
Play Nintendo switch

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There isn't enough booze in the world to make that thing enjoyable.

>he got his but whole fractured

How the fuck do you guys game while drunk? I'm pretty cool sober or even drunk in real life but I'm an asshole when I'm drunk behind a computer.

I got banned from the TF2 server I mailed for 5 years because I was being a belligerent little shit while drunk and reading off random recipes from my mom's cookbook. I also blew $300 buying shitty fucking hats. Never drinking and gaming again

must've been some intense gay sex.

is that s0i

We have self control that you apparently lack.

>I got banned from the TF2 server I mailed for 5 years because I was being a belligerent little shit while drunk and reading off random recipes from my mom's cookbook


You seem lonely user. Constantly posting stuff like this. Always single player games. Is everything okay?

I really want to get one and play D3 and Skyrim .. again (don't give a shit about Nintendo games)
Is $220 a reasonable price for a new one now or should I wait longer for lite so I could buy a normal one ?

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I don't get it, i'm the opposite when i'm drunk. much more likely to keep a cool head and brush stuff off. i go a week without drinking i start getting easily irritated and more likely to act impulsively. i pretty much need alcohol just to game properly or my irritation will build up keeping me from thinking properly.

cuckman playing his switcuck

>Needs to play multiplayer because he lacks irl socialisation

I got friends, I’m just on work leave, they’re currently working.

Says the guy posting on Yea Forums

you should probably come up with a less terrible meme

Does it have decent anime tiddy games other than XC2?

>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be see playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to all agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

Personally I would recommend against Skyrim. Have you tried Terraria? It's a bit steep because of the Nintendo tax, but I've got thousands of hours of playtime on the PC version, and if the Switch version isn't bugged or anything, it would more than justify 30 dollars considering the content it has.

>wasting all this time writing out this post
are you okay user? i'm worried about your mental and physical health

I finally hacked mine, this console is starting to feel like one of the best i ever had

you should play video games, user.

Does this count?

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>Yea Forums should be just like Twitter!

>i go a week without drinking i start getting easily irritated and more likely to act impulsively. i pretty much need alcohol just to game properly or my irritation will build up keeping me from thinking properly.

I believe that's alcoholism.

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Memes aside, the biggest flaw isn't the size or the graphics/look of the console/games/whatever, it's the build quality which just feels unusually cheap coming from Nintendo.

mods please perma this avatar poster

So how is the og switch as a handheld? I would buy a grip, but is it as ugly as the wiiu pad?

Stupidest post i ever read.

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So it‘s perfectly fine got it. What about the dpad buttons? Can you use it as one or not?

>he writes that and cries at the same time, asking himself what's it like to have real friends
Go out, user.

I bought a grip when i got my switch and it's pretty damn comfy, even for a guy with big hands like me. The switch is not as small as what i thought

>What about the dpad buttons? Can you use it as one or not?
I don’t understand

Not the poster, also anyone discarding MP is a pathetic casual shitter who ahouldn't game at all.

Switch? No.

Now the Basedtch is a console I can get behind!

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That wasn't the point of the post, but nice try.

They need t0 drink 5 of those a day?

You'll buy it, play it for a few hours, realize you've already played these games to exhaustion and that they run like fucking dog shit on the switch and then drop it for good. Even more so when you don't give a shit about nintendo games. The switch is the perfect novelty bait. In your mind the experience seems amazing, not so much in practice.

It got a senran game recently, actually I think it has a few.

My Switch experience has been a bit lukewarm to say the least.

>despised cinematic waifushit like Xenoblade and Splatoon and Bayonetta
>wasn't too impressed with Breath of the Wild
>couldn't even finish Mario Odyssey because it got repetitious fast, while never upping the challenge
>hate smash for being unbalanced and pay2win (you think a super rich company wouldn't charge for extra characters since they make bank already, but I'm expecting too much from these greedy pricks)
>mostly just relegated to multiplats that I haven't already played on the PC

I thought Nintendo was getting back into their stride, but they've succumbed to the same sins as the other consoles.

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I honestly don't see the point of a Switch if you aren't going to hack it in the future, since a revision with better hardware is confirmed dead now there's no reason to wait.


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Legit disgusting
Where's switch belly bear user

>go into Splatoon thread
>try and discuss gameplay
>get drowned out by a billion squid cunny posters, none of which want to discuss the game

Sure looks cinematic to me, considering the fanbase hates the game part of it and just wants to fuck the squids.

Do you have any idea what the word "cinematic" means?


>phonepost of an alcoholic beverage next to a children's toy

I was on Yea Forums

funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of

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you're projecting hard

"Nintendo is making good games, true, but the 3rd party support does not exist."
"Nintendo games are not good, and all other games are available on other platforms."

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Switch port when

>Unironically playing a South Park video game

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Can I use the left joycon buttons as a dpad or is it too shit for that?
Which one?

Actually wouldn't mind that tbqh.


*fluffe wife's bull

Play Nintendo Switch

It's a wildly inconsistent definition if we go by what Yea Forums considers cinematic. I have my own definition, and I define it as "any game that doesn't focus on the gameplay and just wants to be a damn movie, or a visual novel for waifushit".

Is there a reason why I shouldn't use this definition?


>Which one?

It's the same nigger that probably thinks games like Mario Kart are too cinematic because they show you what the track is like in a non playable scene while the game loads everything, he's an autist that has been doing this for years.

PSA that slickdeals has the switch for $248. Some user from threads back was asking for the next sale. 248 is the lowest you'll see.

I am

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Almost every game has its fanbase that talk about characters and sexualise them. With the exception of racing games, I guess. That that mean every game is "cinematic"?
Why are you here, user? Don't you have CoD or FIFA to play? I thought Bloodborne, a single player game, was the best game of the decade, followed by TLoU and Uncharted, but suddenly, Yea Forums likes mp games?

how good are bayo 1 +2 runing?

Literally have sex.

Wat game is that?

Yeah what?

Better than on the WiiU

>Almost every game has its fanbase that talk about characters and sexualise them. With the exception of racing games, I guess. That that mean every game is "cinematic"?
It depends, can I get a single word in edgewise about something that isn't waifu worship? If not, then the game is too far gone and isn't worth anyone's time. There's a difference between "making sexy fanart of a character" and "making sexy fanart and spamming it in every single thread for half a decade".

Are you a schizo or something user? Nobody on this board except you has ever shitted on the concept of mp games. Also can you give me one solid argument against mp instead of complaining like a baby

Fucking nice

bayonetta 2
1 is basically the 360 porrt, so 60 fps. plus it has new nintendo costumes like link (who has the parry mechanic with the hylian shield), samus w/ morph ball, peach w/ bowser wicked weaves, etc.it's pretty cool. also if you buy bayo 2, bayo 1 gets discounted to 10$ so you can get both games for 60$ on the eshop.

>It's a wildly inconsistent definition if we go by what Yea Forums considers cinematic
Is not.

put out the switch pro
drunk words are sober thoughts
guess you;re just a little shit at heart


Literally join Islam.

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MGS IV, sure. Bayonetta or other MGS iterations not so much.

Again, that was not the point of this user's post. Noone is shitting on mp games. user pointed out how a portion of Yea Forums users are pathetic individuals who don't have a contact with other peoole in real life. You and few other showed us (the way you responded) that he is right.

>he plays inferior ports at the expense of portability
>but doesn't leave the house

makes perfect sense

>bayonetta 2

>Bayonetta or other MGS iterations not so much.
Why not? The precedent is that metacritic scores, popularity, and even gameplay ratios do not factor in to a game being cinematic or movie-like. If it has ANY amount of cutscenes beyond an hour, it's a movie. This is why God of War gets chastised as a movie, despite having better gameplay than Bayonetta.

Again, LARPing as someone else is the cringiest thing I've ever seen. Get your meds schizo

>better gameplay
When im zoomed in on kratos ass the entire time during combat i want to commit bleach drink

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Isn't GoW's combat just pressing the square button, but thr action and the type of attack changes depend on the enemy?
Press square, hit him in the chest. Press square again, now you hit his head.

Expected response.

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unironically based

It's a multiplayer game, 4 vs 4 players shooting each other with various objectives.
How is that cinematic?

The metacritic score says that journalists consider GOW to be better. So why shouldn't I listen to them? They think the gameplay is more deep and that the story is more indepth. If you're saying that I shouldn't trust them, then you're saying that popular opinion can be wrong, which I can argue destroys Bayonetta's credibility as well, since people literally only defend it by saying "omg muh titties" or "everyone loves it lol contrarian".

Your arguments are self-defeating.

The same way TLOU is cinematic despite also having a multiplayer mode. The fans are too busy talking about the politics or, in Splatoon's case, the squid waifus.

game journalists are payed off by game devs newfag. Game do have an objective quality. if you actually have taste you can discern whats good and bad. Thats why despite 20+ years of advancement people still say super metroid is the best game there is and i can stand by that as well. it was expertly crafted to account for player respect. The more you look into the little kinks of super metroid the more you find. When you start to question the developers decisions and can relate. You know you have a good game.

So you assume just because Yea Forums discussion often focuses on the girls it's "cinematic" or "a visual novel for waifushit"? It isn't an accurate representation of the actual game design. If Pong or Pac-Man came out today and had cute anime girls in it, that's all people would talk about.

Today is july 11, have you show your respects to Iwata?

You said GoW has a better combat, and I asked you a qurstion about it. I am curious if it's really as simple as I stated, or is it complex. But instead of answering to my question, you brought the "critics loves it" "argument". Wat?

critics (and general populace) will always favor the more simplistic, surface-level enjoyable game (like god of war, or the disney frozen movies) over something more challenging but rewarding (like bayonetta or persona). this meas that those games will get better scores than they truly deserve, because people in general don't have the patience or itelligence to "figure out" a game, they just want to button mash. you can beat god of war button mashing, i doubt you could make it past chapter 2 in bayonetta doing the same. sexuality aside, the reason bayonetta is popular is because it has a much deeper and complex combat mechanics than god of war.

Wow you're so smart I wish I was like you

>game journalists are payed off by game devs newfag.
That's not what they say in BOTW and Mario threads. Funny how journos only count when they're convenient.

>So you assume just because Yea Forums discussion often focuses on the girls it's "cinematic" or "a visual novel for waifushit"?
It's the ONLY thing they talk about. It overtakes all other discussion. You can't get a single word in edgewise.

In that post, I was going off critic reception, and I was open to being proved wrong by any objective arguments that didn't boil down to "da evil sjws" or "muh titties".

Seeing the garbage in the popular section of MM2 has kind of put me off the game for now. I'll probably pick mine up again if FE doesn't turn out to be a total trashfire.

i always say that, though. breath of the wild and odyssey are clearly paid reviews, and very overrated (although still solid) games.

nobody talks about critics when it comes to good games you fucking donky. Not once in my entire life when telling my friend about a good game have i brought up a journalist score. I just say, its a good game, worth the money man. Give it a shot!

The ones that do are spiteful shitposters

i need to hack it first

What we learned today?
>GoW has a complex gameplay because critics love it
>also, the same critics are responsible for Nintendo bonus
>if people talk about sexy characters, the game becomes cinematic experience

>It's the ONLY thing they talk about
That still doesn't change the core gameplay or it's genre in any way. You can choose to ignore all discussion on it and still enjoy the game if it bothers you that much.

>Funny how journos only count when they're convenient
Yeah they are convenient for shitposting, there has never been a semi-decent post that uses scores as an argument. You were trolled

Have you tried looking at the expert levels?

You say that, and yet any attempt to criticize these games is met with a wave of "haha look at all these journalists and how they love BOTW and Mario, you mad snoy YOU MAAAAAAAD"

And who stands up and tells these people to cut it out? who actually addresses the shitposter situation? Certainly not the moderate parts of the fandom who claim to not care for metacritic, that's for sure.

.That still doesn't change the core gameplay or it's genre in any way
That's the thing. What reinforced my hate of it was when I actually tried the games. I was met with cutscenes, quick time events, button mashing, braindead camera work that was just there to show off asses and titties, all wrapped up in a frankly ugly game.

It's the same reason why I hate God of War. I was trying to make a point earlier about how mindless game journalists are and they'll praise literally anything. But I guess I didn't get across clear enough because I made it sound like I genuinely liked it. That's on me, so let me clarify myself now.

you cant moderate shitposting. Why are you here if you cant handle the heat. Im going to be nice today user. You have been duped. If you have to use a game journo score to prop your game up to look good its not a good game. The thing about zelda is that even without jouno score the game sells itself because of what it brings to the table. Open world (done right) set in a popular franchise with little to know hand holding. The game is intuitive enough for normies to get through without a youtube guide as well. The game did its job and is fun to play. Its a good game. Lets look at GoW, linear. Combat fucking suck as they went for a cinematic behind the ass of kratos feel than a proper 3rd person button masher viewpoint. Story (which is about its only claim to fame) is a generic father son story. Replaced the greek mythos for a nordic one which alienates the entire franchise fans that grew up with it through the ps2 era.. I could go on or do you want to admit you have no leg to stand on and maybe rethink your life.

You using way too many napkins

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user, you and i are on the same page here. I was trying to get across how dumb it is to rely on popular opinion by reciting what a mindless metacritic drone would say, but somewhere along the line I forgot to address that. So let me make clear now that I do not like god of War and was trying to demonstrate how even a mediocre game can get a high metacritic by paid off journos. I wish I had did it in a better way so it wouldn't be confusing, but what's done is done so I have to live with it.

With Zelda, I played it for 50 hours and think it's an okay game. What I don't like is thread after thread of metacritic shitposting, where people post scores and game journos and kotaku articles about how amazing the game is, and they do it unironically. That lowers my opinion of the game because of how incompetent the fanbase is and how they have to rely on popular opinion to boost their game, instead of being able to explain their personal experiences. Sounds familiar, right?

It's the same feeling I have with all Nintendo games, not just BOTW. If the fandom, for even one tiny second, brings up popular opinion as a selling point, I discard the game.

you're a liar, there isn't a single napkin there

Flamina bamina. Serena Williams Penis!!! Bapkina mapkin!!!!

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I have a better rig guaranteed than the other guys who replied to you and can say Skyrim & D3 ran perfectly. It is insane having them portable day to day.

So you will end up hating the good game because its fanbase are annoying assholes? Do you know how childish that sounds?

D3 on switch is double cuckaroo

The way I see it, I judge the game first, then let the fanbase have a chance to convince me otherwise.

>not abstaining from alcohol
enjoy your fewer brain cells, retard

Cheers, I do.

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t. smoker

>only two new games for NES online
>neither are the game I'm waiting for

>would sorta like to drink
>on meds that will make me hallucinate and temporarily go schizo if I drink

Someone actually asked my biology professor if alcohol kills brain cells and he said that the brain cells that actually die were evolved to be killed by alcohol

Reminder that just within the last 12 months, Sony has:
>moved the Playstation HQ to California
>censored games for no reason to the point of having Rated M games on Switch being Rated E on PS4
>forced Japanese devs to have meetings in English with no interpreter
>angered AA and below Japanese devs, pushing them away from the PS4
>been actively uncooperative with crossplay, making themselves the only platform not included in crossplay in several large games
>lost several console exclusives to Switch
>pulled out of E3 completely
>gone on record saying they're struggling to adapt to the current climate and thinks consoles will be obsolete soon
>announced they're going to be making fewer games from now on
>announced that they will no longer support smaller studios in favor of Triple AAA studios
>make the PS5 a niche only machine