Who are your favorite video game podcasters?

Who are your favorite video game podcasters?

I think think game podcasts are a great way to stay current on video game, the industry, and to refine your tastes. Abby Russel is my favorite. She’s funny and likes games that most other games podcasters don’t talk about.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=define bad

im a fan of farmers #1 and #2

>Who are your favorite video game podcasters?
Why would I have such a thing? I just play games and post on Yea Forums.

I don't dislike Abby as a person but I don't find her funny and her taste in games is bad. I wish she would get replaced by someone who is energetic with good taste.

This said, it was funny as fuck hearing all the guys collectively shit their pants in the GOTY podcasts when she brought up how GOW2018 has no female characters that aren't dead, brutalized by Kratos, or completely defined by motherhood after they praised the new less sexist direction of the series though. It's rare for their shallow ability to critically analyse writing to get challenged.

I liked Idle Thumbs

When they stopped I started listening to Eazy Allies

The Giant Bombcast bores me.

> but I don't find her funny and her taste in games is bad
Maybe her sense of humor is just different than yours, same for her taste. What does bad taste even mean lol?

Bombcast bores me too. Try the Beastcast, its much more fun.

What's a podcast?

u are

I like Abby but I find her perspective rarely valuable. She seems to come at the few games she plays knowing little about them, plays them the way a person who doesn't play games might play them, and doesn't seem to have any knowledge of games pre 2010 or so.

And that perspective is valuable to somebody, I'm sure, but not to anyone who is subscribing to Giant Bomb. She's smart and funny but I wish that Giant Bomb East had an extra person that would allow Abby to be more of a guest character, rather than being the personality that East content revolves around.

But obviously they're short-handed, that boring CNET jew is a key component of their podcast.

I don't like nu-Vinny (at least not in the East) and I don't like Alex in the East. I think Dan is being wasted. I really wish Jeff and Brad could be in two places at once because I think GBeast was a mistake.

It seemed like it might have legs when Austin was there but they haven't had a strong dynamic since he left.

I want to kick her right in the pussy. That's what she gets for not being ladylike.

I like Dan but I just think it’s suspicious how he always stays quite when the others talk about politics... is he secretly a white nationalist?

I think Dan is quiet about that stuff because he's just not that interested in it and knows that he could be killed over it regardless of what he says.

Overall I think it's smart, it allows people to project their wishes onto him.

>what does bad taste even mean lol?
fuck off dude holy shit, what has become of this godforsaken place

Why do women do this pose? Does this pose have a name, I see it quite often.

does anybody have that pic of her in black lingerie, I need a fap.

sleeby capin

I dont listen to gaming podcasts, watch gaming videos, read gaming articles, or any of that shit. I just play video games.

you are writing and reading about video games right now

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>abby russel

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No im not fag

These boys and Funhaus.
Funhaus somehow manage to be consistently funny no matter what combination of members it is each time.

So no answer huh?

E-celebs are not videogames
Anyways, CastleSuperBeast podcast

They are rare furry, showing their obscure fursona
This one is crab transformation

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Obviously it's liking things that are bad, it's not rockets science you dipshit.

Define bad

Who decides what's bad? You? Or her 10 million viewers?

Podcasts are shit, I know more about video games than anyone you could possibly mention, and I do mean anyone making a video game-centric podcast. But then again, video games are my primary hobby and I enjoy them greatly, and to a far richer and deeper extent than most people, so it comes with the territory. Most people just don't give a fuck about vidya, they just like playing video games, not that there's anything wrong with that. I sometimes wonder if I missed a boat, people seem to actually like hearing others talk about video games, be it podcats or streaming or whatever, but I don't have time for any of that shit because I'm too busy reading about and playing video games.

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Bombcast is diversified which means your going to end up agreeing with one them eventually even though majority are just mouth breathers with no substance.

Dude's not even allowed to love Murrica and have a 4th of July stream anymore. I think he just knows to stay quiet.

Imagine bragging about how much you like video games.

What’s the difference between reading about and listening about video games?

google.com/search?q=define bad
Nobody decides.

>10 million viewers?
Giant Bomb does not have 10 million viewers.

Person: says nothing, does nothing

You: iS hE A wHiTe nAtiONaLiSt?

Every single time Abby is in any GB content, without fail, she says something insanely fucking stupid or ignorant.

So yes?

I feel like Abby joined giantbomb to boost her comedy career but instead her and Ben brought giantbomb down to their mediocrity

Reading is infinitively faster for various reasons, e.g. the human eye can process a lot of text at one glance, while with listening, you have to process each bit of information sequentially, and with reading it's easier to skip irrelevant information and get to the good parts faster.

Why does everyone have to shit on Abby? Don’t like grils in games? I think she’s fine.

She has nice feet.

>shes funny and likes games

not really.

Post it or links

The Procrastinators

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You realize podcasts are for the times when you can't be reading? Like when driving?


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I wonder what your comprehension level is. I bet it's low.

I wish she would take a big shit in my mouth.

When I drive, I either listen to the radio or to nothing at all. That's how my father taught me to drive, and he's been accident free for 45 years. I'm also not a manchild.

I don't know what you mean by that. Go continue listening to your corporate shill propaganda podcasts if it makes you happy, sheeplet.

Her jokes are shit, just her being random, extremely sexist as a joke, or her doing a bad character. She knows nothing, not even about the games she supposedly likes. She's bad at producing. Her vlogs, which she considers her art or some shit, are boring with bad camera work and "too hard" and half assed, she doesn't even do them for the actual fucking E3.
And whenever you criticize her she gets defended just because she's a girl, which isn't her fault I realize but it's annoying. I feel that the others on the team also defend her more, I've seen multiple times when somebody was getting angry at somebody else for something they did in game, only for Abby to say she did it and then they're low key apologizing to her.
She's fucking annoying.

>When I drive, I either listen to the radio or to nothing at all. That's how my father taught me to drive, and he's been accident free for 45 years. I'm also not a manchild.
I said "like" you fucking illiterate.

I understood what you said, if you read between the lines, I was saying you should concentrate on what you're doing.

Thats exactly why I haven't tried anymore podcasts, plus I don't feel as if most podcasts have enough diversity in topics.
Hell Yea Forums could probably put together a better podcast just by talking about random shit


The Baited Podcast

Then why have any background noise at all, if you're getting this niggardly about it

>Hell Yea Forums could probably put together a better podcast just by talking about random shit
I can see it now
>5 minutes of vidya discussion at the start
>Someone mispronounces one of the characters from fucking Kirbys air ride or something, gets told to dialate
>Remaining 55 minutes is 2 people alternating between telling each other to cope and seethe until Moms tablet runs out of battery

There are genuinely no good video game podcasts. They all have either no chemistry, or are annoying faggots. Everyone should listen to Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast though or Cum Town.

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I want this so bad

I have taken int interest in game history as far as contextualising a specific aspect of it, or something obscure, especially from Japan, or Europe.

One of the blogs that posted history said it was way too much research work, and then others take your work as their own, so he just quit.

Well you know he isn't liberal because they never shit the fuck up about politics so you technically can make the claim he isn't a lefty, or at least an annoying hardcore one.

The only background noise Chad needs is Stacy's moaning

What dumb motherfucker doesn't know the difference between waddle dee and waddle doo?

Imagine posting about random nobodies who record themselves talking about video games.

is this pasta? needs work.

How shitty of a driver are you that you cannot follow a conversation in the background

Eh there's some screencap I'm sure someone has where some annoying faggot tweets at Dan saying he should use his platform to speak out (because duh god what are you a nazi?) and Dan tweets some Trump bad thing.
He holds those views, most of them anyways, but he isn't an annoying asshole about them. That's the way to be. I think he also largely doesn't give a shit, but has to toe the line to some degree.

Got a link to that part? I want to see Jeff GIRTHman act like a gutless piece of shit that he is.

>not a manchild
>posting on the v
really makes you think

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how much of a virgin are you that you even drive by yourself lmoa, i always drive with my girlfriend and talk and listen to her, not some stupid video game podcast

roguelike radio is pretty good, they had the creator of MUD's on, and everyone on the podcast are codemonkeys, the Unrealworld guy has been on several time, but the dedicated episode was very good.

When you work at a game site and other people are discussing Konami and you say "Who is that? Is he hard to work with?", there's a fucking problem.

Hello Mkumbe

Uh yeah I fucked you're girlfriend you can listen to that

can you link to this?

But you're right. She complains about not being taken seriously but doesn't know anything.

surrogate friend simulator

>you will never sink your face in her pussy
why even live?

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Why? What's stopping you? She seems like a slut so she'll probably let you

you're right, panel discussions had never existed before the podcast. It's a brand-new innovation. Cable television is a friendship simulator. Radio is a friendship simulator. Fiction writing is a friendship simulator. Back to the fields for me.

It’s a normal question. Maybe he is hard to work with and that’s what caused problems.

>my girlfriend
we all fucked her, bro

Jesus dude, is this it? Are people on Yea Forums seriously stooping to this fucking level? Surely I’m not the only one who can’t fucking stand this level of retarded meme text, it makes so fucking mad. Keep that shit contained in YouTube comments for god sakes

>She seems like a slut
really? why?

She has a vagina and he’s never made a girl smile

please please please

who's this jew?

are you american?

she's a gamer girl

nah he's probably just "redpilled"

Everyone irl:

Literally everyone on the internet:

You: JeSuS DuDe kEeP tHaT sHiT oN yOuTube

Word I mean if no one else thinks its gay as fuck maybe I’m just too old. It definitely outs you as underaged though. Lemme guess, you’re a American 15 year old white boy from the suburbs with no less than 25 YouTube subscriptions and watch twitch streams daily?

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Yea Forums devolved to the point of just stealing stuff from Twitter/Youtube long ago

if you unironically do this you are a faggot

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Don't disrespect pro battlefield player Nick Mullen like that

The only thing you got right is "white"

Wow, that’s means you must be an even bigger disappointment than I could imagine. Congrats fag, you have no friends in the internet either

Maybe the most pathetic post I've ever read on this site

By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!

shut the fuck up

No, you're right, it's gay as fuck. Yea Forums in general is filled with zoomers who got here in the past couple of years, but especially Yea Forums.

So if i'm not specifically a 15 year old American white boy who lives in the suburbs, then i'm a disappointment with no friends?