Will you be ready to face biggest troll in video gaming history?
Will you be ready to face biggest troll in video gaming history?
What does this movie have to do with video games?
You know it will win GOTY and there's nothing you can do about it. How do you feel about that, Nintenfriend?
Oh man, is that a lightpole and a car, and a person fucking standing?! It's all connected!!
>troy baker
Getting tired of him
Overrated trash always wins GOTY, doesn't make it any less trash.
The guy who made this picture is a complete fucking retard.
This. BotW is the best example.
>grasping at street lamps
shouldn't you kill yourself months ago, caramel?
A lightpole, a car and a person.
Ruse confirmed!
Get the fuck out caramel you sperg
>reusing assets from scrapped project means DS is SH
>game has cars and lamps
>it's reused asset
Fucking smooth-brain. It's simply re-using the same idea.
Suggesting the games are somehow one-another or related is a huge, and retarded, reach.
Why do you not want Kojima to release his own game? Why must it always be a hidden trick? Also, what happened to Death Stranding secretly being MGS? Where did that faggot go?
It's not even the same streetlamp either. The DS one has a support strut while the SH one doesn't.
but how can it be Silent Hills AND Metal Gear?
>Both games have lamp posts and cars
Hold on, this guy's on to something.
>Norman Reedus posts an image of himself with a Silent Hill nurse
Just a coincidence, just a meaningless joke right?
>and then Kojima gets sued by Konami
You can't just steal assets.
lol they're not even reused assets retard, do you think Konami would let Kojima leave with their assets and make his own game with them?