Final Fantasy XIV thread
what you up to lads?
Should i change MAR lvl 23 for something else? Is it okay to change mid story quests to another class?
Final Fantasy XIV thread
what you up to lads?
Should i change MAR lvl 23 for something else? Is it okay to change mid story quests to another class?
That's him! That's Jannie!
I assume you mean MRD, but yes, you can change classes whenever you want. It's probably a better idea to stick to one for the story and go back and level others though, unless you really dislike the one you chose.
but i would have to level other classes solely via dungeons or puny sidequests eh?
from the thumbnail the yellow thing on the left looks like a crown
XIV threads? On MY Yea Forums?!
Got my 80 gatherers last night so it’s time to finally cap crafters. Still in the 60s though so I have a ways to go. Is there a better way to level that leves? I know people say collectibles but it feels a shitton slower whenever I try
Leveling through dungeons is unironically fast as fuck with the armory bonus.
You can also do palace of the dead
Remember no vidya
Man why is FFXIV blowing up of functional illiterates? Or is it a MMO thing?
Leves. Hq shit with a one button macro.
It takes me like 10-15 minutes of gathering to create 7-9 items for two level ups at like 76-80 on crafters and I only use a few leves.
Leveling up crafters is fast as fuck if you know what you're doing
I don't know ask yourself
>Did... did that little incel just make another XIV thread?
WAR is a great class, tanking teaches you mechanics fast but it can be rough because its easy to fuck up and wipe your team. Tank privilege is real though, keep on it, don’t change. As you access later content you’ll be able to grab shit like RDM, SAM, DNC, and GNB along the way pre-levelled, which gives you basically everything but healer as an option to inmediately change into if you get bored of WAR (RDM/SAM at 50, DNC/GNB at 60)
Any time you have another class that is a higher level than you are currently, you get what is called armory bonus, it's like permanent faster XP that stacks with rest.
Also FATEs and leves are decent ways to grind through lower levels, especially leves. The quest should start with "The Leves of XXXX"
Yeah but you get an exp bonus on kills for anything that’s lower level than your marauder. At least I think you do. I know you get it if you have 1 thing at cap, but I think it still works as long as you have something higher level
>yoshi takes my aggo recution skills away
>start pulling mobs off tanks during big pulls in dungeons as a BLM
I literally have to slow down just so i dont pull stuff and die sometimes
You were banned from my board for a particular post. What was it?
Wowfugees and ESL bandwagoners who see big metacritic score and think game es numero uno
You get a bonus to xp whenever you level a class that is under your current highest, so if you got Warrior to 50 first, then leveling up a new class would be easier. There are lots of ways to get xp other than story quests, it's pretty easy and quick to level up.
>Jannie is at it again
If you actually played the fucking game you'd know he is hot as fuck.
Quick before the janny deletes this thread again. What is that music called that plays in Syrcus trench and a few other times in the MSQ like in the cutscene right before unlocking Titania?
Literally impossible unless your DC is full of retards that don't know about their AoE skills.
stop being animal
>3400 in queue
Looks like I wasn't the only one getting kicked.
Get mentor crown, hide mentor crown, do mentor roulette for snazzy monocle and dope mount
then unironically be a mentor with your crown hidden
>I'll autosage their threads! I'll- I'll move them to /vg/! I'll ban them! I'LL PRUNE THEIR THREADS!
Just literally don't attack the packs until the pull is done. It's not hard.
This thread is about to be nuked.
He isn't. He could have been if he didn't go down the path which lead him to be a fat.
>61 white mage
>Trying to level as fast as I can to catch up with my friends
>Still have all of Stormblood and Shadowbringers to get through
>They're already raiding together
>Full time job limits me
Triple turn in leves are the best
Collectibles are for when you're out or some job's leves suck super hard (no ShB leves suck hard enough for that)
ShB leves were so busted I didn't bother doing custom deliveries for exp or gc turn ins at all
I see a lot of new players do this, reach lv23-30, then change jobs, level again to lv30, change jobs, by the time they get bored of changing jobs, they are bored with the story and drop it, since the game has not opened up yet until much later.
Just level a job to 50 and then change jobs if you want, you get bonus XP for having 1 job at lv50, 60, 70 and now 80.
statpadding my niggas with my dancer in the new extremes
cant wait for the new raid to drop desu
Did general Pa'jeet die?
>consolewarfaggotry/flamewar going on
>thread pruned
I can honestly agree with this.
>not wearing crown ironically and shitting up novice network subtly
...Making a videogame thread.
>Vauthry needs a godlike miracle to become fit and handsome
>Janny would need a similar miracle to even be at a healthy weight
somebody have the leaked nameplates for eden bosses?
I'm finishing up Heavensward right now and I'm leveling as SMN. Are they dogshit at 80 like everyone is telling me?
Good to know you skipped every single cutscene. Alternatively you are another NPC with the inability to read and was bullied for being 80 without AF gear.
Calculating to primes.
Oho! A shitposter! Then you shall make for me, an e-celeb thread. Of Etika!
Lich right? Yeah, the server crashed.
>mfw 4000 in queue
Is that you, jannie?
holy fuck MCH is so fun bros, how did they get it so right this time around?
still miss HW MCH, but I've made peace with the fact it will never come back, same with ARR SMN
Any EU bros can't connect?
>what you up to lads?
still in queue to log in for the past half hour and it's not even halfway done
he got sent to the shadow realm for losing a shadow game with the warrior of darkness
No. If you're used to playing properly and maximizing uptime (this means attacking while the tank is pulling to the second group) even two aoe combo gcds is not enough to secure aggro. You have to stop attacking if that's all the tank did.
Shitter. Enjoy your 30 minute runs. Just go with trusts if you can't be bothered to put in minimal effort in easy content.
Shitter. Enjoy your 30 minute runs. Just go with trusts if you can't be bothered to put in minimal effort in easy content.
>crown should be watering can
This but unironically
Make fanart of my furry WoW OC, if I deem it worthy I may forget about your ban
What the fuck
I swapped jobs when my character was level 25, MSQ was level ~15. Getting the second character to that level took maybe 2 hours and MSQ boosted him well beyond the sync cap shortly after. And I'm glad I did it because my first job was not for me.
Literally just do FATEs and the job quests. Maybe some guildhests. It's ezpz.
I'm only a mentor to shitpost in novice network.
I love the vauthry-jannyposting. You can hear the voice in every one of them.
get the heck out of my server stormbabs
the problem is not the icon, the problem is that the requirements are too easy.
I want to worship Lord Vauthry's giant sin eater cock
>can't finish an expac+patch quests over weekend
So this is evolved Diversionposting, huh. Not bad.
Sup bro, I just logged in to test and I can connect. Maybe try again?
Literally no job is dogshit. XIV is an easy PvE game and all jobs can complete all content
No. They say they couldnt find his body after you chase vauhtry off.
I've been doing Titania """""clear""""" parties 8 hours a day for 4 days now. I regret watching cutscenes now I should have skipped them and cleared with the non shitters
I thought he would get redeemed when it turned out that he was brainwashed and then become the faction leader of Eulmore, but then he went full retard. Oh well.
post ultimate clears cuckold
>pull aggro because you cannot contain your gcdboner for two seconds
>force the run to take 25 minutes instead of 15 because you keep fucking dying
but haha your dungeon parses though
>Not enjoying the game at your own pace
>Your friends being so shit they won't raid with you once you're caught up, even if it's months from now
So apparently S+ rank marks are a thing now? I just killed Forgiven Rebellion at Ill Mheg, it gave me 400 nuts. Any more like it?
I've been playing longer than you have you animeposting nigger.
i got to Lv45 on NIN, but was only MSQ Lv20 at the time.
switched to LNC.
solo mobs till Lv5, then did combat leves till Lv15.
do dungeons/roulettes as far as it will take u, and then jump back into the MSQ.
(I didnt start the MSQ till I was Lv59 on DRG)
funny part is that titania does nothing new. she just repeats mechanics from older 24 man raids.
4.0 BRD felt too complicated and I was always doing piss poor DPS
I was an idiot but I had a much better appreciation for BRD after hitting 70 on RDM
the savage raid doesn't come out for like two and half weeks, ex primals don't count as raiding
take your time friendo this is not a game to rush through
What about the jongluers
Please tell me there'll be a red scare Eulmore dungeon where they all come back and I can kill them properly as a Meltigemini sin eater
you DID save the Nemazu, right Yea Forums?
>just hit level 50 after migrating over from WoW 2 weeks before SHB
>mfw all these level 50 dungeons and I'm not even at HW content yet
Where has this game been my entire life
But they're harder to play than the rest of the classes. I just want my return on investment
Who gave you permission to teach that shitposter to ban-evade!? I told you to make me an e-celeb thread!
I love Runescape
shut the fuck up tranny janny
>cuckphone poster
Already prepared to ban evade, I see.
I would rather post on 8 chan than make fanart for you. it would make for a more pleasing site.
I think there's a good chance we'll be descending into Eulmore's lower level gaol-like area that we saw Thancred running through in the opening. That would be a good spot for them to return in a monstrous form.
Genocide is an acceptable choice.
>I try to read what user wrote in this post.
>sounds like;
"Has anyone ever been as far to do go look more like?"
>Finally piece it together
>user is complaining about illiteracy.
I've been on Lich since September 2013, I have a 1.0 account
as I said
They have a rare chance to spawn when you kill S ranks. Keep an eye out for the dialogue when an S rank is killed. Then you have to kill a bunch of false A ranks to spawn the /ss/ rank.
Hit your glowing buttons and you'll already be doing more damage than 80% of xiv players
WoWfugees are coming to the game en masse because their patch fucking flopped and SHB is getting 10/10 reviews on all platforms.
Just like The Big One, yes yes!
>Namazu were some kind of holy creatures to the Ronkans
What are the lore implications of this?
I had a MNK with a mentor crown that could not out dps our WHM
I was screaming
So wait, Ultima Weapon was an ancient Allagan made weapon right?
So what's Proto Ultima doing in Dun Scaith?
God, I wish I hadn't
I am a tank that pulls wall to wall when the situation is right and the healer doesn't have a weapon from 20 levels ago.
Just wait until the pack is done. I usually only do one AOE move and maybe an OGCD if I'm PLD/DRK and then get sprinting to the next one. Most DPS aren't obsessing about their uptime in leveling dungeons and if they pull off of me they usually just bring it to me and don't do it again.
>stop and wait at every pack to do several gcd's worth of moves
>"wtf just do the pull dude why are you making us put dots/stars/asylums on the ground and then moving again"
>Pull properly
>"wtf dude I wanted to maximize my uptime dude you have to get 6 gcd's in while sprinting away from the boss so the healer doesn't have to heal you in between these pulls"
there's no winning with you retards lmao I'm just gonna pull properly and if you aggro off of me because you are obsessed about your dungeon uptime %, just bring it to me.
What you pay for your sub?
Enjoy those while you can, 2.x had a ridiculous amount of side content because Yoshi wasn't ready for its success and every patch was fuckhuge
It mistook the aetherial signatures of Scathach and Diabolos as primals and flew there from Azys Lla.
>All the namazu were fed to the great serpent, causing them to go extinct on the First
>Good to know you skipped every single cutscene.
I actually didn't. You're just a fucking retard who thinks Innocence is his true form.
Him turning hot was just his sineater half transforming him into the image he believed to be. He was able to take that form thannks to his power and symbiotic relationship with that eater.
Again. If he didn't turn into a fat slob he might have looked similar to Innocence, but Innocence isn't his true form just a transformation.
I'm about to do Garuda for the first time and I'm playing as a healer. W-wish me luck.
The Ronkans are the cultural equivalent of the Romans where they just worship literally everything amd assimilate all other religions.
Allagans were fighting the void empire until the voidies flooded themselves to death.
>minimal effort
>is perfectly fine slowing down and putting in less effort, but dont you dare suggest i slow down in a different way, because this method requires i put max effort after 1 GCD.
good logic user.
but i've only been on Lich since 2.1 so fine you win you fucking shitskin
>start titania learning party for friends yesterday
>be nice to people and explain stuff when we wipe to it
>clear in one lockout, first time clear for 5 people
remember the only constant is YOU
Don't get used to it, ARR has that many dungeons because they were pumping out nothing but dungeons. Heavensward and Stormblood do still have a pretty good amount of dungeons overall (HW 18, SB 15 because of Eureka as a resource-diversion but Baldesion Arsenal in Eureka counts as a 16th I guess), Shadowbringers currently has 8 dungeons.
Sup bros, anyone need a tank? If not then whatever...
I dip just a toe into the ShB storyline and already im spooked to shit
I'm going to do all of them min ilvl to really experience what it was like when they were fresh. I fucking love the fact the game gives me the option to that, and that people actually join my PF groups when I put up a min-ilvl posting.
Hah, of course I paystill full price because I barely touched 1.X so I don't even have the meme chocobo and tattoo, but I still got my account okay'd through the 2.0 launch lock-out thanks to it
*dances on your lap*
I always forget to ask this but
Why was ultima added after dun scaith has been out for a while? I always found it odd but it was cool
I'm gonna have to if i want that funky mount
These guys are even bigger goofballs than the moogles, holy shit
Just stay behind rocks any time she disappears and reappears and aoe the feathers and you'll be fine
What should I level up after I get samurai and ninja to level 80?
Sure thing bro.
The Void happened over 12,000 years ago, long before Allag. The Allagan involvement with the Void was Xande making a pact to use voidsent in the war in Meracydia so he had an endless army of corpses marching at Bahamut. Then he decided he wanted the Void to invade so he and Allag could save the world from them.
ShB story was heartbreaking.
Lets stop running forward, wasting sprint, wasting CDs, to land another GCD.
You clearly dont understand that either direction leads to the same problem in the end.
>Get into Titania EX via Duty Finder
>Four Dancers
There was no way a clear was possible, it was a clean as fuck run.
> full price
Legacy means nothing.
It gets better
Let them go blind and learn for themselves you retard enabler.
Are there seriously no doujins of Alphinaud?
Yeah, compared to the other expacs it start off strong right away and just keeps going.
Do you have a tank and healer at 80? If not, GNB and WHM/SCH, if so, BLU
I love my cute size queen non-primal gf (male)!
>Story gets grittier and darker with every passing minute but doesn't feel overly edgy at any point
How did Ishikawa do it?
Because Proto-Ultima was originally planned to be its own separate 24-man trial. He had his own arena and everything when previewed at fanfest. But they either cut corners or were afraid of the playerbase handling a 24-man trial and just shoved him into Dun Scaith.
Proto Ultima was originally supposed to be a trial but they never found a way to actually fit it into the game
I just hit level 50 for the first time, being a 1.0 special edition is nice.
going to spend some time trying or verminion, then continue the MSQ
new to the game, is this a good character? was thinking of starting as a limsa lominsa class to meet y'shtola early
>have legacy chocobo
>still the best looking mount in the game
>half of the content rewards mean nothing to me because all of the other mounts look like tacky shit in comparison
Fuck I wish they'd stop making mounts the reward for everything already
It was for an event but the original boss was so shit they decide to make it permanent.
They made it into an event fight at E3 or a fanfest and wanted to include it in the game
Ilbard my man you always have our back. Let us go kill some ascians.
Did you ask her for another bowl?
>for friends
I'm trying to clear with pf randos who don't even know how to play their jobs
I’m never leveling blu and I don’t have a tank to 80 yet. I plan to level warrior to 80 when all the retards get tired of Gunbreaker.
You'll WILL enjoy the catposting.
Hey you called bro? Wanna take this outside?
Ah. A 24 man trial sounds quick to die anyway
>the succubus fight dropped a Blood Sword
>removed this interesting drop
If you have legacy sub it's £6.90 ($10/10 yuropcoins I think?) but you only have it if you played for at least 90 days
I killed her like the dirty sin eater she was.
>stick it in Gold Saucer
It's in Gold Saucer.
>literally posts worst role quest
i play melee dps and i got saddled with the retarded katniss bard cat girl and another rich kid bard
>but doesn't feel overly edgy at any point
Most of the characters are trying to improve the world in some way like Tesleen
It wasnt really interesting
For how many shekels?
Chocobo is the best mount and you can make it look so completely different from other people mounts. No idea why people buy mounts when it’s the best.
I'll come too bro, just in case you triple cast sloppy on Gunberd and kill him
He came to us claiming not to be a XIV general, yet his subsequent conduct has shown him to be anything but!
To atone for this crime, I ordered that he fling himself into /vg/. And he had the temerity to weep! "Please, oh janny! Anything but that!"
it was a e3 event boss exclusive and people wanted it in the game but they couldn't fit it into its own instance so they shoved it into dun scaith
It's funny because they literally call Titania a SHE and HER and the King shit clearly is just a homage to the king of the previous kingdom.
>people obsessing over "uptime" in a leveling dungeon
raid trannies were a mistake and will never be women
What ever happened to her?
I know, but fuck the gold saucer.
Name another fight that dropped a novelty weapon like that.
Who cares? The doujins are going to give her a fat cock just because of the name and that's all I want.
What does Brianna Wu think of Shadowbringers?
Why the fuck does MSQ roulette always draw out the worst players?
DRG, you stopped right before it starts to get good.
Just throw your DoTs at them while running :^)
This. I'd willingly make an alt on a different data center to play with a friend from lv1. Since NA is all booked.
Everybody was right, WAR gets boring.
Waiting 80s for 10s of fun got old quickly.
How's DRK in comparison?
I'm a big fan of 2-handers, so PLD & GNB aren't up my alley.
She became bukkakke addict
>be GNB
>learning Innocence ex with my DRK bro
>reach enrage once after several wipes because people can't grasp the concept of "don't stand in bad"
>join a "clear party"
>hit enrage with 13% left because two of the dps and the healers were dying constantly to easily avoidable aoes
i'm never going to clear this fight
XIV doesnt get porn outside of OC commissions
That role quest was fun, especially when you see the spoiled rich kid come into his own at the end and give up the pursuit of glory to just settle down and take care of his mom. Randa's story was equally kino, since it painted the picture that being a hero isn't all that it's chalked up to be. Very generic story that's been done hundreds of time before, but it's not the worst. The worst quests in game have got to be the 50-70 WAR quests.
>give her a fat cock
It should be at least four. One for each wing.
>the dancer class objectifies women, square enix is sexist
in the english dub they call all pixies 'they' actually.
Because everyone has mentally shutdown during it.
> tfw finally ilvl444
> won’t get to use this gear to flex on shitters until next patch where it will become irrelevant
Time to level gatherers and other jobs I guess
I was enjoying dragoon but shadow bringer was coming out so I had to save my blue bar.
>porn of non OCs
Good joke
>have 100,000 points at the Golden Saucer despite starting the game 2 days ago
>dont even want anything from there
How did this happen
I hate that I started doing this, and now I just have to finish it or it's a waste. I don't even play DRK anymore
she looks like she'd play a gay catboy on balmung
What the fuck is an S+ rank? I've never seen a call out in my LS and I've been sitting on Frog Fates for days.
MGP event gave you like triple what you would ordinarily earn from there.
I mean krile
When the fuck are they adding pet actions back?
on the bright side it gets faster once the first bar is full. you get more bonus sand.
You gotta grind 99 totems if you haven't got your dragons already, user
grittier and darker?
seriously what?
the closest thing was the sin eater transformation.
everything else was barely trying to even touch up on the subject, or was just padded filler.
the sin eater part of the story was the most boring part.
only Lv80 MSQ were actually any good.
Congrats user. All of you work will be invalidated on Tuesday
god I hate vertical progression
Why is it that Summoner seems to keep getting the interesting job quests?
From kicking lesser Ascians ass, and now to facing an ancient Summoner's clone egi who's about to go and kill the WoL to make a WoL egi, this shit's a whole lot more fascinating than some of the other shit I've seen
Can I get a quick rundown on healers and their play styles?
I never touched one except for WHM to 35 to unlock skills for my PLD back in the day and I want one just for the job quests
Sounds to me like a world boss. Arch in Tempest threw me off with the sudden Alliance adds. Maybe they just have trouble scripting it to be something interesting and not just an alliance raid boss.
Save it for when they most likely add nier mount/hair to the golden saucer. Or you can get one of the Garo sets.
>who's about to go and kill the WoL to make a WoL egi
that sounds fucking hot
Got really lucky and managed to snatch both
Is patch really dropping next week? Nice
ARR SMN was boring as hell
DRK is like playing two WARs at the same time
>Can I get a quick rundown on healers and their play styles?
whm is a terrible roastie or a faggot
sch is a parse obsessed tranny set to expire in 3 years
ast is cuck shed
there is no such thing, gacha shits and FATEmonkies took all of the artists for themselves.
>kholusia: hey look at these miserable gatetown fucks, they eat handouts from a superior country which has literally no means to produce food, oh look they've been eating people all along to prep them for a holy mindcontrolled jihad
>everything in holminster's switch
>il mheg: fairies turning the about-to-turn sineaters into leafmen to spare them; pixies themselves are literally spirits of dead children
this is all more horrific than one person getting turned onscreen, you spaz.
the story only winds down around EPIC TROLLEY HUMOR XDD imo because the story is literally just "my wife and kid died"
the fights are designed so 4 of the same lowest DPS, 2 of the same lowest tanks, and 2 of the same lowest healers, can clear it.
unless u feel the need to cheeze a mechanic with an uneeded LB3, theres no reason to worry about dupes.
ive even done savage with dupes plenty of times, because it really isnt that big of a deal.
just dont do shit dps.
The Yda and Sadu ones are hot
And that compilation of shorts had a few good pages in it.
>The only Alphinaud/Alisaie in doujins is a single page
Either seething over something stupid, or claiming the pixies are some message about trans rights and breaking gender norms.
Is there a way to change your pets target as smn anymore?
Not for two years if they ever do it, pets' implementation sucked and even they realized it
>people will actually kill a boss 99 times for a shoddy recolored mount
>people will actually kill 7 bosses 99 times each for a total of 693 times for the ultimate mount
Hahaha oh wow. Just admit you're diseased in the head
Some new ranked hunt they added. I have yet to see one yet but seems in rak'tika after you kill the S tank there some text pops up and then you kill 5 son eaters around the map and S+ rank shows up.
This is now peak Jannyposting
>normal raids come out next week
>tranny niggers will come talking about their parses and meta faggotry shit
>savage two weeks later
>it'll be even worse
whos not excited here bros
Will we get crafted 80 gear for DoM/DoW on Tuesday?
>check pixiv
>it's all sameface catgirl/lizard shit
>just want to see my husbands and wives doing cute things
>mounts look worse than a chocobo
Play DRK
Make a practice party, watch everyone joining be far more competent than anyone who looks for clear parties of that easy as shit trial
it loses its horrific nature when u dont reallyget to experience it.
its like hearing someone far away in another country died, vs actually being present for a murder.
one is far more horrifying than the other.
as for the pixies, how is still being alive after death horrifying?
how is a cartoonish looking bush/tree stump horrifying?
its too cartoonish.
Nah tank's is worse. It's very generic and uninteresting, Braden is barely a character while at least you know what Lae is about.
WHM is the good one. You have only very strong tools, you do the biggest heals and the biggest damage. Past lvl 70 you heal mostly through instant spells, most of which are on the GCD. You also get the biggest baddest AOE attack of all healers that not only does good damage but also stuns every enemy in its radius, which is a big part of why it's the best healer for dungeons
SCH is the tranny class where you let a sissy ass fairy auto-heal for you while you spam your 1 wimpy attack button
AST was very good last expac but now it's just very complicated for very weak results. You do poor dps and poor healing, your buffs don't really compensate for your small personal numbers, and the new spells are kinda clunky
so in short just play WHM. It's probably the most boring one at lower levels but it becomes the most fun and strongest one later on
Feo Ul specifically refers to herself as she when you summon her at a retainer bell.
we did that and we got a NIN that died seven times
Do you make a daily thread? Just curious.
there was a serious lack of vore this expansion, no idea why they stopped doing vore after HW
Yoshi won't let me
>how is still being alive after death horrifying
>you can hear, feel, think
>you can't move
>you can't speak
>you can't do anything
>you can't even die
Lore wise, did you know that there's a 14th world in XIV?
The Mordion Gaol is what links XIV and XI's world together
>titania saying "bigger is better" to male au'ra tank
>GBN friend buffs me
>tank swap effortlessly
>die because I derped on an AOE
>blowing up of functional illiterates
How do I check how many triple triad I have won from NPCs?
Feo Ul thinks of herself as a girl and will gladly magic herself a vagina to do the strange mortal ritual with her precious sapling
this. I was STOKED when we fought Eros but then it never vored me
Best of luck, remember rocks are your friend
people got triggered at the part where you get swallowed by cerberus in world of darkness and other people can /splash his vomit on you.
I haven’t started leveling my crafters/gatherers, but could you teach me your ways and/or lead me to good resources on the subject?
Next fanfest someone should ask Koji if GMs are a lore entity like they were in XI.
no I dont want to be in Kingdomheart
WoW > FF14
At least the potatoes got one good doujin
My logic is still sound, only people who struggle to play their jobs at a basic level will have spent enough time learning Innocence Ex that they might join a party that aims for "Duty Complete". Everyone else, including people you would *want* to party with, go for practice parties and most likely clear within the first lockout.
understandable have a great day
Only time they have control over themselves as a sin eater is for a few moments after the initial turning too, time that's usually used to beg for a quick and painless death at the hands of a survivor or loved-one while they're still relatively themselves
the 13th shard probably went through all this but with dark aspect
>or claiming the pixies are some message about trans rights
I bet he would claim Ryne to be that. Also getting mad over the WoL/D fusion.
I love this one
the void ark had a good mechanic where if you got vored, you got force fed a parasite and got absorbed by the main boss then spat out. now you see all these bosses that look like they are going to eat you but nah
what cunts, how can anyone be triggered over interesting mechanics like that
>getting off that triple foul I've been dreaming of ever since I found out we'd get two polyglot stacks
I've become the LB. Can anything even top this feeling?
>and other people can /splash his vomit on you.
I knew about the lava pits being considered water but I didn't know about the dog-vomit, that's hysterical
Well yeah but my chocobo doesn't play Titania's music
>Urianger tricked the Fairies into thinking he hates Tea and Biscuits
>GNB drops to 1 health
>immediately pop instant heals
what the fuck is that shit they do?
Either you are being impatient or your tank is terribad. There is zero reason tank should ever lose agro midpull right now
>Cuchulainn was one of the heroes of the Thirteenth before the auracite twisted him
>he was most likely suffering horrifically in his final moments further tortured by the thought that he failed his world
>Scathach and Diabolos were most likely heroes too
It's very cute
Look up Radiohead.
He is truly the keikaku master
im talking about the pixies, not the tree stumps.
Their oh shit invuln Superbolide drops them to 1hp
If Bahamut just replaces your egi, why the fuck does he need his own buttons for everything, even enkindle?
ive actually never played DQBuilders, how is it?
>Urianger coming back next patch in Jesus mode
>teaches WoL how to walk on water
>Being straight in 2019
so I can leave them at 1 health?
>increased Astral Fire/Umbral Ice timer allows me to fling off four Fire IVs in a normal window, and six while in ley lines
>Freeze's changes allow it to function as an AoE alternative to Blizzard III for FLAREFLAREFLAREFLAREHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
These two changes alone make BLM so much fuckin' better and I haven't even hit lv. 71.
>12 fps
It's fun. It's easy to get carried away in the tisms.
Ethys is that you?
>buttons plural
He needs one button. Sure they could have made the egi attack change, but one extra button ain't the end of the world
>roegadyn and hrothgar gay porn
Does it exist?
How did he take the reveal?
>Immediately after reuniting with Urianger, you can start bullying him by enchanting his books so that they are given life and run away
wait what? Freeze is worth using now? I asked in the last thread because I just hit 68 and got Enhanced Freeze, where do I pop it?
For 8 seconds but you should top them off. Don't waste big heals like benediction
for clarification, since you dont seem to understand where im coming from.
having a good concept/idea is great.
you need to actually express is well, to maximize its potential.
most of the story is told, and not shown.
there are plenty of great ideas in SH, but the only time they truly delivered on a great idea was in the Lv80 quests.
prior was just great in concept, and only minimally good enough, so as not to be terrible.
Til the effect ends, yes
>they're all raiding together
They're not though lmao
you're boring as hell but it doesn't stop me from loving you either.
If it doesn't yet, it will
Wait really?
neat ill get it on my switch, dqb2 is happening right?
Daily reminder that Feo Ul has a feminine penis!
Yeah it's in a sidequest.
It's basically aoe blizz3 and 4. You get three umbral ice stacks, and one umbral heart. Pre-72 you use it after transpose from flare, after 72 you can cast it immediately after flare since blizzard spells will cost 0mp when cast from three astral fire stacks.
>black mask ascians
how is that interesting? we kick their ass at level 15, and they serve the most jobber of the ascians
Unintentionally, but the WoL wanted to put a spell on them so that when Urianger calls for the book it will fly to him, but instead the WoL messes up and brings the books to life, causing them to run away.
No way, fag. Beautiful branch is not a euphemism.
>Two more Titan fights
Not counting the MSQ rematch, does that make Titan the most fought Primal?
>Titan Normal
>Titan Hard
>Titan Extreme
>Titan Ultimate
>Titan Savage
>only 31 on EU logg-on queue
Guys. I think XIV is dead....PSO2 will destroy us!11!!!!!
Leviathan Leviathan Endless!
Leviathan Leviathan Send us!
Leviathan Leviathan Breathless!
Leviathan Leviathan Deathless!
Leviathan Leviathan Restless!
Leviathan Leviathan Test us!
Leviathan Leviathan Tend us!
Leviathan Leviathan Mend us!
End of Fire phase as a replacement for Blizzard III, grants full Umbral Ice 3 and one Umbral Heart. It doesn't need to be manually aimed as a circle-AoE anymore you can't fling it off in towns anymore as a result though. My usual use of it is two Flares, three or four with a super-ether and/or Manafont, Convert, Freeze, go straight back to Flare.
>start reading
>like it
>then the sex happens and I lose interest
>then the sex is over and I'm interested again
>then the second scene happens and I just skip through it
what's the word for this feel?
They fairy just outside of his home gives you a quest to enchant his boos.
While doing so, you can read them and learn more of Il Mheg history, as well as learn some words from Fey language, which is how you can decipher what's your fey name that another fairy from another sidequest gives you. You can't replay any of this so you only get one shot to piece it all together.
do i eat espresso con panna or oysters on the half shell for dps
>Checks 1.5 gig roe/hrothgar folder
If the new titan doesn’t have permadeath it will be shit
>hide player commendation notices in separate chat tab so I don't see them
>suddenly carrying retard groups becomes way more enjoyable
man what the fuck do we have against titan
did EX warp our perception so fucking much?
It's only the first name you get the meaning of. How do you get the 2nd name meaning?
Are you so determined to get banned?
One last chance, villains: bow down and acknowledge WoW as your king. Your god!
Can someone spoil the the story line for me, I'm thinking about just skipping all cut scenes and rushing to 80 so I can finish my anima weapon light farm.
WE FALL expansion user
One posts “dilate,” one posts “seethe”
Two ton jannies do it for free
Three threads locked, ten moved to /vg/
Four-fold wowfugees, shitpost “GCD”
Because the game is full of reskin models.
>. You can't replay any of this so you only get one shot to piece it all together.
What the fuck I was saving all sidequests for post MSQ.
>Hit 445 ilvl
>No reason to log on until raids now
I wish the EX mounts weren't so ugly or I'd just grind for those.
Dude, what if we were the ayy lmaos and our soul was split into 13 other pieces.
based retard
Ifrit jizzes in your eye and you die.
I love the part when he transforms into a Chad during his phase transition
Oh Jesus no you'll hate yourself. Suddenly the story's brilliant and everybody wants to skip it.
what the fuck
Havent played since coils was the end, what am I in for?
>not a single good looking Gunblade
He's the most infamous Primal because of the permadeath, despite being very easy on all difficulties (though the old latency issues did make him more of an issue for some people than he should be).
Completely different types of games.
"New skeletons with every monster" comes from people that wouldn't be caught dead rigging skeletons
>let me skip the enjoyable thing so i can get back to the unenjoyable thing
based and retarded
>Two ton jannies
>He couldn't afford the extra 10 bucks for revolver
We gotta bring back the elements to the 1st, user. And it makes sense, when making life, that you start with the ground and the seas
A good time in Heavensward, a lukewarm time in Stormblood, a great time in Shadowbringers.
yshtola has sex with a lion bro
thancred dies
zenos is a shard of the WoL's soul
the crystal exarch was (You) all along
What's the best place for Japanese fanart now? Twitter? Pixiv is literally deviantart now and a lot of JP artists I talk to at cons say they don't have a pixiv.
I want more Exarch doting on WoL.
Shinsui, Fae, Ravel Keeper look nice.
The level 60 and 62 look alright
even though they're just garlean gunblades despite Yoshi P seething about them
twitter i'd make lists to keep track of your favorite artists though sometimes they're lazy as fuck and dont tag their posts
>Two-ton jannies do it for free
>The Raito Trinity
Awesome if the quality is at least what I got out of ARR that will be money well spent. And from the looks of it, it will be.
the ilvl 400 dungeon drop looks nice. but there is a disgusting lack of amount of gunblades atm. I was hoping for at least a T13 gunblade.
Unfortunately Twitter is where most Japanese artists post their stuff. Your only other real option is to hope stuff gets reposted to one of the boorus.
Nigger please. Though there's the issue that once you have Lion Heart you have the best gunblade
To be fair ex was just as difficult as any ex fight we get nowadays except worse because its easy to fuck up telegraphed AOE’s in that fight
i like the ruby tide gunblade
Titania was just baby's first trial. Honestly a lot of these fights felt like it. We are going to level 80 and they are still playing it sake. I fucking hate retards who play this game.
a bit of a slog until you reach heavensward
pure kino in heavensward
a pretty comfy roadtrip in stormblood
kino to go beyond kino in shadowbringers
Revolver didn't look as good as I thought it would in-game, Lionheart forever now.
Either you or the tank is a shitter. The new tank stance is like 10x more enmity than the old one. A tank will never lose enmity even to a BLM after 1-2 AoE moves.
Oh, for sure, everything past ARR is an immeasureable bump up in quality.
Where do you get the Lion Heart?
Is this game any good to start playing alone?
Oysters asks for fishing mats and timed nodes and barely gives more stats that expresso, also if you are a craftlet you can buy expresso from NPCs
>check release dates
I was confused for a second but neat thanks user ill try it out right now
It's really weird how much of a dearth there is for gunblades, I would have thought Alexandrian and beyond at the absolute least but they don't have gunblades for any primal/EX that isn't Titania. And there are gunblades that were very apparently designed for Heavensward content, Doman Steel is straight up a House Fortemps gunblade.
I agree with you there, it looks too small on everyone but lalajews.
Lv. 80 artifact weapon, you get it from Not-Gerolt in the final zone. You have to have completed the tank role-quest storyline.
When's the Crystal Chronicles crossover?
It's the AF weapon.
Sure. But why play alone with your Yea Forums friends on ultros? Just come join ZR.
Yoship said they were understaffed as fuck and that gunblades and dancer disks were gonna be shafted on release. Pray they add some in retroactively because of feedback and that Square gives them the money they need to replace the team members that we're scalped got 7R
Thanks fellow GUK bros.
Not really, I consider it on the easy end of EX fights outside of the old latency problems that I personally never really experienced. The only real challenge was coordinating the gaols right.
first trials are for easing people into their classes and for fresh players who may have just reached level cap for the first time with that expansion. It's never been for people who have been playing a long time.
Baldesian Arsenal bosses.
Reminder that Before the Dawn is ARR and the first 3 levels of HW are straight up bad and negate all the drama set up at the start of the expansion. Respect the ARR patch content.
There's also the fact that the best part of HW was the journey to Hraesvelgr with Ysalye, Alphinaud and Estinien but then they go and make the whole thing completely pointless
>XV is finally taken behind the shed
>VIIR takes its place as the money black hole
Damn it.
>join titan ex for wt as DNC
>40min in progress
>doing my shit and we wipe because 5 people fall
>SAM tries to tell everyone what do do
>tell him I'd be more open to his suggestions if he hadn't been the first one to get knocked off
>blames me for moving the landslide position
>whatever nerd, but start standing with the party like it's 2014 since half are sprouts
>couple more tries
>SAM gets knocked down again
>both healers dies and we wipe
>ask SAM if he got knocked off because of a missplaced landslide again
>time's over so party disbands
>solo Titan and get the horse that apparently I didn't have before
I can't wait for Eden, it's going to be great if there are permadeaths again.
the best part of HW is having a dinner date with aymeric.
I can't get my Eureka level high enough to progress anymore. I enjoyed Anemos but the nerf to fates just killed it off for me.
>nier raid has your alliance piloting cruisechaser magitek mechs to reach the next boss
This nigga knows.
Wow, this was pointless. What did DRG do to deserve such a shitty job quest?
Is white mage the ONLY job in the entire game that gets NOTHING at level 62? Fucking hilarious
>they go and make the whole thing completely pointless
Nigger what? That journey told you literally everything about what was going on, was the major reason Ysayle saved your life at the end, and showed Hraesvelgr that the Ishgardians were pushing for change and thus prompted him to help against Nidhogg at Final Steps.
>More than half the dinner is WoL staring at the butler in fear of another poisoning
Most artists moved to twitter years ago. The reason is mostly that they can't be bothered with the long upload forms most websites have.
Anyone else bothered by the size of the gunblades? They are even smaller than most PLD weapons
>Active Time Maneuver
>Except you need to shout in your mic
What's the point of making DNC ranged if part of their rotation requires them to be melee anyway? I havent played other ranged classes so maybe they all do this
Aymeric can fuck off, as if a dinner date was enough to make up for all of the cleaning up I ha LD to do for Ishgard
>land on the first
>get offered wine and instantly reject it out of sheer muscle memory
just how fucking traumatized are we?
DNC gets 2 En Avant traits, that's even worse.
Provided there's no streamlining to get rid of filler from ARR, what could they possibly touch on to make old concepts relevant or worth keeping? Ascians went from generic shadow lords to Emet, Gaius went from typical fantasy villain to literally right and Shadow Hunter. Though not filler, those were greatly improved from their ARR foundations.
DRG was phoning in its job-quests as far back as Heavensward since the entirety of HW was one huge dragoon job-quest and all the set-up re: the Azure Dragoon as Ishgard was done in 30-50. Bringing things back to Nidhogg is the most relevant to the job's flavor that it's been in a while and it gives you more insight on Nidhogg himself
There are quite a few empty levels now. GNB get nothing at 74 and 78 for instance.
No because I'm not a faggot. PLD weapons are too big too. Every fucking weapon in this game is twice the size it should be except for gunblades.
>can't clear
It's pretty fair, gunblades aren't huge weapons by any means. The largest they get in FF8 is about the size of the typical PLD sword in XIV
As someone who's played BRD and MCH, nope. This is something only DNC has and I think it's a nice distinction to have, you can spend a lot of your rotation at a distance but you have to close in now and again. It's like a dance.
there used to be a few things that worked only in melee range on brd/mch but they did away with them, although they were kinda weird utility skills
>Newest expansion has a shameless parody of Trump
As expected of a game made by and for Hillarycucks
>join titan ex for wt as DNC
That was your first mistake. You can solo every ARR EX now effortlessly.
Except Leviathan because stuns and platforms.
Melee-range makes you hop in and around, like, you know, a dancer.
What is it like breathing cock instead of air?
>still no scans of the two roegadyn doujins
>Yoshi P's autism will never let us get Regula's giant gunblade
I always liked the WoL's mental state being reflected in trailers. He's been motivated and hopeful since ARR, cocky in SB, wrecked PTSD and fucking tired in ShB.
What ilvl will normal and savage gear be
Make sure to go back and do any side content like raids or trials you might have missed, after SHB made G’raha a main character you never know who could be next.
patches 2.1 and 2.2 are pretty darn slow and boring then it slowly builds up to a medium, then finishes at 2.5 with a great ending.
(slow as balls, with 100 quests)
3.0 is pretty darn comfy, nice atmosphere, and plenty of good moments.
Considering FF14 is filled with MMO problems, this is one of the most rounded expansions.
then 3.x patches happens, and is a bit of a mess, and not as good.
4.0 Stormblood is mediocre to boring, feels closer to what 2.1-2.5 felt like, but w/o the awesome ending of 2.5.
but 4.1 patch is awful, like 2.1 awful.
4.2-4.5 are actually pretty darn good, with the best saved for last.
Making stormblood almost seem like it was worth it.
Then 5.0 most of which is above average, just shy of heavensward. (a slightly sub par version)
but then you hti the Lv80 quests, and that alone is worth everything u did in stormblood, and shadowbringers.
Tipping the scales to surpass heavensward. (they could literally throw out the entire expansion, and have ONLY the ending, and it be just as good)
hopefully the patches dont fuck it up.
>Sacrifice yourself for a shit kid that refuses to dodge mechanics
>Do it because Varis might still have some use of him one day
>Varis fucking dies
Regula deserved better.
>literally Scree
It barely gives any context to Nidhogg other than the fact that he was banging Ratatoskr. It was literally the "remember Heavensward?" quest.
500 and 510
>Sidequest chain in Lakeland where you help a soldier get through the trauma of being a sole survivor from his group
>He asks WoL how do they manage to stay strong through all this
>"You get used to it"
>Godbert shows up in msq
>expect wacky shenanigans
>get red pilled instead
I guess he’s serious mode when he’s wearing pants.
>retards already crying for whm nerfs
why does everyone love ast/sch meta so much?? just to boost your own dps?
Why are Garlean weapons so much sexier than anything these Eorzean savages can cludge together
Mahjong is FFXIV's end game.
I'm at 79 as BLM and I'm still in awe of just how smooth the multitarget rotation is now, and just how much flexibility the 30sec Sharpcast and Despair in general gives
>using Manafont after Despair to get one more FireIV and a second Despair in fire phase
It shouldn't do more dps than tanks unless tanks get buffed.
>Do Main Quest roulette as DNC
>Get Mt. Gulg
>Tank is new, made the BLM Viera my dance partner
>First mob, SCH Viera pulls me into an AOE with Rescue
>'Okay maybe she tried to get me away from the Tail Whip that one mob did and the AOE was just an accident'
>First Boss, Tank dies near the end but we still managed to clear the fight
>Tank"Sorry about that, my bad."
>Me"No problem, it happens."
>SCH"Uh Dancer I do not need you to speak for me, I can do it myself."
>GNB"I meant the entire group but whatever."
>Noticed during the rest of the run that the only heals I get are from the Fairy and AOE never from the SCH herself
>While the Tank watches the cutscenes the SCH spammed Adloquium on to the BLM
>Again during Boss fight only heals from Fairy or AOE never personal
Am I looking to much into this or did I somehow trigger the SCH by making the BLM my Dance Partner?
450 and 470 if they follow the same pattern as SB, where we had 320 primal/normal raid/crafted gear and 340 deltascape savage gear
When are we getting a shield based job? Enforcer or some shit. I remember the job acronym being datamined out of the 1.0 code
Are Garleanaboos the most insufferable people
I can't wait bros.
Dye the shire gunblade gold