ITT: Games with opening segments/advertising/demos that set a high bar the rest of the game didn't live up to

ITT: Games with opening segments/advertising/demos that set a high bar the rest of the game didn't live up to

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That first level was indeed the best part of the game. But the demo/advertising was absolute shit. I don’t even remember what that 20 dollar one level thing was named.

>most scripted and linear part of the entire MGS franchise
>high bar
Proof that MGS drones don't give a shit about gameplay and just want movies.
Now go ahead and ask for Death Stranding's gameplay again.

Nigger the trailers were the best part of the game
and the 20 dollar one level thing is better than the main game


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And i'd argue BotW peaks at the plateau tutorial, rest of the game is that exact same loop on repeat but without the initial novelty

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By the time you reach skellige you start feeling exhausted.

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If you count that opening as GZ, then yes. The hospital section is heavily scripted walking simulator trash though.

>The hospital section is heavily scripted walking simulator trash though.
It's pure kino.

I agree with this but they made up for it with the dlc imo

>The hospital section is heavily scripted walking simulator trash though.
So it's the only time V is an actual Metal Gear Solid game

You first
The opening segment of MGSV is just movie game times 10, practically plays itself.

>game opens with movie/walking simulator
>omg this sets such a high bar
>actual gameplay starts
>wtf i wanted a movie like MGS4!?!??

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Why do zoomers think linear = bad by default? Faggots like that are why every game is a soulless open world shitfest now.

Final Fantasy XV

The game just gets worse as the plot moves along.

I can see where you're coming from in regards to BotW, it's a fair opinion to have, but for me, stuff like finding the three springs, Spring of Wisdom, Hyrule Castle, Gerudo Desert, Maz Koshia, Vah Naboris and some other smaller areas are all highpoints.

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>frogposter is actually based for once and speaks facts

>complaining about linearity
You are why MGS5 was so bad.

Highlight of XV was the final sequence of Insomnia, the ending and the campfire scene at the end of the game pre-patch where they fucked it all up with the Luna Deus Ex Machina and added all the shit.

brainlet-tier response
Reads like you haven't even played MGS before.

Yes because previous MGS games were all open world collectathons.

>Press and hold W/hold the left stick forward for 15 minutes straight
>Sets a high bar

Gettin' real tired of all these zoomers

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>Game designed for console controls
>Held back to PS3/360 standards visually and mechanically
>literally need to hold a button for an action to occur because there are overlapping contextual events for limited controller buttons
>only ~15 max characters on screen, ever
>high bar

No, the best mission was easily the one where you have to kill a bunch of your teammates

>multiple dialogue options
>options to choose different ways to proceed in a mission
Features in chapter 1 that almost entirely disappeared in the rest of the game

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>game only gets better as it goes on
name a better feeling

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It’s pure unstoppable garbage that hides the rest of the game behind it.

>Held back to PS3/360 standards visually and mechanically
This is especially noticeable with how gimped Mother Base became in the final game compared to the gameplay demos.

Case 1 is the best case in the game with a big twist about your support being the villain. It only gets worse from there and one of the cases is a good contender for worst case in the entire franchise.

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Just go and play skyrim if you don't like it

playing Nier was the last and only time I was awestruck by a game