Imagine the mental gymnastics journos will have to pull off to shit on this new steam feature
Steam AI game recommender
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It's OK
The recommendations I'm getting seem fairly reasonable. Out of top 10 recommendations with default filters, I've played 6 and consider them good, I just don't have them on Steam. Now, there are some most likely bad recommendations in there as well, like Hearts of Iron IV, but that too is a type of game I might like if it wasn't manashit.
I find the obscure-popular slider quite enjoyable
funny that if i put popular at 10, as everyone would expect, I get gta5
>Machine learning predicts games you'd like based on your library.
Its shit. 90% of my library is from bundles and free game deals
it takes into account if you have played those games
the list is literally on the left column
It'll recommend them Galgun or something and they'll get mad about it.
I feel personally attacked by all this nep garbage.
But its all trash recommendations
Also it recommending fucking Zestiria instead of Vesperia which is actually in my wishlist.
for me it's niche and older
>jacked up to popular
You dare!?
>pirated them all (except warframe)
not bad, not bad
Wow, that sure changed the quality of the games that showed up.
Fucking retard.
Not the AI's fault you only play trash games, user
>only play trash
>wtf why are they recommending me trash?
Incidentally, recommendation systems are one of the only cases where machine learning is not complete trash.
Just mostly trash.
what is the algorithm going to recommend you if it finds you only play popular garbage for years?
whole list
>only 32 hours on hitman 2
wtf are you waiting for, man?
t.weeb trash gaymers
How can I view this via app so I don't have to login through my PC every time?
for 3700x to come so i can actually enjoy playing it
These recommendations never seem to work for me. I feel like they tend to assume way too much about me. If I buy Tales of Vesperia, it suddenly thinks I want every JRPG, if I play an FPS it now assumes I want to buy Far Cry. I have literally never bought or wishlisted a Ubishit game on steam, get a fucking hint already.
I don't blame them for trying but it doesn't work for me. There's a reason why I haven't bought or wishlisted any of this garbage
Pretty neat but I have to turn the popularity slider pretty far down to find anything I'm not already aware of, and when you go down that far, things start to become a lot more questionable in terms of quality.
Probably all the Trails games doing it.
i played the whole thing on geforce now
best game i've played in the last 3 years, easy
journo detected
>put niche bar to max
>Recommends me all idea factory and compile heart games
Fucking neptune
I hope all those games I idled cards on won't fuck it up
have you played a little bit with the popular/obscure silder
it gives interesting results past a threshold
don't to too overboard, though, or you get shovelware
I think part of the grand prix shitfest of this sales was to test some stuff about cheevos
IMo they are going to take cheevos into account when giving these recommendations, because they are aware everybody farms at this point
I tried doing it but I don't get any recommendations
just play them
Post your total playtime and top 5 fagets.
that's a LoL player steam library right there
play trash get trash
Thank you Valve. This exactly what I wanted.
played any game?
seems like some people are having problems
It's a given that no automated recommendation system is going to do much for you if you already know what you want or are actively researching/talking about videogames, like being in a videogames board would entain to, as much as Yea Forums loves memeing about hating games.
I already know everything of my recommendation list aside from a few of the RPGMaker garbage that shows up when pulling the slider all the way to niche, but that tells more about me than the system itself.
I'm not sure how. They say it uses tags without being fed anything into it, so you would believe all Falcom games being tagged as great soundtrack and Trails as story rich would give some weight to those recommendations. Alas.
Also, why the fuck are my tags in... german? Also, 9130 hours total, jesus christ
I'm disappointed they didn't recommend me any erotic content. just pure weeb shit.
Just play Nep games user
>recommended bad rats show and soda drinker and
It also keeps recommending me JermaSlots, guess us jerma fans play too much garbage.
>no u
Nice one user
I have like 500-600 games in my library, the top says top 50 with 7000 hours played
Guess it's just bugged
do you have porn games enabled in settings? try some of the filters.
I don't think the algorithm is working correctly
Presumably spending some 500 hours playing JRPGs would weight the recommendations towards giving you some JRPGs, and for whatever reason the Neptunia games are popular on steam. I wouldn't assume anything greater than that has gone into the recommendation.
Fuck, that machine learning shit is scary. Got really good recommendations.
I wish there was a way to mark already owned games though.
Always have. I think it's because I haven't been playing enough.
it works really well, and fast too
>Doki Doki
>Actual games I would play
Really gets the noggin joggin
Can it see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
Seems right to me user.
You are on Yea Forums after all.
I haven't either. I got that game with the first person filter.
How far have we strayed from the norm.
Yeah, putting RPG in the exclude list shows some other japanese stuff that not Neptunia
>Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
>two Ys games
>Bayo, Vanquish
>Valdis Story
>popularity slider in the default position
>I was playing umineko
>suggested me higurashi
I don't even own the steam version, what the fuck?
But you do in a different loop.
The other games are
>QP shooting
>Creepy Castle
>Bunny must die
>Might switch force
I thought Bunny Must Die was pretty mediocre.
>don't know
>don't know but it's popular
like Orange Juice?
Tell me about these games, they look interesting
>Lucah: Born of the Dream
>Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God
Never played it
There should be a recommender that recommends games already in your libary
>Steam recommends Nep three times
Neptune wants you to play her game user. Just give in
>80% of things are stuff I pirated and played
Works pretty well.
>pura new to max and niche
>2hu ten desires
Should I tell steam about it?
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Cunny God
That's pretty impressive, everything it recommended was already on my wishlist.
QUICK Yea Forums
There's a steam group called steam labs where people are suggesting stuff
That's a good suggestion
>All of the 2hu games
Pretty cool actually
cute pso2 char
Indeed, my daughteru(wife) is very cute.
>Timmy Tencent will STILL somehow find a way to make Steam look like the villain with this feature
>recommends me a bunch of classic shooters and fighting games like fexl, samsho, unist and guilty gear
>also bad rats show
>Literally nothing of interest
>Even the recommendator can't fix this
I guess it's time I finally start making my own games.
So how will the devs and journos bitch about this?
I got YIIK. At least it wasn't the first recommendation.
Why is the funny bear bleeding
the last one like they've been doing since the start
Any good?
>Play a lot of 100% Orange Juice (It's not my top played game but for some reason it clearly has the biggest effect on my recommendations)
>Play it because I like playing with friends and it's a silly board game
>All of my top recommendations are single player shmup games just because they're from the same developer
It would be nice if the recommendations were based on why I played the games, rather than just what people who own the same game also play. I haven't played a single shmup on Steam and I don't plan to since I got burned out on them years ago.
Japanese indies, JRPGs and shmups
Not all that surprising
I had no idea Psyvariar Delta was added to Steam, do this thing is doing it's job
>bad rats
Everyone seems to be getting neptunia games so
I get a whole lot of shumps and visual novels.
Vaguely describe a game you want to play and we'll give you a recommendation user.
Algorithm is merit based so it's actively discriminates against minorities and people of color.
i really like the War of the Human Tanks games, they're cute and basically advance wars mixed with battleship (the board game). never seen a thread about them on Yea Forums
Any of these any good? Most of them look jank as hell
>Imagine the mental gymnastics journos will have to pull off to shit on this new steam feature
The feature is based on artifical intelligence which is known to have a gender and racial bias. Experts expect the AI to replace human game recommenders by 2025, thus destroying the livelihood of more than 50,000 Gamestop employees around the world.
The irresponsibility of having recommendations from a machine, that could end up damaging the eyes of trans and vegans
Number 3 final answer.
Does Steam have an algorithm where they can track if you played a certain multiplayer game a lot with your friends so they can skew the recs to have more MP games? Go suggest that lad. It's experimental after all.
The niche setting really seems to prefer games that crossover in 100% Orange Juice.
i have no idea what these are
Hedon is just a gzdoom mod, it's good if you care about those
I want a singleplayer open world fantasy wRPG where I can roam the world and play as all kinds of fantasy races, like dwarves, orcs, elves and all different kinds of beastfolk.
I'm literally starving for that kind of a game, since there is nothing like that on the market. People say that classic fantasy is overused, but I yet to find a game like that, outside form TES series.
I'm pretty sure the nitch option is there to recommend shitty indie games you probably wouldn't have been interested in anyways.
pick up reading
Underhero seems interesting. Lucah too but I'm not sold on the artstyle, seems like it would get harsh on the eyes.
divinity original sin
>this ai has a clear bias toward lgbt+ and poc game devs, and that's not ok!
>they're using a fucking male voice
Super House of Dead Ninjas is good.
I give Valve and Steam a lot of shit but I'll be honest with you Yea Forums, this slider is actually fucking amazing.
I think I already wishlisted three new games after checking their trailers out for a bit.
Seems pretty cool though I don't know why I get recommended a few hentai puzzles or whatever. I neither have anime games nor VNs.
Presumably that's because people who play 100% Orange Juice are incredibly likely to buy and play other Fruitbat Factory games as well.
Basically the recommender doesn't actually check how the games play in any way at all, it just looks for patterns in playtime across different users. That can be a good thing or a bad thing.
are the trailers specific to our "algorithims" or does everyone get the same trailers?
I think the trailers are the same for everyone. Sort of like a generic highlight reel for the day.
Does anyone know if the algorithm checks out if you have achievements in those games as well? Because I feel as if the recs also take into account which genre of game I have cheevos on.
Steam is recommending me shovelware anime games because I bought one Trails game.
Do you honestly think you know better than a machine?
based and neppilled
Post your max Niche lists.
this is great
I can't wait for entitled devs and garbage like kotaku to smear this
>2 top games on my list are Tales games
what am I in for
For me it's niche and newer.
It needs the option to disable things with custom tags
there's too much anime and visual novels in my feed
I only own one VN dammit and I don't even consider it that, its a puzzle game
plus it only lets you filter one tag, which is fuck and stupid
This slider can only get better. The more options they have that you can tick on and off the better.
Reminder that we have this because EGS was scaring Valve.
Competition is good Yea Forums. Tim has succeeded. Deal with it.
It totally worked for me, and I wishlisted a couple of niche 2015 titles, which is nice
Consuming Shadow was made by Yahtzee. It's alright, he's a much better developer than he is a critic. His adventure games were better though.
My god, there's a lot of objectively shit stuff on Steam.
>everything valve does from now on is because of EGS
I bet you think the dev price cut and multiplayer network was also in retaliation to EGS?
>fucking bloodnet
Why would that ever get recommended to anyone? It's an ancient game that wasn't good when it was new, much less now. It's only notable for having a weird setting.
they let anyone put anything on the store, of course it's going to have a lot of garbage mixed in, it's basically amazon now with all the good and bad that entails
jesus fucking christ lad
no one here has even mentioned the egs yet
>Steam's fucking around experiments are enough to outshine Epic
How embarrassing
Prove me wrong then. Epic has lit a fire under Gaben's ass. Tim has basically done the industry good because it drove Valve to actually release an amazing discoverability feature.
And I'll gladly take lots of games, both good and bad, over the pre-greenlight walled garden it was before.
Fuck off to you autist.
Correlation causation.
>own Human Revolution and Missing Link
>recommends Directors Cut
Probably because your games are shit as well you fucking pleb
> The best way for a developer to optimize for this model is to make a game that people enjoy playing.
Oh no no no no no no no
Please, play War of the Human Tanks!
I don't need to pull off any mental gymnastics, it sucks
I'll say this for it, it certainly can find some obscure stuff that looks decent, it just recommended me an interesting looking game that came out 2 years ago and has fucking 7 reviews.
>want to find some good FPS
>shooter tag show fucking scroll shooters
>first person tag shows walking simulators
>Steams' fake release date makes new/old slider kinda pointless
Well, at least the left slider is doing decent job at filtering literal shit which is the most important thing.
The more valve shifts to machine learning the better. Fuck these garbage indie devs.
>exclusively plays multiplayer trash
>gets recommended more multiplayer trash
>"what the fuck this feature blows guys"
I legitimately can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard.
Here is one I got, zero reviews, zero discussion, zero screenshots, been out since 2017. Apparently it's on the switch too
>tfw you've already played all the good stealth games on steam so all it has left to recommend is shovelware
>recommends me 9 Touhou games
Holy shit I didn't even knew there's so many already.
Is Wild Guns really that obscure?
>tfw never activated any of my countless copies of Bad Rats I got during Coal Sale
This is cool but how do I remove the games rec'd to me that I already own on different platforms?
Honestly don't know any of these, apart from guacamelee
She has good hentai
Okay so let's just throw this out there.
Which one of you cucks got recommended a pretentious walking sim?
yeah it drows me in Metroidvania for some reason too
and you can't exclude it because tim sweeney
Valve is inventing AI's rather than curate, and here is why that's a bad thing
Never played it, but I can tell you to expect a short Eroge since it's from Cherry Kiss. Not many people are fond of their style of VN's.
I wonder if it takes into account WHEN your hours were sunk into the games you've played. I have tons of hours in TF2 but I haven't played it since it went F2P because I thought they ruined the game. A person whos sunk the same amount of time into the game post-F2P would probably have very different desires.
To be completely fair, this recommendation system basically means that LBTQ+ games or whatever shit those indie devs make and all that other shit will never be seen by the average steam user ever again.
So essentially Valve has destroyed their discoverability even more.
Like I asked maybe five or six of my steambros already on what games got recommended to them with this and they all said niche FPS, niche danmaku shit, or even meme RPGmaker hentai games. None of them mentioned seeing any of the sort of the usual stuff entitled game devs make.
Click "ignore" on their steam page.
and that's a good thing
I got recommended this.
Aztez is a high quality beat em up. If you like Platinum games you'd probably enjoy it.
They might show up for people who actually like that kind of thing. I know my recommendations changed when I added a few things to my wishlist too.
looks kinda like a mixed bag
there's also killer 7 right underneath hylics
Haven't tried this yet, but is there a way to get the algorithm to ignore some of your top played games? I've had my account for a long time, and a few of my top 10s are games that I really don't care for anymore.
Seriously why the fuck can't Steam ever stay logged in?
the recommendations are spot on for me, I like it
>Valve, we need to talk about your new recommendation system
This is good but doesn't this like somewhat force people on a path to only play a certain subset of game genres?
What about a rec system that also recommends things that you might like from other genres you don't usually play?
I tried it and for some reason it recommended a ton of anime shit I would never touch.
ECHO is pretty interesting. Shame devs went bankrupt.
You are actually obsessed.
>Funbag Fantasy: Sideboob Story
Huh, guess this is Valve's response to the pissed indie devs.
Pretty cool, though reading some dead game forums is depressing.
Most steam users probably wouldn't want to see those games in the first place. LGBT games aren't owed success. The people into those games will be recommended them, people who've never expressed any interest in them will not.
It's not like they're all obscure either, the average player would probably have been exposed to something like Red Strings Club or Read Only Memories if they're interested in LGBT shit and once they've played those, they'd probably get recommended a bunch of other similar shit.
The only problem I can see is that your playtime in short games might end up meaning less than your play time in endless games like multiplayer shit. So a person might play PUBG every day, but they play adventure games regularly too, so they have 4-6 hours in dozens of them and 2000 hours in PUBG.
I'll say what we're all thinking. How long til this gets abused and it exclusively shows utter trash?
Its actually really good. every single one of the top 20 recommended games are games ive pirated and liked.
How can we abuse it when we don't even know how it works?
Let me filter Visual novels for gods sake
That's what the slider is for mate.
Genre isn't taken into account by the algorithm. It just looks for people with similar patterns of playtime and recommends games they've played that you don't own.
I have like 1k hours in shit like TF2, Warframe, Champions online, and Planetside 2 and it's still recommending me niche SHMUP titles because I have a pretty large collection of them on steam and on my wishlist.
The blogpost says they specifically tried to tailor it in such a way that it couldn't be gamed, but who knows if that'll work. maybe some devs will just run dozens of instances of their game perpetually along with instances of popular games to try and create a correlation.
>Dream Daddy and other otomeshit
I have no idea where any of this came from.
>Reminder that we have this because EGS was scaring Valve.
why? you can't play games because you're fucking blind anyway
The AI detects your faggotry.
sure you don't fucking homo
This might unironically become the gold standard for discoverability and recommendations Yea Forums. It can literally only get better from here as they add more and more options to better fine tune your searches. And if they genuinely do find a way to not make it abuseable then I just don't know what the point of curators is anymore.
Can you imagine? All those people losing work because Valve developed an algorithm that completely fucked every single one of them in the ass.
Play Danganronpa.
>exclude games with tag: no filter
haha faggot
yeah it's pretty good, I'm pirating Disgaea 5 now
>All those people losing work because Valve developed an algorithm that completely fucked every single one of them in the ass.
Steam is onto you, cunnyposter.
If I move the popularity slider all the way to niche, time slider all the way to old, and exclude "indie" tag, it does recommend me a few decent games, even something I found quite interesting that I never heard of. By default it gives me utter trash like Hitman: Absolution and Thi4f.
>An automated, daily, half-hour show about Steam games
Well that's definitely not going to take off. No one wants to watch half an hour of infomercials every fucking day. Maybe it'd be useful for youtubers who like to scour the new releases, but that's about it.
Yep, I'm expecting within the following week via Twitter from devs and jornos.
there's going to be a kotaku article about how valve made a machine system that's shafting humans
already got amid evil on gog
So you can't type your own tag in there? That's an oversight, go make a complaitn on their forum thing.
old recommendations: "am I a joke to you!?"
Wait. Wasn't the The Messenger DLC supposed to be a free update?
>nothing but trash
besides BF2 which I played on PS2 years ago
competitive cs player so 2k+ hours
Have played hundreds of hours of other genres varied af
o wow recommends literally every fps game ever made
wow so smart AI
Yeah? I just downloaded it. Steam just told me there was an update and now I have it installed.
you have to swing popularity a good bit to the niche side to get anything interesting
It's pretty neat, but there are some things I'd like to be able to do to improve it. For example, the first thing it recommends to me is Danganronpa 2, presumably because I have some time played on the first one this month and because I've been getting into VNs lately. However, I stopped playing the first Danganronpa half way through because it was absolute rancid dogshit, and I have no interest in touching anything from the series again.
Additionally, quite a few of its recommendations are games I've already played, just not on Steam - it's keen to get me playing Hollow Knight for example, and it's right to think I'd like it, as I had a lot of fun when I picked it up on Switch a month ago. Also, it'd be good if you could see games older than 10 years, that's quite an unnecessary restriction. Lots of the great games I'd find on the niche end of things would be old games.
If they let me tell them if I've played a game and tell them if I disliked a game, this could be a handy tool.
You disgust me.
Yeah in a way seeing all these games I already played/pirated tells me that the system is working well. So if they can fix that shit to show games I haven't played it'll be excellent.
So click ignore on Danganronpa 2's steam page, problem solved.
Steam recommendations were always garbage, so this is likely awful too.
Is this one pure user similarity or does it use tags as features? Tagging itself is absolute trash on steam so any model that uses it will be good old garbage in-garbage out.
>PS2 BF2
It was major cringe in 05 and it's even major cringe today.
[glasses you]
here's a pity (You) for your shit taste my friend
Read the blog post, it's solely user similarity, tags are not taken into account at all.
Play an actual version of Battlefront and not Playstation 2 dumb down, interlaced, sub-HD trash.
Oh. The sale I am being marketed is for the base game, which includes the update. And here I thought there was a sale for the update alone.
I got confused there for a moment.
I've heard good things about Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass, no idea what these other games are though. I feel like it's recommending me this stuff because I played a ton of Environmental Station Alpha recently
There's no option to do that from the recommendations list, and that doesn't solve the general problem of games I didn't like being used to calculate what ought to be recommended to me. I should be able to advise the algorithm on what I actually want more of and what it should ignore.
Blacklist VNs from the store, nigger
I would agree that it would be nice to be able to eliminate the playtime in certain games from consideration by the algorithm but a "dislike" system for games you haven't played is not the way to do that.
I'd like to remove the 7k hours of dota from affecting my recommendations
It was just a phase, daddy. I only played it for a social experience with fellow cripplingly autistic /vg/ users
This is pretty good.
Then go send feedback you autist. That's why they're releasing this early in the first place.
Sweeney will criticize Valve for not opening the API to the algorithm to get recommendations
Kotaku will shit on Valve for resorting to AI to curate the store, instead of doing it themselves
They will also pull histories about some trans dude getting Kill All the fags: the game as a recommendation
Probably also some Muslim shit
The same shit show as always
Also, it'd be nice if it could (optionally) recommend games that are in my library but I never got round to playing. I know they're trying to sell more games, but there are lots that I own already that I'd probably enjoy if I were reminded to play them.
I can already see it now.
Some mentally ill tranny will go for a week only "playing" and wishlisting some of the most awful shit on Steam so that they can forcefully make the slider recommend them abhorrent garbage to send to game journos and make smear articles about Steam.
Watch it be that absolute cuck Jim Sterling who actively tries to find trash on steam.
Divinity:OS2 is beyond masterpiece status.
god damn most of you are casual trash. Read a book if you're not going to challenge yourself faggots.
>get recommended bunch of games i already own on gog or pirated
>doesn't take into account that i like them
I would honestly feel guilty if my input to the world was inventing slander shit
Worst of all that mentality affects readers and they end up thinking the same way
I know guys from work that literally think like Kotaku editors, pulling shit about everyone and everything
>Sweeney will criticize Valve for not opening the API to the algorithm to get recommendations
Let's be completely fair.
It would be legitimately amazing if the slider also considered games outside of the Steam ecosystem. Like imagine if it took into account every game on all the other platforms/launchers and considered you playtime on say Switch games too.
It'd be like GOG Galaxy but on crack.
>B-buy on gog g-guys surely it'll never backfire
>Doesn't know i'm a third worlder
>recommends me game I already pirated
This shit is hot garbo
Yeah nah. Microsoft might hop on board with that but Sony and Nintendo have no business with Valve tinkering with their shit.
>C**** calms people
nice to know
I can hear the fat fuck with his degenerate accent already
>That sssteam new aaaaiii thingy, that is not as ssssmart as it says to be.... Because it recommended me Dicks simulator instead of Black cocks 3000.... Damn you valve...
>The voiceover in that mockup is human, but the VO script is sourced entirely from text that's available on the Steam Store pages. In theory, this meant that the automatic show could both write and voice the entire show. However, in text-to-speech tests, THE. COMPUTER. GENERATED. VOICE. WE. USED. SOUNDED. A. LITTLE. STILTED, so we tabled that for a bit. We're working on that, though.
I can't wait for them to release a female VO for the videos. Yea Forums is going to turn it into a cute anime girl and people are going to go fucking wild.
Then we'll have like weekly threads about her recommending us games.
Are you ready lads? Because this is the future steam is taking us to.
we just need an official steam-chan
I'm going to guess this is going to use the steam tags system so I wonder if it will lead to a lot of mistagging to try to game the system or if some games will have a hard time getting listed cause of the lack of tags.
Mount and blade Warband with the Warsword mod
If this algorithm takes flight, won't it make journalists and reviewers unnecessary?
If this feature takes off then it's definitely going to be the official face (voice) of Steam.
GOG-chan is finally going to have a new roommate.
Read the blog. Tags do nothing.
Wasn't Steam supposed to be pushing out the beta to their new Library UI sometime around now?
Imagine a world without gaming "journalism". Gabe might actually earn that fucking savior of gaming title
But they will be out of a job
That's actually pretty cool.
>1017 hours total
You fucking CASUAL
>steam-chan working hard late in the night writing scripts and editing videos to show off the userbase what new games she thinks are neat and then awkwardly reading the script as she showcases it
The last thing gaming journos will do is cry about steam-chan being sexist as they die to the algorithm
Holy shit imagine if they actually gave us an AI waifu.
What does this say about me?
the voice should be the combine overwatch thing.
Play Berseria instead of Zestiria
maxed niche, turned off f2p tags, this is pretty good for me
>can change popularity and time since release
this is actually dope
Use the link in the client under steam labs
steam checks your internet history/ like to visit /fit/ alot.
Haque is a cool mini-roguelike (proper roguelike, not roguelite). Towerclimb is sort of similar to Spelunky, and Project Warlock is NOTDOOM. All are worth your time.
>below 30
>breats already at waist
yeah if all these features work well then it really will just replace every reviewer and game journalist out there at least those covering steam games anyway
>can already recommend indie games better than the actual game journos
>can already give your quick snippets of games better than actual game journos
>and soon enough they'll have a charismatic robot to show off these cool games of the week better than actual game journos
That you should play Zachtronic games if you havent already
It's a shame you cannot somehow tag games you have played on other platforms to help with the learning algorithm
That has to be the most retarded name for a vidya I've ever seen
>Hey dude have you heard about MHRD?
>Are you okay dude?
>Yeah, just asking if you know MHRD
>Don't move, I'll call an ambulance!
I don't know how to feel about mine. Some of the stuff is okay, but a lot of it seems like random garbage.
Zer0Ranger is legit as hell.
>doesnt recommend unplayed games in your library
just buy another game goyim
I think this is a pretty cool feature. Some of the games I've seen playing around with it were both unknown to me and look interesting.
I tried shenzen and TIS but they were too complicated for me.
>vocaloid + machine learning = vidya journos that literally cater to YOU and no one else
holy shit, cyberpunk dystopia never sounded so funny.
I knew someone was going to shit on my hours
But it took too long, desu
Thank you for noticing, senpai
It's no thing I already used it. I just hate how the Steam website always seems to log me off after ticking 'remember me'.
That would actually be a neat feature. Have a mode where it only recommends games in your library.
>Shutting on Tessa
Wtf, mate
Those knockers are supreme
You know you could probably recommend this idea somewhere. I'm sure there is SOME WAY of communicating the idea to them.
oh yeah, there is!
>Still furry porn VNs in my recommended.
HOW DO THEY KEEP FUCKING GETTING THROUGH. These games are like cockroaches.
you will probably like quake champs if u played so much tf2. give it a try. it's free to play
What does this say about me? No, I have never played Hotline Miami on another platform, so that's funny.
A lot of those are actually good recommendations. Maybe about 40% of your list I can vouch for. I don't know the ones I haven't played. though. Also Environmental Station Alpha is awesome.
You have to ignore them on your recommendations.
>Underlying this new recommender is a neural-network model that is trained to recommend games based on a user's playtime history, along with other salient data. We train the model based on data from many millions of Steam users and many billions of play sessions, giving us robust results that capture the nuances of different play patterns and covers our catalog. The model is parameterized so that we can restrict output to games released within a specified time-window, and can be adjusted to prefer games a higher or lower underlying popularity. These parameters are exposed to the user, allowing you to select whether to see only recent releases in the results, or go all the way back to include games released a decade ago. Similarly, you can choose whether to see mainstream hits, or deep cuts from the catalog. Regardless of the settings of the sliders, the results will always be personalized and relevant to the individual user.
This shit is legit as fuck
It considers session playtime, too
Aka I can't stand playing a game for more than 30 minutes in a sitting, and it recommended me shorter playtime games
It's actually very easy to fuck up machine learning. There are dozens of bias that can be built in and at best mean absolutely nothing and become ineffective at the job their supposed to do. There is a lot to criticize and their will be for quite some time. Many store fronts already use machine learning AI to recommend things and still come up with bogus bullshit that clutters and wastes your time. This will be no different, given they still have the same lazily cobbled together genres and almost no meaningful information about games on their storefront.
Does ignoring affect the algorithm? What if I want to ignore one particular FPS game that I don't like but don't want it to affect every FPS game to be rec'd?
wow, its fucking nothing!
>too complicated
Like, getting started was hard or you got a few levels in and shat the bed? Shenzhen IO is my favorite Zachotronics game. Silicon Zeroes and Prime Mover are pale imitations of the ones from Zachotronics.
you play a lot of top down shooter?
>All my game recommendations are for some reason getting based on Catherine.
Weird. Can I turn off the algorithm using a game?
doesn't let you use anime as a tag
ive played 4 of the reccommended games and enjoyed all of them, works decent enough i guess
>Recommends me a bunch of Metroidvanias
I don't want them. I got Curse of the Moon and not Ritual of the Night for a reason.
>turn slider to niche
>1/3 of them looks like something i'd be interested in while another 1/3 are games I've already considered buying
Pretty good but I'm mad I didn't make use of this during the sale
It works on mobile, too
if they had this tool before and in time for the steam summer sale, i would've bought more stuff. alot of interesting stuff i'm being recommended.
why are you buying games if you aren't playing them dumbass?
I can't fucking believe they didn't launch this shit during the sale. I know it's experimental and probably has plenty of problems still but from the looks of it, shit would have been great for the sale.
caveblazers and lethal league are good games though
pretty good I suppose?
This and hentai crush were my only erotic recommendations. I think it's because I have 1.1 hours in Dead or Alive xtreme venus vacation
Isn't Caveblazers that spelunky-clone the yogscast published? Sell me on it.
this is actually really cool
Madelyn looks cool actually, first indie I've seen that's directly inspired by Ghosts'n'Goblins (you can literally see her run and jumping animations are as exaggerated as Arthur's in the trailer).
I haven't played Metroidvanias OR porn games, I have no clue why the second game is on this.
This is the best thing valve has done in a long time. I've found tons of hidden gems. Almost all the top recommended games are games I already have gog versions of.
When was this released?
lmao what the fuck?
the top two others are warframe and borderlands both of which I own/have played
Wild Guns Reloaded is the shit, great remake/1.5 version. Also Devil Engine & ZeroRanger are made by guys from Yea Forums, and are both good shmups.
>play a lot of dark souls, jrpgs, and hack n' slash
>first recommendation is yu-gi-oh, a fucking VN is on the list
Could improve. My tastes are as easy to explain as "this user might be a weeb, but he does like to mash buttons".
At least they go it right on Bayonetta. I wish they would focus more on hack n' slash tittles in my recommendations. If I modify for popular they just show me f2p, and if I go to niche they shove VN crap down my face.
you go down through some caves and shit, kill some monsters and every few stages fights a boss
you have a sword, a bow, and can use a magic item and 2 rings, all of which have different stats and effects
there's also classes that give you bonuses
you also find these runes that have their own unique effects
there's different types of shrines where you give gold / hp and get shit
you can use altars to combine 2 of the same item to make it better
every run you do gives you xp and leveling up unlocks shit like classes or cosmetics
there's these secret levels you can find that put you in an arena and if you win you get little effects you can activate to make the game harder
good stuff
>, first indie I've seen that's directly inspired by Ghosts'n'Goblins
Check Maldita Castilla
Thanks, Steam AI overlords. These games look kind of fun.
Within minutes I've found things that I can't believe I haven't seen before, it's so damn hard to find anything new in the store normally no matter how hard you try to play around with tags. This is amazing already.
I really enjoyed Silicon Zeroes all the way up til the Divider puzzle. The solution to that puzzle is complete bullshit, it relies on you knowing it will never give you a divisor greater than 8 but it never tells you that, you have to actually examine all the inputs and notice it for yourself.
As far as I could tell, the only way to solve the puzzle was using muxers that relied on that small divisor, you couldn't make a divider with arbitrary inputs.
Brain farted and forgot the pic
The best thing about this is that even if you don't have any outwardly weeb games in your library, it can still tell if you're a weeb at heart because it's an AI. Perhaps it's time to embrace it or fucking ban AI, neural networks, and machine learning before it's too late
Squarecells is really good if you like Picross.
Just surrender to Nep user.
Xanadu Next is fucking great. It plays like classic top down zelda with more RPG elements and combat abilities.
Nah. I want Valve to go even harder and give us an AI waifu recommending us games.
Apparently Soul Calibur 6 is niche
>Valve AI Waifu warmly welcoming you everytime you log on to Steam
do I want this? I'm conflicted
Ignoring only affects the individual game you ignore, I'm pretty sure.
I'll check them both out - prob came from my hexcells completion (& other puzzle games)
try turning off free to play stuffs user, it helps me quite a lot because of my high dota 2 playtime
Silicon Zeroes has a lot of smaller issues like that which really compound themselves over time. It introduces elements and then will take them away if it makes the solution of a problem too simple. You hardly ever get access to the comparison tool to see if two values are equal and thus instead have to make more convoluted methods. There are a small handful of puzzles in Zachotronics games which must handle an assumption that isn't outright stated (like a value is never initially X so you don't have to check for it) but the difference is the puzzle can be solved without that knowledge, it just might not be efficient. Most of the solutions one comes up with in Silicon Zeroes is already the most efficient one. Progression is strangely balanced as well.
Overall, of these types of games I rank them as such: Zachotronics games (personally the strongest is Shenzhen IO and the weakest is Infinifactory), then the HumanResourceMachine games, Silicon Zeroes, God is a Cube, and finally Prime Mover. Are there any other games like these that I just don't know about?
> nip locale
Recommendations are pretty decent, I recognize a lot of shit I've pirated myself, but lack of customization kills it. They need to add multiple tag selection instead of just one, I want recommended RTS games, not just strategy, cause it keeps recommending me Payday. I don't want Payday.
I think it takes into account past searches and game page visits
It gives the wizardry kind of feel that Google does recommending stuff
Journos will find it problematic in no time
They are probably creating slander editorials as we speak
how do i open this in steam
won't let me paste it
i dont understand
I got this recommended to me for putting it to Niche/Newer:
>"Alway Free"
>that fucking character select screen's size for a F2P early access game
>the visuals and music in that trailer
>English Language Not Supported
I am so fucking in.
I find Ittle Dew 2 inferior to 1, for what it's worth. Lots of enemies are just damage sponges.
Remember this post when the last vestige of humanity's relevance is gone in the coming machine age, or don't, seeing as you rely on the machine even to remember things for you.
Yeah, it's one of the games on that list I've already played. I was happy to see it recommended. Falcom is a great company.
That's how you spot a true gentleman.
Open it from the steam news section near you account name and wallet money buttons
>made this
>they improved it over next week/2 weeks
>"as apology of our fucked up summer sale and grand prix we decided to make a surprise sale in the following weeks, please enjoy it"
please happens, i actually got few more addition to my wishlist thanks to this feature already
>weight by popularity
>new ------ niche
Holy fuck that's so fucking good
That's a lot of nep.
nice patrician user
Looks consistent to me, faggot
It's here
Instead of "using your daily play time habits to find games you may like"
I hate JOURNOS so much
It recommended me all the DMC games unless HD Colleciton, who is on my wishlist.
They probably don't show games on wishlist, I think.
Already at the 4th or 5th level of shenzen I had no clue on how to solve it and I dropped it
The solitaire was fun though
holy fuck that was so fast
Enjoy this while it lasts. People always find a way to game the algorithm.
>bad rats
Been getting some pretty neat looking chinese recommendations. Has anyone tried this?
Looks like a Nioh rip off
I'd hesitate to call Human Resource Machine even the same type of game, it's all about pointer arithmetic, not low level instructions. Personally I found the "quirkiness" of that game to be to its detriment, the inability to type your own comments and labels was fucking infuriating, you had to fucking draw them. It was okay but nothing special. I really enjoyed my time with Silicon Zeroes for the most part. Haven't played God is a Cube or Prime Mover yet.
>scans my play time
The horror. I can't believe Valve could actually get away with this.
oh no~~
not my public play time~
That game looks like a shitshow. An amazing one.
It's [blindly throws a dart at a board of -ist and -phobic words] transphobic
Yeah it's from the same guy. He made a game called Crosscells too which I liked a lot. I got really into cheap puzzle games on steam for a while, and I'd say crosscells and squarecells were my favorites of the whole bunch.
That's exactly what it does though. Not that there wasn't any privacy to begin with, but that's a battle long lost.
HRM was more similar to assembly imo, i actually improved my skill on asm a bit after playing it (granted it's only like uni basic levels). though i do agree it's really is abstracted quite a lot
When was your playtime last scanned? I felt kind of violated
>Epic uses Steam data with questionable software
>it's fine stinky lmao have sex
>Steam uses Steam data on their own platform
But I embrace it you nigger. Just because I refuse to buy/waste my time with Compile Heart garbage doesn't mean I'm in denial. Tsunako's great designs doesn't save Neptune from being absolute bottom of the barrel entertainment.
All fighting game is niche.
There are wishlisted stuff on my screenshot and many others in this thread though.
feels like more chinks games are getting in steam, a pity i don't have understanding of chinese writing but i can see they have some potential (even their shovelware looks pretty decent sometimes)
This one in particular has english menus
guess i'll try it whenever it went on sale next time
In my experience they just look nice but are actually awful to play.
I think this AI will help indies a lot. It will point you in the direction of indies that may be appealing to you even if you only play big release games.
I already added two blatantly small time indies to my wishlist because of it. It's a neat tool.
It's also a much worse port for some reason, and I think the first game's aesthetic was better though that's more a matter of taste. It's still decent, it just doesn't have the same spark the first did.
rip, i guess their extensive experience with MMO garbage really improves their ability to make beautiful character and models, but not the gameplay
I like the frequency that this thing seems to be recommending games by Yea Forumsirgins (ZeroRanger, Devil Engine, KO Mech) to Yea Forumsirgins.
The niche slider is a great feature. I put it all the way in that direction and didn't get a single game I'd heard of, and most of them looked solid at least.
that's what i thought too, it's pretty good to give more niche games exposure this way, because scrummaging around steam's extensive library is fucking ridiculous unless you know exactly what you wanted
Here's another one.
excuse me what the fuck
>recommended me Katamari Damacy REROLL
WTF I didn't even know this was on PC now. Thanks Gabe.
My experience with Honkai Impact has shown me that Chinese will make a very pretty game with solid 6-7/10 gameplay and then load it the fuck up with microtransactions.
The one exceptions seems to be Smashing The Battle, which is a mobile port hack-and-slash but seems to not have micros that the mobile version did. Could be because it's also on Switch now.
Pretty awesome. I will definitely use it.
I believe that was one of the reasons. Indies keep complaining over lack of awareness. This tool allows people to easily find those indies who may appeal to them.
the most annoying thing about chinese games is chinese voice acting
they're always annoying and over exagerated
and before anyone even says anything, yes, I can understand chinese
Patrician taste.
>Falcom is a great company.
Unfortunately, I can't in good conscience support NISA, so they're pretty much dead to me now. Not that we're ever going to get another PC port of a Falcom game after the Ys 8 debacle.
We are reaching vidya kino levels that should not be possible
this is actually a pretty good recommender once you drag the cursor towards the middle. there's only two games on here that I'm not really interested in and there are some I already have outside of Steam so I'd say it's pretty accurate.
why the fuck can't steam just have a good tagging system like rule34 and e621
>headline looks like some spicy hot take
>actual post is really just describing the experimental features with no retarded bashing
I can't believe I actually fell for the hateclick.
>crappy tube
agreed, played honkai impact, enjoyed it, but damn the amount of daily content to stay competitive was fucking awful, but that's topic for another thread
What is this?
come on user, you can't just show us these recs without showing us your playtime
I've already added 5 new indie games I wasn't aware of before. So mission accomplished.
They'll call it either racist or sexist due to the recommendations it gives out
In fairness, I just shitposted a reply to it to make it look worse and didn't read it and don't actually care either way what some douche says.
my bad. i feel kinda bad now, user.
damn that's some beautiful models
good shit, play it sidescrolly 2D action mech game
>gabe delivers
Has he returned?
Which one, besides Jimmy, would you most recommend?
valve tried just that
turns out if you don't have an army of autists constantly enforcing tagging rules it goes downhill very, very fast
post your playtime user
can't wait for "indie" "devs" to blame their shit game's failure on this feature somehow
You should give it another shot and approach it from breaking down each problem into smaller chunks and then finding ways to put them together. The beauty of it is then trimming down your solutions to be more efficient. Actually, you may want to start with something a bit more visual such as Infinifactory. While I don't enjoy it as much, it has the same "types" of problems in one way, but the solutions are much more tangible. I didn't care for it because it involved more fuckery with space management than the solutions themselves, but it's a good stepping stone.
It's the same type of game if you consider all Zachotronics games the same types of games. The scope is different, yes, but they all really demand the same types of mental faculties from the player (though some are more involved in spatial reasoning and others more mathematics). I had to give HumanResourceMachine the edge because it has a proper difficulty curve and is far more consistent. I, like you, appreciate the nature of Silicon Zeroes, but it is a game I cannot recommend to many people. God is a Cube is more invested in spatial reasoning as you are giving instruction sets to a cube to move it to a goal. Prime Mover is very cool in concept-- you are taking inputs and then rerouting them into the proper output. The UI is finnicky and the puzzles end up being more about figuring out superficial timing to make "good" solutions rather than conceptually gestating them. For someone who enjoys that, it would be far better. It just feels like it needed a bit more TLC.
I've gotten plenty of games with female protagonists shown to me by this thing even though the only one I've played is Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, and even then that's Zangetsu's game more than Miriam's.
There is literally no way you can blame this feature for your failure. If your tags match up with somebody's tastes then you should show up on Maximum Niche.
if my vcn actually works i would be buying that already
Squarecells, Hexcells, and Crosscells are all excellent. I wish there were more of them. I recommend looking at Hexologic for something kind of similar (but not really).
Because good democracies only work with a well educated populace. Huge segments of the video game market exist solely to cater to drooling retards.
alright then
How do I get to this on the desktop app?
i felt like i was reading the obscure game thread on summer sale
>Fallout 4 and Skyrim
>crank niche to maximum
>porn games
it doesn't matter - all they need is to find one black person who gets white protag games and they'll call it racist
>Valve's silly little experiments has completely BTFO it's competition
How the hell does that fatfuck keep getting away with it Yea Forums?
Post some good ones
they're gonna spin some shit like
my game is too innovative
this limits creative freedom
How do I find this in steam client.???
mine are literally all AAA games because i don't buy those
Gaben... please... notice me...
They're right. You SHOULD play sora.
you only get porn games if you've bought porn games
strange i thought i filtered fallout 4 and chivalry
>I've gotten plenty of games with female protagonists shown to me by this thing even though the only one I've played is Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
You've never played a game with a female protagonist other than Curse of the Moon? How? Do you specifically avoid them or something?
you click the announcement
That Valve AI waifu/husbando will play as your beloved, loyal, trustful, smartest companion in any games you play.
we need more drawfag to draw steam-chan
>have like 1500 hours in factorio
>steam recommends me shit like ARK and DayZ
This shit is retarded.
Have you guys checked out the automatic game show?
>I, like you, appreciate the nature of Silicon Zeroes, but it is a game I cannot recommend to many people
I mean honestly, the only people I've ever recommended Zachtronics games and their imitators to are professional programmers and randos on Yea Forums. Opus Magnum and Infinifactory would probably be easy to recommend to pretty much anyone, but your average layman is going to find TIS and Shenzhen just as difficult to get into as Silicon Zeroes.
>Zero Punctuation: Hatfall
Not on Steam, and only because I didn't start buying games on PC until this year (I've only had laptops, my current one is good enough to run 2D and mid-00s-and-earlier games). I've played Bayonetta, the PS1 Tomb Raiders, Battle Chef Brigade, etc.
Post your games.
>And if they genuinely do find a way to not make it abuseable
>We designed the recommender to be driven by what players do, not by extrinsic elements like tags or reviews. The best way for a developer to optimize for this model is to make a game that people enjoy playing.
I'm not going to watch 30 minutes of ads
Yeah but he hardly congratulates the features
This shit is even getting the Yea Forums seal of approval, and this fuck can't even show any enthusiasm
Now I understand why you laugh at my playtimes
>They're making good games! On purpose!!!
>This bullshit has to stop...
but you're will to look at an interactive ad?
Well if someone said they absolutely loved TIS/Shenzhen then I would, but only because not much else exists. If the dev would have properly embraced community levels, the game would be better for it. The base tools are good, but everything else is a mixed bag.
If I set it to max niche I get Spark the Electric Jester and it's sequel, whatever the fuck that is.
At least it's better than regular steam recs. Sliding to new had interesting results too. This game any good?
Gaben pulling AI out the wazoo to recommend games and make autogenerated game shows
Sweeney has a store cart in the works
Does that Totally Reliable Delivery Service game have a single player mode? It looks like it might be goofy fun for a little bit, but I don't want to play with other people.
>showing off that you have friends
serious question: how do you live with yourself?
I dunno
the beta is free so
automatic show doesn't give you games that are relevant to your tastes
Don't you dare disrespect Tessa, you faggot
>journo complains too much about valve and attack them whenever they could
>valve strikes back by literally deleting their job's purpose with this
my fellow chinaman... we need to stop this fatman...
Hopefully when NIS goes bankrupt for real, NISA goes under with them and Falcom gets the people and freelancers that went from XSEED to NISA and make a proper western branch of theirs. I only bought Ys VIII this summer sale and even at discount I resent giving money to NISA.
Falcom is as old as all the other big Japanese studios, it's about damn time they have their own people overseas localizing their shit instead of relying on small companies in the US and Asia.
While at it they should get some actual 3D artist and animators for the Kiseki team, they REALLY FUCKING NEED some.
Is okay.
The strangest thing about Silicon Zeroes to me was going through the dev commentary after I finished the game, he cites fucking Trails in the Sky as an influence. Trails is getting decently well known now, but at the time it was still pretty fucking obscure, so it was surreal seeing it referenced in a totally unrelated game.
this is actually really really cool
finally I don't have to sit through steam summer sale niche/hidden gem threads to get games I like
Spark is made by a long-time maker of fangames for Sonic who decided to make an original game. It's like 2D Sonic with Kirby-style abilities and some combat, at least the first one. The sequel is the same but with Dreamcast-era Sonic gameplay.
the only valid thing journo and those tranny dev can probably attack is how it's making us playing the game that we want to play so it doesn't show "their" game to players, hence reducing their ''potential" revenue
it recommends me either flavor of the month trash like Bloodstained, Touhou clones+fangames, and pretty much any shmup I haven't bought. I guess it was a success since I'm gonna give this Touhou clone a try
If they add a Sale toggle to this thing it'll be perfect.
Seethe harder
They have a Specials button on the front page, so it makes sense to include one on this tool.
Valve should let you check what the ai is recommending to your bro, so you can gift him some really cool game he will play and may be not aware of
Same with clueless girlfriends
I don't even have 1 hour played in 100% Orange Juice
You can click through to games that interest you and add them to your wishlist, then you'll get an email when they're on sale.
It's not really reccommending me anything I don't already know about; hell, most of this is stuff I already own on other accounts/launchers/have pirated. I guess that's technically a big complement to the system, but it's not very useful to me.
Even when I turn it all the way down to niche it's only showing stuff I know about.
Further down the page is Sonic Forces, so that's hilarious
I like your avatar
it just recommends games I own on gog origin or uplay
the fuck?
Yeah, it would be great if they could just translate and port their games themselves. Unfortunately I don't think that's likely, Falcom seems to really be in bed with NIS and I kind of doubt it's going to go bankrupt like everyone's speculating.
Even if they did though, I haven't been the biggest fan of where they've been headed. Ys 8 was great, but I don't like the social link high school bullshit Trails became in Cold Steel (maybe the Calvard arc will be better) and Tokyo Xanadu was a fucking disgrace. What I'd really like from them right now is a more niche title to show they still care about quality and not just chasing trends. I'd kill for a remake of Brandish 2 in the style of TDR.
that's what you get for max niche that still match your associated tags
you get slightly related stuff to game you've played and owned
Its flawed from conception because its based solely off playtime, which is weighted to the games you spend a lot of time doing nothing in, MMOs and F2P grinders
i had the tf2 and dota 2 betas as well as CSS. this automatic system logs them as 6000 hours played and suggests fucking dogshit like borderlands3, skyrim and fallout 4 because they also have long playtimes.
I dont even play games on steam anymore. For the last year ive been clearing my NDS backlog.
What if I want a more holistic AI companion? Or a doggo?
>because its based solely off playtime
thanks i stole it from steam avatar threads
Is there a way to get new recommendations? Refreshing the page always give the exact same games. There must be more niche stuff on steam.
Fucking imagine Yea Forums.
You browse a literal shopping mall of video games in VR as you go on a date with the AI Valve made.
try the filter
You knocked it out of the park, Tony
>newer than six months
>Rage 2 is on the list
That's got to hurt
it'd be nice to have more tags
more filters and more toggles
>it's year 2021
>you woke up on saturday morning
>i guess i'll play some game
>wears your VR headset
>steam-chan already waits for you to come in and holds your hand to browse her today's reccomended game catalog
>tell you let's play this game together user, i'll be watching you so i can make a better reccomendation to suit your taste!
>plays game knowing steam-chan as watches you and cares about your enjoyment..
so this... is the power... of technology...
I have almost everything ignored on steam so that I only get recommended what I want when it's on sale or new releases
Baba is great, highly recommended, pity you missed out on the threads on here around release, they were tons of fun.
This. It keeps telling me to play Metroidvanias and I don't want to, but there's no filter for that tag.
more tags would help as i have this grit to play metroidvanias lately but there's no tag for that
>6 months later
>Steam-chan has gotten to know you
>With each date, she's been getting happier every time she sees you
>Once you log in Friday night after a long week of work, she welcomes you with a sultry tone in her voice
>She's wearing extremely revealing clothes, barely concealing her erogenous zones
>"Today, user, I want you to play with.."
>She places your palm in her breasts
>post yfw
wtf bros im buying VR system right fucking now!
It's interesting to set it to Max Niche but then filter out "Indie". I like indie games but I want to see what published games the AI constitutes as Niche. I got:
>Castlevania Collection
>Blaster Master Zero
>Exile's End
>The Mummy Demastered
>Blade Strangers
>Wild Guns Reloaded
>Shock Troopers
etc. etc. including a lot of Fighting games which isn't surprising. And that's with Older.
>maybe the Calvard arc will be better
Yeah, I don't remember where I read it but I believe Kondo did say he recognizes how they fucked it all, maybe not the highschool bullshit but at least in making Rean literally the Jesus of Haha, so I'm slightly hopeful for the future. I got into this ride and I hope to see it to the end.
If you too pretend TX doesn't exist it's easier to be hopeful.
>What I'd really like from them right now is a more niche title to show they still care about quality and not just chasing trends
Something new among the lines of Zwei/Gurumin really wouldn't be too bad, it's been a good while since Nayuta.
*chair clattering*
>Recommends me a VN even though I don't play those
>Title is "Funbag Fantasy"
>$45 price
>Psychological Horror tag
Why it works for short games
The recommender knows that there are great short-form games you can finish in an hour, and those you'll play for thousands. Your playtime data is normalized to reflect the distribution of playtime in each game, ensuring that all games are on an equal footing.
your data revels who you truly are
no point lying to the machine
Go get yourself some breasts, user.
I've heard the story is actually pretty good.
lmao dw I pirated that game day one
I assumed it was gonna be a fun gimmick explored for about ten hours max
I was wrong
It's a VN and it costs as much as the 11 games I bought during the Summer Sale put together. I'd rather just look at the art assets to get the tiddy. There's a sequel called Sideboob Story.
Post your email fast.
Don't buy it for me, user. It's not that I can't afford it, it's that I don't think any VN is worth that kind of money. I'd probably get bored and either just play a fun game or look up porn.
It's free. Hurry up before we roll off the board.
I had that sitting in my library for a few months now. I should get into it.