Play healer in MMOs

>play healer in MMOs
>make everyone happy
>now I'm happy too

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Other urls found in this thread:

>play healer in MMO
>demand payment for my services

Why did you post a .gif of an empty park bench, OP?

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>play medic in TF2 because its the only class I know how to play

Based HealSlut.
A service well done is its own reward.

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>player healer in mmo
>get carried for free while doing basically nothing

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It's not empty, there's a bag and a can of soda on it.

>>demand payment for my services
One fat nigger dick coming right up
And one for you too slutface

I want to kiss and hold Akari soo much

>Play Sniper/Ranged DPS
>Cover fire for all the boys so they rarely need heals
>They give me more attention than our healslut
>Healslut is jealous of me and doesn't heal me anyone
>But I'm so good I don't need heals
>All the boys love me

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>play DPS in MMOs
>kill everything
>now I'm happy too

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>play healer
>wear cute over the knee socks

>play paladin
>never heal
feels good

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>play Medic in TF2
>just keep my mouth shut and heal people because that's my job
>don't act like a glory-hogging drama queen

Is this from one of those real fake games?

I miss when healer was support. Debuffing bad guys Buffing good guys. Bonus if support is cleric tier and can hold its own in combat.

Nowadays support is all but dead and the only alt to tank/dps is healer. what happened?

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>play healer
>no one is acting as frontline
>no one has enough balls to push
>everybody dies
One day I won't be forced to play tank

based, but only because you posted my daughterwife

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>play healer in MMO
>do 40% of team damage in a dungeon despite no one dying
I play healer because I detest everyone else so much that I enjoy letting them fall to 5% before healing them despite being able to heal them earlier with no loss to personal DPS
Every heal I do is an infusion of utter hatred

>play mmo
>depressed and apathetic every day

What game is that

>play healer
>one guy becomes unhappy when my heal isn't strong enough for the mob he dived into
>blames everyone but himself

>play healer
>cut all the dpsfags in line in the dungeon queue
>dps instead of healing because wow is a garbage game

>play priest in tera
>literally carry retards to victory
every time

>play healer
>fuck up and let someone die
>feel horrible for the rest of the day

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This place gets worse and worse

>play healer
>bf plays tank
>we kick anyone who complains I'm not doing dps
silly incel ;) healers are meant to heal not do damage :P


>play female healer in mmo
>teammates actually pay attention and are nicer than usual
>get whispers complimenting my play
no idea why it feels so good

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It's okay, we've all been there.

It's a porn game literally called "HealSlut". Like most of its kind, it still is in development and most likely will never be finished.

Check it out here:

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>get triple (you) at the end of a dungeon in FFXIV

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Doubtful. Everyone who plays mmos are miserable sadsacks who always needs constant attention and feel the need to always complain about their everyday lives. Literally no one is happy in those kind of games. You'll be back to ranting on discord in another 15 minutes.

>no stinky NEET gf

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um excuse me but is this anime girl DRINKING A FUCKING COLA????


FUCKING STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'LL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATER BROS RISE THE FUCK UP

>play tank
>supposed to be the leader, taking charge and setting the pace of the dungeon
>instead get extreme anxiety, play it safe and listen to whoever is more experienced in the content than I am
>still love playing tanks because it lets me solo content and survive things DPS classes normally can't

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>play healer class
>do a damage build and wreck everyone in pvp

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>play tank
>take damage for my teammates, knowing that they'll get obliterated without me
>feel happy

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my tank daddy havent logged on for a week now ;-; and im getting withdrawals from not being a good healslut for him

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I love tanking more than any role because I get to decide if the raid should wipe or live

>play healear in MMOs
>let everyone die on purpose

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Why she do that?

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Yeah right nigga, the only one who is carrying are the mystics.

lol it was a premade 3 person party you retard

>play disc priest in WoW
>every other healer in every mmo is ruined for me now

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>Play healer
>Watch my party die at the big add phase of titania ex because they can't go to the edge of a big blue circle
>Go back to erp at the nearest inn instead of losing my time with these trash

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i dont knowwwwwwwww
he just havent looged on ;#;

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too complex for today's instant gratification games

Bully evil lolis

>start as newbie healer in a MMO
>everyone has run the dungeons hundreds of time, but it's your first time and don't know the strats
>know that if you mess up everyone will die and you will get bullied

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this is why you start as DPS

>make sure to always shower praise on my healslut
>her happiness makes me happy
only reason I play know

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just check a guide

female elezens make me really happy


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>MMO threads reduced to FFXIV/WoW faggotry
This place is fucking dead

You are ___ cute!

Animu is a mental illness. No wonder it creates so many trannies.

>Play heal chad
>Get all the girls
>And the boys

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Am I the only tranny that plays tank instead of healer

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>no wonder it creates so many trannies
Uhh sweety? You're thinking of speedrunning.

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i play healer and only dps

Good mindset.

Bad mindset.

If you don't enjoy giving support for the sake of giving support, making anons feel fuzzy to their core by showering them with warm, affectionate heals, this class isn't for you. A good healer needs to put their heart into it, show lots of love for their party, so they can do their jobs as well as possible, benefitting everyone.

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>play as healer
>always buddy up with tank and ignore DPS cunts
>they rage when I refuse to res for their own fuck ups and leave the instance

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Trannies use animu to project themselves since they won't actually look like that

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>play DPS
Your worthless

It's just like those old PSA's tried to warn us.
>meet Billy Everyteen
>gets good grades
>captain of a sports team
>going steady with his special gal
>watches some new fangled cartoon called astro boy
>goes off the deep end
>a month later he throws out all his sports memorabilia for figures and wall scrolls
>another month later cuts off dick
A true tragedy.

This pic oozes SOUL and it makes me wanna play RO again.

Why does making others happy make me happy? What purpose?

his worthless what?

cause you're a tranny faggot

>play resto druid in wow
>cast HOTs on the tank and /follow a dps
>alt tab and play Peggle on my other monitor
>get free (you)s

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I'm not that way inclined at all. I find them repulsive and mentally ill.

I healed for a few years but healing bad players who stood in everything just made me angry. So i stopped healing and became the the dps who stood in everything its so much more relaxing now.

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oh no some poor girl forgot her purse on a park bench!
someone should really get that back to her

>die to single group mob pull
>dps asks me "wtf?"

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>Get Toto Rak
>Put Eos on auto and /follow ranged DPS
Feels good man.

>>dps asks me "wtf?"
>explain to them the mechanics of the pull and exactly how the tank fucked it up and instantly died.
>at least 1 (usually 2) of the dps backs me up.
>get the tank removed.
>get the dps who questioned me removed.

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>Be a PK'er
>make everyone hate me.
>am super happy

>Play anything in MMO
>Can't do anything yourself

What's the point?

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The answer is in MMO

Used to teleport people for money all the time with my whm in ffxi

RO healer was something else. Everyone had potions in WoE and priests actually had a difficult job instead.

How does it feel to be ghosted?