What do you think of the Resident Evil Revelations games Yea Forums? They aren't discussed a lot.
What do you think of the Resident Evil Revelations games Yea Forums? They aren't discussed a lot
2 is litty
I like the campaign of 1, cruise ship setting is great
Story for 2 sucks, hate the partner mechanic and slav setting. 2 raid mode is incredible though
I liked the atmosphere of 2. I worry that Capcom won't do anything with the Natalex plotline though.
low budget shlock. The seond is okay for what it is, the first is bad, though it's understandable that it was decently regarded on 3DS because of it#s graphics.
1 is good
2 is great
NatAlex will revive Albert
1 is a personal favorite as I love a lot of its ideas. 2 is okay, definitely the least cancerous of the co-op entries.
1 is meh
2 is okayish but the online was fun
they arent discussed a lot because they suck
they're ok. they aren't re6 bad but they aren't re4 good either.
I think that's what they're going for. However, I also think they'll kill her off immediately to give Albert center stages (Resurrect the Ancient Evil - pfft, nothing personnel/Thanks but I need your soul bs). The only way I'd be ok with it is if Albert piggybacked his consciousness along with Alex's when she transferred her own, then laying dormant until Alex makes her move to resurface, then he overwhelms her and destroys her, and we get Albert in Nat's body going forward.
I like Rev1 more than 4.
>tfw 90 hours in REvelations 2
Rev 1 is great. Only problem is the partner constantly tagging alongside.
Rev 2 is also great. Having partners with unique skills was fantastic and I wish they’d run with the concept for a new Outbreak style game. Also Barry is GOAT.
I loved 2. They finally made one that's fun in co-op but also works well in single player.
I liked 1, felt like a proper RE game the way the levels and story were designed
The co-op and difficulty in 2 was great, reminded me of classic RE and I wish it was the direction they went with instead of 7 and RE2make (which I think sucked and was okay the first time respectively, the speedrun-centric methodology you eventually adapt in RE2make kind of takes the charm out of the game)
>buy the 2nd on Playstation
>suddenly dozens of individual pieces of dlc appear on my download list
What the fuck, is this all needed?
Adult Claire in Rev 2 is hot
The game came out has episodic and the deluxe complete edition that you probably bought has a ton of extras attached.
That's how it's supposed to be.
RERev2 Raid mode is the shit, got 280 hrs in without even touching the story mode
1st game I found boring. 2nd game I haven't played a significant amount, but it seems more interesting.
Pure Barrykino
I think it's all raid mode and extra campaigns.
2 is good, 1 is alright
1 - Nice juicy Jill's ass
2 - Nice juicy Claire's ass
Cringe fanfic
should I stick with my GC REmake, or get the Origins Collection?
If you softmod a Wii you'll be able to emulate all the main entries up to RE4.
Only played the first one and thought it was pretty good. Fuck the last boss on infernal though
How's life as a contrarian?
ReV2 is low key one of my favorite entries in the series
1 had the best point a to point b missions also check out raid mode it's cool. For 2 the raid mode is more fleshed out but the campaign is in chapters (5)
Claire is the best part of RE.
Thats literally the only issue
Rev 2 is shit
I like the 1st one, the cruise shit reminded me of Cold Fear. Too few sh games take place on a floating mobile prison like that. A great setting which is usually ruined by MUH TENTACLES AND LOVECRAFT MUNSTERS. Thank God these autisms dont make it past concept phase.
One was fucking amazing. Two was garbage, I didn't even finish it.
This man speaks the truth
Why do people think Rev1 is "more horror" or like the old games? The way it's split into chapters that jump to totally different places and characters makes it more of a level based action game than even RE4 was. Was super pissed that the demo part, which I liked, is altered in the full game. And the mechanic the demo has where you can solve puzzles in realtime at the risk of letting monsters get close, is gone, replaced with the normal, lame "there's no time for that now!"
because it is
A whole gen of starvation, remember it was RE5,6 and ORC before that came out.