Why yes I will be buying a Playstation 5 Pro.
Why yes I will be buying a Playstation 5 Pro
Other urls found in this thread:
the fuck is that blackie doing
>somebody will have to pay... for my car...
Hahaha if you buy a PlayStation 5 pro you are FAT! OP is so clever! Now I’m definitely not buying one
boogie can't afford anything anymore
Rest in peace
You left us too soon
i swear, if boogie put on a cowboy hat he'd be like a much fatter, uglier version of ambrosio
Fuck that fat fuck hope no one gives him money, and he goes broke over that fucking car.
boogies looking good nowadays
The damage was already dealt
he looks like his crash bandicoot toy in the back ground with those chompers
You mean PS5 X
You do realize Boogie is planning to kill himself, right? On his birthday he's having a charity stream and giving away all his money and then plans to kill himself after Trump is reelected. Read these DMs.
Are the fake teeth really necessary? Looks like faceapp
they look too big for his mouth
noones clicking your link bro if you had images you would have posted them
wtf boogie2988 looks like *THAT*?
Nigga I'm not going to post 100 screenshots into the thread
>why yes I do think the nintendo switch is the best current gen console, how could you tell?
what an ugly creep. gross
>LTG was right about Boogie
>Boogie ran a misogynistic blog reviewing porn and prostitutes using the exact same name he uses now, as if no one would ever find it
>Boogie hired a live-in prostitute after his divorce, who he abused and imposed strict rules upon such as no phones in his home (because he's ashamed of living like a hoarder) and no talking to other guys
>Boogie stole an Aladdin joke tweet from someone else and refused to apologize or even acknowledge he did anything wrong
>Boogie mocked someone for coming from a broken home (a clip of which made the rounds all over the place reddit.com
>Boogie claims, any time he acts too out of line and catches too much heat, that it was a Francis sketch
>Boogie posts himself shirtless on TikTok, a site predominantly aimed at young girls
>Boogie changes his Twitter display name to the latest memes in a creepy attempt to be at the top of search results and draw in new young fans
>Boogie berates his fans for not watching his new videos enough
>Boogie tells his fans they're replaceable a la TotalBiscuit
>Boogie blames YouTube for his lower viewership because of algorithms
>Boogie bathed in Crisco
>Boogie crushed a chair
>Boogie dodged salads
>Boogie drank cheese
>Boogie gargled lard
>Boogie thieved calories
>Boogie lost 0 lbs in 9 months, and that's AFTER gastric bypass surgery
>Boogie is a gay furry
>Boogie threatens suicide every other day
>Boogie stole valor from a dead high school classmate serviceman
>Boogie promoted StoryFire without disclosing he's a partial owner
>Boogie collects Patreon donations for a podcast that's been inactive for months
>Boogie told his fans he's living paycheck-to-paycheck but proceeded to buy a $100,000 car
>Boogie said $3 is "a lot of money ... for a person of color"
>Boogie mocked Etika's disappearance and claimed to have a stronger will against internet toxicity
>LTG was absolutely RIGHT
>boogie2988 is a creep
he literally used to be a porn blogger. here is one of his inspirational quotes from his blogs
keep saying it
i hope he kills himself
>turns out he's right and boogie is the real villain after all
boogie was exposed for having a profile on a sugar daddy dating site. its honestly kinda sad
part 1/2
part 2/2
just link the kiwifarms page
He seems to really take offense over the fact that people think he is a pedophile
Or just read the mega thread on r/samandtolki
the kiwi thread has that in it, kill two birds with one stone
You better sell your Tesla first
that just means he'll die at age 60 instead of 50
the amount of damage he already did to his body was insane
as if fat ass boogie has ever had any sex he didn't pay for
Can someone explain to me how in the hell did this guy get "famous" again? I mean, back when he was still impersonating that fat person or something, because that content fuckin sucked.
>people pleaser who needs to be pleased
Fuck off and seethe faggot lmao
>I want to have a long term arrangement with someone who can take care of my needs
so he wants someone to empty out his shit bucket and wipe his ass?
He needed a couple shades darker/yellower. Dunno what orthodontist would let him get pure white teeth.
RayWilliamJohnson featured him on one of his videos.
You mean PS5 Elite X (super slim).
Next gen is going full PC, and that means full storefront and multiple hardware iterations.
Your boot frontends are now also literal store pages - think steam. Enjoy.
>because that content fuckin sucked
yeah, it did
Why doesn't he just shave his neckbeard?
>not posting the one with the tsunami at the end
not based
boogie has been caught lying about sleeping with women, he turned out to be a furfag, no wonder his "wife" left him for her "gay" friend
Because he is a lazy fuck
He came across as a nice guy from a broken home just trying to fix his life with funny videos. The problem is that he has been doing it for too long and has a ton of money/fame now and is still continuing the same persona.
He has lost weight though so at least there's that.
and then his sister reveal that it was all a lie, boogie has been making up all the abuse he got
He lost weight because he got gastric bypass surgery. But he's fucking that up because hes going back to eating like shit and drinking soda again. He's been at 350 pounds for the last 9 months and if he continues he is going to stretch his stomach again
Man it's like seeing a 50 year old trying to act like he's 18. It's very telling he had a sheltered boring life when he was young.
>>Boogie is a gay furry
sauce on this?
they probably offered him a normal shade but he insisted on bright white
i knew about this from a TRR video, there are videos of him making out with another fat man though kinda weird you don't see him making out with a woman
>buys a 90k tesla
>acts poor and begs for money on stream the next day
The fuck? Sounds like the profile name of some 14 y/o girl.
As someone with dentures, I had to talk them down from like, almost neon white to semi-yellow like my bottom teeth
They're ruthless and I think they want them to look fake just to fuck with you, I'm pretty sure they gave me a set that was a shade whiter than what I picked out too
yeah, i'm thinking hes back
Looks like DSP will survive yet another e-celeb who made fun of him.
Nothing can stop the pigroach.
keep saying it
DSP survived fapping on livestream, nothing will ever topple him
get this man a sugar baby
Honestly considering getting into his actual long-form LPs outside of the TIHYDP series, because he's got a paradoxically soothing voice and bantz for days. Never thought DSP deserved the hate, he's just a dumbass who's trying his damnedest not to be screwed over, Shit taste in women tho. *snort*
Thoughts on his teeth?
Just spare yourself his pre-streams. It's just an hour long indoctrination session for his paypigs.
imagine being so fucking pathetic that youre this obsessed with fucking boogie of all people
for the love of god have sex
He’s probably dying here because he can’t eat as much and since it’s all junk food devoid of micronutrients he’s actually dying of malnourishment of vitamins and shit
They make nutritional supplements for people just like him, for people who had bypass surgeries, who consume like 4500 calories a day yet still suffer deficiencies
Reminds me of a guy I work with who always complains he hasn't got enough money to afford his own place yet went and blew his bonus on a replica infinity gauntlet.
Boogie is a microcosm of the copious waste of our tax dollars you brainlet
He brags about being a fat sack of shit parasite and profits off of it by the outrage and pity he gives people
YouTube shouldn’t be letting people profit by being shamelesss parasites on the tax system but they’re commies so whatever
>wahh! wahh! were wasting our tax dollars on welfare queens!
try blowing up 200 brown people a minute at the low cost of 10 billion army dollars you tard
pay for it
christ this man is so pathetic
They are when your teeth looked like this.
I've had some shitty dental history in the past but god damn.
This nigga was a monster...
Did he ever brush or lay off the sugar, Christ
No he never brushed. Pretty sure he still doesn't brush because his new teeth are already discolored
God I could never not brush, shit it’s like a automated procedure in my life.
>still doesn’t
Fucking god
>Those fucking legs
He's a pc gamer except for nintendo titles then he'll buy their hardware.
Are those Marns legs?
he looks like that smiling yorky dog meme
>Seeking: open relationship
that's not even a challenge.
he cute!
>loses a ton of weight
>Is STILL a fat fucking cunt
>Gets new teeth
>They look even fucked up than before
I seriously hate this man
Kind of amazing how many people are starting to realize Boogie is sort of a piece of shit.
>boogies looking good nowadays
How'd you know?
>he literally used to be a porn blogger
So? I don't really see the problem...
/r/samandtolki seething
DSP doesn't have a wart on his cheek
Didn't Boogie kill someone, craft a Tesla out of his skin, and then go to jail for dating a minor who beat a pro at Smash causing him to commit suicide? I don't really keep up with ecelebs.
>Didn't Boogie kill someone
I knew Etika's 'suicide' was a murder.
>>Boogie said $3 is "a lot of money ... for a person of color"
proof liberals are the real racists
Oh my god he's fucking horrid
It's entertaining how PC this site can get when it's against someone they don't like. Not talking about you specifically.
Based and LOWpilled
>some of my front teeth are chipped (not much, but still)
>talked to dentist about having that fixed
>now I´m afraid I end up with a retarded Boogie-grin (got a buddy who looks similar after getting something done)
What to do, what to do?
Boogie lost a lot of weight but he also lost what was remaining of his mind. He is just absolutely out of it
that faceapp smile
I really hope he does. It's the sensable thing to do. But of course he won't.
He just wants more attention and pity bucks
He didn't buy the Tesla
As someone who had some experiences with toothache...how the hell could he run around with that? He must´ve been in constant pain, a few of those are barely even teeth anymore.
Because he got called out
jesus yeah, A little cavity is enough for me. Could NOT imagine that fucking decayed, blackend one that is like 10 percent tooth.
You people sure care a lot about some dude who plays video games on the internet.
good for you, retard
I want to believe that after some sort of threshold the teeth just kind of die and you'll feel nothing after that point. It's fucked regardless though.
This guy clearly didn’t get enough attention as a kid and high school was probably the Bain of his existence
Boogie's teeth are entirely prosthetic.
If you're just getting a few teeth fixed up then I don't you'll look anywhere even close to as retarded as he does.
Do it anyway. Just don't go with the blinding white option. Any halfway decent dentist will take the whiteness of your actual teeth into account.
>if my death will bring joy to so many people I am selfish not to do it.
holy cringe
He is done.
His true personality finally came out and he is bleeding subs like there is no tomorrow.
That live stream/donation scam won't change shit.
And afterwards he will just cry and ask for more pity bucks.
I know boogies a piece of shit but you guys are genuinely as bad as the autists who obsess over DSP with the sons of kojima shit
I had a botched root-canal filling that got infected again and kept getting misdiagnosed and I spend 4 days in constant pain. The most intense pain I ever felt, and I had broken bones, torn shit and nasty burns before. I can´t even begin to imagine running around for weeks with constant pain without self-medicating in some way
It wasn´t about getting them more white, just something to "repair" the chipped teeth (got a beer-bottle rammed in my mouth by a drunk buddy years ago, it´s not that bad, but kinda annoying)
He's like a 44 year old goth kid.
I swear to God he is already getting fatter
i can't imagine being 500+ like he was
jesus, at 210 i feel monstrously fat
If you only get one or two teeth replaced they usually try to model the replacements after the originals. Pretty seamless nowadays.
My brother got two of his front teeth replaced after kissing asphalt and I can't tell the difference from his old ones.
More like
>guys I can't afford a PS5 after being roped into buying a Tesla
>years of trying to build himself up as this internet Fred Rogers
>turns out to be more Fred Durst
Fuck Booger
Today I learned Mr. Rodgers first name was Fred
Why do all celebs turn out to be giant pieces of shit IRL?
there isnt a more entertaining youtuber than ltg. i mean this 100% unironically
same lol also you are black and gay if you buy sony products!
Rip Itaka we won't forget you
They ride a gravy train, it injects steroids into their ego, and when they lose that, they refuse to take blame for it.
They well deserve the downfall and all those adpocalypses. It's just the market regulating itself so these fucks actually earn that dollar through effort.
The fuck, please tell me this is fake and he wasn't lying about the car
What is that? a bruise? did he got into a fight with a chair again?
Just plum jam
He said he backed out of buying the car because he wanted to give all his money away and kill himself on his birthday.
whats wrong with his eye bags?
all lies
>how do you prove you don't want to fuck kids
Probably not by starting your defense with that lmao
like anybody would have kids with him
Jesus fuck man, this guy is a hot mess. I remember back in the day when he was growing his channel everyone thought he was this genuinely nice guy with some issues, but the shit he comes out with now, I'm just like WFT dude.
Soon his former wife/nurse will speak out and then the real bullshit will come out
Yeah now I'm definitely convinced hes a pedophile
probably from when he had to have 12 or so thick ass bolts drilled into the roof of his mouth
He looks creepy as fuck with those new fake teeth.
Also why even buy a console next gen.
Microsoft are putting all exclusives on windows from now on, and sony seem to be doing the same albeit with a delay.
She's p cute
I couldn't fucking imagine how painful that must've been. I got my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday and they're still bothering me. Mainly my jaw but the actual removed part hurts a bit.
Brush your teeth kids
Literally the first damn post.
he literally made her fat. The dog too.
apparently one of them nearly fell of or something
Sony doesnt put ALL their exclusives on PC. That's why hzd uncharted, days gone and tlou arent on pc
Boogie just went to a shit dentist or insisted they make his teeth as white as possible.
I had my front tooth knocked out as a kid and you can't tell the difference between my real and fake teeth without very close inspection.
My decent dentist will make sure the colour matches your real teeth.
>he just got a haircut
oh wow lmfao
Lmfao that’s exactly what it looks like, why did they give him the those fucking teeth
lmao there's no way that fat cunt is giving away all of his money. it's almost comical how fast he goes into talking about suicide for pity points in that conversation.... and yet he claims he's not manipulative.
Bruising from the teeth implants he got (which he still doesn't brush)
A5-E1 diagonal can easily bingo from one tweet
>He thinks you have to earn what you get
>jesus, at 210 i feel monstrously fat
Christ, same
I'm 220 right now at 6 foot 4 and I cannot fucking stand the tits and gut I have
I'm working to lose it but how do you ever get that bad?
>Luigi's teeth look more real
i'm getting it because i like video gaymes
Is this recent?
>even dead channels with half as many subscribers manage to outpace the purging of zombie accounts
>Melon actively drives living breathing users away on a daily basis
>top tier genetics
>perfect billboard face for a real estate / law / doctor with own practice
>wasted by playing shitty videogames all day long
Why are his ankles that color?
It's quite sad how after he seemed to get his life together he ended up being a massive cunt
why does reddit call him melon?
Just wait. He's still evolving.
edema probably
Why is his face so red nowadays
>>top tier genetics
>>perfect billboard face
Pick one
lmao those teeeth
makes it all about himself during etikas suicide
now "plans" on doing the same thing.
so shameless maybe this is for his fans not buying him that 100k tesla
Nothing sad about being a sugardaddy. At least he's not a pathetic incel.
It's clear that Boogie got addicted to all the sympathy he got when he was the fat nice guy and he tried too hard to push it
>Nothing sad about being a sugardaddy.
Being pathetic is a sin user
At least he has sex.
No he doesn't all his "girlfriends" left
Someone called him it once and he got unusually offended by it, so naturally his detractors took it and ran with it.
>I'm working on my diet
This one can be removed as he has flat out said he's given up and is happy at the weight he's at now.
Looks like you weren't his neighbor, user.
the founders wanted america to be a white nation for white people
what a fucking idiot
Holy shit how embarrassingly wrong he is
>unusually offended
blocking isn't that unusual
>Bought a $120k Tesla. Car payments are $1500 a month. Somebody will have to pay.
>still rotting on the inside
>still begging for cash and attention
>still a pity-whoring manchild
>only now he has that unnervingly inauthentic normalfag facade that pedophiles have
Boogie was trending the other day and I clicked it hoping he died.
He might actually have hidden pedo tendencies. He ran a porn blog for like 6 years before going into Youtube. His blog has some nasty shit in it.
any more details? I know he was a Yea Forumstard
holy fuck he unironically looks like a fucking hate-fueling faggot
he looks so fucking obnoxious
>He might actually have hidden pedo tendencies
every grown man does
That's the real Boogie right there.
You deserve a lot more credit for this one than you got
Did he finally stop losing weight? I called it months ago. He's a lazy fuck. His potato body requires exercise.
This. I got bad news for you, fatty boogie. You're not in high school anymore. You're decades too late
People that use the word seethe might as well come from Resetera
LITERALLY, all that fucking room he spent for his arcade machines, woild be better put in use for one of these things
What did the chicklet tooth did now?
He does something new and retarded almost every day now, it's getting tiring keeping up with it all.
How retarded is he? Holy fuck. He's like a 15yo emo girl
I've seen one of his videos and people are complaining that he's begging for money because he bought a 100k tesla.
My god this dude is an absolute cancer. He's probably overdue for one too.
Because surprise surprise, they're like everyone else.
I hate this celebrity worship. The rest of the world worships Drake, Nicki Minaj etc. while internet autists worship these e-celebs.
And not just that they prolong exposition of their private life for far too long. Even Hollywood stars have more privacy than these guys
One customer at a time please
ecelebs are just as degenerate as everybody else. don't try to act holier than thou faggot. I know you've done shit/are doing shit that you're not proud of but you just don't have the internet spotlight on you.
I'd say he looks okay, no homo.
what is this facial expression called?
Oooooooo what the fuck, did people know?
"They 'trust me'. Dumbfucks."
he does have a treadmill, actually.
he just doesn't use it at all, and we can tell because any time he does any kind of exercise he needs to fish for ass pats on twitter about it.
Jesus what a piece of shit. How come this guy has any fans and is well seen by the industry?
No joke, if you are a dude near 40 who spends his days tweeting and making youtube videos, the only people you're reaching is teenagers or younger, and he knows it. There's a reason Jared from Subway got involved with children's charities, there's a reason Jimmy Saville from England hosted a children's show for all those years. This is textbook.
No you dumb ass, the difference is the rest of us don't look for the spotlight.
>linking reddit
>Playstation 5
Oh god. After the abomination that was the PS4, I wonder what the ratio of cutsceneshit to actual video games will be this time. I'm guessing over 12:1.
Well, Sony has said they want to do "fewer but bigger" games, so expect cutscene heavy shit like GoW and TLOU.
>bank off yout abuse story that changes every month
>start buying nice things
>fanbase sees everything's going well
>nonono guys i'm still poor i swear, keep the cash and guilt coming, please!
>spams his latest 40k views video on twitter 4 times
>Guysss come on!! feel bad for me :( *cries but no tears*
>e-begged his way into passing for a normalfag
>he absolutely cannot fucking stand it now that he's over the finish line, because evoking pity was the only thing that he had to prop up his disingenuous "nice guy" act
lmaoing at his life desu.
I too had to have a root canal, but it was in a premolar with a huge ass "hidden" cavity. I never felt anything in it until it finally went critical and any fucking thing I'd put in my mouth would result in a pain so sharp and unbearable that I'd have a pillow right alongside me so I could scream the fuck out.
I'm a fat (not boogie tier fat but still obese) guy who used to down 2l coke bottles a day with a less than perfect oral hygiene routine and I still cannot fathom how someone could have that kind of teeth inside their mouth and carry on like it's normal or not scream in agony every now and then. What the fuck.
Guess this is yet another incentive for me to lose my lard.
I'm a chubby chaser, and even I think Boogie looks like a train wreck.
Years of apathy and/or delusion.
>Still uses his old avatar when he was fat because it's iconic
How does this even happen?
Too bad that didn't happen.
Fucking jews.
Why yes you will be paying for my healthcare.*
Very nice lol
Not that I really care about the guy or the hate but I'm pretty sure Francis is the only part of his channel that people actually liked.
Damn I normally get a lot of shit for not liking sugar/sweets and maybe it's not such a bad thing.
Dumb redneck faggots tend to have bad habits and their lifestyle impacts others.
Threadly reminder boogie emotionally abused the shit out of a girl who would willingly wipe his ass for him. I'm sure he wanted her to be as fat and miserable as he was and pushed her to be a fat fuck.
>>Boogie posts himself shirtless on TikTok
Where is this? I searched the Reddit doc and didn't see it.
Dude I've had like 4 or 5 root canals, no joke. I can't even remember how many I've had. I have a mouth full of crowns, a molar that I got pulled last year. Don't fuck with sugar and floss and brush your teeth. Take it from me.
I'd still make her jiggle.