Giant pauldrons

>giant pauldrons
>2" thick shield
this is not ok

Attached: warcraft-3-reforged-comparison-human-unit-footmen.jpg (1914x1074, 237K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's called a tabard

It's called a tabard, you fuck. While the model on the right is an actual atrocity, the tabard part is okay.

the important thing is, did they nerf sorceress thighs?

I hate giant pauldrons so much why is this shit still a thing?

Poor motherfucker can't look left or right

Yes. And tits.

i really like the old wc3 models much more, the simplistic cartoon design gives a distinct silhouette and offers lots of room for quick colour recognition of which army it belongs to

simple design is better for basic dudes. the new models have too much detail for a basic unit in a top-down RTS game

everytime i see any post or image about this game, i wonder if there was an official news update, but every time im reminded that this game is vaporware.

Jaina is going to dress in a fantasy niqab, same with Sorceress..

That giant helmet is not much better. Both look cartoony as fuck.



This, what is Blizzard's obsession with fuckhuge pauldrons



i legitimately love fuckhuge pauldrons, but even i think this shit looks stupid.

No it's not.

they ripped it from Games Workshop.

blizzard's lead designers are hacks

I really don't like how the remake looks, the original is much more charming. Many of the units themselves look pretty cool, yes, but not in-game, at least in the footage we saw.


Attached: WCCFwarcraft3reforged.jpg (740x429, 195K)

Sure the giant pauldron looks somewhat off, but it seems like it would protect from side arrows.

How did the alliance become fucking starcraft marines?

That's not a proper tabard

if any of you twats would look before getting upset you would see that the pauldrons are fuckhuge in the OG cinematic.

But no one on Yea Forums has ever played this game.

Attached: Annotation 2019-07-11 150655.jpg (1377x602, 74K)

Sure, and how exactly is he supposed to SEE anything directly not in front of him?

>literally pauldrons so big they are blocking all sight to the sides

why would he.
Charge the enemy or else

they looked ridiculous then and they look ridiculous now

He obviously would have to do quick small side turns. Most battle in the past weren't as chaotic or cinematic as people think, they were done in sets of structures, like formations, and so forth.

It wasn't that bad.

Attached: wall1-1920x1200.jpg (1920x1200, 867K)

They're so big they act as a cage that prevent him from falling on his head and snapping his neck when some fuckhuge demon knocks him away.

I bet they will make children npc invincible

Blizzard is a parody of itself at this point.

You forgot the dragon scales

Tho pauldrons could be bigger, not much protection there

It makes you look freakishly roid-huge. Power-fantasy, intimidation, whatever.

Based Orc Warrior

this desu

GW just turned all their fantasy humans into SPESS MUHREENS so obviously Blizzard had to follow suit.

Attached: Sigmarines.jpg (600x620, 76K)

>can still easily see left and right turning his head
>new soulless version's pauldrons are fucking gigantic and can literally see nothing to his sides

Scale mail dipshit.

stormcast are cooler than space marines

grimdark scifi is for faggots

They haven't shown the sorceress model yet. Jaina's midriff and tits are intact though.

Attached: 03%20arthas%20and%20jaina.jpg (1460x821, 252K)


Attached: WoW48894.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)


He legit just looks more like the cutscene Knight from the original teaser trailer.

Attached: reign of chaos.jpg (1108x550, 41K)

Attached: 1541859509696.png (1100x619, 1.62M)


you autists will shit on anything

Unnhhhh!! BIGGUR!

Attached: pauldrons.jpg (500x322, 52K)

I wish that they would have used the footman model from the menu as reference for the remake, not the cheesy one form the cinematic.

Attached: 514056-warcraft-iii-reign-of-chaos-macintosh-screenshot-human-campaign.jpg (1024x768, 157K)

rip whinos being blasted by the WC3 cinematic soldier armor

Not for long, I've posted about how sexist it is on their forums. Enjoy your small titty, fully clothed Jaina, faggot.

That would only be fair as they did hide the grunt's asscheeks.

Attached: index01.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

Removing mutton-chops for that crap was not and will never be okay.

The old humans were badass dudes that fought and struggled daily to survive, what little moments of comfort they had sifted through their lives like grains of pretzel-salt occassionally sifting through their immense moustaches. They weren't some genetically-created supersoldiers designed with nothing else in mind, they were absolute chads that went out and smashed evil in the throat because taking evil in a fair fight would've been a retarded suggestion.

Attached: do you know the mutton man.jpg (440x927, 101K)


>spend a couple minutes looking at the cinematics
>spend hundreds/thousands of hours looking at the in-game graphics
Gee I wonder which one Blizzard should have been more faithful to... really hard decision...

theyre still around though?

Those men were the heroes of the Empire, that place has since been taken from them.

Die, subhuman

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH.jpg (600x600, 91K)

They've ripped off every single idea they've ever had from GW but they must realize simply continuing to double down on them won't work anymore

>lost to a bunch of screeching retards from the arctic wastes
>the world exploded because of their failure
wow such hero

no its not
read a book

Um, sweetie?
Mutton chops are for ugly and gross OLD people, yuck!
REAL badasses have buzzcuts and five o'clock shadows and wear FCKIN HUGE power armor and not some gay hat with a feather on it, FRICK YEAH!

>liking 40k unironically
you have to be 18+ to post on Yea Forums
zoomer shoo shoo

Attached: Nofun_robot.jpg (448x473, 60K)

I hate how even warhammer fantasy(aka age of sigmar) made this almost the norm. Even the order races are full of giant pauldrons now. And they went full current WoW artstyle in general too. I fucking hate that shit.

Blizzard was first going to do WC3 HD as a quicky remastering ala Starcraft HD, but then thru internal opinon and some focus testing they came to the conclusion that if you just brought the game rudamentary models up to 4K Status they'd look like a Mobile Game.

I agree that the WoWified/Cutscene style models is jarring at first, but at least it looks like a AAA game. Frankly I'm just glad I have a chance to go back home and throw more Flying Hammers as the Mountain King.

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Can anyone fill me in why Blizzard is so obsessed with comically ginormous pauldrons? I just don't get it.

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Not him but that is a tabard, notice how it goes in under the belt and breastplate. Why he wears a tabard on the INSIDE of his armor is beyond me however, it's like someone putting a tshirt on over a sweatshirt.

>Someone on this planet actually likes Age of Shitmar

Isn't that the unholy tetranny of shit remakes? Sasuga dumb feelsposter.

I don't like them, but I'll play devils advocate and say that it does create recognizable silhouettes, which is a useful thing. It also helps further differentiate distinct factions by pushing their unique aesthetic into large pieces of armor that the eye is immediately drawn towards.
There are a lot of different art styles in Warcraft and big pauldrons help define them at first glance.

Those pauldrons would weigh like 80 pounds each. No fucking way. Arthas would have Arthritis in like 3 months of usage

I can't believe you are stuck in 2015. Just wait til you hear about who is running for president in the republican party

>liking 40k is underage
>speaks like an underage

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Because Orcs in Space I mean Starcraft was such a megahit that Blizzard probably assumed that they needed to keep the Space Marine look.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

Do you not have shoulders?

That's still not a tabard. Stop learning medieval/renaissance harness parts and fashion from World of Warcraft.

I just bought a miniature that looks 10x better than that

Attached: il_794xN.1786899404_prgh.jpg (794x794, 135K)

he legitimately would not even be able to see her if he looked to his left because of the fuckhuge retarded pauldrons

i started noticing how stupid it was back when Darksiders 1 came out


Attached: 1502978946153.jpg (640x637, 49K)


They literally want the WoW audience.

A nice mix of "edgy cool" and realistic armor. Better than that cartoony shit


That Crystal Maiden is hot!

Stop complaining about games you never played.

Attached: Warcraft_3_Intro.flv_000050708.jpg (640x294, 93K)

Based Zoomers shitting on goofy fantasy armor design from the early 00s.

Attached: 1200px-Warcraft_III_Human_Campaign.jpg (1200x855, 136K)

>defeated a bunch of screeching retards from the arctic wastes
>the world exploded because Mannfred is the stupidest being to ever walk the Old World

Fixed that for you.

Stormcast could look cool if their design was used for like one angelic sort of hero. An army comprised of dudes looking like that looks like complete shit.


We need to go deeper.

They only need to tone down the shoulders, make the swords hilt a bit more realistic, the blade more straight, the shield a bit thinner and it's very good.

this is great
wtf nu-blizzard is doing

the funny thing is, to any wc3 player they instantly understand the design. if you do not understand the design you are literally admitting you have never played the games.

>massive fucking emblem occupies 90% of the shield, obscuring the identifying blue

I threw it together into one image for future prosperity

Attached: Pauldrons.jpg (740x1647, 500K)

That "hold the fuck up" works really well in this series of images.

god that looks so fucking stupid


as a young lad, I used to load the editor just to flip the camera and... breathe heavily... while looking at sorc panties, who know this feel? pls respond

I wanna see how they will fuckup undead. And censor hot night elven archers and huntresses


They'll censor the undead too because of the Chinks.

Why is it so fucking hard for blizzard to recreate the original art in 3d

Attached: 16eb5c94620de88fd44c5a4954a9a0fc.jpg (692x530, 78K)

>Fucker can't see left or right of himself let alone out of his helmet
>Sword overly top heavy due fucked curving
>No longer wearing full leg gear, just shin guards on leather boots, enjoy getting that calf sliced.
Basically an expensive metal coffin

>posts a picture no one has ever seen

yeah they should recreate the art based off of a style no one cares about and has never been used by them.

>Never been used by them

Attached: wc3-knight-on-rock-large.jpg (704x320, 123K)

Right looks objectively better, soulessfags are cancer

Yeah, these new designs are looking awful

Attached: reforged-orc.jpg (930x450, 39K)


pic related

This isn't a remaster. It's a reimagining and the new imaginers can't make a good game to save their lives. If they could, they wouldn't be remaking their old stuff.

I've beaten RoC and TFT on Hard. I know the lore such that I can trace a straight line from Kil'Jaeden to Sylvanas. It's telling that me, a stupid incel, knows more about what made the original great than NuBlizz.

Attached: 1550107229575.jpg (1904x1292, 832K)

Glad you could make it Uther

the model for the new footman is based off of the cgi cutscene. it is so obvious to anyone that has played the game, that cherrypicking concept art is irrelevant.

I watch my tongue with you old man, I may be the prince, but you are still my superior as a paladin.

How much do you think all that shit weighs?

This honestly looks so bad. Normally I'm not as pessimistic as the doomsayers on Yea Forums but holy shit. They don't even look like their WC3 counterpart, it's their faces. They look like some cheap Chinese CG fan movie or something. I don't even care about the armor or huge shoulders, the faces just look so incredibly off.

Left graphics suck tho


Attached: file.png (1770x1549, 1.11M)

And the one on the left is? It doesnt even look human. Looks like a mess of polygons from ancient computer times. Its ugly as fuck, and nobody wants to look at that old ass garbage unless theyre doing it ironically. Get with the times grandpa. Better graphics arent a bad thing just because you cant comprehend them anymore. I bet you still use a flip phone faggot lmao. Go change some diapers and get yelled at by your wife or something dumb out of touch boomer. We video games now.


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Primaris > Stormcast > Marinelets

Attached: referee.jpg (423x383, 48K)

The right looks fine.
>Mobile game
All youre saying is that some mobile games look good despite the platform they're on.

For real. These designers would really benefit from trying to wear some

Just make the pauldrons smaller and the shield wider to cover more of his body and it'd look a lot better I think.


Attached: Midgar_comparison.png (1600x1080, 2.22M)

Unironic soul.

>look to the left
>see nothing but pauldron
>look the the right
>see nothing but pauldron
>look back
>helmet gets stuck on pauldron

God why does SE have such a boner for visual fidelity?


>grunt is still left handed
>but has a pauldron on right arm, like a right-handed person would have

How can you be so fucking stupid like blizz

A soldier only needs to look forward, where the fight is. Like horses. Truly genius.

Only problem is the giant pauldrons, even on WoW it looks fucking stupid but blizzard will never get rid of them because "lols its a meem!!!"

They were proud ffx was considered the best looking ps2 game of its time. So now they mostly focus on visuals

I only liked wc3/WoW cartoon art back in the early 2000s because it fit with low poly constraints.
However the Art concept or reforged are pretty good so far.

Attached: Warcraft_III_Reforged_-_Maiev_concept_art.jpg (4000x974, 1.13M)

>archers are now fully clothed with a fucking magic bow and full armor

Attached: 1558442034886.png (369x367, 168K)

Considering GW ripped off every idea they ever had, this is okay.

oh? from who

You remind me that there are no archer/ranger class in wow, no hunter doesnt fucking count its a fucking mascot shitty class.

The left definitely looks less retarded.

>back view without cape

Attached: 1556867431960.png (225x225, 78K)

>he says, as he enjoys the literal grimdark scifi rip off

Yes which is why irl armies in the past clad their soldiers in armor with impractically huge pauldrons and trained them to do special maneuvers so entire infantry units could shuffle around and check their flanks in unison since nobody could turn their heads.

>raises his arm
>crushes his on head

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg (645x729, 57K)

Botw is very cartoony too. Cartoony graphics are way cheaper to make and require less ressources.

If it's not a tabard what is it then?


>capable of botw
>a measuring stick that's already 12 years behind the times


...or becoming a turtle

Post that ugly one with Tryande one the moonsaber. It reeks of chink drawing.

Not him but its a loincloth.

A tabard is basically just a giant sheet with one hole in it for your head, it goes over the outer most part of your armor and is used for identification in a battlefield when worn on armor.

Basically think of a huge poncho.

Attached: Pompa_funebris_Albert_Ardux_-_Heravlts_de_Flandria.jpg (701x730, 226K)

Jesus the more you look at it the more retarded it becomes.

LOOK AT THOSE SHOULDERS. Holy fucking shit while the original has pretty big ones this is just a fucking meme size, they are so large you literally could not fucking SEE anything to either side of you.

Why is he now wearing a tabard and why is it UNDER his fucking armor. Why has his plate been replaced with scales and why is his helmet completely fucking different.

Its a dev trick if you make the armor covering the shoulders fuck huge you dont need to animate the shoulder underneath rotating which can lead to weird clipping and graphical errors, they did the same thing in mass effect with Krogan armor and maybe humans? I cant remember precisely. I can undestand doing it for the rank a files in an RTS but it would nice for some extra detail on the hero models.

dropped like the sack of shit that it is.


It's not a fucking loincloth either dipshit.

What the fuck? Can anyone confirm this?

Attached: pauldroncraft.png (1808x1647, 3.68M)

Why can't Blizzard do anything right?

Reminds me of the Faraam armor, which is aesthetic.

Attached: faraam knight.jpg (920x1093, 227K)

literally the most soulless remaster ever made

Yes, it is, any cloth (usually cloth, but also leather/fur) over your crotch, whether asymmetrical on your ass as well is a loincloth. The only other option is a skirt, which this is not because its not covering his entire bottom section.

Have a nice day kiddo :^)


>whatever I say is truth - you are wrong
I'm surprised you didn't put an mspaint comic along with your post to really drive this point home.

Not him but you cant justify those shoulders, they are beyond just being a bit large it looks utterly moronic.

>decided to shitpost to save face, rather than educating himself
Okay newfag

fucking kek

blizz wants the chinese audience and the chinese audience wants the warcraft movie

Stop responding to newfags, newfag