“Surprise mechanics, I don’t like it, Yooooong out”
“Surprise mechanics, I don’t like it, Yooooong out”
>talks for 20 minutes
>says absolutely nothing
Fucking chinks
That's literally every "content producer" on youtube.
"fuck EA"
he just likes to hear himself talk
no, that's how he makes money
>remove these words and his videos would be like 1/10th the size
But this one does it with one of the worst accents out there.
This guy is a hack, but I’d rather have people brainlessly puppet that MTX is predatory garbage than puppet that MTX is acceptable and “won’t someone think of the corporations”
>it's not murder
>It's a surprise funeral!
mac from wab is our guy
>controversial event happens
>wait for gaming community/reddit to form a general consensus
>make a video with that same opinion
Yoooooong Out
Gotta make all videos at least 10 minutes long so they get money of it. Oh and gotta make as many videos as possible.
nigga he doesn't have an accent
do you guys prefer yong or jim
Who is this guy?
>actually watching this fag
>predatory practicing
geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet out user
Imagine coming up with the idea of reading articles out loud for people on Youtube and make money out of it.
peeved pendejo
This. He talks like a robot.
Did they ever release the behind closed doors cyberpunk footage or is this faggot all we have for info on it.
He's not wrong about them. Fuck that bullshit.
>Make a 10:01 minutes long video to read reddit comments
I'll see you guys next time, yooooooong out
Assblasted Armando
How could any person be so wrong?
Do you like him or Quartering better?
I'm not watching your channel nigger, buy a banner.
Youtube was a better and funnier place before they introduced the 10 minute rule.
Jim, but not by much. I used to think I liked Laymen Gaming but they got super obnoxious really fast, and the ugly brother keeps talking about Pewdiepie and CDProjekt nonstop, LIKE SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY, I GOT IT, YOU LOVE PEWDIEPIE.
I can't believe a day has come when I legitimately miss TotalBiscuit. I hated that cancerous faggot.
For people who don't supposedly like this guy you sure seem to like bringing attention to him. Why? And are *we* supposed to do?
I don't have one, faggot. But there are plenty of top tier YouTubers.
>there are plenty of top tier YouTubers
imagine believing this
the next johnny YONG bosch
Right. I've seen like 1 or 2 of his MGS videos, didn't think much of it, didn't care to watch any more of his content and moved on. It's weird Yea Forums brings him up weekly though.
EA, predatory, loot boxes, bad bad, kojima, fuck konami, yoooooong out
>talks while gameplay video is running in the background
So what productions has he been in since moving to LA?
Alejandro "4 Hours" Sanchez
>*unitelligble insectiod bug people noises*
both are insufferable, honestly
I guess maybe the chink, not fond of soi faces and funko pop hoarders
At least ReviewTechUSA has a personality. This hack just paraphrases articles and goes “yeah it’s really scummy YOOOONG OUT”
Archengeia has been solid for over 5 years now, so yes, I don't have to imagine.