ITT post wholesome dev/player interactions

ITT post wholesome dev/player interactions

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Yea Forums can't do this

What game is this? I need to improve my math skills.

You have to go back


unwholesome and unbased

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Golden Treasure. Some CYOA game where you play a dragon. The math is honestly really simple haha. 6th grade shit.

Oh god me too
I went to Walmart the other day looking for an adult version of those math workbooks and couldn't find shit
I am not going back to school after college

cope and dilate.

This is the only other cap I have tbqh

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no u

But does that mean Sneed beats itself?

Oh yeah? Check me out: Chuck

>Wholesomeness is a SJW thing



You people are literally NPCs.

Came here to post this. Based.

For me, it goes
>get to college
>people are impressed that I've already taken Algebra (I don't know why)
>drop out after skipping classes for half a year

But, aren't you in debt?

that actually is a good strategy

holy shit I can't believe a majority of the Southern US is SJW now.

Scholarship's, son.

If you honestly believe this..

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Woops, I meant "Son of scholarship."

Being a edgefag is what people unfamiliar think it's about.
And these faggots should just go.

Sneed is by far the dumbest thing Yea Forums came up with.


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He's technically correct.


Shit. I use friendo.


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Would the inclusion of math in a game piss you off? Asking for a friend

Holy shit

It's okay, every Yea Forums poster has to keep some of those terms in their toolbox for irony/shitposting

I was a math savant in school, legit completed my calculus college credit in high school, so no

Last Yume Nikki thread was peak comf

What if I told you that most strategy games are just obfuscated math

These ALL lose to me killing the fucking faggots who use them. Bashing their fucking faggot skulls in as they scream in pain, you know stuff like that.

>listed to paxtards
>shut down the game 6 months after beta


>May you be blessed
That's nice

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I ain't gonna let some cuck dictate what words I use

people who use :) make me hard as fuck, it's so cute.



>ya'll is a resetera term
as a Southerner in the US, you can shut your faggot ass up, tranny.

any post that contains a wojack should be reported for low effort and a violation of global rule 6

have sex
shut the fuck up cletus

Go be gay somewhere else, fag.

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Wholesome xddd

if you were right in front of me i'd beat your ass to a pulp after my cheese burger

Baldi's Basics

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Feed and seedpilled.

t. Chuck

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>have sex


His mistake was being unattractive and asian (manlet by default).
That doesn't get chicks wet.

Serves him right.

We'll all make it right bros?

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It is though. It's a product of the world of euphemism and patronization they've set up for themselves.

>all the steam reviews are people who don't speak chinese but just sympathize with the developers

Start getting /fit/ and you'll at least make it to 8/10.

Not if you don't do anything about it.
There's plenty of ways to get a gf, but waiting for one to be delivered to your door isn't one of them.

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>wholesome (adj.)
>c. 1200, "of benefit to the soul," from whole (adj.) in the "healthy" sense + -some (1). Physical sense first attested late 14c. Related: Wholesomely; wholesomeness. Old English had halwende.

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Learn to pronounce

past of wake

Honestly the number one thing holding most Anons back is being horrible edgelords who think that pleasantness is sinful
Plenty of women marry ugly men with no charisma simply because those men meet some minimal standards of decency

no no no no no oh no oh fuck nooooooooooooo

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>13th century SJWs

The question is why would you want a gf outside of sex?
The sensation of "feeling loved" is a lie.
The core component of relationships is sex and sex is about physical attractiveness.
It's just superficial and addictive.

bend over, trancel

Because not everyone thinks like you.

>Plenty of women marry ugly men with no charisma simply because those men meet some minimal standards of decency
You don't really believe this do you? Additionally, are you really so retarded you assume people act the same way online as they do in real life?

Why you would even want a GF anyway is beyond me. They just drain all your memories and leave you an empty shell.
People are fucking nuts.

Look for books aimed at children/teens preparing for math olympics

Belief and reality aren't the same thing.
If you want to believe that illusion then that's your choice.
Just don't paint it as a virtue.

stupid nigger

Yes, we should listen to Yea Forums and remain lonely neets for the rest of our lives.
I bet people with suicidal thoughts every day are the ones who know what's best for humanity.

This is why the draft needs to come back, to removes all this bullshit and teenage angst.
Millennials have lived a life of spoiled little kids every day of their lives and now look at the laughable disaster they are.

Why does "wholesomeness" come across as so creepy and sociopathic?


>Belief and reality aren't the same thing
In regards to emotion and particularly happiness they actually are, autismo.

I got the joke, I like you.

Actively disagree.
I have absolutely no desire for sex, every once in a while I'll feel a need to masturbate but I don't really enjoy it or feel like I need to have sex at any point, I could honestly die a virgin and that wouldn't bug me. But I want a relationship entirely because I want that dort of connection with someone I want to just lay down in bed next yo them and talk for hours about stupid shit, to hang out and share interests. I'm not a particularly lonely person I have siblings a friends who I can talk to about deep shit late into the night, but I long for someone who truly understands me like I understand them.

It's true. Go out and actually meet some people. The vast majority of men are ugly losers with no personality. The vast majority of men get married and have kids.
I'm not assuming anything. You can't just turn off your beliefs. Even if you try to act normal they're still there, deep inside you, molding you and affecting how you come off to others.

I honestly don't know why I visit this place desu. So many anons are just so depressed and edgy so that they can fit into "muh sekret klub", and other anons are actually depressed and edgy.
First off to the actors, pretending to have a mental disorder does not make you look cool. Same goes for saying nigger and other shit like that. Maybe if you guys had a pleasant conversation every once in a while, you might start warming up to the place more. Drawthreads and hollow knight threads are some of my favorite threads on Yea Forums solely for everyone just being friendly and having fun. As for the actual depressed anons, go outside. Seriously, the internet doesn't help. This entire site is a cess pool of negativity and self loathing, and feeling sunlight on your skin can be extremely refreshing. Treat yourself well and you'll get treated back, at least it works for me. Have a good day user

>Additionally, are you really so retarded you assume people act the same way online as they do in real life?
Brave words for the place who's entire worldview is built on Twitter screencaps.

its been replaced by Khan Academy, which is way better because it's completely free, has instructional videos etc

>Why you would even want a GF anyway is beyond
It's because the subconscious has preset qualities for the species to survive. The goal of life is to survive by procreation.
However, being aware of that allows to consider your opinions.

Relationships should just be seen as a commodity, just used for sex.
Applying emotions is just artificial suffering.

I'm glad, The other guy doesn't understand humor anymore.

aint my problem yo daddy never loved you, tyrone

because you've been conditioned to instinctively reject kindness and ridicule good intentions by the post-modernist culture of irony and deconstruction

Because this site gave you brain damage and you now see cruelty as honest and kindness as self-serving

I bet if you asked, they'd still believe they made the right choice.

>lonely neets for the rest of our lives

People can control over their feelings.
People choose (or at least encourage) to be sad because there's immediate pleasure (a comforting kind) and pleasure is the only purpose in life (it just depends on context)

>but I long for someone who truly understands me like I understand them
man you're in for some disappointment

I can either listen to this advice from some random user or all the married men I met in my life who told me some variation of
>never be polite or chivalrous since women will think you're a faggot

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I didn't come here to feel

Cold War era sitcoms aren't kindness. Arby's and McDonald's pretending to be friends on Twitter isn't kindness.

Get actual real life friends and you'll realize that Twitter/Reddit's smiling for the camera isn't what real caring is like.

based and pre-modern non-hedonistpilled

Emotions come from beliefs and you can change your beliefs so you'll just causing artificial suffering to yourself.

It reminds me of the reddit weather thing from Yea Forums
Anyone has the screencap?

t. scientologist

Why is Yea Forums giving dating advice?

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That feeling you described may actually be socially implanted.
Also, does it have to be a woman?
And if so, why?

I've said yikes for twenty years you faggot

>n-no i'm happy being told i'm loved every day for years then suddenly left and swatted off like an annoyance when i ask why, really!

You're so broken that you can't fathom the idea that sometimes strangers are just nice to one another because they want to be nice

It's the third most normalfaggy board.

>reddit weather

Wrong. Wholesomeness is yet another layer of irony and subversion.

>The question is why would you want a gf outside of sex?
Because I want to feel some love and emotions other than constant lust of sex
>The sensation of "feeling loved" is a lie.
>It's just superficial and addictive.
As much as the other emotions we feel in our daily lives. Ergo I don't give a shit, if it makes me happy then it makes me happy

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>t. Person that gets a thrill from unnecessary emotions
Everyone is a hedonist, it just depends on the context.


Then Yea Forums should love it since this board is in love with irony and terrified of expressing genuine interests.

There's not a trace of normalfag presence here.
It's the same people who were here 10 years ago, except they deluded themselves into thinking they are "real men" even though they have no real life experience and their entire view on anything about the real world is from cherrypicked Internet screencaps.

At this point, I firmly believe that the Internet will be the downfall of humanity and that it must be destroyed.
Literally nothing good has come out of it, just a generation of smug, despicable people who give advice to others despite failing at everything they try.

I got you bro

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Because I need someone as my right hand. And all we do is bang and play computer games.

I read the post where you said that strangers being nice to you are just like brands working on their PR

I refuse to believe that this person was sincere

Where? Read it again.

Poe's law is always in effect on Yea Forums. Lurk more.

Fucking hell

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Life is superficial.
So live it how you want, it's been done a billion times before.

I don't recall what the name is for people that seek to minimize the emotions they feel, but you're free to be whatever it is that is. However it is hilariously complacent to take any sort of intellectual, spiritual, or moral high ground for holding that post-modernist belief. Then again complacency and condescension is a very common trait among those who hold post-modernist beliefs.

u mad?


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When a stranger is nice to you that's not "real care", you see. They're "smiling for the camera". It's "sociopathic and creepy". Everyday pleasantness can't possibly be genuine. People can't possibly be nice just because they feel like being nice. It's a ploy. Watch out for number one. Only trust you and yours. Close your heart.

I am genuinely curious what has to happen to someone that's so bad that they interpret people trying to be nice to them as someone secretly being out to get them. I find it hard to believe that people are so loveless that the idea that someone could care about them is an impossibility. How can you think that happiness is a lie? Do you think spouting off that nonsense makes you cool? How does doubting that positive emotions exist help you?

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>letting resettranny lives rent free inside your head
I thought we used to make fun of people getting triggered over words

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Right now, fifty million Chinese men are destined to live out their life alone. Most of them will likely die as kissless virgins. They won't even get a chance to start a family. A few might opt to seek partners of the same gender, but this will not make life any easier for them.
We won't all make it, bro.

>what has to happen to someone that's so bad that they interpret people trying to be nice to them as someone secretly being out to get them
They's read post from 4chin and believes everything from it

>implying they can't just date foreigners


Spending all the years you should have spent learning about the world and socializing in a place where everyone is caked in 10 layers of irony.
I don't exagerate when I say that the Internet will cause the downfall of society, and that it needs to be wiped out.

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I'm saying sincere real life interaction and caring isn't like the internet

This. I got a bf instead and I've never been happier. Only men are capable of feeling and distributing real emotions of affection.

With most people on Yea Forums it's probably just "love are just chemicals in the brain" retards and armchair psychologists who drop "blackpills" or whatever. And others are just burned out on being hurt user, please stop this bullying

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Reminder that she was raped by a pack of niggers in 2018 and nobody except French anons on /pol/ talked about it.

hes right

I knew this was gonna end up in sex the moment it involved Yea Forums, a female elf and monsters. never change

somebody get this hothead outta here.

>seek to minimize the emotions they feel
I don't seek to minimise emotions, they are literally the only thing that gives life meaning/value.
It's about minimising artificial suffering.

>I read it on /pol/, so it must be true
You'll never learn.

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the developer of game dev studio is a pretty good guy, obviously loves his game and is trying to make it better even though I heard the sales are not that great

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Wholesomeness as displayed on the internet isn't sincerity. Even something as small as receiving a stranger's compliment on your shoes is more honest. What we often see on the internet is generalized one-size-fits-all gift card sentiments rather than sincerity.

What kind of foreign woman would want to date a man from the bottom of the Chinese barrel.
And if this was to happen, the disparity between sexes will cause a sexual migration crisis in the area they emigrated from. Pulling 50 million women out of your ass would be one hell of a magic trick. Or we could start euthanizing newborn boys. Even worse, cuckoldry could become the norm and women would be timeshare (which is not unheard of nowadays).

I don't believe you.

I say y'all and folks because I'm from Texas.

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>Picross programs (Paint It Back is the best on Steam)
>Not Pictopix

fuck off, this dev is clearly a retard

>where you play a dragon

oh shit. now i gotta play it. thanks user.

Have chuck

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for me, it was growing up knowing kids had no fucking moral compass and did shit just for laugh and didn't care about if anyone got hurt in the process in any way. I've made it a game for me to try and guess people's intentions based on their actions and words, because most of the time they will have another motive, I have met too many dishonest people to know I can't trust blindly anyone

chinks like this would be eaten alive if they went outside. Godspeed to him

Have snex

>without giving every character a turtleneck sweater
Why not?

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it's been co-opted user, by coastal liberals

>And others are just burned out on being hurt user, please stop this bullying
I could never hate anyone because they are bitter like that. It's genuinely sympathetic. They may be responsible for it, but it is still sad. Tragedy is inherent to this world and the people who are struck by it have my full condolences.
I admit that many people do act kind for the sake of posturing and that it isn't the same as sincere kindness, but I have a question.
How do you measure their honesty when they are describing their subjective emotions? What do you use to determine sincerity or lack thereof?
That must've been hard for you to go through. Having one's faith betrayed is a hardship that is difficult to overcome. It's also good to not trust anyone blindly. That would be foolish. I fell into a despairish hell because I trusted the wrong people. Are you sure you don't doubt people and act too harshly with your cynicism?

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Hideki Kamiya once replied to me without calling me an insect or blocking me, so I guess that's pretty cool.

Your guaranteed reply card didn't work out this time huh? Lmaoing at your life.

Spoiler alert: You will be really disappointed

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heckin pupper so wholesome doggo

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I don't think I understand the question, but all I can say in regard to the dev of game dev studio is that I've been following the project for a long time, and so far he has delivered on everything he has promised
he doesn't promise things he doesn't deliver, and is generally very receptive to the community when it comes to feedback, in fact I've seen him implement various features/quality of life improvements based on what the community said
with that in mind, and while also keeping in mind that he's a single person working on the game, I'd say it's safe to say he's not doing this for the sake of "posturing"

there we have it, the legendary cross counter

I understand your intention but you post reeks naivety. Hope that you'll learn more.

Sorry wrong person! Meant for

You're retarded then for writing something as you say it as opposed to how it's written.

I'm honestly not sure it does need to be a woman, but I find woman more attractive and I think that does help. The fact that they could easily bd with someone we lse but choose to be with you is appealing and frankly doing stuff with an attractive person is weirdly more appealing than with an unattractive person

wanna kick that dog's skull until it's reduced to a thick red paste 2bh

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I'm not talking about this example specifically. I think the developer is being considerate. It's really just Reddit's wholesome meme I'm talking about.

user I can't believe you made me spend 2 minutes writing up a reply
how could you do this to me

>when you're so obsessed that you let people you hate ruin normal English words for you when they aren't even really using those words much more than everybody else
Imagine having to live an entire lifetime with a brain this prone to negative emotions.

Bless this man. One of us

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>They may be responsible for it, but it is still sad.
No they aren't, that's the whole point. I might be projecting but a lot of the proper lashing out/defensiveness against positive emotions results from people getting fucked over by feigned niceness. I guess there's an argument to be made that maybe these people shouldn't be so defensive or that they should work on their tolerance for being hurt in order to improve themselves but once the damage is done it's pretty hard to get around it. The damage can also be an eye opener for how reality works and some people aren't ok with being delusional and ignoring reality to be happy

based sour grapes poster

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The internet is real. A stranger being nice to you online is the same as a stranger being nice to you on the street.

There is such a thing as condescension, user. I am doing it right now. I'm not being nice to you, explaining it to your dumb ass, I am being a cunt. Because you deserve it. Because you are that stupid.

didn't she get fired for this?

Found someone like this just as naive as me, feels... right.

children are fucking disgusting
i fucking hope i will never have one
fuck that shit

>Maybe if you guys had a pleasant conversation every once in a while
Realistically won't happen. The whole reason anons are being racist and do full blown attacks towards eachother, is because everyone is anonymous.
There's 0 repercussions (except for the occasional ban) to just being a dickhead.

One of my favorite recurring threads is . People legit trying to better themselves and help others make the most of the short lives we have.

But yeah, Yea Forums is bad influence.

based comic book loving manchild poster

People who want to think hard in their vidya have a very easy or monotonous job

>knowing kids had no fucking moral compass and did shit just for laugh and didn't care about if anyone got hurt in the process in any way
Kids are fucking retarded. Their brains are too underdeveloped to understand morality. They're not evil, they just don't understand that what they are doing is wrong. That's why they find it so easy to kill ants and torture small animals.

I used to beat up a kid regularly in elementary school because I thought that fighting was fun. As I grew older I realized what I was doing back then and felt massive guilt. Back then, my childish brain couldn't realize that I found fighting fun only because I was always the winner. It didn't occur to me that what I was doing was bad. I thought it was just fun and games between friends.

hello genetic dead end
I have to thank natural selection for throwing out the bad genes

What's the difference between a stranger complimenting your shoes offline and one doing it online?

have sneed

Do chinks and poos have the best genes on the planet?

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you get to look at her tits irl

It wasn't me! It was a witch. She put tiny food bombs in my keyboard.
>I guess there's an argument to be made that maybe these people shouldn't be so defensive or that they should work on their tolerance for being hurt in order to improve themselves but once the damage is done it's pretty hard to get around it
That is what I mean by responsible. The people who wear masks more than they should and hurt people when they deceive them are responsible, but so are the people who define other people around what someone else did. You have convicted someone in your heart for a crime they did not commit.
>The damage can also be an eye opener for how reality works and some people aren't ok with being delusional and ignoring reality to be happy
Which parts of reality are you talking about? To say that reality works in only one way isn't freedom from an illusion. You've trapped yourself in a prison of cynicism and so you treat the whole world like it operates on prison rules.
Yes condescension exists. What does that have to do with people who treat everything as if they are being condescending? That is who I am talking about.

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You fucking autists, people act differently in different settings. Me calling you faggots here now doesn't mean I'm going to use that kind of language at work for example. It's completely okay to be 'edgy' in Yea Forums, that's what this place is for.

Jesus I like rain as it allows me to run in peace.

>That is who I am talking about.
No, that's who you're inventing because if they existed, no matter how fringe, you might technically have a point in a wildly different context.

This reddit meme of "wholesome" shit, like every other thing reddit, is pure posturing.

>You can't just turn off your beliefs. Even if you try to act normal they're still there, deep inside you, molding you and affecting how you come off to others.


no, we won't
give up and save yourself pain

I hope so.

She did but IIRC she got hired again right away, don't remember by who

I don't get it.

I honestly fucking hate retarded internet lingo nowadays. Am I just getting too old for this shit?

thats pretty gay user, i mean that you're looking for a gay man aint no ho's going to give it to you.

I think that explains it though, the dude commenting is obviously some kid who really enjoyed the game, so much so that he decided to write a comment on a forum that he may or may not even fully understand. It's sweet.

The idea of a developer actually taking time to run through mods with a fine tooth comb to tell the creators which parts don't pass muster is really, really impressive. These guys don't make the shitty arbitrary rules, their publisher does. Ask yourself how many other companies would just pull the mod down instead of conversing with the creator to try and get it to a standard that the publisher will find satisfactory.

>Imagine having to live an entire lifetime with a brain this prone to negative emotions.
Yeah, it's called clinical depression user. I deal with it every day.

You have people saying love is a lie. I didn't "invent a context". I was describing a context already in this thread you nincompoop.

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Naturally Yea Forums would sympathize with never being loved

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based, there's no convincing these people so they must simply go

Then argue with him instead of pretending to dispute the notion of this meme being a load of shit.

stop trying to inflict it on everyone else too

buy fight 'n rage

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>Then argue with him instead of pretending to dispute the notion of this meme being a load of shit.
You replied to my post talking about something I never said then start getting aggressive and how the hell do you judge whether someone using a meme is sincere or not? I don't know that and neither do you. You're not some magical mind reader and you are crazy or greatly overestimate yourself if you think you can judge someone's sincerity based off of what they post online.

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Yea Forums has been saying wholesome and comfy for a long ass time. WTF are you on?

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Don't act like a retard and I won't have any reason to.

Frog Fractions is also good for this

Yeah and?

Since when was it a reddit thing?

Imagine being so angry at some website that it makes you mad at weather

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Not so much

I don't know if it's a reddit thing, but it's definitely been co-opted by owo softboi fags in recent years.


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No, retarded internet lingo is not a new development.
*Holds up spork*

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>Which parts of reality are you talking about?
The part that says a person is in a constant state of competition with other human beings would be the main part of reality that I'm talking about
>a prison of cynicism and so you treat the whole world like it operates on prison rules
Nah, people are naturally selfish.

>The part that says a person is in a constant state of competition with other human beings would be the main part of reality that I'm talking about
That's true some of the time, but not all of the time. Certain career paths definitely lead you in that direction, but the world is full of other things too. When I spend time with friends I don't feel that way or when I talk about fun games on message boards.
>Nah, people are naturally selfish
Then why do charities exist? Why do all major religions support charity in some capacity? Do you think people are solely selfish or can people have multiple reasons for doing something?

>i fucking hope i will never have one
don't worry lol

Someone post that disabled game and wizardry clone pic

> When I spend time with friends I don't feel that way or when I talk about fun games on message boards.
Me neither, until one of them fucks you over for whatever reason
>Then why do charities exist?
I worked for one of the oldest charity institutions in the world after they helped me out when I was a kid, and I do know what kindness and a helping hand in times of need are. This doesn't detract from my point though, people are naturally selfish because self preservation is a thing which branches out onto the preservation of whatever else that person holds dear or prioritizes, once a person values anything else over you, you get fucked over.

Not that guy but I don't believe in selflessness either. It's not a thing that could ever be selected for. That's not to say everyone is purely selfish as most people understand it, there are loads of ways for your brain to reward you for actions that don't directly benefit you but you still identify as advantageous.

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That's simple. It's on reddit, it's insincere posturing.
>how the hell do you judge whether someone using a meme is sincere or not?
How did you tell I was being condescending? Because I told you? Retard.

Everything involving Yoko Taro.

yes, and we used to do rage comics and all sorts of shit before it got run into the ground and reddit picked it up and perverted it into some unfunny posturing horseshit

What's the difference between a stranger complementing your shoes alone and one doing it in front of thousands of their friends while hundreads of thousands of their friends watch one complement on your shoes.

Kill me, Pete

This board is mentally ill

Kill me, Pete

Kill me, Pete

Then number of people watching

what the fuck is wrong with "wholesome"?
>waaah someone I don't like says it
soiboys drink water too, you better stop doing that as well

What makes us better than animals is our ability to rise above nature and our base instincts.

It also helps immensely in that endeavor when you're no longer worried about your own survival. It then becomes natural to see if you can help others.

>Then why do charities exist? Why do all major religions support charity in some capacity? Do you think people are solely selfish or can people have multiple reasons for doing something?

Not that user but all actions we take have the intent to make us feel better. If you donate to the homeless to help them over the winter you do what makes you happiest, if you don't donate because you believe them all to be drug addicts then you also do what makes you happiest. You might not always like the result of your decision because it might be different than what you expected or you changed over the years but at the point you make your decision you will always do what you think leads to maximizing your happiness. Wheather that decision is a positive or negative one for the world does not matter.

Holt shit this guy took AP calculus everybody

>This doesn't detract from my point though, people are naturally selfish because self preservation is a thing which branches out onto the preservation of whatever else that person holds dear or prioritizes, once a person values anything else over you, you get fucked over.
If self-preservation ends leading to pro-social behavior that benefits people other than you at the cost of yourself, then we agree that the behaviors I am describing exist. This user phrased it nicely
>That's simple. It's on reddit, it's insincere posturing.
That means nothing by itself because there are honest and dishonest people everywhere.
>How did you tell I was being condescending? Because I told you? Retard.
I don't know what you're thinking. I am going to act as if you are because you said you are. Realistically it could all be a facade. You could be posturing right now and I would have no way to know. Ultimately I choose to believe you because I have no good reason to doubt you. The subjective experience that someone has about sincerity is locked inside their head. You can't open it and see what's inside either. So you can either question what the contents of their mind are endlessly with no answer in sight or you can hope that people are sincere and use your reason as best you can to determine if they aren't.

We are not above nature, we are nature. I don't think we have anything beyond brain complexity dividing us from animals.

> benefits people other than you at the cost of yourself
That's called being fucked over, and people don't like being fucked over, so being defensive is justified

Beats itself off got em

I'm sorry. But I'm not done yet.

if you have to ask why its bad to bring culture from reddit, we'd all be better off if you just went back. cheers big ears

you seem to know a lot about reddit culture, why don't you go back yourself? wholesome is just a fucking word and I'll use it just to make you seethe

>That's called being fucked over, and people don't like being fucked over, so being defensive is justified
Sure, but doesn't that mean that people are at least some degree of selfless? If people mutually agree to help others at the cost of themselves sometimes then no one is getting screwed. The difference is trust. I can trust the people I help at the expense of myself to pay me back. If they don't then I just stop talking to them. It's not hard nor is it some reason to start saying dumb things like "People are naturally selfish".
What you said is all very true. There are degrees of pro-social and anti-social behavior in this world and some people show more and some show less.

>im not reddit but ill act like i am
sure thing, reddit.

return to reddit, Yea Forums is the most wholesome place on the internet deep underneath all the shitposting and degeneracy

>wholesome is from reddit
holy fucking underage. reddit obviously taught you how to speak, so go back there

lel, lurk more newfag.

>n-no u
wholesome means that something is good for the soul and dates back hundreds of years, user. use this as a lesson instead of defending your online ego

>sperging this hard about your reddit culture being rejected on 4chin
go back, reddit.

>n-no u
tell me how you know this much about reddit

fucking newfags trying too hard to fit in

We've reached that point in a conversation whenever I have this conversation where the other party starts ignoring what I said and builds up his own treshhold of the extent of selfishness in order to stick to his beliefs. I believe I made my point clear when I said that all people will reach a point where they'll have to prioritize themselves or what they hold close over you, and that's the moment where you get fucked over, and thus being defensive and assuming that all people will one day fuck you over is a perfectly viable way of preparing yourself to face the worse or never having to face those scenarios. I don't see the point in discussing anything else if you're gonna act like the line ends at everyone being prone to either mutually help each other to some extent or being able to break things off with no consequences. It doesn't hurt to accept the fact that humans are animals

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Unironically this, so long as you avoid the normie boards.

What did you ask? What did he say?


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Kill me, Pete

>We've reached that point in a conversation whenever I have this conversation where the other party starts ignoring what I said and builds up his own treshhold of the extent of selfishness in order to stick to his beliefs.
I don't think I ignored what you said. I simply said that people have a degree of pro-social behavior that they'll help out others if they can without breaking themselves.
>I believe I made my point clear when I said that all people will reach a point where they'll have to prioritize themselves or what they hold close over you, and that's the moment where you get fucked over, and thus being defensive and assuming that all people will one day fuck you over is a perfectly viable way of preparing yourself to face the worse or never having to face those scenarios
You're correct that people probably will do things that betray your expectations or hurt you, but you will also do that to them. You will never have anyone close to you if you decide to never be vulnerable for fear of being hurt. That's your choice, but I don't think it's really a good one. If you define selflessness as being willing to do anything and everything for you no matter the consequence then there might be one person on the planet who does that for you and you probably won't meet them, but that's such a bizarre definition of selfless that I don't know anyone who would describe it like that..
>It doesn't hurt to accept the fact that humans are animals
I've never denied that. I have no clue where you got that from.

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>he says while posting on Yea Forums

Sure we do. When is the last time you saw an animal discover electricity and use it to create literal magic that we are looking at on our screens at this very moment?

How about a philosophical hippo pondering the fate of hippo kind and how hippos can be better?

Or any animal understanding the inevitability of this planet's doom with a race to get to the stars in time to save their species?

How about a lion who politely eats his kill? Etiquette is, in its purest form, a show of victory against nature because it shows our prioritization of control over our baser instincts that would tell us to use our hands and just chomp on whatever we can reach. You don't need a knife and a fork to eat a chicken leg.

When I say "normie board" I pretty much mean /pol/ and /gif/. I dunno how, but Yea Forums has managed to maintain its culture in the face of the normie menace. Probably because the normalfags of /pol/ don't venture outside their board except for when they want to have a normie wank to normie porn.

just bust a nut bro
its all chemicals
also learn to enjoy your company and not depend on others

that's how I get by

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I'm sorry Pete, there are still things i must do

Actually, to add onto this, this is a large part of the reason many cultures dislike black people. The perception being that they act like animals which is something we have risen above for the most part.

Also, we aren't nature. We still get affected by Tsunamis and earthquakes but we've mastered lightning and storms. Lightning rods are a defiance of nature. An attempt by nature to cause destruction harnessed by humans to create instead.

Yeah, like I said, brain complexity.

Witches exist

> if they can without breaking themselves.
And that's self preservation fueled by selfishness, being selfless is seen as a virtue because it breaks you.
>but you will also do that to them
not relevant
> You will never have anyone close to you
Good, never worked out the other times
> there might be one person on the planet
There isn't because people are naturally selfish
>I have no clue where you got that from.
Anyone who denies selfishness being a core instinct is denying that we're still nature's product. I think maybe you're assuming I'm using the word "selfish" in a negative manner, I don't mean to say it's bad, just natural, and that it's natural to defend yourself against those who defend themselves more than you.

So do I, I've always enjoyed being alone, there are benefits to being social for sure but settling is a part of finding some happiness in life

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Poor bait. Yea Forums is almost as normie as Yea Forums is.

Eventually, you'll grow up a bit and realize just how little control anyone has. We sure as fuck haven't "mastered" lightning nor storms, ask people who live under monsoons and hurricanes whether they think they're in control. You're a dumbfuck racist so it's not too surprising that you'd spout idiocy on this level, but seriously, read more, think more, pull your head out of your ass, it'll do wonders for you. Or it will just depress you, like it does most people who figure out just what we really are, which is just another life form. We aren't masters of the universe, we're just a very small part of it, and we absolutely haven't risen above our animal nature. We have the power to do basically anything, and yet what do the truly powerful in our society typically do? Same shit any animal does when it realizes it's top dog: shit on everyone else, and fight tooth and nail to stay at the top. Etiquette is just behavior sophists put on to appear better than those who lack it, it doesn't actually elevate anyone. A chimpanzee in spats is still just a chimpanzee, you, with all your silly words and ideas, are still just an animal that eats, sleeps, and shits.

> An attempt by nature to cause destruction
We've reached a point where I can't tell if this kind of shit is larping or serious anymore

>being selfless is seen as a virtue because it breaks you.
You might be right, but if your virtues are based around breaking the virtuous rather than helping those around them then your virtues will never see the light of day. I think selflessness is good because it makes the world a more comfortable place.
>Good, never worked out the other times
That's a pretty bitter thing to say.
>There isn't because people are naturally selfish
What you're describing is martyrdom not selflessness. You can be selfless and helpful without breaking yourself and that's better than being a martyr.
>Anyone who denies selfishness being a core instinct is denying that we're still nature's product. I think maybe you're assuming I'm using the word "selfish" in a negative manner, I don't mean to say it's bad, just natural, and that it's natural to defend yourself against those who defend themselves more than you.
I said we have degrees of selflessness, which should imply that we have degrees of selfishness too. If I didn't make that clear I apologize. Humans are too social to be described as primarily selfish though. Defending yourself is smart.

Wow. So when's the date?

look i read the whole convo and honestly however bitter i am at life, i agree with the need to stay open and ignore the danger in order to not grow depressed and asocial

>tfw no chovy gf

>What you said is all very true. There are degrees of pro-social and anti-social behavior in this world and some people show more and some show less.

I'm not sure you understood my point. My point was that all people are inherently selfish. Even when they do something that we as a society judge as 'selfless' their motivation is the same as the peoples behind the Wannsee Conference. Everybody always does what they think is best for them, even if they think they are doing it for some other reason but at the very base level they will always prioritize their own happiness over everybody elses.

So you never would've noticed? Sure.

The ride never ends

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She wasn't hired again by Guild Wars 2, she's still fired and blacklisted as of today still. She went on "vacation" for a month after this and where she ended up I don't know.

>I'm not sure you understood my point. My point was that all people are inherently selfish. Even when they do something that we as a society judge as 'selfless' their motivation is the same as the peoples behind the Wannsee Conference. Everybody always does what they think is best for them, even if they think they are doing it for some other reason but at the very base level they will always prioritize their own happiness over everybody elses.
People's motivations are inherently something that can't be proven. If your mode of being is to judge everyone around something you will never know and can't possibly be proven and then use that to justify declining someone's potential good will then you've trapped yourself into hell. I hope you get out soon.

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What about people who jump in the way of bullets and the like? You're making an enormous error: you're assuming that humans are rational. We're driven by emotions and sometimes you just feel like being selfless.

just publish the proper version elsewhere, and say that in the description of the cucked, watered down one in Workshop, lol

>That's a pretty bitter thing to say.
*correct thing to say. Nothing wrong with learning from your experiences, nothing learn with being a realist.
> If I didn't make that clear I apologize
I think we're working on different assumptions of what being selfish is so there's nothing to apologize for, might be linguistics at play. I don't believe we can't be selfless, I just believe we'll always be more selfish than selfless, and it's smart to be ready for when anyone around you decides to be selfish

> in order to not grow depressed and asocial
My mannerisms are often described as depressive however I don't see myself as someone who is depressed, I didn't aim to come across as one of those self diagnosed depressionposters. I'll add however that there's nothing wrong with being asocial, that's what I'm comfortable with, I've learned from past experiences that I don't have a tolerance for what the other user describes as a "degree of selfishness", and that whatever gain I get from being social doesn't outweigh the potential losses.

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slipped and fell

>"SJW breath! we also should stop doing it!"

Attention whore.

welcome to clown world, user.
Where you must despise anything and everything the -enemy- does, even if you liked it not 5 minutes ago, even if you are actively fucking yourself over in the process. To concede that you could possibly like the same thing as the -enemy- is giving validity to them. And you can't do that.

>Nothing wrong with learning from your experiences, nothing learn with being a realist.
Sounds like you've already given up on social intimacy because of previous bad experiences and no matter what I say you've already made your conclusion. One quick question, are you a libertarian?

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>you've already given up on social intimacy
I suppose that's a way to put it, I have a ample circle of friends but I make sure not to rely on them, if that's what accounts for intimacy I suppose I have none. This isn't solely based on bad experiences mind you, opportunity cost plays a role in it.
>are you a libertarian?
No, please don't mock me like this user

I've already given up hope of making it.
My only hope is vr/robo waifus

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So you gonna let them take words from your lersonal dictionary like a cuck?

wtf i love chinks now?? he's right though. why do some people think hot legs and side boobs are awful but gore is fine?

>I suppose that's a way to put it, I have a ample circle of friends but I make sure not to rely on them, if that's what accounts for intimacy I suppose I have none. This isn't solely based on bad experiences mind you, opportunity cost plays a role in it.
I suppose I see vulnerability as an aspect of intimacy so that's one way perspective may differ.
>No, please don't mock me like this user
I just know libertarians who espouse talking points exactly like that. My brother who is an ancap does so.

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Don't tell me you've never groped a woman's thigh before Yea Forums.

I agree that's what intimacy might be, I have a distaste for being vulnerable towards my friends but I imagine some vulnerability slips by in the form or ironic shitposting.
>My brother who is an ancap does so.
I'm sorry for your loss, I am right leaning but I live in an extremely left leaning country so I think I still count as a filthy commie for a lot of people.

mion best girl btw

>Yea Forums is full of "thousands of my friends"

Kill me, Pete

>it's... a lullaby?
fugg. i want a mommy gf.

>I agree that's what intimacy might be, I have a distaste for being vulnerable towards my friends but I imagine some vulnerability slips by in the form or ironic shitposting.
I can understand not wanting to be vulnerable. It's incredibly tough to know who to trust because you really can't know for sure. Best you can do is be a strong enough person to move on from the pain.
>I'm sorry for your loss, I am right leaning but I live in an extremely left leaning country so I think I still count as a filthy commie for a lot of people.
It's fine. He's not too retarded other than the "everything would work out if we just let the free market do it's stuff" thing.
>mion best girl btw
Agreed, but Rena was a close second. Are you looking forward to Saku and Ciconia when they come out during summer comiket?

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Kill me, Pete

These comics are fucking cringe

Bitching about boobs and sex comes from within the industry itself its basically self censorship, complaints about violence always came from outside forces who usually had no involvement with game communities period. Even if you believe the sexism complaints also originated from outside the game community they have obviously been adopted and championed by many within the community itself at this point.

Only my sister's, when she falls asleep.

as has violence, for fuck sake, the entire goddamn rating system is BY the vidya industry, and their only means of enforcement encouraging self-censorship, because they didn't want to let things get out of hand and have some outside actor come up to bat

what a useless and stupid fucking post

Underrated as fuck.
If you fags dont understand it, you don't deserve too.

My sweet boy, you are one of us.

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it's like 7 fucking years old you newfag

CA will not have any money from my wallet from now on.

> Best you can do is be a strong enough person to move on from the pain.
I learned to be strong on my own, which is fine too.
I am still reading Tsumihoroboshi, I am fairly new to 7th but after Tatarigoroshi I can safely say I'm looking forward to anything by them

y-you too~

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I didn't need to see this today

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Have you figured out the culprit of the Hinamizawa incident? The better question may be, have you even figured out the crime?

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I was spoiled on what a certain health professional did to a certain girl but I've only read the first couple hours of Tsumi and I'm holding on to finding out about some more fun surprises. I'm really enjoying the series so far, can't wait for Umineko

We can live beside the ocean. Leave the fire behind. Swim out past the breakers. Watch the world die

>I'm really enjoying the series so far, can't wait for Umineko
You'll really like it. It has a lot of fun moments, but the mystery is even harder to figure out than Higurashi's. However, once you're familiar with R07's narrative tricks it becomes easier.


It still fucking hurts. That stupid fucking whiteknight faggot had a beautiful, perfect, innocent girl ready to love him forever - to give everything she was to him.

And he's too obsessed with his oneitis to even fucking care.

The dev also made a mod for his game where you can shoot up other game devs offices

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Recently factorio dev patched his game to help fixing mods.
He does weekly blog posts about development and the direction of the game


Poor guy, but also that's not really an excuse for poor writing, just an explanation. You don't necessarily experience everything you're writing about.

woah, i haven't seen this one before. do these comics come from an actual source or have they just been passed down for a while now?

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No gaming is really becoming more and more of a normalfag thing. Go outside some more and youll see

damn dude you should work at a movie theater

>This level of cope

>What about people who jump in the way of bullets and the like? You're making an enormous error: you're assuming that humans are rational. We're driven by emotions and sometimes you just feel like being selfless.

People that jump in front of a bullet do that because their reaction is a result of the decisions they consciensly made in the past. Lets take a parent taking a bullet for their kid. They do that because of all the times they actively cared for their child in the past. Because the kids happiness is more important than their own lives but very deep down, in the subconscious, it simply means that they have the highest amount of happiness when their child is safe thus they sacrifice themselves to attain the best possible outcome for themselves which lies in their kids survival. Of course we don't have much control over our personality but every personality, however different it might be, has that same underlying principle. Wether your personalities selfishness is percieved as selfless or selfish by society is an entirely different matter.
The wish for happiness = Selfish

That is also what I was saying in my earlier post: we cannot control the outcome of our decisions. If we are better off in the long run or not is not up to us. All we can do is speculate on which decision will make us most fortunate. The results of these decisions shapes our personality and might change the direction in which our selfishness manifests but it will still behave the same.
That is also why dumb people are more often depressed than smart people because they do not see as many options and have a much smaller picture of the world. So they run into much more problems on their way that dampens their happiness since they do not possess the same ability to make reliable plans or follow through with their plans.

You can't experience happiness when you're dead, user. The goal is something other than happiness.

Gaming, not Yea Forums

all me

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this seething cringe lord


Everybody took AP user


>Thread turns into /r9k/ shitfest
For some fucking reason I expected more messages about devs interacting with their players, not that shitty VN story

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No, fuck you Leatherman


We must help this man

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Recommending The Witness over Myst? Really?

The lesson is that one should never ask Yea Forums to say or do anything positive
Should've made a thread about how Obsidian is shit


Kill me, Pete

Give up man. It's like trying to argue if God exists. Once someone isn't open to it, nothing will convince them. This user thinks he's solved life and that everything sucks and you can't prove him wrong because science has no advanced far enough. This is one of those things you get or you don't and he doesn't get it. Life has fucked him too many times.


Based. :)

I'm not declining anyones goodwill. I do believe that people can be geniunely happy from helping others but I am also saying that the pursuit for happiness will always be selfish in and of itself. You believe in true altruism while I believe in psychological egoism. Do not try to shame me just because you have a different philosophical believe.

Kill me, Pete

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Different poster here but do you think that, say, an animal that dies as part of its reproductive cycle goes through the motions with the knowledge it will die? No, it just does what it feels like doing, and people do the same. The idea that we always act in pursuit of a certain goal is an enlightenment era myth. Sometimes people simply do things because they feel the urge to do them, without thinking about why. Sometimes this urge is murderous. Sometimes this urge is altruistic. Murder suicide and self sacrifice are two sides of the same coin.

We were talking about a reflex decision in a moments notice without any thought, weren't we. The highest instilled priority in that example was the childs survival and is more important than any self preservation. I was explaining to you how something like that can happen. It's up to you read it or not.

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I emailed David Cage a few times when Omikron was hot shit (and just shit) he was always really nice. I was fucking obsessed with the game.

>I'm not declining anyones goodwill. I do believe that people can be geniunely happy from helping others but I am also saying that the pursuit for happiness will always be selfish in and of itself
If doing things that help others makes you happy then you enjoy being selfless. If you actually help people then you are selfless. Motivation doesn't matter. If you do something you are that thing; whether you want to be or not.

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any thread about a game is usually pleasant tho. so long as the OP isn't baiting with anything and doesn't post borderline porn for an image, there'll only be the occasional shitposter that mostly gets ignored because no one cares what they think about the game they like. i really like the rain world threads when they show up because they're usually made by people new to the game.

I'm not saying that we always act on rationale. Following your urges without thinking is literally the most hedonistic thing you can do, though.

How is someone valuing someone else's fate above their own not altruism?

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It's not hedonistic to cover a grenade with your body so your squad survives lol

Covering a grenade with your body is not an urge.

You're only considering the action, not the intent, user. Saying that following your instincts makes you nothing more than a beast is stupid, because some peoples' instinct is immediately to help people, even at their own risk. There are people who literally cannot help but be good, just like there are people who have a habit of being dickbags.

its true tho

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What the fuck is this?

Because it is literally your training kicking in and you do not have time to consider anything and just work on impulse. All you know in that quick situation is danger is there -> protect child. I do not believe in that moment you really think about your own death. So you just do what you always did to be happy, making sure your kid is unharmed.


I cant explain it honestly, I know its irrational but hearing laughter or witnessing kindness just sparks something incontrollable in my brain.
A mix of paranoia and hatred I guess, I know its ridiculous but it's an autopilot type feeling that you cant control.

Kindness just feels so undeserving for me that I feel like anything remotely nice is merely a trick, wish I could explain it better for you.

what a bad take, rain is awesome. Totally projecting those weird sad emotions, who actually stares out the window with a glum look on their face when it rains?

EDIT: Thanks for the gold stranger!

>You're only considering the action, not the intent, user.
The user was moving the goalpost and I'm having none of it. He was previously talking about urges and animals and then changes the argument.

>Saying that following your instincts makes you nothing more than a beast is stupid, because some peoples' instinct is immediately to help people, even at their own risk. There are people who literally cannot help but be good, just like there are people who have a habit of being dickbags.

I was not the one claiming we are all beasts. I feel like you are mixing two posts into each other.

You can get the urge to do that just like you can get the urge to take a bullet for your kid

>You don't necessarily experience everything you're writing about.
You're telling me King never maimed someone over alcohol?

What about the random man who took a bullet for the president of the united states?

>The user was moving the goalpost and I'm having none of it. He was previously talking about urges and animals and then changes the argument.
You can get the urge to do literally anything you dumb dumb

>Kindness just feels so undeserving for me that I feel like anything remotely nice is merely a trick, wish I could explain it better for you.
I stitched this image together really quickly, but is it something like this? If so watch Haibane Renmei. It might help.

Attached: Haibane guilt.jpg (1920x5333, 1.12M)

Of course you can have whatever urge your body might concieve but an urge is a strong desire and I don't think any of those soldiers falling on grenades actively desired to be blown up.

You do realize that you definitely need professionell help, right?

never gets old

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Haibane Renmei is top tier anime and philosophy. Please everyone appreciate it.

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What you're arguing right now is that selfless acts are not actually selfless because those that perform them don't actually want to perform them. Don't you think that's ridiculous?

That Dev's a really cool guy. Met him a /vg/ a while back. Hope he's doing alright.

What about him? I don't know anything about him.

Don't forget that different people value life and death differently. Especially when religion is involved. For many people death is not the end.

No, I'm saying those two retards do not know what a fucking urge is.

It really is. It makes a good healing anime while also fitting into lonelinesscore anime like NHK and Texhnolyze. I love anime, and any medium, that tries it's best to understand someone's heart.

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You're drawing epicycles to avoid admitting that it's possible to feel like doing something selfless for no good reason, especially since many animals feel the urge to do selfless things

Open a dictionary and then learn to identify yourself instead of barging into discussions

Bioshock Infinite

That's funny but light rain is unironically top tier weather

>cool enough you don't need to dress heavy
>not too wet you don't need to bundle up in a bulky rain coat
>comfy humidity & perfect weather conditions for smoking


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That's why I'm saying I literally do not know who that guy is or was or which worthless president he was trying to protect but he was definitely not doing it 'for no good reason'.

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most of them arent as nice as that webm though

Not him, but I will be re-watching it just after I finish drawing Reki. I'm in real need of revisiting some those lessons.

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>nobody except French anons on /pol/ talked about it

geeeeeeeeeeeee i wonder why

>I am genuinely curious what has to happen to someone that's so bad that they interpret people trying to be nice to them as someone secretly being out to get them

A lifetime of being put down, ostracized, made fun of, bullied, not being used to kindness and being belittled so many times you put up a wall against any sincere gestures now that you've grown to expect that it's just another person who wants to damage your mental health and hurt you. It's easier to assume everyone's going to be an asshole than take a chance and be put down further. A lifetime of ridicule is why people choose to put up walls and become doubtful of other people's intent.

Things can get better so believe in yourself. You'll make it.

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someone post the one on twitter about the Tales of game or whatever it was

You've had a hard life. It's okay to be doubtful and it's okay to feel hurt. You're not a bad person, not even a little. You can move past the pain if you desire it. Let miracles happen. If you betray the chance at a happy ending you'll never reach it.

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Post the dungeon crawler one where they added on screen controls for the disabled guy. That one actually makes me happy.

Thankfully I have no problems nor doubts regarding my own self, quite the opposite. Rather, what I need to re-evaluate is my relationship to other people. Socializing is hard.
But thank you very much for the kind words, user!

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It's okay user, I've moved past it but I wanted to offer my own insight. I am however a bad person and very much deserve it.

Not yet, Pete. But we'll see again.

That image is fan-made, wasn't made by the original creator.

This one, yes, thanks.

>Rather, what I need to re-evaluate is my relationship to other people. Socializing is hard.
It can be. People are irrational so it makes it hard to understand what they might do. Either way I am glad you yourself are doing well. I dislike people getting trapped in the hell of their own mind. I was there for over 7 years so I feel for people who are in there still, some of them longer than me.
>I am however a bad person and very much deserve it.
You're definitely not. If you've put in the effort and hard work to become more than the worst parts of yourself you're a new person and a better person.

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>I dislike people getting trapped in the hell of their own mind.
This may sound weird, and of course doesn't apply to everyone, but I do feel like that in some cases people do want to be stuck in those situations. By doing so they can feel more "important" since they now have real, serious problems. This is another sad situation on it's own, I would say.

>I was there for over 7 years so I feel for people who are in there still,
It took me over 20 years to learn to socialize, and so I spent most of my life living out of introspection, so I believe I can relate to you there. If anything, it's the feeling of being disconnected from most what bothers me... I think. Funny how I never noticed that until someone pointed to me how lonely I seemed to them.

You can always atone for something that you have done, if that's what you feel is needed to forgive yourself. If you're able to recognize and point out your "wrong doings", then there is hope. You can always change your ways if you are self aware.

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Scott cawthorn (FNAF) emailed me back and forth and even gave me some free game codes when FNAF 3 came out. Legit dude, he said he was going to throw in a sanic Easter egg because he loved the meme if FNAF 3 was ever made, and when it came out he apologized and basically told me people comb through the code of the games and he didn't want anything to destroy the lore for some people, so he threw me codes. Hope he's doing well.