Attached: shelly bombshelly.jpg (898x898, 464K)

Other urls found in this thread:

going to continue posting high res caps from the trailer

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.40.116.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)

>Working mirrors
What a time to be alive

Attached: 2019-07-11 21_42_41-ION FURY - PC RELEASE DATE TRAILER [ION MAIDEN] - YouTube - Opera.jpg (146x172, 4K)

i'll ask again: where the fuck is the shelly porn?

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_01.02.866.jpg (1920x1080, 1.32M)

When is it out


Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_01.10.262.jpg (1920x1080, 925K)

15th August, Didn't you watch the trailer?

Nah I rarely watch trailers.

loving the look of these maps.

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_01.15.249.jpg (1920x1080, 1.11M)

higher res

Attached: shelly mirror.png (287x209, 66K)

this guy looks spooky

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Reposting some of the earlier ones.

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.05.199.jpg (1920x1080, 992K)

Did they really cuck to pressure from some washed up dadrock?

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.12.763.jpg (1920x1080, 1.08M)

these two enemies are still making their way into the game, right?

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 569K)

Well the legal system being as based as it is, it would have cost them time and money regardless of whether or not they were going to win, and they probably would have won. But you're looking at probably at least a year of legal bullshit and a lot of money.

So in the end, jewish maiden won.

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.14.466.jpg (1920x1080, 888K)

Gotta pick your battles user. Music IP holders are petty cunts who sue over a pindrop. It ain't worth it.

the chainsaw guy was seen in the trailer.

Attached: ss_59e958d309f7a30bf557fb1a789b8adb044cf858.jpg (1920x1080, 488K)

I'm guessing those washed up dad rockers have a literal army of lawyers at their beck and call

I'm glad we can drag props now. Positioning chairs in the demo could get tedious.

How the fuck does this look more visually appealing and impressive than modern games. Did all the shaders and all the extra clutter fucking murder simple art direction?

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.24.687.jpg (1920x1080, 932K)


art design and at direction in many modern games is nothing but simulating real life, and simulating real life is boring.

Attached: ION_FURY_RELEASEDATE_TRAILER.mp4_snapshot_00.39.132.jpg (1920x1080, 982K)

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go on...

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That one secret was a pain in the ass. Glad we can drag them now.

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Oh God, they'll be assrpaed by Bethesda.

Is price gonna up?

5 extra bucks after 18th July

user, your little fucking nuts are going to start quakin' when you fire this game up.

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Attached: ss_ba8acc9115454f1de59f21690d74af697fc11bdd.jpg (1920x1080, 546K)

>and simulating real life is boring.
based and philosophypilled. I just wish the game had more wacky and exotic weapons. I also dearly miss a flame weapon (preferably with an alt-fire mode) that sets enemies on fire, making them run and scream and flail hysterically.

Attached: Al Capone on graphics whores.jpg (936x1436, 211K)

They should have renamed it Iaint Buyin

Attached: Eustace_Bagge.png (425x636, 118K)

why you have to play as a girl though? gay ._.

I-Is that from Aliens?

>a girl

how's the controller support? I just kinda feel tired out using KBM these days sometimes.

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>I just kinda feel tired out using KBM these days sometimes.

Attached: I just don't know anymore.jpg (230x251, 7K)

It's a tranny, dude.

It should be Killer Queen: Gunpowder, gelatin
Build engine with a controller sounds like a chore.

Attached: queen-killer-queen-1974--735x413.jpg (735x413, 109K)

Man I'm on my feet 8 and a half hours a day using my arms too. It's not comfortable anymore to have my hands stretched out and apart.
I played duke 3d on 360 and it was fine. I just was wondering if it had support

I think it does, the devs said they were implementing it anyway


These shitty dadrock faggots need to die out already. It's the most retarded shit in the world that they think they can trademark the word Iron Maiden and sew anything who uses anything similar.

Frankly I would say fuck these thieving cunts and lets call it ION MAIDEN everytime we post about it.

Yes, that's what I've been meaning to tell some obvious shill in the previous thread but then it got archived. Whoever calls this game Ion Fury should just either fuck off or being labeled a shill. Ion Maiden was the fucking sexiest title for this game and we got some boring shit that doesn't even catch a gander.

>higher res

Attached: 01.jpg (232x198, 9K)

>Sees a crude-but-functional third-person mode in the trailer


Nice shilling Dave you fucking faggot

Shoulda renamed it Bombshell 3D desu

The perfect female design, honestly.

What is a voxel? Why is it different to just a standard 3D modeled trash can?

>Bombshell: First Load

Best I've got.

OP is Fred not Dave

FUCK iron maiden
press S to shit on their career

Based naming skills

>What is a voxel?
A voxel is a pixel with volume, commonly seen in cubic fashion. That trash can is multiple pixel layers on top of each other in every axis. It's made of small little blocks and it just blends better with the pixelated, 2D nature of the game.

I really hope other FPS devs take after what Ion is doing in terms of its visuals. I fucking hate shit like Project Warlock and Dusk. If Ion Maiden were released in the 90's it would have been fucking mindblowing in terms of its visuals. Dusk and Warlock on the other hand look like shit compared to games that came out in that era which is just fucking stupid.

>no boob window, no thigh window, no midriff window
no way cuckerino

looks like a fps from the future

Ion Fury is a better title anyways.

Formerly Ion Maiden.

Didn't Douk had it too?
>Not naming it Ion Milkers
Infinite detail
It's the mirrors.

Why are people saying the MC turns into a feminist yaassss character?

Which game was better Amid Evil or Dusk?

Kinda sucks we have to wait another month but I'm hype

I could easily load up DOA for that stuff.

How do you feel about Wrath? It's also 3D Realms. I feel like it doesn't look as good as Quake 1 does. The zombies in general look like shit. But the games still quite a whiles off.

I liked AE better for it's unique worlds, but Dusk is more accessible. Both are fun

Did they ever fix performance? I was getting stutters no matter what I did.

This is your villian VA for this game. Say something nice to him.

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Damn, he's lookin' good.


Why is he doing a bad mark Hamill Joker impression?

>How do you feel about Wrath?
Not him, but from the 20 min gameplay they showed, it was slower than Quack.
Hope it picks up in speed later.

I think all the footage we got was on Easy mode by "gaming journalists".

I'd like to see a hard mode by someone half decent.

Did you watch the reveal gameplay or the PAX demo? Pax demo felt better, despite being the same level.
They improved it since the first version. It's not perfect, some people say it shit itself because Build Engine can't into higher resolutions.
Me on the right.

playing the preview for the first time what does aim assist do and why is it on by default

>Pax demo felt better, despite being the same level.
Yeah, that one, still felt slow.

Ion Fury is a prequel to a shitty game named Bombshell. Shelly has a fucking horrible design there.

But someone said in the last thread that she loses her arm and becomes the character from bombshell over the course of this game according to the devs.

Have they added any new levels since it launched in Early Access, or is it still only the one?

Yeah, Duke had a third-person mode. Nice to see they kept that.

oh it's fucking bullet magnetism

They added a second one.

Every old FPS you could do that.


It looks okay-ish. The enemy models are pretty bad but the environments look alright. Its obviously no Ion Fury but I don't think its as egregious as Dusk or Warlock where it seems like they made it look shit on purpose in order to appear """"retro""""

Fucking faggot Iron Maiden boomers let all the fame go to their heads
Thinking they invented the name for the torture device


Yeah and its worth playing for the crossbow alone. It might actually be my favorite weapon of the bunch.

Ask in their discord if they can borrow her 3D model and use it for SFM animations.

Honestly why not just "ATOMIC MAIDEN"? Would have been perfectly fine.
It would have been a thinly veiled reference and nice counterparto to Duke's "Nuke 'em", still has something to do with Ions and Shelly is a sexy Maiden.
Ion Fury sounds kind of meh and generic...but it's not my game and not my shots to call, so whatever. Would be hilarious if they renamed it a second time right before release though. So if you any of the people working on the game are reading this, you are free to use my suggestion. I promise I won't sue like a certain dadrock band.

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It's a hold over from a time of shittier resolutions and mouse control

>let's use an obvious reference to a famous band as title to market our game, what could go wrong?

Don't know about that. Let's hope they were joking.

I have the episode thats already out and it just feels kinda eh. Like a decent ish map pack for Duke 3d

>what is a medieval torture device

I've personally seen to this not being Bombshell's first load.

they picked that name because it's a reference to the band, not because it references the torture device

I don't mind the lack of tits but her hips should be bigger. It looks like the game model looks better

Ion Maiden is a prequel to the events of Bombshell. At some point between these two games Shelly loses her arm and becomes a rogue operator. Now they can easily just ignore the Bombshell game if they want but until we know what happens in Ion Maiden then that is currently Shelly fate.

cool story, Steve.

Build engine games always had working mirrors.

I'm actually upset that they didn't fight this.
What's worse is they probably settled too, cucking themselves big time.

They did, worse: they probably did pay some settlement money behind the scenes.
The money you paid for this game? Went to dadrock. Pirate it, don't' give money to cucks.

Good job missing the joke.

I'm hoping they keep the thing with her losing her arm, but otherwise drops the original game from canon and goes down a new storyline.

Fighting it would have probably delayed the game at least a year.

That's smart as fuck but honestly the title reads like a last minute change by a boring lawyer someplace to get "Maiden" out of the title.
Basically they shot themselves in the foot by not fighting this.

If they fought it, the game wouldn't see release until the mid-20s.


This. Robo Arm could add an interesting mechanic in a sequel. Energy shields? Attachments like Nero from DMC5? Super powerful melee that sends enemies flying?

>Stun Baton replaced with Mighty Fist

I think everyone agrees that she should become a cyborg for the sequel, but probably distance themselves from anything top-down

That's exactly what the robo arm did in Bombshell. Mighty Fist for punching and the arm could morph into her various weapons.

Now you will read it like Ion Furry everytime

Yeah, but let's face it, the original game was pretty dull and forgettable compared to this game.

The fact it isn't Atomic Maiden pisses me off, now.

I'm not arguing that, just stating that they already put that idea into effect, just in a worse game.

Keep her current design but add the roboarm. I think that's all they need for the sequel

I love the color and stark contrast in this pic. It has more color in that one single image than all the realistic fps games of the last decade combined. it's such a breath of fresh air.

Attached: symbol of hatred.jpg (956x720, 397K)


>cyborg arm functions like the Quick Kick in Duke
>but you can find upgrades in secret areas to give the arm new abilities
>like quick punch, a grappling hook, rocket fist, quick bowling bomb, etc

I don't like upgrades much in these games because it defeats the idea of a 'pistol start' of any given level.
Maybe if it were just a powerup, sure.

Fem Dom porn mod when?

Make them powerups, but storable. You can use them whenever you want, but are lost after you beat the Level.

Like Items that expire? I like that.

We've found the man with the magic telescope that shows people's true intentions!

So Heretic's inventory system.

Ion Booty

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Umha delicia


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Make them like the Berserk Pack.

When is this shit releasing? I don't pay to playtest

where's the fan art

August 15th

August 15

>Professional game companies still unironically making Build engine games
>People still unironically playing Build engine games
>People still unironically buying Build engine games

For fuck sake, at least make the leap to Build 2! Ken released that engine like last year or something.

What next? Text adventures make a comeback?

Buy it now unless you wanna pay 5 bucks more at launch. Game gets more expensive on July 18th

>What next? Text adventures make a comeback?
If the game is good, sure.

It's on GOG if you want to just torrent the demo.

>Tfw this sudden resurgence of arcade-y FPS'
Chex Quest HD when?

It's been a few years now.

The hips look fine to me? Though I am also in an incredibly disoriented state so I don't know.

Shelly is a cutie. Pity she's gonna turn into that...THING in Bombshell...

>lack of tits
shes wearing a armor jacket over her chest so matter how big no tits would be showing through that anyway.
>hips should be bigger.
her thigh is already pretty big i feel like everyone on here just wants every female characters to have some ridiculous looking bubble butt.

Build 2 is interesting but it has no concept of scripting or triggers.
It was a kid's summer project, after all.

if a "female" character doesn't have Triple D cups, and her labia hanging out of her panties with fucking thighs that are fifty feet wide then the game is sjw trash.

yeah I think Milo is fucking based, what of it?

>proximity mines
Cool, a weapon I'll never use.

Attached: LaserTripbomb.png (1023x767, 49K)

Every female protagonist should have small tits/flat chest, wide hips, thick thighs, big/bubble butt, and at least one exposed armpit.


I bet you also think that her tits should be visible through her skin tight suit you degenerate?

Attached: 1531662731228.jpg (821x394, 45K)

What? No, that's gross.

>ship has enslaved women onboard
>clearly stated that they're all still alive
>"no one steals our chicks and lives"
>kills everyone

>Duke Nukem

Attached: 9fv5w7.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

I kind of hope there's a level where we have to escape from a prison.


Attached: Ion Madden Football.png (1200x800, 1.13M)

He can't actually save them at that point, thats' why the only option is "Kill meeee" when you try to use them in-game.

they made it very apparent in the very first level of the game that those women are already dead, they're merely incubators for alien spawn that haven't hatched yet.

An all women's prison?

i'm going to buy her game and there is nothing Yea Forums can do about it

Well do it before July 18th, because it goes from 19.99 to 24.99 on that date.

Do it now and save some money

Pro Ion Fury when Civvie 11

>Grenade Launcher
>Proxy Mines
Any archetypes missing? Anything you wanna see?

I'll keep and ion this maiden.

Attached: 709834806349092.png (1130x1812, 1.98M)

Yeah, a fucking rocket launcher.

>not using proximity mines to play tougher enemies like chumps

Attached: tiny penis.png (416x578, 349K)

Assuming this is the full arsenal, i lacks the final 'BFG' weapon. Other than that I really want some wacky / gimmick weapon(s) like the Shrinker.

>tfw I played through Blood and Duke recently
I'm so ready for more Build Engine, I loved the preview campaign.
Might give Blood a run for its money when it comes to gameplay. The bowling bombs are great. Although the pace of which things move with dynamites and the shotgun in Blood is fucking immaculate, easily my favorite build engine game in terms of mechanics.

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you think thats good?

Attached: ion maiden voxel.gif (348x500, 180K)

>Al Capone
but that's Jean Renoir

I'm cumming right now

Attached: PLVFa.jpg (635x477, 188K)

Even if they (the devs) won the lawsuit, they wouldn't have been able to sell the product while the lawsuit was ongoing. Which would suck because it's set to release next month.
Also the fact that the legal battle would literally cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.

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Will you ever voice big the cat again?

Attached: Duke the cat.jpg (800x978, 144K)

I love voxels.
while software voxels are really cool and total magic, I do think I prefer the hardware rendered ones.

Attached: voxels2.png (1064x1440, 123K)

Were voxels a thing in the original build engine?

yes Blood had quite a few of them.

Attached: voxels.png (2880x2880, 767K)

Blood and SW had voxels.

For Shadow Warrior and Blood that is

>graphics card died so I finally bought Ion Maiden
>I won't get to see voxels in-game till 2020 since this is probably from the openGL version
I appreciate the gifs tho user

Also, do all Build games have Voxels by this point? I know Blood has some, Duke has some modded in. Shadow Warrior?

Duke didn't use them, I think Shadow Warrior used them sparingly, and Blood had a bunch.

Tekwar doesn't :^)

copyright should literally be abolished and washington DC nuked

Play Death Wish.

Attached: blood-death-wish-e3m1-silent-hill-again.jpg (906x680, 53K)

Iron maiden won, you faggot lost. It's funny when you guys call iron maiden washed up when these fags haven't developed anything good in 25 YEARS. Pathetic

Already did. It was great fun.
I love the swarms of enemies in this expansion, he really understood what made Blood so satisfying to play, blasting people with dynamite, man.

Is BLOOD the most soulful of the build engine games?

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>game is still coming out
Get fucked, green skeleton.

the preview campaign had some great secrets in it

Attached: 20190211201939_1.jpg (2560x1440, 464K)

>female protag
>nu-male soilent grin

Into the bottom of the trash it goes

anyone have a mega for the preview levels?

>nu-male soilent grin
u wot, m8?

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I tried to watch that show but the soap opera elements made me want to kill myself

You're missing out. Embrace the corny and comfy nature of it. It turns on a fucking dime and fucks you up.

Not to mention Season 3, literal arthouse television show.

I watched Season 1, it was okay, it felt like 40 minutes of Soap Opera and 1 minute of weird shit each episode

who else is afraid of ionized radiation?

Aw shit, green skeletor is back. Fuck off m8

Yeah. Season 1 is more straightforward than 2, and 3 is way out there. But I wouldn't really wanna recommend you to go back if you can't embrace the cheese of it all.

I love season 1, all of it, not just the episodes that Lynch directed (Although his are far anda way the best). Also season 2 while it has higher highs is way less consistent than season 1 was, if you hated the soapy elements, you'd surely find season 2 unbearable. Although season 2 is far more experimental and dark when Lynch is at the helm.

Season 3 is 18 hours of television directed by Lynch and Lynch only. I've never seen anything like it.

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Sprite shooters are shit and you should all feel bad for liking them.

remember the autist who was so assblasted that they changed shelly's design that he spammed threads about it for nearly a year straight?

sprite shoot yourself in the head

literally btfo

>he doesnt use a controller on one hand and a mouse on the other

Attached: retrogrouches BTFO.jpg (1944x2972, 768K)

>What next? Text adventures make a comeback?
I've played Lands of Lore 1 last year for the first tiem and I had an absolute blast with it.
I pity ignorant faggots like you.

Attached: 12726-lands-of-lore-the-throne-of-chaos-dos-screenshot-bluffing-the.jpg (640x400, 76K)

>iron jewden won

fuck those cocksucking boomers

Looks very 90s comic.

why'd you spell it jewden when Juden would have worked?

will they raise the price on the gog version as well or just steam?

AAAAAAA, I don't have one month worth of good shooters.

Attached: 1558573520207.jpg (250x246, 56K)

HOW can such a primitive looking game looks so fucking beautiful?!
Modern gaming trully is the DULLEST thing ever to happen in modern society.

Who would have though video games would eventually be effected by the modernization of society when gaming was always meant to stretch boundaries of real life and fantasy.

When went from vivid worlds and concepts to real life and shit we see everyday we wake up.

Only other game that made me this excited was granblue fighting game.
Its nice to know that there are still some western developers worth a damn in this day and age.
Cuphead was also another tribute to true western gaming

Attached: V suave.jpg (1351x2048, 260K)

I thought the game was called Ion maiden and not iron maiden?

Did they really have a loss suit for that shit because its sounds like iron maiden?

They probably settled instead of fighting it out for time and/or money reasons.

The question is, are the base enemies in this game as fun to blow up as the Cultists from Blood?

They have a windup, and don't track nearly as well.

fuck boomers

That mentally ill retard is still around, shitting up Obsidian and CDPR threads and shilling his shitty futa fanfics.

Attached: ion maiden autist.jpg (1607x3652, 703K)

>That mentally ill retard is still around, shitting up Obsidian and CDPR threads and shilling his shitty futa fanfics.
God I love Yea Forums

oh no, now you did it. you let the butt genie out of his bottle.

Attached: worried doggo.jpg (693x663, 60K)

Obsidian and CDPR fans suck ass anyways
Nothing of value was lost

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I mean, it looks ok, but what makes it any better/different from the dozens of other indy 'nostalgic' FPS games?

Keep her pure

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>"Damn, I'm lookin' good."

She had better say something like that.

Its just not a build engine game without pop culture references. I'm glad the devs are keeping up that aspect.

MMMmmm yeah
got to have those memes

Attached: 20190427131811_1.jpg (2560x1440, 336K)

Shelly looks like she is rocking her inner Motoko Kusanagi.

doge is alright, though, nobody uses him anymore.
such forgotten, much sad

References were replaced with memes, what can you do? Also pic related is a statement.

Don't even pretend the Build Engine Holy Trinity didn't have pop culture references.


Is this confirmed?

Because you're trying your bestest to sound like a mature oldskewl gamer and failing at it, or something. I don't know.

>A tron reference.
About fucking time something acknowledged it.

I mean it depends on how much you enjoyed the weird shit, but Fire Walk with Me and Season 3 are basically comprised entirely of weird shit and have practically no soap opera elements. They are entirely different in tone to Season 1 and 2. Both obviously should only be watched after you complete season 2.

Yes, he voices the villain of the game Dr. Mengele.

I'll draw some after release if the game is good enough.

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But then I'm just sitting in a dark room staring at nothing.

>Fwoggy? You in there?

Oh I really hope there is a massive shootout in the arcade.

I would say its close. The thing that made killing cultists so satisfying for me is that they were really deadly. The enemies in Ion aren't nearly as dangerous on their own. The only basic enemy type you have to watch out for is the grenadier because the explosions might actually hit you as you are circle strafing around like a madman.

I should have listened to Crash 15 years ago.

She's still going to become the One Armed Femen YASS abomination from Bombshell.
3dRealms VP confirmed that, they are still attached to that fucking game.

Attached: j38.jpg (1279x719, 104K)

3dR VP stated that she loses in this game

>Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison is the main character in the game Bombshell and its prequel, Ion Fury.
>She was a Global Defense Force bomb specialist in Neo D.C., where she got her nickname for her bomb defusal skills and kept it for her looks. By 2097, she had achieved the rank of Major, and was tasked with heading the domestic defense squad after only 6 months of service. She was driven by ambition throughout her education and career at the GDF. Her signature weapon was the three-barrelled revolver called the Loverboy, but also made frequent use of so-called bowling bombs with a skull painted on each one.
>At an undefined time, she failed to defuse a bomb in a Washington institute related to Jadus Heskel's work, resulting in an explosion that killed the GDF B-52 unit that she was in command of, while she survived having lost her right arm. After this event, dubbed the Washington Incident, she was discharged. From the wreckage of Heskel's complex, certain technologies were scavenged which allowed Harrison to receive a bionic arm, which she subsequently named Amiga (the Spanish word for "friend"). She returned to service as an external contractor, seeking revenge against Heskel.
>In the released version of Bombshell and in Ion Maiden, she is voiced by Valerie Michelle Arem.

From the wiki itself