I work on QA at Sega of America. Don't ask for pictures because I'll have no way to hide my devkit ID and they'll know who leaked it.
Persona 4 Golden is getting a Switch port referred to as "Persona 4 Golden S".
It's essentially the same as Persona 4 Golden on the Vita, except the resolution is boosted (900p docked/720p undocked) and a few models are redone.
I think pricing will be at $30, releasing in September or October I think. We're still making sure our version works perfect on the hardware.
Persona 4 Golden S
Other urls found in this thread:
If this was true I'd sell my PSTV but it's likely not so oh well.
Nice try. Still gonna buy a vita though.
I work for NEVER EVER ENTERPRISES and according to our data Persona 4 Golden is a permanent asset here.
hahahahhahahahahahha you fucking wish
I want it like everyone obviously but the $30 price tag makes me skeptical.
Switch games are usually ungodly expensive, Atlus is already charging full price again for Persona 5 Royal and people would be willing to pay significantly more.
I guess I could understand a bit more if the port wasn't too much work and it set up to be ported to multiple systems(Switch is nice but given I can already play it portably I'd like a PC port more).
What do shitposters get out of posting stuff like this?
I would much rather it be on Steam but I guess this would be fine as well. I'll believe it when I see some real proof.
Sega of America controls the price for the North American market and the original Japanese price is like, $10-$15 more if I remember correctly.
I get nothing because it's not a shitpost.
Sega intends to announce the port in Nintendo's fall Nintendo Direct. Atlus Japan is already set to announce the port in the JP version, but we're falling slightly behind and we're hoping to have it ready before the deadline to apply for a spot in the Direct ends in early August.
why do nintendies do this to themselves?
>why do false flaggers do this to nintendies
and the answer is "because it's fucking hilarious"
>Re release the last Persona game on switch & not 3
This is getting sad.
Just enjoy your persona musou.
>No news about SMTV
Because I don't work for Atlus, I just work for Sega America's QA team.
I don't get to go hands on with games until their localization is in progress, and SMTV is nowhere near that stage probably.
If P4G and Soul Sacrifice would be ported I'd have no reason to own Vita or PSTV anymore.
Pls do it.
Funny thing is, from what I know, that isn't even releasing outside of Japan.
At least, we have no plans to right now. Lmao.
When you faggots ever fucking learn when making Atlus leaks that their games dont fucking come over to America until like 6 months after they release in Japan, so saying that you have """"""""information""""""" on something that hasn't even been announced in Japan is retarded.
Fucking kill yourself.
That is historically the case, but due to demands from NCL and Sega, they wanted this to be a worldwide release (or close to it.)
It's not like it'd be that hard to pull it off, as the localization script has seen virtually no changes. All we have to do is inject it into the Switch version.
I don’t believe this, but based if true. Persona 4’s a great game, at its best when Golden, and really doesn’t deserve to be stuck on such an overpriced piece of shit like the Vita. Like shit, at least PS4 port it or something.
>Persona 5 Royal is coming out in September of this year
>meanwhile even after how praised P5 was, it only has a release date of 2020, even though most of the game is translated and voiced
>also also when Strange Journey 3ds port made it's way to America, it took almost a year and they didnt even bother to dub it.
Atlus as shown MANY times that they dont fucking care about The US.
I know Atlus doesn't care about the US, Sega of Japan doesn't that much either, but both NCL and NoA were very adamant on this with Atlus, so they decided to wait.
Atlus budged because it wouldn't be hard for us to import all of the text and upscale the textures and graphics from the Vita version, and they were right. Work on the localization has taken us roughly four months, and that was before the Japanese version was even complete.
why are switchfags so desperate for persona ports?
Show some evidence then. I have a friend from Sega of Japan and he has never heard of a P4G port for the switch.
Because Persona exploded past SMT in terms of popularity.
Also doesn't help that SMTV is practically abandonware.
Well depending what position your "friend" from SoJ works in, he may or may not know of its existance because SoJ doesn't really intervene much with Atlus Japan outside of assisting in promotion and funding.
The relationship between Atlus USA and Sega of America is a lot more interconnected, as not only do we do promo and help fund localization, we help do QA testing on their releases, and we publish their games in North America under the Atlus name.
The port wasn't done in-house either. I believe it was done by h.a.n.d.
I wish user.
I wish.
>atlus ported catherine to steam to test waters
>havent heard from them since
it was only in january but it still worries me
Now shita truly has nogaems. Rest in piss, shita.
Why won't they port golden to PS4 at least? It does not deserved to rot in dead system.
>persona 4 golden
>in 2019
did you guys not buy the $19.99 pstv back in the day?
>vita: $139
>ps4: $299
Sega Europe said Atlus didn't want to port any more games so it's orge
My guess is that Sega strong-armed them into releasing Catherine on Steam and they fought to the bitter end about it since I haven't a peep from them since. I would be genuinely happy if they managed to force Atlus to port P4G onto steam since it is my favorite game of all time but the chances of that happening are slim to none. Same goes for 3 and 5 as well. I would also love to see P5 with not shitty environmental textures.
This is pretty shitty desu. PS2 game port? Where the fuck is P5?
Anything related to a Persona 5 port to any platform I refuse to talk about. I feel like no matter what I said about it nobody would believe me, so it's futile.
damn really? still a chance that was just a question dodge, like "haha yeah....we totally don't have any more pc plans lol..." but besides that shred of hope i guess the dream is dead
>censorship machine
>atlus ported catherine to steam to test waters
No, I'm pretty sure SEGA Europe spearheaded that effort. Atlus allowed it to happen, but it's clear PC isn't a real consideration.
Atlus/Sega of Japan really doesn't see the PC market as worth it (which I don't blame them as the market isn't big in Japan) and only really do it when Sega of Europe or Sega of America forces them to allow it.
The Persona 4 Golden port was one of the results of Nintendo and Atlus' talks with Smash Bros., which spiraled into possible games for the platform. I wouldn't really see it as a comparable situation to PC releases as Switch is much more mainstream in Japan and Atlus has greater interest there.
why would you play golden shit is a gay fanfic
>900p docked
No fucking way. How unoptimized is this shit? there's no reason it couldn't be full 1080p.
Sorry but Persona 4 and P4G used RenderWare as game engine. This is, as you can see a list of games using RenderWare:
What you see is that not a single one is on Switch and that is not surprising since only the following systems support the engine
>Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Nintendo GameCube, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, iOS, Android
>B-B-But Nintendo could buy it for Switch
No! EA doesn't sell RenderWare anymore, if a company bought the right to us it forever that still gets honored but no new clients get accepted.
Nintendo should have bought it forever not just for single systems.
Imagine the shitposting if this were true.
>Vita has no games
thats fine, i guess. im fine with things as is, just wish that P4G was saved from the Vita. not that the Vita is inherentally bad, but getting it off would allow more people to play. im just happy to see Persona dipping its toes in things other than Sony but its been happening since 2013, hasnt it?
So P5 doesn't run on a modified/updated version of P3 and P4's engine?
>The Persona 4 Golden port was one of the results of Nintendo and Atlus' talks with Smash Bros
you not even trying anymore lol
>P5 doesn't run on a modified/updated version of P3 and P4's engine?
no, P5 uses a custom engine. the only other games its used in are the dancing spinoffs, i believe
Why would Nintendo need a license for an engine to be ported to switch? Atlus already has the legacy license to the engine and can port it themselves, Nintendo doesn't need to be involved.
P5 uses a custom made engine according to Wikipedia, it is unknown on what it is based but it was made for the PS3 architecture and was updated to also work on PS4. That's also the reason a Switch P5 port will never happen.
It doesn't look a full 1080p but I can run tests on that when I go back in tomorrow morning (have the day off today)
Like I said earlier, this was not an in-house port, and from what I know was done by h.a.n.d. When they ported The World Ends with You to Switch, they did it in Unity. It's likely they ported the game over to an engine that the Switch can support.
I can check in with a co-worker and ask them to check the IP notices for me.
>the only other games its used in are the dancing spinoffs, i believe
i said this, but forgot to mention those use a modified version of it, not the engine itself
how is this image still relevant
>why do companies have to pay if they want to use property of other companies?
P4's shilling phase ended an entire console generation ago. I'm not sick of it anymore, and i'll especially welcome it back when they announce a dozen more P5 spinoffs after the musou.
Just checked in with said co-worker. P4GS runs on Unity.
What property is nintendo using, they're neither the developer or publisher, just the platform holder. Did nintendo have to pay epic games to port unreal to switch?
>no Atlus Tax
yeah thats a load of shit
Why is there no iOS port planned in that case? If the Switch can run it so can my iPad.
>Anything related to a Persona 5 port to any platform I refuse to talk about. I feel like no matter what I said about it nobody would believe me, so it's futile.
and why would you think that?
actual leaker here
Most of atlus' modern library is getting full multiplat releases including ps4 switch and pc (steam, not epic)
courtesy of sega.
the snoy p5s copypasta seethers
Is there dual audio this time?
I see a lot of LARPers here spout fake shit about Persona 5 Switch ports and PC ports and the like that I think the general consensus on Yea Forums is to not believe any of them, so I'm not even going to bother because everyone would write me off too.
OP is probably lying but I'd be super surprised if P4G doesn't get ported to something soon
>asian kikes milk it even more
>Did nintendo have to pay epic games to port unreal to switch?
In case of Unity no because of Unitys licensing model. They get money for every sold game that uses Unity but that is a different model than what EA does.
fuck this then
Nincels unironically fall for it every time. Especially if it’s persona related.
Okay user, I'll play along
Is it in-house Atlus developed or is it handled by some third party port company like qloc or virtuos?
The port was handled by h.a.n.d.
The SEETHING will be delicious.
>but I'd be super surprised
You're so fucking retarded it's unbelievable.
Well it's the last good game in the series.
>Where the fuck is P5?
In my trashcan.
Call us when you start the PC port.
I can't begin to tell you how hard Sega of Europe has pushed on that and how much Atlus has refused to do it.
It's likely not going to happen.
What about P4A and P4D ports?
>Atlus rerelease
>not full price
in the trash where they belong
That already came out on PS4.
>900p docked
>a fucking PS2 Game
P4A is not being considered due to P5U coming to PS4 and Switch next year (in addition to PC/Xbox outside of Japan)
The dancing games I haven't heard anything about.
What a coincidence, I had this exact idea for a fake leak while I was playing P4G earlier, and now I see this thread.
Are they against it because of the work required or the association of PC with ero games or some other reason?
I don't know why they're against it. Sorry.
>the s stands for switch!
Lmao, here we go again
Anything new on Persona 3 remake, mr. leaker?
Okay so I seen this mistake done multiple times with fake leaks so take this in consideration when you fakeleak something about atlus
Atlus Japan and Atlus NA only share the same name, they have no affiliation whatsoever, the NA company is basically a glorified localizer and publisher for non nips.
Now you understand this you also need to understand all changes, new products, remakes etc etc come from Nip Atlus and Nip atlus is shit at comunicating to Atlus NA, sometimes Atlus NA finds out about new games and remakes at the same time than normal fans. So if you take this into consideration, if there was gonna be a switch port to P4G, the leak isnt gonna come an english source, chances are that Nip Atlus is gonna announce the game before Atlus Na starts even working on it.
Lastly all dev work is done with Atlus nip (Since atlus NA job is basically just advertise and translate) and sega isnt fucking involved in anything.
This is the biggest giveaway that this is fucking fake. You know damn well Atlus would charge a full $60 for a port of P4G on Switch.
Why would I want persona 4 when persona 3 is the superior persona game
>Sega isn't fucking involved in anything.
This is absolutely incorrect, especially with Atlus USA.
You're correct that the connect between Atlus Japan and Atlus USA used to be minimal, but saying Sega is involved in nothing is simply not true. You don't even have to work there to know that.
Sega of America owns Atlus USA. We collaborate with them to get releases out (If you want to get technical, we pretty much just do the releases for them and publish it under their name. If you go on the PlayStation Store, Persona 5 stuff is published under Sega of America's name). We collaborate with Sega of Japan and Atlus Japan to work on localization (We were working on Persona 5 Royal plans since November of 2018). We're pretty much the only thing keeping Atlus Japan and Atlus USA on the same page, and it's hard. Of course we're going to go the extra mile getting this prepped and working towards worldwide release as Atlus is becoming more of a known name outside of Japan and is become a bigger asset to both Sega Japan and Sega of America.
look another low effort trash switch port by a greedy company with low effort
Yall are dumb af for believing this mostly cause of Would be a day 1 buy if it were true but it's not so let sleeping dogs lie
>no Fatlus tax
>no Switch tax on top of it
>released on the west within the same year as in Japan
I refuse to believe. If it does happen, its gonna cost $90 and be released 2021.
You are telling me you are gonna release a localized game in two months when Atlus Japan hasnt even announced said game.
This board jesus christ.
I am still laughing at the fact that Atlus Usa find out about strange journey was getting a remake with the japanese trailer like the rest of us.