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Still too much. Waiting on

honestly. i have so many rpgs to play, no way im paying that much for another one.

>it goes on sale right after I blew my cash on the summer sale and EDF 5


Imagine the people that bought it for full price.

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I don't like JRPGs.

>$59 CAD
Fuck SE.

it was mediocre at best

>41,99 USD

fuck off

other than it sucking dick?

I already have a big backlog of jrpgs I will probably never get around to


ill wait for the crack

This, every since i tried playing FF7 when i was like 12 i realized i couldn't into jrpgs cause i can't remotely get into plots in video games.

I thought this was a Switch game.
Also this.


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Im waiting for the CODEX sale

Why is Octopath so soulless?

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Oh, so another FF clone. Hard pass.

I mean i got it for free on switch so

What is this 1994? No thanks.

>denuvo gets cracked
>discount your game
they're afraid kek

It costs too much in my cunt. I could buy 3+ AAA games for the same price.
Also fuck this retro pixel trash graphics. I would rather play SaGa Frontier emulated than pay for this shit.

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They put it on sale because no-one is buying a full priced port of a sprite game from the switch with graphics no different from the Octopath gacha game coming out for mobiles.


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Already pirated it on the Switch. I'll save that money for Code Vein.

>One of the best modern turn-based
Wasn't it shit?

Why would you? Even if it's not shit, it's been out for the switch for like 8 months.

It literally looks like a PS1 game, no way in hell is it worth a cent over 9 dollars

>It costs too much in my cunt
It's just a game, not a dildo.

are there any mods to fix the graphics?
all these screen effects stacked look all sorts of wrong with snes graphics.

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>Still no crack

octopath is fucking shit


This. Continue to not buy it so in another month it'll drop to 80% off.

Man, BOF was such a good series until DQ. Capcom did Ryu dirty by making Dragon Quarter and then making BoF6 a gacha game in which you don't play Ryu and then getting surprised when no-one played it.

The game is garbage
I can't believe I wasted my money on the collectors edition.

On eShop sale too btw

based and preordered

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That's not saying much

piratechads don't care about your weebshit

i can honestly not recommend ot. Thressa is the only reason to play it and thats it. It's a reaaaaly boring rpg vesides that and has one of the worst Fighting and skill system in any square game ever. Pirate it if you want but pls don't spend money on it.

Probably one of the most, if not the most, boring Saga-esque games of all time. The game is too formulaic and the stories are too self-contained, making each character's path feel too similar to one another. The worst part is that to get to the actual nugget of good storytelling, where the game started making trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said "you're movin with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said Fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought "nah forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie "yo homes, smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

>until DQ

This. IV and DQ are far, FAR better than III.

yeah, some simple tweaks so far

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Did it really

It was a terrible BoF game. It was barely BoF. It was the diet coke of BoF. It was like Capcom made another game, realized people would forget about the series if they didn't slap the title on it and then tried to sell it to us as if it was totally Breath of Fire all along.
Between you and me, I hope your D-Counter reaches 100%

I'd rather buy for Switch, if I were to buy , that is

>game has been proven to be total dogshit

Considering how the game looks like, how nobody praises it for its gameplay, how it has cancer named denuovo i wont consider this game until its for 5$. And even then its a big maybe.

This game legitimately sucks. I know. I bought it at launch. Most repetitive combat in a JRPG to-date.

This game was only hyped up by the people that couldn’t handle the weebness of XB2

>those textures stretched around fully modeled rocks and leaves

Fucking puke.

I'm more repulsed by the color correction honestly
that awful red

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS got cracked ocotpath it just a matter of hours

>omg these things no one would ever f'in notice unless they went out of their way to find them are soooo nasty *barfs*
This is why no one takes PC gamers seriously.

literally $5 pixel shit


It really isn't the best, I bought it on my Switch last summer and I've still not bothered completing it.
Was a shame because it looked so promising but it couldn't hold my interest and yet I can sink every waking free hour I have into Xenoblade 2 and any mainline FF.

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Denuvo was cracked for total war yesterday.
So it'll be free soon.

Can I pirate it yet?

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>turn based

I can't tell if you're ironically shitposting or not, either way fuck off

>for like 8 months.
It's almost been a year now.

Denuvo 6.0 was cracked. They know they're out of time.
Don't give them a dime.

Already got it on Switch.
I'll wait til it's $20

I'm going to pirate this game. Stupid fucking japs price if out as MORE EXPENSIVE than any other AAA game. Retards didn't even correct it

I'll give max 20€. Already bought Cold Steel 2 during the corgi sale and I have yet to finish the first one so I have plenty of jRPG to play.


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waiting for crack

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It's the weeb tax. It's smart, not dumb.

this game is good if you're a console pleb

>Turn based
>Being a negative
Take your adderall, spaz

Denuvo baby

the genre is dead then


DQ XI goes on sale all the time, nothing to be excited about, especially with the Switch version coming.

>42€ on steam sale
>can buy a key for 36€ without sale
I'll get it for 25€, that's 5€ over what I'm usually willing to pay for a game

>I can sink every waking free hour I have into Xenoblade 2

I wish I understood why people like this game. I tried so damn hard to get into it, but I just couldn't do it.

Why do people think this looks good?

the mental illness called Nintendo

I don't play weeaboo shit.

Was barely relevant to BoF at all

I think it's mostly people who are really fucking thirsty for a JRPG. That's why every JRPG that comes out that isn't a Neptunia or Atelier is hyped up to be amazing. I used to regularly replay classics and have been working on a huge list of games I've been interested in for a long time, many of which are JRPGs, so so I'm not as easy to excite with new entries in the genre.

This. My backlog is big enough I can wait a year or two if needed for price to drop.

It's fucking soulless. Look at it.
"Look at the pixels, I'm so retro!"
"Oh wait, here's bloom and blur out the fucking ass!"
Fuck you.

Codex went back from holidays recently, they're starting to crack games, they got the latest Total War and said they managed to crack a recent denuvo version, they call it 6.0 for reference so I'm expecting Octopath to go down soon. Just pirate it and buy it later when it's under 20 bucks.

That would be the opposite. They're nerds.

Downloading it now

not buying shit from square enix after that shit they pulled with tifa

Waiting to pirate because fuck square

it was fun but not that good
feels like more of a proof-of-concept than anything substantial
or like a 90s jrpg without the enormity
what i'm saying is it feels small and that you should play final fantasy v on an emulator

I'll pay maybe 5-10 USD tops. ebin retro 2d pixel art graffix indie shit doesn't deserve any more.

Bravely Dogshit was better

total war 3k got cracked which uses denuvo 6
octopath will follow soon enough

Are you implying that DQ XI is one if the best modern jrpgs?

Correct. Have a star.

But it's fucking garbage, true definition of soulless.

>post processed pixelshit
>Square Enix
No way, fag.

Why is it so good? It doesn't really catch my eye. At least Octopath forces me to pay attention to it by hurting my eyes with its post processing.

yah, i bought dq11 for $30 and witcher3 for $15

comfy meme

whatthe fuck bros it just got cracked
based CPY

I'm going for the CODEX edition

It was just a fun game to me. I liked the battles, I liked the characters, I liked the world. The music was the weakest part of it, as was the lack of VA in particularly cinematic scenes, but the English version had that and the Japanese Switch version will too.

This game is not tied to a fad, or is not online only that rots by dead servers, neither is it live service with you missing out if not going early.

This is one package, and does not rot due to decent pixel grafx.

so, it can be pulled out at any point, and as such, if time is not an issue this shit will be cheaper later.

Source on this one. Look, a discount either reflects desperation from devs because they want more money now, or they know crack is coming or its just a coincidence. In any case, stop spreading rumors.

It's just better to be honest. I also have a lot of games to play but don't BS people just to give them hope

unfortunately this is also what is killing the core games industry

It's not that good though. The combat and customisation is strong but it's really fucking repetitive

>game goes 98% off
>it'll go on for 99% eventually, may as well wait

I'm waiting for the 100% CODEX discount, shouldn't take long now that new Denuvo is cracked

But I bought it last christmas for 30$ and already finished it

>FAR better than III.
Kill yourself

You can say what you want about Octopath, it does have faults, however, is there a single more kino boss in any JRPG than motherfucking Galdera?
I think not
>tfw 3 hours fight the first time you beat him
Too bad the lore dump happened this late into an optional dungeon too

Square Enix can go suck a big fat one with this outrageous pricing. Wake me up when the game is 10 bucks

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Are there mods to remove the vomit inducing bloom and DoF effects yet?

This game blows

So never?

It won't go below $20

To be honest the story is just a bunch of generic jrpg plots barely connected to each other. Gameplay is nice and original but the game is made in a really repetitive way.
I quite enjoyed it but it is totally overpriced.

If you are looking for a really amazing jrpg get DQ11 (Just dont play the postgame, it sucks)

waiting for the 100% sale

>Telling people to not finish the story

Still, I really didn't like going back in time and undoing all that, the loss of character development, Senya not having access to Veronica's powers, and cheapening Veronica's sacrifice by saving her. Going through the dark, ruined world and fighting the Lord of Shadows at his castle was more satisfying than what came afterward.



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I just read it on r/crackwatch. Even if it wasn't true you could still expect the game to get cracked someday.

oh no non ono no the absolute STATE

SOON (tm)

fuck that

dunkey said it was a shit game so i won't even pirate that game lmao

Game is shit anyways.

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I know right. OP is a shill

>dunkey said it was a shit game so i won't even pirate that game lmao

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To think v shilled this game for months. What happened? Not a single soul is defending the game now.

It turned out to be disjointed garbage.

This, not paying anymore than 15 bucks for a JRPG

Not true. Most normies I know pirate their shit when they can, it's autists and weebs who require a meticulously organized library of games they paid for.

It was the only fuel nintendies had against P5.

>"JRPGs only justify themselves if they have a unique premise"
>Octopath has a very unique premise he ignores

Nice 'review'

>$83.99 regular price
Jesus fucking CHRIST these fucking kike game companies I'm so glad I pirate all my shit

>60€ for a year old switch port
I'm afraid it will have to wait more


I only accept 80% minimum.

>muh eceleb
Go back to where you came from.

Dude it's on sale and it's STILL cheaper to buy it on the Switch in Aus.

>89.95 base price
Hahahaha oh wow

I legitimately think that dunkey has a low iq. If I recall correctly, he was literally complaining about the fact that the game utilizes classic JRPG elements like random encounters and turn based combat despite the fact the game was heavily marketed as such. Like what the fuck did you expect you actual retard. I think the only legitimate criticism he gave through out the entire video was the lack of character interaction within the stories, but even then he conveniently left out the fact that the characters interact in tales of-esque skits. Not saying this automatically makes him wrong, but it's absolutely dishonest.

why would i click some eceleb shit?
kys retard

Live A Live

you're welcome.

Different user but I agree with him wholeheartedly. That said Xenoblade 2 is a slow burner, but ut was very much worth it imo

>turn based
thats the only excuse I need, not even worth the pirate

God damn, SE is so fucking intelligent, they know most cracking teams are on vacation so they launch their game at full price and then will continiously lower the price the closer we are to september when they return.

Watch it go to 25 bucks before it gets cracked.

Dunkey was just looking to meet his click quota

>Buy for the switch
>Game is announced for PC
>60fps 4K
>can't refund game to jewtendo
>game is not cracked

god fucking damnit, I knew I should have bought it physically.

Bought it full price for the switch and definitely got my moneys worth. Then again, I'm not poor.

How the fuck am I meant to say this?
Live A Live? Live A Live? or is it like Live A Live?
It could also be Live A Live fucking Japs

That's what I heard, and I forced myself into chapter 6, but the start of that chapter was so boring I almost deleted my save file. I didn't just in case.

No thanks.

Unfortunate. Honeestly if you aren't having fun by that point then the game probably isn't for you. I think the game hits its stride when Mythra first appears.

>JRPGs in 2019

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why is this bitch not cracked yet? I don't get it...

but i already have it on switch

I have an excuse.
I bought it for the switch and it was shit.
Fuck the shills.

Where is the fucking crack.

I don't even play these games I just like seeing paypigs squirm in regret.

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I pirated that shit on switch and I dropped it after like 3 hours. No way I'm giving SE money for this travesty.

Enjoy your handball, fags.
Oh wait.
You can't.

I'm currently unemployed and don't have the money for this stuff

Pretty much this. I've already played the SNES FF games and Chrono Trigger. Why on Earth would I play another Jarpig again?

It's also trash, so who gives a shit.

Reminder that if you don't main Tressa, you aren't playing the game correctly.

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As someone that actually wants the game, 30% is a piddly-ass discount by itself, let alone on a $60 game that's just a port. We'll talk at 50%, maybe. It's a Squeenix game so it'll never be discounted below that, and it probably won't be pricedropped for 5 years at the earliest.

Uhh he set up this ridiculous, completely improbable scenario in the game which was having only one character in your party while being in a higher level zone and having only basic attacks so the fight was long and tedious. That's not just dishonest, that's flat-out going out of your way to make the game look worse to people who haven't played it.


crack when

I would like the game if it wasnt basically a vn with the absurd amount of dialogue

>try out the runelord meme on Tressa
>it was clearly made for Olberic, so he can apply his attack & defense buffs to the whole party, and compensate for his lack of elemental attacks
>meanwhile, using it on her is absolute warcrime tier, and lets you rip through bosses without ever getting hit

how does she do it

>I have literally never played a jrpg

Ophelia's scenarios are the only ones in the game which come even close to being too long. Do you just hate reading?


Slay the Spire gives me everything I need. Perfect "RPG" mechanics and encounters. I can't believe the shit I put up with for games like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.

Brainlet here. Can this thing run on a regular laptop? It's an Intel HD 4000 thingamajigger.

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mediocre, massively overpriced, runs on artificial nostalgia and has an irritating combat system. worth picking up for 10$ or less, and you'll probably put it down after 5 or 6 hours when the entirety of the gameplay has been revealed and you have 3 more repeats of the cycle looming ahead of you.

T-this one is d-different, I swear!

I want to play this game but im not paying 60$ for something that looks like a snes rom. also im not paying 30$ for literal snes roms you god damn japanese kikes. Fix your prices, this isnt fucking japan. You can sell your games to otakus in area 11 because you sell physical copies with all kinds of neat free shit. You dont get to charge those same prices for digital releases of ports you fucks.

Imagine the 40yo boomers trying to shove this shit onto their kid to connect with them and remissness about the golden years of mediocre JRPGs

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>ignores the amount of reading the game throws at you
The first 3 hours of the game consists of 90% dialogue, you literally fight 8 monsters