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>shitting on nichijou
I can barely stand the faggotry of this place, no wonder Yea Forums is nothing but a cockroach to Yea Forums now.

>good taste

shit man they post that satania girl alot over there too and that anime is shit. Disreguard the image. Yea Forums doesn't even like half the shit there.

What is this show about?


nichijou is shit
boy nichijou is awesome

There's a reason why every other board calls this Yea Forumsermin. The only boards worse than Yea Forums are
>Yea Forums (obviously)
>Yea Forums

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>can never find a dvd of this

A country bumpkin that tries to flee from the boonies into the big city.
She doesn't make it.

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A girl who lives with a talking bear. She wants to go to the big city, but he doesn't want her to, and so does everything in his power to control her life. Her uncle molests her, and the blond girl repeatedly bullies her. The show ends with her mindbroken and with the mental state of a small child.

This isn't a joke, its what actually happens

a socially inept shrine girl who wants to become a hip and trendy city girl

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>not downloading the BD from inet


One of the best shows I've seen. When it's not funny it's heartwarming. And it's a great eye candy, I rewatch it from time to time.

Barkey's shut up and Jam Gaiden

>japanese humor

Thanks for the spoilers you stupid fuck, now there is no point for me to watch it. Fuck you.

Ah, it's stupid faggots seething over their show being overshadowed.

That animation is really bad.

>he doesn't watch gaki or documental

Show me some good humor then faggot.


Anime is fucking gay you're all retarded

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We ganna nook you

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I wish posts like these were bannable


Fuck, that must be horrible.

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>op tries to be a faggot
>he is

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i wish frogs were banned

>weebs who don't know Japanese
Nothing more pathetic.

wow these are terrible

You need your butt spanked for such a potty mouth.

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Holy shit really? Is that why it's got 3 stars on anime news network?


I was mostly referring to lain, texhnolyze, kaiji, jin roh, and ergo proxy. That chuuni show sucks though. If the image is inaccurate then I guess /g/ doesn’t have good taste, but most of what’s listed under /g/ in that image is good

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forced animation : the anime

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>Yea Forums
>liking kill le kill
but kill le kill is peak Yea Forumscore.

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I know Japanese people usually try their best not to make too much of a fuss, but I really wonder how utterly fucking assmad the mangaka was inside when she saw the ending.

Now this is comedy

What did she mean by this, bros?

>Gen Z quipster is too dumb for physical comedy

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Is it completely different or something?

Slapstick is smoothbrain comedy.

>game has escort mission

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This was an awful example

>but you have to escort someone bigger than you

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it is
they added a bunch of dumb shit like Jojo references to the script and it's retarded

Fuck off brainlet. Buster Keaton is still more intelligent than Rick and Morty.

This artist is based as fuck

oh my god, bros, she's melting.
post more or sauce me up fampai.

11 my ass

The manga is still going, but judging by interviews, the mangaka was furious on how cruel the anime ended up being.

that's newfag /g/
old /g/ like pre-2009 was lain, shugo chara, ichigo mashimaro, spicy wolf and one autist spamming rozen maiden and a bunch of loli spammers with a resident lolirager.

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Oh wait is this the guy who did that other incest doujin with the girl making horror faces?

It's true though. Slapstick is loud noises and everything in your face. No subtlety, no cleverness, no introspection about life, society and so on. Just dumb shit. Go fall off stairs, if you can laugh at that, I guess slapstick really is for you.

Artist is Nakani.

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She was really generous with the scrotum she gave him there.

Yeah that's it alright
Love their work

>the mangaka was furious on how cruel the anime ended up being.
i think it needed more desu

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Yea Forums has always had better taste in anime than Yea Forums

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Do japanese people find cartoons funny?

Keep deluding yourself

>even moms are having sex before they do it with their children
we sure live in a society...

Is this the local sadpanda thread?

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Yea Forums crossboarding is what ruined Yea Forums, all they talk about is shit like AoT and SAO now.

I'm intrigued

there are already clips uploaded online for you to judge yourself

>game tries to be cute and funny
>it actually is

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>like AoT and SAO now.
And SnK

Nobody talks about SAO anymore user

Don't know if you were around when season 1 aired, but the show wasn't even allowed on the board, any attempt at making a thread was self moderated the fuck off. But with enough Yea Forums crossboarders came to make it like in that image when a new person joins your group and refuses to adjust, breaking the dynamic and making old people leave.

name 6 or 7 games that do this
i'll wait

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I love it when that happens

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>Slapstick is loud noises and everything in your face. No subtlety, no cleverness
In other words, you haven't seen a single classic film with physical comedy in it. They were all about subtlety and cleverness.
>no introspection about life, society and so on
And you haven't seen a Charlie Chaplin film either.

That show was shit

cringe and bluepilled

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>Game's cutscenes have forced animation
>They're still worth watching

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no it wasn't, YOU'RE shit!

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>OP tries to be a school shooter
>he succeeds

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add Danberu to /fit/, it even got a sticky

This was really good

Yea Forums crossboarding is a dead meme. Yea Forums is the real culprit. Go look at their shitty anime threads.

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What's the equivalent video game, Yea Forums?

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I will never understand why people like symphogear. I watched the first season and i thought it was trash.

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>posting the only bad animated episode because it had a different director known for its shit
C'mon user Dororo was great.

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Crossboarding itself is a shitty meme. Most people on Yea Forums use multiple boards.

>Game is the peak of its genre

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because yuri and butts

kek, still not as bad as psycho pass episode 18 though.

With total sincerity, it's just a worse Ninja Scroll: The Series.

>And you haven't seen a Charlie Chaplin film either.
I don't watch archboomer shit.

Why are yurifags so easily entertained?

>forced animation
What the fuck does that even mean

>Ninja Scroll: The Series
>watching the inferior series to the amazing movie

because they eat shit

So don't try to talk about slapstick comedy then.

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>Posting Konosuba
>Thinks he has the right to call other shows trash

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This can't be real. Even if it is, it's slowed down to like 20% or something.

It's a derivative meme coming off the forced drama meme.

Songs are good, characters are passable and it's got magic punching. I'd never claim it's high entertainment or anything, but it decent popcorn entertainment.

I don't usually mind spoilers such as someone dying or whatever but you basically told the whole thing in such detail that it's pointless to watch it anymore

>This can't be real.
It's real, that particular episode had a different director, who even had the balls to promote that episode on twatter.

that's not konosuba retard

It's an Yea Forums meme denoting that any animation without purpose and/or just there for eye candy.

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>Show with Konosuba characters
>Not Konosuba

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Not even the worst animated scene in that episode. It's straight up garbage but supposedly that was the directors "style". What a con artist.

Its not Konosuba.

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If you don't laugh, or atleast outhale a little louder and grin, you should neck yourself cuz you're bitter and nothing will make you happy again.

I guess there's really not enough anime in a given season, if they have to come up with something as fucking retarded as that.

WTF I guess Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is now a Devil May Cry game because Dante is in it now

Can I get a link? I need to see this.

And then I jerked off


See now you're getting it

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It's episode 15.

Read CITY, faggots. It's great and Nichijou pales in comparison.

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I remember Yea Forumsfags on Yea Forums claiming anime threads on Yea Forums were better than Yea Forums.

They're far, FAR worse.

Not like that would take much effort

when shitposters enter, the threads always become shitty

Sounds like (You) are just a closet faggot

it's real
it's the same director who worked on gurren lagann episode 4

>the board that spams umaru and satania pics to this day
>better taste than Yea Forums


Yea Forums is garbage but at least they're orderly

Ironic you post Chowder then.

Fuck off you tranny reddit faggot.

>same joke posted at the exact same time

Oh I hate this

>he prefers nichijou over nichibros
stop being a kyo ani cocksucker, faggot

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dang i sent the one without subtitles let me try again

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Probably that game with the song that goes "mmm mmhmm mmm Mmm"

joshiraku predates the derivative meme though.

The funniest part about nichijou is the stupid high quality of its animations sometimes.