You get to claim one(1) item from any Zelda game

You get to claim one(1) item from any Zelda game.
What's it gonna be?
Note: items that require magic energy will instead use your own energy.
Hard mode: no Triforce.

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Bottle. I have too much jam.

Stone Mask

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Iron Boots probably

>mfw torn between pegasus boots and clawshot

Help me, user!

Ocarina of Time so I can go back and stop myself from being born.

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Care to tell us why, user?

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Hookshot, no question.

Roc's Cape.

Ice Rod
t. alcoholic

You'll dislocate your shoulder almost instantly trying to actually use it

I want to quickwarp to any location.

Shiekah slate if it comes with all the functions, the stopwatch if it doesn't.

also, I forgot to mention this.
I love the tune that is played to call the bird.

Daruks protection

Ocarina from LttP, or the hookshot.

Rocs's Feather + Pegasus Boots

>use clawshot
>it latches onto something and pulls you towards the location
>youre too weak to hold onto it
>you fall down like a sperg
>clawshot now at some high up locations thats hard to reach

Double Clawshots so I can finally be like Spider-Man

What item would be able to make you the most money?

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That's two, fucker.

Fairy in a bottle.
For completely wholesome purposes like reviving a loved one of course.

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the bottle because I like kidnapping fairies


Magic Powder is infinite, and could be sold in dime bags.

I like to think that fairies are like the phoenix downs of LoZ, they can revive unconscious people but can't revive the dead

Aaaand you won the thread

I've wanted a hookshot since I was a wee lad so that one.

Triforce for easy mode, obviously
Does Fi count as an item though?
If she does, maybe her. If not, Fierce Deity Mask.

user, I think he's implying that he wants to fuck it...

>can only be used when facing Majora or its creations
Have fun with your powerless mask

It also works inside any boss's office.

This motherfucker

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No he's right, I want to use it to revive something unconscious.

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The cape that makes you invisible.

Farore's wind


You're talking about your penis, aren't you?

Please be gentle with her user

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The magic size shrinking pots from ministry cap, so I can live out my giantess fetish

Zora Mask, so I can explore the depths of the ocean.

The spinner from Twilight Princess - but it doesn't stop spinning after three seconds.

That or herself. Whichever one falls unconscious first.

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thank you based user

why hasnt anyone said master sword

Because it's actually useless if you aren't link or have the triforce of courage, plus what are you gonna do with a sword? Hang it up?

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Reason: I have a list of names

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The Sheikah Slate so I can stop time, summon ice from water and have bombs.

What said. Even if you count WW Link who isn't really either, I'm pretty sure it only works if you use it for noble/evil-slaying reasons.
You know what's better than that? A full Colossal Wallet. Imagine having 9,999 gems that you could sell whenever you needed cash. Probably worth a chunk since they've never been seen before.

Nayru's Love. It'll protect you from damn near anything, and it drains a flat amount of energy over time so using it to survive a bullet won't be any more strenuous than when you use it to avoid getting splashed with water on the sidewalk. You'll be fucking invincible.

I wouldn’t bother with hanging, I’d just use it to swing across large gaps.

I’m not bothering with the grappling hook, because my aim is shit.

Lens of Truth

>select Farore's Wind
>instantaneous teleportation from anywhere to anywhere else, regardless of distance
>use newfound power to transport people across vast spaces
>charge virtually nothing for the service, just enough for food and sleep to recover energy for usage
>put every single airline, long-distance haulage and transportation company out of business in a matter of months
>completely destroy the tourism industry
We going nuclear option up in this bitch

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The shiekah slate
Multiple items in one.

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Be ready to feel like shit in the morning. OP said the magic items will drain your physical energy to compensate for lack of magic.


That guy's scene was depressing. With all the animals in the grove when he turns to wood. Makes me sad ever since I'm a kid.

The golden gauntlets. They make you stronger than most cranes and make your body durable enough to take all the weight unscathed.

magic cape aka rape cape of course

Plus, no magic cost.

Only works on normalfags. Anyone with autism or a keen eye can still spot you.

The hookshot/clawshot would only work if you were also able to use the goron bracelet or the silver/gold gauntlets. The extra strength would let you hold on, since you would fall off easily without them.

Ocarina would be nice, but you'd have to associate songs to specific locations, and I don't know if you could change them on a whim. Imagine warping to a spot that gets nuked or goes underwater in the future.

The Travel Medallion from BotW. If I place it by my house I can go wherever I want and just zap myself home when I'm. My travel time and costs will be cut in half.

*when I'm done

>You get to claim one(1) item from any Zelda game.
>Hard mode: no Triforce.

Drop to easy mode and pick Triforce.
Then use Triforce to alter reality and retroactively make it eligible for hard mode.
Then use Triforce to wish for all the other items, just out of spite.

I want the hookshot REAL BAD but I borderline fetishize ice powers so gimme dat ice rod.

Zora Mask is a top tier pick desu

Harp of Ages. Being rich and white both make life easy mode.

Either Ocarina of Time or Harp of Ages. Go back to 1930 and become Hitler's most trusted advisor and win the War in Europe. Never align with the Japs, leave America alone, leave Britian alone, use future knowledge to defeat the communists.

Are there any items that would allow me to turn into a cute girl?

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Gameplay =/= lore

Seconding this, but the drawback is that if you drove there you'd be leaving your car when you warp back. It would be good for out-of-country flights though, and it opens up a ton of smuggling opportunities if you're criminally inclined.

>you'd be leaving your car when you warp back.

I don't have a car, so that's not a problem. But think of the money I'll save on bus and train fare!

Beat me to it.
The mask of truth sounds kinda fun too, I could make money if I could hear animals

what is this dnd shit

Then you're golden my dude, go for it

Goron Mask so I can roll around like a maniac and vomit my guts out at 80km/h

And also punch the shit out of everything

▲ ▲


Plot twist: The Mississippi bridge collapsed because of a madman with the goron mask.

.. ▲

Zora could potentially go lower than humans can with our real tech, right?

Can I have the Sheikah Slate? If I can only choose one rune I choose Stasis.


Why are people picking stuff like the hookshot? What gaps would you be crossing in real life? And if you have some kind of strange weapon or really blatant magical item, the cops or government would be after you. You need to pick something that is practical to use and easy to keep secret. Probably the most useful things would let you fuck or get money.

OP said any item faggot, stop being so practical and let them have their fun.

Blast Mask

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That’s ISIS’s job, user.

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