He's not getting nerfed, deal with it and git gud.
He's not getting nerfed, deal with it and git gud
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder that if you main joker you're a shitter that relies on cheap gimmicks
>joker when he was released
>he's so underwhelming...
>weeks later
Don't give a shit what you think. I'm playing my favorite character, I'm winning, and that's not going to change no matter how much you complain about it. Cope.
It's fine, he's gonna get BTFO by the DQ squad
Stop bitching and get good
I expect his meter gain to be nerfed/retooled at least.
Its hilarious how all the Wolf "mains" immediately jumped ship to Joker
Not happening. Any competent player kills Joker before he gets Arsene.
He's not OP but his Rebels Guard is dumb as shit and Arsene turns him from a good character into an obscenely retarded one
So long as only one player is tearing people up, he won't be getting significant nerfs.
Then he'll get banned if enough people complain, just like Metaknight once was.
>Being so shit at the game you have to ban a character
They tried it with Bayo and it didn't stick
Reddit - the character
But that's not Captain Falcon, Donkey Kong or Banjo Kazooie.
>Anything I don't like is reddit
Lol tell that to mk leo.
>literally 1 (one) guy does well with a character
>everyone suddenly begs for nerfs/bans
Why are Smash players like this? They do the same thing for Jigglypuff in Melee.
>People are still, STILL getting angry about Joker in Smash
I have literally never lost to a Joker, he's always seemed to be really weak whenever I fought one
Ironically bayo killed smash 4 comp scene and viewership died as she dominated.
i feel the exact same way about inkling, I'd play her regardless of how good or bad she was because i like the character
Bayo was also nowhere near what Metaknight was in Brawl, not to say Joker is either, but my point stands. If enough problems persist and certain things are never adjusted or properly balanced, then certain characters will get banned. It's as simple as that.
I doubt Joker ever would get banned from Tournament play, but it's a possibility, just as Bayo was a possibility. With that said, most people who play Smash do not go to Tournaments, it's better to keep the mass populace happy than it is a niche audience. Joker will likely have meter adjustments to some slight extent over time.
This is why I’ll stick to Melee. Not the mechanics, but that almost every character centers around some sort of gimmick
What the fuck even was Persona anyways before Smash Bros? Why does this literal weebshit character and his series have any sort of presence in the game?
She should have been, she may have been fun, but she ruined the comp. scene for 4 entirely. Hell views and attendance dropped significantly due to her not being banned.
*presses literally any button*
>webm of basic throw into knee gets posted onto Reddit and gets thousands of upvotes
>it took time to realize the potential of a brand new character
Are you surprised?
Leo is the best player in the world. He could main Little Mac and get the same results.
Because they're shit. I'm not even a Nintendo fan, I literally bought the game for Joker.
He's mid tier, Leo is just really good.
He's not getting nerfed. Most people love him being in the game, it's just a very vocal minority of shitters.
Hell yeah user, play your faves no matter what.
People were placing woth joker the week that he came out. People were literally doing well with him in a comp setting the WEEK he came out.
Metaknight wasn’t actually banned in most events(although he should have been), because ”pros” threatened to boycott events if they couldn’t play their extremely unbalanced character
>He's not getting nerfed. Most people love him being in the game, it's just a very vocal minority of shitters.
There is a difference between love and balance. I love a lot of characters in a lot of fighting games, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be adjusted. Joker is likely going to get a meter adjustment, whether it's significant or not isn't the point. It does need to be adjusted, just as a lot of other characters need to be adjusted to be better or a bit worse.
What are these cheap mechanics?
Arsene? I do agree he is a little bit too strong but you can take him out sooner if you damage Joker.
Fucking this. I hate this meme character so much.
>l...ll...leo is just good i swear!!!!!
Cope. A character that’s good sheik until he becomes fast ganon is retarded. You’re right about him not getting nerfed because the smash devs are incompetent.
A more popular franchise than every one repped in Smash that isn't Mario, Zelda or Pokemon.
Almost every character in Ultimate, that is
>Unironically saying shitter
How to spot a double digit IQ morpn talking out of their ass 101
>You can take him out sooner if you approach him and enter the range of his powered up kill moves.
[citation needed]
Man I sure do love fighting a character that punishes me for doing well with the most obnoxious counter in the game.
lotta toxicity already and the thread just started!
And he's never, ever, EVER getting nerfed. There's nothing you can do about it, does that make you upset? Is that an injustice to you?
>A more popular franchise than every one repped in Smash that isn't Mario, Zelda or Pokemon.
Or you can just camp him out and let him spam Eirahan and Gun at you.
Edgy joker mains seething.
Seething about what, winning?
As a Kirby main I have to say: FUCK SWORDIES and FUCK ZONERS. That is all.
Oh ho...well now, you've gone and made my quite h*rny by posting this.
It's because people became too reliant on Metaknight, the ban happened too late and tourneyfags, especially Smash players are incredibly stubborn when it comes to switching characters. The ban happened too late by the URC. He was still ultimately banned, a lot of places just didn't enforce the ban to keep attendance up.
The main issue with the ban was that banning Metaknight didn't inherently fix a lot of the problems that came with Brawl, which is the same case for Bayo, and the community was so divided on it due to their reliance on said characters in order to be better at the game in the first place, their crutch if you will. When banning a character there is too much to much to consider, such as health of the game, character kits across the board, etc. Which Smash players are, honestly extremely bad at defining and agreeing on nearly anything.
As I said, Joker has been put up for consideration to be banned, will it happen, chances are highly unlikely, but that possibility does exist, however some minor. But that wont stop Nintendo/Sakurai from adjusting certain things in any way, which is likely to happen for quite a few characters, not major changes, but very minor ones at the very least. Joker will always be top tier, but it may drop a spot or two as meter gain is adjusted slightly.
It's been the most successful IP Atlus has ever made, and it's been an RPG gaining popularity ever since P3.
The same happened with Bayonetta
The fact that Leffen loves Joker and the Persona series should tell you all you need to know about the kind of people this character attracts
So is everyone going to pretend this video doesn't exist? There's an answer to everything in his kit.
Why do people online suck and complain about Joker?
This. His down B needs bayo down b nerf treatment. Why the fuck does it last like 50 frames? Duh I can grab him but holy shit is it annoying if you aren't playing a rushdown character to get into his anus every time he tries it.
Oh boy, leave him out of it. He was here a couple weeks back having a fit about how he was the god gamer and that everyone that disagreed and laughed at him saying his time was up was some other pro smash player that magically happened to all be on Yea Forums at the same time. He had a fucking autistic fit from hell.
Lets leave that shit out of this thread for our own sake.
>As I said, Joker has been put up for consideration to be banned
[Citation needed]
i love joker and i love playing him but i hope the devs nerf him at least just a bit so i feel a bit less worse about playing weebshit
It's a weeb self-insert fulfillment fantasy franchise. Its aimed at people who unironically call socially well adjusted people "chads"
What I dislike about (playing) Joker is that his regular form is fun to play and combos well but can't kill for shit, and then you get Arsene and literally every move kills at low percents, but you no longer combo well, not that you need to because all of his moves do twice the damage anyway now
Online is a shitshow, everyone should complain about everything.
Are people seriously complaining about him still? He’s easy to bully and when Arsene comes out you either just play safe or double down on aggression in order to bait obvious counters
He might actually be lower tier than people make him out to be
>The only pro Smasher that isn't an obese neckbeard virgin loves Joker
Because shitters will never admit that the reason they lost is because they're bad, they always claim what they lost to is broken or OP or unfair
sakurai played P5 and enjoyed it so he was like "we shoud hav P5 charactah in geimu
Why would he need to get nerfed? He's easy to deal with
Because they think top level tournament results = everyone’s experience with the game.
Keep in mind that Yea Forums is the same board that complains about PK Fire ‘spam’ and wanted K. Rool to be nerfed.
MKLeo has been maining Joker and is almost unbeatable.
>he can't kill for shit
His smashes are fast as fuck, up tilt and bair both kill early, and he has one of the best off-stage game to gimp and get early kills.
Even without Arsene, he'd be borderline top tier.
Why did you describe Fire Emblem and Pokemon when asked about Persona?
Bayo main here. Get ready to eat your words when she's nerfed to the ground. I still main Bayo but it's always such an uphill battle even with buffs.So fun to play and I love her character, and when you really get into the flow it's just freestyle comboing like a bat weaving in and out the opponent the whole fuckin match. Super fun.
>and is almost unbeatable.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he's good at the game
I never played smash seriously. I like 4p all items chaos bullshit, but I'm gonna judge you faggots regardless. Every single time a new character comes out this "community" totally fucking spergs out and yells nerf nerf nerf. You all really just can't stand having to learn new patterns, why are you taken as a serious e-sport community? E-sports are retarded but pro-smash is double retarded. It's a great fun game but fuck you guys.
Well P5 is arguably the most beloved JRPG of the decade
>sakurai played P5
More like only watched the first episode of the anime. The representation of the series is so inaccurate that it's borderline insulting.
I wanted K Rool to be nerfed just because I hate the character, not because I thought he needed it
who here /gameandchad/? fuck clown mains, fuck swordiers, and FUCK tier lists
I don't hate Joker, but Tetrakarn/Makarkarn feels pretty fucking cheap compared to every other counter in the game.
>I don't play Smash
>But I really have strong opinions about the Smash community
You know if you didn't enter these threads you wouldn't be interacting with the Smash community
>fuck tier lists
>plays a high tier character
Why is it always G&W, ROB and Pac Man fags that do this?
>Spams up-B in to down-B at you
What did he mean by this?
You guys plauge this game like fucking roaches so I'm gonna fuck with you in your threads.
It was in talks for a tiny bit among some players, but was dropped pretty fast. Wasn't much to it honestly. The issue with Joker primarily was that his counter and the general way he worked made some other characters borderline unplayable due to the way their kits worked, essentially a hard counter, which isn't a particularly good thing for a game such as Smash, but is a common thing for years now.
Nobody is saying that he's Brawl MK or hell even 4 Bayo, but he does need a slight meter adjustment due to his kit with Arsene and the counters. Its hard to trap and bait his character with certain other characters, which is not good for the longevity of the game, nor a more diverse meta in some cases. The primary issue people have beyond that is solely because Leo plays him and Leo is damn good, and people have always complained about the characters he has played.
Either the meter needs to be adjusted slightly, or Arsene needs to be adjusted (due to the way he works with damage output on low percentages), and it's something we'll likely see with the meter at least by the end of the year.
Leffen is one of the most hated people in the community and constantly talks of himself as the greatest PT player in history despite Wishes existing.
>You guys plauge this game like fucking roaches
But you don't even play the game seriously, why do you care?
Just filter the words "smash", "ultimate" and "he's in" and you're good.
>low on tier lists for years
>finally worth talking about
they deserve it
I find it hard to believe anyone who plays joker wins against anyone who isn't a shitter.
if you're not 4.8 mil, you're a shitter
This is also true for Bowser and Ike but I don't hear those mains acting like Redditors. I think people who play those meme characters just want attention.
Because in the era of social media every idiot with a dunnig kruger complex has to have their opinion heard.
>Ignoring that he's high-tier now
>Because in the era of social media every idiot with a dunnig kruger complex has to have their opinion heard.
This is unironically the truest thing I've ever reason on Yea Forums
>low on tier lists for years
>finally worth talking about
But they said fuck tier lists user, so surely they don't care about things like that right? Surely you wouldn't imply that G&W faggots are memers with a victim complex would you?
>Act like a retard
>Get called a retard
What I said I did reading comprehension I just don't play competitively at all.
5.3 mil motherfucker. What are you gonna do about it?
lmao no, the series was Fire Emblem-tier before P5 managed about half the numbers of Metroid Prime.
>I never played smash seriously. I like 4p all items chaos bullshit
What are you, fucking retarded
Also if you don't play competitively then why even care, lol
He sure acts more insufferable than any of the "neckbeard virgins" could hope to be
Take baths, tired of dealing with you smelly fucks at EVO.
Because you fuckers will get a character nerfed in to Oblivion make them useless because your waifu/husbando can't counter them effectively then I have to live with the nerf, or not get any more updates.
Will DQ Hero be top tier?
He only switched to Joker when he couldn't hang with the big boys anymore and saw Leo was doing good. He's a joke, so I suppose Joker is fitting.
Most series in Smash suffer from dumb misrepresentation.
>Mario being fucking pissed all the time for no reason
>Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Bowser making dumb animal noises instead of their actual voices
>Dark Samus being similar to Samus, even though she almost has no similarities outside of her appearance
>Zero-Suit Samus is extremely acrobatic, even though she has nothing more than her dinky security pistol ingame
>The Ganon boss fight uses the Calamity Ganon music rather than the Ocarina of Time music
>Marx being unnecessarily creepy
>Ness and Lucas use moves that they can't even have in their game, despite having a varied moveset of their own
I could go on, but Persona's probably taken it the worse. You know you fucked up severely when Jack Frost doesn't even make any sort of appearance for Megami Tensei.
>Because you fuckers will get a character nerfed in to Oblivion
But why do you care? You don't even play competitively.
Heck getting this upset over a game you don't even care about is peak autism
Laggy netplay doesn't mean shit, retards. You could have pointed to MKLeo's tournament results with the character instead of jerking your dicks over a meaningless number.
>Every Joker I play against has no idea how to deal with Falco
>Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Bowser making dumb animal noises instead of their actual voices
To be fair, they do make animal noises a lot of the time too.
>Zero-Suit Samus is extremely acrobatic, even though she has nothing more than her dinky security pistol ingame
ZSS in ZM is pretty damn acrobatic.
>The Ganon boss fight uses the Calamity Ganon music rather than the Ocarina of Time music
Even then you're still wrong there because it's TP Ganon, not OoT Ganon.
Is based on the WarioWare games, not Wario Land.
I don't care about you competitive dudes, but I enjoy playing the game with my friends and your groups autism is making the game slightly worse. AGAIN I REALLY LIKE THE GAME.
this is some supreme autism, not even as an insult, I think you're actually autistic
>how do i green text properly
Not at all desu. I stopped playing this dumpster fire of a game a long time ago.
Pikachu is a better counter.
>Picks up Ike and is the only person to do well with him at high level
>Drops Ike and focuses on Lucina/Wolf
>Picks up Joker right after he drops and is the only one to do good with him
It's easy to tell who the real problem is.
>and your groups autism is making the game slightly worse
How does a competitive scene that you don't even need to interact with make the game any worse? Does it impact the game's mechanics in any way? No.
if MP recharges at all, yes.
if not, he's mid tier at worst
>I don't care about you competitive dudes, but I enjoy playing the game with my friends
Then what does it matter if one character got nerfed? They've literally never nerfed a character into the ground. And even if Joker was somehow hugely nerfed, there's still 70+ other characters.
This is the dumbest series of complaints I've ever heard
>it's TP Ganon, not OoT Ganon.
I'm fairly certain this is Ocarina Ganon.
That's true about Lucina.
Just duck bro
He feels very situational. Against characters that play campy or can't do deep edge guards he can eventually pull our Arsene and win. Against characters that can rush him down or edge guard he loses. Overall he seems fine. Maybe they could make his down B not last quite as long?
Man I mean I love Joker and main him since release, but how are some people delusional enough to believe he isn't top tier?
The Joker thing is especially funny, because I remember after he was released, people were gleefully saying "JOKER IS B-TIER OR HIGH C-TIER" and laughing at people who wanted the character
Because Falco sticks to Joker hard and you can grind out Arsene easily.
Grab-based characters also stop Arsene easily.
As much as I love playing Lucina, she is pretty braindead by comparison to Marth and his tippers.
Also Leo only ever plays high-tier characters, let him play someone at the bottom and see the difference.
Joker is top-tier but not broken. The only thing that truly needs a nerf about him is how much meter you gain when losing and the amount of time Arsene is up. Beyond that he's not impossible to beat, this isn't Bayonetta or Metaknight who straight up break the game.
>up tilt and bair both kill early
+150% isn't early.
>His smashes are fast as fuck
They aren't fast as fuck and they don't even have any easy reliable kill confirms like Fox does.
Because nobody fully understood his kit yet so they gave him the mid-range average, also Smash players generally dislike any new character because in the past they've always been the new top dog solely because they're 3rd Party and new.
I've been warming up to Kirby a lot lately. These two statements are accurate, but you're leaving out the part when you down air edge guard charatcers with bad recoveries at 0%.
I remember when people were saying he was mid tier what the fuck happened?
Joker is barely A-tier, so yeah, they weren't far off.
>hating on falcon
I would love to see this ugly subhuman play an actual technique based character.
larger playerbase not being compfags complaining and mk leo being unstoppable with him
he might as well still be high-mid tier
I though he kinda sucks. Does everyone really think he’s OP?
>Not playing top tiers
Jokes on you.
>There was no alternate Amiibo for F!Robin like Cloud, Bayo, and Corrin
Worst timeline.
Joker is not top tier at all. He's sitting on the low end of A, far removed from S/Top Tier. Even then he still needs meter adjustment.
>1 or 2 whole letter grades lower
>Not far off
I mean, I guess relatively
If you think Joker isn't top tier, you're absolute trash at the game. Feel free to prove me wrong.
Joker can fit just fine into high-B tier, so yeah, people saying he was B-tier isn't far off.
Joker's one of my mains and imo the only broken thing about him is how long Arsene stays out. It promotes running away/camping as counterplay because you'll lose most interactions with Joker+Arsene at close range, and the meter loss from attacking him is super negligible anyways.
I think each attack should drain the meter when Arsene is out, with some draining it more than others. So just fishing for bairs and maybe spamming side-b is gonna waste your resources and make him disappear in like 2-5 seconds or something, but being patient and waiting until you can land dair->upsmash lets him last more like 15 or 20 seconds.
This balances him out without gutting him, and it lets you get back to his base moveset fast if you want (and imo I find base down-b, up-b, and dragdown uair way more fun to use than unga bunga arsene's toolkit)
Literal EVO players say he isn't, get over it.
>wario is unlikely to lose his 40% waft kills because nobody plays him online
feels good
>Every single pro player saying Joker is top tier
>Tournament results saying Joker is top tier
>Literal who's on Yea Forums think they're in the position to disagree
they should really buff his air speed
I know people say he'd be broken but shit like Pichu and Pikachu already have really similar movesets/frame data (super fast in the air with really good aerial combos), I really don't see why Kirby doesn't deserve to be A/S-tier alongside them
god you sound like such a faggot
Pro players are actually not all that good. Ally got his ass handed by a 15 year old maining a bottom tier
Would be funny if they end up buffing him because of that
Tasogare no fatcock.
>mediocre at best in 4
>better nerf her to the ground
what the fuck sakurai
>Joker is not top tier at all
He's an above average speed character with extremely quick frame data and Ganondorf smash ability every 10 seconds
I hope they just nerf Arsene's damage and knockback, because Joker himself isn't broken, so a framedata nerf would hurt him too.
Woomy will never get nerfed to the ground though
150% is early when you have guaranteed combos that can do up to 70%
see He's not top tier, get over it.
The original poster may indeed also suffer from this same effect as he is using the knowledge of this effect to create illusionary superiority over the first retard.
>150% is early
Stopped reading there.
>Calling people shitter
>Thinking GSP is any accurate indication of skill
God you're a fucking idiot
Why was GSP even considered? It's so shit.
joker is extremely technical though, if you actual watch the shit leo does with him you'd know that.
>Not technical
You're the one intentionally bringing a knife to a gunfight. I don't know what to say
Given how no one but MkLeo is currently winning tournaments with him, I highly doubt that.
That match was inspiring
t. Isabelle main
Eh, if anything Ally didn't know the match up.
I use Isabelle and like her and all but I just don't think Ally knew how to play against her.
I love to suck and cuck Little Mac, it's just so satisfying.
Every GnW I fight just Up Bs and dairs.
The surprise factor of pulling out Isabelle probably helped, but Bocchi was absolutely in the zone there
He has disjoints. He'll be good.
>Mario being fucking pissed all the time for no reason
Mario in this case is the mascot of Smash. He's angry as a "something is wrong in the happy go lucky world of Nintendo" way.
>Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, and Bowser making dumb animal noises instead of their actual voices
Play me a clip of their actual voices. And by that, I don't mean animated TV shows. I'll wait.
>Dark Samus being similar to Samus, even though she almost has no similarities outside of her appearance
I'll give this one to you. It's silly but it was done as an obvious attempt to appease Metroid fans. Especially after delaying Prime.
>Zero-Suit Samus is extremely acrobatic, even though she has nothing more than her dinky security pistol ingame
ZSS has to fucking climb up a deep underground facility guarded by killer mantis robots. A lot of her moveset is just taking into consideration that Samus must undoubtedly ne a threat and be swift and nimble even without her suit. You see if you can outrun deathbots while climbing up a 10 story elevator shaft without being acrobatic, mate.
>The Ganon boss fight uses the Calamity Ganon music rather than the Ocarina of Time music
Not a zeldafag honestly so dunno anything about this one. I do thing Ganondorf got fucked from Melee's rushed spaghetti shit they pulled. Honestly I dunno why they haven't just re-purposed the moveset into Black Shadow (so nobody whines about the playstyle getting cut) and made Ganon into his own actual character yet. Even now he's stupid, does the dude ever use a sword? I don't play Zelda, but I don't see Ganondorf using swords.
>Marx being unnecessarily creepy
He is creepy. Most of Kirby's true bosses are.
>Ness and Lucas use moves that they can't even have in their game, despite having a varied moveset of their own
Honestly makes them more fun to play. Their PSI moves aren't ones that I think would translate well into a fighting game. Always considered them more rounded support than offence,.
Let me rephrase that, he'll be better than most.
Robin is an exception. Plus Hero is DLC and we have all experienced the DLC privilege.
Sauce naow
I play Plant
I'm not saying that Hero will be bad, I'm just saying he hypothetically could be.
I play good fighting games that aren't party games.
I'd love it if Kirby got a few more of his standard powers as attacks or specials. Maybe his grab could send him leaps a bit forward, or he could hurl the Cutter as a side smash. And neutral air could be the Beam weapon. Give his stubby arms and legs that little extra reach, you know?
Why don’t people complain about Inkling when she’s obviously one of the two best characters in the game? (The other being Peach) Did inkling get nerfed yet?
How bad is Robin? I don't play him/her.
*don’t complain anymore
Good for you bro
Technically Piranha Plant is also DLC
Good online, due to lag making his arc fire chains harder to get out of properly.
Terrible off
>Play online as Isabelle
>Go from 1.8 mil GSP to 900k in one match
>Next match spring back up to 1.7 mil
>Gain to 2.3 mil match after
What a strange inexplicable system.
Far too slow, and held back by a retarded mana-esque system where he'll periodically lose either his spells or lose his sword's kill power
Like low mid tier/high low tier
Yeah, being Sheik with a Ganondorf dildo coming out every 20 seconds is annoying.
What's it like for you, Yea Forums?
>Play me a clip of their actual voices
What tournaments has she won?
Thank you.
I'm glad someone enjoys Pirahna Plant
>tfw only character I'm good with isn't tourney viable
Elite has been kinda tolerable lately
As always, these threads show just how garbage most of Yea Forums is at this game.
She isn't THAT good. She is high tier though.
He used his sword a lot in Twilight Princess towards the end. And in Wind Waker.
Just cause you retired in a huff doesn’t mean your shit-talk’s any more gospel, Ally.
Joker is borderline top. Marthfags, Wolf, electric rats, Mario Princesses, and Snake are all better with Snake being the best character in the game. Disagreeing with me = massive coping.
Is this for Arenas or Elite?
I don't see why people think woomers is all that strong. I've never had a problem beating one and I have to fight for my life whenever I use her. She's fun as hell to use though so I keep doing it.
>Snake the best
No, regardless of how much I love MGS.
>Joker borderline top
Still no.
Also good job at putting Snake at the top and leaving out Olimar and ROB.
When is Joker's amiibo coming out?
She's objectively top tier
What about ZSS or squidlolis
>mfw I have 3 Nevers
>Frame 1 combo-breaker grenades that stuff out projectiles
Combined experience from both: Private Arenas with people, Public Arenas I made, and Elite. That's why Kirby is where he is, for example. Had I limited myself to just Elite, he'd probably be in Rarely
And needs no nerfs
Ridley main here. The West’s pretty much full of Wolffags, Snakefags, ZSSfags, and the occassional Palufag, but what’s the over-under on a Jap coming over for EVO with Ridley & at least making it to Top 8? I pretty much expect that Leo’s gonna steamroll the competition regardless of the other 7 players.
>Any competent player kills Joker before he gets Arsene
He gets Arsene at like 50%.
Move DK and Gren to "Pretty common". Move Pichu and G&W to "Average."
Not at all.
Roy, Marth, Lucina, Pikachu, Pichu, Olimar, ROB, Peach, Daisy.
This is the S-Tier, end of story.
>friend mains Pit
>cannot for the life of me beat him
Ultimate is a joke. Nintendo's moronic compulsion to please casuals ruined the potential. It plays like shit because everything is so tediously slow.
Ridley has some of the least representation overall in Japan: I can count more good Plants than Ridleys in Japan. Only characters I can say for sure have it worse than him in Japan are K.Rool & Kirby.
Time to move on Meleefag, let go of the past and grow up.
Marty is garbage, though. He’s just way too inconsistent to be good competitively.
I said end of story. When you can get Top 16 in EVO, then you can talk.
>why are you pleasing the vast majority of your player base?
I think Japs like Pac and Ninja Frog
I love this pic
have sex, nintendo shill
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion. I listen to pro players, not random whos on Yea Forums.
I'm sorry there isn't a skill-floor of learning 800 different techniques that the programmers didn't even intend to make to have in chance in competitive Ultimate, boomer.
Yeah, well I ganon fsmash people on wifi, bitch. What now?
She got nerfed, and she's not as oppressive offline.
Inkling is top tier
>I'm not even a Nintendo fan, I literally bought the game for Joker.
So this is how Smash dies.
Use SauceNao
Warning, lewd squids
You should be sorry. Maybe some day you will experience a fun game with complexity and speed, realising why Ultimate would have been a better game if it had a quicker pace and lacked Nintendo's polishing touch of making everything casual and shallow.
Yo, what happened between release and now?
I thought the general consensus was that he's mediocre.
joker is gay
He just came out. I never listen to retards until pros see how chracters do.
Why are meleefags this retarded?
Because more people buy the games?
1 guy won a tournament
Then fire up your Gamecube, Grandpa. If everything's so easy now, go ahead and win yourself a tourney. Show us how easy it is.
The current best player in NA plays Joker and he's basically winning tournaments for free at the moment so now people are upset.
That sounds more down to the player than the character, especially if he's not coating the brackets ala smash 4 bayo.
His horizontal knockback is ridiculous. Even when I'm not that high a percent, I'm knocked further than I can recover. I'm sure there's a way for me to avoid this but I rarely get knocked that far off the stage unless they catch me out of jumps, Joker does that from on the damn stage.
>>Mario being fucking pissed all the time for no reason
If you account for Mario's sports related spinoffs, its quite accurate. He can be quite the pisser in those games
>>Zero-Suit Samus is extremely acrobatic, even though she has nothing more than her dinky security pistol ingame
but she is. She was literally trained by Bird Aliens and even has their DNA to maker her have superhuman abilities
>Marx being unnecessarily creepy
I like Joker but have not played in weeks, what is making people say he's really good recently? Sorry I'm out of the loop but want to get better with him
As someone who loves smash, you're alright user. Don't let the retards tell you otherwise
>i liek my games slow and without depth, thanks nintendo
Exactly. People are complaining over nothing.
MKLeo could play Random and probably still win.
Literally just this
Exactly. We have these threads every single tournament, no matter which character wins. You can find threads in the archives for Ike, Peach, Wario, Pichu, etc
Even for Yea Forums it’s unbelievable that someone made this post
Have fun with a dead game then
>play Joker's Classic Mode and finish it
>literally doesn't let me continue after CONGRATULATIONS
Patch when?
what happened, did Leo win another major?
>Play me a clip of their actual voices. And by that, I don't mean animated TV shows. I'll wait.
all DLC should be at least high tier.
>Play me a clip of their actual voices. And by that, I don't mean animated TV shows. I'll wait.
sounds fine to me, sounds really similar to dk64 and returns.
Bowser is the only one that personally ticks me off 'cause he totally has particular voice developed across a couple games and they just ignore it in favor of godzilla noises. also it'd be really cool if he said SHOWTIME like in BiS before battle imo
Guh huh
Diddys def average after the buffs, cloud should be a tier or two lower, and also I feel all the swordies sans marth are very common.
Because people who don't understand the reasoning behind Smash are buying it for characters that aren't even guaranteed to be in the next one, akin to guest characters.
I'd rather have the game be niche than people like him be the "target audience"
Great reading comprehension, when did I call Ultimate easy? I called it shallow and slow. There is little to no tech to each character, go watch any pro player train on stream. And if you don't think Ultimate is slow, then you're objectively wrong. If you like slow, that's your thing.
He's easily the most interchangeable personality in the Mario cast. There's no proper way to represent Wario.
>If you like slow, that's your thing.
Then why are you here, crying about it?
True combos that deal over 60 percent at a time, super fast frame data, Arsene reliably kills at 50 and lasts forever, and he can recovery from anywhere off stage safely and effortlessly.
>Marx being unnecessarily creepy
lol what
have you even played Kirby before?
I wish people would use Falcon Punch more. I get why they don't, but it's by far and away his hypest move and I hate how no one ever uses it in competitive smash.
I’m more surprised K. Rool is seen as worse than Ridley. Why is Ridley seen as better than Rool and Kirby anyway?
Holy fuck, you're serious
Let me guess, next you will mention that Smash is only a celebration of Nintendo games and all third party characters should be removed despite James fucking Bond being considered for the first game
>James bond considered for the first game
Are you serious? I kinda want that now.
Why are you not in a smash reddit where everything is a hugbox and you can't speak ill of Ultimate? Faggot. Bootlickers like you are why Nintendo will never ever consider patching their game to make it better, because you'll literally defend them until you die
We can agree the most slept on character is Greninja, right?
I find it pretty astonishing you can be this autistic but also be wrong about all the things you're complaining about.
We have Project NX coming this year, don’t worry.
Goldeneye was popular
Ridley is better than people say, his fans just like to complain about him because if you don't know what to do, you'll get bodied
>slept on
Because it's a Smash Ultimate thread. I don't enter Melee threads (if there are any) just to cry that I'm not a fan of it
I don’t believe you
>his fans
Fan here, he does have some issues
Kinda. He didn's say it outright, but he said this while replying to a fan question
>Sakurai stated that he did not includeJames BondfromGoldenEye 007owing to concerns over Bond's realistic weaponry that included handguns and similar items. Furthermore, the copyright to the game would be owned by Rare, and a number of other copyright issues, such as those involving the likeness of his actor,Pierce Brosnan, and rights involving the film series itself, would have led to numerous legal challenges in development ofMelee. While Bond himself has not appeared in the series, theMotion-Sensor Bomb's design inMeleeis based off its appearance inGoldenEye 007in the game's international release.
No you dumb fuck. I just don't want people who never even considered buying Smash until "OMG *character I like* IS NOW IN THE GAME OMG!!!!"
Try reading the post that I replied to, and my post again.
>>Marx being unnecessarily creepy
You mean on model? Dumbass.
K.Rool just kind of lacks good options in general honestly. Everything he throws is so laggy or slow and there's a fairly simple answer to all his moves. Even a slight mispacing of the crown is an easy buffered dash attack or aerial out of shield if the opponent's character has enough air speed: None of his aerials are safe on shield, all of his tilts are also pretty commital & punishable, he can't really throw anything carelessly. His disadvantage is awful and his only options to get out of it are predictable & highly reactable.
Is this you?
Stop being an autist and browse your own threads.
it's a zoomers power fantasy dream game, of course they will call it the best rpg of the decade
>both meme reptiles get in
>they’re both shit
That's the entire point of Smash games, from the very start. "I want to play as my favorite character against all these characters from other franchises" is exactly what crossed your mind when you first saw the games. My first reaction was "oh god, I can play as Pikachu and fight Mario! I don't know who all these random guys are, but I want to play it!". Then I started playing the games from all the other characters I didn't know
And I bet you have, or at least had, a wishlist of characters you want playable in Smash too
god smash 4 is so disgusting
Ridley is only bad if you are too. He's viable
>Get matched against a Joker player
>SD 3 times and report them for unsportsmanlike behavior
Anyone else do this? There's honestly no better feeling than denying P2W fags a match amd potentially getting them banned, I highly recommend trying this until he gets nerfed after the Fighter Pass is over.
about as viable as any low tier is I suppose
I hope you're getting paid. Are you unable to cope with any discussion about Ultimate, if it is negative?? I probably have more hours in Ultimate than you, and I don't play Melee and never have, I played PM. Those games are dead. Ultimate is not dead, it is live and can be patched. I'm having trouble understanding your reasoning here - you can't comprehend that the game might actually be better if they made it quicker, reduced dead frames and ending lag for a lot of things, or are you just unwilling to face any criticm at all?
What are you trying to say with this video? That someone criticising Smash 4 harshly is autistic and wrong? Because Smash 4 was dropped on the floor the INSTANT Ultimate came out, so maybe Smash 4 wasn't actually that good - maybe it was worth criticising.
You suck.
Nah, I just didn't pay 5.99 + tip for a free win pass
Sorry, kid >:)
You payed $60 for a game to win in you retard
I paid 60 dollars to have fun, which is why I SD against Joker mains
Luckily the "P5 is good" meme will be long gone by Smash 6, and there will be no reason to keep him around.
Not that guy, just a reminder:
Paid is the past tense of pay.
You don't say "Payed", that's wrong.
You thought Smash 4 was bad yet you returned and bought Ultimate?
You look in a mirror, bitchtits? Your waifu isn't real and if she was, she'd be repulsed by you... I recommend coping.
LOL I bet you spell played as plaid too, dumbass. go back to school
You are correct.
Inkling is already a shit character with no results.
G&W is mid at best, stupid.
Oh yeah, whoops
Happens bud, don't worry.
Not with that frame data, brah
Posting a reaction image makes me a waifufag now? Calm down, man. I can feel you smashing your keyboard as you type
It makes no sense why she's high tier in the first place. Is it just because she moves fast? Doesn't matter when all your kill moves are so easily punishable.
The current top 5 of today's meta. Stinkling, Pikachu, Joker, Palutena and Snake are getting nerfed since the top 5 of 3.0 got nerfed.
His fram data is garbage though, how bad do you have to be to lose to G&W?
But who are the bottom 5?
My take away from this post is that you're either a bot, or Sakurai is standing next to you with a gun to your head, because your replies make no sense and you're completely unable to respond to any criticism. Reply once if you're in danger
Don't badmouth my wife
So you did give Nintendo your money to play a game that you knew would be bad. Epic.
Kys degenerate trash
Yes! So I could prove to the world that it's fucking terrible!
She moves fast, shits out damage, has top tier off stage play, and a good deal of kill confirms
Dumbfucks don't think Stinkling is broken and it flew under people's radars since January. However more pros are putting it at top 5 and both Tweek and Leff think it's a broken character.
Message recieved.
>Bury Bayonetta into the ground, and her smashes take forty ages to do and recover from
>Introduce better Bayonetta as DLC in the next game with smash attacks that are actually worthwhile
I hate it
Still asshurt?
Eh, I wouldn't say the character has a good deal of kill confirms. I'm not a top player by any means, I usually go 2-3 at locals, but outside of roller the uthrow to uair isn't consistent, has a small window of opportunity on most of the cast, and it's not easy to pull off. I remember Cosmos saying it's too inconsistent but players like Abadango are good at pulling it off.
Little Mac Plant K.Rool Kirby
The 5th is noticeably better than these 4 and opions vary and who it is. Personally, I think it's Jigglypuff
Don't forget the smashes clank with every little thing
>bad frame data
He has literally no start up lag and most of his attacks, including his tilts that kill super early. His up-B is literally the safest move in the game
i have a secret strategy to beat joker-when arsen comes out, grab him and pummel for as long as possible and then use your most damaging throw. repeat until you are fighting an S tier instead of an SS+ tier character. Also, if you die while his meter is up, just sit on the platform while the bar drains. I find this technique to be very tilting for the purse owner paypig anime neet. Not proud of this but it works
If you can outplay regular Joker in the neutral, then you can outplay Arsène as well. His moves may become stupid strong, but that's just about it. It's not like his neutral really changes.
its just so unfun. I do that too.
>just don't get hit bro
I feel like a dick doing this but yeah.
I'm just saying be calm and don't get antsy. If you can handle yourself around regular Joker, then Arsène isn't much different aside from hitting harder, when he hits
i hope nintendo doesn't know too much so they dont nerf them
they like to look at tournaments, so you're probably safe
They're gonna change shit up about Ice Climbers with little knowledge just to fuck with Icies mains because they're afraid of the infinite boogieman.
Screencap this because its gonna happen.
they actually succeeded in making this character not have an infinite for once. why would they fuck with them in that way after that?
They've already done that with 3.1
>Click Shield
That aside, I'm glad he's not going the way of the Yoshi.
Keep seething squidfucker. You won't talk shit when that disgusting thing gets nerfed down 2 tiers like Olimar.
they ADDED a desync in 3.1. one that was usable in neutral and has quite a few uses with the right setup, no less. the kind i always wanted. and there's STILL no infinite
There's a lot of stealth cutfaggots in this thread
>Q-Quality over quantity!
Shut the fuck up, nobody gives a shit about the modes they removed since they've been pointless for awhile
Already been nerfed and still pretty good
Imagine thinking slight nerfs mean anything lmao
Next patch significant nerfs need to be taken into account.
Then where are all the lucina players winning tournaments? Disjoints do not equal a free win. Git gud
They’re all in Japan
Right? Can we talk about how Pikachu can do some of the most degenerate shit in the game while being braindead af, all while carrying esam to top 8, but people are still out here complaining about paisy and joket
That's literally the point of Smash. To get more people to buy the game by putting their favorite characters into a fun party game. Third parties, even if they don't come back next game, have been a major part of recent sales and Nintendo won't change that. New characters are the bloodline of smash. I'm a full-on competitive shitter and I still recognize this.
>he could main little mac and get the same results
Is that why he dropped cloud and marth after doing relatively poorly with them? Is that why he dropped Ike after losing to Tweek several times? Is that why he dropped Wolf shortly after losing to Light at Prime Saga? Why do you talk as if you know what you're talking about?
Post nerf zero result peach being the top 2 in game is laughable
meant for
Hero trailer tomorrow?
Joker did well at the nintendo smash ultimate invitational, so he's most likely getting nerfed. Fucking mario got nerfed after zero won a smash invitational with him.
Yes, and Banjo releases too.
Is there any reason why they would release information tomorrow?
Have sex you fucking carried incel. The 2nd best player in the world thinks the character is broken and he's right.
Joker is all around better than swordies, paisy and wolf. Mkleo couldn't do half the things he's doing now with wolf or lucina, and paisy tournament results speak for themselves
Who do guys wanna see buffed? Toon Link deserves better moves and you know it.
Is there a tier list that has common consensus behind it yet
nice shield hurtbox
nice frame data and parry-bait moves
He deserves to be thrown into the trash like the other Link variant.
Ridley, K Rool, Luigi, Corrin, Dr Mario, anyone else who sucks. I just want to see more characters in top play, its always the same handful.
Apparently there is an unlisted video on the smash bros youtube, and theres been talk of maintenance happening.
Its gonna be so funny when joker gets nerfed. The wailing of shitsona fans will be awesome.
Series has shitty music by the way.
toon link shouldnt even be in the game let alone young link, so I'm glad that neither characters are that good just to give link variant mains a false sense of hope that their character is actually good this time. I especially love laughing at young link mains, they actually thought their character was top tier for a few months until everyone realized that he sucks and most top players who mained him (like tweek) dropped him.
What did you say, nigga?
No it isn't. Watch more locals.
I'm talking mainly about majors, but yeah, I like the variety in locals.
>watch more locals
they dont count towards pr, so they're not worth watching because there's no storylines, unless something news worthy happens. going to locals is fine though.
Haven’t discussed much of this game beyond casual shit, why is YL worse than people thought?
YL is still a high tier, and extremely unfun to fight, just like all of the other Links.
Which tournaments? Excluding proto who has a lucina that i would hardly classify as braindead.
he just gets either outranged, outboxed, or outzoned by the best characters in the game. his recovery is also really mediocre.
All zoners aren't fun to fight against.
>liking Persona
The games are dogshit, whats the appeal?
Why so triggered over the Links?
Because they’re a waste of potential. Both YL and TL have their own unique arsenal of items that could easily give them a unique moveset rather than semi-clone garbage.
I always wait on the platform. Even if he didn't have arsehole. Even if I'm shitting on him every game. Even in arenas. Especially if there are other people in the arena, whom I never do it too.
If its on BF I'll also circle camp the top plat if I dont think they can handle it. Fursona niggers deserve it all.
Big mad
The fishing rod re-break last patch made her a little better, but I’d like the jab to have a purpose beyond setting up an opponent for a ftilt/dtilt kill
Yes, it does make the Joker player big mad. I don't mind doing it, its the optimal way to play if your opponent doesnt know how to beat it. Git gud joker main.
Anyone that isnt a Zoner or Swordfighter and is arguably underpowered, i'm fine with.
Why the assumption I'm a Joker main?
I'd rather see the heal from Inhale changed to be a function of the damage a projectile would do. If shooting a 10% arrow at Kirby could result in him eating it for a 5% heal it would deter zoning the way a character with a reflector does. That alone would be enough a change to put kirby in a good spot. Maybe lowering the startup frames of Stone.
I can't wait until everybody starts seething and pulling the exact same routine over the next character Leo picks up
Leo is a cuck faggot
Okay, LTG.
what does that have to do with anything?
Ooh, scathing
Like any top-tier?
Just thought I'd mention it as a fun fact. Glad you're aware of it too.
Why don't you Up-B, use key and then do a Down-Smash on my dick while you're at it you shit.
make him fucking heavier
he should not have the size and hitbox of a heavy character but the weight of fucking ike
What he needs is air acceleration and air speed, not weight.