So let me get this straight...
Lurelin village has only dark skinned people in it... ok makes sense
Kakariko that is predominantly light skinned has a couple of dark skinned persons...
Wtf nintendo??
So let me get this straight...
Lurelin village has only dark skinned people in it... ok makes sense
Kakariko that is predominantly light skinned has a couple of dark skinned persons...
Wtf nintendo??
Japanese are racist like this get over it
>Beachside village that's predominant industry is fishing has tan people adapted to working in sunlight
Holy fuck, call Jesse Jackson
Lurelin for Lurelins
Goron City for Gorons
But Karakiro for everybody?
Wtf nintendo
All the trannies play playstation and nintendo retard. Xbox is the exception.
Because they probably spend all their time at sea and in hot humid tropical conditions?
While Kakariko village inhabitants don't?
Are we really able to maintain a video games discussion when OP's post reeks of /pol/?
>people that make a living out a fishing are more tanned because they're more exposed to the heat and sun
>people in Kakariko are mostly covered and aren't that exposed to the sun or heat
OP can't genuinely be this retarded, can he?
Fucking Gerudo Village only allows female characters?!? Wtf bros? What is this sexist crap?!
>nintendo retard
>and nintendo
Not really. They're extremely small because the majority of them hate Nintendo for not actively acknowledging them.
The Sheikahs are apparently multicultural while Lurelins are monoethnic... yeah nice going /pol/tendo
why the fuck are there black hylians now??
Wasn't there a Gerudo woman in that village?
Because white villages are for everyone you fucking racist bingbing ten year old. Have sex.
I aint got a problem with niggers, I got a problem with the Sheikah apparently being forced to be mixed when theyve been pale in the past
All wrong. Merged timelines mean niggers from the Ganondorf wins timeline.
i want a gerudo woman to claim me as her stay at home husband
why wouldn't the sheikahs be ethincally diverse? They've been around for a very very long time...
etnically diverse things tend to die fast
kys namefag
source: your gaping ass as a result of black cock
whats wrong with white people?
why cant they stop self inserting in video games and get a real life?
It's just the Japanese sucking themselves off
This is the worst instance of this joke i have seen in this site, and this is a pretty shitty site.
This happens over the course of at least 20,000 years guys.
Really. I figured the dots would be so easy to connect. But nah. You get data from internet arguments.
Yes. Impa from Skyward Sword who apparently existed 100 years before any game ever, who was rather tan if I might recall, has absolutely nothing to do with the glorious white master race that the pink boards preach about.
But Gerudo men are very few.
Meaning they need to breed with Hylians.
You really gonna turn down good tang cause their skin is darker?
why wouldnt the lurelins be ethnically diverse? Theyve been around for some time too...
god the election did wonders for Yea Forums
Meanwhile they have the most trannys on spotlight within the community.
they probably are, but given their geographical location, they're all gonna look the fucking same thanks to the melanin changes. Sheikah not so much since they be ninja n shit
Are you retarded? You make no sense. Please think before you type.
So the Sheikah are a mutt race then? Sad.
Retard, Yea Forums was always this good. Go back to plebbit.
Have sex
If you were I was referring to Multicultural, yes. Absolutely. But they still managed to maintain a culture since the beginning when Hylia ruled.
So yes, multicultural. But even though there's clearly ethnic mixing going on, there's also a hint of it's culture that refused to die even after so long.
The question however now, is how the culture was reignited? In BotW the gods sent down mechanical beasts to maintain the balance. Scales about to be rocking back and fourth from Calamity Ganon and all that.
Lets go deeper user.
Get to the real dots that, when connected, hopefully keep these /pol/tards out.
Imagine being upset by a couple of dark skinned people in a zelda game. What a pathetic faggot.
hes more upset about the whites, lmao what a poltard
install gentoo