FEAR Thread

What did you think of it?

Attached: FEAR.jpg (220x308, 22K)

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2nd best FPS of all time after Half Life 2

Fun FPS. Wasn't scary at all, though i give them props for trying.

It's alright.

it was only me or this game has frame drops every few minutes?
apart from that, it was a nicely done FPS,that's for sure.

>FEAR thread


Attached: FEAR.webm (854x480, 1.96M)

You mean the FPS drop after playing a few minutes? There's a fix.


holy fuck,thank you so much user

One of the best shooter games ever made.

Just you.

It one of the best FPS of all time a must play.

This pretty much.

Welcome. Be sure to put the fix on the expansion's folders as well.

>Half-Life 2
Fuck outta here.

fuck off twig boy

I love it

Never finished the sequel, I should get around to that. Won't even bother with 3 tho

one of my favourite games of all time easy

agreed. third one is resistance
because its loading the next zone

It was fun and I liked all the physical moves you use.

Amazing gunplay. Great atmosphere. 9/10.

really quite fun until the end ghost shooting gallery
what a shit part to end on



Attached: Replica_Recon_Soldier_027.jpg (528x1080, 74K)

Been looking to see if FEAR has any mods. What do you guys think of this?



I feel retarded for not liking it that much. I went through fear 1 and the 2 expansions, and it really dragged. I found the plot a bit questionable - the first mission of the first guy is kill some dickhead, and here I am in the second expansion and he's still here fucking with me. what does he want anyway, why is he such a dick?
the comfy shooting I feel was let down by the sounds as well

>new aiming
Sounds probably shit. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

It was fucking good. I normally don't like FPS games but goddamn I loved this one. Shame the sequels aren't nearly as good.

Yeah, the new aiming is ADS. Boy, it sucked and i had trouble using the submachine gun with it. But it does feel harder and i think it removed some checkpoints.

was this the best 2005 fps?

In my opinion? Yes.

For me it's SWAT 4 and this


Fuck man, it's hard to pick because that year also had COD 2, BF2, and BF2, the star wars one

>Extraction point is great and even better than the base game
>runs like shit and has millions of problem with modern machine

Attached: 1527786985680.jpg (316x348, 17K)

What kind of problems are you having?

One of the best FPS of all time. Retards need not arguing.

Attached: F.E.A.R doomkick.webm (960x540, 3M)

Extremely low fps and crashes

Never had a single problem while playing extraction point other than the game crashing near the end.

works fine for me ;p

Shit unmodded webms. Let me show you how it's done.

Attached: F.E.A.R halved.webm (916x515, 2.86M)

played it a lot during my night wards at the hospital when i was an intern, thought it was great
what's the general consensus?

You think you're some hotshot guy, huh?

Attached: 1v1 ME FAGGOT.webm (854x480, 2.72M)

Dunno about crashes, but for low FPS, try using this.


>what's the general consensus?
nobody hates FEAR, like at all

Yeah i'm the best you better no try me.

Attached: F.E.A.R ragdoll.webm (960x540, 2.28M)

"The dead man's name was Charles Hamburger."

Attached: 000.png (1024x768, 973K)

mite b cool. I'll try this when I get home.

Great game

wait you can fucking do that ? holy shit this fucking game

What makes FEAR's atmosphere so great? It's just got everything that works about that early-mid 2000s FPS.

The second game was better. They really didn't know how to mix horror and shooting so all the parts with ghosts just came out tedious and annoying.

Too bad that it lost a lot of the good tech the first game had. The heavy use of shadows from the first game was made it so great but 2 just really didn't do it justice. Plus the guns lost all their oomph to em.

It has good lighting and takes place in offices.

Neat, staple gun is my favorite weapon next to jump kick.

That's not entirely true. Apart from the shotgun, sniper, and special weapons, most of the guns weren't worth picking up. The game has issues like headshots not being reliable. The second game still feels great as an action game because shooting from the hip is surprisingly effective.

One of best shooters i ever played. Not to mention all technology stuff you cant find in any modern FPS even decade later. God tier AI. Athmosphere.

Fear 2 was way weaker game but still decent. Fear 3 is dumpster fire and should be removed from history.

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (2560x1440, 460K)

It's ok

Oh, but I mostly say this from the hard difficulty being poorly balanced. You can't play around like you usually would because enemies need to die in one hit, and most weapons not being able to do that.

I'm already a few levels above you, kid.

Attached: shootan.webm (1100x619, 2.84M)

Got real sick of the enemies fast. Bullet sponges with aimbot like aim meanwhile I'm struggling to see these guys through all this darkness and distance.
The horror part was not appealing to me at all, since it was pretty much all just jumpscares with very little ambiance that wasn't broken by cutscenes and enemies charging in constantly.
Pretty much just a problem with me, but if enemies aren't within maybe 10m of me I just cannot see them on my 25" monitor.
Might give it a try with lower FoV or something, but was just really disappointed with it.

What are you smoking dude, they aren't bullet spongy at all.

>that glass on the door that breaks

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>What did you think of it?
it's excellent but blood and tron 2.0 are still Lith's greatest hits
are there any mods or level packs worth playing?

I like HL2, but not for the first-person shooting.

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I would swap the two

My favorite game of all time

stark shadows and good claustrophobic level design

MMOD is alright, game is fun regardless of mods IMO.

To be honest when I played it I felt pretty bored. Maybe I wasn't able to immerse myself in the games atmosphere. Might need to give it a replay.

Love it

Well, the levels are a bit repetitive and the story elements sparse. There are laptops you can find that give a few lines of dialogue from your team, but you can miss some or even get them out of order. It's not very immersive.

same lad, don't know why people praise it so much

The game itself is pretty repetitive if it isn't focused. If you didn't got the combat, which is the only thing it had going for, you will never get it.