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Thanks, I was just promoted.
What's going on here? Because of how it's cropped I can't tell
Game was banned from the Android store for being too sexualizes
The dev asked for explanation and they sent him that picture
>can't have that
>but can have this
Whats wrong with this world
I know that Yea Forums is not above bald-faced lies. But let me remind you that pic related has been on the Android store for over a year now.
You can stop trying to manufacture outrage now.
Brown is so ugly, no homo.
I assume it's a situation similar to Steam - a handful of uptight faggots got a bit of power and used it to shit on small-time devs.
What's with the double standard, then?
>June 18th
Why are you posting this now
Because there's many people who police things on the google playstore. One of them is a bitch and the other one isn't.
name of game?
Wow its almost like censors are often inconsistent.
Whats up with Faggots working at these companies? Oh noes, some cleavage. Do they really hate women so much that they want every character to be flat chested pedo stuff, instead of actualy mature.. with titties..
Their last name doesn't have "stein" or "wong" in it.
>small-time devs
I believe alicesoft got hit as well
There is littererly no oversight on the moderation team. They can do whatever the fuck they want.
This isn't manufactured outrage, the Google Play store is incredibly inconsistent. Twitter and Instagram get off scot free for having straight up porn on their apps, but Tumblr and Artstation got hit hard despite the latter already having built-in censors
The cleavage is not allowed because the character looks underaged, is the logic they're going for, I think.
it's not that simple. It's, in the views, a power struggle. And the dominant group has been using cleavage to oppress women for all time by objectifying them as such. What they don't realize, among many things, is that women also love cleavage. Of course, they found a new way to counter this by simply saying these women have internalized sexism.
>it's a lie
>no it isn't
>wtf this happened 3 weeks ago why are bringing it up now JANNY HELP
What about lesbians?
I can't believe companies are just flashing boob pussies like its nothing. How would the Muslims that are migrating to Europe feel about their religion's conduct being broken by infidels?
Maybe but I'm sure plenty of even younger looking characters in the gacha game ads are sexualised.
Well check this out
Chest area is properly covered, nothing sexual here.
This exactly is why you shouldn't let one giant company control everything.
Chibi style are basically toddlers in the eyes of censorship.
Made to be bread
>microskirt instead of the "below the knees" rule
>flashy clothes that disrupt class
>no underwear
That adds up to about 25 paddles missy, in my office NOW!
Can't even see any panties
Really though it's absurd that some spirits in smash bros had to be censored so you couldn't see underwear but several spirits are blatantly wearing no underwear at all and this is somehow fine
(((Silicon Valley)))
don't make chibis
Reminds me of eastern eurooean socialism
>are you (((connected)))?
>you can say and do anything you wanted
>say harmless joke
>off to the gulags
the war on short stack chibis needs to end
chibi is not children ffs
how the FUCK do you look at a character with massive fucking honkers and think "child"
(((small))) (((white))) (((penis)))
I bet you love this don't you you fucking pedo
yet the mass consumers don't care and just want more big corp takeovers
Amen brother
>mfw I get banned for "posting loli" for posting chibi
Yeah, nice try pedo.
Few mm of bones can make you a Chad, a single line can ban your game
The problem is literally that these wilfully sheltered californian cucks don't have the most basic understanding of anime art style or Japanese culture in general. They literally don't comprehend what their eyes see.
Seems to me the rules he posted claim this shit isn't okay on the storefront but should be okay ingame.
>looks underage
>clearly isn't
I hate people.
Just because she has big boobs doesn't mean she doesn't look underage
Anime is often vilified for shota/lolicon content so people tend to be extra vigilant about it. This often leads people to jump to conclusion. That and you have your average leftist puritans at the helm.
>Softcore lewd drawing of a chibi of an adult girl naked/wearing sexy clothes
>Gets labeled as loli as is therefore bannable
>Incredibly explicit drawing of someone who is clearly a child being violently raped, but it's furry
>Completely ok
Can someone please explain to me why this is ok on so many +18 websites. This is even the case on /trash/ of all places.
Imagine being this retarded.
People are stupid. there's no other explanation.
Ding Dong?
>bald-faced lies
Fuck off
Why does Yea Forums love to pretend Japan isn't obsessed with infantilization, more specifically, sexualization of infantilized characters?
You need only take a look at this board of pedos to notice the effect this shit has on weak-willed omega incels.
Needs pantyshot edit.
>Game was banned from the Android store for being too sexualizes
NiBBa, they got FEH and Langrisser on the Play Store. You expect me to believe that
>you shouldn't let one company control their own store
Let me guess: You think Drumpf should? Stupid commies
>want to play the game on pc
>no Dragon's Crown on Steam
>heard about rpcs3 emulation
>it can't be that simple
>it is
>install this and that, drag that shit there
>playing Dragon's Crown on PC
Pirating is so fucking easy I don't understand why Vanillaware isn't porting their games at this point. I would gladly pay for it.
>muh dik
why are you like this
>You expect me to believe that
Censors are never consistint
what game and what's the name of this cutie?
>men spend thousands of years should not be whores. They should be well-dressed, well-mannered and should be chaste
>women say "fuck that" and for a legion to combat decency being forced on them
>after many years, everyone say fuck it and lets women be sluts and wear what they want
>fast forward to 2019
>women now see artwork of females in pop culture, giving them an outside perspective of themselves
>"sluttiness and showing women dressed like and being whores is wrong! We really need to do something about this and get it out of our society! It's so indecent! Can you imagine if humans dressed like this?"
And Yea Forumstards make up crap all the time
What does that have to do with anything?
The idea of making deformed versions of characters isn't unique to Japan.
Not only that, but why are you jumping straight to sexualization? There are plenty of reasons to make "chibi" versions of characters aside from making fap material. Many of the most popular western games on mobile use "chibi" characters simply because phones are too weak to handle more complicated characters.
That's a parody account.
Anime is more mainstream so it receives more scrutiny. Everyone has seen a loli either in anime they watched or pictures someone drew on twitter. Also short fictional creatures prop up everywhere in fiction so people aren't likely to equate it to pedos.
Exhibit A
If this character appeared in a game wearing the same clothes in human form people call for it to be banned.
alicesoft doesn't do business on steam, they license to MangaGamer who valve loves to fuck with.
Rin from Muse Dash, you get her around level 50
I was about to reply seriously to this, then I remembered:
Yea Forums hates and knows next to nothing about the Android environment. They're only familiar with gacha games, which are not affected while being much more perverse.
No reason to be upset here.
What game is this?
Loli is better anyways.
But only 2d
Buro >>> Marija > Rin
Why is this Wayforward director cooler than the River City Girls director?
>rin at bottom
I can't agree with that, get mooted
>Not only that, but why are you jumping straight to sexualization?
That's what happens when Porn becomes so common place. Things that sex previously were not tagged to become exclusively sexual once enough people associate it with porn.
Even Toadette can easily become a sex symbol is perverts make enough noise about her.
>Many of the most popular western games on mobile use "chibi" characters simply because phones are too weak to handle more complicated characters.
It's less about the Phone's power, and more about the audience actually seeing information. Phones are actually very powerful devices, but they're still working with up to 6 inch screens. Stuff will be difficult to see just because of that.
>You thought it was a sexy macho troll?
>Just kidding it was me! Buro!
All things considered probably one of the more entertaining thumbnail fuck ups I've seen in a while. Thanks for the animated gif user.
fuck jannies post chibis
It's not made up this time
why is there like no porn of these bitches
You just want me to post this.
There are lots, but it's mostly gay and they get fuckes by orcs
I've never even heard of the game until it came to Steam and some of my friends started talking about it.
SoSomeone ost the Muse Dash clown walking gif
If there's a character, there's going to be a band of degenerates that sexualize it.
>It's less about the Phone's power, and more about the audience actually seeing information. Phones are actually very powerful devices, but they're still working with up to 6 inch screens. Stuff will be difficult to see just because of that.
It's definitely not because of that. Even the 3DS with its tiny screen has some very complicated looking games (Ex. Monster Hunter). Phones can be powerful, but there's tons of people out there with incredibly weak phones. Making games easy to run on weaker systems is what helps those games get popular because it makes it accessible to more people.
That's it, I'm divorcing my wife and marry an anime
But it's still weeks old. Not every slight misdeed is worth working yourself in to a frothing rage about, especially since this is about a Mobile game, which I know Yea Forums doesn't care about. I wish outrage kids would go outside and chill.
Play Muse Dash
Smug girls with baseball bats as weapons are great.
>But it's still weeks old
That doesn't mean it's made up. You're trying to discredit evidence of misdeeds by working yourself up into a frothing rage and calling it slight and accusing Yea Forums of not caring.
waiting until it goes on sale with a better discount on the dlc and for more porn to be made
>And Yea Forumstards make up crap all the time
>it's real though
>Well it's still weeks old it might as well never happened just a slight misdeed mobile game stop being so outraged!!!!
Those goalposts instantly teleported lol
sounds like you are in denial.
why else would you jump to a conclusion that fast?
>Phones can be powerful, but there's tons of people out there with incredibly weak phones.
I'm glad you pointed that out, it's easy to forget but Smartphone are like PCs in that way. Most of the stuff on my device are more involved and much more akin to portable games, so I did not remember that F2P stuff tend to be designed with the widest audience in mind.
Rule 34 exists for a reason, dipshit.
You misplaced Rin.
It's Rin > Marija > Buta
>Rin is last
I would agree if it wasn't for that.
We all know who the real pedos are.
>sounds like you are in denial.
>why else would you jump to a conclusion that fast?
Denial about what? it is what it is. If the Chibi is drawn sexy, that's what it is. There's no ambiguity.
That's because it makes money.
If something makes money then they aren't going to censor it, just look at Sony for example.
Newfag spotted.
there is, in terms of perspective, bias and subjectivity.
Meanwhile in china
wtf i want a chinese gf now
WayForward does a lot of sexualized and very feminine work. I've been following these guys fro years, and have enjoyed it. They use sexualization as a spice to their cute designs, and you can see this even in the first Shantae game. So the design in the tumbnail is nothing new in this regard: It's a cutesy design that uses sex as a spice. It's still a Sexy Chibi, but the fact that it is both is important here.
Let me tell you this: I don't think Google Play banning this game is a good thing. Truly, I quite hate it.
But what I hate more are Yea Forums's pseudo moral crusades. The fact that this game is something I would otherwise care about just annoys me further, since I know Yea Forums is just mad that someone might, just might, be denying them porn.
Live by the censor, die by the censor.
what isn't Yea Forums not mad about?
Isn't this the same store with destiny child, girls battle, and honkai 3d?
People on Yea Forums are pretty open about censorship of sexy characters and why they hate it. The overwhelming majority of psudo moral crusading is from the camp opposing "sexualization"
Also Azur lane
This is why girls shouldn't be in the military
>The overwhelming majority of psudo moral crusading is from the camp opposing "sexualization"
I find it funny that you think this.
Anti-censorship kids have made certain games near impossible to talk about outside of a 3d model having shorts instead of having their panties in full view. What's more, they tend not to care much about individual games, but complain because of the general "cause". You should know how cancerous mobs with a cause are.
Anti-Censorship have a different moral compass, but their motivation is still based on their sense of morality.
>Anti-censorship kids have made certain games near impossible to talk about
I find it funny that you believe this since it applies even moreso to the pro-censorship kids and anti-sexualization moral crusaders than any other group.
So what's the game called?
fuck MS2 you cant make your character look anything like this.
>bald-faced lies
Clean shaven lies? Lies with all the extra bits shaved off? Truth? Glad we cleared that up so quickly, now lets move on to epic troll another thread on this site I hate so much but always go to.
I'm honestly so buttmad about this stupid American stereotype of Jewish names because I'm Jewish and we don't have German name because that's only a thing German Jews have (who knew?). Polish Jews were the real Jews reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Its called read the thread faggot.
What about that children's game one of the co-founders of Reddit made that's full of boylover pedophile iconography? Is it going to be removed from the Play store?
I genuinely do not understand what got the game banned there. You have stuff like the much more obvious characters in this image fucking all over the play store, what is google's problem with it? Not that I care about the game in question, just that it seems like an odd reason for it to be banned.
Look at this Goldberg Shekelhiemer over here.
i don't play soulless games.
these are the things a wise soul craves
God I wanna big tiddy goth gf to beat me with a metal bat.
Entirely off topic and sort of a rant as well as a question bu given your backgroundt: What are your thoughts on the push by certain jewish groups related to and including israel (though I'd imagine practically all are) to try to shame poland into declaring responsibility for transgressions against its jewish population during WWII despite the fact poland's government did not exist at the time and the allegiances of it citizens were fragmented to the point of anarchy never mind a civil war / proxy war?
literally nobody here gives a damn about poland except with regards to the brexit debate (i.e. immigration)
There is something very special about the humble midriff