Thoughts, Yea Forums?
PlayStation 5 Will Be Dead on Arrival with Sony's 'Hardcore Gamer' Strategy
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how will they ever cope?
they're finished
h-he's fast!
Is it stupid to release w console that is barely an upgrade over ps4 pro and is what the ps4 pro was originally supposed to be? Yes. Same with Skarlet and one x. These companies are on crack.
why nintendo is always the most bullied?
>targeting hardcore gamers with their current censorship bs
yeah no kidding it'll be doa
ps5 will have a cpu which isn't dogshit
Click bait article
Came off to me as the same idea of the tailors from the Emperor's New Clothes
'Only hardcore gamers will like our console. You ARE a hardcore gamer, aren't you?'
I think normal fags need to shut the fuck up about shit like video games, comics and anime.
I agree. Hardcore gamers are notorious for not spending money on games.
I disagree, only because I think the mobile bubble will burst.
>there wont be a PS4
>"G-g-g-g-gamers!!!!?!?! I thought we killed gamers!!!!!!!"
Kek, (((journalists))) on suicide watch.
>On the other hand, 46% of gamers belong to the “time filler” and “cloud gamer” category. The time filler plays a game only when he or she has to kill time, while the cloud gamer inclines toward streaming services and doesn’t believe in spending a ton on hardware.
We need to destroy gamers in the clouds.
normalfags are going to fall for the streaming meme, and Sony already has their foot in the door with PSNow so that doesn't matter. Playing TLOU2 on an iPhone? Why the fuck not. By that point, if you're going to make a console, it may as well be an enthusiast model.
>dead on arrival
Just make FIFA 2021 exclusive to the PS5. Any lost sales from edited tits-and-ass fanservice will be a mere line item when compared to all that Eurozone cash.
I hope so sony should die
>that is barely an upgrade over ps4 pro
> Jaguar vs Zen 2
Are you retarded?
>hardcore gamers are people who play visual novels and senran only
That doesn't refute anything i said. These companies have been lying about the capability of specs since the original xbox and ps2.
>harsh chauhan
Lmao also chinese website even more lmao
Its cute that people think a standard generational upgrade is mindblowing
>wants to court the hardcore gamer demographic
>whilst also censoring mature content and having nothing to offer but casual kinogames about ugly post-apocalyptic lesbians
A sound strategy desu
>hardcore gamers play games like DMC5
Yes, last time I checked that is the type of game a hardcore gamer would play. Any other questions?
Jaguar was bottom of the barrel mobile garbage. Zen 2 is state-of-the-art chip design - while Zen 3 comes out next year, the difference isn't going to be that huge.
Inb4 they sell millions of units
This, gamers are dead for five years now. Why are they still making games even
I hope you're not saying that DMC5 was censored.
>Put your headquarters in the liberal normie mobile casual mecca
>Commit to hardcore games
This surely won't be a disaster.
Did Sony actually say anything about hardcore gamers? I thought this shit was in reference to AAA companies which would equate to courting casuals...
They've always aimed for the "hardcore gamer" which nowadays means the normalfag who buys Bethesda games on console for the dopamine rush and drop it after 5 hours. This is nothing new for Sony.
Why i should have given a fuck about a buttcrack when i played it on my PS4?
I'm seriously not moving to next gen. The industry is so shit.
They aren't actually commuting to hardcore gamers. This is the same strategy they used in the 90s when they convinced tech illiterate people that SFVs were high tech graphics.
Where the fuck have you been? It was censored on PS4.
>make console for ''''''hardcore gamers''''''
>censor games for people who don't even play games
How do you aim a console at hardcore gamers though, what do you have to do? I cant actually get my head around this are they saying it will be stronger? But thats just what all consoles attempt to do every gen, unless the idea is that they are going to evolve controllers so all games use M+Kb as standard, that would actually be a game changer, the more buttons a controller has the more functionality you can work into games. They could also packaged every PS5 with a VR headset, so there are more headsets in every home so more developers are willing to throw money into a good game that uses VR, because everyone will actually be able to play them as oppose to now where a fraction of people have them.
I just dont undestand what the fuck them mean by making the console itself aimed at hardcore gamers, like, are they saying they will pour money into developing harder games because of the success of such titles branded hard? For all we know their interpritation of what makes a "hardcore gamer" is buying useless addons for the console and playing nothing but Fortnite and Fifa. They need to explain what they are actually doing, it sounds like PR shite to make their console "the big boys" console while everything else is just a toy.
Its going to be a significant upgrade, and thats why the price will leap.
When they say "niche product for a hardcore audience", they mean "$800-1k console that actually can match a PC this time"
Ryzen 2s arent free.
Because yeah, at the 400 dollar range, a new console would be a small 10% upgrade over the Pro
As a grown ass man, assuming you aren't 12, why should another person be telling you that you shouldn't be allowed to see something as pathetic as a butt crack? Does your mom still do chu chu sounds while feeding you with a spoon?
I dunno, some documents were hinting at Zen 3 being able to do stupid things. Like 64 cores consumer grade
I just dont fucking care about it. Im playing the game and if Yea Forums had not cried so hard about it i would have been none the wiser.
Most consolewarriors are Sonyfaggots.
Yup, normies are turning against them along with weebs, only ones left are trannies and fags.
Was censored in the West and remains censored in Europe.
pretty much this
"Hardcore gamer" in this context means obscene pricing
He's right, please get second jobs.
I think faggot ass shills should shut the fuck up and stop drinking piss and eating shit.
>normies are turning against them along with weebs
This fucking delusion is hilarious.
The censorship shit is a non controversy to normalfags.
No one gives a shit about weeb shovelware that barely breaks 10k.
>'Hardcore Gamer'
Oh yes. The Sony "Hardcore Gamer". Playing such "hardcore" games such as Uncharted and The Last of Us! So hardcore! Much mature!
>A 50 year old Japanese salaryman at some obscure investor meeting lets a gamer word they don't entirely understand slip in the same paragraph as the word "Ps5"
>Draw broad, sweeping conclusions about the future success of the product
>Yea Forums clicks on it
I actually don't live in a bubble and stay on Yea Forums all day, people are getting tired of Sony's arrogance and this will blow up in their face next gen. I'll make sure to stick around to see your inevitable suicide after this all falls apart for them.
I haven't moved past 7th gen. I honestly don't get why any of you did.
This is a slippery slope. Eventually there will be no sexual content (or maybe gore as well) in vidya. We will regress back to the 90s where video games were seen as childrens toys.
The reality is that a ‘powerful’ console is never successful. Sony really only ever competed in gaming due to being a giant corporation that could afford heavy losses year after year.
So dmcv and senran kagura are not shovel ware
Imagine putting your financial stability on the line to start a company selling a product you enjoy. Your goal is to make and sell this age appropriate product legally to age appropriate people. There is nothing illegal or immoral about your product. Yet for some reason your company becomes at risk of shutting down because another company illegally blocks you from releasing it.
Even though I don't play those games, I find it fucked up that you can support Sony. I hope you end up homeless so that you can enjoy the life you wish onto others who do nothing wrong to deserve it you pathetic piece of shit...
It seems the world is finally starting to understand that you DON'T fuck with gamers.
>Imagine putting your financial stability on the line to start a company selling a product you enjoy
No and im not reading any futher than this because im here to talk about video games not all that analogy trash you just dumped, make your actual point in plain wnglish or fuck off
They're right, both the PS5 and Skarlet are going to be 800 dollars or more.
they aren't doing aything differently strategically speaking, aside from attempting to appeal to "hardcore gamers" by announcing they're making a "hardcore gamer machine". It'll still be a media center and everything else
Hardcore gamers are all using PCs, though. There's a reason PCs have 56% of the gaming market share.
Who are this fucking retards? Sony dominated this gen precisly because they focused on "hardcore gamers" (or whatever the market think Hardcore is)
Personally I think they are doing the complete opposite currently because people that like Japanese niche games are usually the first ones to buy a new console so Sony going full SJW the last few years will make a lot of people consider to not get a PS5 and wait if the niche games go towards Nintendo systems.
Sony thinks they're big enough to dictate how the industry's culture works. Their strategy is not that you will choose the PS5 because you are a hardcore gamer, it is that Sony decided you are a hardcore gamer -because- you bought a PS5
How is this "hardcore gamer" strategy any different than what they did in the past? The only time they didn't target the "hardcore gamer" crowd was when they courted indie developers during the later years of the PS3 era. This seems like a whole lot of talk for a whole lot of nothing.
You guys are dumb fucks for encourage that mid-gen hardware upgrade bullshit. Now they're going to keep doing it because of you faggots because it doubles their profits without actually having to commit to anything and barely offering anything new.
WTF kind of ignorant piece of trash am I talking to? Nothing in my post comes even close to being an analogy. Are you legit retarded user? I'm asking that as a serious question right now.
it doesn't mean anything. they just want people to get hyped for something that's going to launch with no gaymes. it's just another box
>We want the hardcore gamer audience
>But also we want to cater to SJW's with censoring
Pick 1 and only 1
Sony dominates and keeps dominating because it's currently the console normies will pick for sports games and Call of Duty, Xbox360 had that position last gen.
>talking about new consoles already
Fuck it already feels like 2018 never even happened.
I think they'll have decent sales because of their massive marketing budget. They spent like a billion marketing for the ps4 on launch, they'll do the same with ps5. They won't sell as much as ps4 though, because there's more competition now. The Wii u and Xbone were a joke. I'll predict 11-12 million sales year 1.
PS5 and xbone x 2 will be dead on arrival because there are STILL no games announced to be coming out with them. xbone x 2 has halo, granted, but is that going to be it? That's gonna be their only launch title?
i'd like to point out that the same marketing strategy ("hardcore gamer")was very successful for the PS4 vs XBONE
no it wasn't.
>Mommy said lens flares appear infront of naughty parts of woman so it wasn't censored, it's realism
>Xbox360 had that position last gen
The Xbox One would've probably kept that position too if Microsoft didn't shoot themselves in both kneecaps right before the launch of the console.
Literally handed Sony a gift-wrapped victory this gen with those retarded decisions.
You two need to be shot, I'm serious corporate stooges deserve the rope.
They think they can get away with that because of research from 2 years ago that showed the price of GPUs was skyrocketing. So now they're like "well, we can price our consoles at $1000 because now PCs are $3000 so we're still a bargain by comparison!" ... only they're not and $1200 will still get you a respectable gaming PC. Bleeding edge? No. But it would run new games at medium settings.
Ah, so not censorship, just you wanting to ogle asses. got it.
>we want the hardcore audience
>censors all your games
As long as they sont charge a stupid amount of money for the console then there is no way they will lose the next gen race
It's still censorship even if you don't like what's said.
>Sony dominates because of games that are bought by 10% of their userbase
If you think about it, "hardcore gamer" is not a very flattering title. I would have said "avid gamer" or something. It sounds less like a shut-in basement-dwelling pussy-repellant.
>hard core gamers
>too afraid to show sexy grils
>But also we want to cater to SJW's with censoring
It's a fucking corporation you dullard, they don't give a shit about sjw they censor because they want good pr (and sjw are very vocal on social media) and lower the ESRB to sell their games to kids. If the could get away with selling rape simulators while making bank they would do it in a heartbeat.
I remember when Yea Forums kept saying there wouldn't be a ps4.
Must suck to be this mad about video games all the time.
Why would I care about how thots and sluts label me? Women are absolutely worthless beings taken as a whole.
Video game journalists just hate (hardcore) gamers.
So they want to cater to 'hardcore gamers' but at the same time go puritan with boob and ass censoring?
Nah, you're just easiest to anger, which you prove with your posts to an 1:10 strength bait post.
holy fuck
sony nerds left behind like the pathetic incel weebs they are
>ITT hardcore gamer means i want anime titties in my video games
>shut-in basement-dwelling pussy-repellant
is this a bad thing?
Why would anyone even care about sony at this point? Are there even any third party exclusives left on their system that you give a shit about? If you actually post on Yea Forums the answer is most likely no. So why the fuck would you care what they release when you can just play it in higher resolution and framerate on PC?
Let's punish Sony for making the mistake of targeting core gamers instead of the wider casual audience.
Sports games and normie-FPS:s are most sold PS4 games. Cinematic experiences and weeb games are almost niche when comparing to them.
>hardcore gamers
pick one
if you're hardcore you care about the integrity of the industry, which means you oppose censorship in all it's forms.
so if I understand this correctly, Playstation will now be not one but two (2) generational leaps ahead of Nintendo's hardware?
Uh, no it won’t. That’s retarded. It’s a PlayStation with the number 5 on it, it’ll be a success.
When they say hardcore they are including FIFA and cod fanbases because it was just meaningless PR, so basically the same people who bought the PS4.
Sony and M$ are pretty close in sales in the US. Sony won this gen due to sales in other countries, and those countries pay more attention to this shit than Americans. To top that, even ignorant Americans will shift back to M$ once they see them leading in sales. I would be surprised if M$ doesn't curb stomp Sony at the beginning of next generation.
>sony sticks with their $399 price tag like everyone knows they will
>microsoft kills themselves releasing console at $599
Sony is to far on top. microsoft won't want to lose money, but sony knows its worth it in the long run.
>if you're hardcore you care about the integrity of the industry
nobody gives a shit about a single lens flare in dmcv that was patched out mere days later you fucking autist.
There is approximately a 0.04% chance of Microsoft NOT curbstomping Sony and singlehandedly ensuring that Sony files for bankruptcy. The chances that Microsoft won't absolutely destroy Sony are too low to seriously matter.
I fucking hate that consumers are willing to put out retarded amounts of money for a phone but go full mcscrooge whenever a new console is coming out.
if for one generation both big shot consoles came out at $600 it would improve the average game so goddamn much
>Yea Forumsintendo
> the outside world hates ps4 bro!
Is that why there's no wii being sold in brick and mortar stores and ps4 is fucking everywhere? Aaah right.
movie games would work well on phones desu
phones are great for letsplays
Haha! Epic! Well played good sir!
edit: thanks for the gold!
The ps5 and Xbone 2 are both gonna eat shit hard. Next year you will have the switch lite bundled with Mario or Pokemon for like $180 while the ps5 and Xbone 2 will be at minimum $400 but more likely at least $450 with no game. It's gonna be a slaughter. BotW 2 will be coming out around then too.
phones actually have practical value and are used even while working, so they have more value than what is essentially an underpowered pc
>I actually don't live in a bubble
Last year, with all the censorship and crossplay "controversy" where apparently people got tired of Sony's arrogance, the PS4 sold 18 million, it's second best year. So what the fuck are you talking about?
This. The industry died with 7th gen. Not sure if it was the recession or corporate suits killing creativity, but what the fuck is there to look out for? I can count the number of games on one hand that I would play from this gen. The rest is mediocrity to shit.
Spiderman is near CoD in sales and about 4 times the sales of Madden 19. Do you even look at sales before you speak? Sports and shooters are by no means even close to being a majority of the market...
>read the article
>sony is focusing on the big budget tripleA instead of cloud service like the rest
>that's NO good!
Leftfags: please stay on your iPhone games. It' s were you reddit cocks belong.
Please be honest, were you shitposting in 2013 that the ps4 would never be released and that sony was going under?
yeah no one gives a shit about indie games
I remember all the "PS4 is doomed" articles.
And the "switch is doomed" articles.
And the "PC is dead" articles.
the only ones claiming to be "dissapointed" in sony are the turbo autists on Yea Forums screeching about some loli rape games getting "censored"
I hope so. And without the weebs to bail them out hopefully playstation dies out this time, though I wouldn't count on it sadly because you'll still have millions of normie retards who'll just buy it for fifa.
T. sonyfag who has almost every sony console/handheld.
The Switch doesn't have the same audience as the other two. The two years the Switch has been on the market are also the two best selling years for the PS4.
t.filtered on crushing and grounded
Better to live a single day as a king and die as such instead of a life of slavery.
Better to die the hero rather than becoming the villain.
Better to die with dignity and the head up instead of bending the knee to those below you.
Better to die young, beautiful and in your prime rather than old, sick, ugly and dependent of the mercy of others.
it will be dead on arrival because everything is censored, crossplay is blocked, the vr is censored, pay to play online, etc.
anyoen who buys ps5 is a retard.
Then there is going to be millions of retards, because none of that shit will make a dent in the PS5 sales.
NOt really, they are just kinda the oddball.
Not that other guy but I do think Nintendo is going to syphon sales. Also in 2013 I was telling everyone that PS4 was going to obliterate the competition in sales.
That's nice until you realize it will be a generation behind xbox and pc
because the mutts play on pc?
its a new gen, people only bought ps4 because everyone already bought it before they start introducing their cancer. consumers can choose to fuck sony just as easily as they fucked microsoft with xbox one.
doesn't the exbawx have the same processor? Doesn't that mean it has roughly the same games except ... less? If I want to play an online FPS game I'll stick to pc thanks.
>Headline only, no screencap or quote from the article body
Shill fuck off
Why do I have a feeling these threads are made by a falseflagger fueling potential shitpost ammo when the console comes out and sells 10s of millions like last time? I've seen the same exact thing with PS4 and Switch
The question is, does this board know?
>f2p garbo
>80% of pc gamers have a card under GTx550
yeah, no
Xbox already confirmed hardware accelerated ray tracing. Sony skirted around that and talked about some "audio raytracing" bullshit. It's going to be like GTX 16 vs RTX 20
Dumb entitled casual faggots.
Everyone does they just wanna get burned by the fire and let everyone get burned
Sony actually said that the LGBT would be the main audience for PS5. I'm not kidding, there's an article where one of the suits actually says that.
>I dont know how raytracing works
it's a meme tech, just like nvidea hairworks. Real raytracing will probably never be a thing user. If you knew what it actually entailed.
Take a look at the next BF to see how utterly useless raytracing is. BTW we had nice reflections in ut2k3 which cost 1:10000 of the cpu power. no biggie.
>[citation needed]
are you saying Yea Forums is addicted to being wrong?
Id say this is becoming less and less the case. Its still definitly true, but it has changed from 90 percent of the base getting CoD and FIFA, its like 50-60 percent now. Especialy since CoD isnt the powerhouse it use to be. Also it seems a lot of poeple who were originaly interested in that stuff have begun to diversify. you can tell with the amount of youtubers/streamers etc getting modest veiws on relatively obscure games.
By hardcore gamers they mean the huehues and eurofags who dump tons of money on FIFA ultimate team right
Whoever wrote that article is a dumbass. Appealing to hardcore gamers is the ONLY strategy that works save for tapping some brand new market only you know exists, which has happened only a couple of times in history (Wii, 2600, and NES I think).
The only people who are dumb enough to spend $400 on a console with few game are the hardcore gamers. Appeal to them, make the system good, and they talk to their normie friends who get on board later.
>console players
It was an edit to troll Yea Forums, nigger retard.
so they mean it's going to $600+ and dead on release ok
But they won't because there is no reason for that. Unless Sony fucks up the reveal even worse than teh PS3 one, a person from Europe who bought the PS4 to play FIFA doesn't have any reason to switch sides. Or any normie who is enjoying the latest multiplat and the Sony exclusives that are selling now better than ever and have no equivalent in the Xbox.
There's a group of dedicated shitposters who always post the same fucking drivel, save for the subject being used as the punching bag, and then they're the ones who do those screencap "shaming" images. One of them is so much of a pussy to actually post on here that he just edits the page's javascript to type in some bullshit reply with a fake trip so he can screencap and post it on r/Yea Forums
normies buy whichever console is selling more, so there more people to play online with
see xbox 360 and the sudden switch to ps4
I think the normies will probably go with xbox tho, I doubt normies care about censorship like us but what they do care about is crossplay and sony are the only ones refusing to do crossplay
weebs wont buy ps4 because most weeb games now are either on switch, pc or both and uncensored opposed to the playstations kosher version
everyone seems to forget that things reset every generation, you cant just think oh well I have the lead in this generation so everyone will follow me into the next
>Piss off hardcore gamers with censorship
>Piss off casual gamers with "hardcore gamer strategy"
Why is Sony so stupid?
And thats a good thing
weebs wont buy ps5*
my mistake
>We will regress back to the 90s where video games were seen as childrens toys.
>normies fuck off out of vidya because it's for children
>new video game golden age
How is this bad again?
The problem is their "hardcore gamer" actually means people who want to watch a movie.
No, you see, the industry is self fulfilling prophecies. EVERYONE is going to play streamed video games because they said so. There is NO POSSIBLE alternative to their wishes happening.
Oh cool, Bayofags will fit right in
I don't get it
>Zen 2 is state-of-the-art chip design
Uhh, not at the low end, which is what consoles will be using.
Most likely they'll be using some shitty mobile Zen 2 parts clocked at 2-2.4 GHz.
Likely 6-8 cores/12-16 threads.
Only difference is that it won't be a horrible bottleneck for most games unlike the Jaguar.
I wouldnt mind a new kojima movie
You're getting one. It's called Death Stranding.
>old usenet jokes are associated with reddit now
kill the internet
>you guys are all just falseflagging
I've got 22 platinum trophies that say I'm an ex Sony fan...
The PS3 sold more than the Xbox360 in the end. The Xbox brand is just weaker and after this gen of mediocre "exclusives", it's even worse. Europe is the biggest market for playstation and they have no reason at all to switch sides. Also crossplay is a non issue as 18 million people bought the PS4 in 2018, the year when that "controversy" started.
For normies just sitting on your ass and playing Uncharted for a whooping 3 hours is already hardcore.
>selling Fifa consoles
>"""hardcore""" gamers
I know.
The Wii was two gens ago you dumb tranny.
I make old Yea Forums jokes and get called reddit(by redditfugees no doubt) despite not having a reddit account or visiting reddit in general.
I agree. Burn it all with fire.
Hah, yeah that's what they get for not pandering to soccer moms and toddlers like us. That'll show them, gotta have a wide audience.
I'm talking about the US, Euronigger.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Nintendo!
Cross play is a dumb thing to be pissed about. Nobody really cares. They just want to be pissed about something. Cross play could have always been a thing and nobody ever have a shit about it before. So why only now? There's a bunch of reasons to be pissed at Snoy. Cross play is a dumb one.
Wrong, it'll be dead on arrival due to it's flagrant censorship and blatant SJW leanings.
its not funny, only a reddit faggot would find it funny
nintendo is always one generation behind as they haven't sold competitive hardware since the N64. Not sure what your point is.
>Don't criticize the things I like
Fuck you, and fuck Nintendies. What now, faget?
4/10 Needs improvement but not the worst I've seen.
Raytrace is a thing, and probably the future.
But given how shaders works in terms of research, they will probably come up with a software solution that will work better than the hardware one.
>The two years the Switch has been on the market are also the two best selling years for the PS4.
Only because Sony did ridiculous black Friday super sales. They wouldn't be doing that If they weren't feeling the heat.
>"hardcore gamer"
>banning and censoring and driving off all the devs of games while leaving western movie-game directors untouched
they better have a whole lot of capeshit coming down the line if they're trying to mimic Hollywood
Just google it, zoomer. 56% of games for in-home play (not mobiles) are sold for PCs.
Every modern GPU already supports hardware accelerated raytracing, having SUPPORT for raytracing means shit because it doesn't tell us anything about the performance.
Decent performance raytracing on anything but $1400+ GPUs is an absolute pipedream for the next decade.
Especially at 4k+ resolutions.
Here in the US, we're tired of Sony and their screws up, it makes sense that Europoors would defend them since their a third world shithole anyway.
You guys must be delusional if you think ps5 is gonna crash and burn
I think you mean GameCube.
After the ps3 I was indeed surprised that they chose to release another console. Fortunately for them both Microsoft and Nintendo shit their pants so they had the gen to themselves.
Wrong. The GCN was competitive with PS2 and Xbox.
Gamecube was stronger than the weak ass PS2, you dumb fuck.
No, it's not. In order to get true raytracing in realtime you'd need to hook up a supercomputer or 10 to do your calculations, and you'd still have horrible lag.
The nvidea tech is also not raytracing. If you've read even a perfunctory article, or just used your eyeballs when viewing the trailers' you'd know this.
Raytracing is literally simulating particle/lightning bouncing around in your world. So even a small lightsource would need millions of particles, all bouncing around multiple times in your world. Do you understand now why realtime raytracing is NOT an option? EVER?
Moore's law is gone within 5 years, don't believe the lies.
>Only because Sony did ridiculous black Friday super sales. They wouldn't be doing that If they weren't feeling the heat.
So basically what sony nintendo and mircosoft has been doing for a long time
This is exactly what people like you said before the PS3.
These people will still buy it before hating it, at that point they already helped the system stay alive very well.
The last console before nintendo became the gimmick company, just remembering it makes me tear up
We're looking at post PS2 Sony all over again. Pompous and arrogant and is about to throw away the entire lead they have made for themselves while simultaneously pissing off Japanese developers. They've done this before and were financially destroyed because of it. Clearly they can't learn.
>the blue fisher price
Didn't even do dvd's, was released halfway into the generation without having superior hardware.
No it wasn't.
Dude they sold their powerful console for the same price as a fucking 3ds and included a new game. These deals are not normal.
Xbox was significantly more powerful than the gamecube and ps2
They would have black friday sales regardless of the Switch as it was the 5th year of the thing in the market. The PS4 still managed to beat the Switch every quarter worldwide except in the holidays. The Switch didn't affect sales at all.
The PS3 still sold 87 million.
Consoles in general are on their way out, at least traditional consoles.
Hence why Nintendo went the hybrid route.
And with Microsoft, Sony, Google, Bethesda, Nvidia, and Ubisoft all jumping on the streaming meme, it won't be long until consoles as a whole are killed by streaming boxes and smart TVs since normalfags don't give a fuck and just want to play Fifa.
And since 5G is gaining tons of ground in Europe (Sony's biggest market), it's easy to see that the days of the traditional console are numbered.
I didn't mean to reply to you
Yes yes, you can't use actual full blown raytracing (except on minecraft for some reason), but there are things that raster are not very good at doing such as reflections and free shadow casting that raytrace solve.
And those will be done via raytrace on this next generation, but i think the hardware raytracer of Nvidia might follow the path of MSAA, impressive for the time, but no one use it anymore.
Sony has made it abundantly clear they intend to enforce strict censorship policies to conform to SJW standards. I know it can be upsetting to hear people are no longer interested in your favorite console because of blatant disregard of maintaining the games original integrity by censoring parts that offend your transgender sensibilities, but that's the logical conclusion of pushing censorship where it isn't necessary.
You are wrong, we are like in 2012 again, with people making retarded claims about Sony going bankrupt and the PS4 never releasing.
It's just dazzling people with the thought that their new console will be for super hardcore elite gamers such as themselves
And lost Sony money literally the entire time, congrats. Sony is incredibly lucky Microsoft shit the bed with the Xbone reveal. That one thing saved their asses.
>WAAAH my pedo games!
nobody with a normally functioning brain gives a shit about your pedo games user. It's often shit games anyway.
you know this type of threads are just made by trolls/faggots/shills ? they want you to talk about something to make it more popular and bring more attention, people crave attention so much today, they can't get enough.
I don't see how someone can possibly see the ps5 doing as well as the ps4 unless you think the industry has just grown massively since then. The ps4 was up vs the Wii u (lol) which after the ps4 came outbthe Wii u basically averaged 1.5 million sales a year. It's other competition was the Xbone which has zero presence outside of the US. The next Xbox can't possibly be marketed as poorly and the switch is selling 12-13x what the Wii u was. To compete with the switch the ps4 has been having massive black Friday deals where they sell the game for $200 with a new game so essentially $140 for a current gen console. They can't do that with a new system.
But I'm noit saying it's gonna bomb. Even the Xbone, a complete disaster, still sold 40 million. As long as the marketing money is there your sales can't get that low. I'm just saying it won't sell ps4 numbers. I'm guessing the ps4 ends at about 110-120 million and the ps5 sells 80 million. I think that's a realistic estimate.
Mmm no, even just doing raytraced reflections is not only extremely demanding, but isn't even entirely accurate and definitely won't be seen on next gen consoles since AMD has no real raytracing hardware acceleration solution.
>people are no longer interested
Nobody gives a fuck about the opinon of a bunch of weebs. The fanbanse for the trash being censored is so tiny that even if you don't count any of them, the PS4 will end up well over a hundred million.
>make money from BR licensing as game console made it popular, just like DVD before it
>losing money
hahaha, good one user. Is that how they got funding for the ps4 with the biggest ad campaigns ever for any console ever? Ok bro.
you turds are going to cry about porn censorship for the next decade while sony continues to dominate. get fucked lmao
>Having core audience bad, having 3 trannies who like you on resetera good!
>no dvds
Wii didn't either :^)
>halfway into generation
2001 isn't halfway, retard. Same year as Xbox(before the Xbox actually)
>without having superior hardware
It was superior to the PS2 in some ways and the PS2 was superior in other ways. They were competitive, you can stop trying to rewrite history now, weirdo.
I'll stay on my PC so long as they keep censoring shit
Does this mean that they are not going to kowtow to faggots, trannies and SJW's anymore? Will we finally get to go back to non-political video games?
This. He had me for a second butt (pun intended) then I realized.
>not 2 generations behind
I still remember looking at a video anouncing the wii in some toy store and thinking: 'why the fuck is this on ps2 resolution?' Mind you, I had crysis running at that time.
>while sony continues to dominate.
Sorry, continues to dominate? The switch has outsold the ps4 for 7 months in a row. With Mario Maker and the switch lite coming that's gonna continue all the way to the ps5.
>AMD has no real raytracing hardware acceleration solution
Who says they have to use AMD? AMD could supply the cpu and gpu and then use a custom FPGA to accelerate raytracing
>not outselling the PS3 and Xbox 360 without a DVD player
My point is that movies aren't video games, retard, and the PS2 selling well as a DVD player is about as valid as the Wii selling well because of grandmas.
The Gamecube was competitive with PS2 and Xbox.
Only because they fucked up with the cell. No reason to believe the Ps5 will be so expensive for them. Also PSN it's making a lot more money now to recover from any losses.
I hope you and the rest of Yea Forums stop playing games. Leave 'em for people who like games.
>all these delusional manlets saying sony abandoned hardcore gamers because 7 games had 7 pngs altered that went on to sell a whopping 90k worldwide
It's telling of how disingenuous you are when you're immediate reaction to being faced with the facts are to cry over imaginary pedophiles. Not a surprise, but humorous nonetheless.
Again, I understand that the truth can be upsetting, you have every right to be angry that a company you've idolized is facing backlash due to poor business decisions but it is more prudent to grapple with the truth than to simply delude yourself into believing comforting falsehoods. I wish you the best on your journey.
even the biggest nintenbro on the planet has to admit that the wii was the worst console nintendo ever created. worst value for money. so incredibly far behind the competition from a hardware perspective, and way overpriced. Just fucking terrible.
I could definitely see the ps5 and Xbone 2 being above $400. The rumors could be bullshit but from what we're hearing they're going for power this time. Of course they'll sell at a loss but I don't think either of them are eager to repeat the massive loss of the 360/ps3 gen.
We're talking about power, not features and the PS2 was weak as shit even compared to the Dreamcast.
We weren't comparing the GCN and Xbox, that guy was comparing the GCN and PS2, everyone knows the Xbox was the strongest console that gen.
Those people are probably the same retards who thought the 3ds was gonna crash and burn
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be see playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to all agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
I'm going to buy one
>im not a pedo!
lol k
The hardware was awful but software wise it was better than the n64 at least.
everything i wrote is the truth though, you should probably take your own advice game fapper
Sony execs themselves have done multiple interviews where they all go into how the PS3 lost Sony billions of dollars. Coping doesn't change that.
Meh, I don't even mind.
I used my cousin's PS4 for a month and it really opened my eyes to how barren console gaming is nowadays.
Just looking at every single non-remaster/re-release/port on the platform there's
>Bloodborne (great)
>Uncharted 4 (meh)
>God of War (meh)
>Horizon Zero Dawn (meh)
>Gravity Rush 2 (Only played the demo, kind of a shit demo, literally like 5 minutes of gameplay)
>Infamou SS (boring)
>Spiderman (meh)
>Can't even remember the rest off the top of my head because they're so forgettable
I also have an Xbone that I got for free since my uncle didn't want it anymore and the only games I have on it are the ones he gave me.
Literally EVERYTHING on that turd is a multiplat.
I remember when not having a console meant you missed out on TONS of amazing games that you couldn't get elsewhere, but nowadays it seems like most console games are just multiplats. There have been more million+ selling PC exclusives released this year than PS4/XB1 exclusives, which is FUCKING insane.
Blows my mind how bad consoles dropped the ball, literally the only consoles I paid for this gen are a WiiU and a Switch, and half the Switch's library is ports of WiiU games.
They'll sell it at a loss of course, but they also have more sources of income now as they didn't have paid online back then.
>not wanting your console to be better when it's released 2 years late.
Now I know I'm takling to a nintendikid.
I remember how you guys used to flaunt the SNES when it was 2% faster than the genesis, hahahaha. oh boy.
As a Idort, when I enter Nintendo threads it consists of Sonyfags making baby shit post talk with a Nintendofag wojak, that usually gets nuked by the mods.
Xbox, though infrequent, are nicer threads in general. Sonyfags still harass them too.
I've seen little mad Sony wojak, to the point were the ones used are reused into "memehood", usually I see " Snoy" and the occasional "Gaystation".
Pc threads are one of two things, super serious, or all memes. Sonyfags always lose to Fags, always.
Console wars are just gay.
>and then use a custom FPGA to accelerate raytracing
Made by whom?
Using what process?
Taking up how much precious die space?
Dude none of that crap will heavily affect playstation sales also you must be the biggest retard to buy those type of games on console
Honestly you have to be a retard to buy a console
The whole thing seems like a reaction to MS getting a lot of the big reveals and unveilings at E3 and such.
I think it will be something more like this
>Sony: "This console in only for hardcore gamers"
>Shithead: "Muh I liek dis consul, dis mins I am a hardcur gaymors. LUK AT ME EVERIONE. I AM A HARCUR GAYMER"
you mean all the shovelware? I have to admit I'm absolutely not a fan of all the kiddy shit. only titles I saw on wii that I really liked was house of the dead overkill, and on the n64, turok. rest never really clicked. Also lack of CD meant the n64 had shit music and no cool fmv shit.
it could work but they are completely giving the finger to the hardcore audience by censoring their games
>sony has more console warriors because wojak
t. plays AAA shit
it did lose their brand dollars because PS2 was the undisputed champ. The ps1 and ps2 were never before seen in vidya. Nintendo could only dream of that kind of growth or gross income.
Obviously. the ps3 launch was terrible and they made some poor design choices. But it wasn't a net loss for the company as a whole, you dummy.
i never see that shit, stop false flagging
I know the PS5 will still sell millions.
Doesn't mean I won't still boycott it though. Fuck censony.
You know that you can do raytracing without the hardware, right?
It's slow but you can pull that off.
>He picks the literally retarded one
Look console wars are gay, and I can Google your Sony pride parade or console as a retort.
But we both know that's a waste of time, and that we would be more productive discussing things we both enjoy.
doesn't sony do the same with their xperia phones? like their new phone is super expensive because they overboard with specs and their mobile line is failing because of it.
I can agree with that to a extent
Nice bait here's a (you)
don't be so sure
gamers are fickle
sony should know this more than anyone
i mean ps2 was one of the most successful consoles ever made, but the ps3 was a lurkwarm reception
sony thinks just because they do well it means they can do whatever they want
Goddamn I hate that game.
No bigger bully or the biggest pussies ever than you PCFags.. always going on about the games you play but you don't, half you fags are either on here bitching and bullying ohters, the others are on Twatter bitching about Epic.. watching you fags having meltdowns over Epic is amazing.. fuck the lot of you PCFags - you've runied gaming.
Not my job to figure those first two out, and as for die space it can be it's own chip. See Mac Pro's "afterburner" FPGA
It's VASTLY slower to raytrace using a software solution than having dedicated hardware, since the former relies on the CPU and raytracing HEAVILY benefits from computational power (something that CPUs are horribly lacking in outside of literal supercomputers).
Don't know what you're talking about, I had both a SNES and a Genesis, along with a Game Boy. I also had a Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, ad GBA that gen. BTW, I'm getting a Switch Lite, not the piece of shit that is the Switch.
>and every other game released under the sun
the big publishers avoid nintendo like the plague, that's a problem user. take into account that the switch is the followup of the 3DS, and you see just how badly nintendo is shrinking.
>and as for die space it can be it's own chip. S
>Building and researching a completely separate chip, defeating the entire purpose of using an SoC, so you can try and force experimental tech that won't be viable for another decade
Horrible idea.
this, and worse is that they think they're trolling by deliberately being retarded and aren't just fucking annoying.
Censorship is never okay
>esam (eric samus) is excited for samus
I have a PC for that (and a few exclusives).
At least Nintendo's got some decent upcoming exclusive output, though 2018 was shit aside from Smash.
lets talk about vidya then
You can do it right now, using a GPU and shit.
The frame rate goes to shit if you try a big resolution, but with a bit of "console optimization" (as running the raytrace shit at 720p and then using shitty upscaling things), you can get a good enough console equivalent, at least for non mirror finished objects that do take quite a big advantage from raytracing as well..
I want new consoles every 5-6 years.. Not every 1.5 years..
More of those games will start coming (like witcher 3) because bigger cartridges are available now. Regardless Nintendo has proven with the switch they don't really need those games to succeed.
Right now, Sony didn't give normies any reason to abandon them. The people who bought a PS4 for multiplats and also ended up playing games like God of war or spiderman, are not goign to switch sides and buy the console from the guys who released Crackdown 3 or State of Decay 2 because a bunch of weebs shit they don't even know got censored.
unless you're
switch doesnt have youtube
what is even the point of console games that aren't made by Nintendo?
like does anyone genuinely care about any game released on the PS4? it's all forgettable crap
The people who bought the ps4 are not Sony fans. Those people bought the ps2, then bought the 360, then bought the ps4. They're not loyal. They'll buy whoever has the best deals and marketing.
if its more than $400 normies will have tons of reasons
Allow me to play devil's advocate for a second
Everyone keeps trying to say that Sony is bad for its censorship policies. But have you ever stopped to think and recall that Nintendo did the same thing? Even Xbox says their platform isn't free speech.
Console warriors will be quick to say "BUT NINTENDO ISN'T DOING IT NOW". Well what makes you think they won't 180 and do it when you least expect it?
The problem here is that everyone keeps trying to incite console wars to blame sony for censorship when every other system has censored also indicating a deeper problem.
And that problem is simple.
It's that putrid joke of a country the cucks over there call America.
No one wants to admit this though and just keep consolewar posting.
I wonder why...
It does
720p was unacceptable fucking 6 years ago, let alone in 2019.
Fuck me, imagine waking up in 2021 to a world where every major console is playing games at fucking 720p, some so they can have a shitty version of an effect that's WAY too demanding for their povertyboxes and the other because it's a weak hybrid machine.
People in europe, who is the biggest market for the PS4, are definitely Sony fans.
What the fuck is a hardcore gaymer?
>targeting your games console at people who likes games is a terrible business strategy
what kind of IQ does it take to think something like this?
No, because Sony thinks "hardcore gamers" are the kind of people who play their games now.
why do tranny journalist try so hard to gas light people
Not if both are over 400$. I still believe that the PS5 would still sell better even if it is 499 and the scarlet 399. Not in the US, but definitely worldwide.
as an actual hardcore gamer (eve online and dwarf fortress player) i find son'y comments both comical and insulting, sony can suck on my fat chode
People in Europe are Fifa fans, and since internet in Europe is decent, they'll just use streaming services to get their Fifa fix.
This is why all consoles are terrible and should be abandoned like the archaic relic of the past that they are.
I'm not saying about running the WHOLE game at 720p, but do something that is very common since the last generation and run different things at different resolutions and then combine em on the post processing.
So you run the textures and stuff at 4k, and the raytraced shit at 720p.
The kind that Yea Forumssetera has apparently
lol see how the ''ray raytracing'' makes the water look WORSE than the 2x more FPS left alternative?
See user? 100% proof That what that is absolutely not raytracing. If you want to see actual, good, raytracing, go watch a pixar movie. Pixar movies typically let a computer farm or specialised supercomputer work a few WEEKS in tandem for just 60 seconds of animation.
It does actually
I wouldn't say so. They just want to play fifa but don't like Xbox.
t. third worlder
>but do something that is very common since the last generation and run different things at different resolutions and then combine em on the post processing.
Protip: We already do that with raytracing, not a single RTX enhanced game runs its effects at native resolution, with most running at quarter resolution or below, it's STILL extremely demanding, even on an RTX 2080 Ti, even with PATHETICALLY low raycounts (sometimes less than 1 per pixel).
It's not feasible user, I'm sorry.
Especially a software impelmentation.
You mean Commiefornia?
Nobody will stream FIFA because the input lag would make you lose everytime. And FIFA it's being in both consoles since the start, and the PS3 still sold better in Europe.
>It's a fucking corporation you dullard, they don't give a shit about sjw
In this particular case, they _do_.
Sony doesn't have an actual fixed policy regarding censorship. Each game is given to an individual case handler to judge and is subject to their own personal judgement whether certain material crosses a line they don't feel comfortably with.
And it just so happens that these case handlers all reside at Sony HQ, in the SJW-capital of the special-snowflake world: California, USA.
(And they're being total dog-shit asshats about it to JP developers as well. Review requests have to be written up in correct English or won't even be accepted. And any and all meetings to discuss or dispute a review take place during US business hours, i.e. in the dead of night for Japan.)
Imagine liking Microsoft's steamy pile of shit?
>hardcore gamer
>the movie game audience
doesnt sound like a bad strategy though it is more expensive to develop
>Nobody will stream FIFA because the input lag would make you lose everytime.
Normalfucks don't give a fuck about input lag, otherwise they wouldn't be using wireless controllers.
They'll deal with that awful input lag because they don't know any better, hence why so few of them complained about the terrible input lag in RDR2.
Don't act like feminism doesn't exist throughout the western world. None of this would be a problem if the existing free speech amendment were enforced according to the evolution of communication and it's increasing dependence on private platforms on private companies like it should be.
Fuck the USA
lives rent free in snoyger's head. having relevant games every months is just too much.
Learn your geography fucking dumbshit. California is IN America.
Fucking westcucks I swear. I hope you all fucking die and give us back our beloved Sony and Nintendo.
It should be "fuck feminism". That shit is the only reason this happens.
Turd world shitter precisely
Lite is definitely the inferior one. Can't be played on your TV, joycons don't detach so if there's drifting you're shit out of luck.
Why the fuck hasn't anyone nuked california yet?
You are wrong. Nobody likes losing in multiplayer, and FIFA it's one of the games were the input lag will be more noticeable along with fighting games. Any normie that tries to stream FIFA against his non-streaming friends it's going to buy a console the next day. Not to mention a lot of people play FIFA locally and streaming has to be fucking terrible for that.
1080p is plenty. graphic fidelity and framerate ALWAYS over resolution, noob.
they're tsundere. They don't want to admit they secretly like Nintendo
Fuck you georgia and newyork is worse
amerilards ruin everything yet again
How did the US get so much power to fuck with other country's games like this. Why did we let this happen most obese low IQ mutts on the planet?
Dumbfuck, raytracing fucking DESTROYS framerates, this isn't the difference between 1080p60 and 4k30, this is the difference between 4k30 and 900p30 with drops.
>That moment you realize Yea Forums is mostly inhabited by people named Cleetus
>Nobody likes losing in multiplayer
Normalfucks don't care, again.
Especially since most of the audience is kids, many of whom will play games like Fortnite on their fucking phones despite the insane disadvantage they're at compared to people not using a touchscreen.
You vastly overestimate how much the average normalfuck cares about video games.
Because they committed 2 of the most attrocious war crimes in history and got away with it.
>reporters hate anything marketed to gamers
Not surprised here
What if Germany tries the invade Poland again? What if Russia becomes the USSR again? What if America drops another bomb on Hiroshima? You can spend a lifetime obsessing over what-ifs. But the fact remains that, for a good long time they haven't done any of these things and chances are they won't do them again any time soon, so juat stop torturing yourself
Fuck you dude what's wrong with the name Cletus i don't even agree with those dudes why you gotta shit on my name
this, out of everything in the thread
t. juanito hernadez cucaracha
Excuse me my names spelled Cletus. Not 2 Es.
I live in Massachusetts (literally the smartest state in the union) and I hate California and Californians almost as much as your average Cleetus.
Do you guys really think you don't draw the ire of MOST of the rest of the country?
The only other state that largely tolerates you is New York, and that's because they're also cancer.
Every day I wish the US would just nuke Europe.
Pixar movies trace way more rays than RTX/whatever other solution. Both are still real raytracing. Obviously real time raytracing for games is much less scaled down than a pre-rendered pixar movie, but that doesn't mean both aren't real raytracing
>console games
lmao soulshitters
No dock or Joycons is an improvement, the Switch Lite should have been the Switch in 2017 or it should have been released in 2017.
Kids playing fortnite in their phones are not the same as the dudebro FIFA audience. Have you never played the game? Everyone hates losing against their friends, and streaming it's going to make them lose pretty much everytime.
It's marketing shite, it wont be for "hardcore gamers" it'll be for everyone.
>Europoors blaming the US for this instead of Just Commifornia
God, we need to nuke your asses.
>why, yes, I am a hardcore pcgamer, how did you know?
Their definition of "hardcore gamers" isn't the same as ours.
For them "hardcore gamers" are people who play uncharted. That's what the PS4 was directed to, "for the players" remember? They always wanted the casual market.
The US is the one who should be nuked for censoring our games.
Having both at launch would have been nice but I don't want a handheld-only Switch, I use it on my TV more than anything.
Why? The gimmick is perfect. You don't need to own the console to play agianst your friends, you can dock it and play on the TV. Joycons detaching means you can get new ones incase the only ones drift. Mine drifted and I got them replaced. You're stuck with the ones that came with lite.
the goal is to make consumers feel like they're hardcore to take pride in buying the most consumer friendly product possible
casual is typically seen as a dirty word
but if you buy a ps5 you'll be apart of the "incrowd"
>Kids playing fortnite in their phones are not the same as the dudebro FIFA audience.
You are utterly delusional if you think most of the Europoors and spics playing Fifa aren't children.
Yeah I was gonna mention the "for the players" thing, it just sounds like an evolution of that.
Doesn't New Yorker hates California too? It's practically pop culture.
It'll be for ultra-casuals once again, nothing will change.
Sony says "hardcore gamers" because they think they're the ones buying shit like Uncharted, FIFA and Spider-man. To them, these are "hardcore" games.
What's yours?
realtime raytracing doesn't exist user, stop pretending. raytracing is literally emulating light particles in a software environment. Although I have to admit that audio ray tracing sounds equally gay, real time raytracing is not a thing, and never can be a thing. We can't even have reflections in mirrors post duke 3D. raytracing is like brute forcing things when games are all about efficient solutions to your smoke and mirrors.
realtime Raytracing is the holy grail of gaming because it's unachievable. This is just a (very expensive) way for nvidea to have a proposition in a very poor cycle, because they are saving money (AMD has had poor cards for past 2 years). Next time they'll focus again on the next big thing. This is just hairworks. Which also didnt work, geddit?
You mean California, you stupid Eurocuck.
They aren't.
No I'm pretty sure I'm right. This is quite literally post PS2 Sony all over again.
Playing games looking for the satisfaction to learn and beat them, focusing on the gameplay.
More often than not these types end up in multiplayer games because the current single-player market for this is shite, it does have some good indie titles though.
>People in Europe are Fifa fans, and since internet in Europe is decent, they'll just use streaming services to get their Fifa fix.
That's assuming Fifa even continues to stick around for much longer.
The only reason Fifa continues to exist with yearly renewals, is because the loot box scheme prints EA money like you wouldn't believe. People have done predictions and extrapolations based on public and share-holder financial info of EA as a company, and it shows that about 50% of their net income comes from those.
Those same lootboxes are under heavy fire in the Netherlands and Belgium; EA had to appear at a hearing in the UK for it where it came up with the nutjob 'surprise mechanic' explanation; and meanwhile France and Germany are on record as monitoring how the situation develops in other member states and meaning to follow suit in what is decided there.
And US regulators are hot on the heels of the EU.
If things coninue as expected, and these game mechanics are eventually banned or heavily regulated/restricted, it means EA as whole is going to lose enough of their profit that shareholders are going to panic; the company is going to panic; and it will all spiral into a dumpster fire where EA goes tits up and the Fifa games along with it.
I do, why would I want to play a weak ass console like the Switch on my TV when I have an Xbox for that, I have no need for a Nintendo home console, their handhelds do it for me.
Like with all of their other gimmicks since the Wii and DS, it's stupid, childish, and downright embarrassing, it's the main reason I haven't got a Nintendo home console or handheld since the GCN and GBA, Switch Lite is a return to roots at least on their handheld side.
they tried the "hardcore" gamer shit with the ps3 and it flopped hard. i still remember all the BS about dual 1080p screens, 4D graphics, 1080p60 fps in every game etc. you can't believe a word sony says.
funnily enough this same strategy worked for MS though but has always failed for sony. if you listen to the latest ign xbox unlocked podcast the guy talks about a book he read from some old xbox engineer guy and he said the 360 was targeted at the hardcore because they believed once they got the hardcore they'd get the casuals. its when microsoft went full living room casual with the xbox one and kinect is when they flopped. on the flip side when sony was all casual with their consoles like the ps2 and ps4 they did well.
>retarded yuropoors or spic third worlders once again raising their america hate boners
Did it ever occur to you that the actual true culprit are spineless jap devs who bend the knee like the twinks they are to the censorship demands? Look at the new Atelier game where the Devs learned how to say No. Are you still going to blame Americans?
Typical amerimutt education doesn't even realize California is a state inside America.
It's a state here but that doesn't mean all Americans think the same you dumbass Europoor, maybe you should question your own educational system since you clearly believe all Americans are the same.
You'll say the same thing in eight years, when the PS5 is at the hundred million mark.
If EA goes under, someone else will make FIFA.
That stupid franchise prints too much cash for nobody to bite that bone.
If this hardcore bs is true, it's for the souls crowd, which most of you pcshitters love and is originally a console game
You're a faggot with a faggots taste in games, absolutely nobody cares about your trash. Play good Weeb games like Super Robot Wars or Resident Evil 2, instead of waifufaggot garbage. Subhumans incels should be exterminated desu
>censor small cleavage because some dyke is offended in commiefornia
>"I'm getting a PS4 for the weeb stuff"
>Wow ur a faggot if you ever wanted waifushit
Sony is just as bad as Microsoft at this point, let it all burn
That's what they think "hardcore games" are though, movie-shit
they're the most autistic
>it's an "user is jealous of being white" episode
Kill yourself.
>>"I'm getting a PS4 for the weeb stuff"
Oh how things change.
For the far worse.
Drink bleach, corporate shill.
>Hardcore censorship for hardcore gamers
I'm not sure they thought this all the way through.
That's true and all but jaguar processor were complete shit. even a downclocked zen will be a major upgrade.
Normies have no fucking clue about whether Sony is arrogant or not. Normies know nothing of the company or their practices, they just know it's the machine that's current, and that the games they want to play are on.
Protip: Normies know nothing about the industry, nothing about policies, about censorship, or any of that shit. They don't care, nor should they have to. They're not enthusiasts.
t. someone who actually knows normies, and doesn't think they're some kind of lesser people. They're just interested in different shit.
It will be fun when from software stop releasing their games for the playstation platform because the San francisco fags gets offended with the difficulty and try to force the company to make the games easier.
>t. someone who actually knows normies, and doesn't think they're some kind of lesser people. They're just interested in different shit.
White people believe the dumbest shit.
Where I come from, uninformed people ARE lesser.
If I went out and bought a fucking car and was uninformed about the purchase I was making, that makes me inferior.
If you know nothing about an industry that you're making purchases in, in the modern era where information is LITERALLY a few seconds away, you're a fucking mongoloid.
Just because they're worse than the nintendo switch CPUs clock by clock, this don't mean that they're absolutely, completely garbage.
At least they're better than the Cell SPEs.
microsoft also lost money year after year. in fact the xbox 360 wasnt even profitable
Right now, they're mad about
>no crossplay
>no BC (and no the PS5 will not have BC to every PlayStation)
>censorship (yes, they are mad about this)
>shitting on AA and indie studios
>bullshit online policies
>their crappy security systems
>their end of PS2 generation arrogance returning in full force after the success of the PS4
You know nothing, Europoor.
Actually they'll just bend the knee like the cucks they are.
this, anyone who is uniformed when we have the internet is either retarded or just too old to understand computers
>written by Harsh Chauhan
and lose their entire audience?
Souls games market themselves on being hard, if they didnt have that alotof their fanbase wouldnt buy the game
Jesus fuck. Relax Hitler. One day the inferiors will be gone.
There's only two situations in which Sony's fucked next gen
>Creating a terrible new policy that affects normies
>Selling the PS5 at over $500
Game streaming will not be mainstream next gen, too many people either: live outside of major cities to be able to get the connection necessary or they have a fucking data cap to deal with
He's right tho, calling him Hitler doesnt disprove him
anyone who cant look up information online is a dribbling retard
>while the cloud gamer inclines toward streaming services and doesn’t believe in spending a ton on hardware.
Yeah, I'm suuure that category totally exists and wasn't made up by Google.
>Game streaming will not be mainstream next gen, too many people either: live outside of major cities to be able to get the connection necessary or they have a fucking data cap to deal with
Most of the console audience for Sony is in Europe, where neither of these are an issue.
I will never forgive Sony for launching a censorship campaign to attack our boner culture.
I'm not disagreeing, I'm just making fun of his choice of "inferior".
Hi, I see a lot of people already told you to kill yourself or drink bleach or such, but I thought you deserved extra attention so let me just make it extra clear that it's super important that you end your worthless life as soon as possible. Everybody's rooting for your suicide! Have fun!
PlayStation has been doing fine since 1994. Sony knows what they're doing.
>forgetting crossplay
Microsoft is allowing crossplay
Nintendo is allowing crossplay
Steam hasnt said anything but whenever people offer crossplay the tend to take the deal
Sony is against crossplay
People choose the system with the most players and if you arent gonna have crossplay and you dont have a market lead (market lead resets to 0 at the begining of every generation) then you lose
why would anyone pick ps5 to only play with people on ps5
when you could pick xbox and play with people on xbox, pc and switch
They also eat up Playstation exclusives like no other
>Want to buy a pair of shoes
>Not deeply entrenched in the shoe industry, know nothing about various company policies or practices, completely uninformed beyond the fact that I want some shoes
>Want to buy mac and cheese
>Not deeply entrenched in the food industry, know nothing about various company policies or practices, completely uninformed beyond the fact that I want mac and cheese
>Want to buy some chap stick
>Not deeply entrenched in the food industry, know nothing about various company policies or practices, completely uninformed beyond the fact that I want chap stick
You probably bought something today without knowing all of the above, you inferior piece of human filth. Get fucking informed.
>paying for games on pc
>supporting valve
disgusting subhuman
It all depends on what they release with.
>the 90s where video games were seen as childrens toys.
That was the best time for vidya. The problem is video games being mainstream and big budget.
They sold PS4s with only fifa and rockstar games
They literally need nothing else
>Most of the console audience for Sony is in Europe
They're still losing 32+ million NA customers, how is that anything but awful for them? And Japan is basically dead, sales for Playstation consoles have drastically declined in Japan. Sony isn't going to be top dog in gen 9 with only Europe, and the Switch will likely have a 50m+ head start on it when it launches at the end of 2020.
>video games are a combination of writing, visuals and interactivity
>is somehow more limited
sure thing bud
I'm not really interested in a higher spec console that will require even longer development time and nothing interesting. It'd be just a PC with a gimped controller for certain games and paid online.
Hardcore gamers will be dead on arrival with Sony's PlayStation 5 strategy
>not cancer
Yes goyim, because your state sure isn't another progressive shithole that gives us cucks like Elizabeth Warren huh?
>having to spread your resources sure makes it easier to focus!
>You probably bought something today without knowing all of the above, you inferior piece of human filth.
No, I didn't, because I'm not a white retard.
I NEVER buy shit without doing AT LEAST some barebones fucking research as to what I'm buying, even when it comes to fucking groceries.
console war faggotry is all just samefag reddit migrants
If you hate modern games why are you here? This shithole is for ecelebs, hype, marketing and outrage.
Sounds like sour grapes to me.
>it's more difficult, so it's bad
At least Elizabeth Warren isn't a corporate cocksucker in addition to being a #woke progressive tranny asslicker like every Californian politician.
> they dont know how to dress or behave
true. I saw another hambeast with XXXL T shirt and short pants when I was exiting my train. He was a 30 something and 120+ kilo taking a fucking elevator instead of 2 stairs. What a fucking disgrace. He probably carried a switch as well.
>As a grown ass man, assuming you aren't 12, why should another person be telling you that you shouldn't be allowed to see something as pathetic as a butt crack?
America is a Christian nation. (And a nation of billionaire pedophiles)
any process of creation is difficult user. dumbass...
>b-b-but it doesn't count if its not games I like!
uh huh. tell that to the researchers and marketing teams that did the study.
Just another clickbait article trying to get clicks from people that hate sony, and love them alike.
You'd honestly have to be a moron to think they haven't established a dedicated consumer base with all the sales their consoles have received. They'd REALLY have to fuck it up for it to be dead on arrival - not even the PS3 price point turned away all consumers.
Can you really call it dominating if there's no competition? I mean, if you beat up a kid in a wheelchair, is that a great victory?
and the synergy of many different processes of creation is exponentially difficult
Yup, sure thing.
>Want to buy a pair of nail clippers
>Not deeply entrenched in the nail clipper industry, know nothing about various company policies or practices, completely uninformed beyond the fact that I want some nail clippers
Unless you know where the metal its made of came from, how and where it was processed, how and where the final product was assembled, how and where it was packaged, the personal viewpoints and politics of the people who own and operate the company and the company as a whole AND all of the above for EVERY other competing brand/company, you're an uninformed, inferior piece of human shit
Get informed you fucking muppet
Obsessing like this makes you come across as childish you know.
Casuals buy one or two games and play nothing else until new shit shilled by streamers
The arent the ones who buy 2 or 4 games every month
>diversity is is strentgh
lel, get lost kid. wake me when you've ever worked at any place that paid the people salary for actually being there.
Lol the dumb fucks were the people who bought PS4 at launch.
I waited until there was a library and bought a Pro. I was finishing up the PS3 library while y'all played Knack.
>Comparing a $2 pair of nail clippers to a $300-$600 purchase
White people legit get dumber and dumber every day.
False equivalency is the laziest and easiest way to deconstruct arguments
This. I'm holding out for PS5.5 in 2 years. Maybe by then they'll have stopped being retarded and added tiddies back.
>market lead resets to zero
I like market resets, the shake up of the industry they provide, and the opportunity to make a fresh start without feeling like you have missed out on stuff; but, Sony and Microsoft have done everything in their power to make their platforms into sticky ecosystems that will perpetually trap people. Now of course, to be fair, the methods, ie backwards compatibility, that they have used for this are mostly pro consumer improvements. However, long-term as people want to carry over their achievementfaggotry, friends lists, 200$ Elite controller, and more, it not only removes that comfy new gen fresh start feel, but importantly, it reduces competition by freezing the market share and therefore will likely be a long term loss. Also, freezing of the current market share is, of course, an enormous threat due to the current large market share arrogantly held by Sony who are content to funnel all their Fifa pack cut money into movie games to attempt and destroy gaming.
point is you have more freedom and can focus on any of those parts, while complementing it with others
videogames are objectively a more versatile medium than books and movies
No he is right. Fat shaming is your moral duty as a human being. Its not okay to watch people slowly kill themselves. You can't just turn away and say "it doesn't concern me".
What hardcore strategy?
Their target for it are casuals.
Oh, so you're backpedaling now? You didn't make any arbitrary qualifications before, you insipid shitstain, you just said this:
>If you know nothing about an industry that you're making purchases in, in the modern era where information is LITERALLY a few seconds away, you're a fucking mongoloid.
You're making a purchase and know nothing about the industry to which that product is a part of and its various politics and practices, so you're a fucking mongoloid.
Isn't the new cawwadooty gonna be crossplay between PS4 and Xbone though?
Crying "false equivalency!" is also the defense of people who know they can't counter the actual logic behind the comparison being flawless. Same as "food analogy!" - like that somehow makes the point invalid? No, it just proves you know you lost the argument when you start insulting the argument method.
I havent bought anything today
Literally nothing
Informing is more effective than shaming, shaming can often be counter-productive as the person in question can do the opposite out of spite, or just dismiss you entirely because you're being a douchenozzle.
>defending fat people
bet you're one of those fat morons that likes 'gamer clothing' I dress in a suit, I need it for my work. When I dont dress in a suit I wear normal clothing, because I'm not a fucking retard
Steam and Crossplay is a special case. There is still a lot of discussion about K&M vs. Controllers. Usually if there's no crossplay with PC, it's a developer decision to keep the playing field fair.
This. Also, are FIFA and flavour of the month buyers considered hardcore gamers? Because that´s why the Ps4 sells this much.
Make anime titties great again!
What about yesterday
And the day before
And the day before that
If you buy ANYTHING without knowing the industry inside and out, you're a fucking mongoloid. Enjoy being a fucking mongoloid the next time you buy a loaf of bread and don't research the company's practices and policies, in addition to the practices and policies of every competing brand so you can make an informed decision.
those games barely net anything. But feel free to make use of free enterprise for those freemium games that almost always bankrupt individuals developing them.
Either you are a neet or homeless then
The implication is that it's for a purchase that's worthwhile you fucking mongoloid, like a large purchase or something that has an impact on your health (like the food you put in your fucking body).
Are all white people this fucking moronic nowadays or just you?
Fuck you. I wear my suits to go grocery shopping. Bitches love men in suits. Getting wet panties tossed at me from the pet goods section 2 aisles away. They know.
>you can focus
>on any of these parts
except you can't. How's that SOUNDLESS Game coming along user? Or the one where there were no npcs with AI? Or the graphicless game?
Dumbshit. Don't give me more (you's), you're too dumb to interact with.
The non-gamer is frightened.
Liberals buy more games than conservatards because there are more liberals than conservatarrds, you're slowly dying off.
This, but unironically.
I don't buy anything from any company that shills for faggot shit.
Hence why I don't buy consolenigger shit.
hahahah true. It's just inefficient to run in them and it's hot as hell in the summer. I hope you have your bespoke suit imported from some 3rd world shithole user. Bespoke >>>>> tailormade crap. You'll walk like a king amongst mere men.
Nah, only on consoles, and only because consoles are made up almost entirely of spics and niggers.
There was a study showing which games were more associated with which political ideology and the big liberal games were NBA 2k, Undertale, and console gaming, while the big conservative games were Battlefield, Red Dead, and PC gaming.
I wouldn't brag about the liberal population seeing as like half of you are 1 missed welfare check away from living in a cardboard box, and the other half aren't even legal citizens.
Well if your argument is not very strong in the first place I don't see why I need to invalidate it.
gamecube was purple and came out in 2001 you colossal retard
Games Journalism is a fucking joke.
What would a console designed for casuals be like? All the games would be free and be funded with ads/spyware and in-game purchases to help not suck.
>The implication is that it's for a purchase that's worthwhile
No, its not. You're backpedaling and adding qualifications that weren't there before after getting thoroughly BTFO.
>If you know nothing about an industry that you're making purchases in, in the modern era where information is LITERALLY a few seconds away, you're a fucking mongoloid.
I see nothing that says "worthwhile purchase" here, you mouthbreathing pissdrinker. You just said "an industry" and last time I fucking checked, virtually any product oy purchase is part of some kind of industry.
If you're buying a candy bar, DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH. You have a phone in your fucking pocket, GET FUCKING INFORMED YOU COCKGOBBLING WASTE OF OXYGEN.
Do you enjoy pendulum swings, faggot?
They're absolute and complete garbage.
cope harder, triggered conservatard /pol/flakes.
So the Ouya?
>while complementing it with other
you are more dishonest than news outlets
sound novels, walking sims, fighting games, point and click adventures,....
all focus on very different parts
not every game has to be an open world trashfest, hence flexible medium
Sure, sure. Like that the scrawny white kid walking away from a fight with the Mike Tyson of middle school because "H-he's not worth my time!"
Oh, snap, ""false equivalency!"" Look at that. Now you don't have to try and refute a valid point. Lucky you.
>you are more dishonest than news outlets
imagine watching news instead of reading articles by actual journalists instead
Didn't I tell you to stop trying to interact with me? Your mentally incompetent prattling is distracting me from my gernius-tier browsing.
>ps5 will be targeting casual gamers
dead on arrival
>ps5 will be a family console
dead on arrival
>ps5 will be targeting hard-core gamers
dead on arrival
no matter what Sony says, someone somewhere will say ps5 will be dead in arri
Depends on the journalism. Game Informer, for example, is pretty cool. They do these huge articles about stuff that are sheer education and news without any propaganda or melodrama. I've never looked at their website but their paper magazine is great toilet reading. They explain a lot about why games are developed a certain way, and the history of long forgotten franchises.
Yeah, I just shilled. Give me my fucking 3 cents.
We're reaching bump limit soon
New thread
That's what she said.
And we don't need a new thread. It's just console wars bullshit.
>imagine watching news instead of reading articles by actual journalists instead
I haven't said I did ,you haven't brought up a single argument
Concentrate harder, maybe you will reach a double digit IQ someday
The only person sadder than you is the person who uses his limited freetime to argue with a stranger over a real non-issue
Game Informer is owned by Gamestop, they are not an independent publication. They have a vested interest in pushing stories and content that helps Gamestop sell more games.
honestly just the easiest target, i cant help but bully them even if i hate snoy more
So why alter them if the audience is small in the first place? Does sony not care about artistic freedom and just wants to sell neutered digital toys for kids while trying to convince those manchildren that games are actually art?
I am aware of who they are owned by. That does not change the quality of the content. This may surprise you, but it's not written by Gamestop sales clerks. Do you think Sony's TV division gets input and handjobs from their Mobile phone division? Companies don't work like that.
>I am aware of who they are owned by. That does not change the quality of the content
It literally can and does, in every industry. Its called a conflict of interest. They have a vested interest in pushing content that helps Gamestop as a business.
Here's the thing, a majority of titles, especially shooters, don't support crossplay even after Sony allowed PC/PS crossplay and Microsoft allowed MS/Nintendo/PC because PC has an advantage a lot of the time
We really only have Rocket League, Fortnite and Minecraft as crossplay titles, so it doesn't matter as much as people try to make it out to be
ps5 is soo fucking dead now, it's not even funny
Pornhub is free you know
I havent heard about that
You liberals don't breed tho, so whats your plan?
just keep importing votes from third world nations?
>the articles arent written by gamestop clerks
No but their boss tells them if you write negative storys about gamestop then you're fired
Go pick up a magazine and read it and then come back and tell me how it's shilling. You'll feel like a moron. Aside from the advertising space which is obviously meant for advertising. They don't push anything that exclusively benefits Gamestop.
Now thats a great price
Why would they be writing a story about Gamestop? Do they write them about Best Buy? Or EB Games? Or Fry's? Or Circuit City? Unless there is something major going on in the industry, no magazines covering video games are writing a damn thing about retail outlets. Steam included. I maybe saw 1 article about Epic in the last year and that was in PC Gamer.
>nintendo memer
>I'm retarded
got it.