Open-world Thread

Recommend open-world games.

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Unironically, the one you posted. It's a surprisingly good game.


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Witcher 3

Far Cry 5


ghost recon wildlands

just cause 4

saints row 3

that should get you started

I would pirate it if ubishit didnt make the progression so goddamn slow on purpose for you to buy their jewish xp boosts

Been playing Ghost Recon since the first one on the original Xbox. Never thought a game like that could go open world.

>far cry 5
>just cause 4

Worst games of the series.


a man of taste i see

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Once I heard Koop Island Blues I knew this game would be soulful as fuck.

>Unironically, the one you posted. It's a surprisingly good game.
Big yike! This board has really gotten terrible that even ASS is now recommended.

First of all, the game is shite.
With that out of the way
>10hrs worth of content stretched out over 100hrs by copy pasting the same shit over and over
>worst radiant quests since FO4
>90% of random quest givers are using the same brown lady RNG
>shitty combat
>no shields
>sponge enemies
>nonsense "god" bonuses that cannot be turned off, like no fall dmg, even though they bothered coding in a limp after a big fall, that gets obsolete after a couple of hours due to the "power"
>fetch and "please kill those beasts/bandits" quests out of the ass
>worst portrayal of historical characters in a long time
The worst part is that people fall for this. Ubisoft knows very well that they're selling an empty shell of a game based on nothing but "but it'll feel like I'm really in Greece!" illusions and idiots are totally buying into that.

But hey, its your time.

just cause 1 sucked

far cry 2 sucked

or do you just like shitty mechanics?

JC2 exists
and Far Cry 2 was not shit

Lol. As a guy who played almost every AC this is complete bullshit. Odyssey is fucking soulless 80% of the time. It's comfy and great during easter naval/islands exploration, but that's like 10-15% of a game. Continent grinding and dlcs are trash.
Origins was a faaaar better game.

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does JC2 even have the parachute?

River City Ransom EX. Don't touch the NES version unless you want the coop.


Subnautica is for me the best of any of them so far. Ubisoft open world design means lots of padding. Subnautica's design and gameplay flow perfectly into one another. The only downsides are frequent cell loading and relatively low replayability.

soundtrack was so good i had to download way back then

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Is Wildlands any good? I'm interested in it, but I'd be playing solo.

Exploring in 3d space gets overwhelming, how do you deal with not having a minimal? Kinda have no idea where to go after mountain island


Building beacons and placing them at landmarks help. Beyond that, didn't you get a ping or something from down deeper? Going deeper is almost always the answer.

this Odyssey is fucking garbage
we should've gotten Origins 2

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I never bothered because those teleporting aliens are scary as shit and I cant scan/pick up stuff with the sea moth , and it's the only way I can go deep down

>0 results

Dying Light.

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Outward is really cool if you can get over the jank

Stalker Anomaly
It's standalone and free so you literally have nothing to lose

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I never played another Ghost Recon so I can't compare it to the old ones but I would say it's not worth it solo.
It's very formulaic like all modern Ubisoft games.
I played it with a mate and getting mad or laughing at the bullshit story/dialogue/retarded AI together was the only thing that made me want to play. It was fun while it lasted but I wouldn't play it solo nor do I want to replay it even in coop, atleast for now.

Did they fix some of it? The game was interesting but the world seemed completely dead and the combat was a joke.

Not really. Though I avoid combat as much as possible and make giant hallways of death with traps.

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This post wins

Boy you're in for some stuff yet...


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Gothic 1 & 2
Sleeping Dogs
Dragon's Dogma

DD is honestly one coast, a town and a few caves.


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>easter naval/islands exploration, but that's like 10-15% of a game
What game were you playing?That shit's like one third of the game.

t. hasn't played DD

The Hunter: Call of The Wild

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He's wrong, but the open world aspect is one of DD's weakest points. It's one of my favorite games, but I wouldn't recommend it for someone whose looking for an open world game first and foremost.

a shame your cringe post didnt get a single (You)

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Initially i was expecting it to be the same style as the XC1, just linear, wide, open hallway type design, and instead got perfect open world design. If you own a Wii U or have a PC capable of emulating it, i super recommend it even to people who don’t like JRPGs. The game feels like a WRPG with weird nip elements.

Why do people say this? Im at level 36 and I just reached Delphi. Ive been exploring most of the time and clearing camps. I'd imagine I'd be higher i f I started doing side quests.

I think my favorite is still Dying Light. I really enjoyed it. Hoping that the 2nd one is good but it's not looking as fun as the first.

Never played Dying Light or Sleeping Dogs. Are they good? Also, is dying light better than dead island? How open is the world in these games?

>Sleeping Dogs. Are they good?
That one is great, even more if you're fan of John Woo movies or other Hong Kong kino.

I enjoy dying light more than dead island personally. I think how dying light chose to implement the day/night cycle was really cool. I also enjoyed the city you are in quite a bit. Only thing that was really whatever to me was that a couple of the story characters seemed really cliche. Game is fun user.

this. Dying Light is tons of fun. I never got around to the major DLC "The Following" content or whatever it was, is that any good/worth going back for?

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extreme shit taste


Fucking hell I love Kassandra. I've never had a waifu before. Why do I like Kassandra's face so much

>Why do I like Kassandra's face so much
She has masculine features but is still clearly a woman. Thoughts on Michelle Forbes and Claudia Black when they were in their 30's?

Its worth it for 30 or less, its got a huge a varied open world, lots of gun and operator customization, and you can play with or without AI squadmate that you can command around and also customize their appearance. I put a good amount of hours into it and its kind of like mgsv/far cry, obviously its ubisoft so it can get repetitive but there is so much content and like I said before big and varied map.

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I got it with their complete edition so I have no idea how much it costs or whatever. It was fine but i probably wouldn't spend more than like 5-8 bucks on it.

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>Michelle Forbes
Not familiar with her

>Claudia Black
Loved her when I was younger.

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The Division 2. It's genuinely fun to explore the detailed world and solve the riddles for the masks.

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This, it's probably the best ubisoft open-world to date
Shame the endgame is ass

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I know this isn't strictly related but any suggestions for open world survival games? pve or pvp or whatever, don't care if it's vs bears, aliens, zombies or anything/nothing.
The Forest looks ok, not sure how open world it is. The Long Dark looked fun too and probably hard.
I guess what i'd love is some game where i have to build stuff from essentially nothing, like a caveman or prehistoric type thing.
Come to think of it a game where you're an exiled NA plains indian or something in the pre-columbian era would be pretty darn neato.

It's basically what if MGSV had a more lively open world, drivable helicopters and absolute garbage controls.

Yeah, the bulletsponge gameplay and rng sucks. Good thing we will get proper world expanding dlc this time around. First one lands later this month and it's free (all year 1 dlc will be free)

- subnautica
- don't starve
i've never super enjoyed the latter, partly cause if you don't know what you're doing you get super fucked, but if you're willing to fail or research a little, it's not too bad

Ass Creed Origins/Odyssey
Infamous Second Son
Phantom Pain (but not for it's open world elements, lol)
Horizon Zero Dawn
Dying Light

For Story:

Witcher 3
Red Dead 2

It's ridiculously boring, to be honest.

I actually have both.
Subnautica is awesome but i hate the ocean shit. Not sure why. You're right in that other than it being underwater it's basically nearly everything i'd dig.
Don't starve is fine, played a bunch of it already. It always makes me feel like playing haven&hearth instead to be honest.
The multiplayer part would be funner if my friends didn't suck ass at everything.

Xenoblade Chronicles X. It kills me that I can't find a game that would have equally beautiful world filled with interesting functional things that you could fully explore and even fly over.

>Infamous Second Son
Why would you pick the weakest game in the entire series? Even Last Light beats it on gameplay, and it's SS's standalone expansion.

ok, whats your recommendation then?

Kingdom come is pretty great, shame there is no good 3rd person mod.

I'm trying Rage 2 and so far it's pretty boring. Had to boost the difficulty to the max to no shoot myself in the head by boredom.

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja.

I'm not sure how well it fares to your criteria, since visually it's non-existent, but you'll never find a more living world than Space Rangers HD. It may look pointless at first, but once you get into it, I'm sure you'll realize how amazing it is to be in a game that actually exists and constantly changes outside of your actions.

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you're new here.. they never reply with recommendations lol

Most Wanted (2005) is the best open-world NFS.

to each their own

saboteur is such a fucking meme game. i bought it having high hopes and it's just a jank fest with needless car racing shit and a stupid plot. pisses me off because it could be a good game.

I agree

watch nogs 2 is still pretty

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How's the Dragons Dogma Switch port? As gutted as I'm expecting it to be?

AC Origins, AC Black Flag, Sleeping dogs, Kingdom Come, Watch Dogs 2, Batman Arkham 1-3, RDR2, Spiderman 2018, MGS V are lit

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A cult classic classic, would have been much more popular if it launched in a better state.

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How badly does this game bastardize ancient Greece?


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KCD and Wiedzmin 3 dziki gon, rođak

>not a 1000 scoring Red Deer
Its like you don't want the first thing visitors see to be impressive.

I disagree with every points, including your expectation. I expected a bad game because Pandemic was pretty much dead after Mercenaries 2, Saboteur shouldn't be remotely good.

Trading in the kino dark neon night of Bayview for the washed out brown and orange of Rockport.

Shit taste confirmed
both games are actually so fucking good, I just hate how Most Wanted looks.

nah, it's a grindfest. origins is better.

FC5 is legit my favorite FC. Something about it just clicks.

i dropped it as soon as i noticed enemies just keep spawning around you when you're exploring

That's pretty much how it goes in every FC games user. What's worse is that they stop respawning after you liberate a zone.

>That's pretty much how it goes in every FC games user.
i didn't find it as obnoxious in other games

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Even in FC2? That's one of the major complain of the game

Kingdom come deliverance.

Ghost recon wildlands

I hope kid zombies have more of a presence in the new game as little shits who actually run at you to attack. It was neat being able to kill kids in this.

Because theyre zoomers who think easy mode is too hard and they just want to speedrun the main story due to their poor attention spans and diminished capacity to produce normal levels of dopamine

it is a great concept with terrible execution

it was the atmosphere for me. you really feel like you're fighting alongside a bunch of hardy folks who could hold their own even without you. plus the atmosphere, the music, the underlying story that unobtrusively ties into the canon ending. was very impressed with FC5 especially given the garbage Ubisoft is known for

>What's worse is that they stop respawning after you liberate a zone.
you can reset the spawn rate iirc

Real talk, how is Odyssey different from Origins? If I didn't like Origins is there any chance I'll like Odyssey?

zero chance. it's origins but with way more of the same content


My Summer Car

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The OST is definitely one of the things that surprises me the most. It's probably the best I've alongside with Nier Tomato.
>you can reset the spawn rate iirc
I don't know if it's an update because I pirated it. I did used a mod that slows down the mission meter tho.
Odyssey is Origins on crack, similar with how Brotherhood to 2.

Ukrainian/Russian developed game worth playing.

>I don't know if it's an update because I pirated it. I did used a mod that slows down the mission meter tho.
I think it's in the main menu or something iirc. been a while. never bothered with it as I actually prefer to clear out the map, but I noticed it