Now that Cyberpunk 2077 is an abject failure, what cyberpunk games are worth playing?
Now that Cyberpunk 2077 is an abject failure, what cyberpunk games are worth playing?
Other urls found in this thread:
When did it come out?
>abject failure
>more than 6 months from release
The genre peaked with the first Deus Ex, nothing worth playing after that.
What about before that?
>Abject failure
lel, the 4th biggest preordered title of E3? Keep at it with delusions, it's gets more hilarious the more you post it.
>4th biggest preordered title of E3?
lmao is that supposed to be a brag? I bet it only has got like 10 preorders total.
Shadowrun Dragonfall was pretty solid, if you count Shadowrun as cyberpunk. (It's kinda cyberfantasy)
>4th biggest preordered title of E3
What are the other 3?
>people unironically preorder reddit: the game
Call of Duty, Pokemon, and Final Fantasy VII remake in order. The fact that a literally fucking who company, with a literally who title, is rivaling against titles THAT fucking big is something that is fucking unheard of and flabbergasting.
Yikes. CDPR shills in full force tonight.
>developers who brought us Witcher 3
>literally fucking who
ch-ch-ch-check yoself before you wreck yoself
If I get a cyberpunk themed elder scrolls with guns, I'll be happy. Anything more is a bonus, anything less, eh, I played worse.
CD Projeckt Red was not on the same tier as Square Enix.
>people are still buying cowadoody
How? How is this possible? Are Activision geniuses?
Square Enix isn't on any tier anymore, all they make is literal trash. They have FF14 and that's it.
>what is brand recognition
>people still buy CoD like there's no tomorrow
>he hasn't heard
Where can I find comfy cyberpunk?
And yet they actually have put in more RPG elements than you get in elder scrolls. Plus I was referring to the core gameplay of go here, talk to person, go elsewhere talk/kill/steal thing/person' etc gameplay.
Its cause it's Modern Warfare, if it was some other shitty COD series nobody would have cared at all
just watch the original blade runner then punish yourself with a playthrough of Deus Ex.
What are the other 3?
Why does every company make their cover "generic guy posing with a gun". Especially with something like cyberpunk, aka the genre that people always go to for their desktop wallpapers of neon cityscapes. Shouldn't that have been the cover.
Not that it ultimately matters when physical media is dead anyway, but still.
Or they could've put in more effort and gone for that 80's action movie aesthetic in the cover
>a literally fucking who company, with a literally who title
20 million copies sold, 7th best selling PS4 game, over 400 people currently working on Cyberpunk. You can stop pretending CDPR is still a "small indie company" now.
There used to be an image floating around of the master list of cyberpunk games. Does anyone have it?
>>And yet they actually have put in more RPG elements than you get in elder scrolls.
Is that what you call playing a pre-defined character? Holy shit, can you take off the shill goggles?
>op shitposts FOR FREE
Apparently they changed the game a lot after our backlash.
Looks kinda strange. Like a downgrade from E3, as usual.
The RPG genre has never been about playing invincible faceless nobodies who are superbly excellent at everything.
Now that's a brave game.
There isn't a predefined character. You've got a character designer, you've got a lifepath, three distinct different backgrounds, different voices (on each background), and more. You also have different choices in how you build your character as the game progresses. It's about as defined as an elder scrolls character and might actually be more varied.
Pretty much the entire Deus Ex series. Except for Invisible War. I never played that but I heard it sucks.
Who would've thought Sleeping Dogs is far superior cyberpunk game that actual CP2077.
>different voices (on each background
Stop lying you dick.
What's that got do with anything, brain-damage boy? You aren't that in Baldur's Gate either. What exactly is your point?
It's basically a far shittier version of Dragon Age: Origins, which was already limited. Fuck off, shill.
>CDPR keeps trying to raise hype of the game more than it already is
Why? The more they promise, the more they bullshit how awesome it is, the bigger the disappointment when it inevitably doesn't deliver. Are they trying to be the new Molyneux?
Not an argument
Fine here is that (You) you're so desperate for. Pathetic.
it's a good mix, too bad the only games are the turn based crap.
Blade Runner you fucking child
>Blade Runner and Deus Ex are the only cyberpunk games worth playing
Nice genre you've got there
>I point out features which are in the game which you claim are not in the game
Post your Captain Marvel pic.
As far as I can see the only people claiming they promised insane amount of things are the people who made up a game in their heads and now are angry that it's not that.
They don't care. Look at even this fucking board. There is no one here that even cares that they lied about the Witcher 3 modding kit and downgraded it up the ass, or that they completely disregarded developments and characters from W1 and W2 - because these kids never played them. They're going to eat up whatever CDPR throws at them because
They deserve to be shot.
They're now running with presets for character customisation and have removed night cycles and people think this hasn't fucked it.
Deus Ex 1, 3, 4
But they're not in the game, lol. You can't pick anything significant, and you're stuck in the same role throughout. You are, quite literally, permanently a criminal and that is what your job is. Basically GTA with flashier weapons. That is not roleplaying, kiddo.
>Post your Captain Marvel pic.
What does this even mean? Are you trying to imply that someone AGAINST CDPR is the SJW? Holy shit, play Witcher, you goofy nigger.
I'm talking about the devs, not what people here or on reddit or anywhere else imagine the game to be. I'm talking about the devs offering so much freedom in gameplay, yet also restricting you from having too much of it - can't kill children or go on really violent sprees - talking about freedom of exploration and such, yet also never actually showing you any of it, talking about how it's all for the people that are going to play the game, yet restrict footage based on attendance of private press conferences or events that you have to fly to.
I wonder how much the game is going to be downgraded from what we saw in last year's demo gameplay. It didn't even look that particularly outstanding, like the Witcher 3 first showing with all that amazing lighting.
Except the times when they promised things and then removed them without notifying anyone?
day 1 pre order, it will be kino, waiting for release day with my fat cock hanging out so you losers can suck me off while playing this goty.
>haven't played the game
>not much gameplay footage available
>Now that Cyberpunk 2077 is an abject failure
Come the fuck on, user
>I wonder how much the game is going to be downgraded from what we saw in last year's demo gameplay. It didn't even look that particularly outstanding, like the Witcher 3 first showing with all that amazing lighting.
Probably not much because they already came out saying this game is made for the new Xboxes and the PS5.
>removed night cycles
What does this mean?
it's CYBERpunk, not TRANNYpunk.
They're desperate. This was from their pre-order message on gog.
>Yes, yes, we know — for now, the demo is only available to the lucky ones who managed to get tickets to E3 and the rest of you will have to wait until gamescom or the public dev Q&A unveiling stream at PAX in August. Yeah, we can already feel the bashing you're gonna give us online :(. "Why are you not treating us fair", "why is the gameplay not being released right away?". The reason is we want to make the most out of the months of work we put into the demo and first showcase gameplay live at E3 and gamescom. Releasing gameplay right away would make the gamescom presentations pointless and would significantly limit our chance to build hype. Why do we need to build hype? To get more gamers interested in CP2077 and, hopefully, convince them to give it a go. We are putting our hearts and souls into making CP2077 a great game and we would like as many gamers as possible to find out about it and experience its amazing story. Also, hype can turn into sales (after all, we are not a charity)
TORtanic was the worst thing to ever happen to Yea Forums, even worse than gamergate. Change my mind.
Well at least there will be a demo. Can you name 5 games that did that in recent years?
You misunderstood, user. There's no playable demo, just footage of it.
>You aren't that in Baldur's Gate either
Yes you are. The Bhaalspawn is literally a nonentity that can solo Demogorgon, Prince of Demons.
they have been at full force since years already
Someone post the Berserk meme.
What now faggot?
They're milking some dull gameplay footage that's literally just a retread of last year's footage like it's the second coming of Jesus. They have one of the worst marketing teams in the industry.
I enjoyed benny the steal sky and dude sex homo revolution. I think they are good games and got the themes and atmosphere down exactly right (for my taste).
System shock 1 is also a great contender, it has an eerie 80ies/ early 90ies feel, when you go into cyberspace.
Good god, you are going to make this thread literally every day until the game comes out and then some, aren't you? Unironically seek help.
God damn I want to be excited for this game, I really do, but this looks so flat.
The shadowrun games are excellent. I think it's quite nice if you want some themes of neuromancer in a game/setting.
>a couple of contrarians on Yea Forums that most likely never buy video games anyway don't like it
>it's gonna flop guys!
>400 people
>compared to those other companies thousands upon thousands of employees
yeah theyre sure up there chief
>freedumbs important
>so we're not allowing you to join factions
>you can't join them and create havoc
>you can't join them to betray them
>you can't join them just because you want to side with corpomom
Nice one Marcin Momot.
This is the first thread I've made about Cyberpunk. Sorry that others also recognize how bad this game is.
At one point they had 800 people working on the game simultaneously. How many other game companies can boast that number of people working a single game, aside from maybe Rockstar?
They just keep coming back like abused housewifes.
to the people talking shit on the game: we know you're going to pirate the game. the question is; will you admit to being a faggot when you actually enjoy it?
>will you admit to being a faggot when you actually enjoy it?
Will you?
CDPR is based and SJWs hate them yet Yea Forums constantly shits on this game.
>who would have thought a dystopian future built around body modification would be weird and degenerate? Q.Q
Lmao, they still can't admit that witcher 3 is a good game. 4 years after they are still mad
That would be fine except that they're celebrating and embracing it.
>as many gamers as possible
and that's why it will suck aids-riddled shit
maybe you dont want that, but shilling the game everyday, OP.
i actually dont even like the witcher 3 that much, but i can see why its popular and recognize that overrated doesnt mean bad
how so? theyre showing faceless, corrupt corporations advertising to the lowest common denominator, and it goes with the pitch "mix it up". and since you seem to be someone that would care: SJWs arent happy about that image either
That entire list makes me despair for humanity.
u mad, trannies?
>people are still buying CoD
>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
>No Verticality or flying vehicles
>No proper adaption of the PnP roles/classes
>Removal of features because they blew all their money on a reddit actor
>Constant lying and backtracking by the developers
What Went Wrong?
mass Yea Forums suicide once it hits 98 metascore with 100 reviewers when?
*Sips drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
can someone please translate this post from sperglord to english please
So slimy
>those untextured buildings in the background
Every time kek
Play E.Y.E.
>Modern Warfare
What? A remake of the first one?
>>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>>Meme writing and dialogue
>>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
None of these bullet points mean anything. It's pure gibberish.
How long have we been on dynamic weather now? You fags can't guess for shit.
>and since you seem to be someone that would care: SJWs arent happy about that image either
Wow, it's almost like no one is happy with their approach to a very sensitive issue. The problem with the Mix It Up ad is that they're treating the whole thing as a joke, but there's no real punchline. They're trying to appeal to ResetEra by allowing you to choose which VA you want for your character regardless of gender, but then they include trans-bashing as a nod to all their anti-SJW fans. It's some of the most backwards marketing I've ever seen.
But all of that is in the game, what's the problem here?
why Shazam though
Uh huh. Using exactly the same images, points and so on as all the others.
how can TW3 look so good but this look so shit? I guess they only know how to make natural environments
cry more bitch nigger
That's the point.
Also Witcher 4 is going to be sjw garbage, rip that shitty ass franchise
Use actual words user.
Only if you don't understand what they're going for.
Are you retarded? Who said anything about decoration? They promised multiple apartments. Now there's only one.
It looks good to me. Great even. Hits that gibson-esque feel with a dash of ARTMIC.
Shit opinions need a picture from a shit movie.
Since when was there only one apartment?
>Now there's only one.
Source? I remember an interview from the E3 a month ago where they said multiple apartments.
More than a year old at this point
What's his endgame?
Why did I move here? I guess it was the fuckin weather pendejo puta cunt bitch
dozens of companies? wtf how dumb are you
What was promised, and what was delivered.
>Now that the ongoing lovefest with Cyberpunk has avoided the tranny bullets successfully, I have no hope of another TORtanic and I've entered the next stage of grief: denial
haha, OP is such a loser cunt.
Satisfying his fucked up brain.
That doesn't say there's not multiple apartments you brainlet.
Getting attention from Yea Forums and feeling a dopamine/adrenaline rush.
>you own 1
>you don't get to buy more
>despite saying you will be able to buy more
God you are such a filthy fucking nigger. Get over it you stupid shill.
Should've just made this the cover.
What bullshit.
Community manager also said in a Q&A stream that you won't get more apartments after that tweet. Once again using the "A Cyberpunk would never have more than one apartment" as a marketing excuse.
Could you try to fit in any harder?
There you are!
>that list
>he can't name a single video game with 800+ people working on it.
Consoleniggers ought to be skinned alive.
Oh yeah, that bullshit excuse. I thought this was supposed to be an RPG? Who the fuck are they to dictate what my character is or isn't into?
>multiple apartments
>apartment customisation
>playable flying cars
>sunny LA vibe
>1 (one) apartment
>no apartment customisation
>no flying cars
>sunny LA vibe
Why did I move here?
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
Wait is this confirmed?
Ah, a fellow fan of gray, untextured blobs and chromatic aberration.
>>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
I always love this criticism. It's fucking cyberpunk, it's ancap "utopia". This IS peak degeneracy unless we go into the realm of sex demons or some such, are you niggers retarded? Have you never read Transmetropolitan for example?
Name 3
>are you niggers retarded?
He complains about liberals on Yea Forums, he's obviously a terminal case user
Why do you guys defend this stuff?
>They have one of the worst marketing teams in the industry.
imagine being so retarded you actually wrote that
>reddit will defend this
not bright enough. remember, we need bright cartoony colors for the fortnite generation.
Imagine being so retarded you think this is good marketing.
>understanding why Fallout: NV works the way it does and adequately explaining why it won't work for their game
makes sense to me.
>game is announced for Steam and Gog
>threads calling it a failure start appearing
Thw EGS shilling is so obvious.
Okay, random man who has never worked a day in advertising in his life, tell us how to market a billion dollar game. Go!
imagine being so absolutely fucking stupid that you think the most hyped game atm has bad marketing
Why is the sky in this corporatist future dystopia less smoggy than modern LA? Is corporate rule good for us?
Yeah, RPG elements in a console FPS don't work.
Reminder that every post shilling against C2077 is just a massive preemptive cope for when the game releases to a critical acclaim from both players and critics and becomes even more successful then Witcher 3. Seethe, seethe harder for my enjoyment, you poor husks. This will be BTFO for the history books.
>tfw you remember that there were flying cars in both GTA SA and Vice City, even on the fucking console versions.
> People wanting Final Fantasy VII remaster-scam
What's wrong with retards
>he says this while shilling -for- it
>doesn't even mention the quality of the game, just that it'll sell well and that redditors and IGN will like it
Sasuga toilet cleaner.
>muh story
I hope they'll deliver on that shit otherwise we are getting fucked over in the RPG department big-league for no gains
>expecting anyone to seriously try and discuss the game in these shitty threads when no matter what is said the angry butthurt shitposter-kuns will just REEE in denial and spout a bunch of meme buzzwords like tranny cope dilate shill cuck etc
fuck off, he's right. Watching you subhuman shitsucking memesters lose is a joy. Fuck off and get ready for the ass widening.
>I hope they'll deliver on that shit
Hope you like the forced chasing for immortality quest with your shitty Jewlywood celebrity that can't act #58703
LOD techniques used by every single game out there?
Why do you keep trying to shit talk a game that isn’t even out yet? The mods already called you out for samefagging. Just quit already you fucking retard.
Let's see if we can disperse them
>Witcher: Cyberpunk Edition
No thanks, I wanted an actual RPG.
>it's just another on the rails cinematic experience.
I mean I shouldn't be surprised as it was the vibe I already got from all the gameplay that was shown, but for some reason I still hold onto a hope that it wouldn't just be another movie game but no, the (((((story))))) must come first.
Luckily I'n not into preordering games so I don't have to cancel. Maybe if someone makes a FROST style mod for it I may give it a pirate but until then this "game" can fuck right off with all other cinematic "games".
Shut the fuck up dumbass
>Are they trying to be the new Molyneux?
So long as they have legions of endless cocksuckers they'll just keep spouting lies to drum up the hype for their garbage.
Unless you're getting paid by CDPR, this is pretty sad.
WTF a MAIN STORYLINE in an RPG? This shit is gonna bomb hard
Yeah I was wondering that too, seems like OP has insider access to the final cut of the game.
Lick those boots user.
Main storyline without roleplaying is pretty lame in a game marketed as an RPG, yeah.
>already have one immersion breaking hollywood puppet ballooning the budget for no reason
>strongly hinted that they have more (((celebrities))) up their sleeve
I want off this ride.
June 13 2019
>buying multiple apartments is the same as moving apartment
lmao fuck this thread
WTF a VOICE and a PERSONALITY for the main character? This shit is gonna bomb hard
Well yeah. Hype it up for clicks and articles. Then scrap it.
Was still better than your favorite game fucking sheep.
not him but seeeeeething! oof
It just feels so dumbed down already.
At least we may bet some laughs out of all the gifs from invulnerable car teleporting onto roofs and on top of street lights.
>This shit is gonna bomb hard
Nobody said that. Why are you forcing this narrative? Is it because you know that's going to be your only victory?
It's going to sell tens of millions. Precisely because it has a voiced protagonist, watered down RPG elements and Hollyjew actors. Millions of flies flock to eat shit.
SWTOR was less bad than anything Bioware has made since then, too.
It's not marketed as a RPG anymore.
Yeah I know.
>we're going to add multiplayer FEATURES
When will journalism die?
>we are thinking of multiplayer
So that's why they scrapped the mod support, they want to sell them on their own micro transaction shot bethesda style.
>Thank you. Your 2 eddies have been deposited into your cyber-wallet.
You know what's the best part?
There's absolutely nothing you can except seethe.
all they need to do is show the game at a rainy night with neons all around
shitpost threads will start to disappear one by one
>open-world action-adventure story
I mean I guess that it's good that they are being honest about it to themselves that they aren't making a RPG but an ever undescriptive "action-adventure", but I have a really bad feeling about this...
Nobody is seething about flies eating shit senpai. I don't care if the new Call of Duty or a new Marvel movie sell millions either. Cuckolded normie consumers are a predictable breed.
Yes we get it, you are currently obsessed with shitting on this game and will later move onto shitting on something else because you're that fucking autistic.
>Cyberpunk will have different character classes
>Cyberpunk 2077 won't revolve around a pre-defined hero
So much for that
>being so up on the horse you think the rest of the people are mindless insects
refer to
Cyberpunk 2078 will be much better.
>N-N-Nobody is s-seething
>I-I don't c-care
look, official site
look, official store
If you ever bought CoD or tickets to a capeshit you're a subhuman.
How much of the game will be on-rails?
I don't think last year's demo will be in the game at all.
An RPG shouldn't have a prewritten story line. Tabletop games never did, they had adventures. Adventures gave you a villain to defeat or a mystery to solve or whatever, and they would have had some things planned out but at the end of the day it's up to the players to tackle it how they want. That's the point of the game in an RPG. Even a dungeon crawl is traditionally open, it's not just a linear set of rooms where you are forced to do a certain combat or forced to solve a certain puzzle, and you can attempt to make weird solutions with whatever random bullshit you bought at the town. I don't know why you act like RPGs are just visual novels, they're not and they never have been
Just because something's popular does not mean it is good
It's not even multiplayer so who cares how many people buy it you fucking tool
I've posted this once and I will reiterate it as many times as I need for you fucks. Whoever thought that trying to bring role playing games to video games was a retard. If you want to play an RPG, go fucking get some friends and play D&D or Cyberpunk 2020 or what the fuck ever. But video games shouldn't try to RPG's because it almost always turns out shit. There are too many limitations that make it to where there will never be an enjoyable true RPG experience. Make choices that effect the story? Sure. Dialogue options? Sure. Design your own character? Sure. But the amount of garbage you guys want in these games just bogs down the entire game and suck the fun out of everything. If you try to make everything be a choice and attempt to give enough options for it to come close to feeling like RPG, it'll just wind up being low quality and shallow. New Vegas is a supreme example of this. You have a bunch of options and they're all low quality and have little to no weight at all. You RPG fags are absolute fucking retards who need to fuck off back to
literally every game with a storyline has it prewritten you fucking doofus. You want a 1:1 port of a P&P rpg and that has never been done in the history of video fgames
>An RPG shouldn't have a prewritten story line. Tabletop games never did, they had adventures.
Most d&d adventure modules had prewritten stories. You would know that if you weren't such a zoomer.
I don't want choices that affect the story, I don't want a story at all. I want an immersive sandbox. I don't think it's that hard to make. I mean games like Nethack already do an incredible job of it, it's just that that game is small in scope since it's entirely set in a dungeon. But if a random open source game can do it then I don't see why big budget AAA game can't, if it's even a quarter as much of an RPG as Nethack I'd be happy.
>literally every game with a storyline has it prewritten you fucking doofus
Yes that's why RPGs shouldn't have storylines. At least not a main one that the developers put all their resources into expecting it to be the main attraction and have the whole game built around it
If it's anything like they've shown us hopefully very little of it.
>An RPG shouldn't have a prewritten story line. Tabletop games never did
The games themselves don't but the DM does.
RPG games are essentially tabletop rpgs where the developers are the DM
Only the shit ones. A prewritten story is called railroading and that's universally considered a bad thing. Having a set up with a villain and some maguffin that lets you beat him is not a prewritten story
>tease the game with Psycho Squad
>player can't join, no showing of Psycho Squad in recent trailers, no mentions of cyberpsychosis
Citing Archive, who's song plays in the first teaser
All I want is to see you in terrible pain
Though we won't ever meet I remember your name
Can't believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the Devil himself
Pray to God I think of a nice thing to say
But I don't think I can, so fuck you anyway
You a scum, you a scum and I hope that you know
That the cracks in your smile are beginnin' to show
Now the world needs to see that it's time you should go
There's no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow
Can't believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the Devil himself
Pray to God I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don't think I can, so fuck you anyway
>game got popular
>Yea Forums hates it now
Like a poem.
>Tabletop games never have a prewritten story line
Partially true but mostly false. Most campaigns, both homebrewed and module, are scripted out with specific events and characters. The beauty of table top is that you do and say whatever you can imagine and thus you can bring your own spin to things, but at the end of the day the DM planned for events to happen and for a grander story. It's the little moments that impromptu, not the big ones. Usually. Sometimes there's DM's who can really do those grandiose impromptu events. But that's not the norm. Video games can't do that because no matter what your boxed in by what the game is coded to do. That's true no matter how sandboxy a game is.
>I don't want a story at all. I want an immersive sandbox.
Then you don't want an RPG
>I don't want choices that affect the story, I don't want a story at all. I want an immersive sandbox.
So you want a game with absolutely no substance? Sandboxes only really work if the dive deep into their sandboxy elements dude. If it was just a cyberpunk world where you did things and there was no actual plot, it would get old fast. That's like table tops where there is no main quest, you just feel like your doing nothing and you get bored real quickly. Plots are there so you can feel like you're doing something.
Sandboxes like minecraft only work because they went full sandbox and you can basically do whatever and create whatever you want. You can't do that with a cyberpunk game. It just won't work.
Sooooooooo go play some sandbox games? Obviously cRPGs aren't for you
No retard. Railroading is when the DM forces you to do what he wants out of his story. A good DM will let you add your own flair and bits to the story but at the end of the day you still got to do the events he lined up for you otherwise there will be consequences. If there aren't then the DM just doesn't have a spine.
Daily reminder that there are only two genders and it's determined by biology.
most of it for what we seen thus far.
You can't kill npc's since it would break the story and you don't seem to be able to equip weapons outside of scripted story instances.
No, it's not "events" you have to do it's goals. The DM/adventure gives you goals. You accomplish them. You can do so however you want. If the DM forces an event to happen then that's railroading
So D&D isn't an RPG?
imagine thinking your bullet points make any sense.
> how does it feel to be an autistic turbo neckbeard faggotron user ? Share with us your retarded experience so we may learn how to avoid being such wastes of space and time.
what are the first three? there were no other games at e3. maybe botw 2?
Events, goals, that's semantics brother. And yes you can complete a task in any way you can think of. Once again that's the beauty of table top that I can think creatively because I'm not bound by code on software. I can choose how I solve something. A good video game will give you options based on playstyle but it cannot match the level of choice on tabletop. It's like saying that any number can be close to infinity. At the end of the day, no matter how many options a game gives me, I could have done something else in tabletop.
And you must be a shit player if you think a DM giving you consequences or going through with an event is railroading. A good DM would let you know that your actions have consequences and if you choose to blow off a mission, it may come back to bite you. That's the real enjoyment of having choices in games, that it has a real impact on the rest of the game. Not that I can go fuck off for a while and then come back like nothing happened and do the quest. That means your choices don't really hold any weight.
>it's another Yea Forums humors the local cyberpunk autist and tries to convince itself 2077 will flop episode
How fucking bad is this board going to be when this game launches?
>It will flop
>they sold out
Because Yea Forums is retarded and expects cyberpunk to be about Christian morals and not be a degenerate dystopia society full of mutts, niggers, trannies and furries.
Nobody cares about politics, just false flagging faggots who lost their shit over the tranny art. However, if the tranny art grows and becomes something more than just an ad on the street there may be a problem.
Don't worry user, I'm making that game. But it won't be AAA.
It's a dystopia full of degenerates, why wouldn't there be trannies? Have you seen some of the shit in the sourcebooks?
Tons of seething, bullshots, counter-bullshots, le funnay "E3 vs final game lol look how bad it is" comparisons, absolutely terrible, low-quality bait parroted nonstop, and maybe a general on /vg/. So basically, business as usual.
I just said nobody cares, but there will be a problem if they try to push some overt narrative, which I don't think they have the balls to do.
I'm not saying you should be able to avoid missions without consequence. Part of the social contract between the DM and the player is that the players will do whatever quest is put in front of them. My point is that a quest is not a story. The DM didn't write out a fucking novel and then make you go exactly through what he's written. He probably just has an idea in his head like "there's this villain in this dungeon who's going to summon this evil thing" and then the rest of his creative energy goes into making the dungeon interesting and the villain cool. Maybe he has an idea of how the villain will introduce himself and how he will talk to the players but that's not a cutscene, the players can influence that. On the other hand in a videogame a prewritten story means that the developer literally did write out a fucking novel and make the players go through it. That's what cutscenes are. I don't want that, I'd just read a VN if that's what I wanted. An RPG is supposed to be a sandbox. Sandbox doesn't automatically mean murder hobo with no purpose
Seems likely. I only paid attention to this game shortly before last years e3 and assumed it would be like a cyberpunk witcher game, so I got about what I expected. I see some people claiming they original said you could do anything or be anyone like something similar to Kenshi or Mount and Blade but I never get a sauce on that. I get the impression a lot of this was shit people expected with very little evidence to back it up, similar to everyone instantly assuming they'd have 2 other big name celebrities to voice two other characters based off footage that was stressed multiple times to be a work in progress and had no idea if it would affect that at all, or if it was even just a placeholder.
Have you actually never played a game that doesn't have a story? They're really not that rare. It's not just games like minecraft, plenty of games are built around gameplay and not story
Can I get a sauce on the promises made?
Name one RPG that doesn't have a story
Of course he doesn't have shit written out like a fucking novel, that doesn't work in tabletops. But conversely video games can't work without there being a scripted story. You can have choices in there and those choices should be impact to the story and change it but at the end of the day those have to be scripted. That's the limitations of video games dude. Table tops, the DM has the liberty to just have a rough outline of the story beats and can improv the in between parts.
If you have a sandbox game then there won't be any real cool moments in the game. You just have little missions where you doing stuff and then get money/xp. What your asking for is to try and get an aspect that is unique to table top and bring it to a medium where its physically impossible to do with our current technology. A big part of table tops are that your choices matter to the story that the players and DM create together as a group. You can't do that in a video game. The developer can just offer cool options and let you make decisions.
Yes, and they were fun. But they weren't RPG's.
>I haven't paid attention to this game
>People are probably blowing things out of proportion
Thanks for the input
>conversely video games can't work without there being a scripted story
Apologies, I meant role playing video games. Video games in general can totally work without stories. That was my bad.
I also said I've asked for a sauce on what I missed but have yet to see one.
That's not a source.
You’re stupid
Go to Google, type in Cyberpunk 2077, go to tools and set custom date range, then set it to 2012 to 2017
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
Burden of proof is on you to back up your claims.
Mexican kids with kinect mics
As expected of a wojakposter.
So do you think Nethack isn't an RPG? What's your definition of RPG? You're saying stuff can't work in videogames but I think what you're really saying is that if a videogame does that you wouldn't count it as an RPG anymore for some reason. Nethack is fun because in every run interesting, weird and memorable things happen. They don't happen because the game is prewritten and scripted, they happen because the game is well designed and is made so that the games systems can interact in various ways and when you add together RNG and the player making various choices you are going to get an amount of chaos, and out of that chaos something interesting is bound to happen. The "story" is just whatever happened on your way to ascension (or death), it's not a novel and it doesn't need to be. It's not just little missions where you do stuff for xp, it's an adventure. And like I've said multiple times, adventures aren't stories. It's the same adventure each time you play Nethack but each run is going to have a completely different "story". You say this means the game has no substance but I disagree completely
>Go to Google, type in Cyberpunk 2077, go to tools and set custom date range, then set it to 2012 to 2017
I mean CDPR is unironically based and redpilled. And all their games are kino so you can joke all you want but they are good. Yea Forums is just full of pansy cuck boys that just like to be contrarian every moment of their lives. AKA they're assholes who will never lose their virginity.
Keep fucking crying little bitch.
Nethack only worked because of it's basic coding. It could afford to do nothing but be expansive and sandboxy. We're talking about a 3d shooter with good graphics, voice acting, and all that shiz. If you nethack then sure you could probably get a decent cyberpunk game with that style of gaming. But if you want something more immersive you'd have to sacrifice that level of expansion.
How is it lying though? They are just changing the focus of their game, and you don't like it so you're crying like a spanked baby. They didn't pull an EA with their Anthem game where they kept most of the things quiet about what was included in terms of the features and sold you the product and left you to be surprised about it, they are actually telling you about the features of the game before the game is released and while being developed and giving you the chance to determine whether you want to buy the game or not.
What the hell is nethack?
>Some faggot asks for sauce, even going so far as saying "burdon of proof"
>"user" takes the wojak posting route like a fucking newfag
Wow you really can't make it obvious that you aren't from these parts.
You're acting pretty mad right now.
As hard as you try, the shitposting for this game will never be as good as it was TW3 or Bloodborne, user. Just stop.
because witcher 3 was still a good game.
Even though you are right, people cant be mad about a game they actually enjoy
Who's shitposting?
Preordering is retarded. I didnt even preorder RDR2 and I knew I was gonna buy it day one. Why would anyone preorder a game after seeing a pre rendered movie advert for it?
I legit can’t figure out what the first game is you’re referring too? Mind spelling it out for me since I’m a retard.
D&D isn't a blank slate when you play
Square Enix hasn’t done anything amazing in several decades.
Why would anybody preorder a digital copy of a game?
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need to have VR support
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
add to that;
>Reddit Iconography and visual design
>Meme writing and dialogue
>Neo-Yea Forums pandering gameplay philosophy
>Xoomer score and soundtrack composition
>No Verticality or flying vehicles
>No proper adaption of the PnP roles/classes
>Removal of features because they blew all their money on a reddit actor
>Constant lying and backtracking by the developers
If you purchase this """""""""""""game""""""""""""""" you're a nu-male
The user I responded to.
That's weird that CDPR is copying nuDeus Ex gameplay then
Thanks. Just pre ordered
And sell 3 copies
What do you mean? Is 2077 only digital?
really hope trannypunk flops
no one asked for a gta clone
>abject failure
>CD Projekt Red
>not released yet
>people shitting their pants in anticipation
men with tits, when will you learn?
I love what cyberpunk has done to Yea Forums
It's just entire threads of people calling each other trannies
go play your gay little shit then. why the fuck are you in this thread. you should be dead, grandpa
proof that CDPR is staffed by Americans?
AHAHAAHAHHHH Jesus fuckinjg chriost you must be as old as DUST AHAHAH ROFL DAMMNNN. He comes in a Cyberpunk thread wielding nothing but a fucking Nethack and shouting how RPGs shouldn't have stories!! AHAHA this legitimately made me laugh for a good 10 seconds. Thank you so much!
So is Bitcher, weebshit, soulshit, etc. Something being an RPG means fuckall these days.
OP is probably the same autist that targeted RE2make and complained about the sun months ago
>Show TW3 at the highest PC graphics they can have in the dev version
>>It doesn't look like that, booooo-
>Adjust, learn from your experiences
>Show Cyberpunk 2077 at a realistic-to-console graphics level
>>It's SHIT, it sucks, booooo-
look up patrick k mills he's their numale woke sjw writer
I don't have it but I assume it is from the Twitter's of the devs, the ones who specify pronouns.
I mean, being a childless atheist that worships money is par for the course at this point, right?
Deus Ex series, EYE Divine Cybermancy, Satellite Reign, Dex, Remember Me, Syndicate reboot.
Shadowrun is kinda questionable but there's that.
No you just wanted mount and blade cyberpunk with deep rpg mechanics and being able to do anything at all.
Well on one hand you have player freedom, and on the other you have a CDPR game
will people stop crying about the cover now
It has said "reversible cover" (presumably female on the other side) all the time, these aren't "people", they're shills.
Divine cibermancy
Making a reversible cover with Fem V on the other side doesn't change the fact that the cover still sucks.
Changing the guy to a girl won't make the cover much less shit.
When the fuck are they gonna release the specifications of this game? I know my 980 + 4690k should run it because it's a console game that WILL get downgraded, but the question is, HOW WELL will I be able to run it
Get gassed my jewish friend
>HOW WELL will I be able to run it
On medium? 45 fps outside, 20 inside
Post music that should be in the game
To be honest westerns can't in to cyberpunk
only french can
>Remember Me
Unironically the best cyberpunk world, sun and all. God fucking dammit, I wished it had success, I wonder if it would do better (or be better) if it fell to the openworld meme.
Also I kind want Dontnod to finish the the flooded city ski game
1060 is the most popular gpu on the market and your 980 is more powerful than it. Expect good settings for 60fps providing yoiu're playing at 1080p
It's a console game you cuck
When did cyberpunk become a guy in a gay jacket?
Which 980 and 1060 you mouthbreather?
The genre peaked with Neuromancer. All other games, books and movies that I can think of are in some way a retelling of Neuromancer
W3 is a console game from 4 years ago and just broke stable 60 at 4k last year
>An RPG shouldn't have a prewritten story line.
You're not going to get that outside of tabletop game where the GM specifically doesn't use adventure modules nor do they come up with stories, and you just do whatever with no planning. Or you could play a game that has no story whatsoever.
> some things planned out but at the end of the day it's up to the players to tackle it how they want
So you just want tons of different items, abilities, random stuff, and to try to make it work using whatever you've got. Cyberpunk is supposed to have a fair amount of different stuff you can try, but not a ton. It's like Deus Ex, not like a roguelike.
>A prewritten story is called railroading and that's universally considered a bad thing
>Having a set up with a villain and some maguffin that lets you beat him is not a prewritten story
You can have a prewritten story that is the setup and allows the players to jump in at some point and change how the story goes with advice and encounters for the GM to use. It's an already written story but it's a setup that players can change. It's not a railroad as the players can decide where to go, what to do, how they will deal with things, who they want to ally with, or even if they want to walk away and do nothing.
who's talking about 4k dumb fuck
I don't know why people still only use 1060 and 980 to describe graphics cards. If you have a gen 1 1080 it's slower than new 1060s now.
>gen 1 1080
>weaker than an afterbrand 1060
Citation needed
and my 980 is a superclocked EVGA one
I believe he was asking for the source of where they promised multiple apartments.
>They're now running with presets for character
Wait what? pleas explain
>FANDOM: Will you be able to buy apartments in different districts of Night City?
>Pietra: Absolutely. You will be able to buy a couple of apartments in different locations, so obviously upgrading yourself will push you towards a certain path in the game but saying any more would be too spoilery right now.
They also confirmed it in replies
gen 1 1080 is like 1600 Mhz, 1060s from 3 years ago are already beating it.
link the actual tweet and not a phonephag screenshot
Let me repeat myself
[citation needed]
Fuck off you lazy faggot
Square Enix
>makes claim
>"ok, prove it"
Neck yourself you ugly chimp
Not only does it look like shit, but what is with the cartoony style?
>can't even manage to type in 4 numbers into google
>can wipe off the grime from his keyboard long enough to shitpost
Kill yourself
The buildings are too smooth
t. rx480 owner
Literal tranny in the game
4th is nothing to celebrate about lmao. First/second/third will grab 70% of the share. 4th will only get meager 5% of the share.
I could never get over the elves and orcs plus neuromancer thing. It just doesn’t do it for me
Shit taste
>abject failure
>Game isn’t even out yet
You’re the only abject failure I see OP.
>dude, do my arguing for me!
Here, i'll google this instead