What are your favorite type of fighting games?


Evo is coming up and there have been a lot of new fighting games coming out this year between Mortal Kombat, Samurai Showdown, and that Kill la Kill game coming this month.
What are you playing and what games are you curious about?

Attached: Disneyworld Brawl_The New Challengers.jpg (1918x1080, 466K)

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I've been playing some SoulCalibur VI, Tekken 7, and tried the demo for the Kill la Kill game. Really looking forward to Tekken being the grand finale for Evo but it'll probably end up being Smash Ultimate just because of the numbers it pulls in sadly.

why do black people act like this?

>wearing red

Tekken 7.

I don't think it's a black exclusive trait to be a fucking moron who is out to ruin their own life. But who knows.

Who fights a disney world? Honestly. It's impossible to be anrgy there.


Attached: giphy.gif (640x480, 222K)

>nobody bothers to try stop him till he hits the milktruck

you know who

sojfriends don't know what it's like to go berserk and should not judge. if you had ever felt it you would understand. the blood lust is amazing. of course it shouldn't happen at disneyland but sometimes the body does what it wants and not what it should.

Is there no security at those places or did they think it was the bi-hourly monkey show?

Trouble in Coontown.

I was desperately hoping those things would pop out while she was getting fucked up. Oh well.

sure tyrone


That's pink.

Also to answer OP's question playing a lot of UNIST and interested in SamSho.

>First this
>Then the bagel manlet
Three more days, what else will pop up.

This 100%.
t. s*ylent consumer


Like two women end up flat on their back. was this really worth it?

>>Then the bagel manlet

>bagel manlet

>Mother accidentally falls down
>Woman in brown goes to help her up
>Woman in black starts shouting at the guy that the woman in brown hit his mother
>He goes nuts on her

It's not, but it is in the hip hop, gang banger sub culture.

What are you, fucking Neardenthals?

Bald, fat manlet takes out his rage on roasties at a bagel store.

Yeah too bad that's niggers 24/7.

Attached: 1535569152468.jpg (1024x763, 94K)

Neanderthals didn't make it precisely BECAUSE they weren't violent enough, brainlet.

big black tiddies

>"They permit accused persons to defend themselves and bring witnesses for their defense."

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Manlet incel gets btfo


Actually it's because humans were smarter.

>black people

Attached: 1547395499830.jpg (540x720, 178K)

Why did this fight break out?

Don’t forget the white knight trying to get laid by attacking the manlet

And what were they smarter at? Wearing high-legged socks, or killing niggers?

i like skullgirls and guilty gear xrd but i don't know why. maybe because they have ways for casual scrub players to still do good in casual matches (1v1 mode and the entirety of Big Band in skullgirls) while allowing pros to create ridiculous combos and setups and other bullshit


Attached: 0A1EC88070884D56BD09F1DB106F99B1.jpg (1024x967, 83K)

Not being retarded, if I had to guess.

Both. You won't get out of the wild just by killing.

>posting hate stats


>big cowtits didn't come out

get help

Wasn't hiphop created by the Jews/CIA to trick niggers into smoking/selling dope?

she wa dat homie' girl wit da freak and dey did'n s'nuf da blow an y she was wit da baby an he say he won' git his dab on da girl wit he mama said she a punch her

Listen, I'm all for defending white supremacy, but just going apeshit is quite the complete opposite of what we're trying to defend here, don't be a retard.

is it a hate statistic because you hate it? lmao look at this kid disliking pure, distilled truth

I found it.

t. posts on Yea Forums
get help

Yeah, don't let fucking reality ruin your pretty utopias, you fucking commie.

>sojfriends don't know what it's like to kill someone and should not judge. if you had ever felt it you would understand. the blood lust is amazing. of course it shouldn't happen at disneyland but sometimes the body does what it wants and not what it should.

Hip-hop was made to express and address the problems in the urban community, predominately black for the most part. The execs/CIA then pushed and glorified the gangsta element and ignoring the original message. Fuck Tha Police was a protest song, not a glorification of the gangsta lifestyle.

>controlling flow of immigrants into the country is white supremacy

Currently playing Soul Calibur VI. I'm just waiting to see if Okubo announces a season 2 for the game at EVO.

Attached: 1507998654021.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

>For licensing or usage, contact [email protected]

Sadder than the video itself.

It is if you're in a white country. As I am.

These are lies and bold ones at that. It just shows how ignorant Asians and whites are of African culture and assume the whole place was a few isolated tribes despite the same existing in Europe and Asia

Yeah look at all those peaceful protests that stoped Jewish rule

Oh wait they were forcefully thrown out, kys weak retard

Where do these niggers get their money to buy Disneyland tickets?

Kicking off Jews from countries in Europe happened on a calm and regulated way, you retard, not literally going berserk.

>kike accent
>bagel shop
It practically writes itself

>What are you playing and what games are you curious about?
Digging through SNK fighters in chronological order.
I don't care much for most of the new fighting games out right now.

No it isn't, you're making a big leap. Immigrants cause significant social and economic change, flow is very important. Controlling it to an extent that doesn't alienate your subjects is not only not easy but also not white supremacy.
>It's a white country so keeping immigrants from coming and going as they please is white supremacy!
I don't understand how you can come to this conclusion.

>huge, bulging bellies everywhere
>fat niggresses and fluorescent clothing niggers everywhere
>original uploader donut steal
>for licensing contact [email protected]

This video is pure america.

uh what? could you repeat that slowly, in multiple sentences, please?

Attached: anime girl with questionmarks.jpg (907x778, 72K)

They are pricey but come on, they aren't as expensive as plane tickets.

>Kicking off Jews from countries in Europe happened on a calm and regulated way
Lol ok retard, guess that explains why jews still rule Europe then