The weak should fear the strong

The weak should fear the strong

Attached: MHWI-Ebony_Odogaron_Screenshot_002.png (1920x1080, 3.55M)

Other urls found in this thread: Store Exclusive Sells 500k Copies Without Steam/filename/factorio

Daily reminder that they're all in.

Attached: mainart.jpg (1920x1080, 3.46M)

>Around blacks, never relax


Not lagi


I think the only ones who may not make it are Lagiacrus, Gore, and Valstrax.

why though? Is he too big?

Where are the crabs?

So are we going to see Stygian Zinogre make this wannabe his bitch or what?

time to die then

Does this redeem World?
>fucking normalfags praising capcom left and right for meeting the bare minimum in terms of content for a full price xpac

They are too lazy to port his and like 30 other ready-made and usable skeletons, using bullshit excuses like "it's too hard"

Doggo is so valiant yet he keeps getting bullied.

The new maps were too cramped for his big neck, so he was clipping into the terrain even worse than the monsters in the final game do and generally spazzing out.

is this true?

This is just the 15th anniversary promo art. But every single monster they've shown that aren't subspecies or totally new are directly off this image.


Barioth isn't a subspecies or new or a flagship.

I can't fucking wait to fight jet fuel dragon in fucking HD, god that was such a fun, cool fight.

odogaron NEGRO

You're right I completely forgot about him.

His neck was glitchy and they weren’t sure if it would be fixed in time, and they also didn’t have anywhere in the maps they were working on big enough to accomodate him.

>not make it
Time to nuke this world.

Attached: MHGU-Valstrax_Render_001a.png (1500x1324, 3.69M)

>Dragon element Zinogre gets super edgy Stygian for its title
>Dragon element Odogaron gets boring Ebony for its title
Should've called it something ridiculous like Hadal Odogaron or Jigoku Odogaron.

What monster is that on the left?

>that charge blade


Attached: 8905.png (297x271, 140K)


Our lord and savior Fatty.

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dude lol what if we like

put spikes on a normal iron weapon base


Always thought that would be a cool prefix for a subspecies. Or a cave map. Call it Hadal Hollow or something. Another good edgy name in that vein could be ‘Chthonic Odogaron’


Attached: 1813616-cotton.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Hadou Odogaron

>Fat Alice

Attached: 152505787-352-k526124.jpg (352x550, 11K)

No big open coastal maps so they shelved him
Ancient Forest is too cramped and has like 10ft of beach total
I hope for World 2 they get to spend more time making a wider variety of maps now that they have a good base of monsters to copy and paste for the next 20 games.

cool, when are we getting odogaron blanco

>Ebony Odogaron
It's a fucking black dog. Odoragon is the Barghest to Zinogre's Hellhound.

Attached: demon-dog.jpg (349x297, 29K)

I still find it odd that the Nips don’t get unique names for subspecies or rare species, they’re literally just ‘Rathalos Subspecies’ or ‘Rathalos Rare Species’. The localisation team actually made the names cooler.

>brachy is coming back
>in a game where blast is shit

Attached: 1528561973084.jpg (493x512, 56K)

>our lord and savior
That's not Shah Dalamadur.

With the first daybreak, Shah Dalamadur defined the earth by drawing the horizon.
As sunshine came a second time, Shah Dalamadur created the fields with its feathery rays.
Third came twilight, and Shah Dalamadur parted the golden waves and created land.
With the fourth celestial glow, Shah Dalamadur bared his fangs and called it the wind.
At the fifth evening glow, Shah Dalamadur created time and its coils of memory.
With the sixth fall of darkness, Shah Dalamadur wrote joyous songs to heal our hearts.
With the seventh deep night, Shah Dalamadur hewed mountains out of the darkness.
With the eighth full moon, Shah Dalamadur created pillars upon which the earth would shake.
Ninth came sunset, and Shah Dalamadur created heaven to catch the earth below.
With the tenth heat haze, Shah Dalamadur invented fantasy, to help us find reason.
With the eleventh night mist, Shah Dalamadur created the crucible of life.
With the twelfth midnight, Shah Dalamadur created a river of stars for the earth to admire.
With the thirteenth shooting stars, Shah Dalamadur gouged out caverns with his tail.
With the fourteenth sunrise, Shah Dalamadur created the light that begins everything.

Attached: MH4U-Shah_Dalamadur_Render_002.png (834x864, 1.04M)

they don't use english you fucktard

Odo is a shit monster.

They weren't too lazy to port him. They had a fully rigged, modeled and detailed Lagia model pre-release. He just didn't work in any of the maps for it to be a fun fight. Maybe the desert was open enough for him to work but he'd make literally no sense being there seeing as how he's a sea monster.

I weep

Attached: Lazy Cunt.png (855x479, 541K)

There are still better names that can get that across. Tenebrous Odogaron, Gloam Odogaron, Sombre Odogaron.
Ebony sounds really mundane and just makes me think "OH MASSA".

That’s not what I meant fucktard, they say it in Japanese obviously but they don’t get unique names.

>want to like World for its qol
>can't get over this stupid shit
Armors and new monsters are dull too

how the fuck do you know if the named sounded cool in japanese or not
you shitlord

i love how those prose actually describe the weapons
>Drawing the horizon with GS's final slash
>HH's song
>IG's jumping as "creating the heaven"

>Ebony sounds really mundane and just makes me think "OH MASSA".
FUCK now you spoiled it to me as well.

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user, please learn how to read

I lived in Japan and studied the blade for 30 years, gaijin pig. Prepare to be schooled.


I love Glamjanath

you said they made the name cooler

are those actual stripes, or that Anja was zapped really badly by lightning?

Attached: MH15.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

who's CB is that

There used to be more water in the ancient forest, judging by the video. But yeah, map variety is pretty limiting. I couldn't imagine anywhere Lagiacrus could be in the current game.

Why do his wings have to be so ugly?

Actual stripes. Dunno why an arctic dwelling Anjanath that eats the same bugs that give Zinogre his lightning adapted fucking tiger stripes of all things, but whatever works I guess. Natural selection and all that.

Cause they’re vestigial underdeveloped wings, Anjanath are flightlets and deserve to be bullied for it.

>possible new monster
Are you fucking retarded?

that's rathalos you retard

>the whole setting is on an island
>no real coastline map
>expansion is on another fucking island
>still no real coastline shown so far
they really want to fuck with us, dont they?

Poe's law, in its terrible splendor. Fucking hell, guys.

tigrex raped his mom


>PC has to wait 3+ months
>will get to transmog any armor and 5 second load times
Can't wait.

So uh, will this game ever be okay to talk about on Yea Forums or is NintendoGAF still assblassted about it? Do you think the addition of every iconic Monster in the DLC will decrease shitposting about it, or make it even worse?

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I understand why they're puny and ineffectual, but they look awful. It's like they grabbed somebody off the street and asked them to add some random detail.

Daily reminder this is a Capcom marketer.

No, they're not all in. The reason is that it's too much work for Capcom to add new skeletons.

ONLY the ones whose skeletons/rigs are already in the game are in. Brachy and Glave are basically generic remodified brute wyverns/Barroths/Deviljhos. Tigrex, Nargacuga and Barioth all share the same skeleton which was already in World.

DON'T expect actually interesting new monsters or old monsters with unique skeletons like Gore Magala, Mizu, Zinogre, Rajang, etc.

World is shit.

Thank you, bye.

Attached: NEW Flaw List.jpg (2880x3544, 3.8M)

>Here are your weapon designs bro
I wonder how they will neuter Brachydios next

Attached: 1534021118633.png (953x600, 1.11M)

>stat miwathssafr
I don't get it


It’s not rape if the perpetrator is mentally challenged, and we all know Tigrex is a fucking spastic.

You'll get your surprises alright

Attached: White Fatalis.jpg (894x894, 120K)

On one hand it's cool the game is getting real content. On the other hand fire the fucking weapon/armor designer jesus christ.

You shitposters said World only has realistic monsters for mature westeners

>top right
what bow is that? Tigrex's?

me too, what did I mean by this?


Attached: Screenshot_20190711-131729.png (2048x1101, 1.93M)

Seriously hope that is just a step before the final upgrade.
The SnS looks dope as fuck.


I didn't think they would be this generous, I was already happy seeing Glavenus back, but holy shit. what's left? Zinogre and Gore Magala? That's crazy.


Expect green bone weapons. Screencap this.

>retard acting like a retard surprised people call him out for acting like a retard
I fucking hate you all.

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His fuckin Raiden charge is the best
Also those weapons look good

>G rank Kulve is gonna happen
>Another wave of "all best weapons in the game are just recolored iron weapons"
This shit better not happen

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Attached: MHW Valfalk.webm (1280x720, 2.43M)

As I said in a different thread, I wonder if we're going to get a "skunk" big monster as the Great Girros/Great Jagras to these smaller monsters.

Attached: skunk.png (782x528, 424K)

I'm actually happy to see they change a bit more on the model than only the fucking colours with the new subspecies.
But I guess they started that with deviants.


Are you guys actually mentally ill? The largest parts of Ancient Forest is a "coastline" and Lagi would PEREFCTLY fit in and could barely clip with anything there.

It's just an excuse. They want MHW to be all generic dinos and wyverns, easy as fuck to rehash.

Attached: MHW-Ancient_Forest_Artwork_001.jpg (2000x1125, 457K)

I want that mod. Give it to me.

You're the retard in this scenario, user.

You need to be above 18 to post here.


Attached: 1557460465005.jpg (1920x1079, 602K)

Lagiacrus won't be in
Gore won't be in
Kuhsala Daora won't be in
Seregios won't be in
Valstrax won't be in
Zinogre won't be in
Fatalis won't be in
Better learn to cope now.

Attached: 2ed.png (750x750, 26K)

I know it's bait, but

>not only do they only add monsters whose skeletons they can rehash, they even make weapons generic

holy shit how do people defend this? Generic shit is the WORST thing in a video game. Things need to be individual and have SOUL unironically

>largest part
lol wat
That are just two zones of the entire map.
It MAYBE could also fight at that waterfall rocky mountain part.

I wish. Sadly the worst monster in that pic is actually in. And with him a lot of clones.

Attached: seethe.png (1000x1500, 342K)

If Lagi doesn't make it in then I'd want to see Agnaktor just to hear his clicky clacks.

These look fine, what the fuck are you on about?

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And by far the biggest, easily accounting for 1/3 of the whole locale. Lagi wouldn't need more.

Is there some kind of rule that monsters have to use at least 90% of the zones in a game? Some monsters in old games literally never used more than two or even one zone.

Look at the rathian swaxe on the left there, not to mention the rathian rathalos dual blades are back on top of other weapons having unique models is making it look more and more likely that the final upgrades in the weapon trees are the unique models

You're gonna have Metal Raths and you're gonna like it.

>"Don't think about you"
>All he does is spam about Nintendo when he sees a MH thread
eh oh el

Yeah sorry looks like I'm a retard. I haven't played the game since release since it was easy as piss and I cleared all content way too fast.

Lagi and Agnaktor are two sides of the same coin. They come as a pair.

>Kuhsala Daora

How to spot someone who doesn't play the games and comes only to shitpost.

Lagi is probably one of the most down to earth tier three monsters in the franchise faggot.

They're predictable, unsurprising, generic. I know you can't know as a newfag but in old MH EVERY weapon was completely unique, not just parts of a

Leaks have mentioned something like a fully grown xeno jiva, and I doubt that would be teased. Leaks are also starting to sound more credible after one predicted a trailer would drop today with brachy at the end.

>the majority of World's weapon design is objectively bad and way less creative compared to the rest of the series
>bingposters completely ignore this and for the sake of "HAHA TENDIES"
God I fucking hate consolewar shitters

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He's a leviathan, though, it's a different skeleton from your brute wyvern or whatever Capcom can shit out easily.



Attached: Daimyo Hermitaur.png (2817x1934, 3.43M)

So what did you think the green ticks were for exactly?

I look forward to these two posts in every MH thread.

>not a generic brute wyvern or wyvern skeleton

Nope, go play a real MH. This is MHW.


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He looks like the result of Kirin fucking an Anjanath.

>T-the WEAPONS don't look as cool!!!!
Who the fuck cares?

Let me in

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Literally no one liked that monster. Everything about it was trash.

Naturally it gets added to MHW

Gee who is behind this post?

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Anyone who didn't start with World, Worldlet

Fuck you, I love Brachy

I want
>any of the crabs
>Savage Jho

Nearly fucking everybody. Half of Monster Hunter is the equipment, 90% of the reason I grind for gear is cause it looks cool. I'm not gonna put in effort to get an iron weapon with monster skin glued onto it.

Imagine a big t-rex getting raped and impregnated by a little horse
that'd be pretty funny

To be fair I don't really care about the transitional shit I only see for 5% of my playtime and the armors all looked fin in my book.

I miss all the flowery and dramatic descriptions

I just hope they keep the old Brachy weapon designs intact.

>Game is bad
>*plays the game for over 10,000 hours*

Attached: 5MXN7SX.jpg (281x283, 13K)

Is there a consensus on the most fuckable monster?

Fuck both of you

>Tigex isn't safe
>Narga isn't safe
>Barioth isn't safe
Gee, i wonder

People think MH abandoned Nintendo....
Don't realize they are just setting up Monster Hunter Labo

Attached: Monster hunter Labo.jpg (2048x1536, 847K)

>All brutes are in World
What is this bullshit

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I'd love an insectoid monster

Where my insect bros at?

Attached: MHGU-Ahtal-Ka_Render_001.png (437x400, 698K)

>t. got shat on by big dick brachy

glad to see my friends art appreciated here, and white fatalis would be a nice surprise indeed


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A lightsocket

I'm looking forward to these two more than the flagships. Anjanath was a pretty boring fight and Odo isn't anything special despite the cool design, but these guys look the business. Also I'm a sucker for subspecies more than the original monsters themselves. Prefer their color schemes more, especially when it comes to the weapons and armor.

Attached: 3rdGen-Sand_Barioth_Render_001.png (810x741, 694K)

>narg sword and shield in the trailer looks exactly the same as before
>charge blade looks like the iron weapons with feathers strapped on
I would be really surprised if this is the final upgrade for the weapon.

Don't worry my dude, they'll use a different version of the iron skin

Looks like shit, fuck off nincel

Post leaks?


Attached: Seltas.png (800x1600, 1.81M)

ngl it would be pretty based. I actually really like the great iguanas. They're a shit ton better than the dromes and raptors imo

We already saw Narga SnS is safe.

The base game had a seemingly random mix of unique designs and bone/iron rubbish as well, though.

reddit shit

Oh shit, I love Granzort too.

Somebody unironically spent time making this.

Maybe it was just whatever assets they had finished in time for release? Hopefully not dedicating an entire team to fucking zorah magdaros means we'll get the finished product this time.

Ninceldos have nothing better to do in their life

Attached: 1515799233163.png (458x456, 79K)

Almost all unique weapons were Rank 8
I think only a few exception Rank 7 weapons were unique as well.
I always hoped/thought that with IB and new ranks, even those other weapons would get their unique design on Rank 9 or 10.

No Khezu no buy

PS4 can't handle the jet effects, let alone his Argent Comet Attack

coming from the guy who saves wojaks

Stop making shit up you know nothing about. The ps4 is the most powerful console to date, keep seething

Attached: 1518331966400.png (915x1024, 240K)

Well rank 8 weapons usually got to be unique models, but only about a third of them actually were. From what we've seen for Iceborne so far though, it's not looking that great since they've already blown their load on adding new base models for each weapon that we've already seen have the same monster feces slapped on top.

no way in hell lagi is in. they would need to add water. or maybe make it snow based and "swim" on snow.

its not happening. gimme zeltas queen!!

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i want to try out SnS
I hear elemental is generally used, like bow
What weapons do i want? (Outside of the Witcher one)
Jho for Dragon? Legi for Ice? Commision for Lightning (Or kirin?) What about fire/water


>tendie proceeds to get absolutely assblasted by wojacks by shitting his baseddiaper

So he has a name and a face huh? Time to write an angry letter asking for his resignation.

Jesus christ tendiapers are seething so much they want someone to lose their fucking job?

>no signs of Akantor and Ukanlos yet
They better be in, shovelface makes too much sense

Attached: 1562180312119.jpg (790x790, 37K)

What in the absolute F.U.C.K?

If anything only a select few weapons for each flagship will retain their original look. Can't do all of them though, HD is too expensive.

Attached: Lunastra hunting horns.png (379x302, 63K)

Thing about Lagi is they've also only shown off 1 new skeleton I think (new to world I mean). So I have doubts on stuff like apes, crabs, and bugs too, not just leviathans. But we'll see. I hope to see as much as possible of course, if not now, then in World 2 at least.

Beetlejuice and Lunastra Styx weapons are great tho

I care and I love World, retard.

forever the joke monster with the spinny breakdance move that misses even if you hug him.

no Giggi no buy

Attached: chad_gigginox.png (540x418, 87K)

>bing bing wahoo intensifies

>Can't do all of them though, HD is too expensive.
Over 10 million copies sold

You idiots are everything wrong with Yea Forums
No fun allowed, everyone has to be super serious.

The new glavernus theme is fucking garbage. Holy shit why does everyone have to be epic orchestra

>mfw they bring back Slime light as a stronger form of blast and make it Brachy exclusive

Attached: 1556813451393.gif (280x189, 835K)

Im still so mad the kirin sns doesnt look like dildo

>M rank Tigrex armor is old one instead 4U version with the cape
come on

Attached: Image213.jpg (2613x1854, 1.56M)

Mad retard.

If they actually bring back all the flagship monsters, I think we can actually consider this a reboot. The lack of a 5 in the title means something.

It wasnt even shown off you fucking retard

Attached: FBF0458EC2F04CDC937057539FE2BF91.jpg (2000x1175, 360K)

>he doesnt have ears

Those are frills user

Just don't look at the trailers if you don't wish to be spoiled

Yes it was you dumb shitposter

Attached: pc when.png (632x907, 552K)

Be prepared for maximum dissapointment

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Good for Capcom, that doesn't prove anything. Not yet at least. Honestly I want to be completely wrong because it'd be a shame to lose out on some of these kickass weapon designs. I was already cheated out of Kushala's HBG revolver not being in World, last thing I want is to be cheated out of Tigrex's LBG tank as well!

Attached: Weapon305.png (364x293, 147K)

This, Seregios and Shaggy's weapon descriptions are my favourites.

Didn't Lunastra only have unique weapons in Frontier? I remember most if not all of them just being blue Teostra weapons previously.

>A bigger, emptier, lonelier room


Attached: 2019-07-11_11-06-47.png (974x538, 1.18M)

I agree with most of this but narga isn't that fun

So will Iceborne actually be as bad as World was or will they save the series? The Iceborne beta didn't give me much hope.

It went over your head huh?

It still sounds better, fuck off

They really didn't learn anything

If they actually have access to the forge and bounties in there then people will actually use it.

Attached: forges confirmed.png (605x676, 522K)

>Waaaaah its killing the series

Attached: download.jpg (204x247, 17K)

>difficulty now scales dynamically with number of players
>you can change the wallpaper, furniture, etc. in your room
>hub facilities aren't as fucking far apart anymore and you can manage layored armor at the smithy
>weapon designs still look like shit

Attached: 1558769500289.png (643x614, 581K)

My waifu will get into World any day now

Attached: stf,small,600x600-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 161K)

so are the whatever they were called groups still limited to 50?

>returning flagship in Ancient Forest

>returning flagship in Wildspire Waste

>returning flagship in Rotten Vale

>returning flagship in Elder's Recess

>returning flagship in Coral Highlands


Dunno, I played on PC so it just uses your Steam friends lists instead.

bruh i cannot wait to hit the meat slab that doesnt react to anything for 20 minutes again

game of the year

Zinogre probably.

That Jet dragon to piss the tendies off

all those small platforms and open space to fly, perfect place for seregios


>everyone talking about anja
>nobody talking about that GS with the flaming tip
what is that

Probably Zinogre or Gore

>watch developer diary
>odogaron is prounced as oh-doh-guh-rown

Attached: 1451535487213.jpg (280x281, 23K)

>Anons were saying it was just made for the anniversary.
>They keep confirming another one every trailer.
I’m hoping Gore is next.

Glavenus GS :)))))))

How else would it be pronounced?

Is that not looking more like a Switch Axe?

Japanese grugspeak is silly, what did you expect? Glavenus' jap name is Dinovaldo which is way better

Attached: it ain't grug.jpg (330x239, 76K)

That's the rathian switch axe in sword mode.

Attached: MH4-Switch_Axe_Render_008.png (250x180, 33K)

No zammy or reggy
No buy
Your move, capcom

english spelling has always baffled me
why write it odogaron if you spell it ugh ogh bahbah

Attached: car_jam.jpg (474x318, 48K)

That's the Rathian SA

That's the Rathian Switch Axe with a proper model, looks like.
Wonder if we'll get Gold and Silver Raths, it'd make their weapons actually worth using. Silver Rath Lance was the best recolor of that design.

>Coral Highlands
Zinogre and his gay boyfriend going by the colors of the place.
>Rotten Vale
Then who is the returning one for Hoarfrost Reach?

love the colors, looks better than savage doggo

Attached: D_LvBJfUIAA6yC4.jpg (1200x675, 152K)

He's the best looking monster we've seen so far from Iceborne and he's not even new.


I've always said it as gah-ron

almost anything looks better than odogaron
doggo looks like plastic toy

People forgot Barioth really fast it seems

>Then who is the returning one for Hoarfrost Reach?
Tigrex and Brachy also have a habit of appearing in Ice zones
Then there's potentially Valfalk and Gammoth

Is that not the same?

>real content
>rehashed old monsters we've fought hundreds of times each already while new ones get stuck as low rank fodder
You're the reason why MH is fucking boring now

>that odo

Attached: black flash.jpg (1280x720, 119K)


Barioth isn't a flagship


Attached: 1496179777189.jpg (851x761, 100K)


Oh woops, flagships were the topic, ye

DB, ISG day hello

>>rehashed old monsters we've fought hundreds of times each already while new ones get stuck as low rank fodder
Isn't that what happens every gen besides when Tri came out? The majority of the new monsters are early-mid game with maybe a couple endgame ones
Then the G-Rank version upgrades some of the jobbers like Kecha Wacha significantly

Attached: tigrex mustache.png (488x1105, 713K)

Don't worry user, we never forgot about barroth

I'd be thrilled if he got in. I thought snoy chads hated the gay anime dragon?

Console war shit is the worst thing to happen to video games, you can't even criticize a game without people just yelling about how you must be a mad fanboy of [other console] and ignoring everything you say

>mmmuh SOOOONY


This tigrex feels... spicier somehow

Everyone agreed the weapons in Monster Hunter World were of a lesser quality than previous games. But Nintenbings are really clutching the "muh weapons" argument as a last bastion of seethe in these threads.

It's honestly incredibly pathetic.

Pretty much why everything past 3rd gen keeps disappointing me.
It's a real shame that 3rd gen games other than the P3rd were just one offs in bad platforms.

Also Ash Kecha was dogshit. The one good sub from 4U was tigerstripe zamtrios that did salvage a forgettable monster.

The lack of self awareness is so astounding I'm more impressed than mad.

What is the easiest weapon class in this game please help I'm a solo retard.

Attached: 779.jpg (1128x1280, 317K)

Then put him in a fucking arena and just make up some BS lore that he doesn't go out of the water anymore because of his bad experiences in 3U and hunters nowadays can't swim
It's not that hard

Take your shit taste somewhere else
I like Tigerstripe too but the direction his hitboxes come from when he jumps were total nonsense if you tried to block them, some attacks you had to be facing where he jumped from and others you had to face the center of his body, with no real rhyme or reason

I should also add that the weapons are only inferior from an aesthetic variety standpoint. In every other sense, they are superior.

It does in my book, it brings in a lot of the fan-favorites into the game and lets them benefit from shit like turf-war but also the stronger integration of environment into Monster behavior.

>Will be able to have invites to your rooms
Sounds good

You console fuckers can die in a fire, I just want him because he looks like a fun fight and it's one of the few monsters I didn't get to experience.

Charge Blade is made for you

What's that smell? Could it be? Tendies in the microwave?

World is a reboot. Get over it

Considering that most fights are lacking in ! actual ! challenge however I think it's not a worthwhile tradeoff

I'm seething cause I love World and I want it to be better. How the fuck is that a problem?

There are people here with zero interest in Monster Hunter who just want to shitpost. Half of the console wars posts don't make any sense, and the others are idiots getting caught up in it. At least they'll be drowned out when the game actually releases.

When your monster has no unique moves compared to older ice monsters other than a cartoony inflation gimmick that only turns the entire monster into a fat hitzone for quick kills you don't have a good monster. Tigerstripe made it an actual fight.
Meanwhile the other monsters only got shitty hitzone bouncing gimmicks like ash kecha and tidal naja. Let's not even mention how the 1st and 2nd Gen monsters were really badly updated. God, 4U was so shitty. Not even a console port.


>Late February 2020

Charge Blade and Bow

That's retarded. It's a game about exploring the world and tracking monsters in their own environment. They emphasized this more than any of their previous games.

Just put it in the DLC and have a section of the map where he works and it makes sense. Not doing some retard shit where "we have him here in the new world, uhhh can't tell you where we captured him though!"

Dual blades. There's a reason dual blades are always recommended to noobs

Guns are by far the simplest to control if that's what you mean, the only complexity to them is all in the pre-hunt prep. Bringing the right gun with the right ammo and the right mods and the right skills for the fight or else it can be a pain.

As far as Blademaster goes, playing hit and run with Greatsword or Hammer is super easy, and Lance only requires that you have reaction times faster than a snail.


Dude it's Odogaron Black and Ultra Instinct Anjanath, how can you not be excited!!!!! T-they they're like brand new monsters haha...

Tidal Najarala was less annoying than normal Naja if anything, since its big fucking tail rattle was the weakpoint instead of having to constantly run circles around it going for the back legs if you didn't have a gun or glaive.

Pick up CB and pretend you're good at the game.



You can invite other hunters to your room you fucking retard

How can I Bing! without a switch retard?

Bingo boingo, Mario-chan! Wahoooo

Stay there

If you were gunning it, sure. Else it was much more annoying to even hurt as a blademaster.
Not to mention how its AI loved to just walk on top of you, making you get stuck under it for a free hit from it.

>they took the metal clanking out of glav's theme

Attached: 1429565452312.gif (500x500, 971K)

>responding to shitposters who literally don't care about context

Is he wearing a kirin pelt?



Attached: 1543527475179.gif (360x260, 1.4M)

If I were made of optimism I'd hope for an arctic Lagi subspecies; it seems like the best chance he'll get of being included. Just have it swim through the snow like the shark.

Yea Forums really has gone completely to shit, huh?
There never used to be this many unironic corporate cocksuckers and blatantly underage fanboys

Bing Bing wahooo

He doesn't seem to make the metallic creaking noises when he bites his tail anymore, at least not as prominently

I always frenched them with the bugstick, ezpz, even easier in Generations with broken shit like aerial Swagaxe

I've honestly never used a gun on Najarala. Barely even touched them until I finally threw a set together for HBG in 4U when I had done every fight at least once already.
And yeah, getting caught in the coils was always the most annoying part of Najarala.
Hopefully if they ever bring back that skeleton they make a smaller monster out of it instead.

You're mom gave me a flaming tip

You're delusional if you think any shilling goes on on this website. This thread only has 100 posters in it. Yea Forums is dying.

Yea Forumsintendogaf SEETHING

Annoying in Tidal, not regular Naja.
You literally can't escape from tidal deciding to just walk on top of you, specially if you were on the ground, while the regular encircling attack both have is trivial to escape from.

Oh no! Look-a-out princess! It's a innovation in my games! Noooooooooo

Trailers have most of the sound effects edited out, too early to tell until we see it in gameplay. Plus that was only a cutscene where we saw the sharpening.
Like his big tail spin in the cutscene at the start only had the fire "swoosh" for the logo to pop in and not every other sound you'd expect to hear

For solo play, I'd say Lance or Gunlance if you're a little more competent

I actually don't see the bing bing thing anywhere but monster hunter threads

It's just a low hanging fruit I guess

Killing apex naja in 2 minutes with hbg siege was always satisfying

>Yea Forums is dying
Thank god

I didn't say anything about shills, retard

Is that be a monster behind Velkhana?

Attached: D_MeQqdX4AALzh8.jpg (536x683, 56K)

Nice fix to the reddit mustache

That's just fatty's wing

Roughly a year ago Yea Forums shitposters migrated to /vg/ threads and spammed said things with spambots. Happens until now. They've just migrated back to Yea Forums since the thread is slow now

Posters are usually a small percentage of browsers. Yea Forums's been in what, the top 400 most viewed websites for a while now? And Yea Forums is still one of the top 5 boards. I'd be more surprised if there wasn't some kind of attempt at marketing going in some cases, but 95% of it is probably shitposting and false flagging anyways.

Absolute seething

You might be right but even in the standalone gameplay segment with no music it's not there, while every other sound effect seems to be in tact.

I remember some people claiming the bow got nerfed in iceborne but seeing no number crunch proof. Anyone can backup this claim or just shit posting?

Don't listen to those other faggots they are wrong and ugly people in real life.

>corporate cocksuckers
Same thing, fuckface.

Better than a great sword shaped like a stupid kitchen knife

Oh you can definitely hear grinding there, the sounds are just muted in general. Listen to how dull the Bow sounds comapred to the usual "fwip"

The only blatant marketing I see comes from Nintendo and Bethesda.
I know that EA and Ubi were caught red-handed years ago but these types of publishers seems to have given up since everyone rightfully hates them here

the problem here is English being a retarded language

Trailers often edit things out, especially since for this one the English translator was talking over it. Either that or it's gonna be that spatial/context shit again.

Did glavenus always sound like N64 era bowser?

If Tetsu's weapons weren't garbage in stats I'd use them

500 post threads typically average around 150 ips if that. Adding it to the site was a stupid idea when all it does is promote conspiracy and give retards an excuse to derail the topic.


Or just have him not swim at all and make even more drastic changes to his moveset than P3 and XX did to make him a threat on land.

Didn't they just reuse Ivory Lagi's moveset for those?

See? This guy agrees too.

How right was this leaker?

Attached: D9LZIKQWkAEco6f.jpg (1200x784, 118K)

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Not very

No mention of Fulgur Anjanath and that Odogarion description is questionable
All the returning monsters are pretty reasonable guesses besides
>Green Plesioth

No reggy. Its trash

I haven't played 3U since it released so I have no idea. I don't even remember what they changed about his moveset other than he's more aggressive.

>No fangs

I'm having a good time too, glad we could be friends man.

>all those resources put into the multiplayer hub piled high with novelties
>still pumping out shitty modular weapons for returning monsters
I'm going to strangle the slanteye fuck behind this

Attached: 1454676776350.jpg (480x646, 81K)

Oh-a-no! Open world gameplay! Noooooo!

Go play your Bing bing

Bigger AoEs mainly
And I might be forgetting too but I think the orbiting Lightning orbs was Ivory exclusive?

We've already seen incomplete and complete versions of the Narga bow, and the actual Rathian Switch Axe design. More weapons will probably get a unique look on the very last step like the Nerg and Vaal weapons.

Attached: barioth bow comparison.jpg (1445x565, 347K)

they really shouldn't have gone so hard on the stripes. he just looks like an amateur texture mod now

iirc Ivory's moves are the big sweeping thunder breath, comboing thunder breaths, the land based super discharge, the turning bites, and I think a couple more

I think the orbiting lightning balls was a new one entirely


Attached: bibiwabtfo.jpg (1920x2160, 1.26M)

Will sand barioth be in?

Unlikely but not impossible

He's in

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Still is undisputed king of the franchise. Not just in content but in challenge as well.

Attached: infinite content.jpg (804x2120, 600K)

>bow made out of barioth and made to look like barioth
>iron bow made to resemble barioth

Give me the right's sabertooth guide on the left's bow base

I'll gladly play a game where the cosmetic shit I actually care about has some effort put into it

What a baller subspecies. Would be neutered by world though

>complete versions of the Narga bow

>But in challenge
It depends on what hunter art you use. It can either be a walk in the park or a challenge. But any game tri or newer is a walk in the park compared to FU anyway.

I use it more than every other sticker combined. It fits every situation.

Bad bait, little reason to play it with FU and 4U existing.

GU is almost as easy as World

Where would you even fight Gobul in World? The mud in WIldspire?
They'd have to rework the fight a bit to make up for no more diving.

World would've gotten actual new skeletons if it was mandated by Epic Games instead of Crapcom Store Exclusive Sells 500k Copies Without Steam/filename/factorio

Attached: listposter exposed.png (1101x364, 82K)

A MH made by Epic would have most likely been exactly Dauntless.

>king of the franchise
>doesn't play like it
At least post 4U if you're going to be praising a 3DS title.

Attached: ex bloodbath.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

Just give Lagi a separate new water arena that's not deep enough to swim in.

>Walk into DIablos roar
>Get horns up the ass


The original areas getting bland now that there’s so much detail is my ONLY complaint beyond the cutscene bullshit. If they just expand, remix, or fuck even streamline them I’ll be so happy. Seriously, even if they simplify them it will be an improvement to have an iconic “waterfal area” “plains area” etc. instead of “another spot in the woods/desert/iceland”

Hopefully World 2/MH6 on next-gen consoles scales all the maps up now that SSDs will be standard

meanwhile if he had a bushido HBG with pierce he could have just stood there and stunlocked it for the entire fight

Shame there doesn't seem to be a part of Hoarfrost that's like the bits of Frozen Seaway that were near the water

>Nargacuga will never look at your asshole that way

Why won't he love me, damn it.

Adult Gobul

Less some guy walking into a roar and more deviant diablos charges so fast if you don't have hge he gets you before you can recover, even not enraged.

Also he does so much damage he ohkos a guy in maxed out rank appropriate armor. I don't think there's a single monster in world that can ohko as long as you're wearing armor.

I kind of hope we get more monsters in areas they don't belong.
Like having pukei in the wastes for the high rank intro.
Sometimes I forget Kirin exists since I don't go to Coral Highlands enough.

Best monster waifu, GO

>ohko move in World
>GU does the same
>"This is a perfectly fine difficulty level, I like it"

You may sacrifice one of those weapon designs to World's design philosophy to keep the rest of the unique designs. Pick one.

Attached: glavenus weps.jpg (650x1820, 336K)

Why has no one said longsword? Charge Blade is literally the most complicated weapon in the game.

Maybe if he had 3 other people with hbgs

Plus ranged weapons in monster hunter have always been so much better than melee it's like cheating. The monsters just cannot handle guns. Could kill abyss lagiacrus in under a minute in 3u with 4 hbgs spamming dragon shot


To be frank, GU gets those retarded get out of jail supermoves to make up for instant kills which are up all the time compared to World's baby mantle.
Either way, shit spin-off

What are you screeching about retard there are no one hit kill moves in world

Plus shitters getting wrecked for being unprepared is a good thing

Well to be fair we supposedly have only seen a tiny part of Hoarfrost Reach. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a icy coastline area added especially for Lagi(and possibly Plesioth)

Charge Blade has a lot of options but the current most optimal way to play is to unga bunga me spam super discharge so you can ignore 75% of the moveset completely and still trash most of the game

The answer is always light bowgun. No one would even complain. Even if they did, they wouldn't have used it anyway because 90% of ranged weapons are gutter trash compared to the good ones.

Nice, sign me up.


>stand there and just let it happen when you see Bloodbath start roaring
It's your own fault if you die there. He is certainly a hard fight which I enjoy greatly, but Freedom Unite and 4 Ultimate are simply just harder games.

Besides there being several, Behemoth is all you would have need to mention. It does literally infinite damage with infinite range.

If I straight up remove all the ranged weapons from the game can I save all other weapons?

>Charge Blade is literally the most complicated weapon in the game.
Only in GU and that's because they took out the crutches and shortcuts to force you to utilize 95% of the moveset.

Attached: quick-morph guardpoint.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

If you think they're up all the time you clearly haven't played the game, and the vast majority don't save you from shit. I honestly wish people could stop butting heads about shit between games and just fucking talk about the series for the sake of it

The bowguns are shit so either one of those

>Maybe if he had 3 other people with hbgs
kek rapid fire pierce LBG with adept or just a solo bushido HBG can get the job done just fine. go search mai LBG or mai HBG on youtube if you want an entire archive of monsters getting steamrolled by sologunners.

>Why won't he love, damn it.
someday user, someday monster waifus and husbandos will happen IRL

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You always have up to 3 depending on your style and that's far more than enough. Gen is really insulting to the franchise a whole.

I'm colourblind, so I don't see a difference between the two.

You clearly haven't actually played the game user, reading a wiki doesn't give you room to talk sorry

You just know that if Nakarkos had some OHKO move that required coordinated play to avoid, they'd defend it. They seethe at behemoth being harder than anything in GU because it's a unique unconventional fight and not a reskinned diablos.

One is orange with green dots and the other is purple with pink dots.


Pukei Pukei

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I can't wait to play this 4 months late on my PC, after everything has already been seen and done on PS4

>T. jho when it was released, before all the crazy armors, one shotted you easily
>AT Kirin
>AT nergi dive bomb and new move
>AT Vaal laser beam
>ancient leshen
I have heard many complains about all of these

I want to anal pound the Handler!

Nakarkos did have his deathray but he'd usually be dead long before he got to use it
I dunno how fatal it actually is in G Rank either, never saw anyone get hit by it.

I'm going to assume you're full of shit but what do I know.

>all these fixes and evolved development

MH6/World 2 is gona be fucking nice

I did but I didn't use arts despite the game bothering me non-stop to use them to the point of using up the scarse button presses.
Didn't stop so many weapons from having a gutted guild style and the terrible monster designs from being the way they are

Pukei Pukei subspecies

Attached: hoarfrost pukei pukei.webm (720x405, 1.36M)

I like world but Jho was totally neutered. I fought him when he came out and I just had a clownsuit made up off high rank monster parts. None of his moves did over half my health.

You're actually dogshit if you can't use those crutch weapons solo with their overpowered hunter arts and achieve sub-10 minute kills on fucking any monster in the game.

World 2 on the Switch!

He was talking about Tempered Jho, which was significantly more amped up that other Tempered monsters
And Jho has never been a threat when you have late HR gear, he's only scary when you get the Pickle Surprise early into HR

>any kind of Leviathan

Nakarkos becomes invincible when near death until it fires its death ray at least once

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I wanna eskimo kiss Handler-chan!

This joke is kinda lost now that everyone is used to Pukei and rightfully sees it as cute.
Unless you consider the Hamdler cute, then what the fuck is wrong with you?

>I like world but Jho was totally neutered. I fought him when he came out and I just had a clownsuit made up off high rank monster parts. None of his moves did over half my health.
This a straight up lie.
Tempered Jho when released fucking destroyed you in terms of damage. One of the heavy attacks could one shot you without any problem.
I mean, it can almost still do that now.

>PS4 can't handle the jet effects
The good thing is that it doesn't need all of them, let the ps4 run MH long enough and you get Val's sound effects.

Thankfully PC isn't starved for games like consoles so waiting is never a problem.

Is that what that was? I thought the final blast was just part of his death animation. I had assumed it was separate from his 20 second charge up beam.

>Deviljho starts showing up and does literally half the hunt for you
>Gets bored and leaves just in time for you ti finish things off

I love that hungry boy.

>Tempered Jho when released fucking destroyed you in terms of damage
Too bad it was too slow to hit anything.

lol u honestly think this don't u

This gen has been PC getting all console leftovers even the best FPS games of the gen are console exclusive (H5,Splat2,RDR2) it's pretty sad. Thankfully 4K is great at breathing new life into old games

I really miss Jho bursting from the ground directly beneath you, it doesn't have the same effect seeing him stroll into the room in the background. At least Bazel is a massive party crasher even if the violins usually give him away before the actual surprise divebomb.
Hopefully Glaive won't be so prone on digging from one end of the zone to the other in every fucking map anymore.

Picking this up on the pisspoor4, should I be boy or girl?

>ancient leshen
You’re giving me flashbacks. I don’t know why, but that guy really fucked me up.

Not that guy but my backlog has been incompleteably massive for ages now so waiting doesn't really effect me
Plus I've got a bad habit of getting into massive timesink games.

>Fighting HR Nakarkos with a friend
>He's gotten to G Rank already and is wearing appropriate equipment
>He decides to try and face tank the death beam, thinks he can take it
>Kick back and watch as he gets completely fucking vaporised

Attached: hahahaha.png (912x1020, 843K)

If Gore and Shagaru get in i see no reason for he to not also be in.

Attached: ChromeGawain.png (1873x1307, 501K)

Ask yourself this: Do you want to look like a Kamen Rider or an armored princess?

Ancient forest
Rotten vale
Lava place
>probably fatty
Coral place
>ebony odogaron
>probably orochi kirin
>would be a good place to put zinogre
Every area should have atleast 2 new monsters + iceborne stuff

I wish Tzitzi appeared in every level. It’s fun watching him run in and flash everyone.

I can't handle a game unless it's going to give me 100hrs at least these days. Otherwise it's a waste of money

WHEN is this going to be put in? I need some goddamned lore.

Attached: equaldragonweapon.jpg (1059x753, 232K)

Are you talking about that reddit post that got confirmed fake when Barioth got revealed

I'm not a tranny, so the former.

Why is everything in World so cluttered, colorless and ugly looking?

Attached: glavenus comparison.jpg (1450x408, 582K)

You've got some wrong, Tigrex can appear in the ancient forest sometimes, and glavenus's home area is the desert

>hunter kills velkhana
>cutscene shows ice melting very rapidly
>ice reveals an abandoned structure left by the ancients
>*mechanical roar sounds
How kino would that be, get on it ryozo

Is the joke here that your post describes precisely the Cross spin-offs?

I'm only just now realising that the arm isn't actually protruding directly from its face like an elephant trunk and I like it a bit less now

on the right side, his his tail supposed to be hot there? because what the fuck that looks like shit

screencaping this for when they're all in

Based hammer bro

Is it true you can 100% solo this game if you're gud enough? I do not like playing multiplayer.

It's the easiest way to play the game barring playing with 3 other GOOD players.

It's supposed to be burnt and rusted from prolonged heat.


thanks bro

Attached: Untitled-2.jpg (2240x2872, 2.38M)

Its actually the most efficient way of playing save for behemoth and kulve



Ancient Leshen too but she's not relevant like Kulve and Behe are for gear.

I just want more lore that is not presented by that fat cunt. I hate this bitch so much. My penis would be so happy if we got a game with World mechanics, and old style lore.

Attached: kvaeaqxt10n01.jpg (640x960, 37K)

>Hidden Edge
Thank god it's back.

Attached: 1561736456591.jpg (2126x1625, 646K)

Nice narga!

Those aren't necessary to have fun and get to endgame, are they? I refuse to interact with others beyond a forum setting.

I'm a solo autist myself, yes all quests are doable solo, the only bullshit are the post-release monsters that are balanced for MP (fuck you behemoth) but you can do them solo.

Attached: 1562735611971.jpg (326x326, 45K)

It's okay as long as we all recognize hammer is best.

god why do world weapons look like shit

Oops, I didn't even connect T with tempered. I didn't play MHW past release. DLC besides Jho came out too late to keep my interest. I plan on replaying it before Iceborne comes out and do all of the postgame stuff so I hope the AT shit are all motherfuckers.

Literally no argument as usual

Get back to work, Ryozo

>yfw the Rotten Valley is just a grave for one huge Dalamadur.

No wonder why there are creation myths of them, they are fucking titans.

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the absolute state of you

No, they are endgame stuff though. Ancient Leshen is mostly fluff. Behemoth has more or less the best armor for melee weapons, but even if you can't beat it solo, you can farm the bits you need for the armor solo. Kulve has a lot of the best weapons, but eh, it's rng and iceborne is getting close anyway.

It's actually two Dalamadurs coiled together I think
There's one skull with fangs hanging off above one of the rooms you fight Radobaan in, and the other one down in the bottom at the entrance to Vaal's lair.

All the relevant stuff up to and including Behemoth (not Extreme unless you're a Bow/LS autist) is perfectly fine for solo.

The game is in general balanced for 3 players, singleplayer makes it easy sicne they have different health depending on multiplayer or singleplayer, 4 players is overpowered, 2 players is underpowered

I really like Nakarkos, but I wish his gear was less bones and more squid.


>Hidden Edge is back
please don't fuck Hidden Saber over Capcom

Attached: 1518488872204.jpg (1200x968, 81K)

Seriously how are Dalamadurs not on Fatalis tier? They literally create landscapes and destroy old ones just from moving.

Oh fuck, well that makes more sense.

Have you even got past low rank?

If you can get extremely tryhard i think its possible to kill normal behemoth by yourself, extreme behemoth is impossible because of the damage checks, and kulve can be skipped since its for farming end game stuff that no one really needs and is going to be useless once iceborne launches. All of these are optional

So basically you don't NEED to do those things to have a fulfilling endgame experience. Cool, I'll look into it if it's on sale.

who said it's heated?

Attached: 011.jpg (1920x1080, 1.82M)


Stop shilling this garbage

I do honestly think this, because it's true. I have access to thousands of games, many of which are of high quality and many of which wouldn't work on consoles for controller reasons, and permanent access to all the games I ever bought on the platform. Waiting for a game has never been a problem for me, I'm always busy playing and can always find new games when I feel like it.

You tendies are so pathetic.
Grow up.

Because Fatty is first gen and therefore has to be the bestest

Attached: 7064cede8efa33794f144be072dc81f3.jpg (636x900, 136K)

>7 minutes

Wowie zowie it's absurdly fast, completely unlike killing nerg solo in 50 seconds mashing jump attack with a bow

I recognize that face

Attached: b23.jpg (933x493, 30K)

Because Fatalis is the second poster boy of MH other than Rathalos.
Even regular monsters are way more powerful and destructive than this endboss of the first game but the devs just like to pretend that Fatalis is the strongest and that has never been canonically hunted.
All it ever did was squat on a castle.

They maybe hibernate for long periods or they usually live in areas not near human settlements?


His weapons are bone in low rank, but once you upgrade them to high rank they split into a path which is shit sharpness/affinity but really good raw, and really good sharpness and affinity but not very good raw. The first path retains the bony appearance, the second path looks more squiddy

I don't think Dalamadur is actively a fucking asshole like Fatalis is
Also stuff made from Dalamadur parts won't eventually fucking eat you

Take World
Turn it into Generations
Console wars chug on
Can't explain that

Attached: 1560201398969.jpg (500x495, 40K)

Imagine her gently jacking you off with her giant extendable venomous fangs
God damn that's hot


>go into every thread whining about Nintendo when no one brings it up
>"lmao you guys are the pathetic ones"

Wow that still looks like shit

>Turn it into Generations
Not even close


wow that's still a bing post

It’s easier to solo honestly.

bing bing wahoo etc, etc.

Oh, that's cool. I've been stuck in HR with the Gammoth and Mitzu urgents since getting help for them is a pain in the ass for some reason.

I couldn't even imagine valstrax in world

he's too damn fast and nobody could deal with his laser cannon bullshit

>turn it into Generations
But it still plays like a MH game not a knock-off
Those monster designs to get close though, fuck Capcom for bring back the XX director.

>ctrl + f bing
>67 results
I think /mhg/ is leaking again.


Not an argument, the textures are fucking garbage

Isn't it just the director of the Switch port?
Only the Anjanath recolor is particularly garish

better than on switch

objectively better than his previous model, there isn't an argument to be had

>Endgame G3 rank deviant takes longer to kill than a minmaxer killing an entry level HR boss
Even the AT stuff takes at least 5 minutes to kill now and this isn't even G rank yet. Also if you're going to compare this guy to a minmaxer shitting on a normal high rank monster that isn't even tempered, you can at least post a video of him also minmaxing and killing a normal G rank monster.

is this video still good for a new player

Literally superior in every way.

I can't imagine Valstrax without recoilless GPs in World. At least most areas in World are tight so you can keep up with its jetting-around.

Attached: 2019070115393800-2AE606B8659FEA852E0ED6470C9814D9.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

>director of a port
Not to mention that Glavenus is back.
But then, if Lavasioth can be back over so many fun Frontier monsters and actively ruined for World, Cross games can have a monster too.

Tail is objectively better in the GU model.

Im not talking about the model as a whole, the textures on the tail are fucking TRASH especially when you compare it to the rest of the body, completely unacceptable

or imagine getting coiled up by her and taking chip damage constantly from trying to escape until she takes your dick and bites it full of neurotoxin

Attached: d9am3ya-f6bc1f9d-bf2c-4b91-943e-fd27f9e6bd59.jpg (636x900, 389K)

I can't imagine Glavenus without Brave LS it's just too fun

>nintendo probably barely going to make something that could halfway handle world for their next-gen
>next-gen consoles will have SSDs and processors good enough to make a solid improvement over World for World2/6
>nintendies will still seethe while playing their bing bing wahoos children’s games for the 49th time
>the shitposting will never end
RIP monster hunter threads

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Looks fine to me. I think you’re just mad for no reason.

Please go back to /trash/


Gonna finally get to fuck up Glaive real good now that I can actually counter shit and not have to build Evade on Lance.
Fucker's got the biggest goddamn windups, pure Lance bait

You're literally the only one talking about nintendo, you have been doing it since the thread started

is there a weapon which lets me do this

Attached: Garen_E.jpg (800x450, 253K)

>only addressing one half of the problem
Don't act like you bingposters are any better. Both you consolewar faggots are what make these threads unbearable.


>Nintendo fans are the only ones shitposting
lol how can you be this hysterical

>3 minutes to kill a grank monster

K. It took him 7 and a half to kill diablos with a melee weapon btw. Guns are and always were retardedly overpowered

>that left arm rigging