X is different from other fighting games because it's focused on neutral and rewards smart play

>x is different from other fighting games because it's focused on neutral and rewards smart play
Can we stop saying this about literally every fighter that comes out? It's always proven wrong within weeks.

Attached: nb.jpg (1358x2008, 218K)

That is literally me irl

Also fighting games suck ass stop playing that boring shit.

Source on this seminal devil?

Shes not interested

t. Delusional tranny

That's a man isn't it?

but SamSho is actually focused on neutral. counterhits deal insane damage and there's very minimal combos

It's literally color-coded with the bisexual flag.

>That is literally me irl
can you be my boy/girl/theyfriend pls

t. Mashing casual that gets hit by basic meaties and chalks it up to the game not being focused on "nootrool"

Nothing's ever good enough for you people.

Attached: 1149463997298.gif (57x99, 18K)

What meme sexuality is this supposed to represent?


Attached: 1562276349642.jpg (1024x1024, 138K)

Pretty sure gray black and purple is the aromantic code. Basically “dont hit on me you silly humans” the gender

Go back to school. You're both wrong.

but Mr. Smartypants, if they both are wrong then what is the correct answer?

non-binary gender identity

>Non-binary people may identify as having two or more genders (being bigender, trigender, or pangender); having no gender (being agender, nongendered, genderless, genderfree or neutrois); moving between genders or having a fluctuating gender identity (genderfluid); or being third gender or other-gendered, a category that includes those who do not place a name to their gender
ah so it's basically the "i'm too lazy and too indecisive to choose so i choose everything but also nothing particular". Thanks, Professor Smartypants!

>this is how low the bar on baitposting is now

we used to be funny

I'm going to shoot """her""" brains out with my shotgun.

>i'm too lazy and too indecisive to choose so i choose everything but also nothing particular
No, that's polygender. NB is still singular, it's just neither male or female.