>free games every week
>lots of exclusive titles
So, why aren't you using Epic Games Store yet Yea Forums?
>free games every week
>lots of exclusive titles
So, why aren't you using Epic Games Store yet Yea Forums?
Fuck off chink shill.
But I am :)
All of the free games are stuff I already own or have no interest in playing.
>a racist response
how predictable
Chinks are not a race, retard.
>why arent you drinking the cyanide koolaid and feeding the faggots who created fortnite shekels?
>unlimited free games
>no chink spyware
>no launcher required
oh piss off, we all know the CCP is breathing down Tencent's neck
Overcooked is the best free game so far.
Dauntless looks pretty cool but that season pass mechanic is dog shit.
epic store works as a catalogue for games i'm going to pirate
>payed epic zero dollars
>already have a nice collection of games
Only a fucking retard doesn't install epic. Subnautica is easily the best free game I got in my life.
>>lots of exclusive titles
How can they be exclusive if I find them on Pirate Bay too?
Cause e celebs told me it's bad
>shopping cart
>the most basic shit for any online shop
>will be implemented in 6 months
Reminder that you can freely pirate EGS exclusives since Epic already paid for your copy.
Doesn't have any games I want to play or care about
Everyone already got subnautica from a humble bundle before ebin started giving it away.
Tell you what. I hate pirating shit. I 100% would take free over pirated. God forbid you want to download a game that came out years ago and having seeders. That and I hate having folders for these fucking games and remembering where I put it.
Well I got it for zero. Checkmate atheist...
>I'd rather be spied on by the chinese communist government instead of being mildly inconvenienced by pirating
>not just putting it all into a single folder literally marked as "games"
how retarded are you user
>That and I hate having folders for these fucking games and remembering where I put it.
You sound like a consoleshitter that bought his first pre-built a week ago.
Whoa guys, Torchlight for free on EGS? What an amazing deal! Epic really has their finger on the pulse of the gaming market!
You're the kind of man that doesn't uninstall bloatware on his phone and gets spied on because it's "too much of a bother", aren't you?
You're an NPC.
Their free games are garbage that I've already played years ago.
Why do they fear the shopping cart?
>complaining about racism on Yea Forums
Go to bed Chang no-one is buying it