2 best GTA games are set in the same city

>2 best GTA games are set in the same city
really makes you think

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Based, criminalkino > DUDE FUCKING JETPACKS LMAO

GTA III and IV are brimming with soul.
>tfw timecode steps inside the zone

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i fucking HATE what Online has become.
>lmao ur like, secret agents now, not thugs trying to make a living
>oh but cops will still try to shoot you down for stealing a junker in downtown
>what do you mean every gangster drives a lime green SUV is a bug? why the fuck are you playing old missions anyway, fag lmao
>banks? lmao fuck that, we hired Steven 'angry canadian in every role ive played' Ogg. here's your "HEIST" faggot
>lmao flying cars
>lmao flying BIKES
>lmao lets make it super easy for 12 year old pricks to rain hell-fire on the entire map with a flying car they can get with cash modded in from old gen consoles
>lmao lets make supercar number 929394921 like, ten times the price because LMAO WHAT ECONOMY. BUY SHART CARDS.
>anti-cheat? what the fuck is that?
>oh you wanted to fix our terrible console FOV for first person? FUCK YOU, banned
>but lil pajeet can pay some paki 10 pesos and get a mod menu installed because we cant be fucking bothered to deal with them
>enjoy getting insta blown up by his cheat menu, fag, now shut the fuck up and buy a shark card

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Taketwo makes and control's Rockstars multiplayer. Rockstars primary talent is still their single player teams.


RDR2 sucked

GTA IV isn't the best anything. Also the cities in those are very different.

No it didn't. Stop lying you yourself. Your not interesting for hating new Rockstar games

gtaiv is definitely the most underrated.

in order of best to worst:


>GTAV is the worst

Mother fucker you people are mindless zombies echoing contrarian shit all the time to appear interesting and "in the know".

gtav has the best LOD system, it has the highest quantity of art assets, it has the highest poly count etc.

now those certifiable stats combined with a marketing budget mcduck could dive into, ensures you get good reviews from a media with staff with families to support.

yet still, as a game it is the worst of the series.

zoom zoom

You can't deny it has the worst story mode

look at this dumb bitch

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San Andreas and V?

Liberty State when?


This. It pushed the boundaries for open world, survival, and Wild West games. But the minute you step into a mission say goodbye to any of that and just shoot at people with the blandest story ever. Hell, if you really think about it, RDR2 and GTAV have the same plot. It’s just that RDR2 ends the way GTAV should have, with everyone dead who deserved it.

Been playing Rockstar games since GTAIII

III is lame

Funny online became saints row 3

I really hate that Take-Two now forces all online multiplayers to be a shitty GaaS. I'm surprised Private Division is still safe from this.

yank cities outside of new york are boring settings desu. hope the next one is liberty city

>linear mission with empty nothing to do open world setting
Sad what rockstar become