Wealth beyond measure, outlander.
Wealth beyond measure, outlander
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I fucking hate you all.
formerly inlander
I feeding seed you all.
I hate myself for laughing at that.
>Yes, I am a god, no you can't kill a god. How could you be so foolish and naive, sweet Nerevar?
Simpsons discussion without shitposts, city slicker.
lol not bad
How can people claim that Morrowind's combat is hard? Like, lol, just level up the right stats, and use appropriate weapons.
After you run across the island without looking up
I unironicly jam out to this beet from time to time.
It is unironically fucking amazing.
So is this:
>mfw after I made an enchanted sword with paralysis and shock damage specificially in order to kill those annoying faggots.
They drove me fucking nuts when I was low level. Leaving settlements was fucking impossible in the areas where they spawned.
imagine achieveing CHIM
Why did Vivec let the moon destroy Vvardenfell?
Were going back home bois....
He was losing his god powers by the time Morrowind took place already. What makes you think he could have prevented the moon from crashing after the events of that game anyways?
He only paused it instead of stopping it so he could literally hold it above everyone's head as a threat to instill worship. He didn't care that if his power waned enough that it would fall
What a dick
B-but it's lonely and hard being a god, n-nobody understands
Now this is real music.
thank you based jiub
He was a vain asshole with hubris the size of the Aubris.
Don't worry though since he's Kirkbride's self insert character he will never get his comeuppance for anything he does. In fact in Kirkbride's fanfiction c0da Vivec actually comes back and gives birth to the new Godhead.
Don't you shittalk Vivec
>since he's Kirkbride's self insert character
Does that mean Kirkbride's a tranny?
>Skyrim combat
>implying morrowind's combat is any better.
No Elder Scrolls game has good combat.
Dark elves as a whole are his inserts. He constructed a universal order between man (Accepting of reality, accepting of chaos) and Mer (Rejecting reality, accepting order). He then created an entire race that says fuck it too that duality and made a people that slips between the cracks of it to do whatever.
This is typical of OCs, since it's human nature to find a degree of discomfort in such a restrictive basis for "existence".
>Don't worry though since he's Kirkbride's self insert character he will never get his comeuppance for anything he does.
What do you think MK's aura's protecting vivec after he left or something?
He won't get his comeuppance because vivec's a character the fanbase has memed too hard and is too hard to fit into any post-morrowind game at all.
The only good part of Skywind is that the assets will be usable for OpenMW
Why chuck when you can sneed?
Why does he wear the mask?
>strawman comic substituting an argument.
Pray tell, how is the combat of Morrowind superior to Skyrim, exactly?
Your stats actually effect multiple aspects of the combat, rather than just damage or how many power attack you can do
>punctuated greentext
newfag redditor
I would be satisfied if Bethesda simply acknowledged Trial of Vivec as canonical and left it at that. Vivec is not even necessary for any future Elder Scrolls games anyways unless they take place in Morrowind again and even in that case, he can remain just a lore figure and never appear in person.
Anyone have the post of someone turning Vivec's soul into a pair of pants that poison so it looks like the player is farting
Sneed beyond feed, chucklander
Yes, I know that, but what in it makes the combat somehow superior? In morrowind combat is basically just an afterthought that shows the result of your earlier successful gaming of the rpg system itself, which has led to you having sufficiently high numbers to deal damage reliably. The combat experience itself is still just clicking the mouse and occasionally chugging a potion or casting a spell, same as in Skyrim.
If anything, Skyrim's combat is more elaborate as it actually has different moves etc you can make that have functional difference to one another besides just the range of damage they can do (chop, slash and thrust in morrowind).
What Skyrim lacks is the in depth rpg system that Morrowind has, that is the main issue with that fucking game. If Morrowind didn't have that system, and the combat itself was simply just clicking the mouse (as it basically is), then you would rightly condemn it as shit tier. What gives any vestige of depth to Morrowind's combat is not the combat itself, but the rpg mechanics behind it.
God dammit
>In depth RPG system
you are actually stupid
To make my point clearer, it is not the combat itself that is lacking in Skyrim, it is the fact that that game lacks a proper rpg system like the one morrowind had, and instead substitutes it with the shit tier perk system and atributes being reduced to fatigue, health and mana.
Do you lack reading comprehension m8. I precisely stated that Skyrim lacks an in depth rpg system.
Kirkbride probably masturbates to male-herms, yes.
What does he even do nowadays?
Morrowind has chop, thrust, slash, power, and different weapons excel at different attack types. Skyrim is click or hold click and every weapon just does flat damage across every hit. Skyrim's combat is also functionally worse if you ever attempt a "hard" play through because nothing is going to save you from instant kill vortexes that pull you in from 10 feet away once your HP is low enough.
the actual combat is exactly the same in both games, it's just the RPG elements behind morrowind which makes it better
And functionally, chop, thrust, slash etc were still just clicking the mouse, and at times a direction. Not very deep. Morrowind didn't have anything like armor types to which some weapons were better than others, just flat "more armor rating, better damage resistance" type of system.
Not to say that Skyrim's system is any better, it is shallow as fuck, but again, largely due to the lack of the rpg mechanics which were what made Morrowind's combat relatively decent in the first place. In Morrowind, it was a conscious choice to use certain weapons due to your stats favoring them, not because of the combat with that weapon was anything all that different functionally from others.
For example, no weapon type had bonus against heavy armor, or specific types of enemies like humanoids, monsters etc. Some RPGs have blunt weapons doing more damage to shit like skeletons etc because they crush their bones at which a blade is not as effective. Morrowind is not one of those rpgs.
And again, I am not disputing that morrowind as a whole has more enjoyable combat than skyrim, I am simply arguing that the heightened enjoyment comes from the rpg mechanics behind the combat, not the combat itself. Skyrim's main flaw for me, will always be the gutted rpg mechanics.
>gameplay is just fundamentally pressing different buttons at different times!!11!1!1
whoa so smart, you made me like skyrim now
Are you here to just shitpost or do you actually have any interest in discussing the differences between the two games?
Functionally the pure combat mechanics themselves are basically identical in Morrowind and Skyrim, again, what makes Skyrim inferior in terms of the overall experience is the fact that it lacks the rpg systems that supported Morrowind's combat.
If you take the rpg mechanics out of Morrowind, it's combat system is fucking abysmal.
Firstly, it's not though. There are different attack types that require manuevering yourself differently, which is at least *something*. Admittedly it only really matters too much for spears but it's at least something. Additionally it honestly feels less spammy due to the need to at least hold every attack for an amount of time rather than just spam click. Lastly, it missing the godawful obnoxious screenshake trying to make the combat look cooler is a godsend; that shit was obnoxious.
More importantly, however, morrowind *isn't* missing its RPG mechanics. They're an integral part of the game and yes, a part of the combat too. You can try cherrypick out elements all you want but at the end of the day fighting things in Morrowind is more engaging than fighting things in Skyrim and that means it has better combat.
The point I am trying to highlight is precisely that the reason why Skyrim's combat feels shitty and shallow is chiefly because it lacks the rpg elements that made Morrowind's combat decently engaging. Bethesda basically cherrypicked "too complex" mechanics like the rpg system out of the formula that made Morrowind and to an extent Oblivion's combat work when they made Skyrim, without fleshing out the barebones combat system itself to make up for the lacking rpg mechanics.
Well pardon us Mr. Gucci loafers!
Any good difficulty mods? The game really is pathetically easy.
Literally the only thing I can actually run all day without getting tired of it. What kind of absolute madgod do you have to be to use the expression Pelinal used to describe his connection to Akatosh to describe fucking some hoe, to the tune of Soulja Boy's "Crank That"?
It's impossible to make Morrowind difficult with all the exploits in that game. I literally have to make an effort not to abuse the game's broken mechanics. Had one playthrough where Ajira literally restocked her ingredients the second I closed and reopened her barter menu, effectively letting me max alchemy in about 10 minutes and sell the potions back to her for endless gold.
>tfw I became mad rich by buying grand soulgems from that one merchant in Mournhold, filling them with the souls of Golden Saints I summoned, and selling them back.
Seed beyond feed, Sneedlander
Young Scrolls is a fucking genius.
Second post, best post.