
What are you playing, bros?

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>Cream in coffee

user you are fucking up.

i can smell the diabetes

Didn't we do this yesterday?
How long does it take to complete a picross?

>the absolute state of shitchfags

Switchfags aren't old enough to drink coffee, that's a hot chocolate.

It’s almond milk

>cream in coffee
>literal sugar wafers
OP is a fatass, guaranteed.

New Total War. Just waiting on Animal Crossing and Zelda right now.

Play medarot r

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what the fuck are you playing

I am not fat yet

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Are you retarded? How can you not know what he's playing

Depends. Can be 3-4 mins to 30-45 minutes
How are you enjoying it?
Liking it?

Operative word here. Watch that sugar intake my nigga.

i didnt expect you to be white for some reason

Picross is too fucking hard I always fill an entire line and check for mistakes to get past a few of them.

I do, I count calories and watch sugar intake. First cookies/wafers I eat in a week
I’m Colombian, actually

I wish I was playing Bloodstained RotN, too bad the Switch port is irredeemably garbage.

Playing without hints is great. This one kicked my ass

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If skinny white girls can drink 3200 calorie starbucks frozen beverages I can put some cream and sugar in my morning cup of coffee you fucking pencil necked faggot.

been bored since I unlocked everything in RE4 again
I bought Mario Maker but I'm not super happy with it, suppose it's good for sheer number of gameplay hours but not really my thing
I hope one day mobile data is cheap enough that you can purchase a SIM card from Nintendo and use it to game over 5G roaming data on the go, because as it stands I don't have much of a need to continue gaming at home when I go to take a dump, and daisy chaining it to my phone hotspot on the train is expensive and slow

Starting new game in Zelda BotW. This time I will make sure to 100% and keep track of all the Korok seeds I collect.

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How does fucking Pokken Tournament get that high on the list?! I love Tekken and Pokemon and that game was pure trash.

MHGU. Stay comfy.

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That list is pure trash

anyone here got senran kagura peach ball

no excuses

Hot chocolate is better than coffee though

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Been playing through Splatoon 2 finally. On to zone 5 now. Will probably finish it tomorrow now. The DLC is on 33% off. Is it worth it?

Why does EU get an eShop sale

Work in a couple hours

He's not the only one. I put milk in my tea and cream in my coffee.

Coffee without cream is a sin

Milk in tea is goat. Tried it a few months back and love it.

Yeah, people are really way too fucking anal about sugar. Yeah, refined sugar is bad for you, but you're not going to turn into a 400 pound land whale.

I've seen fags here literally say not to eat fruit because of the sugars in them.

Reeks of former fat kids who drank soda like water overcorrecting their lives and being cunts to everyone around them.

I hate people that dictate the lives of others from their own experiences

Tiny Metal is pretty rad, I like it more than WarGarbage.

I don't own a Switch or any Nintendo product since the SNES, but thinking about buying one. How the fuck does Nintendo's shop work? If I select my region, there's no shop at all. Can I buy from the US shop? How do I see this supposed EU shop?

You make an EU Switch account (which you can make up to 8 per system).

My Switch randomly blue screened of death, so I guess I'm not gonna be playing anything for a while.

cozy room cute feet

>Not a black hand
Huh that’s new.

No, me creaming inside of your degenerate asshole for putting cream in your coffee is a sin.

I played Tiny Metal 1 and was hyped for WarGroove only to find Tiny Metal was the superior game. How is the new Tiny Metal?

>Cadence of Hyrule is shit

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Fucking how?
You gotta be hacking or fucking with something in a major way for that to happen

Was playing a random level from the MM2 thread last night when it froze. Powered it off, back on, and it blue screened.

Help me bros, I can't decide on which game to buy. Its between the following:

Baba is You
My Friend Pedro
Phoenix Wright Trilogy
Cadence of Hyrule

Pic unrelated

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Try a power cycle?
Turning it off and back on.

It's good but very difficult.

Has Bloodstained been fixed yet or is it still garbage?

If my post ID is even Cadence, odd Phoenix

crash CTR and i didnt trust nintendo with multiplats until now but it performs really well on the switch, this remake has so much soul i am considering getting the nsane trilogy now

Really good but the made me feel like a complete brainlet
Haven’t played so no comment
A good trip down memory lane
Highly recommend
Felt more like NES Zelda with a COTD groove check
The music is 9/10 with a few stinkers in an otherwise god tier playlist

Nintendo multiplat are either 110% bullseye hit or “Why did you even bother” miss

Tried that a few times. Gonna let the battery die, then charge it and turn it back on. If that doesn't work, gonna take it as a sign to stop gaming for a while. Life's been on a pretty positive road without it lately, and it feels like every time I try to go back some weird shit happens.

I wish I could play DQ Builders 2, but the small business I was working for went under a week ago and I can't afford to spend money on games.

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Follow your heart

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I'm still playing BOTW ever since I got my Switch 2 weeks ago. How fucking long is this game

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Why does your dick look like its your big toe?

the latter

When you're ready, head to Ganon. You can go straight to him with three hearts if you want.

I usually 100% my games, but after reading the fact that there are 900 fucking korok seeds, I think I'll settle with doing all missions and shrines before dropping this game.

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First of MANY patches is only coming out on the 15th of July. Don't think about the Switch version for another year.

Breath of the wild before I go to work

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It really does give the tea a nice taste.

I did all shrines, memories, DLC, maxed out my gear, and ~350 koroks before finishing it, took about 120 hours. I loved it.

>Any Mario Kart after Funky Bike Wii
Trash list

I think a lot more games should be on God Tier.


I want to play Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword on this thing but Nintendo seems to hate money for some reason.

>people still bite this
have you fucks ever seen a troll before?

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It will come

Doubt it, it's been 2 years and the NES emulator is all the system has to offer in terms of old games.