>ruins your dream of a classic wow revival
Ruins your dream of a classic wow revival
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that's a photoshop right ?
why would it be? he has been drinking soda exclusively for 20 years
He's the only reason it exists in the first place
Thank you Mr. Asmongold is what you should be saying instead of crying about him
Americans are fucking disgusting
>tfw EU so don't have to deal with streamer server cancer
Feels good man
his teeth don't fit his face. It looks like he's gumming his dentures like a creepy old man
More gum than a Juicy Fruit factory
instead we get to deal with frogs and krauts flooding the chat
thanks blizzard
Blizzard already backtracked after the anger and are doing language specific servers now
>he fears the frog
allons bon!
huh, nice
didn't think blizz would give a shit about EU
Yeah I was shocked too, now EU servers are confirmed master race.
I genuinely feel sorry for people caught on aspergold etc server.
Pic related was happening even on the beta
Fucking hell.
RIP US servers
Cope. Asmon is based
I don't know exactly how MMO economy works.
How will one dude being gifted shit fuck the economy up for everyone else?
It's nothing to do with that.
It's to do with streamers bringing along their entire zoomer followers to servers ruining the community with shit munching 14 year olds
Oh don't get me wrong, that shit is the worst and more than enough reason to avoid popular streamers servers.
But in other threads people were bitching that streamers will fuck up the server economy and I don't see how people gifting this dude a bunch of runecloth or whatever will cause a significant shift.
I just want to play the game without the economy being nuked by gold farming chinks
How likely is for this to happen?
>american people
He arguably fucked up a single server and even that will most likely normalize when he leaves for the newest fad a month after release.
Voulez-vous sucer ma baguette?
>saves classic wow
Ta gueule
how does soda grow your gums?
That fucking thing is American? I always thought he was British.
Does someone have the most up to date version of this.
>dream of a classic wow revival
Can't you just use a server that this guy isn't on?
Those are some powerful gums.
>Thinking that EU servers won't have streamers pop up that zoomers will latch onto
not brushing your teeth creates deposits between tooth and gum and so the gum appears bigger
on top of that, the gum is in a constant inflammation state as infection is everywhere, further increasing in size
>he doesn't know
No EU streamers are near the size of Asmon etc who will play classic properly
inv to asmon layer pleaseee
Streamers ruined multiplayer vidya. All streamer threads should be banned.
asmon will go back to BFA after a month, just like the rest of the playerbase
Forsen will play wow for like 4 days. Bigger threat could have been Josh if he werent sentenced for cp and possible rape of that streamer girl
post his big tiddy gf
>play wow
>diddle kiddies
sums up the playerbase more than any blizz metrics
Classic will die within 3 months.
Even when new patches arrive, Vanilla has a tight rhythm designed around playing only vanilla for a functioning adult.
People will have fallen off of the ride and even if they come back for the patch they'll find themselves out of a guild. At that point you need to look at the prospect of finding yourself a guild every time and starting from zero socially, being the shit stain of the guild.
As for the non-raiders, zones will immediately become desert and there will only be the same hyper coordinated premades. The modern cycle of game releases will make you quit during dead times, much like retail WoW.
Most casuals will just quit. They may be attempting a comeback but they will soon realize they are too behind to be relevant. They will have an expectation of just jumping back in along with everyone for the new patch but they'll find themselves outranked, outgeared and outfarmed.
And this is why classic will fail after the first 3 months: the progression treadmill while meaningful, relies on new blood that is willing to start a serious climb and be numbers fodder for the big 40 men raids/healthy outdoor pvp in farming spots/enough fresh 60 to populate tier0 dungeon set runs/lively casual bg scene
this new blood happened back when wow was one of a handful of relevant games back in 2004-2007. more people stuck around for the build-up.
today, with the more fragmented and busy releases, you will lose much bigger chunks of people who will give up at various points, or those who will not stay even after a patch.
on top of the fact that naturally, WoW in current year just pulls less buzz for being a 2004 game in current year, the existance of fortnite, LoL, dota, PoE, warframe and whatnot will take the number fodder positions
which, again, those are REQUIRED to keep the cycle healthy. if those go, the determined player slice will find themselves with no group to get t0, and not be able to kickstart their endgame.
I still don't understand why Sodapoppin is so popular. The only thing I can think of is it's reverse psychology. He pretends to despise his chat which in turn makes people want to pester and bug him which they find entertaining.
Aren't the Method guys in EU
i tough this shit didn't fly in retail servers and was exclusive to pservers
Whats the difference between wow classic and a wow private servers? I legit dont see why someone would pay nu-blizzard 15 a month to play a 15 year old game.
Remember the insane levels of consumable stacks you were able to do in vanilla, theoretically, by burning 500g per BG?
Yep, streamers realistically get that kind of gifts, and they will dominate in every BG they will play in.
And yes, 15 additional buffs in vanilla does make you outplay any better player, before you thought about bringing skill into the delusion.
It will be a shitshow.
>BGs will be insanely imbalanced
>say goodbye to scarab lord title or anything meaningful coming in little quantity
>rank 14 will be fixed to favor streamer and his team of farmers for each consecutive week, either join them or enjoy getting it a year after every twitch emote idiot
>streamers guilds will be filled to the brim with casual players who would have better served the experience in actual casual guilds, looking to play with randoms, not just /follow'ing a streamer, overall you'll see less activity in the world
>streamers will abuse sharding, and only they can properly abuse it because either cooldown or random player assignment are exclusively broken via a large selection of random people. which you only get as, you guessed it, streamers. the point is, sharding will be even worse than if it were a mechanic available for everyone, because only streamers will properly abuse it, creating bigger content/performance divides
>black lists and white lists, created and maintained by absolute retards who cry about getting camped but hold the opinion that being dealth 100g every 5 minutes at level 40 is not relevant to the experience.
>big guilds will collapse in a single day when a streamer retard reasons that [orange item] will have to be assigned to them for no reason other than they hold the masterloot; that's another risk of the "can't beat them join them" mentality some will adopt in order to pretend the parasites won't ruin the game this way. Your guild is one viral video opportunity from being disintegrated, you do not matter.
Britstain fearing the superior mainlanders
>haha it's an old shit game why pay
Why waste your day playing a shit game if you are of the opinion it's shit, just because it's free?
You are essentially putting out a statement that you're a loser and your time has no worth.
Advice or reasoning won't help you. Just sit in a corner until you die. Just grab whatever free thing appears in front of you, it doesn't look like you'll have any standards.
How did she pull the vest over her horns?
>Play on a different server
>Oh look no more problems
Easy fucking peasy
You never played classic, did you?
What the fuck, so much butthurt jajajajaja
Fucking looser have sex
You do realize were both a Yea Forums talking about wow right, you dont need to project your life that much lol
no, he's really jewish
Why did they think that it was a good idea in the first place?
>"You'll enjoy this because we said so"
battlegroup 3...
layer 6...
shard 16...
asmongold raid group 4....
group 2....
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post