which streamer is the least autistic?
courage probably
teepee is a mega chad that was probably a huge bully in high school
found the boomer
Why don't they have an official reveal instead of forcing us to sit through these screaming teenagers throughout the entire fucking time?
cant wait to see what bullshit activision will come with
gotta hook those kids on lootboxes
streams just went live, gameplay incoming
here we fuckin go boys
shit fuck yeah
just link the youtube video when it's up, fuck these randos and their paid reactions.
This shit is gay already
>tryhards 2v2
yeah aint watching that shit nigga
yeah this fucking sucks, what were they thinking showcasing this? pandering to esport faggots?
> new engine is not a meme
> zoomers saying "too slow", and seething hard
based infinity CHAD
but I just want to pirate the single player campaign...
>make it 2v2 esport shit
>but randomize loadouts
>it's just rainbow six but with CoD game modes and maps
call of duty has really gone downhill since the 4th title
its probably only for the demo so they can showcase different weapons
>t. never played rainbow six
In what way is is R6?
It looks like just the same old shit.
Makes sense. I hope they show other game types though because I hate esport arena shit. It looks nice tho
>literally rainbow6/battlefield
Cod is dead
Had high hopes for some reason, don't know what I was thinking
yeah, I wanna see the campaign
we're going home boys.....
treyachdrones on damage control
your dumb if you think either of these could outlive CoD. CoD is the only reason those games exist
why are codbabs such manchilds
It’s ecelebs. Infinity ward probably paid them to react
if theyre only showcasing the 2vs2 mode, this is super disappointing. No one plays cod for fucking 2vs2 on a tiny ass map
Retarded kpopfag
t. TDMshitter
>new 2v2
>lets forget it was in MW3
t. scrub
>adds lean after years of rejecting it
>slows down running to mimic siege
it might be good if they go all out with search and destroy by just doing "siege" better than ubishit otherwise fuck this lmao
Bro what were they fucking thinking showing this off first
>This is the same engine.
so its basically insurgency but even more arcady?
I'm kind of getting the insurgency vibe too
yay i finally get to play the first game in the modern warfare franchise. it's weird how they started with 2.
oh yeah i was pissing myself waiting to see this revolutionary COD gameplay
Who knows. EA showed off that retarded battlefield5 trailer first and it tanked the game
CoD before the exojumping is boomershit though
No one fucking cares about your outdated TDM or flag capturing shit, Battle Royale is the future
It will have micro transactions so I wont be playing it. Fuck COD.
options field.
>Health bars
Is this just for this game type or have recent cods put this in?
why the fuck is cod on pc so fucking dead
holy shit it's only TDM
endless fucking TDM
Is the game play reveal that you shoot guns?
Health didn’t regen in the game mode they were playing
why would it be alive?
because it's cod
Yeah bro you shoot guns and there are other people shooting guns, it's crazy shit
They released too many games and split the community year after year, it will never be what it was
it doesn't look that bad
Why does multiplayer keep getting smaller?
i wouldn't be able to distinguish it between medal of honor if it wasn't titled modern warfare
community is alive and well on console. People on PC just don't want to play cause they're too busy complaining that acti caters to console.
That's if it was free.
For 60 bucks, it's bad.
or maybe I just want to play it the way fps' are meant to be played, with a M&KB
the day they allow that I'll jump on to console no problem
It's a new, additional mode. It's basically just a sidestep to duels, in an official capacity.
I prefer smaller multiplayer myself cause you can actually work together with people.
2v2 is comfy, but not really on call of duty
I want to know if there's any truth to that 100v100 game mode.
The 2v2 game mode looks like shit but I could imagine TDM being fun
Looks great
what's wrong with it
looks pretty average for a new AAA cod
that was also in mw3 though
It might be alive on console but it is still not even close to when it was in its prime with 5 million+ online on Black Ops 1 at a single time
Looks fun, might play depending on their DLC and Lootbox policy
if cod was popular on pc it wont be dead.
pc gamer dont like cod.
cod is a console thing
fuck map packs
Jesus Christ that CouRage streamer is the most annoying faggot I’ve seen in a long time. Do kids really watch shit like him?
Really dig the animations.
Still not buying it because of inevitable weapons in lootboxes.
>might play depending on their DLC and Lootbox policy
we'll learn about those only 2 months after the release though :) as always
how the hell does it manage to look graphically worse than black ops 4?
They already allow that shit, it replaced lag as being the number one cause of death on consoles for all the whining shitters
I think if CoD introduced a 64 vs 64 map, then it could've peaked interest.
The map being the typically CoD map design philosophy - lanes (different widths and length) and maybe a open field connected to the lanes.
they always lie anyway
so not like it really matters
>playing first person shooter games on controller
The absolute fucking worst
>hurrr """Allegiance""" vs (((Coalition)))
Fuck these boring ass shitty factions, i want USMC, SAS, Spetznaz back.
Do you too hear a phone vibrating?
It looks better, are you blind
does is have thing in where you phone in the radio and shit falls from the sky?
wait, so I can plug in a KB&M and play right now on console?
how are these fags paid to play games? they're mediocre at them
>screenshaking and motion blur looks good
>meanwhile everything looks like it's being played in 720p
Then I won't buy it during the first two months :(
Besides, Outer Worlds is coming out as well as GR Breakpoint and my group of friends decided to get Breakpoint on release and play through it like we did with Wildlands
>or maybe I just want to play it the way fps' are meant to be played, with a M&KB
have sex
It's definitely an improvement homie
>start game
>10 seconds
>rounds over
wo... woah
is this companies show off their games now?
I don't see the difference between this and the earlier games.
>I think if CoD introduced a 64 vs 64 map, then it could've peaked interest.
Or maybe you could just go play your battlefield shit?
motion blur is aids
No they haven't shown that shit but you can unpin a grenade and toss it just like a real soldier!!
no one does son
do you really need to shit this out in every thread? no one cares about your keyboard and mouse meme, people want to use a gaming device for GAMES you morons
Cod map design has been fucked since mw2. They refuse to make open maps like wasteland anymore
what are you talking about?
looks good I'm excited
It's not even rotational motion blur, it's just over the gun animations, get off the bandwagon you fucking moron
That's why I said with a "CoD map design philosophy."
Battlefield's map are open while CoD's have been lanes with the occasion gimmick to make the map interesting.
thank god they do, those sucked
It’s the same on consoles, tdm matches 24 hours a day everything else is dead except maybe FFA.
>KB&M don't count as gaming devices
zoom zoom zoom
Shit taste
fuck me.... this shit is gnarly
No, but that wasn't the argument.
Why is it called Modern Warfare again? I thought they already made multiple Modern Warfare games?
go play battlefield.
we, chads, prefer fast-paced gameplay of Call of Duty
Still the CoD I know, I see.
cause now, it's really modern as in modern politics
>call of duty shilling season already starting
any motion blur is stupid
It's a reboot, user.
What's with that soi face?
that many players wouldn't work with "CoD map design philosophy."
>Get choppered
>Get domed by a sniper
>Decide to go in the bunker
>Endless meatgrinder of people lying on the ground with LMGs or Dual Glocks while Semtex explodes around me
Yeah, Wasteland, what a great map
Maybe just use your keyboard and mouse on your PC and let the console faggots have their console games. If it's taken you this long to realize call of duty is not a PC game then you are dumb
what does this have to do with being a zoomer, retard? do you just shit these terms out without even thinking what they mean or what?
when do we get to play as the isis drone operator that bombs americans with store bought drones strapped with IEDS
this is one of the least subtle shill threads I've ever seen
remember guys, you can get an Ultra Weapon Bribe with our new operation Apocalypse Z in BO4
see you there
To add to this, the map's setting could be a decently-sized city with many buildings being accessible for vertical engagements.
zoom zoom zoom
fuck that shit retard
cob is not bf, stop trying to make it bf, go play bf if cod is starting to bore you
Xbox supports it , but I don’t know if all games do. There’s always XIM apex if you want to pay for it.
Call of duty shill threads always stick out like a sore thumb.
And why not?
there have been like 999999999999999999999999999 call of duty games and there are still retards like you talking about hitreg during KILL CAMS
It's incredibly late this year user, the game launches in 3 months
wow this looks like dogshit I can't wait for all the cuckolds on /codg/ shill it like it's God's greatest gift only to disown It 2 months after launch
You haven't given a reason why it's a bad idea.
That's par for the course with CoD games really. I got gifted a Infinite Warfare Steam key, been just fucking around lately with bots and the hit boxes are fucking ridiculous in this game, I'm killing people by hitting them a full foot to the left or right of their heads.
that's a thing?
they shit on the game just like everybody else on the internet, what are you talking about
kill cams should be accurate in 2019
because cod isn't bf period, one is close quarter gunfights with snap aiming and quickscopes
the other is sniper autism with tanks and planes and endless grenades
>FR .556
Why not just call it FAMAS?
The multiplayer looks fucking awful even worse than Black Ops 4
I was going to pre order
See you guys in 2021 for the game to drop down to $20
then you have to pay royalites
you should stop buying a moron in 2019 instead, user; no one cares if kill cams are 100% accurate, it's a fucking kill cam
Lol ok you fucking downy, it literally does not affect gameplay in any way
This map was bad you brony
doom sucks cock
cant wait for all grandpas to die so we can stop pretending doom isnt hot trash by modern standards
Did the 4th of July event already end?
Siege isn't Rainbow Six
>See you guys in 2021 for the game to drop down to $20
it'll drop to 40 in half a year
You're telling me shitty indie games can do that but not Activision/IW?
I told you infinity Ward shills that Treyarch ARE STILL KING BAAAAABBBBBY
You would need to buy an adapter, and you would be genuinely retarded if you did
because Nexter owns the rights to the term FAMAS, so they'd have to pay royalties
do you understand how this works?
>MP5's in
I'm sold.
Reaper's equipment pisses me off. At least Alcatraz is still fun.
It'll be $45 during black friday like every recent release.
>because cod isn't bf period
I wasn't saying to make it like BF.
>one is close quarter gunfights with snap aiming and quickscopes
That's why I said the map should be carefully designed to follow CoD's design by not making it too open (like most good maps in the CoD franchise).
>the other is sniper autism with tanks and planes and endless grenades
Snipers won't be overpowered because of the carefully designed map. And I never said to include vehicles.
>it'll work bro, just like design it, carefully
>like it'll totally work, dude, trust me, it's designed carefully
is it - dare i say - time to revive /codg/ on /vg/?
>leaning and slow movement make it a siege clone
Maybe they do, but if you only change that you get a shit clone. And they're actually copying Insurgemcy ;^)
Can /codg/ come back already I miss my bros
>At least Alcatraz
How long do you think it'll take Crytek to notice that Treyarch is using the names of all of Crysis nanosuit soldiers in their games?
treyarch hasn't made a good game
>do you understand how this works?
I wouldn't be asking if i did, feel free to explain. Apparently guns like the MP5, M4A1 and AX-50 are good to go but not guns like that "M19" pistol, FR.556 and "Model 680" shotgun.
FR 556 is a real thing, it's just a variation of the Famas, it's not the same MW2 Famas. they have other more generic real names for real guns like the M4A1, MP5 and Desert Eagle and M19 as well
Running around where I want when I want and shooting people is how I like to play FPSes.
You're being purposely retarded.
Use buildings and other obstacles to block views.
gun animations look pretty clean
I'm on shitty mobile connection
Can someone give me a quick rundown of how the 2v2 mode plays
You gotta find guns scattered on the map and capture a point
Like Halo 5's breakout.
awful, imagine search and destroy but 2 players and one objective
You can dilate your knife wounds now
Black ops 4 looks better kek
Oooohhh noonoononoo
low iq
40 second rounds, no respawning, you are forced into the middle in overtime and last team standing wins the round. First to win 10 rounds wins the match
>Has iron sights
>Puts an adapter rail on top of the iron sights
>Puts iron sights on the rail which is on top of the existing iron sights
oh CoD, never change
Holy kek optic are still a thing?
40 second rounds with perma-death like search and destroy. After 40 seconds, it goes to overtime and a flag pops up in the middle of the map that takes about 5 seconds to capture. First to win 10 rounds win
You first.
>guns has high recoil
>movement is wobbly
That's interesting and I wanted that since COD 4. I'm going to pirate it.
>wait what if we made a game out of the final minute of a CS match looool
Alcatraz is a BR map user.
Fuck off, COD is an arena shooter. It looks like a cheap ass R6 ripoff
well shit
I definitely see the similarities to Siege, they are undeniable, but I think if they showed a game mode that people would actually play we would have gotten a more unique taste of the game
cod is gay faggot shit, fuck your gay vomit
cope and dilate.
Is there a such a thing as changing to much to cater to haters?
Jiggly guns, SO REAL
cod is absolute garbage and your bottom of the barrel dudebro shittaste belongs in the trash
Yes, Overwatch ruined itself because of that
>it's same engine
>fucking 2v2 wtf where are tanks helicopters WARFARE
cope and dilate.
Look at that onions
Seriously what happened after mw3? Why did they forget how to make cod games?
It's not the same people user, they have the same name but it's different people doing all the work
The studio never recovered after Zampella and West left.
>2v2 mode
wow how exciting
Mw3 is shit but still far better than anything in the past 5 years
Lean was literally in CoD Ghosts. Fucking moron
WW2 exists
can i play any of this shit on mac
>what happened after CoD4
they realized they can literally switch out the guns and settings and shit out a different game each year, and people will buy it
Since fucking black ops 3 it's been nothing but 3 lane meme all the fucking time. It's so dull.
Honestly the game didn't look to bad, shut the fuck up
Retards online saying it looks like a mobile game
Why don’t retards understand how game development works? I’m pretty sure high res textures are literally the last thing they put into the game
or maybe it's just a 900P stream being downsized for twitter
And Ghosts sucked for it.
This shit looks like a F2P COD wannabe thrown on Steam by some 3rd party company
please be a comedian
sounds are pretty cool tqbh
You suck cock faggot
They are not going to save their pretty textures until after they show off the game you fucking idiot
it looks like insurgency trash
Yeah sound effects are worth $70 and redeem everything else
It really does, I was getting the same vibes.
fricking epic
You loved how small cod maps were, right??
Well, now they're literally a Cube with props on it!
70$, thank you.
No, fuck you and steam.
Was it just me that thought the double barrel shotgun was just straight ripped from BO1?
Yes user they literally took the code from black ops 1 and posted it to the new game
Everyone always voted for Nuketown or rust or Shipment don’t act like some hipster thinking large maps were good in COD
CoD is trash for consoleniggers, and has been for a decade.
>I think if CoD introduced a 64 vs 64 map
Fucking hell I hate zoomers.
CoD had 64 vs 64 maps (and servers) literally since UO.
They cut down on map size, playercounts, and server size to appeal to consoleshitters.
The few medium sized were def better.
Everybody voted nuketown just to get easy kills with nades, everybody voted rust to camp on top of the tower, eveyrbody voted shipment and i still don't know why.
I don't want more shipments and cubicles i want more like pic related.
Terminal was bad and overrated trash
are you okay?
He’s just trying to fit in. Leave him be
>Everyone always voted for Nuketown or rust or Shipment
>terminal was bad
l don't miss the early 2010s
Favela > Terminal
get the fuck off of my board you fucking nigger
there will NOT be cod threads on this fucking board, you fucking niggers.
That’s right! We must only have Wojack threads
Holy insecure virgin alert. How much of an incel do you even have to be to actually think that is an insult?
>Cod threads are deserving to be here even though they are utter dogshit and the game istelf is dogshit
I'd rather take BLACKED threads then keep this fucking shit.
Favela was also good, like i said med sized were the shit.
In opposition, the huge af valleys in cod:ghosts made me quit the game.
look at his face. fucking retard. shut his mouth with cock somebody. look at his eyes, he's a fucking psychopath. fuck, kill kill kill
they don't have real factions because of the customizable skins
It's alright he doesn't understand why POMB is really good.
Can we agree 20-30ish yold CoD boomers are the new basedboys?
>but muh gameplay
>shut his mouth with cock somebody
Gay queer seething dilating tranny faggot have sex.
>unironic cod thread
Yea Forums gets worse and worse by the minute.
>"We want the R6 Siege audience"
On that note, CoD peaked at 2, both single and multiplayer wise. Anything else is pure garbage.
BO1 zombies was fun tho.
Cod peaked on MW1 with promod.
storywise mw2/blops1
Cod 2m was chill
>People playing Black Ops 4, the worst COD ever made by a massive margin, in SUMMER OF 2019
Worst was Cod:ghosts gameplay wise
Marketing wise black ops 4
>Initial release date: November 5, 2013
>6 years doesn't count as years
>that AWFUL recoil and iron sight
>literally cannot see where you're shooting, at all
>"i-i like the new recoil"
call of duty consumers are literal, actual dumb apes. oh my god.
no standards. what a fucking joke.
That's exactly what i was also thinking.
kek i had the exact same thought aswell
It looks like Call of Duty. I don't get what the big deal is.
Aaand all the maps look like the same boring as fuck symmetrical three lane garbage
>Flip ups on a carry handle with iron sights because devs are too lazy
Looks like insurgency recoil
god damn cod is gay
>game wants to prevent spray and pray even when holding down the sights instead of laser think point and click accuracy like previous titles
>suddenly comparable to lightweight "sim" shooters
Fuck off acefag
COD fanbois have always been dick sucking faggots who pussy out of real fights.
It's US vs RU anyways.
m19 is supposed to the 2019 variant of the m17.