TF2 Tean Fortress 2

Why are MvM players with 100+ tours so autistic?
When are we getting the next update

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W-We'll get that Heavy update eventually. ;_;

the Jungle Inferno Update specifically said "Pyro or Heavy will get an update, but its not going to be both!" What makes all of you think we're getting one>

It's coming later this month.

It's isn't autism when someone who has a lot more tours gets upset with a retard trying unproven and pointless strategies/loadouts doesn't want to participate in you unknowingly throwing the game.

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you'd have to be autistic to drop ~400 dollars on a virtual slot machine

MvM is unironically really fun though

this, there literally is no update. The only reason they haven't come out and said this is that it woud actually kill the game down to less than 10,000 players. It's a genius strategy when you think about it. Give the playerbase juuuust enough hype to keep them believing, combined with years of non-communication prior to make it all seem normal, and you can get away with this.

There is no update.
This is the end of the line.

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this sounds like autism

they literally said the heavy update would come on the jungle inferno page

Idk man investing over $400 into mvm sounds like some sort of autism to me

example? i'm not not believing you, but literally everything they posted that I've seen shows nothing but "only pyro will get the update"

>posts video with absolutely nothing of substance

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When was the last good update?

i swear i remember reading it on the blog but i absolutely cannot find it now. maybe i just imagined it.

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Can someone actually find proof from the TF Team that they're working on a Heavy Update? Imagine if all this time, people carried the myth that Heavy was supposed to get an update and Valve couldn't say, "Uh, no, you morons, we never said that", so it's become HL3 territory.

Fuck sniper

Literally as bad as the "comp obsessed" L4D community

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Rank the classes by the likeability of the people who "main" them.

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I want heavy update
and battle royale

and yeah fuck mvm players

>join a L4D2 match the other day for nostalgia purposes
>swiftly and rudely kicked because I didn't immediately know the optimal place to stand during an event

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Oh god, its worse on 360 as anyone still playing it is just ready to kick at the drop of a hat. I actually befriended one guy during a match were they tried to kick him but I kept voting no so we ended up killing the 2 fags and did the finale ourselves.

I just got back to giving tuis ago after like 6 years
did the netcode of servers change? hits don't seem to register at all and every couple of seconds the game seems to skip a frame or tickrate or something. it's not fluidic at all anymore

from least to most

For me, it depends on how much they whine and bitch when they're killed, call a certain loadout a crutch, and stuff like that. From least to most likeable:


>When are we getting the next update
I have some bad news for you friend

Yeah ok, did you dad tell you?

It's going to have a space theme to it. Heavy will be a focus, but every class will get rebalances.

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>highly likely

I don't see any confirmation here, user.

wasn't the guy you were originally replying to.
don't talk to me.

Tonight's the night

So? I'm not the guy who replied to the guy he didn't reply to originally either.
I just so happen to have the ability to read threads beyond posts only addressed to me.

hey thanks man

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I hate everyone that's not a rocketjump or stickyjump main.

Valve News Network says by October. Remember he also started a panic not long ago by saying the TF2 team was down to 2 people...when Valve was taking their yearly vacation. So you know, building sized grain of salt.


>b-b-but what the guy responding to my email meant by NOBODY working on tf2 is that it was really just a small amount of people that he didn't know and while there are a dozen people helping on tf2 he meant PRACTICALLY nobody
>please like and subscribe, also here is my patreon link

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