Gamerfuel thread

post your favs

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Water is the best drink and the only drink that matters

Fuck all other drinks WaterChads where we at

too busy catching Pokemon creatures


t. virgin

literally the only time when you should drink something other than water is if you're bulking or if you need salt and potassium (i.e. you've been running at lot)

>pussy repellent

Can't you just squeeze some lemon in water to replenish electrolytes?

some, but you're body needs a small amount of salt to help in process of hydration, you can't always just drink water because your body won't necessarily use the water to hydrate yourself without salt
that was helped to be discovered because of Cholera
that's why hospitals use saline solutions (those drip bags) ffor hydration because you're getting equal parts of what your body needs

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Only real gamers allowed

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Water is the most based drink.
Coffee is for wages coping with a shit sleep schedule.
Tea is for faggots
Soda is for fatasses, children and man children
Alchohol is only fine in moderation, but no one I have ever met drinks in moderation

ITT: neckbeard autists pretend to be health freaks

What you call healthy I call normal

Ahahahah whatever you fucking say faggot


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im gonna drink soda and there is nothing you can do about it watervirgins

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Go drink your liquid sugar and tap water, queer.

Oh tap water is too good for you now? I'm sorry do you drink enriched vitamin anti oxidant water filtered through a reverse osmosis machine?

Im not very creative

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>im gonna drink soda and there is nothing you can do about it watervirgins

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>drinking aspartame
It's no wonder you faggots have brain damage you put actual poison in your bodies


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No I drink water

Ya'll hear about them Califaggots that drink 'hard water'. It's unprocessed water. A ton of people got sick. What a bunch'a fags.




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What's the verdict on heavy water?

why does Yea Forums hate water?
is it because they're too busy catching them pokemon creatures?




makes you fat as such it's bad
Theme of the thread @2.23

This is the only answer to these threads. Chads drink water meant for nuclear materials

Why does Yea Forums have such a hard on for water? Are they just recovering fatasses who were soda addicts trying to spread the word of water?

Imagine seeing all of this advice for enriching your life on /pol/ and only being able to apply drinking tap water because not masturbating and getting a job was too tall of an order.

*sugar cane flavored

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That might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.



>its a "retards try to get the last word in so they thibk they won" episode

Any New York bros here? I hear you guys have great tap water.

>muh aspartame
imagine being this delusional lmao


Where are the jokes in this product parody?

Just fuck already


This. Christ, Wateronlyfags might have just surpassed vegans as the most obnoxious dietary faggots.

*drm blocks you from your fruit juice bag*

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you people can complain all you want but is 100% correct.

i used to only drink soda and other shit and felt like crap everyday until i switched to water only you can feel the change within a week

Just kill some cia niggers in Terrys name instead of arguing about jewater.

Hi, everyone. I'm Pepsiman, and I'm here to remind you that Pepsi is the ultimate gamerfuel. Drink Pepsi

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I've been drinking monster for several days and I feel like dying. Maybe I just want to die. My life is a joke.

For me its coffee

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add in some espresso with that and you're in for your last ride

That's pretty crummy.


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i used to drink monster before work in like 2011, one day i felt like absolute shit and thought i was going to pass out
scared the shit out of me and have never drank it since

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Redbull vodka with that.

Just sleep earlier

Water is my favorite but I love an iced coffee

>drinking soda makes you unique
what lol

Water, orange juice, espresso and beer are literally the only liquids I drink.

The only snack I need.

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If you drink anything but government approved tap water and eat anything but ice cubes made from that tap water, you're an Amerifat and a capitalist moron who probably is racist. Did you know Flint Michigan still doesnt have clean water? And that it's because they're skin color?

>Water only

Nah I'll still have OJ and a Coffee in the morning.

Other than that only water and tea. I'll have a beer every now and then with my friends and a soda every now and then with a burger. But mainly water 100% you got that good stuff friend I love you, I kiss you mwah you are like perfection to me I love you so much mwah mwah.


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I drink it for its taste, not for its caffeine.

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sugar free cola for the caffeine.
how bad are artificial sweeteners for you?

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>americans think anybody cares that they're getting fatter, older and uglier by the minute
if anything I'm relieved

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>All water is tap water
Maybe in Kenya

Unsweetened iced tea. I'm not some dietfag or "REEEEEEEE SODA IS SATAN" retard or anything, I've just come to find it refreshing in the past couple years.

Imagine getting upset at white people because someone is drinking from a jug instead of a bottle

I would just like to remind our American friends that Soda/Soft Drink is in fact not the same as water, milk, fruit, or vegetable drink!

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I do go to bed early. I have to wake up at 5:00 for my job. And unlike you I don't have a mental disability and can't collect autismbux from the government to NEET.

I don't mind going to sleep early during the weekday but weekends when I have people over to play vidya I hate being tired at 10:00 when everyone else is still having fun.

I, too, enjoy the taste of boiling hot tar water

needs more deuterium


>holy shit what a schizo. imagine drinking only water hahaha bros let others enjoy life however they want. I'm over here enjoying good food while you're there suffering haha *back snaps at 26* oopsie, must have been how little I slept last night

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Kava bars are a thing now. There are people drinking literal dirt water.

Fucking horrible for you. They rot your mind. You're almost better off drinking sugared soda unless you're slugging back multiple cans a day.

not at all
fags will have you believe that aspartame will give you cancer, but you literally need to drink more than 20 cans a day in order to be at somewhat of a risk

It's not even that good imo

Do you only drink instant coffee?

I love jerky but it's too damn expensive. Shit's like $7 regular price and that store I usually go to stopped doing their $3 sales on jerky and only goes down to like $6 now usually.

What a dumb monkey. All of the football team drank out of gallon jugs like that and most were black. Bet she's dryer than collards in August

chads fucking face lol

Why do waterfags always ruin these threads? The point of these threads are to discover new kind of cool drinks/snacks.

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Same reason vegans always ruin food threads.

picture related is a 25 year old who survives only on water

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>They rot your mind

Honestly, there's nothing wrong with being vegan.

Vegans are stormfags of food

it will kill you

Dietary restrictions are like religion: shut the fuck up about it.

he cute

Tea and cookies
sometimes coffee

im going to pour bong water on your bed

gamer girl pee/bathwater
choice of true patrician

Snacks are fine but the vast vast majority of people who don't drink water usually drink only soda and other garbage.
I have met people who drink like 5 cans a day of soda, people who I would only ever call chubby or atleast average build.
I had a soda like a week ago when my aunt came to visit us, but I only ever drank it as a treat since I couldn't remember the last time I had one. Everyone in this thread thinks changing your diet is hard but it really isn't if you treat that sort of stuff as an occasional thing.

I used to drink zero ultras but since switched back to regular monsters

yikes. it shows

If you actually came here to gather knowledge about a new food/dish then here you are ill tell you about something i find fantastic, its called pitepalt its a Swedish dish i guess you could describe it as "potato flour dumplings" its really good with lingonberry "jam"

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>Veganism is basically backed by different moral principles and a sense of self righteousness
>Water is basically backed by "don't drink sugar water bro"
Totally the same thing


Now he can live off cum and water too

look at his skin, it's perfectly hydrated!

>usa problems
yeah but seriously, it's a big problem in my country too, to the point it's probably going to kill my dad

tea > coffee

Is that a sinus infection? The color on those is disgusting.

I think it gives you super speed

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jelly, boomer?

I go through tea like it's nothing. Coffee's good too.
Favorite snake is pic related, it's easy to produce mass amounts of them and they're good to offer to guests.

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Anyone else put peanut butter and honey on a quesadilla and roll it up? It's really fucking good.

The perfect drink

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Hasn't that shit not existed since like 2003?

I wish the acidity in both of those wouldn't upset my stomach for the next few hours.
Then again, I typically have a half a glass of milk before I drink beer to help reduce stomach acidity.
It's probably my diet, though. As I've gotten older I've found my stomach just can't handle my favorite foods. I like food extra spicy, and while mentally I embrace the pain and suffering, the flesh revolts.

Put some marshmallows on a parchment paper
Place them in the oven at 170F for 3h
Let them dry
Enjoy your lucky-charms-like marshmallows

Hope he gets better.

the thinking man's snack

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Is there something wrong with my stomach if I can't drink hard liquor mixed with soda? I can drink soda by itself and I can drink liquor by itself, but whenever I try mixed drinks I notice that after a minute or two I get this immense pain in the pit of my stomach like a stomach ache x5, and sometimes I'll feel gassy for a little bit. Nothing else has managed to produce that effect in me other than soda+liquor.

this + kettle cooked chips has always been my go to

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>Veganism is basically backed by "the animal industry is unethical its low standards are also passed onto the consumer in hormones and standards for feed
>Also meat causes cancer regardless
Yeah they're basically the same thing. Soda and meat are both extremely unhealthy and there's also the moral component to veganism. I'm not opposed to eating animals if they're healthily raised and given a humane death not if they're fed literal and stuck in cages for their entire lives like they're allowed to be in the US.

>t. basedboy
I don't consume shitty onions products of any time and meat actually does have estrogen.

Tried this once, pretty fucking good

Enjoy your damaged teeth unless you're just sucking on each one for like 10 minutes.

>tfw have to actively avoid foods with tomatos in them now due to my stomach

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Ice isn't any harder to chew than nuts or cereal.

Man, I could go for a pail of water right now...

coffee in the morning water during the day coffee in the evening

eat shit soda shitters

>aw yes, can't wait to live to be 95 cause of this healthy only lifestyle
>95 is truly when life starts getting fun
>look at these idiots enjoying things, dont they want to be 95!!!!

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You're a fucking retard. This is absolute horseshit.

Begone, foul hedon.

Vegans are annoying because of their "moral superiority". Nothing wrong with being vegan, but it's not like they don't have problems like not getting enough omega 3.
I think people treating soda and other garbage like staple in their diet is stupid. Tea and coffee is actually pretty good for you if it's the right kind, I just don't like either since their taste is meh.
>Meat has estrogen
Probably, I wouldn't be surprised if that's true for the Walmart type shit.

For me, it's banana chips. The best gamerfuel.

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Eggs Benedict. I eat it with my hands.

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>honey, can you pass the salt
>i cant, its updating the firmware

Fuck now I want breakfast. I always get Eggs Benny at this place in my homestate when I go back a few times a year.

>of course we drink one cup of coffee in the morning

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My great grandmother lived to 101 and great grandfather to 95. I'm gonna live that long anyways.

>tfw Eggs Benedict with Smoked Salmon replacing the Ham.

Only God knows such pleasures.

>just eat mr. shekelberg's hormone-enhanced chicken product, goy (made with rib meat and textured vegetable protein)! it's healthy! also for tomorrow, consume BEEF! IT'S WHAT'S FOR DINNER™!

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>Yea Forums is now filled with söy- vegan and waterboys.


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You're arguing over something I never even said or implied

cope with what?

That sounds amazing and I already have everything I need to make it.

Your sugar drink addiction.


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So how fat was the guy making this?

Except i barely drink sugar drinks but nice try retard

Do it

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The real reason I only drink water and coffee is because I don't want to spend extra money on buying shit to make juice. If I had a juicer I wouldnt be a water/coffee fag

But every week I do buy a vegetable and fruit smoothie to drink and its nice


not enough Electrolytes. If i were to switch to only water i'd end up feeling shitty because my diet.

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Don't fucking judge me but a huge coffee and a marijuana cigarette.

What do you eat that doesn't have electrolytes?

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Said the guy who triggered by a image

So how lanky was the guy making this post?

Primarily the cheddar and jalapeno

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>not getting the chicken teriyaki

It's PE's best item fag

My nig, those are pretty dank

bk tacos

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based and aloepilled

>panda express

I hate you
You put that song again in my head

Man, I haven't had shitty Chinese food in such a long time.

It's always amazing as you're eating it, but instant regret as soon as you start to digest it.

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I drink this almost every day. I'm fucking addicted.

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I have literally never gotten diarrhea form fast food.

I'm genuinely happy for you, my man.

6 hands

I drink water mostly, also don't see any xbox threads so posting it here, here's a beta code for some xbox game called Bless Unleashed, I don't have one so hopefully one of you user's can use it. DVFKQ-DCRVY-6P7KM-G9DFH-7TJ4Z

just had that some days ago.
chicken was stiff but other than that it was uma delicia.

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this is hilarious

That's the saddest taco I've ever seen.

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You're telling me after all these years that Surge wasn't green?


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>Kava bars
what in tarnation is this hipster bullshit?

>for us? just water and a carrot!

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I'm looking at knife sets. How shitty are the cheap AmazonBasics shit version the double or triple priced brands that's probably made in the same chinese factory anyway?

The true comedy here is that overconsumption of water is vastly detrimental to one's health. It flushes out the beneficial bacteria within the bladder and actually dehydrates you. Dark-colored urine is often mistaken as a sign of dehydration, while it's almost always the opposite. The ideal liquid for human consumption is blood or milk.

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what is that. frozen coffee?

Panda always gives me a guilty food boner

God they ruined gigachad meme.


I didn't know vampires posted on Yea Forums.

since when does burger king have tacos

Can drinking a lot of soda hurt your back or something? I drink a ton of soda and the doctor said I have arthritis in my back. Hurts like fuck and I’m only 21

Pic related and strawberry milkshake

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I don't trust that clusterfuck of a video but I did find this pretty funny comment

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no surge was but not the experiment beforehand

Where are these? I can only find the normal ones.

Oh no no no

Blood from meat, mainly. Pure blood if one so desires.

hah it's the Wurst Case scenario! hah :D

Guys I can't stop drinking coke/pepsi and ice tea wtf do I do? Pretty much addicted.

this makes my hunger the BIG hunger

>BOTTLED water
You 3rd world shitters fucking disgust me. Nothing beat tap water from your own well.

Google Aajonus Vonderplanitz if you can't handle this "clusterfuck of a video".

Brew your own tea and chill it

Not to encourage the health freaks, but I encourage anyone to stop and think how much money they're spending on soda/energy drinks on a weekly or monthly basis. Then think how much vidya or hardware you could buy with that money. Me, I've dropped energy drinks so I'd feel less guilty over buying a new arcade stick and PC case.

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Pick 3-4 when you have nothing going on and ride out the withdrawals. Expect headaches, sweating and constantly feeling of frustration. Sugar addiction isn't as bad as alcohol or fucking heroin obviously but it's still not fun.

start drinking coffee instead

3-4 days

the eternal debate

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McDonalds coke with extra ice

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>tfw actually drinking water and eating a chicken breast when i see that thread

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I remember having some like a decade ago. I got violently ill, had diarrhea for a week before I almost died because I'm apparently allergic to beetroot which was in the one I drank.


That tastes like shit even by normal coca-cola standards, which isn't really that high either. You're just a sugar addict.

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$25 a bag for stuff you can get by ingesting a bit of table salt and nuts

Grocery stores not being disgusting anymore was the best thing to happen in the 2010s. I never would have bought grocery store sushi before ~2012 when every place started renovating and getting better shit.

no wonder you're all chopping your dicks off


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>watering your soda down even more
Why do people do this?

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Water is okay tier for hydration. A serving of in-season fruit can sustain you all day.

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>lieber Bierkäse?

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fruit is just as bad as soda


iron gut crew

The sugar in fruit is not the same as sugar in soda.

I died

Corporate as fuck.

Fucking Based.
I eat a cup of this with blueberries for breakfast

>soda dehydrates you and has 50g of sucrose (needs to be converted by the liver) in a tiny can
>fruit hydrates you better than water (electrolytes) with roughly 14 grams of fructose (absorbed during digestion)
>probably thinks veggies "don't have sugar"

Homemade Italian sodas. I cut the sugar content by 75% to make it less good got. Plus using real fruits and herds you get some vitamins out of it.

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>not just drinking only water with salt and potassium for weeks

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>tried the mocha one
>it tastes like cocoa puffs saturated milk
holy shit

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Vanilla is the only one I get.

around these parts the gamer drink of choice for high schoolers was Wawa half gallon iced tea

More like coffee slush

You could technically could go for months with a few refeeds assuming you're a fat fuck, yes. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.

I spend about $70 every 3 months

Normal people (not fat fucks) can't sustain that for long. That's literally starvation for people who are too mentally retarded to stop eating chips and pizza.

fetti was geht

Reminds me of Ja/ck/

I only eat Bronco Trolleys when I play vidya

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It's the nutty taste of Nutella that makes this disgusting. If it was some decent quality dark chocolate it would go very well with salami and cheese.

>drinking microplastic
Only amerifats do that. Tap water all the way

Wawa doesn't exist in any good states.

False. the only good state in the union has Wawas

beer and premade salads from the deli

>not buying water in glass bottles
also servers as a workout

I spend probably $200 a week at bars because I'm a fucking retard who'd rather spend $6 for a beer than 50 cent from a grocery store.

>fruits and herds

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Florida was a weird place Wawa to expand to being so far away from the rest of them.


Does Yea Forums prefer the tank/pitcher style water filter or the ones that clip directly onto the faucet?

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>drink exclusively from plastic bottles since I live in a shithole country
>get gyno

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You were going to get gyno anyway. Plastic bottle leaching into the water is a meme.

Welch Schaulspiel verbreitet da sich vor meinem Auge?

for soda, temperature delta matters a lot more than sugar concentration, since it's already super sugary. having a bit more ice in it actually improves the long-term enjoyment of the drink. like with a 12oz can if you drink it straight up it's already kind of grossly sweet by the end. but if you pour it out into a glass of ice it not only maintains good flavor all the way through, but also has a better texture because the ice makes it colder

My friend drinks like two 12 packs of Dr. Pepper a week, it's insane. He's not even that obese, but he is overweight. I was hanging out with him one day and just guzzled down soda like a machine. Every 20-30 minutes he was getting another can.

If I'm playing in the morning, I'll make myself a tasty and nutritious fruit and veg smoothie. At any other time, I'll have a refreshing and comfy cup of tea.

>Work as a merchandiser for a soda company
>In a store putting soda on shelf
>Guy comes up to me and asks
>"Do you know which bottles are BPA free?"
>Tell him I have no idea
>A few moments later I see him ask one of the employees are the supermarket the same question
>He doesn't know
>Dude looks at him and says "This is ridiculous, how does nobody not know this?"

I wanted to tell him that literally nobody I know has ever asked nor cared about BPA free bottles. Fucking hippie nu-age medicine faggot.


how old is he? because I used to pour soda down my gullet constantly back in the day, if I did that now I would 100% be obese