Redeems itself

>redeems itself

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Gameplay is still shallow and godawful. You can't fix what is at its core broken.

>redogs itself

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I still prefer, and dominate, with the super battle Droid. It's gotten better I will agree.

How so? Netcode is absolute garbage, you get killed again by 3rd world shitters through the walls simple because their ping is over 200. The only redeeming quality this game had was that it cost 5 bucks.

No. Redemption is something you have to want, and EA only wants money. They only changed things because it was more profitable, so no, i wont give them my money even after they get their shit together because all the while theyll be looking back at the good old days when they answered to no one, and inevitably they will fall back into old habits. Im not rewarding the mouth that bit my hand just because it stops biting, ill forgive when they help the wound heal by telling others not to follow in their footsteps, which again they will only ever do to maintain themselves, not help us. Fuck them.

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So like the original

Will I get a gf?

will Star Wars ever recover from Disney's big throbbing cock tearing its asshole up

Is the game still literally on rails? Can I take a clone gunship with five buddies and crash a CIS destroyer? Then it’s trash


You heard the man user, time to arm up.

>Still has half the content of the originals
>Still has no local online co-op
>Still no single-player campaign
>Still a vehicle for cosmetics
Still shit. Fuck off, EA.

Is this Patrick?

It does have campaign. Maybe you forgot because it was absolute garbage.

should I break up with my gf?

LMAO its a good trick

hmmmm, I haven't. Thanks for the advice?

Should I end it?

Not until it is sold to someone who genuinely cares about it and all of the sequel shit is retconned.

So like the original

Shall i kill myself?

No, the original games campaigns were just unique instant action situations that were actually fun

By-BF2 has you swatting mosquitos with Luke skywalker

>unique instant action situations

lol it was literally just multiplayer maps with bots on, a sad excuse for single player campaign

>things that didn't happen

Crackships are not bad.

I'd love for it to redeem itself, but I don't think it's any fun. I thought the gameplay had more issues than the DLC, microtransaction garbage.

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God i love rollies