What is the appeal behind nessa?

What is the appeal behind nessa?

Attached: nessa.png (755x1058, 346K)

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Little brown girls are the best.


She cute.

She has dark skin and bare legs.

What's not to like?

Attached: sample_99d683e789278e8f97ddb90382e29c5a.jpg (850x1184, 234K)

>Beautiful face
>Long hair
>Wide hips
>Sexy legs

Birthing hips. She is ready for breeding.

Not much, unless you look at the white version, which is amazing

loves white cock

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Attached: 037CD219-D1F2-46E5-9F94-79E9B43C2B93.png (540x686, 15K)

COPE She Fuck black guys

She's hot and wears revealing clothes.

>Attractive black woman.
>Fucking blacks.

I wanna impregnate Nessa

she probably has really stinky feet!!!

Attached: 0969.jpg (225x225, 5K)

having sex and bleaching her

Attached: 1562253862986 (1).jpg (6000x4000, 2.37M)

current american political climate blown race out of proportion

>long legs
>long hair
>islander woman
pretty much 9.5/10.


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get out

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>dark skinned girls
>preferring dark skinned men

top fucking kek

Dumb shoes.

Between her and Bea, do you think we'll be getting a third brown girl type down the line? One preferably that's the big breasted milfy type?


The contrast of the skin and the light blue makes her design good

>that picture
oof and yikes........... her skin is a liitttle TOO light..........

How do you think she is dark-skinned to begin with, retard?


Attached: 1562409328827.png (1187x757, 230K)


leave nigger

>ok cupid results
>internet dating
>only used by the bottom of the bareel who can't handle dating in the real world

>internet dating is irrelevant!
you poor soul

Attached: spagett.png (225x353, 68K)


Attached: 1533364839796.png (204x283, 12K)

Shows skin.

Attached: Nessa.jpg (600x794, 357K)

Made for little white boys.

Seething negroid

I am NOT fapping again tonight, fuck off Yea Forums

she is for white men only


This is awful and the artist should be ashamed.

Attached: 1555265528006.jpg (1080x608, 91K)

Nessa and bea are for cute shotas
Female scothish Mc and Sonia for colored bois.

Attached: Sonia Raw.png (715x707, 455K)

Attached: nessa'd.png (540x683, 24K)

Attached: 1561264452796_0.jpg (777x1200, 105K)

Attached: 1560282075401.png (521x514, 107K)

this does not even argue what he says.

Someone post it

Nothing, she got completely defeated by Bea
Even being covered her navel has way more appealing than Nessa's


I don't know why but I love how most brown chicks show off their midriffs in this series
Particularly Phoebe, the team aqua grunt and Nessa have some of the best bodies/navels in the series by far

Attached: IMG_20190318_154428.jpg (604x576, 68K)

Attractive Black women prefer mixed guys, like me. White guys remind them of racism, and dark black guys remind them of all the bullshit they dealt with growing up with self hating coons that hate black girls.

t. mixed guy

No, she is for mixed biracial men. Asian women are for white men.

>By that tomboy
Think again

Why the fuck does she dress like that
We already know she's extremely beautiful, but there is no need to tease with her body

>Nintendo can show bare legs
>Sony had to cover Tifa's legs up
How did this happen

Attached: 1549340904656.webm (368x640, 1.67M)

>he has a preference for what the man looks like
Sounds pretty gay.

>>What is the appeal behind nessa?
I'm disappointed that you don't know why she is so appealing