How’s that 9-5 treating you, wagie? Sitting home playing vidya rn while your hard-earned tax dollars pay for my tendies

How’s that 9-5 treating you, wagie? Sitting home playing vidya rn while your hard-earned tax dollars pay for my tendies.

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my job is pretty fulfilling because i'm not an amerimutt bootlicker, i'm probably not paying for your tendies either, sorry user

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Chadpreneur here.
If neets have it so great, why do they make these threads? Sorry, I just don't understand the dynamic here.

they are mentally ill,like most neets.

Why do americans like to brag about being a shut in losers who live with their parents?

I'm in college I don't do 9-5.

Doesn't pay for your hospital bills though lmao

*mom dies*

Jokes on you. I'm quitting my 3-12 and enlisting in the coast guard

Not yet anyway. The cagey is calling soon to be wagie

How do I get a free check?

Neetlife is only great for a year after that it's just mindnumbingly boring especially if you dont have autismbux to waste on more distractions.

As someone who has both been a shutin and a 9 to 5er in a job I like, holy crap I feel sorry for you losers.

The mere talking time, injokes and social connection with the rest and of the workers is worth it. From discussing game of thrones and whatnot, to tabletop games.

I only feel sorry for those stuck in a job with no common interests with the rest of their coworkers. In which case it is worth trying until you find one.

But you have to try, and it is worh it.

People throw around the word "cope" a lot, but it's literally, actually a coping mechanism.

How? Who pays for your computer and internet and electricity?

>that forehead

Who Mandatory Saturdays here?

t. factory worker

Someone post it

Good post

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Feels better than making $900 a month.

Actually, yes you do. I live in Hawaii. Zero copay on everything ;)

My job is about 2 hours of work 6 hours sitting on my ass doing whatever I want so not bad.
In fact I'm getting paid to shitpost right now. Sometimes I even get paid to play vidya or even masturbate if I'm alone that day and lemme tell ya the best orgasms are the one's you get paid for.

You act smug, but you don't realize that you need the wagies more than they need you. What would your life be like in a world without wagies? Not good, I'd bet.

>tfw leaving 4 hours early and doing maybe 30 mins of work per day while collecting a full paycheck

$3500 net/month isn’t all that much after bills etc but damn am I laffin at neets, I can still play vidya for like 12 hours a day if I want to


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does literally anyone even work 9-5?
sounds absolutely awful

Joke's on you, I got fired yesterday.

I work 9-4. But I am salaried so I just leave when work is slow

nice try but im on the first week of my paid vacation, and 4 left after this one

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May I ask why user?

have sex

Yea, it's not bad, depends on the job, I get paid 4k a month to do pretty much nothing. I mostly play runescape or something on my switch for eight hours.

I just work in an office, make $13 an hour answering phones, and I post on Yea Forums all day


6-2 or 2-10
I don't mind either but switching over's a bitch

It's actually 8:00-6:30, OP.

It's fine tho, I'm out of work by 4:00 pm on Friday

Jokes on you, i work from 8-18

I work in a hospital, so my hours are never 9-5. It sucks, but someone needs to care for you and your parents when you fall ill.

What the fuck are your jobs?

yeah i do shift work myself, its 6am-2pm, 2pm-10pm and 10pm-6am shifts
9am-5pm just sounds dreadful

I'm salary, and realistically work about 30 hours a week. It's fucking based.

The only reason you haven't starved to death yet is because the wagies felt sorry for you.

These NEET threads confuse me. You don't see people (even those who enjoy their jobs) posting
>Boy I sure am glad I have such a good job
And stuff like that. Seems like a lot of coping.

10:20 to 19:00 here
I'm too lazy to come to work before 10

I only worked there for 3 days and I hated the job.

I own my own company and
the workers are in the machine shop right now building an extruder machine for a beer brewery.
I am playing video games.
I am paying myself.
I am a boomer.

what do you do?

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So how the fuck? Do you get welfare? Do your parents just pay for everything? How do I unlock this secret play video games all day life? Nobody ever tells me, it's like the kid that says his dad works at nintendo and he has a Nintendo 67 or whatever.

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Although it's more a week of doing absolutely nothing followed by a week with a ton of work.
Overtime is a curse word around here plus I get home office every Monday.

I hate it. Ever since I graduated I've been underemployed as fuck even though I went into a good degree field. I work a job I absolutely hate that pays jack shit and I see no future.

>be neet
>my job applications are ignored
>finally get a job
>suddenly getting a bunch of interview offers
What did they mean by this?

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Water plant operator. It doesn't pay the best but fuck is it easy.
I wish I could work more midnights, that shit's comfy but there hasn't been a need lately. And yeah I'd feel like I have no free time on 9-5.

>just get a stem degree

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You sty at home and leech of your parents.
After a few years your hardware breaks/gets outdated so you can't play anything so you shitpost when not dodging the undisguised contemp of your family.

Does anybody have the 30+ doom screencap btw?

no one wants to hire newbies. If you get just 1 year of experience you'll have a better time finding a job.

I was out of work for about a year, almost all my social life was gone in 2 months, nothing to do after 6. Working a job and getting to know a cutie and getting to fuck is pretty great. Unironically "have sex"

>From discussing game of thrones

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Recently moved to yurop from third world shithole.
I hate my job and probably just work 1 week a month
I try to spend some of my free time learning python though

I pick up trash in trains for like 2 hours and then chill in the mess room until it's time to clock out and get paid for 8 hours

Shit job but its so easy so i've stuck around

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cant find a job in germany everything requires a fucking ausbildung

Crypto / stocks trading. This year I've made $60k.
The "NEETs leech welfare / their parents" thing is just a myth

I used to work 9-5 sometimes 8-5 doing landscaping. the crazy thing is my boss was working up until late at night. He had diabetes and he was often tired or had some problems.

>tfw I did well at my job interview today

Government worker here, I deal with cases like this literally on a daily basis
>Do you get welfare?
Most people who are NEETs don't, no. You see to actually qualify for welfare, you need a reason. If you live with your parents for example and they work, you can't get welfare because your household is still bringing in enough. And stuff like disability is harder to collect than people think, with a situation like autism for example you need to have constant visits with a therapist who needs to, in turn, approve you for disability. And they're trained to look out for people who are faking it.
>Do your parents just pay for everything?
Well, yeah. More often than not they just live at home.
>How do I unlock this secret play video games all day life?
Either have provable autism, or become disabled. And hope you aren't caught faking disability, that can seriously fuck you

Yes you are. If you contribute to the global economy you are paying for his tendies

Pajeet in UK?

At least your Ausbildung ist billig as fuck. Here in muttland im six figures in debt for my doctorate with no future in sight.

Western Europe?

>hospital bills

America is such a shithole country.
And its citizens don't even realize it.

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>The "NEETs leech welfare / their parents" thing is just a myth
It's the most common situation for NEETs, why do you have to lie about such a trivial thing?


If you have it so good why do you still post in this shit hole? Are you a shill and getting paid for it?

Computer science is a meme in this pic. All entry level compsci jobs want minimum 3 years experience with various techs.

You should kys.
Remember, less americans = better world

>use to work night shift
>it was comfy and coming home when the streets were dark and vacant was soothing
>on my free days i could stay up to 5 am and get shit done

>get moved to day shift
>morning traffic
>afternoon traffic
>constantly feel tired
>on my free days i get tired by 10pm
This shit sucks

Most redditest of spacings.

>How’s that 9-5 treating you, wagie?
I wish it would treat me, but for 7 years I've been a neet after I had an accident at my job, now no one wants someone who had to take a long break because his joints are fucked up and seeing that in CV doesn't make it any better.
In this country, older and people with diseases/disabilities are more expensive as a workers.
For now I'm living of the pension of my father and vidya keeps me alive from killing myself.

You're a fucking idiot.

I've been on welfare for 11 years. I've only had to check in with a therapist twice. They just asked basic questions like how often you work, how much exercise do you get. Last time I did it was about 5 years ago.

>If you have it so good why do you still post in this shit hole?
Because 95% of the people who post shit like that are lying on the internet to make themselves feel better.

>9-5 who plays MMORPG

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First of all I don't really believe you, and second things change on a state-by-state basis.

I'm a NEET but this whole mentailty of "you're paying for my shit you wagie" just seems so cancerous. Makes me not want to associate with you cunts.

What's the initial cost of making a living like this? I'd imagine you'd need a decent chunk of startup capital to make any significant gains.

I probably will tbqh. Everything looked so bright until it all went to shit. I don't even know why I wake up in the morning any more.

Studying CompSci is a scam.
You are better off getting real world experience via internships and teaching yourself.

>living in Huawei
Yiiiikes. You're not even relevant to humanity being so far away from society.

How does it feel that a tsunami could kill you and take away all your vidya in a few seconds at any given time?

It's just people that are depressed with their life choices, so they have to try and convince themselves they're happy.


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I work graveyard with a cute girl who cheats on her boyfriend with me every night. I literally get paid to have sex. I envy no NEET.

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The system stinks and needs to collapse. Why not ridicule those who are just delaying the inevitable? They're more harm than good anyway.

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Doesn't matter bitch you're still getting money. You're not better than them.

It was true ten years ago, not now.
The internet and emergent economies made possible to earn a living without having to work.
A NEET makes more money than the average worker; normies are too brainwashed to see it

And now your dick has the exact bacterial culture his has, which would look exactly like you've had homosex if you got tested. 3D women, not even once.

>It was true ten years ago, not now.
No it's still true now.
Like I said, why do you feel the need to lie over such a trivial thing? Seems petty.

Working from 2pm to almost midnight (11pm but work used to get extended) inside a warehouse was a soul crushing experience.

Would never recommend it to anyone. Don't drop school, kids.

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"The Boomer Pledge"
1. U2 CDs.
2. My back hurts.
3. How do I get Netflix on the TV, it just says "HDMI1" and I wanna watch The Blacklist.

I hope you're not european or else you would be paying more than just his tendies.

But I don't, I was smart and saved money before NEETdom to last me a few years before I kill myself.

Argie in barcelona

I started with $10k. I had to take a loan but it was worth the risk

What exactly do you have that allows you to pay for an apartment, electricity/water, life insurance, as well as your tendies?

I'm not lying.
You're just a wagie too scared to accept the truth


My supermarket job is less boring when I’m paired with somebody that I enjoy talking with

>Considering suicide

>I'm not lying.
Yeah you are, and over such a trivial thing. It's sad, really.

>only great for a year

bruh, i almost lost my mind after two or three months of being unemployed. if anyone here is cool with being neet, hats off to them.

Interesting. Any tips for starting out?
Also nice quads.

I wish I knew how to stock trade. Crypto by itself is a huge risk, I don't want to get in any of that right now.

Unemployment is bliss, as long as you have money.

The audacity of this dude... if he's so pro eating literal shit for a living, then how come he isn't eating shit and instead is a millionaire advocating for the shit eating industry? Eat a fucking turd or fuck off motherfucker

Go to /biz/ and buy Chainlink.
I turned 2 thousand into 30k.

>didn't work for 5 months straight (had enough to pay rent for that time since we moved)
>got CNA work since I transferred it over
>the facility I work at is really primitive compared to the others
>literally called the assisted living place to take them up on their interview offer after the first day.
I literally only took the job because I needed the money and now I'm just staying here to see if I get accepted into the other place and then I'm putting in my two weeks.

How do you buy chain link? Also will brexit have a huge affect crypto when it happens in September? I'm afraid to get in now and see it all crashing later.

That's cool if you have a fun job. But you can't tell me bagging groceries or doing unskilled labor is better than reading, playing games, going hiking, playing ball, going to the river/lake

dont listen to anyone

/biz/ is gambling and possibly getting lucky and also an extremely depressing place

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ah funny seeing you here NEET, I decided to work from home today. Had a meeting or two but I've just been browsing Yea Forums mindlessly for a few hours now. Can't believe I get paid to do this lol

>From discussing game of thrones

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I am 32 and wagie with no education. I want to get out of this rut. Considering I have some savings and free time on afternoons and weekends, what do you suggest I study? I absolutely despise everything that has to do with technology btw.

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Im old and skilless and stuck in a dead end amazon job. Already planning on bring a hustler/nigger and exploiting the system.

Trade school

At least you're working for Amazon. Their quality control must be better than the average.

I was working to a shipment company in warehouses that probably have taken 2 or 3 years out of my life span. With all the microplastic and fiber glass particles flying everywhere. Fucking horrible.


Create a coinbase or binance account to buy Chainlink.
Check out the chainlink general on /biz/ for more info.
Brexit will wreck stock markets but crypto will soar.

that makes zero fucking sense, if you're having buttsex your dicks would have the same bacterial culture as the others asshole not dick.

I collected unemployment for a year and a half a while back and it was the best tine of my life. I just saved it living at home and lost 100 pounds

The problem I have with the current Bitcoin is that theyre energy dependant. So it will be really difficult to ever get them to reach higher numbers than what we currently have. Don't think that it's physical possible for Bitcoin to ascend to 50k because it simply consumes way too much energy as it is.

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>27 y/o warehouse wagie
>phonepost half the day
>make okay money
>have a >1 y/o car
Fuck it I’m gonna use this place’s tuition reimbursement and go to tech school and move up to IT or kill myself

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All these niggers making fun of you because LooLL G4m3 oF thRones HahaA that'z SOO R3DDEET whAt a LO000s3r are just a bunch of fags who will live under a bridge when their parents will die. Good post user

I washed dishes at a sushi restaurant. Was pretty great because everyone there liked me and I was constantly appreciated for what I do. Had to get a new job so I can pay bills, but I liked going into work.

This new job is alright. Less people to talk to. Makes much more money though