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2 more days until the weekend wagebros
Justin Reyes
Sebastian Sanchez
Liam King
We're gonna make it bros...
Jace Reed
Atleast it doesn't have ear
Luis Watson
we are going to make it bros
Julian King
I work weekends. Today is my only day off
Nicholas Thompson
I don't care. I forgot why I even waited for weekend.
Zachary Thomas
I'm so pumped. Gf has to work all weekend so It's just coffee and games for 8 hours a day for me.
Blake Reyes
why even live?
Nolan Rogers
>Friday rolls around
>Everyone stops being productive at noon
Working with Filipinos is awesome. They get their shit done early.
Juan Nguyen
tomorrow is my birthday
Nathaniel Johnson
>only 45 more years of this
Adrian Edwards
For the 5 days off you get for working weekends
Jonathan Sanchez
Michael Wright
happy birthday in 24 hours, go outside
Jaxon Reed
>2 more days for 2 days without work
imagine living only for weekends being a wagie must be hell.
Cameron Jenkins
Actually today's my birthday so I'm taking a long weekend to travel
John Sanchez
Woah so this is the true American dream Yea Forumsros....
Juan Harris
Life expectancy for our generation is lower, we're probably gonna die early most of us.
Connor Perry
>Friday rolls around
>Everyone stops being productive at noon
Working with the government is awesome. They get lazy early.
Jack Powell
>got laid off
>gf also got laid off
>can't play games because she's around constantly and wants to diddle my dingus
stay single bros
Jaxson Anderson
My days off are thurs-fri
Jayden Hill
death can't come soon enough
Oliver Sanchez
What’s wrong with having sex with your gf every day?
Also, what job did you have?
Juan Butler
Dragon Quest Builders 2 this weekend.. I am shutting myself in and chilling all weekend.
Joseph Nguyen
So where does a neet get the money from to pay the bills?
Christian Gray
Happy Birthday to
Isaac Wright
Noah Anderson
>make a lot of money
>like my work
>additional cash from hobby
>just office work so I can browse 4ch, maybe go to a meeting sometimes
Honestly, everyone should've jumped on the social media manager bandwagon, easiest job in the world
Matthew Lee
Only reason I go to work is to get away from the bitch. I've nearly saved enough for a deposit on a new home, and I'm going to dump her before I move out of our apartment.
Henry Bailey
You live in Europe and have the government give you free money.
David Brown
And do what exactly? I hate interacting with other people.
Josiah Baker
Sebastian Ward
>Eat the worth of lunch and dinner in the morning.
>Have the rest of my freetime for shit i want to do.
Who's here /convenient/?
William Anderson
Is work really that bad?
Didn't you go to college or university to pursue something you're passionate about?
Joseph Lopez
>free money
>what is inflation
Juan Ortiz
I miss seeing these images it takes me back i wanna go back.....
Dominic Ross
I did computers at Uni because that's all I knew and now I'm stuck doing computers for work and it's hellish
Nathaniel Peterson
You do realise benefits increase in-line with the RPI/inflation? Also, they don't harm the economy because the money they give out goes back into it.
Hudson Lopez
I'm happier at work than sitting home alone on the weekends thinking about people having fun with their friends
Sebastian Gonzalez
Connor Bailey
That's not exactly how it works, government won't give you shit if you're just lazy. You need to have a serious illness, injury or show them that you're actively searching for a job if you want welfare.
Dominic Sanchez
whats that?
Nolan King
>tfw my company organizes a summer party which I have to attend.
I just want to stay at home and play video games.
Easton Miller
happy birthday, 1 year less until your troubles are finally over