Why are women anti-gamer racist bitches?

Why are women anti-gamer racist bitches?

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>dont even starttttt
See, that's the problem. You're talking with normie sluts.

Games are their natural enemy as a competitor for male attention

what's a "del of pain"?

As painful as labor is, I haven’t met a single woman that didn’t go under the needle for it.

A meme measurement.

>Unfunny Minecraft reference vs. basic bitch quoting faux-science stats
What a terrible, terrible picture.

How much you can delete in one key press

A unit of measurement equal to the discomfort you feel when you eat way too much Del Taco.

Is that even true about how much pain a body can take and how painful pregnancy

I dunno, I like playing vidya with my sister.

is she trying to say that women aren't human?

cursed pic

Are they talking about manual labor?

normalfag bitches sure love sophism

What games are you two playing these days, user?

have sex

Women who passed a kidney stone and given birth say passing the stone is the worse pain
Men who pass a kidney stone therefore had pain worse then child birth
T. Karl

>women who actually take themselves seriously
Is there anything worse? Just stick to being charming or die a lonely annoying hag

Think about it boss
>cup can only hold so much water
>but if really had to it can hold more
Its skewed to say the least

Neither of those people should breed.

Perform intercourse

it's not

indeed he should

Doesn't matter for females. Pussy=easy mod. No matter how much of a cunt they are it's smooth sailing.

Pokemon Puzzle League, Ratchet Deadlocked, Bloodborne and some NES games we found the other day.

Single moms are so fucking annoying.

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and it's even worse for men because a kidney stone has to go way farther

I don't want to, I want to play video games.

What biological reason is there to make childbirth painful for women? Pain is not random* as it's a warning mechanism to stop doing whatever is causing the pain, or to inform how serious the injury is.

*Some people might feel pain for no apparent reason but it's a marginal group and a sickly behaviour by disfunctioning body.

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The feeling of being an incel like me is 666del of pain

Man, I wish I could deal with more pain than the human body can deal with

This for sure.

I doubt there's an evolutionary reason for it. Do other mammals feel so much pain? I think it has more to do with human anatomy+long gestation period of humans+big head. It's more of a side effect of our intelligence.

Our heads got too big too fast during evolution. Its why babies are useless compared to other newborn animals. If it didnt come out after 9 months its too big


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Childbirth doesn't even hurt much. Most people will experience pain worse than childbirth during their life.

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Incel thread.

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Hip size stayed relatively small in comparison to head size

Walking upright and our big brains fucked us up. Other animals just pop babies out no problem, but us humans are fucked up and our heads are massive compared to our pelvis.

>birthing is painful
Can we just drop this meme already?


I like to ambush my sister when she's going to the bathroom and tickling her all over until she loses all strength and is about to pee herself, then then I carry her to the bathroom myself and make sure she's fine, I'll never be so evil to actually force her to pee herself

You have 2 containment boards. Yea Forums is not one of them.

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>20 bones snapping
You can always tell a low IQ by its exaggerations. Especially when its THE HUMAN BODY CAN ONLY X BUT WE CAN Y!

Quirk of evolution. Walking upright narrowed the birthing canal + rapid expansion of our brains resulting in babies with huge heads compared to other species.

had a root canal surgery a few years ago
the anesthetics wasn't applied correctly and the moment he started stuffing stuff in it was the worst pain I had ever felt

You and your sister are making good decisions

Why are you so desperate to downplay someone else's pain?

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How do you even measure "pain"


My mom had a pain killer administered and felt nothing when she gave birth to me. Why don’t women just do that instead of complaining?

Based brother

Because they are too busy overplaying it so it balances out.

Is 20 bones breaking much more painful than 1 or 2 bones breaking?
I imagine we can only handle so much pain before we shut it out.

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Punishment for disobeying god and eating the apple

You bald headed twat

isn't that why moms attend all those yoga stretching classes

If it's that much fucking pain why does every woman want more than one child?

Its probably the reason youre on this board

Probably because they don't want their children to end up autistic.

shock kicks in after 1 if it's serious enough

Try cluster migraines. Apparently it is the most painful thing a person can experience. Enough so that many who have been diagnosed do not live long lives, not because the migraines kill them but because they kill themselves because they can't handle it, earning these mingraines the name "suicide headaches".

Damn, sounds like tfw no gf

I remember this video

Our brains just evolved too quickly for the rest of the body to keep up with. It's also the reason why many people have fucked up teeth, we simply don't have enough jaw for all of our teeth.

More leverage to blackmail the father.

Nah but seriously I thought most women took painkillers when giving birth.

they get a needle into the spine
so you can imagine how that feels

Because raising children is what we're made to do? And apparently its magical?
user, I'm worried about you

Because childbirth is done incorrectly and unnaturally in general. You're not supposed to lie down when giving birth - you're supposed to squat.

Masochism is a learned behavior.

Not an adaptive evolutionary trait, a maladaptive one. Remember evolution is sometimes erroneous i.e. the best adapted organisms are still imperfect in various ways. Homo sapiens terrible child birthing process is less detrimental from an evolutionary point of view than the benefit of our intellect.

There are other issues with human babies, like them being essentially useless for a full 12 months compared to other species that can become fairly independent in that space of time. That's because human babies leave the womb early, they're essentially still in foetal form in the neonatal period because any longer in the womb and they would never be able to exit the human female's narrow birthing canal. The bonus of our intellect from having huge heads/brains overrides that maladaptive trait from an evolutionary point of view.

I just wanted to say, underrated reply. I've been on this shithole all day, but you finally got me to chuckle. I appreciate you, user.

Women aren't smart

Yea the get some big shot in their spine or something
Painkillers dont completely kill pain tho


Someone post the image of "never felt like saying "I want another kick in the balls""

fucked up teeth is a modern diet and breathing problem

What the fuck are you talking about?
Babies are squishy with soft skulls. Everybody would be retarded if started dropping em egg style

Or that thing where suddenly you can't sleep at all anymore, you can't even be anesthatized, and you slowly go insane.

Women harp on about child birth, but they have access to significant pain controlling methods such as entonox and epidurals which essentially eliminate the pain.

Unless they're giving birth in a field somewhere, take this "warrior women" stuff about child birth with a pinch of salt.

they say you can feel it when the needle enters the spine

Teeth decaying, sure. Teeth not having enough space to grow isn't.

ever try hydromorphone? (dilaudid)
this completely kills pain if administered by IV. I wish the waiver they made me sign was a little more clear that this shit was gonna rock my socks off.

Did you know the human body has two limbs that have graspers at the end of them?

I can vouch for kidney stones

Had a 3mm one I had to pass, they gave me some kind of urethra dialator and I still pissed thick, soupy blood for a couple days. Before I knew it was stones I thought I was dying. Spent the night of the diagnosis curled up on the filthy emergency room floor sweating and crying.

I've broken multiple bones without even knowing it for a few minutes. Kidney stones are an entirely different beast.

You are vastly underestimating the durability of children, especially freshly born ones.

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why you using that, you got cancer bro?

The amount of pain you feel when a janny deletes your post. Now imagine 58 times that!!!

>It's impossible for humans to deal with this level of pain
>But humans have to do it to keep existing as a species
I feel like giving birth is becoming more and more of a meme in terms of how hard it's meant to be

Had gallstones. I know something even more painful than those though. Accidentally popping the internal stitches from your gallbladder removal. The worst fucking thing I've ever experienced.

The bible explains this

My mom said she didn’t feel a thing. I don’t really see why women in the first world can complain about childbirth

>You are vastly underestimating the durability of children, especially freshly born ones.

If they're so durable why do some of the fuckers just up and die? Nine months of effort and then OOPS SIDS!

One del of pain is equivalent to spending one day in Delaware.

He has no sex (pain of being incel)

your mom doesn't want you to feel bad

it literally is both you retard if you eat soft foods and mouthbreathe your jaw grows wrong

>zoomer humor

Thank you boomer facebook dad

I just assume its like taking a massive shit; not actualy painful, just physically straining.

Have kids.

Kidney stones are worse than giving birth, my mother toId me

During labor, your brain is pumping your body full of painkilling chemicals.

like a dick into a pussy I imagine. All women are whores and spawns of hell and don't feel pain. Stupid bimbos should just get on with it instead of crying at ever bit of pain lol

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>root canals
This shit is hell.

lack of space is due to an underdeveloped palate and jaw which are caused by softer diets and poor breathing technique
only in modern times has crowding and rear molars been a problem

my mom said that nothing in the world compares to the pain of seeing ones child fail at life and seeing the effort and commitment they put in to raising another being go down the drain

>Being a Christian in 2019

No, not using.
>out of control ass infection
>get to hospital with really high fever after laying on couch dying for a week
>sent to triage
>sign this
>injection of dilaudid
>walls start to move
>had probably taken a dab before going to hospital to kill some of the pain
>2 seconds pass
>nurse asking questions to make sure I'm still coherent, "you know where you live? how you got here? etc
>all consuming urge to ball up fist and punch her to get her to shut up because she's ruining the high by making me think
>I'm not violent, ever
>scared for next 10 minutes tripping that I had hit her, couldn't tell reality from desires
>pass out
that shit rocked. I would never take it recreationally though, even a single vicodin kicks my ass

It's not that there is a reason for the pain to happen it's that humans never evolved a way to make the pain not as strong.
The physical act of giving birth is very rough on the muscles and tendons and skin and the vagina and it literally stretches the whole body out, that causes pain just like if it happened without the baby there. Women just haven't evolved a mechanism to dull that pain because there's not a lot of evolutionary pressure to do so. Whether a woman feels the pain of what is happening or not isn't very strongly tied to reproductive success and therefore genes for pain mitigation in this context haven't spread much

Maybe they shouldnt have betrayed humanity to the devil lol

I shit out a log the size of a mini nerf-football once after abusing opiates. I've got a pretty small frame and it hurt like a son of a bitch, Pretty sure I tore my butthole a little.

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My mother said the same about gallstones. So did another girl I know, but then she reneged on that with some bullshit about "oh childbirth is worse but it's worth it" and that's when I realized that talking to first-time parents is the most painful thing to experience. When they think everything their baby does is spectacular.

It's gods punishment.

Dont ever let his slippery demons into the old mans garden or suffer the consequences.

Yeah, but the difference is, the vagina is made to stretch out around the babby. You meanwhile, you are a trooper.

>I shit out a log the size of a mini nerf-football once after abusing opiates.
Damn son! You put me off opiate abuse forever with that sentence alone.

That's like asking your wife not to look back at a city getting smote lol you know she gonna do it anyways

now I respect women

I just gave birth ama

>Broke my arm when I was a kid
>Mom still apologizes to me to this day for thinking I was overreacting and not taking me seriously because I barely even cried
>Couldn't even swallow the painpills they gave me at the hospital
Is that really the kinda shit that women are bitching about? I had a root canal too and I barely even felt that. Obviously I was on some anesthetic for that but women get that for child birth too.

"But I need to share the hot gossip with Delilah!"

Thanks user, that makes my culo feel better.

You can have my right kidney, Suzanne, just know that it is prone to stones

how retarded is your son

My mother told me that kidney stones are much worse than labor.

What did you name the kid?



How black is your child and is your husband going to raise it anyway?

What's the bull's name?

Sounds more like a mental pain than a physical one but one that I would never hope to have nonetheless. Meanwhile there are about 2 percent lucky bastards of the worlds population who don't need sleep but can have it over needing sleep but can't have it.

how the fuck do you even get kidney stones?
something about calcium?

Dj Khaleesigger

>be biologically designed and engineered to deal with the pain

It's stupid and thus hilarious.

I love this picture because it's such a fucking accurate depiction.
Every single internet transsexual I've encountered fits so many of these stereotypes it's fucking unreal

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You don't remember to drink water, buddeh

>human body can only handle 45 del taco but pregnant women go far beyond
Mighty kek

you are designed to have sex but i don't see you doing that

The greatest pain is only being able to cum to trap doujins.

Regurgitated bullshit

Why do you have this saved? Have you considered fucking off? Nobody cares.

I had one of those after surgery, they put it in while I was out though
that thing kills almost all the pain, it's kinda ridiculous

Looks like a based existence desu.



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Cool? Nobody asked or cares.

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I got mine from "too much caffeine" according to the doctor, out water is crazy calcified though.

I still drink soda/tea, just not in the same quantities. Haven't had an episode since

The baby gets to decide it’s gender but yes I think it may be retarded since the doctor dropped it a few times.
See above and yes
Same as the child’s name.


Cool shitpost. Are you going to scream 'cuck' or 'snowflake sjw' next?

How do i get a trap bf who can tell me about giving birth?


This pisses me off so much, I fucking hate when people do this shit

58 times zero is still zero.

Holy shit lol, and you guys complain about 'snowflakes'?


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Only because you asked, cuck.

I'd buy a beer for that golden haired maiden.

Mums in general are fucking annoying
>constantly taking up space with prams
>holier than thou attitude because "hurr yuu dun no what it like being a mother"
>constant need to flaunt the fact that she was capable of fulfilling one of the most basic biological traits every creature can do
If you get a swarm of them all together in a cafe or something its even worse cos they just take up all the room they possibly can with no consideration to anyone else

However, I will give it to you that single mums are marginally worse purely for the fact they're so entitled to the point where they think they can get free shit or get their way basically by stating they are single parents
>t.experiences in hospitality and retail

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Yeah you don't have to pay any rent when you're still living with your parents, that way you can focus on giving daddy uwu more money

if giving birth is so painful why do women do it multiple times?

Yea Forums/ IS the original containment board, tard.

It is actually. Yea Forums is the biggest containment board on this site.


>You will never start a long-distance relationship with an equally-mentally damaged qt and spend all day talking about the things you both hate while playing vidya

it hurdts

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You're not funny or original.

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Why do so many trannies use the name Alice? I used to love the name until they started overusing it.

Giving birth is so easy that women can do it in a coma. Show me a woman who can hold down a full time job in a coma and we'll talk.

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>taking the words of humorless cunt seriously
there's your problem

women used to die all the time in childbirth, and lots of shit can can go wrong during and post birth, but modern medicine has come a long to fix that even in the last 100 years

plus women's bodies literally alter themselves with all sorts of hormonal shit to make it happen

Maybe resetera is more your speed.

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Man you need to dilate

>not being a christian
as long as youre not a fedora or pagayn youre good

/pol/ is that way

Wayne's World was the first time I'd ever heard of Delaware. And outside of that and this post I haven't heard of it otherwise.

Combo between this and not wanting a common roastie name

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>Why don’t women just do that instead of complaining?
Because bitching is one of the few things women excel at.

that's how indians are made

And resetera is that way.

I mean, it's called bitching for a reason.

Same concept behind the word Niggardly

>complain about being called nazis
>post images like this all the time
14/88 amirite my fellow kekistani

Sounded like a fun time. Unfortunately I never got anything stronger than vicodin and it only felt like popping a couple advil for a headache, nothing really besides the pain going away. I got tylenol codeine before that for a botched wisdom teeth removal and it didn't do jack shit, codeine cough syrup only makes me tired, and pot only skitzes me out. The fuck is wrong with me?

>spelling though correctly

The paranoia from weed goes away after about the 4th or 5th time smoking in a short amount of time, after that it dulls most things while making a select few slightly more vibrant. If you're just looking to chill, smoke alone with some music you enjoy. Nothing to be paranoid about if it's just you.

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Del measures how similar you are to Guillermo Del Toro on a scale of 1 to 100. The highest recorded amount of del occured when someone ate Ron Perlman's fecal matter which measured 128 del. The man turned into that thing from Pan's Labyrinth for 12 minutes and died shortly after.

I only post shit like that because it makes you faggots throw an autistic shit fit like no other.
>Inb4 why dont you do this to /pol/tards then
You can find me shitting out wh*toid shitposts in other threads. See you there after you take your emasculation pills.

Then apparently the human body can actually take up to 58del of pain.

Nope. It's 58 zeroes.

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/pol/ derails yet another thread.

>and it's even worse for men because a kidney stone has to go way farther

My mom told me the time she got a kidney stone was the worst pain she ever felt. Remember to drink your water, kids.

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What do you think the inception of this thread was?

I had paranoia occur after doing weed frequently. It was during the sober times when I felt paranoid. I can do weed every so often (once every couple of months), but not every week.

why, the peanus weanus of course!

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Women don't have penises, user.

Weird, it only got better the more I did it. I smoke about 12 times a day now and just kinda maintain from waking up to going to sleep. Never had a more stress-free time in my life

It's always something slightly uncommon, but also used by pornstars.

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>hurrr labor is the most intense pain humans can ever experience!
>women willingly give birth multiple times
yeah sounds real painful


The attention to detail is amazing

good one, you made me laugh pretty hard

But anons, the pain of kidney stones has nothing to do with the urethra. Its entirely the passing through the ureter that causes the pain.

Trust me, I've peed out enough stones to know this by now.

Ask Eve moron. Even with this punishment due to their beloved retarded ancestor, they still continue to fuck up, at least as men, we have an Adam's apple, due to not being really his fault cause well eve is a stupid roastie. Hell are their even any real negative effects of an adam's apple?

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solution: let's bioengineer women to have much wider hips. this way it's easy for them to birth and makes my pp happy because the wider the hips the better

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why did Yea Forums turn into /pol/

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Absolutely fucking wonderful.

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No, but it had to leave my dick, which wasn't wide enough. I'm btw

Not him but I never experienced the weed paranoia because the weed oil I use to bake my edibles is high in CBD content which is the thing that determines how you experience certain parts of the high

>human body CAN TAKE 45del
that's not how 'can take' fucking works

It's nice there, no sales tax so something priced at 5.99 is actually 5.99

Yeah! Labor pain is the worst pain ever!
>gets epidural
And all women endure this multiple times!
>full anesthesia for a C-section
Men have no clue what really pain is!
>Full round of opiates for post labor aches
So admit that we suffer more!

Everything that happened from 2014 to 2016, dumb animeposter

I got a needle in my spine once, never in my life again dude, it's not just the pain, you feel violated and the risk of nerve damage is high when you got retards who don't know what they're doing, IE shitskins working at the hospital. No thank you.

It's the most populated board and its target audience is mostly young white adults which makes it an easy target.

well before you got here

>multiplying appends multiplier to multiplicand
That's not how math works

because pol is based and redpilled

it's a side effect of humans having big heads and walking upright. Big heads makes it harder for them to come out, obviously, but walking upright has actually given humans fucked up pelvises which don't allow for easy childbirth. fun fact: this is also why humans have a harder time shitting than like every other animal, and a significant proportion of super-old people who die of "natural causes" are, in fact, dying in what are essentially shitting accidents where the force required for them to shit causes them to blow a blood vessel.


clearly shes saying females aren't human. if humans can take 45 and females go to 58, females aren't human

And two Dels would make a $5.99 item cost $11.98. Now do you understand the pain women go through?

What if stores in the rest of America where there IS sales tax were required to label all of their products with the actual price that you pay?
You know, like how it works in the rest of the civilized world

Because a bunch of leftist retards started ruining our games. I could be the ultimate good boy communist, supportive of all races and ethnicities and genders if these faggots would shut up and leave my games alone.

Every time I've peed them out it was really uncomfortable but there was never any pain. I'm surprised you even needed a dilator. The ureter is thinner than the urethra, so anything that gets through there shouldn't have any trouble passing through your dick. Maybe you unironically have an abnormally narrow urethra.

I was having a conversation with my mother about child birth and was curious how painful it actually was.
I wondered how much money she’d want to give birth to a kid, so I low balled her.
>Would you have another baby for $500
No hesitation or anything.
I think women need to get better at squirting out chillins

All the context you need is in the pic

It was always about the video games.

>dying in what are essentially shitting accidents where the force required for them to shit causes them to blow a blood vessel.

That's why I don't eat fibre. Just sit on the pot and let it slop out while I check my phone.

>why did Yea Forums turn into /pol/
Because tranny tourists think that the same typical Yea Forums culture that has always existed is just "/pol/" now.

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great idea

Getting kicked in the balls is 9000 on the scale. Checkmate women

>snapping 20 bones at once
>pain levels over 9000!
>men can handle pain! *cries from literally the smallest amounts of pain imaginable*
I find it very hard to believe this child birth pain propaganda.

Welcome to Yea Forums fellow kekistani ;))
This place has been really nice since about 3 years ago ;)))

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That's mostly due to parents sleeping in the same bed as the kid and suffocating them by rolling over on them. The doctors just call it SIDS instead of "dumbass parent syndrome" like it should be.

see a doctor, tell him about it, you might have a tumor

3mm is pretty fucking big for a urethra, user.

I had a kidney stone last year and I've heard several times that it's the closest a man can get to the actual pain of child birth.

I don't really know if that's true or not, but I can tell you that kidney stone was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life and I've broken bones and torn my ACL. Seriously, it was like a piece of steel wool moving through and shredding your urethra at the same time. If that's what child birth is like, then I don't understand why anyone would do it more than once. Also, children fucking suck so it's not like you get any satisfaction when it's all over.

More hips!

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Would you say you were undelaware?

The kicker is it's not the paranoia. My mind just seems to completely short circuit. Everything is spinning and vibrating at the same time and I'm just overloaded with it, nothing mellow at all. There is no good inbetween for intake either. I do a couple puffs and nothing happens or a solid bong hit and I feel like I ate an entire tray of pot brownies. The worst was a massive gravity bong I hit. Immediately went home and spent the next 3 hours rocking and forth on my bed thinking about completely incomprehensible gibberish. Like my mind going through 10 different thoughts at once and paired with uncontrollable twitching. I must have looked like a completely insane psychopath.

Women barely ever give birth in first world countries anymore. It's all done by scheduled c-section because it's safer for both the mother and the baby. B-b-but muh labor pains is a defense that became irrelevant 20 years ago unless you live in Zimbabwe in which case both the mother and child have AIDS anyway so the point is moot.

no one likes you tranny tourist

and imagine if we also bioengineer their mammary glands to secrete milk like all the time
someone would have to suck their milk like in the morning and on work lunch breaks haha

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Havong sex did not make me any less miserable in the long run


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Shriveling eggs

As opposed to the dude talking about fucking Minecraft with twitter memes

Can't we just turn them into mini-giantesses instead?

>the human body can only deal with up to 45 del of pain
What does this even imply? What happens if it goes above that? Obviously nothing too severe considering women go much higher than it all the time.

This, my mom is great and I love her but she’s also annoying.


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But that's my point. If something so big could manage to get through his ureter, which is normally much more narrow than a urethra, then it should get through his urethra even easier. I can only guess the blood he was pissing was from all the damage the stone did tearing up his ureter on its way through.

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If women had babies STANDING UP THE WAY BIPEDAL APES EVOLVED TO - the pain would be a lot less, seriously. Like half of the pain they have is from laying down.

it's not /pol/, it's just that anything right of anita is ebul nazi to left wing nutjobs. left wingers can't help but shit their diapers over video games so people push back against it, it's that simple.

plus some of these SJW losers came here to try to push an agenda, as seen with the gamers rise up spam by trannies. and boy did that backfire on them, and they still are active though not as much because all they did was make trannies a huge shitposting hate meme.

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I'm 42. Raised my kid since he was 2 1/2 years old. Alone. After his whore of a mother left us for some faggot she met on craigs list (picking up anything small and valuable on her way out the door and cleaning out the bank accounts). I love when women try this shit on me. I had to do it alone. AND I didn't have vagina-privilidge to get charity and sympathy at every turn. Fuck them.

Retarder joke
Retarder trigger
Retarder Thread

You know what I'm sure its not even that painful. Whores lie to make themselves seem superior.

I said TARGET audience, not actual audience

They made it as a joke image

>gun that only shoots nazis
>doesn't fire actual nazis from the barrels

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3 of them can easily get a girl, the other 2 need to go on a diet.
You on the other hand are a lost cause user.

If "moderate" right wingers like you think this is ok, you have problems

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holy based

What’s the joke here?

It's somehow funnier if you read the panels right to left.

Your child is that much better off for your suffering. Even if they never thank you, I feel the need to.

You're the best kind of single parent, user.

criminals don't deserve better

As a rule of thumb nature doesnt give a FUCK about your pain.

That's right, zieg heil Kekistan!!1
not a nazi btw

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Its not a crime to seek asylum


it's not ok. those people should be in their own countries

The left consider everyone to be nazis, so there's no need to control the spread.

>doctors force women to lay to make the process longer and more dangerous starting in the 17th century
>otherwise women probably wouldn't even need a doctor

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>root canal hurts worse than childbirth
Damn and I almost casually got one and didn't do it because the tooth stopped paining the night before.

I suffer from cluster headaches, wouldn't wish them on anyone. As a man i'll never endure childbirth so women generally just assume it's just a headache and i couldn't possibly understand what "real" pain is.

point in case, a tranny nutjob rofl (rolling on the floor laughing)

It's not okay because they shouldn't be here at all, detained or otherwise.
The vast majority of "asylum" cases are rejected, and they already know they have absolutely no chance of winning asylum in the first place; they're just hoping they'll be released, and can skip their asylum hearing.

I broke my ankle and didn't know it for 2 weeks when I was in the 3rd grade. One day, I said my ankle hurt just to get out of school. It really wasn't bothering me. I just wanted to go home. So my mom (who didn't live with us) picked me up and flipped her shit and took me to the emergency. I feel so bad to this day because of the shit she gave my dad about leaving me on a broken ankle. I honestly had no idea.

A few months ago I fractured my knee cap and twisted my ankle (the same bad ankle that never healed right) and I got my ankle ex-rayed but not my knee cap because I thought it was just bruising and surface wounds. ... yeah, 2 weeks later I realized I goofed on that one, too, when my ankle had healed but my knee didn't.

This shit happens. It's sounds crazy, but sometimes you just don't noticed. I guess that's what happens when you're no raised to be a pussy by a woman.

Real women do this

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SIDS is codeword for "mentally ill women with post-partum depression who kill their children but it's too uncomfortable to talk about so we say they died randomly for no reason"

>root canals
why did this meme take off? I've had two and they barely hurt during and were just annoyingly uncomfortable for the day afterwards.

Nothing. It's a meme based off of the 'dol of pain' thing which was also a meme study that left people with third degree burns.
The meme originates from someone tricking Boomer soccer mom's by saying the human body can only handle 45 dels of pain but child birth is 57 or something, which by itself is just retarded.
Overnight every feminist and soccer mom fell for it and reposted it endlessly

Hey OP, I can make babies too. Not a video game thread. Haha.

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>muh labor pain
Please bitch. Getting kicked in the balls is way more painful.
Proof : count how many women ask for a second baby vs how many men ask for another kick in the balls.

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I didn't say it was. Do you actually know what asylum is?

>the human body can only deal with (lower value) of pain but labor is (higher value) of pain!
Well then fucking obviously the body can “deal” with that, considering most people don’t die from labor, you dumb bitch.
Is this a “women can’t take a joke” thread? Because I can tell it’s going to be fun and the butthurt jannies are going to delete because it’s not technically muh vidya gaems.

like fuck laws n' borders n' shit

of course its not mexicos fault for not setting up a refugee camp

The illegal entry of non-nationals into the United States is a misdemeanor

Acceptance rate over the last 20 years is 50%

wtf I had a root canal and multiple kidney stones and none of them hurt all that much because I had competent doctors. Like kidney stones hurt like shit but nothing to lose your mind over.

Are you being ironic now? Why do you post a basedboy retard and someone who got persecuted because of a joke while making nazi references?

Wouldn't women who felt less pain have more kids?

Then I think about what if would be like to try to take a shit while lying on my back this does make sense.

I had testicular torsion once. It was so painful I threw up as soon as I walked in the hospital.

its not a crime to seek asylum
USA is obligated to process asylum seekers and accept them if deemed valid

Can confirm migraines and kidney stone were the two most painful experiences of my life

I wish trannies never picked up programming.

>dumb cunt in the pic who can’t take a joke
>dumb autist in the replies who can’t take a joke
Wow user, you and the roastie soccer moms were really meant to be. Go find your love.

Because they don't. All women need is 1 baby to control you.

then they are obligated to wait their turn


No. Pain or not they still have all the mom hormones going through themselves afterwards that characterize the experience.
It's why women complain so much about the pain but almost universally say that they would do it again in a heartbeat

Whether he's a character or not, Karl is one of my favorite things in the world.

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I don't think you realize how many illegal immigrants are being detained. Over 100,000 per month. That's triple the number detained per month last year.

What are we supposed to do with that many people?

The prevalence of IP Cams, Nanny Cams, all those cheap $35 cameras that store fotage in the cloud or SD card, have put an end to that myth.

Incidentally, for future parents: Never buy a baby monitor. They're overpriced shit just because they're made for babies. You can get 3 180-degree 1080p wall-mounted cameras to cover the whole room and view from your phone or PC for the same price as one shitting 240p webcam that only points into the crib.

Says what exactly
Where is that written in the unhcr

Why detain them at all? Like holy shit why

>Acceptance rate over the last 20 years is 50%
The rejection rate is actually about 90% for border hoppers. I have zero sympathy for those people; we should harvest their organs to offset what amount of money wasted feeding them during detention.

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Mass executions until they stop coming.

Hurt as hell.

>just fuck laws n' borders n' shit

dude just don't have border lmao.

Why even bother fishing it out with paper at that point? Just man up and grab the turd.

It’s a shame there are so many of them that we need these hastily constructed/repurposed, spartan structures to contain them all huh? It’s a shame out of interest of children not getting raped or killed by other adults, we have to put them in seperate, equally spartan structures.

Breaking the law does not mean you are not a refugee

>negative effect of adam's apple
not being able to pass

Mexicans make trouble for the jews here that want to live honest peaceful lives

Yeah, why don't they just shoot them?

So here's an interesting story. My friend's girlfriend told me about how they went to get her an IUD ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intrauterine_device ) so she doesn't have to bother with taking the pill. Getting this shoved into her uterus hurt so fucking bad she puked all over herself.

This bro lol don't even background check them bro oh you were ex cartel just want a living in US? You're good to go bro have a great time!

>i am a peaceful refugee which is why im trying to sneak into your country

seems legit

Cause it was all sticky, as you can see it was all over my thumb. God I love shitting.

dude just let millions of random third world niggers into your country for no reason lmao