Will you be picking up dragon quest builders 2 tonight/tomorrow?
Will you be picking up dragon quest builders 2 tonight/tomorrow?
i liked the first one alot and online multiplayer sounds like a great improvement
i dont want to give sony any money, and the switch version runs at 15fps
I'll wait until it comes down in price, which is usual for me because I'm a cheapass.
I honestly wish I had the money. I'd probably get it for Switch.
>Unfortunately, the enjoyable visuals are hamstrung by the subpar performance, which perhaps explains the lack of local co-op. For much of the time, Dragon Quest Builders 2 sticks to a solid 30 FPS, but if you run too fast in the overworld or there are too many moving parts on screen at once, that number drops noticeably. It never affects the gameplay experience too much, but you’re always aware when a drop occurs and you can practically hear the chugging going on behind the scenes. Those of you that are bothered by this sort of thing may want to wait for an optimization patch or two to go out, but the lacklustre performance only proves to be a minor annoyance in an otherwise fun game.
Been playing it since Tuesday night, it's fun.
I was planning on it, but I found out the Switch version is shit so I got Minecraft instead.
Already arrived, it's fun but the quest progression route was frustrating during one part in the farming area and I hope I dont encounter something like that for a while.
Considering it. Didn’t play the first but everyone is gushing over how much of an improvement this one is over the first. Someone convince me to pick it up. Never played a Minecraft.
>Those of you that are bothered by this sort of thing may want to wait for an optimization patch or two to go out
The US version comes pre-patched with 1.5.1, it's not getting anymore patches.
The performance is bad but it's nowhere near as bad as Builders 1 on PSVita if you're familiar with that game. I'm on the 2nd major island and the game is playable. It's not Xenoblade Chronicles 2 in handheld mode tier bad.
wait, why is it shit?
If I did, it would be for the switch, undocked.
I have a feeling it would be a poorly optimized experience though.
Good one.
why is this shit so bad on the switch? I really don't feel like playing it on my ps4
The handheld performance is not any worse than docked, but the resolution is definitely lower. It's 720p docked so I have no idea what it runs at in handheld. Seems to be 30fps with drops during intensive scenes in both modes. I've been playing mostly handheld so far and it's playable.
The Switch version is already patched to 1.6.0.
>may want to wait for an optimization patch or two to go out
>an optimization patch or two
>optimization patch
We all know this ain't hapening, it's been out for over a year already, what we have now is most likely what they believe to be exceptable, performance wise.
so it's just graphics whores that are upset?
Yeah sure I can't wait to play it on Vita... oh wait. Nevermind.
Is it? Damn, I need to download the patch then.
Switch was confirmed to have smaller zones and a significantly lower draw distance. Other than that, and more jaggies, they are about the same.
>The performance is bad but it's nowhere near as bad as Builders 1 on PSVita if you're familiar with that game
I've been considering buying Builders 1 on Vita when it goes on sale, what's the problem with it?
More like people who care about performance. 720p in handheld is perfectly fine, nobody cares. But sub-30FPS is not, this shit is running slightly better than the PSVita version that's how terrible it is on Switch. I got the game free and I'm almost tempted to buy it on PS4 instead but I want to play on the go...
DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2[010042000A986800][US][v65536].nsp
Why would I buy Minecraft (but worse) again
No brown bricks
the thing that's killing me is it seems you can't invite people to your world kid of like animal crossing and go around killing shit. Spent like 7 hours playing I was so addicted. I had no idea it had Animal Crossing / Harvest Moon shit in this game like making a farm.
Yes. The first game was my favorite game that year.
actually if you overclock it with lolicon and boost the performance with vitagrafix it runs great
Does it really dip below 20fps or is that a meme? Switch version.
The demo wasn't too bad imo.
By that logic just overclock the Switch version as well if you're going to use a modified console.
Below 20 is fairly rare, but around 25~ is fairly common the moment shit is happening on the screen.
Oh shit this reminds me i wanna get a new TV and add it to my desk so I can move the PS4 next to my PC... what TV am I buying, Yea Forums?
Yeah it's fucking bad. I'm extremely tolerable with shit fpa but this is too far. Get the PS4 version or wait if they ever patch the switch version.
Skip a few minutes.
I can live with 25.
Fuck, I don't have a TV right now and it already shipped. I hope the sub 20 drops aren't too common.
>make game
>plays great, looks nice visually and the performance is solid
>make sequel
>despite being a pretty simple retread using the same engine, the game now has pretty bad performance rather frequently
Why was this allowed?
I really liked the first DQB, but I feel like $60 is asking too much for it desu. I would buy it at $40, but not much more.
Maybe. I'm unsure about the whole dualist mechanix
lol at all the reviews/gameplay videos with switch gameplay and they say “dips here and there” its fucking running at 20 fps
I think handheld mode runs better though, but I havn't tested yet.
I played xenoblade chronicles 2 handheld for 200 hours+ and i enjoyed it, this whole performance on switch is shit means nothing to me.
If i want good gwafix i have my PC.
I want to blame Koei Tecmo.
Is the building area you're given for your bases gonna be bigger? I've been playing the first one and my intense urge to build bigger and bigger fortresses has made everything really fucking claustrophobic now that I'm in the final chapter.
Same cherry picked video posted in every thread. could you be more obvious.
>wait for an optimization patch or two
the game came out in japan last year
they're not suddenly going to fix the performance a year later
>cherry picked
>30 minutes long
>cherry picked
Does it matter? They use it because it's the video that shows it off the best. The framerate drop is awful, and I don't even usually care about shit like that, but given that I'm buying the game almost exclusively to spend the postgame building giant castles and dungeons and shit, all I need to see is one video to know my money is better spent on the PS4 version, or not at all.
yeah I think so
30 minutes isn't that big of a portion of this game
what do you gain from being willfully obtuse?
Is it longer than the first one? Are there chapters again, where you start new every time?
when does the fawkin preload go live
People here are mostly retarded, especially when it comes to discussing framerate. Between all the 30FPS apologist or the "I'm fine with few dips in 20's" or "your exemple is cherry picked", discussions never ends. Performances on Switch are garbage that's it. Even for FREE I ask myself if I shouldn't play on PS4 instead, that's how fucking bad it is. I cannot imagine anyone who spent money on that.
It's a fucking sub-2GB game, you don't need to "preload" shit unless you live in a third world country. Takes 2 minutes to download top.
Never thought that the guys who memed 25fpsstation 4 to death now get ultra defensive when the same is happening to them.
But you asked when the preload goes live.
Next time ask when the preload is going to be unlocked or playable. Asking when preload goes live != when is the game playable.
Do the online features require paying the subscription?
Did they remove ghosts? So annoying.
Yes, I will be. This is actually the first game I've pre-ordered since I was around 8 years old.
I'm getting Lethal League Blaze instead
Is digital the only way to get those preorder items? Kinda wanted the disc since I own the first one that way as well.
semantic snowflake conservatives
Would've picked it up if the Switch version wasn't as bad as it is. I'd get it on PS4 but I feel like I won't play it as much.
Why aren't you pirating?
I wanted to pirate but holy fuck it just runs like shit on Switch.
I'm already playing it
After trying the Switch demo I said fuck that and bought Stardew Valley instead. Seems very good.
The switch is just a weak machine any way you slice it.
No one is reporting this as being a problem with the sequel, it is a problem with the Switch port specifically. The switch just can't handle it.
I'm glad they gave you a shit version instead of compromising the entire game.
so is it the ones pirated the game who are defending this shit port lol
>was looking forward to this for months
>makes the Switch fans spin like crazy
>with frame drops
I'm bummed out Yea Forumsros.
this. I love my Switch but I would have to be high off my fucking ass to buy anything 3rd-party for it
Too many games are coming out in the last few weeks, I'll wait for a discount.
I pirated way back when the jap version got out and the framerate was noticeably bad in spots but i thought they would patch it eventually, guess not.
I just hope that the mecha game gets fixed since the demo for it was much much worse than this, if that version is bad there's no fucking other alternative.
Switch version runs like shit and I don't buy games for my ps4 anymore.
Just hoping to god it gets a PC port at this point.
Yeah, absolutely. I already purchased a copy with Super Mario Maker 2 when I bought the Switch game voucher. I normally don't pre-order anything, but the game has been out in Japan for months and most who loved the first game absolutely love this one too, not to mention all those much needed changes.
I did play the demo, but it was pretty boring because of how long drawn out the tutorial phase is and how limiting it is compared to the first game's demo.
No because I have not played the first one outside of a demo
There is massively more room to build. You're no longer limited to the small patches of light, and you can build up and down higher and lower than in DQB1.
It is longer. You do not start anew in new chapters. You have a huge main base that you work on over the course of the game in addition to having other builds on other islands.
Ghosts might still be there, but you no longer take damage from touching enemies and you have a constant buddy who kills things for you so I imagine that no ghost would ever pose a problem.
You don't need to play the first one to play the second. It's not a direct sequel to the first Builders.
You have one huge island as your base this time round and the the heights are increased.
I really don’t understand people who harp on FPS so much. I still play Zelda on N64 at around 18 fps. Sure it’s not great, but it doesn’t ruin a game for me.
pretty much. cinema is shot at 24fps so 30fps isn't as horrendous as people like to pretend it is. 60fps gives the "soap opera" effect. and the performance drop isn't the huge noticeable thing that the pcmasterrace trannies present it as
My girl is getting me it for my birthday WHICH is tomorrow as well, woohoo
>60fps gives the "soap opera" effect.
this level of retardation is very sad. please never try to post authoritatively again
This thread is so bonkers that I'm not sure if abhorrent posts like these come from snoyfags or nintendies.
How is character customization in this game? Can I play looking like other DQ party members?
It isn't really Minecraft, the game is more of an action RPG with building elements just move the quests along
Never played the first one, I'm interested in this one, is it good though ?
>”I-I don’t want to play on ps4 because snoy!!!
man I thought dqbros were better than this
neither im a souljagame chad
You can be male or femal; change your skin, hair, and eye color; choose one of four hairstyles per gender (some hairstyles are DLC); and equipment is shown on your person.
When you say 1 of 4, are 2 of those the ones you get from having a dqb1 save file?
There's the default hair, the DQB1 hair, a casual hairstyle that comes with the swimsuit DLC (ponytails), and a formal/stylish hairstyle that comes with the tuxedo DLC.
Are all DLC already available? And are they any good outside of cosmetics?
All the DLC is good if you want more building options. The aquarium DLC is the big one for me.
I believe the DLC release is being staggered for the localization, like it was for the JP game, but I'm not 100% certain. You'll know tomorrow if the DLC is available or not.
Can't wait to take advantage of it finally having online and build large areas with my many, many friends.
I’m assuming you have to actually know the players to play with other people? Would be cool if some /vg/ threads got different people to join and play around with. I might actually buy the online service now.
Is this the formal hairstyle?
Yes. That is the female formal style.
I've assumed the same. It would be nice if it had open 'rooms' to jump into, I'm a terribly inefficent builder and could do with copycatting methods. /vg/ would be cool too though, I didn't even know there was a general for DQ over there.
I won’t get the PS4 version because fuck snoy and remote play sucks. But fuck me why’d the switch version have to apparently shit the bed.
If you actually care about FPS you're probably one of those "gamer" faggots I keep hearing about that prefer hand holding movies over using their imagination.
Why support CensorStation4 when you can have a game that was designed for portable play. Even DQB1 was designed for handheld with the Vita.
If a game doesnt run 60fps in 4k, HD graphics, people shit on it. But it's okay if game like minecraft, fortnite, WoW is low res, get prised and no one give a shit.
The multiplayer is post game and the story is long as hell. I've been playing non stop since tuesday and there's no end in sight.
I just want to unlock free mode multiplayer on the main island so I can play with my friend who is trying to do the same. The story is meh btw, there is not much freedom. It's very linear and you're forced to build everything to the npcs specifications. You can add your own flare to buildings but they have to be made out of specific materials and have items placed in exactly the right spots for the blueprints to work.
Graphicfags are the reason why games are 100GB.
>If you actually care about FPS you're probably one of those "gamer" faggots I keep hearing about that prefer hand holding movies over using their imagination.
but aren't movie games the ones with poor fps? Why are nintendofags suddenly using arguments from snoys, what the fuck is going on in this thread
You are making your character be a cute brown girl with light coloured eyes, right Yea Forums?
No. Malroth is all the delicious brown I need.
>people defending this game running at sub 20 FPS
yes, and her name is sélène.
sugoi desu ne
It runs at 60fps on PS4.
>I won’t get the PS4 version because fuck snoy
Enjoy your broken port
You should never be too stingy with your dose of brown user.
Cute! Would collect ore for.
>wanting a stable 30 fps is graphics whoring
Jesus fuck you all have low standards
>snoystation 4 or nintendo slideshow
just fucking put this on PC already, whose keeping this game console exclusive
I pirated it days ago buddy.
60 FPS was the standard for many many years on consoles and still is the minimum accepted on PC. If you play PC at 144 FPS, you're going to notice a dip to 18 FPS on your shit console.
Probably the one reason I don't play at 144 FPS.
Enjoy paying 60 USD + tip for all the DLC while I play for free
Yep, mine's already on the way!
Nintendo doesn't make movie games.
Reminder masterpieces like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark and all those old n64 games ran sub 30fps. Even when a game like Mario Galaxy ran at 60fps it would be "gamer" faggots complaining "well, it only does 480p so HA".
No, I'm gonna self insert as "Goku No. 4"
>letting FPS control your life
Did the first Builders have this issue on Switch? I played it and don't remember being bothered in a practical sense (I'm used to buggy shit since the old days) so if it had the same issues, then I can probably enjoy this one as well.
Dragon Quest games are badly optimized on the Switch
Bro, at no point has 60fps been the standard. Especially with movie shit games on 360 and PS3. 60FPS is a "standard" due to most televisions being 59.9Hz at the time after Europe started ditching their 50Hz PAL.
The Ghosts are fairly dangerous this time around, but are scared away by light. Just keep things lit, and they run.
Yes. Brown skin, white hair and green eyes.
You can jump to other people's islands, and there's a blueprint tool that you can literally copy their builds. Just drop the blueprint, fill a chest with the supplies, and your residents will build it for you.
Also, slowdowns and framerate hiccup has been a thing since forever, hardly a new phenomenon.
The massive blueprints in story are my biggest dislike. Has the fun of the first was building your own town there, and own defense mechanisms. Sure, I can do that on my own island, but not to defend against huge boss waves and such like the story.
How do the defense mechanisms even work? I remember getting spike walls early on in the farm chapter, placing them all around my village, and then having monsters just run over them while taking 0 damage.
Was easier to just bum rush the hordes before they were able to set foot in the village.
Yeah, those are just decor. Only a few things actually do damage, like iron floor spikes, evil idols, ballista, flame traps.
I got it preordered on amazon, was going to get it and play right after work but I had to be ill so I need to wait several more hours now. Atleast I'll be able to play it longer before work maybe.
First console game I've bought in over a year.
That's a sidestep on the question intended to create disappointment. I don't want to know how they perform on each console. I wanted to know how it performs in comparison to the first game on the same console which is a reference point for me.
I had fun with the demo of the original but never picked it up
Might pick this up though, I have nothing else going on
Sony doesn't get money when you buy a game you dumbshit
>anyone but snoibois defending 25 fps this agressively
The world must be ending
Imagine being this fucking retarded that you don't understand what "Livened by Sony" means.
Go watch an eceleb.
go dilate
>no DQ Builders on PC
It would play better on PC though. Enjoyed the first game on muh Switch.
Noticeably worse then, because they tried to expand on it when the system could barely contain it in the first outing.
Designed for based controllers. If you don't PC + Switch you've fucked up.
Hopefully it gets a PC port, but if it doesn't, I'll get the Switch version.
I just said I enjoyed the first game on my Switch. I'd just rather play it on PC.
Why is everyone fighting, why can't we all be friends? :(
Don't get me wrong though, I'm going to pick it up on Switch eventually but I need to start working on my backlog before I start anything new.
waiting for pc, i'm the only one retarded enough to buy a switch and i only have interest in coop
This thread was made in bad faith to start with. Notice all the people talking about the Switch FPS problem without mentioning it is a Switch exclusive problem. Those are nintendo fans that don't realize the game came out on multiple platforms. Then when you have confirmed reports of the Switch version being shite they say they are still going to buy it, just to spite "SNOY."
This isn't a DQ thread, this is a Switch thread. Notice how disruptive and cantankerous the posts are. I struggle to see how these people can enjoy gaming as a hobby the way they act.
I only ever have to fill out captchas in nintendo threads, some of the diction is tripping spam filters most likely. Take that to mean what you will.
Wait that’s today? Shit I have it paid off but I don’t have time to grab it
very interested in it and dragon quest as a whole
will i enjoy it if i have only played the first few hours for dq3 but plan on diving deeper into dq
>reddit spacing
I'm pretty done buying third party on switch unless I'm absolutely sure performance is the same on all platforms.
Yep. Right when I come back home from work. It's gonna be a pretty comfy weekend.
If you like the DQ meme style, or questy style building games then yes. The first was a great game, and I've only played a few DQs, and never minecraft.
Was it weird to anyone else in DQB1 how mean Rubiss was? Most godly beings in DQ are heartwarmingly nice to an almost absurd degree. This bitch was very mean with the "you are not a hero." line.
I don't think it was reverse motivation. I think she meant it. She would have killed us to stop us if she could, I'd gather.
Seemed very weird for a DQ game, who localized that one?
Can you repeat the question
I know it's out on other consoles, I just have a powerful enough computer that I never saw a reason and still don't see a reason to get a PS4.
I got a switch to play smash with friends, and eventually Rune Factory 4 and 5
If this came out for PC i would complain, I'm just disappointed that the only option available to me, on a portable system that seems perfect for this style of game, isn't very well optimized for it.
Because it’s Minecraft (but better)
I wouldn't complain*
She was trying to protect you, like "this isn't your job, just live and be happy", because she knew what would happen when you fought the DragonLord. And as a deity, she's out of touch and doesn't handle rejection well, is all.
>unless I'm absolutely sure performance is the same on all platforms.
Well then you're done forever because the Switch is really weak hardware compared to all the other platforms, even ignoring that it is the odd one out architecture-wise which adds extra difficulty for porting. It's a tradeoff for the unique portability it offers, but Switch ports are always going to "perform" worse, either in terms of having a slower framerate for similar graphics or a solid framerate but significant graphical downgrades. There isn't any getting around it.
Personally I think you should just focus on whether the framerate is smooth and playable and accept any other downgrades as tradeoffs for playing on the go. Because if you didn't care about that wtf would even be the point of having a Switch at all? That's the core purpose of it and why all the tradeoffs exist. It's not like stuff looking worse then on other platforms is the end of the world, modern games can still look just fine overall with decent art design.
I was gonna say I'd grab it next month because I'm poor this month after the Steam Sale, Mario Maker 2, CTR and Shadowbringers, but next month has Metal Wolf Chaos and Astral Chain
I'm not used to so many good games actually being released
My copy came early. Based Amazon.
I get that. Empyrea had the same thing going on but was motherly. God himself had the same thing going on and was fatherly.
She was strangely abrasive for a DQ diety is all I'm saying.
I was waiting for that whole thing to be a trick by the DragonLord but it wasn't, I liked his trick and the "half the world" bit though. DQ1 having an If... style breaking point built into it is so perfect for spinoff games.
Something about Rubiss just doesn't sit right.
they're the one shitting up the place, like alwyas.
I am waiting (and not patiently). I literally buy consoles for DQ games so a new one is like I'm a child again. I've been feeling the itch to replay DQB again to do the speedrun challenges, but haven't knowing this will be out in a day now(!) and will be infinitely superior to the first one.
Imagine how insane DQXII is going to be with the amazing foundation XI set for them.
I'll be nice and loving if you let me visit your island when it's out user.
I preordered the Switch version since the first games was good on Switch
>Low res
Meh, this is DQB, not Crysis
>Frame drops
Meh, this is DQB, not Street Fighter
>Smaller areas
F-fuck, I fucked up
Buy it used then, you big thicky dumb dumb.
Yeah, I see your point.
>owning a piss4
Where do you get the smaller areas from? That's the same as PS4
Draw distance is just lesser so the overall area seems smaller when it isn't.
Still shouldn't have been a problem.
>being a faggot displaying "loyalty" to a fucking megacorp and depriving themselves of the best console of the gen
>Smaller areas
When was that confirmed? None of the comparisons mention that.
Good goy suck that cock
the multiplayer is literally just visit someone elses 1 island. can't bring anything back after visit is done. kinda disappointing
>being a faggot displaying "loyalty" to a fucking megacorp
Woah now, when did he do that?
Serena! please put something more respectable on!
I love you, Rocket.
I have 150 hours in the first game. It's one of the most chill fun enjoyable relaxing games I've ever played in my life. It's cute, colorful, I love it.
And DQB2 supposedly makes huge improvements to the gameplay. I pre-ordered it.
Can't fucking wait.
You can bring back blueprints and ideas.
can you at least destroy their shit?
Did anyone else notice the audio pops in the soundtrack of the first game?
Once I did I had to make the Slime Immemorial thing as fast as I could on every island.
People can set permissions for things like that per island. So some you can destroy, some you can't.
>So some you can destroy, some you can't.
99.9% you can't, the remaining 0.1% is not fun to mess with.
Let me into your base for tea and the humble saintly set will be equipped.
>autistic 'edgybois'
stick to minecraft
My Switch isn't Jailbroken/Homebrewed/Whatever.
Thank you. I appreciate the help. I don't have a PS4 so it was never an option for me.
thats better than nothing at least. You guys recommend ps4 version for online play or switch for couch co op? Not sure how much of a difference these modes are
>couch co op
you do this on purpose, do you?
The multiplayer apparently sucks which is a huge bummer.
First game was like crack cocaine for me, so I wanna finish a couple of other games first before I lose myself in DQB2.
I think I'm gonna make this my comfy autumn game.
Pre-ordered through amazon
I am fucking HYPED
Are there ships in this game? Or just tiny rowboats?
PS4 had dips sometimes in free build too. It was only noticeable when you were knee deep in a 20block high structure trying to pan the camera really fast though.
I'm hearing the switch version is beyond fucked, so you lot have my sympathy.
why did you put a qualifier before co-op? Co-op implies being in the same room.
>switchfag is going to mention bed co op like that is something normal people do
You can build a ship if you want.
And the game starts on a ship.
But is it actually pilotable, or just like a sculpted building?
Is the ship sailable or is it just blocks that look like a ship sitting in a puddle?
my gf has a switch and is the one getting the game, calm your panties little one. I don't like the switch either but its rare we can actually play a game we want together
Life is a game you chose to play together you simpleton.
That's just a building though.
will i enjoy it if i have interest in the dq style and dq as a whole, but havent played the games yet? or does it spend a lot of time referencing the past games
hope you have two(2) switch then, cause there's no such thing as local co op on the same switch.
There's no water exploration in this game, it's not Minecraft. You also can't dig anywhere near as deep as you can in Minecraft and there are no random underground caves so there's no point anyway. All the caves are hand placed and usually have an obvious above ground opening.
If you are going into this game expecting Minecraft with Dragon Quest tacked on you will be very disappointed. It's the other way around.
You can explore under the water. There's just no boat/sailing world-spanning exploration.
ahhh didn't realize, thanks
That's too bad. I'm kind of used to it since I used to break Jak 2 regularly as a kid but I guess I'll see soon enough how bad it really is.
Normally I avoid bad performance but since they are really annoyingly stupid about not putting it on PC, I guess it's this or nothing.
On the coast and in rivers, yes. The only sailing to other islands you do is scripted story stuff though.
Ahh gotcha. Well I enjoy DQ enough that I’ll give the game a shot. I’ve been looking for a comfy game anyway lately.
You'll be fine it's self contained, and generally, aside from dragon quest heroes, you can go in any dragon quest without having played any of the other entries, no problem.
I played the first one and loved it. My post was genuine. I was honestly curious is the boat was controllable as a boat, as that would be a massive tech advancement from the first game.
Did they remove or rework the motorcycle so it isn't a cumbersome bother this time?
so this game is out in a little bit more than an hour for eurochads right?
The new vehicle is better than the bashmobile.
awesome. Any flying vehicles?
Nope, but you do get very effective glider cape. You can also build minecart rails through the sky.
Anyone who unironically uses the term “snoy” is either a seething PCmutt or a Nincel, it’s not DQ fans.
>thru the sky
Did they add antigrav blocks?! So I don't have to put pillars everywhere for my coasters?
All I really want is as many roof tiles as there are different wall blocks. The single red roof tile type in the first game was kind of weak.
Comfy bedtime/lunchbreak play would be nice, but I'm a bit on the fence about the Snibtendor performance.
I mean 30 fps doesn't bother me, especially on portable and for a more slow experience, but if it isn't consistent, thats an issue for sure.
digital or physical?
If you're still in the thread, qould you happen to have a pic of the male formal style? I can't find it.
You can change the color of many items in this game, including roof tiles.
I guess on the topic of Dragon Quest Horii during the DQ9 live stream mentioned how he wanted to make a remake with Switch as the main platform.
They said that they wanted it on mobile but majority of people kept telling them to make it Switch first and use mobile for a companion app.
Fucking amazing. This is all I really wanted from the first game, more variety. Once I had found a nice house template in free mode I really had to find some new reason to deviate from it.
I'm reading the chapter setting isn't there either but islands still are. I'm happy about the chapter setup being nixxed but bummed to hear they are still using islands.
Are the islands at least a new template? It really felt like every island called from a very generic template in the first game, they were all the same shape.
See the video, around the 1hr 2min mark.
then pokemon lets go happened then DQwalk was announced.
You can see how easy it all falls into place. Japs don't think of new things often, its just incestuous stealing for generations on end.
already preloaded and have all day tomorrow to play
anybody knows if the stackable slime is a preorder bonus for switchchads?
it's not listed anywhere on the eshop but it is on the PSN
it's not, literal drama queen
the battery life sucks in portable mode but ALL versions suffer from slight lag spikes at random times
if i wanted to play minecraft 2 i would probably buy it
Just false. There aren't any reports of the PS4 version suffering like the Switch. The game has been out for a year in japan.
>all these fags trying to discourage people from getting the superior Switch version
Reminder that today is the last day to get the pre order stuff on the eshop.
Not sure what platform to get it on. Seems like a comfy game on Switch, but it'll probably run like shit.
what are the preorder stuff you get? i have an extra voucher i haven't used
With new switches you literally can’t because the exploit was patched
you people aren't even getting a physical copy. I pre-ordered on PS4 specifically for the physical.
play the demo and fund out for yourself, it runs fine on portable mode. of course not as smooth as the ps4 version but people really are over blowing the switch performance
It isn't even similar to Minecraft. The building is there, but it isn't the focus at all. Doing quests and killing monsters is the main goal, building just happens when an NPC asks you to
>all these fags trying to encourage people getting the inferior switch version
>most likely the same people who shit on ps4 games from running at 30 fps
Hipocrisy is one hell of a drug
I really liked the first one and wish it wasn't so still on replay, but the switch demo had big fps issues so I'm gonna wait a a bit
gotta get MUA3 this month anyway
I think its some other abstract kind of feel leading to it. Something about random slowdown happening in an extremely laid back version of an already laid back franchise just ruins the feels that come from playing such a game.
rent free
DQB2 is better than Minecraft, shitposter-kun.
does this make DQ Builders 2 the highest rated single player Square Enix game of this console generation?
Can someone give me a run down on the series or game itself?
If I get it, it would have to be the ps4 version.
The Switch version apparently gets real choppy in later areas, PS4 is better in this case, unless you have lots of friends with Switches who are getting this game for the Switch that you plan on playing it with.
>saying this on thread full of paranoid and defensive switch fags
It's an RPG with block building elements. Involves building, combat, crafting, farming, exploring, and the like. You dont need to play any other entries in the series to grasp DQB2, although it canonically takes place after DQ2. The Big Bad God of Destruction of DQ2 was defeated, but a new cult has risen in his name and sets the stage for the plot of DQB2. Is there anything specific you want to know?
>he doesn't already have it on switch..........
fucking snoy
literally rent free
Playing pic related right now. At the very end. About to punch a hole in the wall if I get one more random encounter.
>literally on thread where switch fags heads are full of snoy
seething of the millenium
Seconding this
>buy it digital because i can get from american psn cards for a fraction of the price
>forget that buying american means i have to wait until the american midnight which is 5am here.
all official information regarding this conflicts with eachother and not even asking SE or Nintendo directly have yielded a clear answer
Nah, I bought EDF 5 instead.
i think so, at least it's what it is said on the eu eshop
Its minecraft and the jrpg mold smashed into one. As a series it revels in and properly values the dozens of potential hours you will be clocking in so you might as well sit back and enjoy every minute of it, soaking up every aspect that is masterfully constructed for your pleasure.
The games aren't just products for you to enjoy. Think closer to the ethos Walt Disney had when envisioning Disney Land - a grand setpiece for your enjoyment and betterment, all because he really wanted there to be a place like that for you.
Did they not add the bell or its equivolant functional item into DQ by II?
Ornamental medicinal herb
Ornamental chimera wing
Pixelated protagonist
Pixelated prince
Pixelated princess
Legendary line art
Dragon Quest logo
Soul sigil block
Water sigil block
Moon sigil block
Star sigil block
Sun sigil block
Which I can only assume are decoration things.
I got the first game digital on PS4 and physical on Switch. Shut the heck up.
How fucked is the UI this time compared to last time? I heard there's already a fullscreen bug.
I went and verified, stackable slime is indeed a preorder incentive on switch.
The what now?
This is the worst in the main series.
>10 fps
>Superior version
Why don't Square expands this franchise by making it go digital like Minecraft and cheaper?
there is usually a consumable or reuseable key item/skill that will make random encounters not happen. Maybe I'm having a stroke and DQ only has stuff that makes encounters more frequent.
I haven't played II even though I should. I only played I from the trilogy and that felt more like a puzzle game than an rpg.
The PS4 is probably 20fps, no much difference there
It's usually a skill and I don't think it started until 3 (and even that required a particular class) but I didn't play 1 and 2.
4 was when it really got going I think.
The new buggy car is flyable, maybe only post-game. Trying to find the video of it in the free build island, but failing
i havent had any trouble with it so far
it bugs out if you try to use borderless gaming and use borderless fullscreen and alt tab but nothing game breaking
>100% improvement isn't much difference
Alright who’s the sick son of a slut who put all these pitfall traps around this maze area. I mean 4 by the fucking exit stairs! Fuck you. (They were invisible prior to me falling through).
No it isn't console pleb. I know you're used to see powerpoint screens as games but only console plebs would think there's a difference between 10 fps and 20.
If you aren't at least at 30, you don't even have the right to talk and 60 is the minimum point to talk with the big boys.
Also can befriend a chimera, and have it fly you around.
Fuck Snoyny
PS4 is 30 fps with a few drops, Switch version runs like shit, cope harder PCmutt.
just a heads up for eu bros, it's unlocked on switch.
ps4 is 60
Even better, PC poorfags on suicide watch.
Is there local co-op? Either way I'm getting it.
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Dragon Qust Builders 2
I'm tired of building. Can't the developers get off their lazy asses and build the game themselves? I just want to play.
The whole game is frustrating right to the end. The final boss is capable of casting fullheal btw
That's wrong tho.
>dqb1 sells the best on the switch
>is optimized well and runs well on the system
>isn't optimized well at all on the switch and runs terribly
Fucking why?
does anyone want fo play dragon quest builders 2 (ps4) with me later
I'm betting it's just because they wanted the Switch version to look good in screenshots. They probably could have made it run well if they turned off some lighting effects and lowered the resolution in docked mode.
Goddess. Please tell me that’s a joke. I’m just trying to get the fuck out of this cave. DQ1 wasn’t nearly as bad.
The switchildren were making it look like a 5 fps difference.
This is just sad.
stackable slime is listed in the EU eshop but not in the NA eshop, i purchased the game and even in the receipt it's missing, FUCK YOU NINTENDO GIVE ME MY SLIME RECIPE
The structure of the game changed. It is larger scale on every axis. The switch could handle what the first game was doing, but can't now that is expanded upon.
Its easy to understand.
Is this the only way to get this stuff? I'd want a physical copy. Not some digital one.
i'd love to build you a giant penis on your island but i bought the switch version to play in bed
I think you can't co-op cross platform, but you CAN visit their island. And if they have build permitted, them possibly you could, not sure.
Please tell me there’s a zoom point nearby.
The only other thing I've seen is you get three of the recipes for preordering at Gamestop.
Sorry but DQB1 didn’t sell best on Switch, just like most Jap games it sold better on PS4.
physical copies only has a few of the bonuses but not all of them, you have to get the digital version to get all of them
except for the switch version which is missing the slime recipe in the NA eshop and receipt apparently but it may or may not be a mistake
How is it sony's fault that ningendo's system they themselves made runs loke shit you stupid fuck?
>>Super Mario Maker 2
But that one does have a single player story mode with pre-built levels.
it came out over a year later when DQB2 was announced and has never had a significant price cut
>game on nintendo console never got a significant price cut
In other news, water is wet. Highlight nintendo's bad business practices while trying to win your little shitflinging contest more.
So? It still didn’t sell better on Switch, so why lie on the internet?
Can console-war niggers please get out?
>what is reading comprehension?
sorry it came out 2 years later actually, and yes i'd also buy a game on the ps4 if it was less than half the price. water is wet, low prices = more sales
i'm not the person who said it did retard
Not joking about that, and your right near the end though. There are some monkey fucks all about who cast kamikazee, so have fun
Console war idiots amuse me.
Nintendo's hardware is shit
Snoyny is full of Snoy
I own both consoles and will play this game on neither
>There are some monkey fucks all about who cast kamikazee, so have fun
The fanart of that specific moment is always amazing.
No, but I WILL be holding out for either a patch for the Switch version or a PC port
I never even beat the second chapter of the first game on Vita so that can hold me over for awhile
Ah yes that fresh Rhone air.
Are you having fun?
Imagine paying 60 bux for a sub-par Minecraft clone that doesn't even have redstone.
Yeah, none of the other entries are this cruel
I’m in hell
Oh I know. I’ll be all caught up (not counting any titles past 8) after I beat 2 and 3.
>you no longer take damage from touching enemies
Oh thank you Jesus, I might actually buy this now.
It's Dragon Quest with minor elements taken from Minecraft
We don't need autismstone
shoo shoo smelly stevie, shouldn’t you be preparing to join smash
Jesus Christ how terrifying
Wow this tutorial is worse than the first game. Seems to run just fine, though. It's even native and it seems to have some kind of AA.
How's he doing?
DQB2 did. According to Media Create. In spite of the performance issues. No idea how that happened.
Sasuga Cannock-kun
Is it just overly long?
Does it act like you've never played DQ before?
Does it act like you've never played Minecraft before?
Does it act like you've never played a videogame before?
Too linear and rote?
Too vague?
I'm really getting fed up with overly handholdy and long tutorials, or god forbid tutorials that persist thru the entire game.
Making it so far. Just beat Atlus.
Found this while looking for DQ fanart. I don't see it posted in threads and its really good.
He must be getting tired. Let him take a nap in that box you always conveniently have when needed.
I'm surprised to see cannock alive your screenshots. Fucker is always dyimg
After the shit stain port that is Bloodstained, why do people even bother with a switch version of a game?
Ya seethe?
Ya boil?
Ya fuming?
Kazing is a beautiful thing
Should Slime Stacking be a prohibited act?
Runs fine (50-60fps) in handheld mode but shits the bed in docked. They need to fix this shit
The entire game feels like one long tutorial so far and I'm about 10 hours deep. I get that this is a DQ spinoff for Minecraft kids but it's extremely handhold-y and doesn't feel like it's going to let go of my hand until post game.
It's not a bad game by any means and I am enjoying it, but I know I'm going to enjoy it 100x more when I'm done with the story and can just build up my main island in peace
Get your eyes checked user. It doesn't go above 30 fps on Switch.
>It doesn't go above 30 fps on Switch.
Yes it does, in handheld mode.
I was thinking of getting this game on switch, does it run that bad? please don't include sony/nintendo bias
Every time I think about replaying 2 I just remind myself of the end hour or so
Pirated it on my switch
All sources + my eyes say otherwise. There's also this:
No 720p in Handheld, not tested docked, game feels like 60fps but probably 30.
they're slimes, why is the top of them hard?
That's a shame, any idea why it can't hit 720p?
Are you saying it doesn't run at 720p in handheld or no, it's 720p in handheld?
I believe its native 720p handheld it looks really smooth like no jaggies to be seen and runs pretty well, havent really noticed any slowdown.
Judging by the state of this thread we won't be able to have a comfy DQB discussion without console warring and FPS autism. Sorry friend.
I heard it runs better in handheld as well, but it also drains the battery pretty fast.
Think I got 3 hours out of mine before I got the low battery warning. Will have to test next time I play.
It takes way too long to explain super simple things, and give unnecessarily complex reasons for teaching you.
>You have to learn combat, so challenge this skeleton to a duel
>You deal no damage with your fists. The skeletons laugh at you for being weak
>One of the skeletons tease you for being weak, so you come up with an idea for a weapon after a 10s animation of bringing out your book and writing in it
>The skeleton asks you what you're doing with the book, including the dialogue included for the fact that you don't respond to their question
>You have to walk down to the crafting table to craft a stick weapon
>Tutorial window pops up telling your about the weapon you crafted and how to equip it
>You walk back up to the skeletons
>"What!? You built a STICK!? How is this possible?"-dialogue
>You have to beat up the skeleton again
All of this while text boxes last on your screen for way too long, which just feels like the game is rubbing it in.
It unironically feels like they're making sure people don't get to play the game for the first couple hours so that you can't refund it if it's on Steam.
It's really painful.
once the console fags disperse in a couple days and we start sharing out islands these threads will be comfy as hell
yeah it's like 3 hours give or take, it feels a lot less due to how fun the game is though
the game isn't for you
this isn't a hack n slash, it's a slow paced sit down and relax game like animal crossing
It's like finding a random encounters of healslimes in XI with draconic settings
Actual zoom zoom faggot. Fuck off.
1. That's docked
2. It's mostly above 30fps, so much for your "it never runs above 30fps" point
You one dumb mother fucker boy
That's a really shitty excuse. I loved the core gameplay of the first game, but the handholding and slow dialogue is just excessive. Especially since you can't even spam through it.
Do you think Minecraft needs that, too? All I need to know is that I need to rebuild civilization.
No because the newest console I own is the PS3, I'd probably get it if it released on PC.
...... I am triumphant.
Well... this is it bros.
God Malroth's design is so cool. The NES games have the best final bosses easily.
Fuck... I need a break. I’ll try again later.
I think you have to come to terms with the fact that even though adults enjoy games, games are made for children and this story and interaction is designed for children and idiots. If you want something made for adults, go play Planescape: Torment or Factorio or Hollow Knight. Those will throw you in the deep end and say good luck. No forced tutorials.
>minecraft clone with no PC version
Why do they keep doing this? Guess I'll wait til yuzu gets gud.
>Planescape: Torment or Factorio or Hollow Knight
>something made for adults
user, I don't think you understand. Games can have tutorials that aren't super long but still cover everything. Also, children love Minecraft, which has no tutorial.
Its an actual decent Minecraft clone too with a good story.
>just want to discuss the game and our hype
>console warring
This board needs to be purged
What did he mean by this?
How many hours exactly until I finally get to play the game? I have waited years for this, I pre-ordered it, and I have to play it.
I would, but I'm a solo player, and games like these usually aren't all that fun to play alone.
About 4 more hours, it's playable at midnight EST
DQB is built for single player
So can we select a biome to start in or is the starting location locked? I'm a sucker for Snow areas.
It's a single player game.
You start with a fixed island as your home base and then a few story islands that are also fixed where you play most of the game, you later unlock the ability to create procedurally generated biome islands however each time you visit them they reset, basically take all the resources you want to make your home base a snow island this way.
Looks like Terraria 3D.
>can't co-op the campaign
It's fucking shit.
It's not console warring, Sony brought this on themselves with their retarded censorship that does not appeal to any real gamer. Real gamers are taking their money to the Switch, or they would like to but the thing's hardware sucks so much fucking dick that DQB2 is unplayable.
Can you only enjoy games if you're playing with other people?
There is nothing censored in this game.
Nothing is censored but you are supporting Sony by playing games on their console.
Maybe it's because I'm so used to the regular floods of wojaks, but this thread doesn't seem to be as much of a console war shitfest as I expected for being a 400+ post Dragon Quest thread.
So it's literally console warring.
>Did the first Builders have this issue on Switch?
No, it ran at a smooth 60 FPS at 720p. Honestly they FUCKED UP optimization on the second game something fierce for both consoles.
Is it really? When you console war you see yourself as the victor in the face of anything. We're all losers today.
Is it really all that far fetched to think there may be a patch?
It came out in December in Japan, it's not getting any more patches.
for the first world country release.
Are you suggesting that the devs of a Dragon Quest game, spin-off or not, are going to give the west preferential treatment
Please confirm this is what you're saying
Yes like the improvements we got for DQXI release.
Like only getting one version of it, the lesser of the two at that? that kind of improvement?
I didn't play the first one, but based off what I saw in this one it looks pretty fun. Lots of new stuff added to it apparently from the first one and it's like playing a mixture of Minecraft infused with an RPG element and some anime put into the mix. So like a weeb minecraft RPG.
The dash, the voice acting and all the draconian quest option, retard
If you consider getting a rerelease at the same time as Japan for the first time in basically forever to be preferential treatment, you must have very low standards.