Free games every week

>free games every week
>lots of exclusive titles

So, why aren't you using Epic Games Store yet Yea Forums?

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Fuck off chink shill.

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But I am :)


All of the free games are stuff I already own or have no interest in playing.

>a racist response

how predictable

Chinks are not a race, retard.

>why arent you drinking the cyanide koolaid and feeding the faggots who created fortnite shekels?

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>unlimited free games
>no chink spyware
>no launcher required

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oh piss off, we all know the CCP is breathing down Tencent's neck


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Overcooked is the best free game so far.
Dauntless looks pretty cool but that season pass mechanic is dog shit.

epic store works as a catalogue for games i'm going to pirate

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>payed epic zero dollars
>already have a nice collection of games

Only a fucking retard doesn't install epic. Subnautica is easily the best free game I got in my life.

>>lots of exclusive titles
How can they be exclusive if I find them on Pirate Bay too?

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Cause e celebs told me it's bad

>shopping cart
>the most basic shit for any online shop
>will be implemented in 6 months

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Reminder that you can freely pirate EGS exclusives since Epic already paid for your copy.

Doesn't have any games I want to play or care about


Everyone already got subnautica from a humble bundle before ebin started giving it away.

Tell you what. I hate pirating shit. I 100% would take free over pirated. God forbid you want to download a game that came out years ago and having seeders. That and I hate having folders for these fucking games and remembering where I put it.

Well I got it for zero. Checkmate atheist...

>I'd rather be spied on by the chinese communist government instead of being mildly inconvenienced by pirating

>not just putting it all into a single folder literally marked as "games"
how retarded are you user

>That and I hate having folders for these fucking games and remembering where I put it.
You sound like a consoleshitter that bought his first pre-built a week ago.

Whoa guys, Torchlight for free on EGS? What an amazing deal! Epic really has their finger on the pulse of the gaming market!

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You're the kind of man that doesn't uninstall bloatware on his phone and gets spied on because it's "too much of a bother", aren't you?

You're an NPC.

Their free games are garbage that I've already played years ago.

Why do they fear the shopping cart?

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>complaining about racism on Yea Forums
Go to bed Chang no-one is buying it

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